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    The CELADON Team


    Age : 29
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    The CELADON Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Snitch Tue Feb 12, 2013 10:56 am

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    Celadon City || Late Morning [40]

    "Yes. If you would have looked at her, you'd have seen that nasty wound."

    Montague managed a small smile of relief as the Mienshao confirmed his suspicions, thankful that that the fighting-type was the cold-blooded killer he’d previously appeared to be. Still, despite his innocence, the weasel going on to justify his actions; the Seviper remained uncomfortable at this turn of events. He shuffled awkwardly on the spot, subconsciously moving closer to Capulet who radiated a silent hate. One look at the ferret’s face confirmed that Montague had made a great error in his defence of Damon.

    As Montague expected, Capulet was indeed pissed off. His ear twitched angrily as the shiny weasel sauntered away from Velshaine, victorious as he smugly explained his chivalrous attempts at protecting the group. He scoffed loudly throughout the speech, disbelieving and still utterly convinced this guy was a complete asshole. Glaring daggers, the Zangoose didn’t even acknowledge the treacherous serpent as he slithered closer, apparently regretting his alliance. Capulet would give him no pity.

    "So. Does that settle everything? Can we continue the day like mature adults, or are you just too hot and bothered to settle for such a diplomatic end, Ferret?"

    Capulet visibly bristled as Damon turned to him, his eyes practically alight with ungodly mischief. He’d been so close to wiping that smirk from the weasel’s loathsome features and that snake had to go and ruin things. Reminding himself how unbearable their entire reptilian species was, Capulet soon cursed himself for being so trusting. He’d thought Montague had been alright – the exception amongst his villainous kin, yet at the end of the day, a Seviper could never change.
    “Go fuck yourself,” Capulet growled bluntly, glare on the Mienshao despite his mental inclusion of Montague in the insult. He snorted, looking to Velshaine for a decision. Surely he’d come to his senses by now? This guy would be the death of them all.

    Age : 36
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    The CELADON Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Feb 17, 2013 4:47 am

    Dill 25|| Damon 7

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    Celadon City| Afternoon
    [[Skipping Dill-- this is a short, sweet little diddy to reply to Snitch XD]]

    “Go fuck yourself.”

    Damon's grin grew even wider at the insult, the ferret's cute little scowl unwavering at his own tossed insults. The fire in this one nearly matched his own, and Damon prided himself with his ability to quench and ignite flames. Fangs glinting in the daylight, eyes twinkling with mischief, he could only reciprocate the love given to him.

    "I'd much rather have company-- going solo's getting... boring," He shrugged and his grin grew. "You offering?"


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    The CELADON Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Guest Wed Feb 20, 2013 3:36 pm

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    Celadon City|Late Morning

    Velshaine wasn't entirely convinced of the argument of a mercy killing, not willing to break his gaze from the red pelted male under his claws to check the so called wound. But at Monty's words had distracted him enough for Damon to push his way free and Vel was forced to watch as he began to debate and argue the point of his sadistic act. Giving up on their bickering he went over to the small flower girl and did indeed see the horrific bite wound that surely would have turned her. "I'm so sorry Jade..." he whispered, gaze trailing away to fall on the two girls as they cowered off to the side. Poor Dill looked absolutely terrified of Damon.

    "Dilly Pickle," he coo-ed, making his way over to the shivering Aron. "Are you okay dearie?" Lilia was beside her but even she wasn't moving causing a great concern in Vel. "Are either of you okay?" Cap's swearing soon caught the bird's ear and he turned to look at the still arguing pair. "I'd much rather have company-- going solo's getting... boring," Vel's beak dropped open and a hot flush quickly rose to his face and he thanked all the Prada gods that his colorful feathers could hide such a thing."You offering?"

    Lilia couldn't believe what was going on and felt herself beginning to panic. She had never been torn between such a deep rooted fear and strange longing in all her life, and she had no idea what to do with it. Should she run? Should she fight? Should she...well honestly she didn't know what to do about the other feeling. Everything was a swirling mess inside her head and as Velshaine doted on Dill she felt oddly crowded and uncomfortable. With pleading eyes she looked to Monty in hopes of some sort of salvation.

    Age : 29
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    The CELADON Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Snitch Thu Feb 21, 2013 8:10 am

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    Celadon City || Late Morning [41]

    "I'd much rather have company-- going solo's getting... boring. You offering?"

    Capulet, who’d begun walking away, half-victorious in a bid to end the stand-off hadn’t been prepared for the weasel’s retaliation. He stopped, fur bristling as the shiny’s words processed in his mind. For the first time in his life, the Zangoose was completely speechless. He looked over his shoulder, unsure whether disgust or disbelief seemed the more fitting reaction as he stared dumbly at Damon. It took a moment, the silence drawing on until Capulet found himself capable of forming an intelligible sentence.
    “The fuck’s wrong with you?” He eventually blurted out, hideous frown only partially quelled by the accompanying shock. Regardless, he worked to move past it – beginning with distancing himself from Damon as much as the chain would permit. Montague, noticing his companion’s foul mood, assisted him in efforts by slithering closer to Vel.

    As he moved, Montague only then became aware of being watched. Not watched per se, but silently beckoned through Lilia’s wide, pleading eyes. He paused in his movements, turning to observe the distressed female whilst the avian continued to fuss over equally as shaken Dill. With such universal discomfort at Damon’s arrival, surely it would be a better idea to send him on his way? Then again, that seemed easier said than done. The Mienshao was strong, already proving himself a merciless force with Jade’s death – which, Montague desperately reminded himself, had been for the greater good. Could he really be all that bad?
    “Want a lift?” His attention back to Lilia, he leaned down as he spoke softly, offering his back as a poor man’s carriage. Smiling kindly in a vain bid to dissipate her unease, Montague added in barely a whisper. “Everything will be okay – honestly,“

    Age : 36
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    The CELADON Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Feb 24, 2013 4:49 am

    Dill 26|| Damon 8

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    Celadon City| Late Afternoon

    "Dilly Pickle," Vel's voice caught the shaking Aron by surprise, her shock evident by the fact that she nearly catapulted herself three feet in the air. "Are you okay dearie?" Dill glanced to Lilia, as if trying to procure an answer from the equally disturbed Eevee. "Are either of you okay?" Dill looked back to him and thought quickly. She couldn't just keep riding on everyone else. They were all strong and confident-- Vel had nearly taken Damon down in the blink of an eye. If she wanted to be more useful, she needed to start stepping up her game... Dill swallowed, gathering herself before nodding slowly. Yes... She would be all right.

    “The fuck’s wrong with you?” Damon's devilish grin grew ten feet at the ferret's response, his body language conveying just how uncomfortable he was. Good. Little git needed to be knocked down a few... Damon cocked his head to the side, donning an innocent facade.

    "Oh, so that's a no? Big one for monogamy, huh?" he smirked, turning back toward his home. "Now, for the last time, I'm going home, which your little iron-eater promptly messed up. So, come along, then? Let's get out of the streets."

    Dill followed the fighter with her eyes, uncertain of whether this was a good idea or not. She looked up to Vel, who seemed... oddly fascinated with Damon. "...Do we follow?"


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    The CELADON Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:22 am

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    Celadon City|Late Afternoon

    “Want a lift?”

    Lilia almost broke down at the soft request, her mind in far too much turmoil to process anything. All she wanted was for things to be back the way they were before all of this. Before death consumed the world, before her human died, before...everything. “Everything will be okay – honestly,“ Lilia swallowed hard and nodded to Monty, wishing that Cap and the devil would stop arguing. Something was wrong with her and she didn't know what it was.

    These were her friends, she should be more concerned about them and their safety rather than worrying that Cap was going to rip the red devil's head off. "Monty..." she whispered, looking up to the kind snake. "Do you think you and Cap can make sure I stay as far away from him as possible?" She didn't know how else to explain what was happening to her but she kept telling herself that distance would make everything better. All she had to do was stay away from Damon.


    Velshaine smiled as Dill seemed to steel herself, no pun intended even in his own mind. Her tears were drying and the Braviary smiled, running the tips of his wings over her head as a sign of affection. She was so small and sweet, just like Lilia, and all he wanted to do was protect her. "Come on girls, we have to find somewhere safe for you to rest." Damon's voice came from the other side of Cap and Vel had a strange tingle go down his spine. He sounded like he was talking to his wayward pets.

    While nothing in that invitation sounded safe what else were they supposed to do? "I guess we don't really have a choice, do we?" So begrudgingly he began to make his way after the red pelted shiny. He would have to keep little Dill safe from this guy, it was obvious he didn't like the small steel type after she outed him. But with the high type advantage, not to mention size advantage, he had over Damon Vel was confident that he could handle anything the fighter threw the girl's way. Hopefully.

    Age : 29
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    The CELADON Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Snitch Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:07 pm

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    Celadon City || Late Morning [42]

    “Monty... Do you think you and Cap can make sure I stay as far away from him as possible?"

    Montague was taken back at Lilia’s hesitant request, sensing the confusion in her voice to send his heart plummeting. Smiling apologetically, saddened that she felt it necessary to ask of such a thing as protection in a group of friends, the serpent nodded his head firmly. He would help however he could – confident that Capulet would be equally as protective over the innocents caught up in this mess.
    “Of course,” He disguised the fear in his own soft voice, swinging his tail around to lightly cradle the Eevee in an act of comfort. “He won’t hurt you,”

    "Oh, so that's a no? Big one for monogamy, huh? Now, for the last time, I'm going home, which your little iron-eater promptly messed up. So, come along, then? Let's get out of the streets."

    Capulet chose to ignore the shiny’s retort, ears flattened against his skull as he wore a look of pure disgust. Whilst he’d initially thought the guy just an arrogant prick with a sharp tongue, the ferret found himself genuinely uncomfortable to be in such close proximity. Behind his foul temper and the desire to silence the creep with a well aimed Crush Claw, lurked a quiet fear he refused to admit. Still, the fighter’s urging of the group’s company in his house of horrors brought the Zangoose back to proceedings.
    “No way!” He growled, finding his instinctive response swamped by the positive consideration of his companions. Disbelieving that the bird, even Dill – Damon’s personal shot-put – were actually thinking of accepting the invitation, Capulet struggled to disguise his total abhorrence. The Mienshao was a complete psychopath and yet it seemed he was the only one to see the guy for his true, foul colours.
    “Cap,” Montague whispered worriedly. The ferret turned to regard his reptilian companion, still irritated in his defence of Damon, to find his features surprisingly hard. “We promised…” Capulet understood, reluctantly nodding as his gaze wandered across the creatures he actually gave a damn for. Velshaine was too blind to see the danger threatening his favourite girls, the ferret unable to walk away in the knowing he’d left them for dead.

    Smiling weakly, the Seviper looked down to Lilia, determined to keep her comfortable. Slithering after Damon, Capulet walking begrudgingly aside him, the duo provided a living barrier between the demon and the girls - as promised.

    Age : 36
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    The CELADON Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Silverishness Tue Mar 19, 2013 4:09 pm

    Dill 27|| Damon 9

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    Celadon City| Late Afternoon

    The dissension behind him made Damon grin from ear to ear as he casually strolled back to his somewhat messy lair, assured that the reluctant would make his way to him. Once inside, he gracefully and skillfully maneuvered to where his throne of old clothes, pillows and blankets stood proud against the metal scraps, settling into it comfortably. The little aron crybaby scuttled behind him, pausing at the foot of the metal and plastic mound to stare at him worriedly. His crimson eyes rested on her only a moment, then flicked back to the others that slowly began to filter in. He'd deal with the snitch later; he had an audience to appease.

    "Now," he began, his voice a sultry purr, "since the excitement's all over, I think it's finally time to settle down and get some introductions in. I may not look it, but I do prefer some sort of structure." His eyes settled happily on the bound pair, then flicked to the large, flamboyant bird, then finally rested on the puffball eevee. "My name, ladies and gents, is Damon. And you...?"

    Dill's wide, frightened eyes flitted over her fellow pokemon, seeing if they were going to take the first initiative. However, if she were to answer first, it would give the impression that she wasn't completely scared out of her mind. She cleared her throat and announced, "DILL!" She and Damon alike flinched at the ferocity of her name, but it made Damon chuckled after a moment to regain his composure. Sheepishly, she lowered her head a moment and repeated, albeit much more softly, "...I-I'm Dill..."


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    The CELADON Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Guest Fri Mar 22, 2013 7:45 pm

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    Celadon City|Late Afternoon

    Velshaine wound up squeezing himself through yet another doorway too small for him as he forced his way into Damon's home. He actually tore off some feathers this time and hissed in pain as his wing was scratched, blood trickling slowly down the luxurious appendage. "Sweet mother of Prada...what next?" Bending down to collect his lost adornments he noticed as Dill trailed into the room as well and tried to give her a reassuring smile. She looked so stressed. "Cheer up Dilly Pickle. It will be okay."

    Lilia on the other hand was having a slightly harder time getting herself to move. Monty kept by her side, Cap right beside him, as their chain dangled rhythmically before her. She forced herself to keep moving, following Vel's bright feathers, but was not overly joyful about where they were going. Something was wrong with her and Damon was making it all the more obvious every time he looked at her.

    As she finally made it to the doorway she noticed Vel tucking one of his wings and for a moment she thought that the Meienshao had attacked him. Nervous tension filling her the Eevee pressed closer to the chained duo in hopes of gaining any kind of comfort from the pair. Vel was busying himself with Dill and for a moment Lilia began to wonder if anyone even noticed her anymore. She had always been plain and rather invisible but Vel had always noticed her...but now that he had Dill it was like she didn't exist anymore.

    He was her best friend...was friendship really lost and forgotten so easily?

    "Now, since the excitement's all over, I think it's finally time to settle down and get some introductions in. I may not look it, but I do prefer some sort of structure." Lilia and Vel both turned to look at the red pelted weasel and Vel clucked his beak at the tacky throne he had made for himself. What? Couldn't even get designer in the apocalypse? "My name, ladies and gents, is Damon. And you...?" Dill, rather suddenly, screamed her name at the top of her lungs and Lilia ducked her head to try and cover her ears from the ringing. Velshaine chuckled lightly and brushed the tip of one wing over her back to try and calm her down before looking to Damon. "I am Velshaine, the Glorious. My friends call me Vel."

    Lilia shook her head at Vel still introducing himself like that, but at least he didn't use his Sunny Day. It used to be he couldn't walk into the room without shining its light to dance off of his rainbow feathers. Maybe some things did change...even when she was looking. Nervous she looked up to Damon on his throne and stepped slightly behind Monty before struggling out her own name. "L-Lilia..." This was completely horrifying.

    Age : 29
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    The CELADON Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Snitch Tue Mar 26, 2013 11:20 am

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    Celadon City || Late Morning [43]

    "Now, since the excitement's all over, I think it's finally time to settle down and get some introductions in. I may not look it, but I do prefer some sort of structure."

    Capulet had entered the building with obvious disgust, his face a painting of such loathing with no detail spared. It was already fairly obvious that the Zangoose had resolved himself to despise the shiny weasel, but Damon seemed the sort that would struggle to get such a glaringly apparent message. The ferret glared throughout the host’s welcoming, narrowed gaze firmly affixed on said rodent as he continued to desperately salvage even the slightest, rational reason that they continued to share the same air. Montague was right, he wasn’t about to abandon the girls but he wouldn’t tolerate Damon’s company long.

    "My name, ladies and gents, is Damon. And you...?"

    Dill’s shrieking response had been a little enthusiastic to say the least, Montague jumping at the sudden outburst, as the group soon completed the introduction ceremony. The serpent, always polite, waited until everyone had spoken – even refusing to rush the Eevee’s hesitant utterance before opening his mouth.
    “I’m Montague – Monty, if you will,” The Seviper answered kindly, managing a pleasant smile that their host didn’t seem entirely deserving of. Regardless, Monty remained adamant that there had to be some sort of goodness buried beneath the ominous surface, no matter Capulet’s bias. He looked to the Zangoose, expecting him to take his cue before catching the deadly expression sculpted into his usually only mildly irritated features. His smile faltered, awkward, as he gestured to his disgruntled companion. “Capulet. He’s a li-“
    “What the fuck are we doing here?” Tired of this frivolous conversation in a place where he was by no means comfortable, Capulet swiftly cut the crap. “You got some sort of plan?” His glare was momentarily redirected over to Velshaine who, although strong, was starting to reveal a tragic flaw; a far too trusting nature.

    Age : 36
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    The CELADON Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed Mar 27, 2013 4:15 am

    Dill 28|| Damon 10

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    Celadon City| Late Afternoon

    Damon's small, devilish grin broadened slowly over the course of the others' introductions, His mind taking their names in like a sponge to water. The flamboyant bird took his turn first, which only stood to reason. "I am Velshaine, the Glorious. My friends call me Vel." Damon chuckled, his mind already working out how to manipulate the bird. Obviously, the bird was more vain and prideful than even he was, attaching a title to himself in a day and age where they no longer mattered. Cute. Speaking of which, the eevee was to be next, his eyes flicking to her small movements that carried her more behind the protection of the snake's bulk. "L-Lilia..."

    "...Lilia...?" he repeated softly, his voice as honey. Dill blinked, casting a quick glance to her eevee friend in concern; Damon's crimson gaze was a little too focused on her for comfort. What was going on between the two? Her eyes returned to the shiny mienshao's, and she recognized a few things in his expression: the cool, collected calm, the intrigue, and... hunger? ...Was he wanting to eat Lilia? The strange, worrisome epitome struck her like a blunt object to the head, leaving her disoriented and confused.

    There wasn't much time to ponder out logistics, however, as Monty continued the introductions. “I’m Montague – Monty, if you will.” And while a silence was left for Cap to end the introductions, the volitile zangoose refused, instead keeping his glare firm on Damon. “Capulet. He’s a li-“
    “What the fuck are we doing here?”

    While Montague had been waiting for his companion to speak, Damon had found himself staring at the small eevee behind him, his gaze never leaving her own. What an odd girl-- so shy and proper, yet... He could feel, smell even, something different within those pompous little paws. He had a feeling of what it was, but... surely he hadn't caught her so soon? Struck out of the small reverie Damon'd been caught in, however, he returned his attention back to the bound pair. “You got some sort of plan?” The questions made Damon's grin emerge completely, and he rose from his throne.

    "Of course I do," he replied smoothly, descending toward them. "This town's ruined. Some crazy bird went around destroying the buildings-- I'm sure you saw it, or at least heard?" His eyes flicked over the others, watching their reactions. He'd seen the archeops fighting the snorlax before, but had held no interest in the fight itself. "So, the only intelligent move would be to deplete the resources and move on."


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    The CELADON Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 31, 2013 5:06 pm

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    Celadon City|Late Afternoon

    Lilia froze at the way the Mienshao practically purred her name, eyes going wide as saucers as her legs became completely stiff. She felt like a frozen piece of meat on display as his intense gaze lingered over her for a few moments almost as though he were judging her. She swallowed a hard lump that had suddenly formed in her throat as her legs finally found their feeling and she timidly tucked herself away further behind Monty's coils, releasing a breathe she hadn't realized she had been holding. Monty finished the introductions but it was Cap who finally broke the tension by angrily demanding answers out of the shiny.

    “What the fuck are we doing here? You got some sort of plan?” Velshaine's head perked up at the harsh tone coming from the mongoose and he couldn't help but ruffle his feathers uncomfortably. He may have had a type advantage over the Mienshao but the Zangoose was an unknown. A normal type could have a wide variety of moves that could bring down the flyer and he didn't want to risk damage to the two ladies with them. If it came down to a fight between the two hot tempered fighters then he would have to step in but for now he would see where this was going.

    "Of course I do," came Damon's smooth voice, his reply practically dripping with charm. "This town's ruined. Some crazy bird went around destroying the buildings-- I'm sure you saw it, or at least heard?" Vel tilted his head in confusion and blinked, a few twitters breaking free as he tried to think of just what he was talking about but Lilia knew. "I-I saw it. From the rooftop." Lilia had watched in horror as she had been stuck on that roof with no way off, seeing a huge ancient bird tearing through town as Undead descended on her and a giant dog. "A Snorlax was leading a horde into town and she destroyed them. But it was a huge Arcanine that finished the Snorlax I thought?" She hadn't been too sure who delivered the final blow but both remaining combatants left soon after.

    "So, the only intelligent move would be to deplete the resources and move on." From what Vel could gather, other than the collapsed top floors thanks to the giant hole, was that the store still had plenty of resources. "It looks like quite a bit was left at the department store across the street where we came from, so wouldn't depleting them take a while? Or are you suggesting nabbing them and migrating?" This guy was hard to figure out. Why move if there was still plenty to eat and potions? Seemed odd.

    Age : 29
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    The CELADON Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Snitch Thu Apr 04, 2013 6:52 am

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    Celadon City || Late Afternoon [44]

    "Of course I do. This town's ruined. Some crazy bird went around destroying the buildings-- I'm sure you saw it, or at least heard?"

    Montague’s face lit up with a nostalgic smile, the image of Ari whirling through the skies soon flourishing in his mind. Whilst the serpent would rather not be reminded of his own embarrassing response to the undead’s ungodly stench, it had been a pleasure to battle alongside ‘some crazy bird’, Kaiden and Jude. He looked over his shoulder as if imagining the trio to come bounding into the building, disappointed when they didn’t. Instead, he spared a thought for the individuals he’d come to call friends. He hoped they were doing well.
    “Ari,” Capulet chortled, apparently sharing the Seviper’s train of thought. Lilia’s own observations broadened his grin, his demeanour momentarily relaxing at the re-awakened memories of a time without the Mienshao. “She and Kaiden left not long before you guys showed up. We helped taken that thing down, y’know?”

    "So, the only intelligent move would be to deplete the resources and move on."
    "It looks like quite a bit was left at the department store across the street where we came from, so wouldn't depleting them take a while? Or are you suggesting nabbing them and migrating?"

    Capulet’s pleasant mood was short-lived as Damon continued, suggesting they travel onwards, presumably in the group. Yi-dee-fucking-doo… The Zangoose shuffled uncomfortably, unsure why he didn’t like the idea of the others depleting Ari’s hoard in the department store when he and Montague had already started to. It was hypocritical, the sudden memory of the goods’ owner reminding him that the world had changed. He’d hardly realized he himself had adopted the finders-keepers mindset.
    “What about the roof?” Montague added nervously, looking over to Velshaine who had investigated the matter earlier. They had evacuated the department store for a reason. If that support beam was on the brink of collapse, they’d have to work quickly to nab the stash and run. “W-Would it be safe to go back for supplies?”
    “I’m sure Damon here’s up for it…” Capulet sneered unkindly, keen to leap at every opportunity to see the Mienshao hurt. With any luck the damned building would crush him and that’d be the end of it.

    Age : 36
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    The CELADON Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Apr 07, 2013 7:57 am

    Dill 29|| Damon 11

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    Celadon City| Late Afternoon

    "I-I saw it. From the rooftop," Lilia began, her nervous reply earning Damon's piercing gaze once more. "A Snorlax was leading a horde into town and she destroyed them. But it was a huge Arcanine that finished the Snorlax I thought?" Damon scoffed, shrugging off her question, but the white ferret seemed to know what she was talking about. “Ari,” he mused, for once having an expression other than fuming. “She and Kaiden left not long before you guys showed up. We helped taken that thing down, y’know?”

    "I didn't pay attention to the battle with that behemoth," Damon replied, dismissing their comments. "I only meant the moron running around destroying buildings." Regardless, the topic moved on.

    "It looks like quite a bit was left at the department store across the street where we came from, so wouldn't depleting them take a while? Or are you suggesting nabbing them and migrating?" Velshaine supplied, quirking Damon's interest. He hadn't been able to get into the building for a bit, as the bird overseeing it had been... territorial, to say the least. But now that it was open and still apparently had its integrity, maybe staying a little longer wasn't such a horrid idea?

    “What about the roof?” Montague asked quickly, nervously. Ah, so there was something wrong with it after all? Not surprising. “W-Would it be safe to go back for supplies?” But it seemed that, despite the snake's reasonable sense of danger, his ferret friend scoffed the concerns away. “I’m sure Damon here’s up for it…” he sneered, only succeeding in making Damon's slick grin widen.

    "Why not? We should get anything we can while it's still there. Waste not, want not..." He hopped from his perch, once more mingling with the commoners and Vel. He strode between them, confident and assured that there was little that could endanger him in a building like that. He took a few steps outside, glancing the building over. "Where are the goods?"

    Dill had remained quiet, eyes lowered to the floor when Monty mentioned the support beam. She hadn't known... It just looked so tasty and thick and... it was already at an odd angle, so she didn't think it was a problem. But apparently... She didn't move as the shiny fighter strode past her, silently forfeiting her earlier self-appointed post of leader. Even as scum, he was still better for the role than she was... which made her lower than scum... The thought hit her hard, and she had to look away from the others in a vain bid to collect herself and her emotions. There was no way that she could redeem herself if they saw her in such a state...


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    Post by Snitch Thu Apr 11, 2013 7:34 am

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    Celadon City || Late Afternoon [45]

    "Why not? We should get anything we can while it's still there. Waste not, want not..."

    Capulet was unsurprised at Damon’s nonchalant response; reduced to rolling his eyes at the exhaustion of his exasperated snorts. He looked over to the weasel, quietly analyzing his chances of survival. The building had seemed relatively sturdy, prone to groans and creaks of rebellion, but there was no telling when that thing would collapse. Frowning, he figured Damon would be fast on his feet, but part of him was keen to see the jerk crushed. Still, even Capulet had his morals. He didn’t like the guy but he wouldn’t murder him… without good reason.

    "Where are the goods?"

    As the Mienshao wandered beyond his home, Capulet turned to follow. His expression softened at the idea of Damon’s assistance – or perhaps the chance of an accidental death – and thus he seemed half-amiable in his behaviour.
    “There,” His voice was curt, unfriendly, as he pointed to the department store. “There’s stuff scattered across the ground floor – you can’t miss it. Ari’s old stash,” Crossing his arms, the Zangoose’s attention wandered up and down the building, finding the structural damage virtually imperceptible on first glance yet remained undoubting of the damage within. That support beam would snap eventually and he wouldn’t be caught under the rubble when it fell.

    Montague, who had been dragged after his ferret companion, had kept out of conversation – instead, his attention locked on Dill. Her entire demeanour had shifted in these past minutes and it was beginning to nag at him. He weakly smiled from afar, desperate to comfort her and yet the chain prevented such movement without interrupting Capulet’s conversation. Making a mental note to learn more of the Aron’s melancholy when time would permit, Monty simply waited for further commands knowing that at the moment, Capulet would be dictating both their movements.

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    The CELADON Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Apr 14, 2013 5:25 am

    Dill 29|| Damon 12

    [skipping Dill]

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    Celadon City| Late Afternoon

    “There,” was Cap's curt reply to Damon's question, pointing out to the nearly destroyed department store. “There’s stuff scattered across the ground floor – you can’t miss it. Ari’s old stash.”

    The meinshoa's eyes studied the stucture carefully, mind whirring through entrance plans and escape routes. Obviously, the front door was a little... occupied. The broken window would be his best bet, but what troubled him was that he couldn't spot the alleged support beam that was causing all the fuss. For once, his expression was nearly serious as he pondered his ins and outs and how much time he still had to collect everything. While he couldn't make an accurate estimation from simply looking at the damage on the outside, the major cracks in the foundation were a sure marker that he probably didn't have much time anyway. Going back into his home only to grab a burlap sack, he came back out and caressed the ferret's back lovingly, whispering a "Thanks, honey. I'll be sure to bring something sweet back for you," before darting away, speeding into the already broken window nearby.

    To say the place was a mess was more a grand understatement than saying the snorlax rotting in the front door was just "gross". Frowning at how pungent the corpse was, he really resorted to shoving the bag against his face, trying to drown out the stench with the boring, familiar scent of burlap. It didn't work all that well, but at least he didn't feel vomit at the back of his throat anymore.

    Yeah... this was going to be a toughie.


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    The CELADON Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Guest Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:08 pm

    ((Sorry guys I got nothing for these two right now. Lilia would still be hiding back in Damon's home and Vel is just, well, Vel. lol))

    Age : 29
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    The CELADON Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Snitch Fri Apr 26, 2013 9:51 am

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    Celadon City || Late Afternoon [46]

    "Thanks, honey. I'll be sure to bring something sweet back for you,"

    Capulet, who had for the moment considered Damon half-bearable in his determination to secure supplies for the group, was reminded exactly why his tolerance could never last. He shuddered involuntarily at the weasel’s touch, giving a deadly hiss in response to his flirting.
    “Dick,” The Zangoose growled after him, fur bristling in a vain bid to dispel the contact. Montague was chuckling aside him, a spectator to the farewell as he sidled up to his disgruntled companion. The snake was met with a glare that could break stone.
    “At least he’s helping,” Monty smiled, ever the optimist as he found himself finding that his earlier concerns on Damon were gradually vanishing. He didn’t seem that bad – just a little different perhaps. Forward, flirtatious and oh-so taunting, but the guy had already helped the group in battle, prevented the hardship of witnessing an acquaintance turn and was now risking life and limb to collect food for them all. On reflection, Montague found that he’d judged Damon too harshly, making a mental note to remedy such judgements in the future.

    “Do you think he’ll be okay?” Montague asked after a pause, catching glimpse of that familiar red pelt in the distance.
    “I hope not,” The normal-type muttered nonchalantly, looking over his shoulder to find the others still safely nestled out of harm’s way. With a final look back towards the department building, unwilling to confess to the guilt of not stepping up to the role of provider, Capulet turned to trudge back towards the others, Montague forced to follow.

    The ferret greeted Vel with a tired smile, looking across to the girls who had been particularly quiet since Damon’s appearance. Whilst he could just about stand the weasel, it alarmed him that two cheery spirits could be so altered by a stranger – Capulet was always grumpy, Damon only heightened it – but something was off about Lilia and Dill.
    “Are they okay?” Montague seemed to have read his mind; the Seviper’s concerned whisper was directed to the flamboyant avian. “They both seem a little… off,”

    The CELADON Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Guest Wed May 22, 2013 5:40 pm

    ((Permission from Admins to make leaving posts while in SH))

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    Celadon City|Late Afternoon

    They were taking too long. Lilia was starting to freak out knowing that her two protectors were off with that...male. Velshaine wasn't much help when it came to the red-pelted demon, and Dill seemed just as scared as she was of him. But all Vel did was coddle Dill. Velshaine had known her for years, they were best friends, so when did everything change? When? Why? Why was any of this happening? Why was it happening to her?


    Lilia was unaware of the paranoid nature of the thoughts going through her mind. They consumed her. She paced nervously in the room once occupied by the demon, wearing a line into the dirt. The Eevee was on high alert, eyes glancing up randomly to check and entrance or opening for signs of the others while Velshaine kept to Dill. Her teeth clenched tightly as she tried not to snap at him, convinced that he was replacing her with the Aron.

    Dill was so sweet. She couldn't hurt Dill. But...but Velshaine deserved something. Anything. Whatever she could do to make him realize what a selfish prick her was. But he couldn't know, no, he couldn't know what she was plotting. So siliently the Eevee slipped out of one of the holes in the side of the partially collapsed building and made her way somewhere safe. Somewhere she could decide on Velshaine's fate.


    Velshaine had watched the others leave and, rather than leave the girls alone, decided to stick around. Poor little Dill looked positively defeated and the colorful bird wanted to try and cheer her up. "Hey Pickle, let's turn that frown upside down!" Preening his colorful plumage he chose three lovely bits of purple and pink down and gently tucked them into the Aron's color. "There! Such a pretty girl!"

    He was looking Dill over to see what else he could do for her when a clatter of cement caught his attention. Turning his head he turned to see Lilia clambering up a pile of broken wall and out of a hole. "Bon Bon! Wait!" he cried, suddenly alarmed that the Eevee was wandering off by herself. "Dilly stay here, hide if you need to but please stay safe. I have to go catch her before she gets hurt. I'll be right back."

    Nearly flying out of the building he quickly went after his friend, completely unaware that his words to Dill would prove him wrong.

    ((Leaving post. Lilia completely snapped under all the stress and moral dilemma with her feelings towards Damon so it seemed a fitting way to have her leave. Vel is just lame and chased after her but eh. Hopefully I can bring these guys back some day right now I just have way too much going on.))

    Age : 36
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    The CELADON Team - Page 11 Empty Re: The CELADON Team

    Post by Silverishness Mon May 27, 2013 12:38 pm

    Dill 30|| Damon 13

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    Celadon City| Late Afternoon

    Unaware that Velshaine had spotted her melancholy, she jumped a little when his voice suddenly cut through the silence. "Hey Pickle, let's turn that frown upside down!" Blinking, her large, sapphire eyes turned to the colorful bird, who soon produced three of the most beautiful feathers she'd ever seen. Awestruck, she could do nothing more than openly gape as he fastened them to her. "There! Such a pretty girl!"

    ...Pretty? "I-I... I'm pretty?" she asked timidly, unsure of whether or not to believe the exuberant claims. But... no aron could be pretty... But a soft clatter in the wall caught Velshaine's ear, and upon his head turning, so did Dill's. She only caught a glimpse of brown, but it belonged to Lilia's beautifully fluffy tail. Gasping, Vel was the first to react, nearly sprinting after her. "Bon Bon! Wait!" he cried, suddenly alarmed that the Eevee was wandering off by herself. Dill began to move forward to run after her, but Vel's words stopped her. "Dilly stay here, hide if you need to but please stay safe. I have to go catch her before she gets hurt. I'll be right back."

    "But--!" she began, but her protests fell on deaf ears. The bird was now racing after the eevee, and in desperation, she looked to Monty and Cap. "We have to follow them!" she cried, then scuttled her own way after them.


    It was easy to hear the screams and cries from outside. Damon paused as he listened, unsure of what had happened, but sure it was about that little eevee. Lilia... what a weird girl. If he didn't know better, he'd have thought he saw a curiosity, a hunger in her when he'd look at her. Though... now that she was away from the group... He poked his head through a small hole in the wall, watching the bird and the dumb little aron run after her (or as much as a 1-foot-hundred-pound-useless-hunk-of-metal could run). Still... this posed an opportunity. Everyone thought he was selflessly rifling through the dangerous foul-smelling debris. He could just... not. He could slip away and find Lilia on his own, and truly find out what that look in her eyes meant. Besides, they were all running away and essentially abandoning him there with only a rotting snorlax for company, and that was just rude.

    So, deftly slipping through a small opening in the wall, he slithered through the city, on his own hunt for the eevee.

    [[I hate leaving this team, but... I just can't keep up. ;n; Maybe one day we can pick up where we left off.]]


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    Post by Snitch Thu May 30, 2013 4:43 am

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    Celadon City || Late Afternoon [47]

    It had happened so quickly, so suddenly, that it took a moment for their abandonment to wholly register. Montague’s attention had volleyed wildly between each individual, their words barely making sense to his rattled mind until they had all just disappeared. Each and every creature the serpent had come to befriend, to trust – gone. It was a dark reminder of how volatile this world was, how the mind could flail between extremes in a vain desperation to instil an amount of sense and normality in the user’s life. Montague could only hope that Velshaine, Dill and Lilia were right in their decisions to leave; he liked to think they would all be okay.

    Capulet’s reaction was wholly internal. Whilst Montague withered at their sudden isolation, the silence following the departures hanging too heavy in the air; Capulet heaved a defeated sigh, half-exasperated, and moved on. He wasn’t angry, merely disappointed. Disappointed that he had failed once again, that he had given normal people reason to both flee and distrust his good intentions. He had sought to protect the girls, keep them safe from the roguish Damon and Velshaine’s own overly-trusting nature – but they had shunned him, turned down the ferret’s chivalry to leave him back at square one. It was just him and Monty now; as always.

    “Wh-….“ The Seviper could utter little more, sorrowful bafflement rendering him speechless as he looked hopelessly to the Zangoose. His eyes were wide, violet orbs asking questions that Capulet was unable to answer. For a moment, Capulet pitied him – his expression softening as he merely shook his head in response. It was sad of course; surrounded by friends one minute, isolated with a born-enemy the next, but alas, it was life.

    Taking a final look around the building, Capulet gave a satisfied huff, content that there was nothing left now. There was no point in staying any longer. The place wreaked of Damon – and despite the tragedy of losing those he had come to care for, Capulet was glad to finally have an excuse to leave the swarthy bastard for good. Smiling lightly to himself, he nudged the serpent comfortingly as he began walking.
    “Come on. It stinks in here,” It succeeded in evoking a short chuckle from the saddened snake, Cap’s mission accomplished as the chain slackened – Montague catching up to slither aside him.
    “What now, Cap?” Monty asked after a pause, his voice still weakened by the emotional upheaval but already on its way to recovery. The duo passed through the buildings exit, shying away from the stench of rotting Snorlax before heading away, out of the half-destroyed city.

    “I don’t know, Monty,”

    “I just don’t know,”

    (( It’s been a pleasure, guys. It would be lovely to have a reunion sometime in the future. <3 ))

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