Akida trudged along behind the pig pokemon, and looked at Korens tails swish. Her mind began to wander like her feet....
"Do I need someone...?" She looked up to the pokemon in front of her, wondering just that, but then went to the bigger scope of things besides the one she come to have a liking to. "Well.... Dumb question, Kid. You have friends now, so its obvious you like company.... But... him...?" She looked up in front of her to see the pokemon she thought of, and they didn't notice her. [i]"Do I need someone to hold close...?" She lowered her head again, then thought to where she began.... "That cave.... I surely didn't start out there.... No.... I remember fragments.... Of bushes and cliffs.... But why can't I remember earlier than that...?" She had the slightest feeling that maybe her past was a tragic one.... She always remembered she did have a mother, but just didn't remember who she was.... Akida's face went into a grimmace from rememberance.Then she stopped, and saw they were already hit the mouth of a cave. Akida looked up into the darkness, then lowered her head and ears as she walked in with heavy paws. She then went to a corner of the cave, and watched Nitro strike up a fire. Suddenly, the cave was illuminated with orange light, safe for the entry of the cave that was dimly lit with sunshine. Akida moved her way closer to the fire, and lay down with her front paws crossed and her head on top of them. Her crystal earring cast little glittery spots onto the walls of the cave. Her amber eyes barely opened, then they closed again. She just felt like sleeping after she got rammed into that tree. She panted in pain at the bruise down her back she sustained. In an inaudible breath, she whimpered. "Mom...."
(OoC: Notice I didn't say whether she was looking at Nitro or Koren. ;3 And sorry for the lateness; bit of a writers block. ^^;)