Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 4 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Lugia Sat Sep 10, 2011 2:44 pm

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    Inside the Human Fortress| Dusk (17)

    Lugia squirmed uncomfortably as the others conversed... more... outside. Apparently, a new Legend had joined their ranks. Though he was happy for more help, it still left the fact that he was still stuck.

    He felt someone removing the rubble around him as the pressure came off little by little. Hello, Shaymin... I wish I were in a more... proper... situation to meet you, instead of being stuck here like this. He found the whole thing completely ridiculous and embarrassing. Though, I'm curious, what do you think happened here, other than a lot of pokemon and people were slaughtered?

    Last edited by Lugia on Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:37 am; edited 1 time in total


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    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 4 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Suicune Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:08 pm

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    Inside the Human Fortress| Dusk (19)

    Shoving the rubble out of the way with his head was nothing difficult for Suicune, despite the size of the large concrete chunks.

    As he moved a particular large piece, Lugia started to move more freely, and he knew it wouldn't take much longer before he would be able to pull himself out.
    Hello, Shaymin... I wish I were in a more... proper... situation to meet you, instead of being stuck here like this. Lugia grunted, as he desperately wiggled about.
    Suicune glanced at the small legendary, who was behind the great beast, staring up at his rear. Suicune chuckled; he thought he saw a hint of red pass through her immaculate white face.
    He looked sidelong at the bulk of the great beast before him, with his head stuck in a building, and his rear out in the open.
    She must be thoroughly confused...

    Though, I'm curious, what do you think happened here, other than a lot of pokemon and people were slaughtered? He said, somewhat distracted by his predicament.

    He heaved one last large shard out from under Lugia and snorted heavily.
    That's the last of it, brother, you should be able to get out now.
    He shook his mane free of the dust that had settled on it, and gazed down at Shaymin, awaiting her response.
    Perhaps she knows more about humans than we...
    that will be an excellent advantage.

    Last edited by Suicune on Thu Nov 24, 2011 4:30 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 4 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Entei Tue Sep 13, 2011 9:22 pm

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    Human Fortress| Dusk (4)

    It was really, really hard to keep from laughing. The way the great Guardian of the Sea was flailing about underneath some rubble, how his little brother had to help dig him out and how the little grass puff ball sat and watched it all.


    Unfortunately, there were two pokemon that could easily take him out, so he stood, silently holding his tongue. He thanked Arceus that Suicune did not ask for his assistance.... He would have completely lost it.

    Instead, he trotted about, keeping an eye on the perimeter. Even the dumbest Infected knew to stay away from their group; they trembled in silence, waiting for some sort of moment to strike. Though, his and the other Legends' power kept them at bay, he knew a swarm would be dangerous... Like that damn bird... he growled angrily to himself.

    As he fumed, the grass puff Shawmin (or something) said something to the extent of how he knew what had happened here. And though he didn't particularly care what had happened to the humans or the pokemon, he was interested to hear if she had anything to say about the bird or the disease itself. He looked down to his sullied mane. Though he had initially brushed off his brother's reaction, he wasn't sure if the concern was all together uncalled for... He turned to survey the victims, more specifically the pokemon. A lot of them had strange purple markings sullying their otherwise well-kept coats. But... that was just decaying flesh...


    He made his way back over to the group, finally getting close enough to the Sawmen (or whatever) to introduce himself. So, you know what happened here, right? Quit tip-toeing around the bush and spill it. We don't have forever, he said gruffly, shaking his mane a little.

    Last edited by Entei on Sat Nov 26, 2011 7:27 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 73

    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 4 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Darkrai Wed Sep 14, 2011 6:51 am

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    New Moon Island/Dusk(1)

    The world of pokemon has changed...Darkness is growing more than usual...Fear covers the sky warping itself around the stench of Death. And when some sleep...their Nightmares grow enormously. This awakens the Dark Embodiment of Dreams, the Legendary Darkrai. At first confused and curious he wanted to understand things by himself...but that wouldn't be easy and could prove fatal. He needed other legends to aid himself and in return he might help them back.

    Finding legends would not prove easy...they were rare and strong, specifically spread through the pokemon world to protect it. If he wanted to find them he needed to catch them asleep to warn of his arrival. The only information he had was the region they were, Johto. Rising out of the shadows, Darkrai flyed to the skies as the sun started to disappear and the night would spread through the dusk. In case he wanted to find his brother Legendary, he would need to do the comunicate with them through his only source...Their deepest and darkest Nightmares. Slightly amused he spoke to himself in a dark voice "What would reside in the nightmares of a Legendary? Well than...I'll soon find out."

    Last edited by Darkrai on Sun Nov 27, 2011 12:28 am; edited 1 time in total
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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 4 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Shaymin Wed Sep 14, 2011 5:07 pm

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    Human Fortress | Dusk

    Shaymin... I wish I were in a more... proper... situation to meet you, instead of being stuck here like this Shaymin smiles, Tis be fine. It's better than talking from afar. Lugia just simply nods, Though, I'm curious, what do you think happened here, other than a lot of pokemon and people were slaughtered?

    So, you know what happened here, right? Quit tip-toeing around the bush and spill it. We don't have forever Entei cuts in, Shaymin tensed a little, Brother, why is it that you're infected?! 'If he could talk, then it's fine to be near.' Shaymin said to herself, becoming a bit more relaxed. Suicune looked at her intently, awaiting a reply.

    The Gratitude pokemon shook her head, M'dear brothers, I believe that the humans have built this fortress to protect themselves from infected pokemon. She paused, gazing at a corpse nearby, I think the humans shot the pokemon down, whether it is infected or not. They probably thought that the infection would probably spread onto them if they didn't kill. She scurries over to the stick that smelled of sulfur, This here, is a gun. I know of them because, back in Sinnoh, I often hear them everytime I flew over a forest before the infection. Humans often kill for food, sometimes for sport! But they used the gun to protect themselves, although they misunderstood. She pads back over to the other legendaries, But this is just what I believe what happened here m'dears. What I probably stated is maybe just the main idea.


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 4 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Lugia Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:34 am

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    Human Fortress| Night (18)

    Lugia shuffled and, with Suicune helping take the debris away, he finally broke free of his crumbling concrete prison and stretched his wings triumphantly. FINALLY! he thought, still frustrated at his predicament. He shook himself, ridding his ivory feathers of the crumbs of stone and concrete sticking to his otherwise pristine pelt. He cracked a few stiff joints and finally looked down to the new arrivals he had yet to see.

    There was Entei, and suddenly he understood Suicune's earlier anxiety. Even the little Shaymin, who was much smaller than he had first thought, had said something to the extent of Entei being Infected. He had bloodstains and the discoloration Suicune had mentioned... and that smell... But why was he still so... lucid...?

    He listened intently on the Shaymin's hypothesis, looking over the field of corpses as she went on. He knew about guns; the more desperate humans liked to try them on him. It made sense that humans would be paranoid, but... the pokemon that showed no signs? Were they that desperate to escape death to kill the only beings that could protect them?

    He looked down to the scattered remains of the pokeballs littering the bloodied ground. How could they have lived with themselves...? He knew the strength of the bonds shared between a pokemon and its trainer; he had faced that bond many, many times. To see it shattered and broken... to know what the pokemon here felt before being slaughtered... it enraged him.

    Sighing, he calmed himself down. There was no need for pity and anger; the souls lost here would get nothing out of it. The only way he could even hope to pay his respects was to learn what little they could tell him. He turned back to the building, now less than sturdy.

    We, being you smaller ones, should learn what lies inside. Seeing as how I'm too large, I'll stay out here and keep watch. We need to know what has happened here. This seems to be a center point of interest, a major device in the scheme of this entire plague. The Honchkrow is playing with us, but since he left us here and the building intact, there's something to find here. Something that might give us an edge. We should hurry; this place gets me on edge.

    Last edited by Lugia on Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:37 am; edited 1 time in total


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    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 4 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Suicune Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:20 pm

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    Human Fortress| Night (20)

    Lugia freed himself, breathing heavily and shaking himself before glancing around.
    Suicune winced as Lugias' eyes rested on his brothers' tainted pelt, as he watched his eyes narrow with suspicion. He did not know what to do. He felt a pang of a terrible apprehension clutch at his chest. He started to pace to ease his tension, as he listened to the small legends' thoughts.
    Guns...why would they use these...things...on their own kind? If they thought pokemon were the dangerous ones...?
    Suicune shook his head angrily.
    Do you think the other humans were infected?...or...maybe...
    He stopped his pacing, feeling his heart sink.
    Perhaps they were killed because they wanted to protect their pokemon allies and friends...
    He looked at each of them, and finally to one of the corpses, covered in blood.
    It was once a man. His face was the color of ashes, and his chest cavity was dark with dry blood.

    Perhaps not all of them are evil, heartless creatures...

    Lugia spoke up, insisting they explore the now crumbling fortress.
    Suicune nodded in agreement.
    Brother, sister, let us explore this terrible place and be done with it already...
    He hated this place; the amount of death and pain that filled it was overwhelming. Suicune longed to be back in Crystal Cave, with pure waters and echoing silence.
    He wanted to forget the nightmares that plagued this world, with all it's corruption and betrayal.

    Last edited by Suicune on Thu Nov 24, 2011 4:30 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 4 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Entei Sun Sep 18, 2011 3:25 pm

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    Human Fortress| Night (5)

    Entei frowned. Lugia was giving him the hairy eyeball, and Suicune was being... sentimental at best. While he was actually heartbroken to see all of the pokemon slaughtered needlessly, he didn't care too much about the humans.

    Suicune mentioned that they should explore the innards of the building, and Lugia, because of his... girth... offered to stay outside on watch. Suicune padded inside, his spirits down, his fur on edge from anxiety. Entei frowned more.

    This must be remedied.

    Entei trotted after his little brother, determined in his goal. When they were inside, Entei shoulder-checked his little brother, making the blue Legend crumple and fall as Entei brushed past. My bad, Entei said with a grin. He paused as they reached a sort of reception area. So. What exactly are we looking for?

    Last edited by Entei on Sat Nov 26, 2011 7:28 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 4 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Darkrai Sun Sep 18, 2011 7:24 pm

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    Traveling through Johto/Night (2)

    The Night had came to fall...Darkrai was slightly safer now, and decided to land and not waist much of his precious energy floating. He closed his eyes attempting to find any strong being, directing him towards his Legendary Brothers, asleep...nothing...They were still awake...

    Within the night Darkrai walked, looking around at Kanto to see the diferences of it compared to his region. He kept traveling through this region with curiosity...with no living nor partially living being around he started to hum a tune for his own enjoyment while walking through these lands. The quietness didn't stayed for long as he felt being watched...Murkrow and Fearow with deep red eyes stared at him with in the trees as he walked, one that attempted to become bolder than the others tried to attack him, Darkrai quickly used his Ominous Wind knocking the beast unconsious. He moved closer to the undead but the large flock of infected birds around made him feel insecure and decided to leave. This Epidemic was dangerous, but at what level? Would he become infected? Would he die instantly? He needed information, that only his brothers could give.

    "Sleep my Brothers...Sleep so we may meet..." he said to himself. He had to be able to catch at least one of the legendaries asleep...Otherwise he will roam Kanto with no target.

    Last edited by Darkrai on Sun Nov 27, 2011 12:28 am; edited 2 times in total
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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 4 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Shaymin Mon Sep 19, 2011 4:03 pm

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    Human Fortress | Evening

    Guns...why would they use these...things...on their own kind? If they thought pokemon were the dangerous ones...?
    Suicune shook his head angrily.
    Do you think the other humans were infected?...or...maybe...
    He stopped his pacing.
    Perhaps they were killed because they wanted to protect their pokemon allies and friends... Perhaps not all of them are evil, heartless creatures...

    Suicune m'dear, do not worry over my hypothesis, it's not true until we have the evidence. Shaymin smiles at Suicune, hoping that he would at least lighten up. We, being you smaller ones, should learn what lies inside. Seeing as how I'm too large, I'll stay out here and keep watch. We need to know what has happened here. This seems to be a center point of interest, a major device in the scheme of this entire plague. The Honchkrow is playing with us, but since he left us here and the building intact, there's something to find here. Something that might give us an edge. We should hurry; this place gets me on edge. Lugia perks up. Suicune agrees. Shaymin sighs,Then we shall. Once it is morning, we should get going, although we could get some good clues, I'm more frightened about being targeted, She shudders, scrabbling after Suicune. So. What exactly are we looking for? Entei asked his brother. Shaymin cuts in, Forgive me for jumping into the conversation, but I shall answer your question. I believe we're looking for evidence of what has happened here, and whether it's important or not.

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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 4 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Lugia Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:35 am

    ((Please skip me))


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    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 4 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Suicune Sat Sep 24, 2011 2:04 am

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    Human Fortress| Night (21)

    My bad,
    his brother said in a taunting manner as Suicune fell to the ground from the shove.

    How can you goof around at a time like this?...he grumbled under his breath, masking his admiration for his brother with feigned annoyance.

    If only I could be as free as him. He doesn't let anything bother him...
    Suicune sighed deeply as he picked himself up off the ground and padded into one of the darkened rooms.
    It looked like it was a watch station of some sort, with a large grated window and one of the 'guns' near it.
    He quickly seized up the room and looked back.
    We will need to rest and recover our strength soon...we have all been through alot. Cracking his neck in fatigue, he continued.
    I believe this room would fit our needs well. The window allows us to see anything outside, while being protected by the walls and covering. One way in, one way out.
    He nodded to himself as he trotted out into the large hallway and into the recesses of the dank fortress.


    Inside the Human Fortress | Late Night

    Suicune was exhausted, both emotionally and physically.
    He had spent the better part of the day running across Johto and fighting off infected. They had been scouring the human building for hours, and turned up nothing but dead bodies, broken equipment and the terrible stench of decay everywhere.
    He was not sure what they were looking for; he knew very little about humans and their habits. Everytime he drew near a town or city, he would be chased by eager trainers. He hated how loud and polluted their habitats were anyway.
    He wearily padded into a wide and dank hall, which had tables and chairs strewn about. He sniffed the air casually, careful not to smell too deeply. He recognized the scent of rotting food from behind a large counter. He jumped onto it and surveyed the kitchen. Human corpses littered the floors, even this deep into the building. Blood stained the walls and covered the tools and utensils that were scattered everywhere.
    Sighing, he jumped back down. Under his paw was a blood spattered poster, with odd symbols and bright images on it.
    He kicked it away in frustration- he didn't know how to read it.

    He was about to turn back when he heard a faint electric noise from the doors beyond the kitchen. He trotted carefully through the corpses, following the sound.
    The light was minimal; no electricity had run through the building at all, and there were no windows. All he could do was trust his other senses to guide him. He shoved open the door with his large crest and peered inside.
    A box that sat upon a desk was flickering strangely and eerily in the darkness. Blood was dripping down onto the moving images, distorting what was being viewed.
    On top of the box, there sat the severed head of a human, face frozen in untold terror, eyes pecked out, and covered in gouges from talons.
    Suicune growled.
    This is undoubtedly what the bird wanted us to find...
    He took a quick look around the room, ensuring that it wasn't a trap. The strange box illuminated a large part of the room. There were many gadgets around; some of them still appearing to be functional...though he had no idea what they were or how to work them. There was clothing hanging up on the wall- most of them what the humans called 'helmets' and 'chest guards.'
    Perhaps this is where their officers prepared...
    He approached the flickering box as he called out to the other legendaries.
    Everyone, I may have found something...

    Last edited by Suicune on Thu Nov 24, 2011 4:31 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 4 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Entei Sat Sep 24, 2011 1:59 pm

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    Human Fortress| Late Night (6)

    Entei frowned as he wandered about the building, veering off in a different direction than his brother. It would be a quicker search for... whatever they were looking for... if there were more eyes in more places. He ignored his brother's quiet scolding and meandered, not really sure what Lugia and Suicune were expecting out of the place. The stupid bird probably just wanted to waste their time... he thought, aggravated. After all, why would they trust the bird so much? He was probably just pulling their legs...

    He came to a room that was probably once a daycare or child's center. There were cheery colors beneath the layer of grime and dried blood, and baby humans, pokemon and what probably were the parents lay dead and decaying at his feet. He frowned. It looked almost like a last stand...

    He carefully stepped over the bodies, something drawing him in. Normally, he would simply pass by a room like this, but... there was something in the corner that caught his attention. Something...

    When he finally drew near, it was a small houndour, a puppy from his own, native region. It was curled deep in its mother's dead innards, seemingly trying to keep warm. The most surprising thing was that it lifted its head and looked at Entei with clear, uninfected eyes. "...Who... Are you...?" its small, frail voice asked of the great fire beast.

    As he was about to answer, and to call to his bretheren that he had found a survivor, something in his chest clenched, and a terrible burst of pain went through his entire body, then settled to throbbing in his head. He let out a small grunt, backing away a small distance, and when his eyes opened again, they were distant, mindless and hungry.

    He mercilessly clamped down on his prey, snatching it without hesitation into his powerful maw, crunching its tender meat and bones. He threw the new carcass into the brightly colored wall, splattering what was left of the body. He stood, panting, as his own mind returned to him. He stared at the new corpse, not remembering what had just happened or that the particular bloodspatter was there when he had walked in. Guilt formed in the pit of his stomach and he quickly exited the room. ...What... What just happened...? he wondered, nervous of the truth. Had he just...

    Finally, his brother's voice rang through the air, beckoning them to him. Everyone, I may have found something... Entei gave a small sigh of relief and cleaned himself a little before setting off to rejoin his brother. Hopefully, they wouldn't notice...

    Once in the same room with Suicune, he tilted his head at the numerous blinking boxes. Humans... their fetish with bright colors and blinking lights never made sense to him. Though, he would always find himself staring at the pictures sometimes... Before he could be entrapped in one of these trances, he quickly asked, So, Suicune, what did you find? He came forward, to his brother's side to see what he was looking at.

    Last edited by Entei on Sat Nov 26, 2011 7:29 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 4 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Darkrai Sat Sep 24, 2011 4:30 pm

    ((OOC: Skip my turn please. I am not within you guys and I can't find anything better to write except repeat myself.))
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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 4 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Shaymin Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:57 pm

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    Human Fortress | Evening

    Everyone, I may have found something... Suicune commented. Shaymin perked up, although exhausted from walking for hours, she scrambled over to Suicune as quickly as possible, What is it brother?'

    Entei entered, So, Suicune, what did you find?.


    Shaymin sniffled, she knew something was wrong with the area... But she didn't know what... The hedgehog wanted to tell everyone, but that would have to wait, evidence was more important.

    (Ooc: Sorry it's so short ;; I can't really think of anything atm)


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 4 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Lugia Tue Sep 27, 2011 7:43 pm

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    Human Fortress| Night (19)

    Lugia yawned as he watched over the land, the Infected hordes keeping their distance from his gargantuan ivory form. His silken feathers gleamed in the moonlight, a metaphorical bright light in the gloom. He shifted his weight to a different leg and cricked his neck a little. How much longer will they be?

    He felt somewhat put out that he couldn't venture inside because of his... girth... That he had to be stuck with guard duty as the others went and discovered whatever the Honchkrow had wanted them to find. Angering, but he knew it wasn't anyone's fault... except for maybe the human architects that built it too small...

    Sighing again, he rested back against the broken wall Suicune and he had dealt a hand in making. This was the only real entrance, since the normal one was blockaded by corpses. He looked inside, then grimly looked back out to the perimeter. There was no sign of them returning soon, so it seemed he had a bit longer for standing guard.

    Last edited by Lugia on Sat Nov 26, 2011 5:38 am; edited 1 time in total


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    "It's amazing how hard someone will fight for their underpants."


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 4 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Suicune Tue Sep 27, 2011 11:59 pm

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    Human Fortress| Late Night (22)

    Suicune sat back on his haunches as the others padded in.
    He was mesmerized by the small box and what he heard.
    Without another word, he nodded towards the blood-stained box, listening intently.
    Static filled the room, but he could just barely make out human voices under it.

    "KSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHH-If any...gets this, pl...immediate back-up right away! Th...Agent Ve...nica from the Viridian HQ!...under attack from within! The Shadow Project...breached! Our own pok....turning against us! There's not much time to explain- our orders were to....test subjects impervious to any weakn...obey any command given it...small group of controlled pokem...f them perfect specimens of...trongest species any of the regions could off...
    We learned from...mistakes that we had...genetic abnormalities...Mewtwo...nothing should have gone wro...We had isolated the right informa...the DNA strands to have...letely eradicated any...rebellion in...minds. They were supposed to...timate war machine!...They would feel nothing!...orders of their masters without question!
    But........happened; all...Shadow pokemon....break out all at once- as if ...obeying some kind of silent order....unknown master!
    ...We've tried everything;....deadly force, but even bullets couldn't stop these monst...! And now, even our own pokemon...to attack the monsters all at once...they never had a cha...now the horrid little beasts are returning to us...covered in blood...some in pieces...attack their owners...We are holding out as best we could...fortified area of...base...but....know....onger we...hold...
    Warn....you to destroy....any pokemon within shooting range; they have all turned against us!....
    If any of you...ssion, rendezvous at the base in Viridian...if we aren't there...where to go."

    Suicune stared at the haunting images floating around in the small box with his mouth agape in horror.

    "KSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHH-If any...gets this, pl...immediate back-up right away! Th...Agent Ve..onica from the Viridian HQ!..."
    The small box began to repeat its' last cry for help again.

    He blankly turned his gaze to the other legends, but found himself unable to speak.

    Last edited by Suicune on Thu Nov 24, 2011 4:31 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 4 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Entei Wed Sep 28, 2011 9:09 pm

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    Human Fortress| Night (7)

    The images and voices coming from the box made Entei stagger back a little from his brother's side. This disease, this plague, this... living hell was from humans?! He knew they corrupted the lands, building the steel monsters they inhabited, he knew they polluted the air and water and land, but... they had to pollute pokemon themselves?! To create their own personal war machines?! Throughout the video, his fur bristled, his lip curled and a growl reverberated, an undertone to the man's voice. This... There was no word for this... monstrosity.

    I should have ripped into every single DAMNED HUMAN I ever found! They deserve the hell they unleashed on this land! They deserve to die in the wake our walking dead have wrought! THOSE GODLESS BASTARDS!

    His rage and anger boiled and boiled, and he suddenly felt the burst of pain stinging through his chest; an all-too familiar sensation. He took a few steps back, further retreating from his brethren as the pain in his chest left him panting and his limbs shaking. I... he began as he struggled to keep his eyes focused and his mind clear. ...I feel... I think it'd be a... a good idea if we, uh... or at least if I had a, uh... a nap... or something.... Yeah... He turned to find the first clear room and plopped down, glad to be off of his feet.

    The pain and sudden exhaustion hit him like a ton of bricks. He laid his head down as he attempted to keep it from spinning. What had just... happened?

    A harmless thought floated into his head; maybe... he should just take a nap. Suicune and the others had everything handled... They wouldn't mind if he just... took a nap... Maybe he could finally find some sort of peace, some reprieve from this nightmare he couldn't wake from...


    Last edited by Entei on Sat Nov 26, 2011 7:29 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 4 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Darkrai Thu Sep 29, 2011 11:00 pm

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    ...Nightmares.../Night (3)

    A strange force was attracting the Pitch-Black Pokemon...A legendary was attempting to sleep, and it seems it had a lot to fear despite being quite strong and powerful. I am comming my brothers...I am comming towards you...

    As Entei fell into slumber, the dream world started to warp around his mind forcing him to wake up in his subconcious and in his dreams...What he would see in this dream no one would be prepared. Entei found himself running throuh lands painted and dreeping red, he could only see...his body seemed to not obey to his commands as if he was possessed.
    And every time he would see a pokemon, his body would run straight to it and kill it viciously either with a strong strike of his claws or a vicious bite, nothing would escape the blood bath that Entei was making...but was this what he wanted? Was this what he was really doing? Questions would flood his mind untill he saw something...His brother...Suicune...

    He knew what was going to happen, but he didn't want to believe...No...He wouldn't dare to do it, but it was going to happen. He saw himself firing a blast at Suicune and running towards his brother...he was attacking his brother viciously with his claws and jaws...And after that horrible slaughter of the Aurora Pokemon he standed motionless, either his body was paralyzed or Entei himself couldn't move after the horrible act was hard to tell...But he could barelly believe of what just happened...A large pool of blood spreaded through the ground comming from Suicune...This was being too much for him...As Entei looked down into his reflection he saw something on his back...Honchkrow was on his back seeming satisfied with Entei's slaughter of his own brother. Growling loudly Entei turned around but there was nothing there...Only the reflection showed Honchkrow.

    Brother...I seek you...I seek your location a voice echoed...Entei looked around searching for the voice but didn't found anyone. But a sound caught his attention...was that bubbling? Entei turned around and notice on the pool of blood bubbles were starting to appear as if something was breathing, but the pool was very thin and not even a digglet could hide in it. The way this nightmare seemed so real was starting to fool Entei...or were his thoughts all confused and he's mixing fantasy with reality?

    Suddenly a figure made out of blood rised from the pool...it had an hourglass shape, seemed to wear a tattered cloack, it's long thin arms ended in 3 claws, a long ghostly hair was at top of his head, long tatters were following his hairs movements...once it showed it's complete body a light blue eye opened. Entei has never seen such creature...What was it? What does it wanted? Was it just part of it's nightmare or was it a real beast?

    "Great Volcano Pokemon...Entei...I see that you seem quite different my brother...A dreadful thing happened to our lands. Since my region is far from this one I wasn't able to come sooner...I ask forgiveness for my lack of pontuality. But that aside I would be delightful to help...Reveal me your location, tell me where to find you now. I'll be able to help you. I am known as the embodiment of Darkness...the lord of Nightmares...I am Darkrai."

    (OCC: Longest post I ever made...probably.)

    Last edited by Darkrai on Sun Nov 27, 2011 12:30 am; edited 1 time in total
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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 4 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Shaymin Sun Oct 02, 2011 12:42 am

    [Sorry, can't really think of anything at the moment. Let's just say Shaymin was surprised. ;; ]


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 4 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Lugia Mon Oct 03, 2011 12:55 pm

    ((I'm afraid I need to skip as well; Lugia's doing the best he can to keep himself entertained whilst outside))


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 4 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Suicune Tue Oct 04, 2011 2:12 pm

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    Human Fortress| Late Night (23)

    Entei suddenly looked like he was about to topple over.
    He retreated from the glowing images and started to stammer in a low tone.
    Suicune quickly padded back and stood next to him, using his body to keep him from falling.
    ...I feel... I think it'd be a... a good idea if we, uh... or at least if I had a, uh... a nap... or something.... Yeah...
    Suicune nodded and followed.
    It is probably best for all of us to get some rest.
    He is probably exhausted...I am feeling really sick myself...
    He clenched his jaws as he thought on the sick words the human had said. His stomach started to twist itself into knots as he started to shake.
    They...they did this...
    All of this...

    A deep pain came over Suicunes' heart as he lay next to his brother, resting head on paws.
    Outside, a cold, heavy rain began to fall.


    Human Fortress| Early Morning

    Though he was exhausted, he knew he needed to tell Lugia what they had found. Considering the weight of the message, Suicune knew he should deliver it to him face to face.
    He raised his head slowly, glancing at the others, who were both sleeping. Quietly lifting himself up, he carefully stepped over them and any debris as to not wake them.
    With head low, he trotted quietly back to the entrance, to deliver the terrible news.

    I...we...found something...

    It was pouring outside. Suicune felt a pang of regret as he saw the drenched legendary bird.
    Uh...sorry for the rain...he muttered as he looked up at the dreary sky. He couldn't help his own emotions, or how they affected the weather.
    Sighing deeply, he continued.
    Brother...the humans...they are responsible for this disease.
    They...enslaved and experimented on the strongest pokemon they could find...to create what they called 'the ultimate war machines'...they somehow created this 'virus' and it spread to their pokemon...

    Snorting in anger, he lowered his head.
    Brother...they opened fire on all their own pokemon...their own...they have waged war on all of us....they have ordered all humans to kill any pokemon on sight, even if they aren't infected!...
    A deep growl resonated in his throat as he closed his eyes in rage and pain.
    His fur was soaked, and water dripped off his muzzle as he looked down at the ground. The heavy rainfall had washed the dead blood off the piles of corpses, tainting the muddy waters with traces of dark red.

    Last edited by Suicune on Thu Nov 24, 2011 4:31 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 4 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Entei Wed Oct 05, 2011 8:20 pm

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    Human Fortress| Late Night (8)

    The blurs of his nightmares confused, enraged and scared him beyond what he felt he should be able to feel as a Legend of his power. These faceless bodies he continued to slaughter, these continuing murders he consistently committed... what was all of this bloody, gory chaos? Were these simple nightmares brought on by the recent events or... were these memories?

    Finally, he stopped his rampage as he stared down at the cold corpse of his marine brother, his crystalline figure stained with dark blood, his crimson eyes glazed and unfocused. Before he could even try to comprehend the coppery taste in his mouth, a dark bubble brimmed and brought itself out of his brother's blood.

    "Great Volcano Pokemon...Entei...I see that you seem quite different, my brother...A dreadful thing has happened to our lands. Since my region is far from this one, I wasn't able to come sooner...I ask forgiveness for my lack of punctuality. But that aside, I would be delightful to help...Reveal me your location, tell me where to find you now. I'll be able to help you. I am known as the embodiment of Darkness...the lord of Nightmares...I am Darkrai."

    The cruel figure before Entei reached a clawed hand toward the latter, and though the Volcano Legend would have liked to bite the hand off of his creepy arm, he found himself paralyzed; by fear or this Darkrai's power, he didn't know, but he really didn't like it. He felt his mouth twitch and his tongue stutter as what felt like some terrible power forced him to speak.

    ...South... f the... Towers... in th... Fortress... his clamped teeth stuttered out. Though there was no mouth, Entei could see the dark figure smile and the world around him went dark. Entei tried to roar, throw fire, run, anything, but nothing worked. He was helpless as the darkness consumed him, bringing him further into the womb of the utter black abyss.


    Entei found himself panting, still, and on his feet. His limbs were shaking with adrenaline from the nightmare and he quickly checked his immediate surroundings for Darkrai. ...What the flying FUCK was that?!

    Last edited by Entei on Sat Nov 26, 2011 7:30 am; edited 1 time in total


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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 4 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Darkrai Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:55 pm

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    Roaming Johto/Night(4)

    Darkrai's eyes opened...The Volcano Pokemon seemed to had mentioned "...South... f the... Towers... in th... Fortress..."...What could that mean? South was already a direction...but which towers? From what fortress? Darkrai sighed as only part of the message was sent to him...

    But that wouldn't make him give up. Darkrai flyed towards South, that was his only clue. He closed his eyes trying to sense anything at all...any strong energy of a strong being, that would lead him to his brother Legendary. Hopefully...He would be able to find and join them...that is, if he wouldn't be casted aside...like everyone else did it to him.

    Last edited by Darkrai on Sun Nov 27, 2011 12:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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    The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT) - Page 4 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team (PLOT)

    Post by Shaymin Thu Oct 06, 2011 9:34 pm

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    Human Fortress|Early Morning

    Shaymin hung her head as she padded along side with Suicune as the headed outside to speak with Lugia, glancing at the beast every now and then, anxiety filled her, Who knew? She thought silently, anger filled her a bit, It was the human's fault alright..., the anger left her then, But the past is the past... Getting angry over it won't help the Infection go away...
    As the group finally reached outside, rain drenched the hedgehog, she shook it off. She felt sorry for Lugia, for the giant bird had to stay out to watch. Fear washed over her as Suicune came up to his brother; Lugia...
    I...we...found something...
    Suicune continued on, his voice filled with sorrow and a hint of anger, Brother...the humans...they are responsible for this disease.
    They...enslaved and experimented on the strongest pokemon they could find...to create what they called 'the ultimate war machines'...they somehow created this 'virus' and it spread to their pokemon...
    Snorting in anger, he lowered his head.
    Brother...they opened fire on all their own pokemon...their own...they have waged war on all of us....they have ordered all humans to kill any pokemon on sight, even if they aren't infected!...

    Shaymin shook her head, ran over to the twosome, My brothers! Wait! Don't be angered, the past is the past, the humans have obviously already suffered the consequences of this apocalyptic infection, since most of them are now deceased, but... She hesitated, We must quickly find a way to get rid of this horrid infection, before it reaches all of pokemon kind! We must, we must!

    [Unsure how Lugia might react so I'm just saying he could be angered? xD; If not then I'll edit my post.]

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