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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Will you survive?


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5 posters

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team


    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Jul 10, 2024 4:58 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Hall || Afternoon
    Cinder 233 || Faux 193

    With the quiet of the room holding Cinder pushed onward without concern for noise. With low flames there was little risk of fire, but as the stairway sloped downward and the depth of the leaves increased even that meager light had to be put out for safeties sake. Try as she might to focus on the task at hand her thoughts remained elsewhere, and even priming her ears and nose for other Pokemon provided little in the way of interest. This place is as good as empty. They were wasting their time here, she could feel it in her bones, but damned would she be if she voiced that aloud.

    Reaching what she assumed was the bottom of the stairway in the main area, where the floor evened out once again, Cinder could see the next room on their left. It was already moving, a small nose poking out from the crack but blocked by debris on their side. With a hefty shove the Quilava moves aside the leaves and other refuse in the way, giving Faux just enough room to squeeze out of the room. "Nothing in there." She grunts, a need to explore prominently lacking in her curt explanation. Though curious what kind of room it was Cinder did not push the matter; they needed to cover more ground and find a trail rather than worry about places that came up as obvious 'no's'.

    Climbing onto a hidden chair Faux pointed her nose forward, eyes narrowed as she stared forward. "The vent keeps going that way, but it climbing upward. It'd be best to push forward as one this way." With great effort she could have continued, but Arry could not. Had it made it to this second room his path would have been halted, and thus the fox chose another way. Scrutinizing the leaves she could make out a rut, a barely noticeable path a creature had once walked through the mess. Had it been Arry, or something else? Pausing she listened, ears searching for the slightest noise, but not a single leaf crunched anywhere in the space. "Come." She dares, braving the leaves that were high enough to swallow her whole, and pushed onward for the entrance.

    The mess shivered and crunched, the noise immediate and telling of their arrival, but Faux swam and kicked until she was awkwardly treading above the dried out mess. Despite its depth at this point she could still see the turnstiles at the end of the way, and though the few feet to them was painfully slow, the group made it without incident. Climbing atop the metal center she eyes the doorway beyond. Thankfully, the metal barrier seemed to stopped the worst of the debris from making it beyond, the dirtied edge of a once red carpet poking through. With a heavy thump Cinder jumped atop another turnstile base, her eyes surprisingly bright and a smile upon her face as she spoke. "The Battle Hall, a showcase of facility. A red carpet leads down the catwalk to a mighty stage lit by spotlights and a surrounding audience!" Jumping forward the Quilava walks forward with hurried steps, her eyes practically sparkling as she continued to reminisce.

    Pushing the doors open the Quilava can see more carpeting lining the walkway which bled immediately into a catwalk. Pathways branched off to the sides, allowing guests access to seating lining the walls as well as balconies above. Standing room was always available, though her eyes fell upon the spotlights above the stage. "Battles are one-on-one, and streaks earned by a single Pokemon. To overcome all opponents takes strategy and wit on top of strength. A true test of a Pokemon's understanding of battle and themselves." A purr practically rumbled her in throat, her nostalgia practically shrouding the sorry state the place was currently in.

    Faux dropped in next to her, the reality of the room much different to her perspective. "With a healing station by the doors here." She observes, somewhat disappointed in their prior search when one was so close at hand. Though she could not see beyond the stage she could only assume, "Would their be more beyond this, a back room, maintenance, security, a place for the Matron?"

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Jul 14, 2024 5:57 pm

    ((I think Im going to skip with these two this round.))

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu Jul 18, 2024 6:42 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 UxYTNZ3

    The Battle Castle|Battle Hall|Afternoon

    Mathias listened to what was said and the options was limited. Collapsed paths was the main issue but the threat of undead won't be an issue since there hasn't been any signs of any since they arrived. Seemingly, with the lack of undead, Arry could have explored deeper in without the threat to his life. The Charizard would have to move some stuff if the situation calls for it. There wasn't much of a choice though since the main goal was to find Arry and make sure he's safe.

    Bastet follows Cinder and listened to her talking about the battle hall. "The Battle Hall, a showcase of facility. A red carpet leads down the catwalk to a mighty stage lit by spotlights and a surrounding audience!" As they enter the next room which was a catwalk. Bastet herself wouldn't see herself on a catwalk like this but here she is now on one. The espeon didn't gleam with any emotion on this. To her, it felt like just another room. Then again, being in an empty room never bothered her. "Battles are one-on-one, and streaks earned by a single Pokemon. To overcome all opponents takes strategy and wit on top of strength. A true test of a Pokemon's understanding of battle and themselves." Considering that Cinder knows about this building more didn't surprise her much. She must have been here before. Faux drops in but says something else. "Would their be more beyond this, a back room, maintenance, security, a place for the Matron?" All good questions but they'd have to get past this area first and still no signs of life anywhere here. If there is a maintenance room, or a security room, they'd have to locate it/ She just hoped that nothing was blocking the path. "I never seen what this place was like when there was people here. I'd bet that this place was more roaring with cheers and excitement." Bastet said as she continued to try to sense if any other thought outside of hers or Mathias' Though she blocked out everyone else so she can focus on the task and finding Arry.

    Mathias nods to Etin and Mel and has them lead since he could protect from behind of Mel if Etin took the front. "Lets check the area where you found the nest first, maybe he could have wondered in that direction." That was if he did wander in that direction.

    OoC)) I'll expand this post a bit more tomorrow when I'm off work

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Jul 23, 2024 9:53 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Hall || Afternoon
    Cinder 233 || Faux 193

    With light steps Cinder continued to walk, my paws gently brushing the old carpet and leaving a print in the dust and fabric alike. What she would have given to walk this path back in the day. "I never seen what this place was like when there was people here. I'd bet that this place was more roaring with cheers and excitement." Though the volume of these buildings could be overwhelming to some, the Quilava was able to vividly visualize it full of life. "It was spectacular!" Cinder breathed lightly, her voice airy with awe as she gazed at something impossible far away. "The cheer of the crowd, your name up in lights, the excitement of the commentator. Pokemon lived for this sort of excitement." Roaring cheers was underselling the energy these places brought. "A Pokemon could be on the verge of fainting, but the sound of the crowd would be enough to give them a second wind."

    Faux padded alongside as Cinder swayed her way forward. She was so passionate about these places, about brutal combat spurred by humans. Sure, her perspective of it was much different than Cinder's, the honor and pride of these fights being the fighters as well as the trainers, but battling for sport was never her cup of tea. Overcoming a strong opponent was not an achievement but a necessity, and doing so for little more than rewards of praise seemed sick. "Unless I am missing something, I don't see the appeal; are there real prizes for these contests?" Bragging rights were not a tangible prize, nor were they appealing to all Pokemon. Even if these facilities healed all wounds the fox could not justify such ruthless, high-level combat. "Well, they would give trainers commemorative prints to show completion, as well as points that you could trade in for special and rare items." Rare items? Fire Stones were uncommon, but even they showed up in stores. If it wasn't an evolutionary item the fox could not see one being worth the struggles of these places.

    But, she pushed the thought aside and hurried forward with a hustle to her step. Cinder had changed the vibe again, her nostalgia blocking out urgency of the situation for better or worse. While Faux was not about to give up hope she had to admit to herself there had been no signs of the boy or life in general in this building. Its musty smell and somber feel gave a sense of abandon, and had Arry come this way surely there would have been signs by now. Heading down the aisle way and to the back of the stage the fox pushes the group to a backroom. The red door has a star decorating its surface, and something she could only assume was a name or label for employees. Pressing a paw against its surface it opens with ease, swinging inward with little effort. Inside, she can see a once lavish dressing room; a makeup table adorns one wall, couches lined another, and mountains of stage clothes and racks. Photos decoate the walls and decor is strewn about. Minifridges and beverage machines can be seen, a gift had they been looking for those items still, but the fox does not see the missing child. "Arry"? She calls into the dressing room, but only silence reaches her ears.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Jul 28, 2024 4:02 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Castle || Afternoon
    Etincelle 209 || Melanie 209

    "Lets check the area where you found the nest first, maybe he could have wondered in that direction." Etincelle gives a rough swallow, the thought of seeing that den again enough to send a chill down his spine. It was a place only he and Rosko had seen, making it a forlorn memory at best, but knowing they had killed its maker, and that those other Pokemon had died for nothing.. it made his stomach churn harder with every step. "Alright," he sighs, his own misgivings put aside for the sake of their lost one. Forcing his steps to move a bit faster he leads them down the sullen path, the change in the air almost immediate to his delicate nose.

    Melanie's heart rate shot through the roof, her mind whirling with a blaring, You found what?? Though her paws move on autopilot, unsteady as they follow along after the sounds of the others, her mind moves somewhere far away. The fight with those horrid undead, the devastating found that thankfully healed, and all those strange Pokemon that came here. It truly felt like a lifetime ago, yet she could still hear the shrill calls of the Empoleon and all the trouble it caused them. It had nested here? Gagging she snaps her muzzle shut and shakes her head. Legends forbid it..

    Her nose wrinkles, a distinct and familiar smell lingering on the air around them. Even the carpeting felt a little different, more decayed and powdery compared to the rest of the castle. Icked out, her steps waver even more as they grosses brushes her pads. "This smell is terrible." She comments, the scent of the mold growing stronger. "It gets worse," Etincelle warns the clue, his steps steady as they push forward unhindered. "It made a big pool to nest in and it filled the entire area with mold spores. Soaked a lot of the carpeting too." Did it even notice, were undead aware or bothered by such a thing?

    Etin's gaze drops a bit as he continues to picture the spot. Such a rough, makeshift home seemed out of place for an undead. If the thing lived truly lived here, had it made the nest before being claimed by the disease? Surely it could have done a better job than this. Something that didn't leak and seep, removal of material that risked mold, something easier to defend. With a heavy sigh he pushes that thought aside; an answer would not changed the current reality of the situation. As quickly as they started the state of the hall soured considerably. The thick smell of mold and mildew could not be ignored, the staining on the carpet from water and bold alike enough to make the Pokemon feel queasy. He knew now that the scent of unclean water hung in the air as well, and when Etincelle spotted collapsed pile at the end of their path he knew there was no going back.

    Slowing his steps the hound signals to the room on their left, though their is little need. Between being their only option forward, the pinnacle of the scent, and the colorful patches of mold along the door frame it was obvious they had reached their destination. Steeling his courage he pushes on inside, the familiar scene remaining as it was, though something struck him as odd. "The water.. is lower." He realizes, its constant maintenance halted by the death of its owner.

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu Aug 01, 2024 4:38 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 UxYTNZ3
    Battle Castle|Battle Hall|Afternoon

    As they went to search for Arry, Mathias could only think of what things that Arry might come down here for. However, he also thought about if Arry might have went the other way as well. Splitting up wasn't an option and the areas could still have some dangerous areas that could collapse. That was until a foul smell had broke the charizard's thought. Something was rotting and moldy. Whatever it was, it was awful.

    Bastet on the other hand had looked around with Cinder and Faux. "It was spectacular! The cheer of the crowd, your name up in lights, the excitement of the commentator. Pokemon lived for this sort of excitement. A Pokemon could be on the verge of fainting, but the sound of the crowd would be enough to give them a second wind." Cinder said as the Espeon had ended up putting a mental image in her head and all of it made her feel that she would have been displaced in that kind of set. Army thing had been more of a thing for her since she was taken eighty percent of the time after she evolved. "Arry?" Only thing that greeted them was silence. The espeon frowns and started thinking that he might not be here. Did they miss something back at the tower? It was heartbreaking that the youngest had vanished out of thin air. She had thought about using her psychic powers even more but at the expense of her being conscious but such a move was too great. Bastet then looked at the two. There was still a few other places here that he could be hiding or being silent at. "Where could you be Arry? We're all worried." The espeon said as she herself was concerned on his well being.

    Mathias seen what Etin was looking at. "This smells awful. Stagnated water doesn't help either but... Damn it, this place seen better days. Whatever's beyond here might give us a clue or something. Arry's a smart kid, innocent but smart and if it rounds up to anything, he'd likely leave something to help us know where he could be." Right now, they had to think positive.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Aug 05, 2024 8:49 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Hall || Afternoon
    Cinder 234 || Faux 194

    Sitting up on her hind legs Cinder was still aside from her swiveling ears. Listening for even the slightest sound she waits, silently pleading for a response to Faux's call. The room returned nothing, its dusty scent more powerful than the walk up and all the more lonely. A frown settles across her maw- they were getting nowhere with this. With a heavy exhale the Quilava makes her way forward to halfheartedly search the piles of clothes encase their little one was inside. Disturbing the fabric threw clouds of dust into the air, and a sneezing fit ensued. Stumbling away from the clothes Cinder rubbed her burning snout, and not wanting to move the outfits around any more she surmised no one to be inside from the lack of laughter or other sneezes.

    "Where could you be Arry? We're all worried." Bastet says aloud, an earnest call for the young Pokemon that goes unanswered. Calling out for the child one more time the Vulpix makes a quick parameter of the room while sniffing about for any signs of Arry. The stale makeup and stirred dust ad a tinge to the air, but she doesn't catch a single whiff of his scent. Growling, Faux jumps onto the makeup counter as a vantage point. Nothing. No signs... This room showed nothing! Her ears flatten against her skull, eyes narrowing in frustration as she smacks something off of the counter. Where had they gone wrong, where could he have veered off from their search? Her ears perk back up as she looks at the object she hit-- a dirtied Ultraball by the look of it with decor on the surface. It bounced on the floor, button hitting the ground and releasing a Pokemon into the room with a whorl of light and sound.

    Immediately both fire are on edge. A threat?! The seals flashed a brilliant display of sparkles, fog, and stars, but they only lasted a moment. Dissipating away it revealed something that was laying upon the ground, motionless. Before the Pokemon could decipher what it was the intense scent of rot hit them hard enough to make any Pokemon gag. "What--god-!" Cinder coughs while throwing a paw over her muzzle. Faux crouched, still on edge for a possible threat, but what she saw was much more disturbing. It was a species Faux knew well, one often seen as her mirror. Before them lay the corpse of a Pokemon, a Growlithe at one point, that had long since died and decayed. The sickly color of she could decipher of it pointed toward that of the disease, but it was too far gone to be certain. "Left to rot in a tiny prison." The fox growls, disgusted by the implications. Her mind whirled but she chose not to think on it.

    Jumping off the counter the Faux heads out of the room with hurried steps. "This place was abandoned by its keepers." She growls, wanting nothing to do with the skeletal corpse. "Not even Arry would find interest here."
    Tiptoeing around the body, her eyes not leaving its form until is a safe distance away Cinder charges after Faux who was already stomping her way back down the hall. "What, so that's it? We're just giving up the search?"

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Aug 09, 2024 5:47 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Castle || Afternoon
    Etincelle 210 || Melanie 210

    Melanie found herself halted in the doorway. The smell was overwhelming, enough to make her gag as she waited for them to move on again. Without a visual her mind was running rampant. The damp smell in the air, the thickness from the clouds of mold, the general scent of rot, and the stank from the stagnant water painted a vivid picture that made her skin crawl. Legends above, she what an awful place to live.. Pawing uncomfortably at her bow she has to keep herself from pulling it off. The meager visuals she could see woudn't make the scene any more real or truthful, and turning her snout to the floor she keeps herself occupied by listening to the others.

    Etincelle crept forward, his motions slow and methodical as his paws sought dry and safe patches. The stains upon the floor showed where the water level was previously, the dark marks making a clear ring all the way around the pool. Had it truly reduced this much in only a few days? Inching closer he dares to peer into the dark water, curious to how deep it was and how long it would take to vanish, but the Electrike's heart drops to his stomach as he looks inside. Sunk to the bottom of the pool were several bloated, rotten bodies. Even through the murk and refracted surface he could see the horror forever painted on their ghastly faces. Retching in his mouth Etin backs away from the water with his tails between his legs. "D-Don't touch the water.." He gags, steps swaying unsteadily as he stumbles further into the room. "Theres.. bodies..." Good gods, was there no end to it? To the pain and death? They couldn't even help these souls-- the water made it too dangerous to retrieve them. "...This place is cursed." The fox gasps, his voice shrill in the Electrike's ears.

    Burying his nose in his chest Etincelle takes in several breathes. Stifling a cough from the moldly air he tries desperately to regain his bearings. There was.. no sign of Arry in the pool. That was a positive, at least. Though trashed and full of debris little else of interest remained here, though he made a quick pass across the back of the pool for good measure. Would Arry had braved this room in search of... something? No, no the sight of the pool was too much for him, let alone a child. Still feeling woozy Etincelle is relieved as his paws turn toward the doorway once more. "N-no signs," he gasps, relieved in part as he kept his gaze on Melanie, "Let's go."

    The Ninetales was sitting stiffly in the doorway, downright uncomfortable looking, but he smiles at her nonetheless. They could search elsewhere, they would take a new lead, she wouldn't-- A thump and bonk halts his paws in their tracks, a noise along the wall of the room sending shivers down his spine. His head snaps toward the sound, a pile of scrap wood and planks, possibly pulled up from the very floor as the nest was dug out, shuddering from motion below. His throat was tight, any screams stifled as he watched with wide, horrified eyes. For a few moments he holds out hope that Arry had hid in the pile, possibly looking for food, but a fluffy tail slips from between the beams.

    Taking cautious, hurried steps toward the doorway Etincelle tries to stay silent, unnoticed, but looming dread tells him its pointless. "Etin, what are you doing? I thought we were going." Melanie asks, her voice tense as her read of the situation failed. Mel, no! Clenching his teeth the small Pokemon still can't get himself to speak up, and his paws root to the ground as the pile starts to gurgle and grumble. With a heave a beam his tossed free, and slow undead hulks its way free. The Wartortle is in a sad state, its decay long advanced, but while its motions were slow its head was quick to snap toward the noise and let free a monsterous gush of water.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1912

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Tue Aug 13, 2024 5:00 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 UxYTNZ3

    The Battle Castle|Battle Hall|Afternoon

    Just as they was to advance any further, Mel stated something that has put him on edge. "...This place is cursed." In a sense, it was. Dead bodies floating in the water, half of them long rotted and some already decayed to the bone. The air wreaked of death.  "N-no signs, Let's go." Where is Arry? This was starting to make less sense than before. Could he really have came this way or was they chasing a wild swanna? Continuing on a bit more, Mathias noticed Etin stopped. Seeing what was going on, his body was more petrified in a state of fear. Damn, not now. Something was up. "Etin, what are you doing? I thought we were going." Not long after that something moved from the pile, an undead wartortle and in a very sad state. Its decay was already at a point to where it was moving slow and could easily fall over. Mathias couldn't imagine how long this one was here or if it even had any remote thoughts left or even if it could even talk. Only thing that greeted them in voice was moaning from a way too gone undead.

    Bastet walked along with Cinder and Faux until a very unpleasant smell infiltrated all three of their nostrils. The Espeon noticed that smell anywhere, something dead and rotting. My arceus, it was awful."What--god-!" Cinder said while she coughed. Bastet walked over seeing the body. A Growlithe left in a cage to die. "Left to rot in a tiny prison." This was a fate that was in a way, torture. The smell proved the time of death was quite a while ago. There was only one thing left, leave this place. Arry isn't here at all.bc "This place was abandoned by its keepers." That was for certain, the state the building was in was solid proof. "Not even Arry would find interest here." As ran down as it is, this was no place for Arry to even consider sheltering at. As much as Bastet hates to think it, searching any further would be pointless. Bastet follows behind Faux knowing that they had no success. "What, so that's it? We're just giving up the search?" Wait, Arry went out the hole in the tower, maybe if they return to there and search the outside, maybe they'll find some clues to where he may have went. "I'm not sure Cinder. I don't think we should give up searching. We now know he's not here, so maybe we missed something back at the tower." Inside was useless so maybe search the outside would turn up something.

    Mathias had readied a flamethrower to counter the water. Being stronger, the flamethrower would evaporate the attack as if it was nothing. "For Arceus sake, do these bodies stay dead down here?" The charizard says in annoyance. His tail flicking with the flame growing bigger. Then something that Glass would say finally escape's his mouth for once. "Fucking peachy." Suddenly Mathias just realize, he's starting to sound like Glass a little bit. Oh Arceus, I'm starting to sound like Glass. I do miss her a lot.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Aug 17, 2024 7:48 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Hall || Afternoon
    Cinder 235 || Faux 195

    Cinder's flames crackled uncomfortably as she stared down the hall after Faux. For just a moment the fox paused, her back still turned to the other Pokemon, before continuing along the way they came. Ears falling with a deep frown, Cinder knew not what to argue; she had a point, there were no signs of Arry here, but they had barely started the search! Bastet's voice perks her ears up in an instant, and breaking away her longing stare she looks at the Espeon as she is addressed. "I'm not sure Cinder. I don't think we should give up searching. We now know he's not here, so maybe we missed something back at the tower." The Tower? The last signs of the trail had been outside of it, and with a deepening frown the Quilava wondered if her own fear had pushed them to this place. "He could have gone another direction," she agrees sheepishly, a paw rubbing at her neck, "It might be best to take a second look."  

    Reluctantly, her paws turn to follow after the Vulpix. With a last glance at the remains Cinder feels bad for leaving them in such a state, but urgency prevented a proper burial or even a pyre. Would the Pokeball even respond to it now....? A shudder runs down her spine; she did not wish to find out. With a sigh she trots away from the sight with steps until she caught up to Faux who had stopped at the end of the path. Staring into the main room from the edge of backstage she gives no response as the others approach. "Bastet suggested we che-" Cinder starts, wanting to rekindle some hope, but instead Faux lifts her tails to signal silence. "What?" The starter Pokemon asks, her voice hushed as she leans over the fox to see what had caught her attention.

    The fur along Faux's neck stood stiffly as she stared around the corner, eyes locked firmly on the stage. "There," she breathes, gesturing with her nose, "A light is on, above the stage." A ceiling light rained a cone shaped beam down onto the stage, highlighting an object near the center. Though odd in and of itself the fox knew for certain it wasn't on when they had entered. From their darkened spot she could not see any other Pokemon, nor could she smell any new beings in the room. Was it just a fluke, an old building being strange? "We might not be alone." She warns the others, nostrils flaring but picking up no new scents.

    Last edited by Dandelion on Thu Aug 29, 2024 6:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Aug 21, 2024 7:48 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Castle || Afternoon
    Etincelle 211 || Melanie 211

    With a frightened yelp Etincelle's paws scurry on the floor as he dives to dodge the stream of water. It rushes overhead as he flattens out, the wet slap of impact missing as a loud hissing fills the room alongside panicked call's from Melanie. Instinctively his paws curl closer to his body as he catches sight of the fiery stream with a sidelong glance, the rival elements easily finding a victor from the stronger force. "For Arceus sake, do these bodies stay dead down here?" Mathias groans as the attacks subside, smoke still licking from his maw as he watches the undead. While grateful for his intervention Etincelle's worry overrides chance for thanks, and he is quick to bark, "Back away Mel, there's an undead in the room!"

    Instantly her heart is racing, alarm coursing through her at the sounds of combat. The whole room smelled strongly of mold, water, and rot, making it impossible to pinpoint said undead, and the fox suddenly felt very exposed. Taking a few steps backward through the doorway all her instincts scream at her to run, but try as she might her paws felt heavy and refused to leave. Willing herself just out of sight on the otherside of the wall the Ninetales hunches over, breathing labored on the mold ridden air as she futility tries to remain calm. A water Pokemon, probably?! She was useless once again but she couldn't just leave her friends to become some bloated corpse in a pool. "Well- blast it!" She barks back, thoughts a jumble as she pleads for the battle to end swiftly and safely. The moaning sounds of the undead reach her ears, and with clenched teeth the fox brainstorms for anything she can do.
    .....Get a grip.

    Popping back into his feet Etincelle lets sparks arc across his fur, but as the Wartortle shambles forward he fears the current could spread. My Spark isnt that strong. Curling his claws he hesitantly lets the sparks die out, and instead bounds away as around stream of water rushes his way. Jumping he flattens out again, nearly gagging as foul water splashes his chest and muzzle. It gurgled and heaves, but as he laid still the Wartortle didn't attack. Was it reacting to noise, or movement? Did it matter?! Now stuck deeper in the room the Electrike doubts he can make it out without gaining its attention again, nor did he want to leave an undead to wander.
    Gingerly getting to his paws he moves low and slow, his paws barely lifting off the ground as he inches back toward the doorway. With a deep breath the Electrike bolts forward, the sound of another water attack immediately following as his pawsteps splash, and he barks, "Mathias hit it again, make it a good one!" In such a bad state as this even one good hit should be enough.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1912

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Aug 25, 2024 7:33 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 UxYTNZ3

    The Battle Castle|Battle Hall|Afternoon

    The undead wartortle's attack was fizzled out by Mathias' flamethrower as steam remains from its attack path to its owner. Though it didn't stop the undead from trying to attack again. Mathias thought about an aerial ace but the water would make it difficult to make a quick escape as it would slow him down from its depth. That was out of the question but still, he would burn this wartortle down to ash if it was on a solid surface."Mathias hit it again, make it a good one! Those words was all he needed. With a grin, he stares right at the undead as he was building up fire from his throat. The tail flame grew taller. This undead would be no more once the attack is unleashed.

    Bastet listened to Cinder. "He could have gone another direction, it might be best to take a second look." At least she agrees with this but what about Faux? There's no telling what she might think.Following along with Cinder, Bastet couldn't do anything for the dead growlithe. There wasn't time to bury it right now. Catching up with Cinder, Bastet wondered what could have gotten to the growlithe first, the lack of food or the virus. Regardless, they'll have to come back later to give it a proper burial. "Bastet suggested we che-" Something was definitely not right. "There," Faux stated. "A light is on, above the stage."What the? Who turned on the light over there and why? "We might not be alone." Then something had made its presence known to her psychic abilities. It wasn't undead but it had an evil intent. If the light was shining on a spot, this would likely mean that whoever it is, is trying to set a trap. Yet it hasn't been sprung. The other thing was that there was nothing in the area where the light is shining on to lure anything unsuspecting out. Heh, amateur. No scent but I can feel its presence. Calling them out is a bad idea so we should think of something to lure the trapper out instead. The exact location is not known yet but if Faux needs her to use her powers, it would give them the advantage of where to look. "Whoever's out there must think we'll fall for a trap." Bastet said quietly to both Cinder and Faux. She then waited on their next move.

    Mathias had enough fire to cause steam to roll off the water to nearly a boil. Without a second thought, Mathias unleashes it as a torrent of fire comes rushing towards the undead and it unleashes its attack. The attacks meet and with the charizard breathing so much fire, it was wise to say not to get close.

    OoC)) Couldn't think of anything else to expand this out a bit more at this time.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2650

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Aug 29, 2024 6:07 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Hall || Afternoon
    Cinder 236 || Faux 196

    The fur along Faux's neck stood on end, her senses firing with a sense of foreboding. Were they being watched, followed? Was something else in here waiting for an opening, or was it hiding from them? No, why leave such an obvious sign if that was the case? Stifling the growl in her throat the fox lowers herself to the ground as Cinder reaches and cranes her neck over top to get a glance at the stage. "Its old, maybe we tripped something." The starter Pokemon reasoned, but the fox shook her head. If that was truly the case it would have happened on their walk in, not out. "Whoever's out there must think we'll fall for a trap." Bastet whispers, the possibility painfully real as they stared at the cone of light.

    With slow, cautious steps the Vulpix inches her way forward. Her gaze never left the light, her body low to the ground to stay small. Every one of her senses reached and searched for what had made itself known, but not a single trace seemed to linger to her perception. Dropping to all fours Cinder walked with a similar stance, staying low and quiet as they hurried along. Making a small detour compared to their entry the group weaved through the seating area to obscure themselves. Regardless if the entity knew they were here or not it was better to have some sort of cover as they crept back toward the entrance.

    As they made it to the end of an aisle Cinder rears up and uses her long body to peer over the crest of the seats. The light flicked but continued to shine, the small item in the center of the stage making her painfully curious to why it was placed there. Was it important, did it matter, was it a clue? Faux would skin her if she approached, and it was too far to see clearly, but she physically itched to check it out. With a low snort Faux orders her to keep moving, and dropping back down Cinder obliges, but before moves more than a handful of steps both fire types freeze up at the sudden sound. Soft laughter, quiet, and eerie, as though it had no specific location that it was coming from. What in legends name..?

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2650

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Sep 02, 2024 9:12 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Castle || Afternoon
    Etincelle 212 || Melanie 212

    The gurgling gush of water jets in a path just behind him, the Wartortle's senses still strong aside from sight. Were it not for Etincelle's only boon the attack would have connected, as the splash of water licked dangerously at his heels. Mathias needed no second cue, the temperature of the room instantly rising as his heat levels skyrocketed. The roar of flames filled the room, the moisture in the air turning to steam as the stream of fire engulfed the preoccupied Wartortle. With a final leap Etincells makes it back through the doorway and practically crashes into Melanie. Wedged between her paws the Ninetales pulled in him close, her nose buried in his fur as she sniffed for injuries.

    With eyes unblinking, Etincelle stared at the spot the Wartortle stood. There was no scream, its weak gurgles too quiet to hear over the raging inferno. In the middle of the blast it stood as no more than a black blur, entirely engulfed and barely able to stumble in its last instinctual efforts to survive. The shape  crumpled to the ground as no more than a heap moments before the fiery spell ended. As smoke and steam alike slowly faded out from the room, Etincelle craned his neck to peak forward at what had become of their aggressor.

    No more than a charred heap, the Pokemon had fallen and slid into the pool, its ashen form too light to sink as it lay upon the foul water. Burnt beyond recognition, he knew no Pokemon could survive in such a state. Grimacing at the sight, Etincelle pushed his muzzle into Melanie's chest, appauled by the turn their search at taken. With a sidelong glance at the collapsed section of the hall he lets out an exausted sigh. "...We should go." He mumbles meekly, too physically shaken by the situation to speak up. Peeling away from Melanie his paws tremble as the group turns to head back, and within moments the Ninetales is glues back to his side.

    "We're still checking the other side, right?" She affirms with them, her voice tender and clearly upset by the ordeal. "Yeah, we'll check it out, and head back if we see no signs." Though she nods with acceptance the Ninetales feels little comfort in the plan. They hadn't seen any signs in a long, long while. If Arry was here, why would he travel so far? If an undead still lingered in their shelter, who knows what other troubles he could run into, that any of them could! The foul smelling moldy carpet is quickly put behind them as they trot at a brisk pace. The path they had just walked slowly becomes familiar once again and the Ninetales moves a bit more freely as they arrive back at the split in the hall. She sniffs, the stale scents of her friends still lingering here as Etincelle trotted down the second forbidden path.

    "I don't think Arry would pass the.... bloodstains." The Electrike chokes out, the reality of the scene much more harrowing to him than anyone else who was present. Arry never knew Rosko but even he should be able to recognize a fresh kill site and be apprehensive around such a... devastating pool of blood. Clenching his jaw Etincelle has to fight the knots in his stomach. He didn't want to see the spot but, fueled by their mission, his paws refused to stop moving.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1912

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Sep 06, 2024 7:51 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 UxYTNZ3

    The Battle Castle|The Battle Hall|Afternoon

    After the unrelenting attack Mathias caused, the charred corpse of the undead wartortle had been proof that his attack was deadly. Leaving the area, Mathias looked at the other two knowing that this way was a bust. "We're still checking the other side, right?" Mel asked Etin. "Yeah, we'll check it out, and head back if we see no signs." Mathias seen no point of continuing through the foul water. Where could Arry be? Its not like he could disappear into thin air, could he? It was as if they was looking in the wrong direction the whole time but none of them knew it. The charizard started to ponder if Arry even came here again. Though it was worth a look. Perhaps for more clues even if it's outside.

    Bastet started hearing the giggling and with it coming from everywhere, it was a clear indication that someone was indeed here and was targeting them specifically. If Bastet knew anything, they're somewhere close by and watching them in the shadows. Staying low, the espeon was prepared for an attack if the threat got impatient with them. This was what she is hoping they'll do but in case they don't then she'll use her powers to drag them out of hiding if she needed to. Come out and try it, I'll hit you faster than you can try an attempt on them. She was ready to fight.

    Mathias nods to both Etin and Mel. "Odd that an undead was in here the whole time but never came out until now. I wonder if the others have any better luck than what we have so far." Unknowingly of the situation that the others are facing. The charizard starts to follow Etin and Mel to the next location of the castle. There has to be something that Arry might have left behind or a sign of him.

    OoC)) I had trouble debating if Bastet would go on overwatch and stay back or have her follow. If you need me to change this a bit Cinder, let me know.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2650

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Sep 10, 2024 7:31 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Hall || Afternoon
    Cinder 237 || Faux 197

    Every hair along Faux's nape stood on end, her many tails quivering at the sound of laughter. Though her ears flicked and turned she could not locate the source, the uncomfortable feeling of being surrounded prying at the back of her mind. Sniffing even quicker the fox could not smell or see anything, but the knowledge they were being watched could not be ignored. Clenching her jaw she signals with her tails for the group to hurry, their creep through the seats known to the unseen enemy but their safest chance at getting out. The giggles continued and grew slightly louder as they reached the end, and making a right turn approached the entrance.

    Suddenly the fox freezes up, her tails rising to signal all to stop. The strong and unmistakable scent of fish assaults her nose, completely out of place this far from the sea. Pressing even lower to the ground the fox creeps forward on her belly, eyes primed for even the slightest bit of moment. The inches between her and Cinder grow, the Quilava remaining still as she gagged on the smell. We didn't smell it on the other side of the room. Such a noticeable odor would linger and travel with its host, so if it was over here..
    Faux's movement comes to a sudden halt, a sharp single bark alerting the others as a Pokemon creeps out from the shadows on the other side of the entrance. The light was too weak to illuminate it, but as the shadow grew larger the Faux knew it must be more than one Pokemon. The smell grows stronger, practically gagging the fire Pokemon as one finally breaches the threshold and comes into the light.

    With a claw raised toward them the group of Crawdaunt's are stationed perfectly to block their exit. Cinder grits her teeth, flames igniting and ready to battle, but something lightly touches her shoulder, makign her flinch and turn. A pair of red eyes and a crooked smile are mere inches from her face, the Mismagius giving a loud, "Boo!" before flying off and disappearing from view. Spooked, the Quialava stumbles backward, and with the signal given the Crawdaunt launches a steam of bubbles down the aisle of chairs they hit behind.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2650

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Sep 14, 2024 8:35 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Castle || Afternoon
    Etincelle 213 || Melanie 213

    Etincelle's heart was racing, paws feeling weightless and weird as they walked closer and closer to the faithful spot. He could even hear the blood pumping through his ear canals. Legends forbid, he felt like he may have an anxiety attack. Drawing in quick, deep breaths the hound tries to smother his fears with faux courage, but its easier said than done. Beside him, Melanie's pelt and many tails brush over his fur, a comforting feeling though he knew she was seeking her own comfort. She was silent, ears perked up, whiskers twitching, and paws feeling every step they took. She was on edge too, wasn't she? His frown deepens; she had ever right to be after that last encounter..

    "Odd that an undead was in here the whole time but never came out until now. I wonder if the others have any better luck than what we have so far." Mathias comments, the Charizard's idle thought forming a lump in the electric type's throat. Keeping his eyes firmly on the floor Etincelle instantly feels hot under his fur. That was his doing, or lack there of. They had scouted and deemed these halls safe, and by missing such a sluggish undead it marked his task a failure and observation skills poor. Gods, what else could they have missed?! "We didn't really.. explore that room before." Etincelle explained, though he knew it didn't excuse leaving a threat behind. "The Wartortle didn't pop up until we started walking around and making noise, so maybe we were too quiet the first time."

    With a deep sigh the Electrike shakes his head and lifts his gaze slightly higher. "Maybe if we were more thorough, we would have seen her coming." An endless string of "what if's" would only lead to more heartache, the tap of the stone against his chest proof of that, and he didn't speak another word on the matter. The gentle sweep of Melanie's tails over his back puts his mind at ease, but the pain in his heart refused to cease. Nothing would change their loss, or make it easier.

    The further they walked down the hall the more Melanie could feel Etincelle tensing up. For a blessing, her own unease was measured, the removal of the Houndoom making this place no more than a bad memory and sacred site rather than a truly dangerous spot. It made it no more pleasent to visit, but at least she could remain calm. Brushing Etin's back with her tail she tries to give him the same sense of safety, but his tense muscles refused to loosen. Even his steps seemed to stiff until finally, they stopped.

    It was no more than a few yards ahead of them. A broken window left shattered glass across the floor ahead of them, the light bouncing off the fragments. Though he wanted to move to closer Etin's paws started to move on autopilot. Slow, stiff steps as his pink gaze catches the dark spot on the floor. "Th-This is the place." He whispers, the full extent of the scene unfolding before his eyes. "This is where that bitch murdered Rosko."

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1912

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Wed Sep 18, 2024 4:59 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 UxYTNZ3

    The Battle Castle|The Battle Hall|Afternoon

    Walking along the two had given Mathias a bit of companionship with others again but his mind was still wanting to see Glass again. Maybe the day will come again but for now he can only wait. Hearing Etin feeling nervous about the undead that recently showed up was not his fault nor was it anyone elses. Some might not react until enough noise was made or if they had smelled blood. Otherwise it was rather difficult to know. As the continued along, Etin sounded tensed up until they reached an area where Rosko was murdered in cold blood.[62b6da]"Th-This is the place."[/color] Seeing the dried up blood on the ground, it was a telltale sign that this was that crazed Houndoom's doing. Thank Arceus they managed to get her far away from this place. Yet, he wondered where Xiao went? Not that he had any answers but the scene here, it was awful to hear what was said next. "This is where that bitch murdered Rosko." The Charizard could tell that the memory was fresh in their minds still. Mathias couldn't say anything but feel for the two with the loss of their friend.

    The situation back at the Battle Hall was not good. "Boo!" Cinder stumbles back from a scare from a Mismagius. That explains what Bastet's been sensing but the Crawdaunt was something else. They must have been hiding well enough and staying calm enough for her to not notice. The stream of bubbles was coming down the aisle of chairs. Seeing the water/dark types, she knew that her confusion was useless in this battle. The Mismagius however, she'd drag her out of her hiding spot if she wanted to. "Damn it, she fooled us!" Though she had to give the ghost type credit for a well thought out ambush, she'd still have to answer for the provocation. They needed options fast.

    Mathias looks at Etin and Mel and in a genuine heartfelt voice. "My condolences." That was the only thing he could say. At least they got rid of the killer but still, the fate of Rosko was there. That houndoom that killed him was full of malice when she chased after them. "Arry, please be safe. Just give us a sign or something." The charizard said as he looked down the hall. After he gave the hall a glance, he waits for the two to be ready to move forward again.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2650

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Sep 22, 2024 6:18 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Hall || Afternoon
    Cinder 238 || Faux 198

    With a flurry of panicked steps the fox scrambles beneath the seats and into another aisle. The racing bubbles make a whirling sound, the water type attack narrowly missing the Vulpix only to slam face first into the spooked Quilava. "Aaah!" She yowls out in pain, disoriented as she falls completely on her back. With kicks and flails Cinder manages to regain her composure, flipping onto her feet and staying low to the ground as she stared down the Crawdaunts. "We're under attack!" Faux yowls from her covered spot before diving under another set of chairs. "They're blocking the exit!" Friend or foe, undead or otherwise, it mattered not; these Pokemon were a threat to them.

    From above, the laughter grew louder and more incessant as it drowned out all other sounds. Leaping onto the seats for added height Cinder baits an attack from one of the Crawdaunts before jumping away. Another of the crustaceans was making its way forward and stomping toward them, its claws primed for another blast. "We've got a damn ghost, too!" She growls, her ears lowering themselves against the annoying sound. The one lit light started to flicker at a rapid rate, giving a strobe effect to the room as Cinder searched the rafters for the Mismagius, but like before there was nothing but darkness. "Damn coward!" She growls upward, already sick of this nonsense as narrowly avoids another watery blast. Letting loose a stream of fire the Crawdaunt simply crosses its claws before itself to block, the attack doing little. Of course its a dual type we all suck against.. The fuck were they supposed to do?!

    "How RUDE!" The voice rumbles and booms throughout the room, as if coming from a giant. The laughter stopped, and in its place was a strange chanting in an unknown language with the volume set to high. Though the ghost does not show itself again two spectral red and yellow eyes fill the space above them, giving a whole knew meaning to being watched. The flickering gets worse, the strobe light giving all movements a slow motion effect. "Focus on the crabs." Faux barks, their attention needed on the encroaching water types.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2650

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Sep 26, 2024 9:06 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Castle || Afternoon
    Etincelle 214 || Melanie 214

    He was shaking.

    Shaking like a leaf, Etincelle's very paws felt unstable as he crept forward. His quick, short breaths were making him light-headed, the stink of blood all around him though it had long since dried. His vision swarm, a ghastly slight unfolding before him as he imagined the horror Faux walked in upon, and for a moment he felt faint. This is where it happened... Melanie pressed against his side, her tails wrapping around him as she stopped short. The comforting touch soothed his nerves, though only slightly, and slow brought him back to the present with a tense exhale.

    The vision faded, and Etin wondered if her imagination was acting worse than his. Dare he paint the scene to calm her, or would it make it worse (for both of them)? My condolences." Mathias offers in a hushed tone, the unbiased party showing no panic while being respectful of their loss. Shaking his head to release the jitters the Electrike does his best to steel his courage in the face of.. an empty hallway, and nods before forcing himself to push forward. "At least... he didn't suffer the fate of an undead." He rationalizes, an earnest thought he was ever grateful for. As awful as the loss was on his heart, it weight less than a double euthanasia would have...

    Unable to see the stained floor, and not wishing to taint her paws or disrespect the lost, Melanie chose to stay in place. "I smell a lot of iron,"she confesses, her nose twitching rapidly, "but, its not Arry's scent. I, I think its just the blood." Though not as strong as the fresh stuff the hall was all but tainted in the lingering smell. While not strong to smother a child's scent it remained unsettling to remain in its presence. "Yeah, theres.. a lot." Etincelle confirms for her, death sites always having shocking amounts of lingering blood. Clean kills always had residue; to be a murder sight.. Melanie could only imagine the spread.

    Etincelle practically choking as he took in a deep breath and tasted the metallic tinge to the air. His body was still tense and shaking, the blood and knowledge more than enough to prevent him from moving forward. With no such mental block, Mathias continued forward, a plea soft on his breath, "Arry, please be safe. Just give us a sign or something." His head was swimming, gods he couldn't do this, but when Melanie got to her paws he forced himself to take a ginger step forward. Curving to the side he avoided the worst of his, the hyperventilating quick to return though he kept his gaze locked on Mathias instead of the environment. The world was swimming once again, and he thought Melanie was right behind him when her voice was suddenly much further away. "I dont think he came here at all.." She whimpers, distress edging her voice. "We haven't seen a single sign or scent! And he's so shy, why would he cross this horrible place?! Alone no less!"

    "Mel, b-breathe." The Electrike tries to sooth her but his own nerves are fraying at the seams. The see of dark stains around him felt too close, too dangerous, and his paws struggled to find purchase until he jumped back to her side. "If you think he's not here, then we can call off our search. We'll go to the pond. Faux's location seemed more likely anyway, they might already be waiting for us." The thought of getting out of this hall was a little too exciting for him, and the Electrike felt bad for wanting to turn tail, but Melanie had a point.
    The fox hung her head, stress eating away at her as she weighed the choices. She didn't want to give up the search, give up on Arry, they had hadn't found a single lead. This entire place felt like a waste of time, the distance between them and the boy growing.
    And it was all her fault.

    "I.." She hesitates, not wanting to be the one to make the call, but she manages to squeak out. "I suppose we'll come back here eventually.. so we can't miss him." Etincelle nods, nuzzling his cheek against her side. "If he's in here he'll know where to find us. And if he's not we're better off searching elsewhere anyway." Nudging gently to turn her around he gives telling glance to Mathias. "Besides, were not giving up. We're just changing directions."

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1912

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Sep 30, 2024 6:24 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 UxYTNZ3

    The Battle Castle|Battle Hall|Afternoon

    Arry was nowhere in sight. Did they end up on a wild goose chase and not realize that Arry had went a different direction? The Charizard realized that perhaps they should go meet with the others to see what they could have possibly missed. "Besides, were not giving up. We're just changing directions." Etin said. Mathias had no intention of giving up but the feeling of something else had been on his mind. His own family. Gabriel was a threat but he still has no idea of his parents' fate. Shaking his head of that feeling for the time being, the fire type looks out the broken window. He could see the entry point of the houndoom. How she got in unscathed was clearly evident but the brutality she caused was none the less horrible still when it came to the story told.

    Bastet was clearly agitated by the ghost's trickery. She could sense the ghost's presence still and this only made her want to drag the ghost out herself. One of the crawdaunts went in for an attack and Cinder baited the attack away. "We've got a damn ghost, too!" That was pretty much obvious but right now, they had to get rid of the Crawdaunt or make them run away. She needed some options and one of them could be closer than she thinks. "Damn coward!" This really angered the ghost and that solution was actually wise. "How RUDE!" the ghost shouts. This made Bastet give a smirk on how to get the ghost's location exposed. Seeing a crawdaunt approaching her, she smacks it with round to knock its pincers away. I don't think so. Heh, so that Mismagius really hates being called a coward. Perhaps agitating her would make it easy for me to pinpoint her and hit her with confusion. Looking up, she sees the eyes looking down at them. Was she supposed to feel intimidated by that? She faced undead more terrifying that this ghost. "Focus on the crabs." Faux barks. Seeing another one moving down from the audience rows, the espeon quick attacks it twice before evading its attack but by a mere inch. That was close for comfort but the problem still would need a smart solution. Withdrawing was not optional. "They must be her fan boys if they're taking order from her." She said as she moves back towards the other two. Bastet then had a swift prepared. Though the room was quite big for her to just do a full sweeping radius on her own, the espeon would have to try and exhaust her swift.

    Mathias looked at the two and crossed his arms before putting his hand on his chin. "Maybe we missed something outside? Etin, is there any places outside that we haven't checked?" The charizard asked as he starts following again. The chances are that they may have missed a very important clue or something like tracks. That was the only possible thing the charizard could think of. Since he does walk more than fly, that might be a good idea to check for footprints.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2650

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Oct 04, 2024 7:13 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Hall || Afternoon
    Cinder 239 || Faux 199

    Snarling at the encroaching Crawdaunt Faux dashes with sharp, zigzagging steps. The rows of seats offered little in the way of space even for her small frame, but zarting over them she breaks away from the group. With such tight spacing spreading out would be for their benefit, and outpacing a water attack the fox bolts for the opposite send of the crustaceans. "Fuck!" Cinder yowls as something strikes her, but it would take more than that to distract the Vulpix. Another of the Crawdaunt breaks off from their ranks to give her chase, its awkward frame charging forward at an uncomfortable pace. Keeping low on the chairs Faux reduces the size of her frame, a furious growl in her throat as a fire burns within her maw. The dual type was not intimidated, its pincers raised to release a Swift her way.

    Releasing her own attack the Vulpix breaks a few stars with her Flamethrower while striking the water Pokemon before quickly turning tail and scurrying off. The fox puts more distance between herself and the foe, but the Swift finds her regardless with a series of impacts. With a sharp yip as the pointed stars dig into her Faux spins on her heels, eyes glowing bitterly as she stares down the Pokemon. She lets out another snarl as the Confuse Ray drifts forward. The charging Rogue Pokemon makes no attempt to dodge, passing through the attack as it continues on its way. Was it stupid, or did it not see it with the flashing lights? Its tiny pupils swell, the Confusion taking hold as the fox jumps over to a new row of seats.

    Blasting a stream of fire toward the other Pokemon Cinder hesitates on getting close to their cruel pincers. With a poor match up her physical moves were her best bet, but approaching Pokemon with deadly grips in this cramp spot was a disaster waiting to happen. One brute charges forward, erasing her hesitation for her as it closed the gap and slammed down a claw with a violent Crabhammer. With a flurry of steps the Quilava barely manages to wiggle and avoid the strike, its force enough to crack the floor. A Crit!? Legends please, she couldn't handle something like that. Flipping in a tight circle the starter Pokemon drags a sharp claw across the Crawdaunts suddenly exposed face, the Aerial Ace leaving a fine line though its tough carapace protected it.

    Scrabbling on top of the chairs Cinder awkwardly jumps and climbs across the aisles and toward the center of the room. The flashing lights made distance hard to pinpoint, her motions sloppy and head starting to hurt. The Mismagius continued to cackle, the reverb sound and echo from the large room making its high pitched voice sound much deeper. "Piss off, we were leaving anyway!" Cinder jeered at both it and the Crawdaunts, but neither replied to her snide remark.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2650

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Oct 08, 2024 8:13 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Db6dAr2
    The Battle Frontier || Afternoon
    Etincelle 215 || Melanie 215

    Pressed against eachother's flanks the pair walks in uncomfortable silence. With her stomach in knots Melanie struggles to take in even breathes, the thought of breathing deeply in this bloody hall enough to nauseate her. Each step they put between them and the blood stains restored just a bit of sanity, though it did little for her aching belly. Were they wandering away from Arry, had she turned them the wrong direction? Legends please, what if he was just a little further and she made them stop?! The fox starts to whine, her steps uneven as she turns her head back. "Relax, Mel." Etin soothes, his muzzle pressing even more firmly against her side. Panicking now would help no one.

    Though the sight was no longer before him the scene was burned into Etincelle's mind. His eyes were blank as he walked forward on autopilot, Mel's side the only thing keeping his paws from stumbling as he used her support. Arry would not go this way, he was sure of it, but if he did... surely the blood would have turned him around. "Maybe we missed something outside? Etin, is there any places outside that we haven't checked?" Mathias asks, reaching for any new lead that was not this direction. Peeling his cheek away from Mel's side Etin took in a deep breath to clear his head. "The only place we really explored with him was the pond. We found Mel and Faux there when they were lost, so he may have gone there." He could recall the location as a lost-and-found, or simply that others were found there and may search for him.

    We were headed there anyway though. Etincelle tosses his head side to side. Would it behoove them to check somewhere else? If the others came searching at the pond and they weren't waiting things could get sticky, but if there was somewhere else they could search.. what did they have to lose? They had carried Arry with them constantly since he arrived, making sure to have someone with the child at all times. As they exited the Battle Castle and could breathe in the ashy air, Etincelle cringed at the thought of him searching the rumble of that monstrous building. No, he wouldn't return to that..
    Nudging Melanie to side he directs her forward, paws gently shifting her direction. "The ponds this way." He reminds her and informs Mathias, their paws quickly heading off the path and into the grassy areas. Melanie bit her lips and clenched her teeth. Though Arry saw little more than the rest of them, her stomach turned at the odd since of deja vu. "Theres one more place," she mutters quickly on a sharp inhale. Arry had been with them the entire time, that included the first unpleasent even they shared. "I doubt it but.. he could have gone to visit Rosko's gave."

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1912

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Oct 12, 2024 5:33 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 UxYTNZ3
    The Battle Frontier|Battle Hall|Afternoon

    Traveling with Etin and Mel, the Charizard started thinking again, could Arry still be somewhere in the area? That being said if they had any clues to go by and if they encounter any undead wandering about. Mathias didn't consider the odds but perhaps he went a different direction all together. That was silly though since he's too young to travel by himself and let alone stand a chance against thieves or other pokemon who would try to use the aron for their own selfish goals. "The ponds this way." Following along the two, it made somewhat sense that he'd go somewhere with water but Mel then says something else. "I doubt it but.. he could have gone to visit Rosko's gave." That was also a possibility.

    The Espeon sees one of the crawdaunt going on the attack and it was a dark type attack. She couldn't get a chance to use swift. Jumping back from her position, the crawdaunt barely missed its attack. Shit, they're not going to let me target them so easily. I need the high ground somehow. Cinder had also dodged another attack and the lights are shining on her. "Piss off, we were leaving anyway!" As much as it was that simple, Bastet knew this ghost was wanting to keep them in here. The cackles from the mismagius only made Bastet more annoyed. Only thing running in Bastet's mind was that once they deal with this mess, they will make sure that the ghost type will never mess with them again. Bastet attacks with swift against two crawdaunt with both hits causing descent damage. She's going to pay, mark our words!

    Mathias then thought about flying up into the air to get a wider view but he didn't feel right about doing so. "Arry could be at either place. It'll be a matter of time until we find him." The charizard showing confidence but he knew there was uncertainty. Though he would want to ask more about Rosko, now wasn't the time to do so. Then he catches something at the corner of his eye flying in the sky. There was several pidgeys and other bird pokemon flocking together flying towards the pond. From what he figured, it was now a watering hole for them. They just don't want to disturb the flocks. "Flocks of bird pokemon. Must be their gathering time."

    Age : 29
    Posts : 2650

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Yesterday at 9:01 pm

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 18 19594738_AEbZwwh0HkimsMI
    The Battle Hall || Afternoon
    Cinder 240 || Faux 200

    The horrid cackling seemed to get louder, like booms of thunder between the gibberish enchants the ghost was rambling off. Ducking between two rows of chairs Cinder clasped her paws over her ears and groaned. Even with her eyes squeezed shut she could not block out the flashing, and no matter how hard she pressed the noise still made it through. Snorting smoke the Quilava darts away, putting more distance between herself, Bastet, and the Crawdaunts. With such narrow aisles surely it was better to space out, right? That was why Faux moved, right? It was not important, and curling into a ball the Quilava flicks around to charge the Rogue Pokemon with her Flame Wheel.

    Building speed she darts down an aisle to score a hit. Her body tensed preemptively, preparing for the worst in a counter attack or vice grip, but the walking crayfish simply blocked its frame with its rock hard claws. Still Cinder slammed into it, the firmness of its claws enough to leave a pain in her flank, but she did not hesitate to hit it with a second Aerial Ace. Her previous hit now had a companion, two lines forming a thin x across its carapace. Her previous trick would not work a second time though; as she tries to scurry away the Pokemon grabs at her with all four limbs. Its grip was instant, enough to get a squeal out of the Quilava as she was lifted into the air above its head. The angle was awkward and painful, and blazing her flames she desperately tries to burn her way to a release.

    Whether it was her heat or not, it did let go. Tipping her even further back the Crawdaunt released its catch with force and sent the starter Pokemon flying. Crashing over seats and rails the Quilava ragdolled for several bitter hits before managing to stop herself. Digging her claws into the ground Cinder stands stiffly as the momentum comes to a stop before slumping to one side after a few moments, the damage clear as she struggled to draw in a breath. Fuck.. Her lungs screamed, air feeling as hot as her fire. Pushing to four and then two paws she stands with a hunch and obvious pain in her stance, but her golden eyes practically glowed with rage as she stared out her aggressor. the flashing lights made it impossible to see any details, just a silhouette of an absent-minded brute.

    The sound of Cinder's impact is loud enough for Faux to hear over the noise pollution, though the shiny of her flames was also plenty visible as she soared. That hit couldn't be good, but as Faux remains stanced up she knows running to her aid is easier said than done. Her aggressor bobs and weaves with each of her movements, oddly agile and swift for its stiffly shaped frame. The fox growls and spits distractionary flames, but the Crawdaunt blasts them away with water, its confusion not strong enough to hinder it.

    Backing away the fox tries to put more room between them as she thinks. Does she dare bolt away, would her aid be useful? With lateral movement she squeezes under the seats but these ones have less space beneath them, and with a heavy fwump the Crawduant destroys the one beside her with a Crabhammer. Scurrying away the fox narrowly avoids the hit but watches in horror as the crayfish rips another chair apart with ease to make its path unhindered. Though their motions were completely different the speed of each Pokemon was roughly on pair, and try as she might Faux can not place extra distance between them as she creeps closer to the center of the room.

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