Name: Victor "Two Face" Gemini
Species:#560 Scrafty/ The Hoodlum Pokemon
Approximate time of infection: 2 months and a half ago
Known Moves:
-Faint Attack
-Focus Blast (TM)
-Hyper Beam (TM)
-Fire Punch (Egg move)
Height: 3'07"
As a young Scraggy, it was banned from it's pack, other felt it was weak and was worthless. Crying the little creature wondered off on his own trying to fix his own life, but things were very difficult untill one day a strange man found it. The man offered food to the Scraggy, who happily accepted and agreeded to become the man's friend. It was named Victor Gemini and together both became great friends helping each other in every ocasion, their lives shot to the greatest. Carmine, the man, became a District Attorney always having Victor at his side, the now evolved Scrafty. They were inseperable.
Not like most Scrafty's, Victor was dressed in a suit and his loose baggy pants were tied with a belt. He had the habbit to flip a two headed coin, attempting to make himself look "cool" and respectful. Carmine dressed Victor himself so he wouldn't look like a Hoodlum like the other Scrafty's and people would like him and be able to see Victor as a responsible pokemon that one could trust.
Although when present in the arrest of a bunch of criminal trainers, one of them had an infected Arcanine with them, the Arcanine has used a several Fire Blasts towards Victor...but he felt something different in them, the fire was stronger more powerful. The Arcanine was shot multiple times by the police...Victor walked to it and kicked the creature in the side, when suddenly the Arcanine used a mixture of Fire Fang and Fire Blast bitting and blasting the Scrafty's side of the face. His trainer tried to throw off the demented Arcanine, but one last Fire Blast sent them both unconsious.
Weeks later, Victor Gemini has awoken and received the news that Carmine has died, the burns were too bad to be able to sustain. Also there was the problem that Victor's face was now destroyed. Confused, in agonizing pain, afraid and with a deep depression in it's heart. Victor sitted in the roof of a tower as he glanced in the sky...But he noticed something strange...a voice in his mind...someone or something talking. It was driving him crazy...Crazy with murderous thoughts, crazy with anger, crazy with hunger. His head was throbbing with choices! Should he give in? Should he try to control himself? Should he kill? Should he judge first? What to do? What to do?! WHAT TO DO?!...and in that momment he looked at his hand...He was holding the double headed coin that Carmine had gaven to him...One of the sides was burned, just like his true face... A grin spread through his face as he finally knows what to do.
His choices will be laid in fate and chance. Everything happens for a reason...and whenever a problem with two options appears, there's an easy answer...The infection was taking over his mind...The words that would be heard from him more than ever were stuck in his throat for his prey to know what awaits...Only chance will seal or continue their fates.
Heads or Tails?
User Notes:
-Normally seen wearing a suit.
-Due unballanced mind always flips a coin to make even the smallest decision.
-Is horribly desfigured and burned in half of his body/face.
-Often people give him the nickname Two Face due to half of his face being horrible desfigured.
Last edited by ECN13000 on Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:10 pm; edited 2 times in total