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10 posters



    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 24, 2012 7:42 am

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    Route 117 | Evening (8)

    Sitting in the bush, Fennix had begun to shiver uncontrollably. Her head was swirling with images of blood and sorrow and she almost started to cry until her mind seemed to center around the Arcanine that was doing her best to protect her. Anger swelled in her eyes like a roaring fire and she stepped from the bush to stand beside Dawnfang, her throat suddenly blazing hot. She wasn't exactly sure what to do but instinct took over and she breathed out her Flamethrower towards the monster trying to hurt Dawnfang. Turning back to Dawnfang she hid behind her and once again, instinct took over and she used Helping Hand to assist Dawnfang.

    Age : 30
    Posts : 850

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Baloo Sat Mar 24, 2012 10:31 am

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    Route 117

    Kibo did not like being put out of battle. His ears twitched and he felt the courage of 1000 Oshawotts in his heart. Kibo rushed to the Flareon's side and pawed at the ground like a Bouffalant preparing to charge. "I'm gonna get ya with my scalchop and then... I'll use Dig to bury you" he squeaked.

    ((I give any of you permission to knock Kibo out but don't hurt him. He can't help being a little... Obnoxious xD))
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 25, 2012 9:19 pm

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    Route 117 | Evening [2]

    Duskfang was about to explode into laughter, but held his composure, giving a couple of snorts. Dawnfang? Acting motherly? Now that was new. He silently thanked the trees for hiding him so long, he thought his strong scent would give him away, but he guessed the pine was stronger than it. The Mightyena was at content for following his sibling and watching her from afar, never had he seen her in this position.
    The Dark-type was not amused at the Oshawatt's courage, and wanting to battle, did the idiot child not comprehend that he was just an annoyance? He gave a snort, but nonetheless continued watching.

    The Granbull held its chest from Dawn's earlier attack, angered, it was. Duskfang felt awkward in his position, being a bystander, he felt he needed to jump in right then and there.
    In which he did.
    When the purple dog sent an electric shock in the air and toward Dawnfang, making the Mightyena jump from his hiding spot and onto the battlefield. Duskfang tackled Dawnfang out of the way, taking the Thunderbolt attack. The shock prevented the Dark Dog from doing anything for a while, but he threw daggers at the Granbull, "Look you son of a bitch, I'm the only one around here that can hit my sister, understand?"

    Then he glared at his sister, "And learn how to react, Arceus, you're more slower than last time."
    Totally, wonderful. Fantastic good ol' chap Duskfang, you tackled your sister hard and protected her, ironic how he wanted to kill her weeks back.

    ((Ooc: :B I wanted to have an epic brother protection shit before actual fight lol. I took the chance of taking the thunderbolt from Tunder, AND tackling Dawnfang hard lol))

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Tue Mar 27, 2012 7:49 pm

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    Route 117//Late Evening

    Arashi felt the serge of electricity grow in his body as his Charge proceeded to make his electric attacks stronger. He was just about ready to fire his attack when the Granbull used its own Thunderbolt. The Shinx knew he had to do something, just when he was about to jump in front of the Thunderbolt to take in its electricity, another infected came out of nowhere, a Mightyena, which tackled Dawnfang and took the Thunderbolt itself. "Look you son of a bitch, I'm the only one around here that can hit my sister, understand?" It shouted at the other infected dog. Sister?

    Arashi just looked at it before turning back to the Granbull. Dawnfang said to hit its head, so that's where he was going to aim. Arashi let out a roar as he let lose his charged up Thunderbolt. It was more powerful then it was before thanks to him using Charge. He was lucky to have learned it when he did. All he needed now was for his Thunderbolt to hit its mark, and with it being to busy attacking the Oshawott, he was bound to hit something.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Negative10 Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:06 pm

    [ooc: permission given to hit Tunder! B) ]
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    Route 117 | Late Evening

    When the little Pokemon came forward in their own little brigade, Dawnfang could only smirk. Fennix had darted forward and aimed a small Flamethrower (that might as well have been an Ember from its size!), and even Kibo, despite her previous warnings, had charged on yelling death at the Granbull. Hmph. The Arcanine herself was beginning to grow impatient, wanting to jump into the battle and take out this fucker herself. Patience is a shitty virtue, Dawnfang.

    The Granbull, in the meantime, was getting pumped up and beating up her friends. He practically threw Fraja to the side - at that action a growl escaped her lips - and flicked Kibo away without another thought. “TAKE THAT BITCH,” the ugly mutt had the nerve to dare attack her when he had took out fellow comrades? You’re just- Dawnfang was preparing to charge through the Thunderbolt the Granbull had released and take him on with another Iron Head, when a Mightyena pounced forward and intercepted the attack.

    “Look you son of a bitch, I'm the only one around here that can hit my sister, understand? And learn how to react, Arceus, you're more slower than last time." The latter sentence was directed at her, and for a moment Dawnfang couldn’t comprehend what had just happened. When the realization hit... Holy FUCK, it’s Duskfang. The fire type stood at her full height; unlike their previous encounters, Dawnfang was nearly twice as tall as her brother, but with the thought of their ‘previous encounters’, all the memories came rushing back.

    Playing tag with one another, living together before going separate ways to train with their individual trainers. Being determined to beat her older brother, losing to him and becoming discouraged, before evolving. Finding that Duskfang had killed his own trainer and her trainer’s sister... Duskfang. A growl emitted from Dawnfang, and she pushed the Mightyena to the side. “I’ll handle this shit later.” She couldn’t bare another glance at her... dead brother without breaking down, so with that, she shot forward with an Extremespeed, hitting the Granbull and smashing him into the tree behind him.

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Fri Apr 06, 2012 5:02 am

    (Skip me please didn't know it was my turn.)

    Age : 30
    Posts : 850

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Baloo Fri Apr 06, 2012 11:35 am

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    Route 117/ Late Evening

    Kibo felt his heart in his head as the big Infected prepared to wipe him off the face of the Earth. Then the big legendary knocked him into a tree. Then a dog infected came into his line of sight. Kibo learned from his previous experience to stay back next to the Flareon to wait for its move first. He didn't want to die... Not until he found Baloo.

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Fri Apr 06, 2012 8:21 pm

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    Route 117 | Late Evening [3]

    “I’ll handle this shit later.” Dawnfang pushed Duskfang off to the side, using ExtremeSpeed to throw off the Granbull, hitting the Undead against the tree. The Mightyena couldn't help, but face-paw. Apparently by shit, his sister meant him. Well thank you Medusa for that lovely compliment. He gave a snort, glancing at the group; Flareon, Oshawatt, Shinx. The fuck? They're kids! Well the Flareon was at its last stage of evolution, but the size seemed so puny. Daggers were directed at the Oshawatt, weakling. Poisoned words from Duskfang, hear them so often from him, but it's true at times. They were all weaklings against the Mightyena. Even Dawnfang despite her height, Duskfang used to be able to beat her in every round!... Well used to. Obviously.

    The Hoenn-native gave a snort of content when the Granbull chose to run away like a pussy. Weakling. Duskfang gave a low, playful [? Sounded more like forced] growl, "'Handle with this shit later' you say?" Hilarious really, she said that like literally a couple minutes ago, "Dawnfang, you cease to amaze me, ha!"

    [Ooc: Since Tunder was put in inactive, I assumed he ran away lulz]

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Sun Apr 08, 2012 11:34 pm

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    Route 117//Late Evening

    Arashi practically shouted in joy as his Thunderbolt made contact with the Granbulls head. He heard it shout as the electricity zapped him before he shook it off and ran. Arashi grinned as he watched it run off, its tail between its legs. That was his first win in a long time. He felt like bursting with join he could hardly hold his excitement in. Suddenly his body became encased in a white light. He had no idea what was happening, but he could feel his body starting to get bigger, as well as feel himself getting strong.

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    When the light began to fade, he wasn't a Shinx anymore, he had evolved into something stronger, but what? Arashi had never seen evolution before, or maybe he had and just didn't remember, but he felt better then ever. He could feel a newfound power coursing through his body as he looked at his paws and newfound body.

    Arashi turned to the pond and looked into it, no longer seeing the face he had since he was born, but a new face. One that he didn't recognize, or he did, he just didn't know what it was called. He turned to Dawnfang. "What am I?" He asked. Arashi felt really dumb having to ask that question. "I know its a dumb question, but I don't remember what its called." He said as he looked back into the water. If not for his eyes and tag, he never would have thought it was him.

    ((Hera said it was ok to hit her Granbull with the Thunderbolt to make it run off.))
    ((Thats also a temp image till I can draw Arashi his new one <3 ))

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Negative10 Mon Apr 09, 2012 8:32 pm

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    Route 117 | Late Evening

    "'Handle with this shit later' you say? Dawnfang, you cease to amaze me, ha!" After watching the Granbull run his ass away to wherever the fuck he was going (at least it was away from her!), Dawnfang visibly stiffened in her posture, her eyes becoming hard. She was ready to kick her brother's ass into the next dimension, but Arceus, her entire body hurt. It hurt because she missed her brother as if he were still alive, and it hurt because fuck, she was entirely ready to end her brother's nonexistent life. She stiffly turned around to make eye-contact with her past brother.

    "You've changed a lot, brother." Dawnfang gritted out the last word - yeah, it didn't even deserve to be called a pronoun. But one glance at his burnt face, and her resolve faltered, guilt beginning to seep in. I caused that. The Arcanine had already felt bad enough because she had burned his face; how could she dare to think of killing her blood relative? ... Because it's for the better. She had convinced herself somewhere in her travels after losing Jessica that Duskfang had to die. I'll see to it that he will.

    "What am I? I know its a dumb question, but I don't remember what it's called." Dawnfang flicked her ears at Arashi's voice, and after a warning growl directed towards Duskfang, turned to a... Luxio. The little blue cub had finally decided to evolve! Forgetting about the worrying and nagging thought of a certain Mightyena, the Arcanine gave a curt nod of approval, a small smile just playing on her lips. Although she had not known this electric type for very long, she was already proud of the tyke for evolving.

    "You've evolved in a Luxio, kid... good job." She said, but her mind was elsewhere - or rather, her mind was still set on her brother. Dawnfang placed a paw on Arashi's forehead, before softly pushing him backward. "Now man up and take care of the little ones. I've have a bone to pick with my bro." With that, she spun on her hind legs and glared daggers at Duskfang. "Yeah, shit-face. I'm ready."

    Age : 30
    Posts : 850

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Baloo Mon Apr 09, 2012 9:01 pm

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    Route 117/Late Evening

    Kibo grinned when the blue cat evolved which meant they stood more of a chance. He couldn't really hear what the big legendary and the blue cat were talking about but he was sure it was an epic battle plan! Kibo wanted to hear so he slowly crept up to the big legendary's back legs and tilted his ear upwards to hear.

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 12, 2012 5:47 pm

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    Route 117 | Late Evening [4]

    "You've changed a lot, brother." Dawnfang gritted out the brother part. Not that Duskfang cared, he usually attacks right after the introduction, but really, he didn't want to fight one bit. Even though he wanted revenge for how burnt his face was about ten minutes back, and how he should prove to Dawnfang that he wasn't a coward, really that all changed. Nonetheless, the Mightyena never bothered to interrupt his sister - ladies first as always.
    Scratch that, the Shinx evolved, but the Dark-type looked at him with unamused eyes. True, the time of evolving was the time of pride and such, but really, right in the middle of a family moment? The Legendary Pokemon went on congratulating the kid, though she actually sounded monotone. Not that he ever cared.

    "Now man up and take care of the little ones. I've have a bone to pick with my bro." The statement perked Duskfang up from his bored area, interested, was she going to accept him? "Yeah, shit-face. I'm ready." Well thank you once again Medusa. The Mightyena suppressed a sigh, letting his bored look hang from his burnt face, "Really?" He just let a simple face-paw on. Was the motherly Arcanine really going to fight to the death. In front of fucking kids? Hell she didn't even wait a second to let the dog-like Pokemon even begin a damn apology. Nonetheless, he released another heavy sigh. A solemn look was given a reply to his sister's daggers, "Fine, bring it." He rolled his eyes.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Negative10 Sat Apr 14, 2012 4:50 am

    [ooc: not much to do when practically everyone is away lol;;;;]
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    Route 117 | Late Evening

    "Fine, bring it." Dawnfang had not noticed until now that Kibo was holding onto her hind leg. At the sound of the Mightyena's frankness and in that tone that spoke 'tired of this shit', she could only glare at him as the little otter held onto her with blissful ignorance. How long could they prolong their awaited battle? It seems that the dark type was all for waiting and stretching the time out, letting the prospect of their battle jar her nerves and set her on edge. The Legendary Pokemon gave a quiet bark at Duskfang.

    "Since you obviously have enough sense in you to talk like that," she spoke slowly and just a tad unsure, her eyes flicking from Kibo than to Duskfang. "Then you'll give me time to make sure the others don't get involved in this." The Arcanine turned around and picked the blue otter up once again by the scruff, nearing Arashi and placing the Oshawott down. Keep him safe. In all her brashness, Dawnfang knew that she would eventually forget about safety in turn for finishing her task, and the large canine did not wish to risk the others' well-being because she was being bold.

    Shaking her fur, Dawnfang took deep breaths to calm herself, keeping her back to her brother. The Arcanine knew that she had to finish the job, but was she ready to commit the act? Scraping her paw on the ground, that was probably what was eating at her - she was going to kill a blood relative, probably the last one alive during this epidemic. She closed her eyes; her first priority was to find Jessica, dead or alive, but it seemed that her next problem that needed fixing rose to the occasion first.

    This is stupid. She needn't over think things that will only worsen over time. Dawnfang twirled around and glared at her brother, flames harnessed in her mouth as she prepared to let out a Fire Blast. "Let's end this the way we began." Not waiting to hear whatever words her brother might have had, the Arcanine executed the attack, a large inferno that Dawnfang made sure would be the last thing Duskfang felt if it hit. He... deserves a quick death.

    Age : 30
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    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Baloo Sat Apr 14, 2012 11:38 am

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    Route 117/Late Evening

    Kibo was again put out of battle by the big legendary. He made a frustrated noise and threw his scalchop down. He wanted to fight and protect his friends not the other way around... Kibo decided eating would make him feel better so he flipped open his bag and pulled out his bentos. He looked at the blue cat and gestured one towards him. Hungry he asked.

    ((ooc: D: Everyone's gone so it makes it less interesting until Kibo learns names he will call em as he sees em xD))

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 14, 2012 6:50 pm

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    Route 117 | Late Evening [5]

    "Since you obviously have enough sense in you to talk like that, Then you'll give me time to make sure the others don't get involved in this." Of course mother Dawnfang, anything for your children. Oh Arceus, as much as Duskfang wanted to joke around about the many things going on. 'Oh hey, remember that time when a purple undead dog was flirting with you?' Totally a nice way to earn her forgiveness if you ask the Mightyena. A heavy sigh escaped him as the Arcanine got ready to fight, "Let's end this the way we began."

    Without another word, she threw out a Fire Blast at him, the Dark-type rolled over to the side, letting a bit of his fur get charred. Ouch, really? Why the pretty boy fur out of all the things you could have burned Dawnfang? Why not his fucking face while you're at that? Temper rose in the Mightyena, he always felt so angry whenever he bothers to talk and he has like a whole fucking script planned out in his head, nothing comes out. Then when he's actually about to speak, no one gives him a chance to bother to do things his way.

    A low growl escaped him, "Is that all you're going to do? Fight until one of us wins?" He snarled, "Arceus Dawnfang, you're like, the most complicated Pokemon I've ever known." Or at least a fucking Parley, or Truce, or pretty much anything BESIDES fighting. He wasn't even sure if his sister wanted a slow painful death for him, or something quick. Duskfang did a mental face-paw, 'Fire doesn't kill immediately dumbass'

    If she doesn't bother to listen, well guess what, he won't attack his stupid sister until she does.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Negative10 Mon Apr 16, 2012 10:30 pm

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    Route 117 | Late Evening

    "Arceus Dawnfang, you're like, the most complicated Pokemon I've ever known." Was he taunting her to just pounce at his throat? The Arcanine stood from her position, growling but not engaging in combat any longer. Stamping her fore paw down in mild anger, the Legendary Pokemon swung her head, causing her mane to flip. Damn you, Duskfang. She bit down those words (although they were this close to slipping out), instead glaring at the Mightyena before turning away. Dawnfang didn't even bother to even attempt her beating heart that sort of stung just at looking at her brother. He's dead. Er, was dead.

    "... What do you want, Duskfang?" The fire type asked, just slightly shocked to hear how tired her voice sounded. Keeping her back to the sole infected, Dawnfang kept her eyes trained on the trunk of the tree in front of her, doing her best to hold still and not break down under everything. Her stupid brother was making all her memories come back tenfold, reminding her of Jessica, the one being she now fervently searched for. This meeting with a blood relative brought back the last day they had met, when the two of them fought fang and claw, only resulting in her burning Duskfang's face. An image that still haunts me.

    What did she want to come from this, after seeing her brother for the first time in a long time? Nothing good was going to come from this, really. A stupid gesture to a brother that is long lost - Duskfang wasn't who he was before. Despite what she thought, her gut told her that there was something else underlying all of this, something she was not aware of. A growl passed through her lips. It was the one thing that irritates her the most. Going into a situation you know nothing about. "Make it quick, before I snap your neck, okay?"

    Age : 30
    Posts : 850

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Baloo Wed Apr 18, 2012 8:02 pm

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    Route 117/Late Evening
    Kibo wanted to help the big legendary somehow... Maybe he could dig a big pitfall for the infected dog to fall in! And then the big legendary could dive down on him with a fiery finish! Kibo rubbed his paws together and yelled "hey legendary! Can I help you?!"

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:31 pm

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    Route 117 | Late Evening [6]

    Dawnfang stopped attacking, but kept her guard up, growling, "... What do you want, Duskfang?" The Mightyena rose a brow, 'She's really going to ask me? Damn I must be different than normal.' The Legendary Pokemon huffed, "Make it quick, before I snap your neck, okay?" The Dark-type blinked, nodding his head as he wondered through his mind, he was going to apologize, but it's a lot harder with some stupid little runt being some annoying bitch, "hey legendary! Can I help you?!" Duskfang immediately padded over to Dawnfang's side, snapping at the Oshawatt, "Look, I'm on your side at the moment, if you want to get stronger, we can start LATER." He glanced at the Fire-type, hoping the bitch would snap at him for doing that, but eh, he stopped giving a fuck when she burned half of his face.

    He gave a heavy huff, but stared at his sibling with sincere eyes, "Give me a second chance," The Mightyena lowered his head, stopped giving all eye contact to Dawnfang, she probably found this pathetic of him to ask for mercy, "I've done nothing these past few months, but looking for you." For revenge.. He added silently, but said nothing, he only realized he needed to apologize last fucking minute with the Granbull. "Snap my neck if you want, but I want to hear your thoughts, how YOU feel about me coming over to you and suddenly apologizing about the shit that's been going on." Duskfang rose his head, but avoided eye contact, playing around with the dewdrops that laid in the grass. He needed to get this overwith, he apologizes, dies, everyone is now handy dandy fucking happy.

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:23 pm

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    Route 117//Late Evening

    Arashi grumbled under his breath as we went over to the young Flareon and Oshawott while Dawnfang settled things with her brother. Since when did I become a baby sitter? He though to himself as he watched the fight. He wondered what could have turned these siblings on each other like this. He saw that the Mightyena was undead from its purple coloured fur, but what really happened between them? What's there story, there past?

    Arashi noticed the Oshawott go over to Dawnfang and ask if she needed any help and went over and stood between the two. "Look, whatever your name is, you would probably only get in her way." He said as he looked over his shoulder when the Mightyena came over and snapped at the little guy. A low growl formed in the Luxios throat before he turned back to the Oshawott. "This is a fight between siblings, lets leave it at that, and stay out of there way." He said as he proceeded to nudge the little guy out of the danger area.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Negative10 Tue Apr 24, 2012 7:39 pm

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    Route 117 | Late Evening

    "Give me a second chance... I've done nothing these past few months, but looking for you... I want to hear your thoughts, how YOU feel about me coming over to you and suddenly apologizing about the shit that's been going on." ... Damn. In a sudden turn of events, Duskfang had come up beside her, muttering apologies and proposing, as far as she could comprehend, a heart-to-heart? The Arcanine wasn't sure if she were completely and utterly elated that her brother still had enough of a mind and sense to act like his former self, or if she felt disgusted towards herself for falling for sibling connections, or just flat-fucking-out confused about everything.

    The others were off on their own, leaving brother and sister alone. "Duskfang..." Where in the name of Arceus does she begin? "Have... have you ever thought of why our trainers called us Duskfang and Dawnfang?" Damn, she was rambling, the Legendary Pokemon found herself at. "I've always thought it was because we were complete opposites, you at one end and me at the other." Had she ever mentioned that she had searched for him too? Although she would freely admit it was to end his existence, a part of her wished that it was solely just to reunite with family. But maybe... maybe it wasn't too late.

    "But... the 'dawn' and the 'dusk'... they're still the same light, right?" Dawnfang averted her eyes from that of her brother's, feeling unusually vulnerable at the moment. Shit, this wasn't what she had built herself up to - she had wanted to come off as a strong and powerful Pokemon, not the emotional wreck that she was becoming. The fire type knew that she hadn't answered his question directly, but she supposed that maybe he had gotten the message. Fuck, who am I fooling? She had always hated beating around the bush, but when something- well, someone hits so close to home, it's difficult to face things upfront.

    "Damn you, Duskfang." She placed her muzzle to his neck in a comforting manner, just for a moment in a sisterly act, before withdrawing and spatting at Duskfang's disgusting scent. "Don't prove that I made the wrong decision in forgiving you."

    Age : 30
    Posts : 850

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Baloo Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:38 pm

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    Route 117/Late Evening

    Kibo was put out again and even worse that big infected dog snapped at him! If Baloo was here! It'd be one quick Brick Break and the dog would be rolling on the ground. Kibo threw his scalchop down again in frustration before picking it up again. He looked at the blue cat before his nose twitched. Kibo knew that smell! He ran in circles around the blue cat before getting two inches away from his face. "Don't ya smell that? Its my brother" he cried. Baloo! He could feel it!

    ((OoC Baloo will be joining Kibo as dual profile as soon as I can get a backgroundless picture of him ^^))

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:55 am

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    Route 117 | Late Evening [7]

    "Duskfang..." Oh dear Arceus, here comes a long rant of him being a total jackass these years and she'll be all like; 'Oh hell to the fucking no will I fucking forgive you bitch'... Eh, except less cussing, there is children about. "Have... have you ever thought of why our trainers called us Duskfang and Dawnfang? I've always thought it was because we were complete opposites, you at one end and me at the other. But... the 'dawn' and the 'dusk'... they're still the same light, right?" Now that he thought about it, yeah, they're like the center of night and day. Duskfang frowned at the thought that Dawnfang actually makes sense in this over emotional talk. (Though he fucking wished the Oshawatt would shut his trap)

    "Damn you, Duskfang." And then the impossible happened; Dawnfang actually touched him that wasn't even an physical attack. She placed her muzzle in his neck, but immediately withdrew upon his scent, "Don't prove that I made the wrong decision in forgiving you." She spat. The Dog Pokemon gave a chuckle, "Can't promise you that, sometimes I get coo-coo without me even knowing it." He gave a wink at his sister, "Permission for you to kill me if that happens, nonetheless, I accept my little sister's forgiveness." He glanced over at the kids; The Oshawatt and the Luxio. Though the Oshawatt probably hated Duskfang since the moment he snapped at him, maybe the other guy too. Damn was the Mightyena already messing shit up.

    As he walked over to the kids, the grass crunching underneath his paws, he gave a weird grin, "Sorry about that, important talk equals I get a bit snappy." His attempt to make kids like him? Probably failed.

    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:21 pm

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    Route 117 // Late Evening // 1
    Air rushed past her wings, she tried to keep steady, her body wouldn't cooperate, her mind rushed and in a blur of light she started to fall. The sun blocked her vision, the brightness of it brought even penetrated her lens like eye covers, it burned her. Chihiro started to feel herself slipway, the pain started to subside, night and day and time all went away, it didn't matter. She thought she was going to die. Her heart rushed, yet to her it felt like it was slowing down. She held her breath, it would all go away soon. The memories, the pain, the suffering, the scar. It would all be gone, forever. Her mind laughed in joy, she was going crazy.

    As she fell she remembered her trainers last words, "Though it may seem bad, good always will come out of it." She laughed at it too. Why good was going to come out of her life? Nothing. Chihiro new she was spoiled, she felt guilty because she didn't experience the pain others did, she felt wrong that she got all the attention and others didn't. Yet now, it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter, I'm free!

    She came closer to the ground, she continued to hold her breath. She fell, and fell, and fell, until she knew she would land. She hoped for a crash, a bang, lots of cracking sounds and blood. Nothing came. "Though it may seem bad, good will come out of it." She landed on something... Soft? She bounce off of it, and with a loud thud, the dragon-ground type pokemon was knocked unconscious.

    Little did she know, she had landed on a very grumpy Arcanine.

    (ooc:Permission to land on dawnfang given by Negative10. Thanks!)

    Age : 25
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    The VERDANTURF Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The VERDANTURF Team

    Post by Min Fri May 04, 2012 11:22 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Route 117 | Late Evening

    Ever since he left that arceusdamned graveyard the undead Swampert was dead tired. Dead. Tired. Nothing to eat, nothing to kill. Those pesky, annoying lesser infected were barely anything, if they were anything to start with at all. Then a gentle scent his his nose, fresh scents. Living, delicious, succulent living! Drowned didn't even think before he began to rush forward, stumbling and tripping with ravaging hunger as he clashed his teeth together, snarling and growling.

    The blurred shapes of the living appeared in his sight, along with the mingling scent of another infected with them. He would kill this one too, he would kill all of them. With a roar he dashed across the ground. In the middle of his mad sprint he leaped to the ground and came crashing down upon the land with his arm, causing a large-scale Earthquake.

    They will all succumb to him, they will.

    [OOC: Floating.]

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