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8 posters

    The CORONET Team


    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The CORONET Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:13 pm

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    Within Mt. Coronet | Last Known Time ; Late Evening(19)

    Aria lay unconscious on the cavern floor after taking a blow from the Onix while defending Oz. Her head ached and her back was covered in scrapes the smell of her blood wafting through the area as it leaked out of her body onto the stone floor. Aria was in an awkward position her nubby legs bent at an uncomfortable angle, looking almost broken.

    Her dreams were nightmares of her fellow teammates, watching them die or suffer horribly. Aria was dying and she knew it but she couldn't help but wonder if there was hope for her. Perhaps a way to be saved by some unknown means. Aria contemplated her fate and her pain as she lay injured, dreaming.

    The CORONET Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 23, 2012 8:11 am

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    Within Mt. Coronet/Last Known Time ; Late Evening(16)

    As Osmund layed there splayed on the ground, looking at the roof of the cave, he began to think back to when he had lived in the beautiful desert of the Hoenn region, the magnificent dunes, calm blustering sandy winds that blew around, the occasional human traveler..... He had never liked killing and drinking their blood, he was willing to spend his time to travel to watersources, if anything their creations he cherished. Their amazing mind boggling creations, their clothing, their cars, their devices, Osmund cherished them all as things of great beauty that where nearly otherworldy to him. He had actually sold his stolen human objects to other Pokemon who whee interested in them, for items like berries, shiny things, or other items. Better times, those where ...better times.... Osmund muttered wincing a bit.

    Everything around him was spinning, the blow had really knocked the living hell out of him. Turning his head weakly to the side, Oz noticed Aria nearby, in a pool of her own blood, grunting a bit Osmund turned onto his torso, and begain to slowly crawl toward her. He never liked needless violence, she had been harmed helping his sorry ass, and he'd be damned if he let a young spry Pokemon die before him, because of him. As Osmund belly crawled next to her, he managed to sit up. heh....looks like green isn't the lucky color today... Osmund mutterd, looking at her laying unconciously in her own blood. He didn't reall know what to do, if he tried to help her he'd probably riddle her with thorns, so best thing was to sit next to her untl she woke up, and keep those GODDAMNED GEODUDES at bay. Hopefully she'd wake up before the Onix breaks free of the odd cotton webbing.

    Last edited by ReD RuM on Fri Mar 22, 2013 9:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The CORONET Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jan 26, 2012 5:34 pm

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    Mt. Coronet | Late Evening [7]

    "Miss Stella, I think the tunnel that we will inevitably take is straightforward, so I suggest that we simply flee without aggravating these Pokemon further. It's too risky to travel as one at the moment; we'll go separately for now, and meet up at the end of this corridor, alright?" BT spoke up, the shiny Ampharos nodded in agreement, "Fair enough kiddo." Stella made her way through the Geodudes, fending herself as she surrounded cotton around her body, hopefully she won't get too much damaged, and getting bitten would be a slim chance.

    She took a glance at the Cacturne and the other Grass Type. She felt sorry, but to her, Stella never really knew them, and it's they're grass types. All she did was give a good luck prayer, as she wafted through the crowd, defending herself and trying to save as much strength as possible.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The CORONET Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Min Sat Jan 28, 2012 6:48 pm

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    Within Mt. Coronet| |Late Evening

    Konta has been sleeping in her little straw nest on a ledge jutting out from the rocky wall. Expression peaceful, she didn't move except for the slow rise and fall of her feathery chest. Suddenly, grunts and growls accompanied by shouts from living and the soft crackles of fire. The sounds combined startled the young Pidgey, making her tumble out of her nest and fall beak-flat onto the cold floor.

    "What was THAT?!" Konta huffs, her eyes scanning the area. Noticing the sounds haven't stopped, the bird began to hop towards the source. The Pidgey's eyes widened as she rounded the corner, seeing several living Pokemon parting their own ways while surrounded by hoardes and hoards of angry infected Geodudes and a single Onix wrapped in pink cotton.

    She blinks, surprised by the scene. "What... What in the world?" Suddenly, she felt a presence loom over her. Konta cautiously turned her head only to see as Geodude, ready to attack. She screeched, hopping backwards, but bumped into other Geodude. "I-I'm screwed..."

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The CORONET Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Negative10 Tue Jan 31, 2012 12:51 am

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    Mt. Coronet | Last Known Time; Late Evening

    BT had dashed through numerous of the Geodudes without much difficulty - in actuality the rock Pokemon were just sliding off of his smooth head, but BT liked to think himself as strong - and was near the end of the tunnel when he noticed that none of his friends had arrived with him. "Oh no! Miss Aria! Mister Osmund!" The two had fallen like the respectable Pokemon they were, fighting for their friends. After setting up a good Iron Defense to bulk up his iron head, Benton began his epic dash back to his friends, and indeed it was very epic.

    The Shieldon could not really believe how flexible and agile he had become in just this single day (or was it the next day already?), as he hopped on top of silly Geodudes and rammed his way through their rocky bodies without much difficulty. He almost swore he did a somersault! Although now that BT thought about it, imagining his puny body doing such a thing was ridiculous. Imagine that! For a moment, the steel-rock type could only focus on jumping the enormous amount of accumulated Geodudes and how weird it was that they were all just trying to survive and say hello to dear aunt Arceus, but when he had a single moment for himself he found that a somersault for his kind was basically equal to a body slam.

    Benton bumped into the shiny Ampharos for just a bit, and he smiled to her reassuringly. "Miss Stella, just moving backward for a bit. You can keep going forward!" With an affection nudge on her leg, the Shieldon continued forward; the electric type had oddly reminded of Bells, and how rebellious the both of them seemed to be. Indeed, they're so alike! And the both of them are very pretty! Grinning to himself, the Shield Pokemon pressed forward, swerving his way in and out of the Geodude mass population.

    He passed by a charging Xerxes, flames igniting the earth around him. BT envied how masterfully the Arcanine could handle the fiery power, and wield it with such finesse, but the Shieldon had to admit that one had to have their own talents. And I have my own! He was born with the gift of remembering, for Arceus' sake; if he thought hard enough, BT could even remember his birth (though he'd rather not talk about it...)! Dashing under a pair of flung Geodudes, again BT could only say in his defense that a fight was crazy and crazy things ended up happening, but he found his way beside a Pidgey, with a Geodude about to befall it.

    "Raaaaaaaargh!" He roared a vicious battle yell - which sounded as vicious as it could with his puny size - and launched himself at the rock type. I've had enough with you rocks! And he ate these things on a daily basis! Crunching his hardcore teeth onto the Geodude's arm, he began to slowly munch away the rocky layers in aggression. "Take this, you rocky food!" It was sort of like... Rock candy, aha! It was his favorite kind of sweets, since it reminded him so much of his own territory.

    A few moments later, and what was left behind of the Geodude was a pair of disconnected eyes - BT would really not want to talk about where the organs should be, the very thought of it made his stomach rumble and the feeling that puking might come any moment. Shuffling as he gave off a slight burp, the Shieldon was about to jump back towards Aria and Osmund to help them, when he remembered the Pidgey was still there. Turning to the bird, he smiled and nodded. "We can talk more later, but for now, dear miss, we should help my friends!" And with that, BT sprung back into the fight and towards the two grass types. I'm coming, Ariaaaa and Oz! I'm coming!

    The CORONET Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:41 pm

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    Mt. Coronet | Last Known Time; Late Evening

    Okay....So his original tactic of burning and pummeling stupid zombie ass has now been revised to "whack-a-mole". 'Why didn't I ever notice how easy it was to just step on these things and crush 'em? I mean REALLY?! If I'd known, this job would have been so much easier!' With this thought in mind, the beat-up Arcanine stomped even harder, and with more vigor, on the unlucky souls that hadn't managed to scurry away. In the meantime, as Xerxes went about his cynical way, marring, disfiguring, and ultimately crushing the Geodudes to their physical deaths, he'd managed to catch sight of the Onix beating down on both Osmund and Aria.

    'THAT SON OF A-' "Oh no! Miss Aria! Mister Osmund!" Oh good, the Shieldon noticed too...and now eating all of the Geodudes coming his way- "NOW THAT IS JUST SICK AND WRONG, MAN!" Turning his gaze away from the sight of little ol' BT munching away, Xerxes noticed a Pidgey, which had managed to bump into another Geodude. "I see. So we've got ourselves a new partner." With that, the fluffy lion, dog had begun to push himself against the new wave of infected rocks, edging closer and closer toward Ozzie and Aria's spot. Thankfully nothing had managed to get them...yet. Finally, Xerxes had managed to reach them, and doing the best he could, attempted to protect the two as he inquired about how they were.

    "Hey-" One blow here. "are you two-" Another over there. "okay?" And another over there. "Well, actually- DAMMIT! WHEN WILL YOU ASSHOLES STOP MOVING HERE!" And so the Arcanine had finally snapped, taking one of the heads of the Geodudes, and throwing it, HARD, into the crowd. Surprisingly, he'd managed to pulverize some, a few at a time. "HEY! YOU TWO!" The giant yelled over his shoulder. He couldn't take his eyes off the Rock types before him. After all, he was trying to protect his...friends? acquaintances? Whatever they were, he'd make sure to keep them safe. "Think you can both make it onto my back? If you do, I might be able to make a run for it with the both of you and ditch this popsicle stand...hopefully with the others following close behind."

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The CORONET Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Fri Feb 03, 2012 3:00 am

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    Mt. Coronet | Last Known Time; Late Evening(20)

    Aria groaned in her sleep, her breathing starting to falter. Her heart beat also began to fade as she bled onto the floor of the cave."O-oz..."Aria said weakly, slipping in and out of consciousness as she died slowly.

    A loud smashing sound could be heard, just before pieces of the shattered Onix's body flew about the cave. As the dust settled a Cacturne could be seen.Around her neck was a black scarf and something glinted in the remains of the glowing sphere she shot at the Onix."Aria?" She asked, stepping forward. Seeing the injured Servine made Thorne glad she found that Secret Potion on her way here.

    Hearing the Cacturne's voice seemed to pull Aria into consciousness.Looking over weakly, Aria gasped weakly, blood dripping from her mouth now too."Thorne, is that you?"Aria wondered, her voice weak as she struggled to see past the blurriness. The Servine struggled to sit up but she was in too much pain. Instead she settled for looking at the Cacturne from the ground.

    Thorne grinned, rushing over to Aria, she had to help. It had been so long since Thorne had seen her little friend, though she wondered what had all happened, after all her appearence was so different from before."Here Aria, take this."Thorne said holding out a small packet to the younger pokemons mouth. Sighing with relief as Aria opened her mouth weakly and swallowed the contents of the packet. The effects weren't immediate but Aria's wounds began to heal, though Thorne knew with that much blood loss Aria would be weaker than usual for quite some time.

    The CORONET Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Fri Feb 03, 2012 6:55 pm

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    Within Mt. Coronet/Last Known Time ; Late Evening(17)

    Osmund was still groggy, and disoriantated, firing pin missiles at the incoming Geodude, when Benton came rushing back smashing into the Geodude, and even eating them. and Xerxes bumrushed through the horde of infected, coming up to Osmund and Aria to protect them from incoming attacks. "HEY! YOU TWO! Think you can both make it onto my back? If you do, I might be able to make a run for it with the both of you and ditch this popsicle stand...hopefully with the others following close behind." Xerxes yelled to him and the Servine.
    Osmund shook his head, "...I don't think we'll be able to get far in this condition.". "O-oz..." Aria weakly as she laid there bleeding out barely concious.

    "Aria!" Osmund shouted as he watched her eb closer to death, when suddenly a loud smashing rang through the cave, spraying chunks of boulder and blood throughout the cave spurring upa bunch of dust. It was a Cacturne...wait, a cacturne? What the hell? A Cacturne that was wearing apaprel far to similar to his had just popped out of nowhere. "..what the fuck?" Osmund couldn't help but mutter as the other Cacturne said Aria's name, "Thorne, is that you?" Aria then moaned weakly. What? She knew this Cacturne? No sooner than this, the Cacturne by the name of "Thorne" gave Aria a odd packet to injest, slowly healing her.

    'what the hell is going on?' Osmund thought to himself as he let out a wheeze, this was just too odd for him. Another Cacturne, dressed pretty much like him coming and saving the day like a badass, this was still registering in his head as He sat there staring blankly, before snapping to attention. "Alright, we need to get out of here! Xerxes! Cover us as we make a run for it, Benton! Stop eating them, that's pretty damn nasty, and your to useful to get infected! .....and you, you help too...." Osmund yelled at Xerxes and Benton, then said calmly to the strange newcomer. Before gently lifting up Aria, being careful not to poke her with his spines, and doing a sort of awkward trudging jog through the Geodude, spitting Pin Missiles from the pores in his mouth.

    Last edited by ReD RuM on Fri Mar 22, 2013 9:14 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The CORONET Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:34 pm

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    Mt. Coronet | Late Evening [8]

    "Miss Stella, just moving backward for a bit. You can keep going forward!" BT suddenly bumped into her as she tried to pass the hoard of Geodude, the Ampharos blinked, scoffing, "No shit Sherlock!" Though she gave a small grin after saying that, it felt nice being around some company, especially after a long time.

    Stella let out an, 'oof!' as a Geodude rammed into her, which Stella immediately threw off, "Arceus, this is so fucking bothersome!" The Ampharos slipped through a crowd, spotting a strange figure that BT and Xerxes was heading to, 'Who the hell is that?' The Ampharos blinked, she shouldn't have let that second of thought slip away, she perished the thought, she'll meet this newcomer as soon as possible.

    She got out her black Sunglasses, jumping ontop of a Geodude to another, as if the crowd of rock types was actually helping the Electric-type pass by so easily! Reminded Stella of those concerts where the crowd would carry the singer.
    She hopped from her place, and down on the rocky ground as she heard the, "Yeahhhhhhhhhhh!" in her mind. Stupid CSI Miami she thought bitterly, the show poisoned her, but it was very addicting.

    The Ampharos gave a wave at the bird, "Hey there pretty birdie! Less chitchattin', more action! Come on, we need to get a move on!" The last two sentences were directed at everyone, Stella gave a hiss as a Geodude bumped into her. She gave a mega punch to it in the face, "Bitch, you do, not!" She gave a huge emphasis on not, "Do not! Touch, the, badass, Ampharos."

    She hopped on a different Geodude, motioning everyone to come along, "Get on top of a Geodude, it's like surfing!"

    So radical.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    The CORONET Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Min Sat Feb 04, 2012 11:54 pm

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    Within Mt. Coronet| |Late Evening

    Konta screwed her eyes shut, awaiting the pain of an attack from the infected when she head a voice. "Raaaaaaaargh!" A Shieldon had come to her rescue, eating the Geodudes near her. "Take this, you rocky food!" The bird watched in amazement, before BT turned to her and spoke. "We can talk more later, but for now, dear miss, we should help my friends!" The Pidgey nodded, understanding. "Of course!" she nods, watching the Pokemon jump back into the fray towards the two grass-types.

    Konta was about to make a run for it, finding another Geodude coming near her when she saw another Cacturne appear in the scene. 'I guess they have things under control there...' The living seemed to be fine on their own, so she was about to go to the other end of the tunnel when she saw a pink Ampharos coming her way wearing epic sunglasses and hopping from Geodude to Geodude.

    "Hey there pretty birdie! Less chitchattin', more action! Come on, we need to get a move on!" The Pidgey nods before squawking as a Geodude came closer. Another Geodude bumped into Stella, which to Konta's delight, she gave a Mega Punch in the face. The Pokemon hopped over to another one of the disgusting infected rocks. "Get on top of a Geodude, it's like surfing!"

    "...Surfing?" the bird couldn't believe it. Surfing? The Ampharos was hopping atop rather furious infected that could attack at any time and she calls it surfing? Konta sighed, wondering how she'll get atop a Geodude in the first place. Getting ready, she used a Quick Attack to race full-speed at the infected before jumping off at the last moment, latching onto it's bumpy body.

    The Pidgeon wobbled on her feet, putting her clipped wings out for balance. Eyeing another Geodude across from her she leaped, flailing her wings helplessly and praying to Arceus she'll reach the infected. Fortunately she did, and a grin crept up onto her beak. 'This is easier than I thought. Just like the obstacle course my owners gave me...' Konta began to expertly jump from Geodude to Geodude, giggling. "This is fun!" She began to make her way over to the other side of the tunnel, where she assumed the rest of the living were trying to meet at.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The CORONET Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Negative10 Sun Feb 05, 2012 1:03 am

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    Mt Coronet | Last Known Time ; Late Evening

    BT was finding himself enjoying this 'rough-housing' with his friends and teammates alike. Sure, the pandemonium had a case of riskiness on the side and a chance of being mauled by moving rocks, but what the hey! It's all in good spirit! The Shieldon thought to himself with a gleeful voice, munching on an arm of a Geodude. However, both Misters Osmund and Xerxes had rebuked him, telling him that being a cannibal (in all his long life, he had never learned the meaning of this word, but it had a nice ring to it) was not the way to go. With a sad sigh, the Shield Pokemon dropped the rest of the Geodude he had been eating and turned to his fellow friends.

    "Think you can both make it onto my back?" Benton couldn't really believe that just a few hours or so ago, he would never have brought himself to hop onto an Arcanine's back - actually, the thought of having the privilege of riding the Legendary Pokemon still gave him shivers! But with a jump and a muffled munch (he attempted to hide that he had bitten off a Geodude's fist), BT had gotten onto the back of Xerxes. From his taller viewpoint, he could see Stella 'surfing' the Geodudes as she had put it, two Osmunds and Aria running down the cave, and the Pidgey following after the Ampharos. Kneading his paws on the fire type's back, BT shuffled closer to Xerxes' head.

    "Xerxes, sir, let us go onward and be vigilant!" By that, he obviously meant that the Arcanine should begin his fleet, before BT's stomach acted up again. The Shieldon had no problem snagging a few more Geofoods, but he really didn't like making the great and most wonderful Arcanine upset. Making an exaggerated frown, Benton noted that if the Legendary Pokemon were upset, then everyone should be upset. Shrugging his negative feelings off, the Shield Pokemon grinned. "Onward, Xerxes, onwaaaard!" He bit on a tuft of the large beast's mane to make sure he wouldn't fall off, a determined face set.

    As he prepared for the great burst of speed he was sure Xerxes would lift off with, BT wondered what they would find at their destination at the top of Mount Coronet - the Spear Pillar, otherwise known as Great Father Arceus' home. His inner instinct told him they would find something incredibly wonderful, but the Shieldon knew not if it were for the good or the bad. But, with some luck, we'll find out together! With that positive thought in mind, BT bit down harder on Xerxes' mane.

    The CORONET Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Wed Feb 08, 2012 8:05 am

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    Mt Coronet | Last Known Time ; Late Evening

    "...I don't think we'll be able to get far in this condition."

    “You sure ‘bout that becau- What the fuck?! Well, it seemed that the other Cacturne shared his sentiment on this one. After all, another Cacturne, who seemed to know little Aria seeing as he-she? was tending to the girl’s wounds, just popped out of goddamn nowhere!

    “Um, who’re you? Uh, you with the, the- thing around your neck...Um, Thorne, was it?” Okay, now he could have handled that a little bit better, but, what was he supposed to say to this new character who looks kind of like Osmund...except for maybe the black scarf and the absence of black sunglasses. ‘Where the hell did she even come from? And why the scarf? Is she hiding any signs of the infection? ...Is she infected?’

    Xerxes’ thoughts were put to a halt as the sound of the tie-wearing Cacturne’s voice, "Alright, we need to get out of here! Xerxes! Cover us as we make a run for it, Benton! Stop eating them, that's pretty damn nasty,” BT was STILL eating those Geodudes?! ‘OH DEAR A- I think I actually feel sorry for those stupid shits!’ “-and your to useful to get infected! .....and you, you help too...."

    "Wait! What about the others-"

    "Do not! Touch, the, badass, Ampharos." Well, it seemed that Stella was doing fine on her own. "Get on top of a Geodude, it's like surfing!" Yup, she’s good.

    “Surfing? How could you compare this to surfing- WHAT THE HELL?!” Xerxes simply took on the sight of both the Pidgey and the Shiny Ampharos, riding on the same things they were supposed to be fighitng....but he had to admit that getting on top of a Geodude really is like surfing...except for the part where the surfboards don’t try and kill you. “ARE YOU KIDDING ME-” Now, the Arcanine would have continued that sentence with a few choice words, but he felt something hop onto his back and the muffled sound of crunching rocks. "Xerxes, sir, let us go onward and be vigilant!" Turning his head, Xerxes could only gape at the Sheildon that had taken to riding on his back like a Rapidash, taking his mane into his mouth in place for reins. “REALLY?!”

    "Onward, Xerxes, onwaaaard!"

    “Alright! Alright, already!” And with that, the lion of a dog charged forward, watching over the his two wounded companions that had made a run for it, but before he could get too far, Xerxes yelled over his shoulder, particularly at the others who were still with the Geodudes, “YOU GUYS SHOULD GET MOVING, BEFORE WE LEAVE YOU BEHIND!”

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The CORONET Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:27 am

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    Mt. Coronet | Last Known Time; Late Evening(21)

    Aria tried hard to hide her laughter at the rest of the groups reaction to her old team mate but hearing the Ampharos talk about surfing at a time like this was just to much. Aria burst out laughing causing her to nearly fall out of Osmund's grip. From the corner of her eye she could see Oz, though he looked as if he could barely stand. Wriggling about she hopped down out of Oz's arms."I'm fine I can walk."Aria said, though she wanted down for another reason.

    Thorne grinned and grabbed her shades from her neck and put them on. As she charged a Focus Blast attack she also appeared to be spitting seeds of some sort. When she appeared to be done spitting the seeds, she shot the Focus Blast, shooting down three or four infected Geodudes. When the blast vanished the seeds started to sprout all over the place, entangling the Geodudes in them. As soon as the vines came in contact with one of the pokemon it seemed to glow as energy was drawn from the pokemon towards Thorne.

    Aria smiled lightly, and four large roots seemed to burst up from the ground, the source appearing to be Aria's feet. The roots also seemed to glow and drain energy as the geodude became ensnared in them.Aria and Thorne appeared to know exactly what the other was thinking as they worked together to bring the mass of infected down with their over powering grass type attacks. Aria knew from experience that running away from these things that they would only follow you until you were trapped and then they would try and eat you.

    The CORONET Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:24 am

    (Skip me, writers block, lets just say that Ozzy stopped after Aria got out of his arms, and is helping the other by brick breaking, and needle arming geodudes.)

    The CORONET Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Mon Feb 13, 2012 6:46 pm

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    Coronet Team | Late Evening [9]

    “Surfing? How could you compare this to surfing- WHAT THE HELL?!” Xerxes gave an exasperated sigh, Stella just gave a funny comical grin. The answer is obvious, she just wanted to lightened the atmosphere from scary to somewhat 'what-the-fuck' situation. Her old friend along with BT ran for the other side, Xerxes calling over his shoulder at the group still behind, “YOU GUYS SHOULD GET MOVING, BEFORE WE LEAVE YOU BEHIND!” The Ampharos wobbled on a Geodude, jumping on each and every one of them toward the side the Arcanine and Shieldon was on, giving a low, but playful, growl, "Wait up you bastards! I'm not that good at surfing!"

    Stella glanced behind her, only to see the bird and a new Cacturne. Just realizing that it was a newcoming, the bitch-of-an-Ampharos, ]finally notices the newcomer.
    She gave a call, "Yo, new peeps, what's your names?" The call being directed at the Cacturne and the Pidgey. Stella kicked a Geodude that was in the way onto a wall, holding back a snicker.

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The CORONET Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Negative10 Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:26 am

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    Mt. Coronet | Last Known Time ; Late Evening

    He hadn't had this much fun in such a long time - and really, that was saying something! BT clamped down even harder on Xerxes' mane, closing his eyes as the entire scene whizzed right past him. Actually, the fur in his mouth even tasted like... Cotton candy, yes! A different kind than the kind that Bells had produced with her pretty pink fur; indeed, this kind was warm and very pleasing as it slid down his throat. Mmm... The Shieldon had not noticed yet that he was eating the grand Arcanine's fur.

    The others were continuing to shout, and with his mind's eye he painted an image of spectacular battles deployed by both Osmunds, Aria helping out in unison, as well as Stella and the Pidgey surfing the Geodudes, picking out the rocks one by one. Fantasmical! Benton continued to have his eyes shut, not wanting to break the beautiful fight going on in his head. He 'watched' in awe as all of his friends - including Xerxes, with himself on the Arcanine's back! - had fought bravely and diligently. Amazing!

    Feeling awfully refreshed with himself, Benton opened his eyes to find that he had pulled a large amount of Xerxes' mane fur out by way of eating. The Shieldon would have shrieked in horror at what he had done to the gracious fire type, and suddenly found himself unworthy of sitting upon the Arcanine's back. I'm unworthy, Xerxes, unworthy! The almost-bald spot on the back of the Legendary Pokemon's head seemed to glare at him mercilessly as the Shield Pokemon felt guilt claw at his heart.

    Tuck, duck, and roll! With those words, BT tucked his large head into his belly, jumping off of the mighty lion-dog-camel-tiger Pokemon and sliding on the ground with his shield-like head. Doing a roll, Benton skid across the ground, coming to a stop next to a Geodude. Surprisingly enough, it wasn't undead, nor infected! Mmph... Benton wondered why he was so hungry lately as he finished off the Geodude with a content face.

    The CORONET Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Fri Feb 17, 2012 7:27 am

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    Mt. Coronet | Last Known Time ; Late Evening

    Xerxes couldn't remember the last time he had fought and ran this hard...Okay well, there was that time when he'd managed to somehow run into the middle of a Tauros stampede, but that was besides the point! He had been roaming around this goddamned mountain beating the shit out of random infected that had decided to get in their way for hours, maybe even days! For all he knew it could be next week!

    "How...How the hell did I even get stuck in this mess?"

    And there he goes. Mumbling his woes and despairs as the fluffy dog lion thing plows on, following after the pai-trio before him, who'd taken to working together, cuts, bruises and all, to clear the road ahead of the pokemon that had come to block their progress.

    Meanwhile, Xerxes had heard the familiar voice of newcomer, Stella, growl at his passenger and himself, "Wait up you bastards! I'm not that good at surfing!"

    Turning his gaze at the Ampharos, the Arcanine couldn't help but smirk at her. The shiny pokemon may have taken residence in his heart quite some time ago, but that wouldn't stop him from teasing and annoying the shit out of her, so, he began to speed up even more.

    "Come on Stella! Not everyone can afford to wait up for your LITTLE, PINK ASS!"

    Suddenly, Xerxes felt something roll off his back and onto the ground behind him. Slowing to a halt, Xerxes turned to find Benton on the ground munching on a random Geodude-



    Age : 28
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    The CORONET Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Wed Feb 22, 2012 6:23 am

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    Mt. Coronet | Last Known Time; Late Evening(22)

    Aria sighed the draining attack was helping her recover her strength at an alarming rate. That was a good thing as she was just about ready to make a dash with the rest of the group. Glancing at Thorne, Aria gestured forward and counted on her nubby hands. At three, Aria's roots seemed to cut off from her as she dashed forward. A large grin crossed her face as she ran and Aria was soon neck and neck with Xerxes. That boost of energy had helped her out a lot.

    Thorne smiled and watched as Aria counted down for when they made their mad dash to catch up with the group. When Thorne bolted she grabbed the other Cacturne's hand and attempted to drag him while she ran. It was a bit of a struggle to drag him but they didn't have much time before the geodudes would get out of the mess of roots and vines."Come on moron lets get out of here, before anything else happens to you."Thorne said, she didn't want to admit it but if Aria liked this guy than she would end up seeing him as a little brother. 'Just like the others.' she thought.

    The CORONET Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 2:36 am

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    Mt. Coronet | Late Evening [10]

    Before the Ampharos could catch their names as she hopped from each Geodude to another, only to hear accursed words from the fucking, evil, bastard of a certain Pokemon who is practically growing a large beard, "Come on Stella! Not everyone can afford to wait up for your LITTLE, PINK ASS!"
    Stella huffed at the first comment, but the emphasis at the end made her definitely turn red in either embarrassment, anger, and/or love for the stupid idiot, "I'm glad it's little, thank you very much, I prefer my hourglass figure you furry ass."

    With her remark, she started speeding up, bit by bit as she hopped each Geodude, making it to where the fucking Arcanine was when he slowed down, the Electric type was panting, trying to catch some air. Being in a cave didn't even help. She rose her arm, about to say some witty remark, until Xerxes started screaming about BT, "OH GOOD GOD! THAT WAS NO! NONONO!! WRONG-SICK! THAT WAS JUST WROOOONG-SICK!"
    Wide-eyed at this random remark, she glanced at the Shieldon, who was happily eating a Geodude, which to her opinion was a bit... Disturbing. Wouldn't the idiot get sick? She glanced back at Xerxes, making a facepalm, "What do you expect? Butterfrees and rainbows for breakfast?"

    Age : 25
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    The CORONET Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Min Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:38 am

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    Within Mt. Coronet| |Late Evening

    "Yo, new peeps, what's your names?" The Pidgey was having difficulty trying to balance on the rock-types, let alone trying to reply while doing so. Every so often the undead would try to attack her, which obviously wasn't very enjoyable. "M- Whoa! My name is Kontagione! B-Bu-Eep! B-But please call me Konta!" she called, stumbling and almost falling off a Geodude.

    "Come on Stella! Not everyone can afford to wait up for your LITTLE, PINK ASS!" "I'm glad it's little, thank you very much, I prefer my hourglass figure you furry ass." She caught sight of the Shieldon rolling off the giant dog, eating one of the geodudes there. Xerxes began to exclaim in disgust at the scene.

    Konta caught up with Stella, Xerxes, and BT. Slowly panting from all the jumping and hopping. 'I shouldn't be stalling here- with all these rock-types...' She quickly lept onto a Geodude again, going towards the end of the tunnel.

    Age : 26
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    The CORONET Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Negative10 Wed Feb 29, 2012 1:12 am

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    Mt. Coronet | Last Known Time ; Late Evening

    "OH GOOD GOD! THAT WAS NO! NONONO!! WRONG-SICK! THAT WAS JUST WROOOONG-SICK!" Realizing what Xerxes was yelling cynically about, BT bowed his head in shame. Indeed, I am ashamed. The Shieldon rebuked himself, knowing he had let the Arcanine down by satisfying his urge to eat the 'dudes. He spit out the gritty substance that was left of the Geodude, before scuttling off to the mountain's side and beginning to hit his head repeatedly against the wall.

    Bad. BT. Bad. BT! With each word the Shield Pokemon banged his head upon the rocky surface, although his shield of a face did not take too much damage. He had let Sir Xerxes down by eating too much! Being a glut! The Shieldon continued to do so repetitively, knowing he would not be forgiving himself so soon. Disgracing an Arcanine; it was so unthinkable that Benton felt like throwing up all the rocks he had eaten!

    The waves of the Geodudes seemed to have settled down a bit, either from the tiring fighting that raged between the living and the infected, or by other reasons unknown (for example, an eating Shieldon), no one was quite sure. Benton had settled with rubbing his head against the mountain’s side in his misery, muttering ‘unworthy, unworthy!’ repeatedly. He was truly a dishonored Pokemon! How can I bare to face the Pokemon I’ve just recently met?

    BT slumped onto the floor, sighing with great sadness. His mother, a Bastiodon that loomed over his small exterior, often scolded him for being disrespectful, making him sit awfully lonefully in Mount Coronet’s many corners miserably. But she wouldn’t stand me for rejecting helping others... Indeed, Benton knew that if his mother were here at this very moment, she would tell him to get off his rump and get everyone down this ‘damn’ cave. Certainly!

    Heaving a big breath, he turned around and butted Xerxes’ leg. “Let’s go now, mister!”

    The CORONET Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:12 pm

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    Mt. Coronet | Last Known Time ; Late Evening

    "What do you expect? Butterfrees and rainbows for breakfast?"

    Turning to the Ampharos, Xerxes narrowed his eyes at the shiny. "Shut up, Stella! You gotta admit that was pretty foul! How would you feel if I started eating every damned pokemon that comes our way!" He was just about to go over there and sit on Stella when the fluffy lion-dog began to hear this constant thumping.

    "Um, BT? The hell are you doing?"

    The Arcanine wasn't really sure what to make of this "display". I mean, here he was, watching the Shieldon bang the shit out of his head on a wall after having spit out pieces of the Geodude. "Hey, hey. Easy on the head-banging there. Don' wanna kill that noggin of yours." At that, Xerxes had begun to look around the tunnel. It was only then that he noticed the Pidgey who'd taken to hitching a ride on the Geodudes.

    "Hey, Pidgey! Wai-"

    “Let’s go now, mister!” Sighing, Xerxes could only mumble, "Here we go again," before taking the Shieldon on his back once more and trotting forward. Looking over his shoulder at the Ampharos, the Arcanine called, "Wanna ride or not?"

    [ooc: please excuse my crap-tastic post OTL still suffering from writer's block]

    Last edited by An Optimistic Pessimist on Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:47 pm; edited 2 times in total

    Age : 28
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    The CORONET Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:08 pm

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    Mt. Coronet | Last Known Time ; Late Evening(23)

    'Ugh this guy is heavy.'Thorne thought to herself, dropping the other Cacturne and running to catch up with the group.Thorne was not going to haul that punk ass around if he wouldn't even have the decency to even try and walk. Afterwords Thorne walked to Aria's side and lifted her onto the Arcanine's back. Then with a light grin she wandered ahead beckoning the others to follow.

    Aria yawned as she was placed on Xerxes back and curled up into a small coil to rest. Today had been a long and hectic day. First she evolved, then she nearly died. Aria deserved the well earned rest and nestled into Xerxes fur snoring peacefully.For once Aria slept without nightmares of her friends, or what the epidemic had done. Instead she had simple dreams of shapes and colors.


    The CORONET Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 03, 2012 8:47 pm

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    Mt. Coronet | Late Evening [11]

    The Pidgey revealed herself as Konta, good, a name, wonderful way to say it before death. Xerxes turned to Stella, "Shut up, Stella! You gotta admit that was pretty foul! How would you feel if I started eating every damned pokemon that comes our way!" The Ampharos probably had her mouth open as she frowned, "Don't you 'shut up' me! Arceus! BT is just eating Geodudes, not fucking Arcanines and Ampharoses!"

    BT then commenced the beating of himself. Stella, once again, facepalms, the Ampharos groaning, 'What the fuck have I got myself into...' She glanced over at the Pidgey's direction, who's now going over to the end of the tunnel. The Electric Pokemon huffed, oh hell no, she is not going to go through the tiring process of surfing damn Geodudes again.

    "Wanna ride or not?" Xerxes asked, Stella rose a brow at him, before she could give her response the Cacturned placed Aria on the Arcanine. Leaving Stella to change her expression to a determined smile, "Eh, you got enough on your han- er... Paws. How about a race instead? Meet you on the other side bitch!... AND GO!"
    She already sped off toward the direction of the tunnel, following Konta, "Pidgey, hop faster! We're in a race against the fat ass now! Ha ha!"

    Age : 25
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    The CORONET Team - Page 6 Empty Re: The CORONET Team

    Post by Min Wed Mar 07, 2012 3:01 am

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    Within Mt. Coronet| |Late Evening

    "Pidgey, hop faster! We're in a race against the fat ass now! Ha ha!" Konta blinked. A race? Before she knew it, she found herself hopping even faster, a small smile on her face. "Now THIS is what I'm talking about." she laughed, doing little twirls and flips midair as she jumped to the other side. She had never had so much fun since the epidemic began. It was almost as if she were back home with her handlers.

    In the middle of a double-flip in the air, she felt something loom over her. Without warning a Geodude had risen up and punched her onto a wall, a high-pitched screech echoing through the tunnels as she felt her body slam against the rocks. Slowly, Konta got up again, but battered and wounded. "Well shit." she murmured. Around five geodudes surrounded her, all seeming rather angry with their eyes filled with a need for blood.

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