Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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18 posters

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team


    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 23 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Kaze Tue Sep 30, 2014 7:56 pm

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    Battle Castle | Noon | (28)

    "Then go away. We have no interest in battle." The Vulpix tries to drive them away.
    Hayato ruffles his feathers. If he's going to kill one of them that mouthy fox is certainly first. Not that he'd outright try anything with Kaze watching but friendly fire did happen...Mentally Hayato resolves that if they did get in a fight with Undead he isn't risking his tail feathers for anyone less than Kaze. Hopefully there would be leftovers.
    "We just got out of a pretty intense one.."
    "You're battles dead. They were hiding out in here for Mew knows how long."
    Kaze clicks his tongue.
    "Such a shame." Hayato chuckles, grooming with his sharp beak. Perhaps if we had gotten here sooner we could have helped."
    "I have a feeling though.. they weren't the only powerful undead here. This was a place to test your strength at one time."
    "Cinder.. what are you saying..?" One of the Quilava's companions asks nervously.
    Hayato chuckles again a dark disconcerting sound.
    "If you're looking for that kind of battle and won't try picking us apart, then you're welcome to stay."
    "That was the plan sweetheart. " Dramatically he spreads his wings.
    O.k. a few of them might be dead but by the sounds of it there were plenty of fights to be had still. He could rip and tear and kill as much as he desired and it wouldn't be hard. All he had to do was stick with these saps. The Ninetales was already bleeding. It would be sure to draw undead like flies to honey.

    "My name is Cinder, and this is Faux."
    Kaze smiles widely and claps his hands together.
    "Pleased to meet you!" He says cheerfully as he strokes his fingers through Hayato's feathers with one hand.
    The Honchkrow's feathers are still ruffled up aggressively. With a light and soothing touch Kaze tries to calm him down.
    "Cinder.. we cant possibly take on another fight like that...Its going to get us all killed."
    "Don't worry about that. We'll do our best to keep you safe, won't we Hayato?""
    There is a barb under the sugar-sweetness of that question. The Honchkrow looks away and refuses to answer.
    There is a few seconds of awkward silence with Kaze grinning widely and Hayato carefully tucking his feathers back into place.
    "Am sorry Mel I must leave to protect the others." The blaziken says, unlooping a necklace before quickly striding off in an unknown direction.
    It's a strange way to act but Kaze shrugs it off. Can't have too many in a party so an NPC got booted. No big deal to him.
    The Ninetales seem to be in considerable distress over it though.
    "Don't do.. it.." She chokes, obviously still injured from the fight.
    "Aaden no, dont go!" Standing shakily she sets off in clumsy pursuit until she trips on broken rubble and injures herself further.
    "Hey, be careful now!" With a sweep of his pale-skinned skirt he rushes over the the fallen fire type to offer some aid.
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 23 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Oct 08, 2014 3:51 am

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    Inside The Battle Castle | Noon
    Cinder 56 | Faux 27

    The Quilava's face contorts at the Honchkrows gibe. How.. sleazy. So far the Gardevoir had only come off as quirky but his companion.. maybe she shouldn't of been so accepting so fast. Good job, idiot. A bead of sweat rolls down her neck. How foolish could she be? "Cinder.. what are you saying..?" Etincelles voice calls from behind her full of freight. Taking a deep breath in through her nose and letting her shoulders relax slightly the Fire Type knows she must explain herself. You cant be cryptic in this day.. "Long ago many powerful Trainers and Pokemon would battle here in extreme tests. From what I saw at the foyer most the buildings are still standing, meaning nothing has really happened in here even after all this time." She pauses to breath and rally her thoughts, "What Im thinking is.. If any of the past competitors, or champs, are still here, like these guys," Her paw idly points to the corpses once more, ""They are probably just patrolling their respective quarters, waiting for some idiot to wander by. Or to them, a challenger to approach."

    Would that even make sense to the others? How many of them had been trainers Pokemon, she wonders.. What if Im the only one.. Would that be an offensive question? It would be to me.. Doubt hangs heavy in her mind. "So we're literally standing in the frying pan?" Faux hisses with a tone more curious then it was angry. "Kind of.. I mean, it seems pretty calm here now but it wont be truly safe until we at least check every one of the Battle buildings." Her mouth feels dry and sticky, a common result of dehydration but now its her nervousness. Well didnt she look crazy now, fresh out of an intense fight and actively searching for more. "Cinder.. we cant possibly take on another fight like that.. Its going to get us all killed." Two newly formed ears lie back against her skull. He was right. "I dont expect you all to agree with and follow me." She mutters honestly, the only comfort she can offer the hound. "Don't worry about that. We'll do our best to keep you safe, won't we Hayato?" One brow raises and two ears perk at the word you. The Psychic certainly saw them as allies, hopefully that meant the bird wouldnt try to kill them then. Dipping her head politely Cinder mews, "Glad to have your support." New allies, strong ones at that!

    Faux stands a bit taller, ignoring the pain in her limbs as best as can, "Secure the perimeter." She mutters mostly to herself. Maybe we will find Mist too.. The chances were slim but it gave the fox hope. Ears twitching at the soft sound of talon clicks on tile Faux looks to see Aaden moving back toward Mel, his face clenched in pain or thought. "Aaden, are you alright?" The Quilava whispers but is muted by whatever is straining the Blaziken. "Am sorry Mel I must leave to protect the others." Turning her snout toward the Blaze Pokemon the Vulpix cocks her head, "Implying?" How would leaving be a protection to anyone? That would be the exact opposite. "How is that going to help?" Turning toward Cinder the fox can see panic dancing in her golden gaze. "Is something wrong Aaden? Only another moment passes before the bird starts to walk away. "Aaden? Aaden where are you going? Dont leave!" The weasel takes a few steps forward but stops as another larger Pokemon begins to move. "Aaden no, dont go!" Melanie takes off after him but only hurts herself in the process. Standing as stiff as a statue the Quilava stares blankly as the dual types form vanishes.

    He.. left. He just left her like that. No farewell, no explanation. The Pokemon who said he would support her, back her up, the one that was always at her side just walked out on them all.  To 'protect us'?! Abandonment flares throughout her veins, a feeling she hadn't had in a while. The Volcano Pokemons flames die back completely, too shocked to even sustain a burn. Why.. I dont understand.. Was it because of her plans? "Unfortunately, I will be making my leave as well. I only came to help the injured, and Mel will be alright now. There is still another potion left; you can split it through the group members that need it." No, not her too. She couldn't have another of her friends, regardless of how new she was, just leave so suddenly. "But, but Hera.." No words are willing to form an argument for her and eventually she gives up, sorrow sparkling clearly in her eyes. "Farewell, I will return again someday, but I have a duty to go help others who need it. May Lugia light your path." The Espeon turns and leaves and as her tail rounds the corner Cinder finally finds the strength to call out, "Thank you for all you've done!" Before going silent again, muscles shaking.

    Theyre gone... Just like that their.. her, little group had lost and gained two members.. no, lost four. NO, lost five. Oh legends she had almost forgotten her Leafeon buddy. She was forgetting her friends already! Grief-stricken the starter falls back on her rump, eyes staring wide and blankly at the floor. I.. I dont..
    "So.. what now, Cinder?" The Vulpix asks in the most gentle tone she could muster. A bitterness was growing in her, not grief. While she could understand Hera's departure, the others were only in it for themselves.
    Brown eyes looking toward the newcomers then her own party Faux has to make a decision. After being so hostile she could really use a change of appearance, an attempt to restore her good though stoic name. Padding over to and pawing lightly at the Hyper Potion Hera had left behind she asks everyone equally, "Anyone need a little healing?" It wouldn't go far split between them all, and her own body still screamed in agony, but with the other Fire Type down she would offer what guidance she could.

    ((I am super tired and need to post this now because of class tomorrow. Sorry if the quality is the worst.))

    Age : 28
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 23 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dazey Sat Oct 11, 2014 1:23 am

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    Inside the Battle Castle | Noon (62)

    "What Im thinking is.. If any of the past competitors, or champs, are still here, like these guys," Miyu frowned at Cinder's words. Please, please don't say what Miyu thought she'd say. "They are probably just patrolling their respective quarters, waiting for some idiot to wander by. Or to them, a challenger to approach." And there it was. Miyu let out a little sound of disbelief, jaw falling slightly open at the thought. "So we're literally standing in the frying pan?" Faux asked, surprisingly enough, not angrily. Which was a bigger shock, Cinder's hypothesis or Faux's somewhat alien tone? Okay, definitely the idea of more Undead, but Miyu had to make some form of humor in her mind to prevent her from panicking on the spot. Didn't work.

    "Kind of.. I mean, it seems pretty calm here now but it wont be truly safe until we at least check every one of the Battle buildings." Cinder said and Miyu struggled to listen through her own racing thoughts. Was the Frontier really worth so much danger? Would they have been better off leaving? No, no. Miyu shook the idea away; Cinder knew what was best. "Cinder.. we cant possibly take on another fight like that.. Its going to get us all killed." ... But was Etincelle right? They had managed to defeat these guys, but with nearly the loss of Mel! Would someone die?

    "I dont expect you all to agree with and follow me." Cinder murmured. Miyu blinked, Cinder was gonna go fight those other Undead, wasn't she? She couldn't go alone... no... "Don't worry about that. We'll do our best to keep you safe, won't we Hayato?" the, uh, bubbly Gardevoir chirped. At least he seemed pretty nice. Miyu kinda liked that guy already. But the callous birdy?... Not so much.
    Cinder and Mel both shouted to Aaden, the Eevee bringing her eyes up to figure out what was going on. The Blaziken was leaving! Miyu could never figure that guy out, especially now that he was randomly leaving. Did he not like them? Or what? Mel got to her feet and chased after him, but he was gone and the Ninetales fell down in her attempt to stop him. "Mel!" Miyu called, "Are you--" But the Gardevoir was to Mel's side in an instant. He was a pretty nice guy, Miyu thought.

    Miyu caught a smile from Hera and returned it warmly before the Espeon slowly strode away, "Unfortunately, I will be making my leave as well. I only came to help the injured, and Mel will be alright now. There is still another potion left; you can split it through the group members that need it." She was so nice, Miyu wished she could've stayed.  "Farewell, I will return again someday, but I have a duty to go help others who need it. May Lugia light your path."
    Miyu stepped beside Cinder as she called her thanks and the kit shouted also, "Thank you! Bye, Hera!"

    Faux gestured to the potion, "Anyone need a little healing?" Uh.. Miyu thought about the bloodied cut on her chest but said nothing. Everyone else was way worse off than she was and it'd just be selfish to take healing. She wouldn't do it. "Um, I'm okay." Miyu sat in silence for moments, eyes darting around the room. Rebel was the only family she had ever known, but now... She had new family. Cinder, Faux. Mel and Etin. Kaze and maybe even that bird guy if he doesn't try to eat anyone's eyes. Miyu laughed a little, but the chuckle faded as she remembered a certain Charizard she longed to see again. She was definitely family even though they shared no blood relation.

    Miyu looked to the group and her eyes finally landed on Cinder. "I'm not strong or brave, and to be honest, I'm really scared to fight more Undead." She smiled with determination, "But I'll follow you anywhere."

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 23 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Oct 21, 2014 5:59 pm

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    Inside the Battle Castle | Noon
    Etincelle 39 | Melanie 48

    The Ninetales sniffs meekly. Why couldnt she just be helpful for once, do the right thing? Oh, cause she was fucking blind, thats why. Rayquaza's mercy.. Why couldnt the glass of killed her. Why was it that instead she had to suffer and still be alive when being dead would be so much easier. So I can be a miserable failure, thats why. The Legends were laughing at her, werent they. "Mel!" Miyu? Was the Eevee.. concerned? She didnt deserve that.. "Are you--" "Hey, be careful now!" Another voice cuts her off but why? "Mel!" Etin takes a few steps forward but stops as the newcomer gets to her first. Why would anyone care about some shitty creature like her.. The Gardevoir blurs into no more then a pale green mass with hints of red as the blood drips into her eye. Maybe she should let the Honchkrow have her useless eyes afterall... Not like they were doing her any good.

    "Im.. Im fine!" She barks, gritting her teeth as she gets back to her paws. "But.. Aaden why did.." Her words wont form a proper sentence but it doesnt matter- someone more important needed to speak. "Unfortunately, I will be making my leave as well. I only came to help the injured, and Mel will be alright now. There is still another potion left; you can split it through the group members that need it." Her body may be healed but... My eyes never will be.. Her gags on her own saliva. "Farewell, I will return again someday, but I have a duty to go help others who need it. May Lugia light your path." Like that their group had shrunken.. or not, since they now had this duo with them, and it was her fault. They both said my name.. Head down she avoided the Psychic's gaze, not that she could see it, and padded back over to Etincelle. The smaller canine brushes against her gently in a comforting gesture but the Ninetales feels no joy. Maybe she should leave too.. but I couldnt leave Etin..

    "Farewell Hera, I cant thank you enough." Etincelle bids to the Espeon, looking away from the Ninetales for only a moment. Reaching up with one paw he gently wipes away the thin trail of blood from her brow. There is a dark look in her red gaze that brings a pained frown to his muzzle. "Its not your fault Mel." He coos softly, thinking back to what Aaden said. She hadn't done anything wrong and had no reason to feel guilty. Pink gaze shifting back to the Quilava, who seemed to be even more upset, the Electrike takes in a deep breath. She had.. was this her whole reasoning for coming here? We fled here. She seemed to of come for a much, much different reason then he had. "We shouldnt stay here and look for more battles. We should leave while we still have a chance." They had been lucky once. Why risk it?

    "Anyone need a little healing?" Instantly he thinks of Mel first. Giving her a quick once over the medicine had done wonders, only the little scratch she just got post healing marring her pelt. Knowing that she was okay, truly okay, it finally hit him. Exhaling his body screams, the beating from the fight and the Earthquake in particular rushing back to him. He never rested afterward and even then the stress over Mel wore on him. Turning to look at Faux the burn along his side hisses with torment, the old wound still burning though not nearly as fiercely as before. "Um, I'm okay." Looking to Miyu, hiding the fact that he was in pain as best he could, he could clearly see blood on her pelt. Youre being so strong.. A warm smile comes to his face. They had to be strong in this age, especially the young. He nods to the Vulpix, "I do," He admits but doesnt say the extent of the pain in his body. "but you should really go first. You need it."

    "I'm not strong or brave, and to be honest, I'm really scared to fight more Undead. But I'll follow you anywhere." A feeling of admiration rushes through him. He was scared, he even suggested leaving, but the Eevee was going to brave it out. If she could do it, then he could to. Looking back to Mel he remembers everything they had been through in the last couple of days.. She hadnt given up on him. And I would never abandon my friends. The Electrike cant help but smile and stand a little taller, nodding to Cinder and Miyu. "Im scared too, but Ill stick by you no matter what." After all, thats what friends were for, right? "Right Mel?" He asks gently, making sure the Ninetales was focused. "Of course." Though she sounded a bit distracted still. He smiles bigger regardless, proud to still have her by his side.

    Last edited by Cinderspark on Mon Nov 03, 2014 3:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 23 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Kaze Fri Oct 24, 2014 1:47 am

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    Battle Castle | Noon | (29)

    "Long ago many powerful Trainers and Pokemon would battle here in extreme tests. From what I saw at the foyer most the buildings are still standing, meaning nothing has really happened in here even after all this time. What Im thinking is.. If any of the past competitors, or champs, are still here, like these guys, They are probably just patrolling their respective quarters, waiting for some idiot to wander by. Or to them, a challenger to approach."
    Perfect, we don't even have to worry about being ambushed Hayato!" Kaze says excitedly to the Quilava's words.
    Hayato immediately marks the volcano pokemon out as the leader of the group.
    "I told you it's be worth it." He says to the exictable psychic type.
    "You're such a smart bird." Kaze coos and strokes his feathers.
    "Glad to have your support." The dark type's red eyes give nothing away of his thoughts. More than worried or angry the large bird looks bored.
    "Farewell, I will return again someday, but I have a duty to go help others who need it. May Lugia light your path."
    The Honchkrow fluffs up his feathers. His blood red eyes watch the Espeon closely as she pads away. So he couldn't have a little snack before the fight; what mattered is that their will still be strong pokemon here to kill.
    "Anyone need a little healing?" The Vulpix asks, looking more than a little shocked.
    Kaze clicks his tongue.
    "Does anyone here know how to use potions?" He tilts his head to the side curiously.
    "Probably not." Hayato shrugs a wing.
    With a quick flap he flaps up to Kaze's eye level and gives him a quick peck on the cheek.
    "I'll run recon for a bit love, you keep safe now and if anything happens call for me. I mean it. No fighting by yourself."
    "Love you." The Gardevoir hums and flicks his feathery ears.
    "I love you too."

    "I'm not strong or brave, and to be honest, I'm really scared to fight more Undead.But I'll follow you anywhere."
    "I'm scared too, but I'll stick by you no matter what. Right Mel?"
    "Of course."
    "That's the spirit. If we all stick together we can be out of here in no time." Kaze says cheerfully.
    He sits so he can be closer to eye level with most of the canine and vulpine members of the team. His white skirt folds elegantly underneath his legs.
    "That looks like a mighty bad burn." He says conversationally to the Electrike. "I forgot Heal Pulse but you should probably use some of the potion to stop that from getting infected."
    Kaze hums and his ears flick as he considers. Still on his knees he shuffles a bit closer to the Ninetales.
    "And you're pretty badly cut up too." He waves his hand in front of her nose. "Can you see this?" He asks, his soothing tone tinged with hypnosis.

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 23 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Min Fri Oct 24, 2014 9:53 pm

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    Inside the Battle Castle| |Noon
    82| |60
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    Ven had fled, his limping gait only carrying him so far through the vast corridors of the crumbling castle. His need to find his serpentine companion spurred him forward, arms carelessly flinging forward only to push to propel his body. Eyes watering and lip quivering from fear of losing his closest friend, the Golbat nearly screamed when he turned a corner to find the bloody, torn body of an Arbok. Crawling closer he was relieved to find that the snake was still alive. Regardless, he couldn't stop shaking, wide eyes staring at her wounds and unsure what to do. "Oh gods..." he whimpered, beginning to sob. "I'm zo zorry....I'm zo zorry..." The flying-type covered his face with a single, tattered wing.

    "Ven," her voice was low, trembling. "it's alright. It's alright. D-Don't cry..." Mist gagged, blood splattering from her mouth as she turned away. Her whole body was aching, wounds pulsing with the rise and fall of her chest. Her hood was folded, too weak to spread it any further. "Go find...the others. Please. It's n-no use...to try and...save me. Please just go," the Arbok wheezed. "Go!"

    "No! I am not going to leafe you here!" Ven snapped back, narrowing his eyes into slits. Despite the anger behind his eyes tears refused to stop spilling down his cheeks, body quaking alongside his broken voice. "I can't--I can't! I cannot loze you! I vill not loze you!" His shouting grew with hysteria, tone rapidly escalating into screams. "I VILL NOT LEAFE YOU BEHIND!" His words seem to be more of a reassurance to himself rather than a true statement, furiously shaking his head. "YOU VILL LIFE!"

    [ooc: good to be back omg...first post in a while and it's ven's 60th. if someone could hear ven's screaming and come to check it out that would be good. good to be back!!]

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 23 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Sat Oct 25, 2014 10:40 am

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    Battle Castle|Noon

    The Houndoom approached the Battle Castle, knowing this is the first time he's been here. "Ahoy, Anybody here to help a salty sea dog like me!" Nobody responded to his call as if the air itself and an echo was the only answer he got. Rosko decided to walk around checking the place out pondering what his naval life has been so far. Out of boredom he started to sing a shanty he sung alongside his captain all those years ago. "As I was a walking down paradise street. To me way, hey, blow the man down." He then sang it silently to keep anything else from hearing him as he continued looking around. Soon he came up to the door of the battle castle and looked up. "Me captain would be proud if he was still alive to see his first mate here." Rosko had started to wonder what was inside if he'll find anyone alive. He sat outside the door waiting for something.

    The Houndoom wondered around some more over towards the stands. "Shiver me timbers, why the fuck am I waiting for, I should just go inside and see if there's food." Rosko returns towards the battle castle and heads inside. As he went inside, the houndoom started looking around for any signs of life. Each step he took clacked his claws on the floor, as it was common for him. The Houndoom continued with his shanty while looking around the inside. His eyes ever so wandering around looking at pictures of trainers and their pokemon. "Alas me good heart to see happy trainers and pokemon in these pictures." As he continued on, he heard a voice off in the hall. "YOU VILL LIFE!" He perked his head up hearing the voice. "Ahoy, Anybody here in this place!"

    OoC)) Its good to be back in this rp with a new character and a iffy post couldn't think of anything right now.

    Posts : 176

    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 23 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Mesprit Sat Oct 25, 2014 10:24 pm

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    Outside the Battle Castle || Afternoon || Post 1
    The small legend flew above the city of Olivine, her amber eyes tired and her flight path jagged. But despite everything, the Psychic legend has a goofy grin on her face and a happy cheer shining behind her tired eyes. "I wonder where my Brothers are, I'm sure they're okay." She said, her voice light and feminine. She turned around a corner and stopped, looking at the sight before her. The Battle Tower of Olivine was, in a simple term, utterly destroyed.

    The windows were all but gone, shattered by legends knew what. The bottom floor was ruined. Sea algae grew up on the walls, eating away the paint from the tower. The hinges for the door were broken, holding the doors wide open for everyone the waltz through. Broken items were strewn about, forgotten by the humans who fled this place. The pixie legend flew low to the ground, her tails waving slightly as she flew towards the Battle Tower.

    "Alas me good heart to see happy trainers and pokemon in these pictures." Was that a living voice? Mesprit halted her acceleration, ducking behind a wall, the psychic legend peeked out, her golden eyes wide as she watched, her curiosity peeking. "YOU VILL LIFE!" She winced at the harsh voice, before floating out tentatively, towards the Battle Tower.  "Ahoy, Anybody here in this place!" She froze, looking around. "Yes, I'm here." She said, flying over towards the houndoom, slightly hesitant. "My name is Mesprit, and I'm here to help."


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    Mesprit; The Emotion Pokémon
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    Age : 28
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 23 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dazey Tue Oct 28, 2014 2:23 am

    ((OoC - Skip. Miyu doesn't really have anything to do lol.))

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The OLIVINE Team  - Page 23 Empty Re: (ACE) The OLIVINE Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Nov 03, 2014 4:34 pm

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    Inside the Battle Castle | Noon
    Etincelle 40 | Melanie 49

    The Electrike puffs up his chest and lets out a silent sigh to make his muscles relax. They were finally getting some down time.. even if it was still taxing on their minds. Regardless, the soft smile along his muzzle was sticking around. They were a group by god, and they had each others back even now. "That's the spirit. If we all stick together we can be out of here in no time." Nodding to the Psychic a short tail wags a bit. He was so gleeful and relaxed. While we are all so downtrodden. It would be great to have some high spirits in the group again, maybe it would do them all some good. Already he can feel his spirit lifting and watches as the dual type comes closer. The Gardevoir, Kaze was it?, was such a tall figure compared to most of them and kneels politely. Even in the Epidemic he had retained such nice manners.
    "That looks like a mighty bad burn." A warm rush of embarrassment flushes his face. "Oh no no, its not that bad. It looks worse then it really his." His smile turns sheepish as he lies through his teeth, trying to hide the twinges of pain. "I forgot Heal Pulse but you should probably use some of the potion to stop that from getting infected." He laughs softly, lips still locked together to keep the sound inside. As painful as it was he had other priorities for his share of the potion.. "Thats not a bad idea, actually."

    The Ninetales was choking on her own breathe and fluids. I did that. Her fires had caused that burn. That burn that could be infected (by bacteria) right now. I did that to him. It could kill him! It was her greatest shame. How could she do that to Etincelle, the one she-- "And you're pretty badly cut up too." She flinches in surprise, too lost in her own self hate to of heard him come closer. "W-what?" She stammers, unsure of how to respond to his statement. Only the new cut on her forehead was a thing, right? Hadnt she just wasted the Full Restore Hera brought? Had it been for not and wounds still littered her body? But they are closed, sealed, healing, gone! The pain its.. Its not like she can see her own pelt to know if there was any visible wounds. The pain may be gone but what if the wounds persisted? Hell, her fur was probably a matted mess and thats why he was saying that.. Shadows of movement pass over her blurred gaze bringing even more discomfort to the Ninetales.. "Can you see this?" This, what was this?? The Pyschic tries to sound friendly but her nerves are firing like made. Her focus is slipping, mind slowly going numb despite the stress that was racing through it. What was going on..

    Etincelle tensed at her side. Her knew how uncomfortable her blindness made her and the burn comment had already unnerved her. Words cling to his throat, he had to say something but what! Desperate, he moves closer to Mel, sweeping his short form in front of her chest as though his was a miniature shield. "...N-no." The large vulpine blurts out an answer before he can gain the courage to. Its a single word but it holds enough venom to turn his blood icy. Mel.. She didnt need this.. "..I can not see. Im.. blind." That was the second time she had admitted it and it holds the same crushed and pain-filled notes, if not more spiteful then before. "Hush now Mel, Im here." He coos as sweetly as he can, reaching upward and licking her cheek. There was a glossy shine to her hazy red eyes, the fight to hold the tears back as clear as the pain on her face. Mel was swaying slightly but her fur was spiked up. Legends what must she be feeling.. why cant he offer her more comfort?

    (ergh.. Was going to put Ven's cries in here but need to post with the other pair first ; ; Sorry!)

    Age : 29
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    Post by Kaze Fri Nov 07, 2014 12:09 am

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    Battle Castle | Noon | (30)

    The large black bird flaps down the corridor. His dark feathers blend into the shadows along the ceiling. His ruffled feathers deafen the noise of his wingbeats, keeping him hidden as he searches for his prey. This human building...dusty and fading with the gold paint peeling off the walls. It was like a mausoleum in here, a shrine to memories long lost. Even though the grime the smell of plush curtains reminds the Honchkrow of his battling days. Fighting in places like this were fun. Gyms were boring and the position of League Champion was overrated. Here was the place where he had been blooded. This was where fights were between pokemon breed and trained to be as strong as possible. This was the pinnacle of a battleground and this time there were no rules to prevent him from plucking the eyes out of the next pokemon he sees. He doesn't have to eat them, if they look infected.
    "I can't--I can't! I cannot loze you! I vill not loze you!" The cry echoes down the corridor. Hayato angles towards it. "I VILL NOT LEAFE YOU BEHIND!"
    A familiar scent reaches his nose. Blood, a lot of it.
    Hayato banks around a corner and catches sight of the source of the screaming. A tattered bat and a cut up snake. Jackpot.
    Poison type meat had a strange tang but it was safe and they were barely moving anyway.
    "Ahoy, Anybody here in this place?!" Another booming voice echoes out and Hayato folds in his wings, perching on some pointless ornamentation where he can keep a watch over the bleeding snake. A Houndoom, big black fire hound just walking in. Its horns curl and one eye is covered. Hayato pulls one charred stump of a feather from his wing thoughtfully. Houndoom fire never healed.
    With a sigh he resigns himself to finding a further afield hunting ground.
    "Yes, I'm here."
    He flutters into sight, landing with a thump and a small plume of dust on the carpet between the snake and the dog.
    Another pokemon comes into sight and whatever he had been planning on saying turns to dust in the Honchkrow's mouth.
    "My name is Mesprit, and I'm here to help."

    Kaze frowns. His ears flick.
    There really was no response to his hand wave, not even an instinctual backing away but now the Ninetales look upset. It really was hard to tell where the cuts were underneath that matted fur. He justed wanted to see how deep they ran.
    Kaze rocks back on his knees, giving the Fire Type some space.
    "..I can not see. Im.. blind."
    "Hush now Mel, I'm here." The Electrike leans up to tenderly lick at her cheek.
    I'm sorry." Kaze says soberly. His fins droop. "I had to check."
    His usual cheery smile returns.
    "But we can at least get you tidied up a bit. Get some of that grime off and..." He pauses and leans back. He raises his arm to the band of bandages on his arms.
    "We could try a blindfold, it might make you feel better. Y'know, not bring able to see when you shouldn't be? Did that make sense?" He laughs. "Probably not. But let's get you tidied up a little. We can clean up some of these cuts and still have plenty of potion left over."
    He smiles enthusiastically, undoing a portion of bandage from his arm. The ragged edge where Hayato's talons have cut in dangles free.

    Age : 25
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    Post by Min Sat Nov 08, 2014 2:45 pm

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    Inside the Battle Castle| |Noon
    83| |61

        "Ahoy, Anybody here in this place!" Oh gods, oh gods a voice. The Golbat shudders as he turns swiftly towards the echoing words. In the moment he turns he catches sight of dark plumage and a golden beak perching itself nearby, watching them. The flying-type was too desperate to analyze the Honchkrow, immediately beginning to beg.
        "Oh Arzeus pleaze help us," his pleading is frantic and messy, words slurring with sobs. "pleaze, pleaze...I-I vill do anything in return she--" he gestures to the dying snake, "has to life, sche has to." Mid-sentence his voice begins to quiet, small gags emanating from his throat. "Pleaze..."
        Ven watches as the Honchkrow hops down, an almost-hopeful look brightening his face. Behind the avian he catches sight of a similarly dark pelt--more help? A bubbly feeling begins to burst inside the Golbat. Oh Arceus maybe they will live through this, he glances back to Mist, maybe they really will be saved.
        Further away Ven hears a faint, feminine voice. Like the others it was unrecognizable. He doubted his former companions would still be dwelling within this crumbling building, anyways. Angling his ears he listens more intently. "My name is Mesprit, and I'm here to help."

        Mist hears the voice too, the legendary name ringing in her head. Mesprit, the fae of emotions. The purveyor of feelings. The rumored legend that if you touch all your heart is drained in an instant, forever to be lost. She huffs, making a sound similar to a chuckle. It is amusing, she thinks, how fitting it is for a being like that to visit this forsaken land. The lack of emotions might be a good investment, she muses, maybe if she really did live through this it would be something she should consider.
        "...d-don't need help," she mumbles weakly. "just g-go. Find t-t-the others..." I'm better off dead, anyways. She resists the urge to speak her thoughts, instead her lips curling into a bitter frown.
        Although Ven's sentiment is sweet-=how desperately he wishes to save her--it was tiresome. A pain, really. She can't see the points of keeping her alive: not only would other living have to take care of her to make sure her wounds didn't reopen, keep her stomach full, and drag her along wherever they went; they would have to deal with the same damn near-death bullshit happening every half-day. So, in conclusion, Mist decides that keeping her alive was a pointless task, turning her head away from her bat friend. Why can't I just die already.

    Age : 39
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Nov 09, 2014 11:40 am

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    Battle Castle|Noon

    The Houndoom hears a voice not to far from him, but he has no idea who it belongs to. "Yes, I'm here." Rosko perked his head up sniffing the air it wasn't undead but there was a strange scent to whatever it was. "My name is Mesprit, and I'm here to help." He heard that name from somewhere, but he couldn't remember when and where since that battle with Team Plasma and its thugs. The Houndoom "Yer friendly Mesprit? Me name's Rosko and I came to find companionship and a way home to me family." The Houndoom soon heard a voice pleading to someone. "pleaze, pleaze...I-I vill do anything in return she--" He started to run down the halls to find a tethered Golbat and a wounded Arbok. "Shiver me timbers, what happened to ye land lovers." Rosko was shocked to find the Arbok's injuries more severe and life threatening to his dismay.  The Houndoom then stared at the Golbat and wondered why he couldn't fly.

    Rosko then looked at Mesprit down the hall "What an unusual lass that one is I never seen a pixie in me life." The houndoom looked back at the two pokemon and thought maybe he could help them. "Yer looking like ye need help and I honor me code as a sailor to help ye." Rosko says to the two. As he turns his head away for a second he finds the feathers of what appears to be honchkrow feathers already burnt from a battle from another houndoom. For now he remained by the Arbok and Golbat in case the Honchkrow was undead. "Is there anyone else here that you both may know I'll bring them back here to help ye." The Houndoom had no intention of leaving them alone until Mesprit got close enough to them. This was a good time to ask them for their names and get to know them a bit. "Me name's Rosko and ye both are?" The houndoom asked.

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Sat Nov 15, 2014 12:37 pm

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    Inside The Battle Castle | Noon
    Cinder 57 | Faux 28

    What had she just done..? The Quilava hangs her head, eyes flicking between being saucer-wide and squeezed shut. Gods be damned, why did you say that?! Sure, it had been her goal to come here and look but telling them would only make her look utterly insane. It was no wonder Hera left... it was no wonder Aaden didnt want to be her right hand. She just scared them the fuck off by looking like a complete nut job! Im sorry.. Im sorry thats not what I meant. But its way past too late as she can not take those stupid words back. Blinking her gold eyes one more time they burn with moisture but refuse tears. Cant even cry.. How pathetic could she get? "We shouldnt stay here and look for more battles. We should leave while we still have a chance." A cold chill radiates from deep in her bones. What a nice way of saying her thoughts were ridiculous..

    "Does anyone here know how to use potions?" The Vulpix already had her teeth clamped down on the lid, ripping it off with ease. "Yes, I do. You could even say Im painfully familiar with them." While a great number had been use on her the amount of times that she needed one and was denied could fill a book. Some humans are assholes. But that was a story for another time. "Um, I'm okay." Her angular eyes flicker up and the down the Eevee's form. The splash of blood on her chest is enough to warrant concern. "I do, but you should really go first. You need it." Faux grunts but makes it in good spirits. Everyone was looking out for one another.. it seemed tempers had finally died down, hers included. While she didn't want to go first the fox didn't want to argue with the others anymore. Lets.. get things back on track. Nodding, she fumbles the Hyper Potion around to spray her aching body. The gentle mist streams out with a soft hiss and Faux must keep herself focused on the amount left in the little potions glass inside. Ive been through hell and back, I can live without this luxury.

    Faux lifts her paw and flips the thing around toward Miyu. Her pain had subsided, still twinging at her limbs and each time she takes a breath in but that was all she would take. Look after them. Paws were not the most delicate of instruments and the Vulpix very carefully angles the pot upward, the ground and ever present support. "If you could tilt your head back a little," and the stream resumes, aimed right for the blood on the Eevee's chest. Its too hard to see the degree of damage through the youths thick fur but as the fluid in the glass drops even further Faux stops and turns it toward Etincelle, pleased with the amount used on the Normal Type. Her own body longs to use the rest but she blocks it out. Pain was an old friend, she didnt need to be a wuss about it. "Alright, now you,"
    About to steady her paws on it one last time the Vulpix stops and stares at the Electrike as he converses with Kaze. A different course of action is needed and she grabs the Hyper Potion carefully in her jaws, tilting her head back in awkward angles, holding her mouth in a way that hurt. Better.. converge.. If she didnt choke first. Chomping down hard on the leaver she walks around and sprays the Electrike on every bloody patch, noting his the old wound and anything still bleeding. The spray doesnt have much left and soon sputters, the potion only having a little bit left when she stops it. Though better it seems pain is still alive in all their eyes. "That should be better." If nothing else it should of eased it for all of them.

    Any relief only last for a moment though. "Can you see this?" "...N-no... I can not see. Im.. blind." Instantly her pointed face locks onto the Ninetales shape, particularly her eyes. What? She steps forward, intrigued, confused, curious. How had she gotten along..? Shifting between Etincelle and Melanie her head tilts to the side. Not a couple but a guide? What was the small Electric Type to her? "Your blind?" She asks for reassurance and clarity. Guess that explains a lot. No wonder the Hydrocanon hit so squarely.. why her flamethrowers were so haphazard. Faux grits her teeth. That was the kind of information others needed to know. "We could try a blindfold, it might make you feel better. Y'know, not bring able to see when you shouldn't be? Did that make sense?" "Thats not a bad idea." She agrees with a nod, trying to push any anger aside. There was nothing they could do about the past now and its more then apparent this disability was weighing heavy on the Ninetales. Calm her down and then keep moving.

    "I'm not strong or brave, and to be honest, I'm really scared to fight more Undead. But I'll follow you anywhere."
    "Im scared too, but Ill stick by you no matter what." "Of course."
    "That's the spirit. If we all stick together we can be out of here in no time."

    The Quilava had zoned out. These were her friends, almost like family, and she just zoned them out in her sorrow. What kind of leader was she, basically telling them she would take them to their deaths, and ask for their support? I truly am the worst. For now and forever. A shiver runs along her spine until she shivers. Maybe she should just go, she wasnt cut out to be- "I VILL NOT LEAFE YOU BEHIND!" The voice runs so tantalizing through her ears. It.. it couldnt be, could it? "YOU VILL LIFE!" "..Ven?" The name falls so lightly from her tongue its hardly audible. A prickling energy starts to course from a panicked heartbeat. "Ahoy, Anybody here in this place!" Another voice, a reply, someone else!? Cinder leaps to her paws, "Did, did any of you hear that!" How soft had that cry been? It was an explosion to the Fire Type who was listening to nothing. "But you said-" She cuts off the fox with an excited, "Its.. its Ven! He's still here!"

    Her paws are shaking and unresponsive, giving her only a slight hesitation before the Quilava is off and sprinting down the halls toward the sound. Of course hes here.. what were we thinking.. why did we give up so fast.. They wouldnt leave us! She hadnt even waited to see if the others were following- this, she needed to do this. She had been so quick to give up, to dismiss them, to call them traitors.. Im sorry.. Im sorry, Im sorry! How could they ever forgive her..? The second voice pops up again, was it with Ven? "pleaze, pleaze...I-I vill do anything in return she--" She? Was.. was Mist here and alive?! "has to life, sche has to." They were! Bounding down one hall and barely making a turn Cinder's flame blaze wildly. "Mist, Ven!" She yowls down the way. Legends help for she was already breathless. "Where.. Where are you!"

    ((I can edit that Nightdaze if ya want c:))

    Age : 28
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    Post by Dazey Tue Nov 18, 2014 12:36 am

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    Inside the Battle Castle | Noon (63)


    Miyu's heart sunk like a shot battleship as the Ninetales confirmed she was indeed unable to see. Gosh. I can't even imagine... While the hot pain in her pelt dulled with many thanks to Faux, she couldn't shake the sad feeling she had knowing Mel was blind, Miyu wouldn't wish blindness on her worst enemy. Rephrase - she wouldn't wish it onto her worst living enemy. An undead, sure. Her contemplation was broken as a voice cried out. Miyu's ears perked up after the first word and she listened intently as the familiar voice spoke, "I VILL NOT LEAFE YOU BEHIND!"


    Cinder and Miyu spoke that name in unison, the Eevee shooting a glance towards the Quilava with her lips pulling into a hopeful smile. "Cinder! Was that...?" she trailed off hearing another voice. "Ahoy, Anybody here in this place!" Albeit, a strange one... "Did, did any of you hear that!"
    Miyu nodded at Cinder's question and spoke again, "Yeah!... That one voice kinda sounded like a pirate..." Was that offensive? She'd never met a pirate before, so she wasn't sure if they had a different term or something. She'd have to ask later, assuming this pirate guy wasn't a deranged killer.

    "But you said-" Faux began, but she was quickly cut off by an excited Cinder. "Its.. its Ven! He's still here!" And then Cinder was racing forward. "Uh... Be right back! Mister... Er..." she looked at Kaze awkwardly, momentarily having a brain fail, "... Mister. You guys take good care of Mel!" Dashing off behind Cinder, the little Eevee had trouble catching up with the Fire-type, but Miyu wasn't one to let her little legs get the best of her and shot forward with a Quick Attack.

    "Where.. Where are you!" Cinder shouted, Miyu mentally doubling her words. "Gosh, this place is stupid." the Normal-type growled, "Ven! Can you hear us?"

    ((OoC - You know, I just have this mental image of Cinder being Batman and Miyu is her loyal sidekick, Robin. Lol.))

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Fri Nov 21, 2014 2:39 am

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    Inside the Battle Castle | Noon
    Etincelle 41 | Melanie 50

    Her shame, her dishonor, her disability was now on display for everyone. If they hadnt noticed before they sure as hell knew now. Just kill me. She was going to be sick, or fall apart, or scream, or all three at once. It felt like the entire world was weighing down on her, the eyes of everyone in the room locked on her blind form. Not that she could see them.
    The Ninetales is scarcely breathing, the process too much under the mountain of mental stress. "I'm sorry." He hadnt meant it to be offensive. No one ever meant it to be but as dark claws wrap around her heart Mel can not simply let it go. "I had to check." To make sure Im not a liability? To see if Ill weigh you down, ruin your fun, be your prey.. She takes in a sharp breathe. "Its.. okay." She manages to whisper. It'll never be okay. That much was for sure.

    "But we can at least get you tidied up a bit. Get some of that grime off and..." He quiets himself a moment, there is movement, blurs, soft shuffling. The Gardevoir was doing.. something. "We could try a blindfold, it might make you feel better. Y'know, not bring able to see when you shouldn't be? Did that make sense?" "A.. blindfold?" She hesitates. What did it matter, she was already blind.. Probably not. But let's get you tidied up a little. We can clean up some of these cuts and still have plenty of potion left over." The soft ruffle against her chest and then the pressure of another life form alerts her to Etincelle's gentle caress. "It couldn't hurt to try, could it?" He asks delicately. He knew her so well..
    "I.. I guess it couldnt hurt.." They were, Kaze was trying to be helpful.. Give him a chance. Taking in a deep breath a slight sour tang hits her nose. She takes a nerous step back and hears two faint tinks as her claws and the.. Aaden's necklace.. tap against the floor. A faint idea boils in her blood. "Okay," Her throat is dry and voice faint, "But maybe.. we could use my ribbon? I mean.. since its.. already here.. and could you put this on me?" Gingerly she lifts the limb so the jewelery wont slip off her wrist. "Perhaps.. maybe we should.. or could, search for some clean water." Though she couldnt see them the fox assumed everyone must be as filthy as her or more so. So much ash in the air.. blood on our skin.. fighting to be done.. The Ninetales takes in a deep breath, and sighs. Why do I even try..

    The soft smile on the Electrike's muzzle did not falter. Mel was being so strong, so brave after being confronted. "It might help, wont know unless you try," He reassures her, short tail wagging. He's about to speak again when something completely unexpected stops him."I VILL NOT LEAFE YOU BEHIND! YOU VILL LIFE!" That voice, the accent.. Ven? He sounds so.. "..Ven?""Ven?" The word is played on repeat, everyone seeming to hear or think the same thing. "Ahoy, Anybody here in this place!" While the next voice is unfamiliar it still flares excitement in his veins. "Did, did any of you hear that!" "Yeah!... That one voice kinda sounded like a pirate..." "Whats a pirate?" He asks in confusion. Was that some kind of undead? Nows probably not the time for that though. "But you said-" "Its.. its Ven! He's still here!"

    Life comes back to the Electrike's paws and its more then just the potions work. "He was hurt, he needs us!" He exclaims but his voice is full of excitement, not fear. In the short time he knew him the bat had gone through so much.. oh thank the legends he was still alive. Cinder goes tearing off after the voice with Miyu close behind. "Uh... Be right back! Mister... Er ... Mister. You guys take good care of Mel!" Ven's calls echo in his ears. He wanted to make sure he was okay! but the canines paws are rooted to the spot, his attention drawing back to the Ninetales at his side. "You hear that Mel, Ven's alive, he's still here! That probably means Mist is here too." Cinder and Miyu could find them, if he could shout he had to be alright. For now, Mel needed him and he would be there for her.

    Age : 29
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    Post by Kaze Mon Nov 24, 2014 8:26 pm

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    Battle Castle | Noon | (31)

    "Oh Arzeus pleaze help us, pleaze, pleaze...I-I vill do anything in return she--" The golbat gestures to the dying snake as he begs, "has to life, sche has to... Pleaze..."
    "Upstairs we have a potion. It may help." Hayato says in a harsh caw, turning his head sideways to get a good view of the newcomers.
    Kaze get your pretty ass down here, you will flip your shit! Hayato thinks loudly to the Gardevoir as he folds his wings in.
    Well pluck him, roast him and call him a chicken dinner, it's an Arceus blessed Legend.
    He was a Sinnoh boy, born and bred in the land of the Lake Trio. He had never seen one in the flesh, naturally, but there can be no doubt that what is standing in front of him is a full flesh and bone Mesprit. He had been sure they were just a fairy story. Briefly and guiltily Hayato wonders what Mesprit's eyes would taste like. They'd be safer to eat than it's fellow legend, Uxie.
    "Is there anyone else here that you both may know I'll bring them back here to help ye."
    Hayato points a wing upstairs, unsure if the 'salty seadog' was entirely all there. Either a dockworker decided a fire type was the perfect companion for a long sea journey where the only thing keeping you from dying was a wooden boat or the dog was barking mad.
    Hayato chuckles a little at his own thought. He was funny.
    "Me name's Rosko and ye both are?"
    "Hayato, Uchiha Hayato." He emphasizes his breed, not caring if the dog would appreciate it or knew anything about the world of competitive Honchkrow rearing. "Nice to eat you, I mean meet you."
    He has meat on the brain.
    "...d-don't need help, just g-go. Find t-t-the others..." The snake briefly stirs. Even breathing seems to be an effort for it.
    A loud noise echoes down the hallway and Hayato turns towards it. He would have to find something else to chew on.
    "Mist, Ven!"
    "Ven! Can you hear us?"
    "Oh good, company."
    The Honchkrow turns towards the prone serpent.
    "If you die can I eat your eyeballs?" He asks conversationally.

    "It couldn't hurt to try, could it?"
    "We'll see if it does any good." Kaze smiles reassuringly, more for the benefit of the Electrike than the Ninetales.
    They both look so nervous.
    "I.. I guess it couldn't hurt.." The Ninetales says slowly.
    "It's worth a try. Tell me if you feel uncomfortable."
    "Okay, but maybe.. we could use my ribbon? I mean.. since its.. already here.. and could you put this on me?"  The Nintales gingerly lifts a paw and Kaze picks up the bright gleam of a necklace on her paw. Instinctively his hand flies to the silver star around his own neck, its shape a cross between a saw blade and a hurricane.
    "Sure, if you want to keep it safe I'll make sure it doesn't fall off."
    "Perhaps.. maybe we should.. or could, search for some clean water."
    "It couldn't hurt to try, could it?"
    "I'll ask Hayato about it when he gets back. Kaze promises as he deftly works to assemble a blindfold. One of multiple times he is grateful for his opposable thumbs. Assembling this blindfold would be difficult for anyone else.
    With care he wrapped up the ribbon, making sure the necklace was also tightly tied so that it wouldn't shake loose. His fingers move agilely as he is filled with memories of making flower crowns in Floraroma Town.
    The cloth twists easily and Kaze ties the ends loosely at how large he feels the Ninetales head is. His work finished he holds it up with a proud smile. He was still the most stylish Gardevoir this side of Sinnoh~
    "Now to try it on..." He pauses and looks at the Electrike. "Could you give me a hand?"
    He doesn't want to startle the Fire Type any more than she has been.
    "It might help, wont know unless you try,"
    There is a moment when a loud cry echoes up from not too far ahead and every 'mon in the room has the same reaction.
    "Uh... Be right back! Mister... Er ... Mister. You guys take good care of Mel! The Eevee follows up before darting off.
    "You hear that Mel, Ven's alive, he's still here! That probably means Mist is here too."
    "Ven, Mist..." Kaze rolls the words along his tongue and smiles cheerfully. "I've got a lot of new names to learn."
    Kaze get your pretty ass down here, you will flip your shit! The strong thought causes Kaze's sensitive ears to twitch.
    "Do you want to go too?" He asks the Ninetales.

    Age : 25
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    Post by Min Fri Nov 28, 2014 6:09 pm

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    Inside the Battle Castle| |Noon
    84| |62

    "Is there anyone else here that you both may know I'll bring them back here to help ye." The foreign, stereotypical sailor speech is a little odd on Ven's sensitive ears. He considers the question quietly and realizes wonders if Faux and company are still even here. Not much time may have passed since their last interaction but it is certainly enough for the group to have left the area, which seems logical when considering the undead they encountered. He opens his mouth to give a tentative answer but doesn't even manage a single word before all-too familiar voices sound from the distance.
    "Mist, Ven!" Cinder. The Golbat can recognize the fire-type's voice a mile away, along with the swift footsteps that follow. "Where.. Where are you!"
    "Ven! Can you hear us?" Miyu too! Oh thank Arceus, help is on the way! Excitement and joy bubble in the small bat.
    With a wide grin and leap he immediately responds. "Here, here!" Ven shouts as loudly as he possibly can down the corridors, hopefully loud enough for his companions to hear. "Pleaze, pleaze come quick! Meest needs help! Sche's dying!" A crescendo of desperation is painfully apparent in his words, frantically glancing back to his serpentine companion to make sure she hasn't passed out. "Meest, Meest did you hear that? They're schtill here!"

    Oh great, now she's destined to live. Well, she tried.
    "Yes, I heard." Straining her throat to reply, she distastefully sticks her tongue out. Catching the Houndoom's question for names that Ven had lost in his initial excitement, she replies carefully and slowly. "Mist. And Ven. I am Mist." Her lack of fucks to give is visible in her expression.
    She notices the massive black bird inch closer to her. "If you die can I eat your eyeballs?" Is that supposed to be a conversation starter? At least, it sounds like one but...well, it's unusual. To ask a potential conversation partner whether or not you can eat their eyeballs after death.
    "Sure," she croaks, managing a slight shrug of her hood, "go wild."

    Age : 39
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    Post by ShadowCharizard Sun Nov 30, 2014 8:32 am

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    Battle Castle|Noon

    The Houndoom had heard two voices coming from the hall. "Mist, Ven!" Rosko thought of shouting out for them, but the Golbat beat him to it. "Here, here!" His thoughts turned back towards the Arbok. "Sounds like yer mates are on their way lass, but as for the honchkrow perching yer as freaky as them undead bilge rats" The Honchkrow spoke its name and in a weird way. "Hayato, Uchiha Hayato." The houndoom never heard of a name like that, but what followed next had given him a strange feeling about the honchkrow. "Nice to eat you, I mean meet you." It was weird hearing a honchkrow speak like that, but it didn't have anything to do with Rosko or his purpose. As Rosko continued to stay by the Golbat and Arbok's side, he felt a sense of loneliness pass over him.

    "Yer mates should be here soon, I'll stay with ye until they get here. Then I be shoving off to finding food." The houndoom's stomach was growling for food, but he had to wait for the two pokemon to get to them. He started to hum a shanty to keep his mind from wandering off. It reminded him of the life he once had on the open seas with his captain, but he wished he could live it again. "Blow the man down, blow the man down, to me way, hey, blow the man down." Rosko let that slip out of his mouth to remember his captain. The houndoom sat right beside the Arbok and after hearing her name and learning that she's dying he wouldn't let her die. "Yer mate cares about ye lass, it would break me heart letting anyone die here." Rosko said with a soft voice.

    OoC)) Sorry for the small post, been so busy with work and a bit sore from it.

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    Post by Mesprit Wed Dec 03, 2014 2:05 am

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    Outside the Battle Castle || Afternoon || Post 2
    The Emotion Legend watched the  snake and bat with a careful golden eye. She was weary of those that were wounded, but she couldn't bring herself to leave them here. "...D-don't need help, just g-go. Find t-t-the others..." Mesprit flew over, her tails waving back forth gracefully. "I'm sorry to disobey your wishes dear one, but you are gravely injured. I'm sure your friend would not appreciate us leaving miss." The pixie legend said quietly, her voice was soft and gentle, but it had underlying force to it, telling the snake that she would not leave them even if they tried to force her to. My original quest will have to wait I suppose. She thought quietly to herself. Her sensors twitched as another voice reached her ears. "Ven! Can you hear us?" Ven... A name possibly?"Oh good, company." Mesprit's eyes then fell on the dirty crow. She frowned, her golden eyes narrowing. It looked infected, but if it was capable of speech, maybe she thought wrong? Something to think about later.

    "Here, here!" The bat's cries broke through the Legend's thoughts and she looked over at the wounded bat, her golden gaze kind. "Pleaze, pleaze come quick! Meest needs help! Sche's dying!" Guilt ran though the legends mind. She could sense that the snake was dying. Silently she cursed her inability to heal others. "Meest, Meest did you hear that? They're schtill here!" Who're still here? Maybe they were here before? That would explain the shout. Maybe they knew something about... No, one step at a time Mesprit. She thought, scolding herself for going off track. "Yes, I heard." The small legend felt a smile grow on her face as she floated down to the ground, her paws touching the unfamiliar ground. How long had it been since she had actually touched the ground? The Emotion Pixie couldn't remember.

    "Me name's Rosko and ye both are?" The houndoom spoke again, their voice heavy with a sailors accent. Mesprit thought this was rather odd, a fire type being near the ocean? She chuckled quietly. It certainly wasn't the strangest thing she had seen. "Hayato, Uchiha Hayato." Uchiha? She thought about voicing her confusion, but a glance at the dark crow made the legend hold her tongue. With a sweep of her tails, Mesprit balanced on the two appendages as she rose to the height of Hayato. Red eyes, yes, but they weren't glowing with the tell-tale sign of infection. They looked hungry sure, but not infected hungry. "Nice to eat you, I mean meet you." Perhaps anyway. The Legend sighed. Hayato was it? "I doubt such comments are needed." She said, crossing her arms in a comical expression of mocking.

    "Mist. And Ven. I am Mist." Turning to face the snake, Mesprit nodded. "It is wonderful to meet you Mist. Even under these..." She gestured to the snakes wounds. "... Circumstances." She added, her tone showing concern. "If you die can I eat your eyeballs?" The legends head whipped back around to focus her golden eyes on the crow's red ones. She glared, for once wishing she had her brother Uxie's ability to wipe memories with a glance. "Such comments are not needed Hayato." She whispered quietly to the crow, frowning. She missed the snake's reply, or if she heard it she made not motions that she had. Floating back up into the air, Mesprit curled her tails around her, watching their group with mixed emotions - but what else was new?

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Sun Dec 07, 2014 2:42 pm

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    Inside The Battle Castle | Noon
    Cinder 58 | Faux 29

    Air would not enter her lungs fast enough. Body and mind feeling slow Cinder pushed on even as her vision started to blur. "Gosh, this place is stupid." That was the truth, this place could go to hell after they found Mist and Ven, and got out. "Ven! Can you hear us?" "Veeeeennnn!" She wails again, the breathlessness already seeping into her words. "Here, here!" Oh legends he was alive, he was alive and didnt sound far off. Each word was like a choir to the Fire Types aching heart, if he could yell then he was okay. "Pleaze, pleaze come quick! Meest needs help! Sche's dying!" ..then its becomes an arrow. Pressing even harder her screaming muscles beg to stop, to slow down to do anything but the frantic voice in the Volcano Pokemon's head wont quit. Mist is dying. Dying! You tried to abandon your friend when shes dying. Save her! Gasping for air she struggles to even sputters out a few words to the Eevee beside her, "She's.. Mist needs.. I didnt.." Anymore would take what was left of her breath.

    Turning one last corner Cinder skids to a heavy halt, panting harshly as she meets the scene before her. "V-Ven.." The foul mix of emotions drains any strength that was left in her body, eyes instantly welling up once more. There he was.. Ven was there, moving, breathing, he hadnt given up on them like she had. He was hurt and bloody but he was gods he was alive and with- "Oh gods.. Mist.." A massive weight crushes down on her shoulders, the tears starting to pour. Ven wasnt kidding, she was not in good shape.. Fuck Mist was dying and she had had the nerve to say she had abandoned them?! "If you die can I eat your eyeballs?" That was the last thing she wanted to hear. That damn bird was here trying to feast on her friend?! Flames flaring Cinder's gold eyes flash to the Honchkrow but are then drawn away by another but unfamiliar voice. "Such comments are not needed Hayato."

    There are two other Pokemon here aside from her wounded friends and the Dark Type. They registrar only as clean, uninfected and for the moment unimportant. "Hi, dunno you yet not a good time." The starter blurts out as she stumbles closer to the downed Arbok. "Mist, Mist I.. Im so sorry.." Words flash through her head so quickly they are lost, everything she had thought of herself and of the Arbok for the past couple of hours mixing together in a mesh of lies. "I didnt know you were here.. I didnt that you.. Oh gods your hurt bad," What could she say? She literally told them Mist thought of them as nothing and left them as such. "Fuck Im sorry! I failed, you so bad.. if I had known I would of.. oh fuck Im so sorry.." She should be the one dying right now, not Mist.

    The Vulpix ran steadily, relieved that the pain in her limbs was much less now. It was still a bit unpleasant but most definitely livable and tolerable. Thank you, Hera. Though it was too late for her to thank the Espeon perhaps she knew just how much she had done for them. Dont dwell. Right, there was no time for that. Teeth clamped around the body of the Hyper Potion Faux followed her companions scent with ease- fear was a pungent smell. Thin voices trailed back to her, no more screams but someone was talking up ahead. Hang in there Mist.. Of all the Pokemon in the group Mist was her only past friend.. maybe one fight wasn't much but they had experienced it together and she wasn't about to abandon someone who would of died with her.

    Going back for the potion had taken precious time but the Arbok had been so badly hurt, it could of only gotten worse if she was this far away. I dont think they checked this far.. What if she had passed out, or couldnt move anymore? She wouldnt of responded, or couldnt come back to us. Pointed fangs grind against the human vessel. ..I should of looked for her myself. The soft orange light was enough to tell her she was there, the voices only a reassurance. Blood and fear scents hit her hard but Faux keeps her pace, only slowing to a stop as she stands beside her fellow Fire Type. Several moments pass as the fox takes in her friends condition. Its.. not good. I knew I shouldnt of used the potion on myself.. As well as the sniveling of her fellow Fire Type. "Im sorry, I swear I didnt.. I didnt think that.." Setting the Hyper Potion down gently the Fox Pokemon takes in one breath to steady herself. "There is much left, but it should help at least a little."

    ((Thats a perfect analogy xD))

    Age : 28
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    Post by Dazey Wed Dec 10, 2014 4:50 am

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    Inside the Battle Castle | Noon (64)

    "Here, here!" They were getting closer. Ven's voice promised the Normal and Fire were nearly there. It was a joyous moment until the bat spoke again, "Pleaze, pleaze come quick! Meest needs help! Sche's dying!" Miyu drew in a sharp gasp without slowing her pace; d-dying? No, no, no! Mist couldn't die! They... they could find medicine. Or cobwebs. Or bandages! No one needs to die! No one! The thought pushed the Eevee onward to keep up. "She's.. Mist needs.. I didnt.." between quick breaths, the Quilava spoke to Miyu. The Evolution Pokémon's eyes softened and she said softly, "I know, Cinder."

    The mad-dash came to an end at the final corner, Miyu's eyes rushing over what was happening in this corridor. Her paws had stopped, but her heart continued racing. Miyu dared not approach the scene in worry she might vomit from the amount of blood. She was living in the apocalypse, but the kit still had a weak stomach. "Oh gods.. Mist.." Cinder, the one Miyu looked up to the most, had begun to cry. Whenever Miyu would cry, Rebel would always nuzzle her and she'd feel better. Maybe that would make Cinder stop crying? Before Miyu could approach the Quilava, that pesky bird spoke and Miyu's jaw nearly dropped at his question; "If you die can I eat your eyeballs?" Miyu stomped a paw down and glared at Hayato, "Mist isn't gonna die!"

    "Hi, dunno you yet not a good time." Cinder directed the sentence to a new Pokémon. Miyu looked at the pink and blue Pokémon with a frown though she meant nothing by it, "Sorry. Give us just a sec, please."
    "I didnt know you were here.. I didnt that you.. Oh gods your hurt bad," Cinder's emotions were clear in her voice, "Fuck Im sorry! I failed, you so bad.. if I had known I would of.. oh fuck Im so sorry.." Miyu bit her lip in a vain attempt to hold it together but ultimately tears dripped softly down her cheeks onto the floor. "Everything..." she murmured, wiping her chocolate eyes, "... is gonna be okay now." Was that an empty promise? She wasn't a pessimist, but was there such a thing as 'okay' in a world where each day was a battle for your life?

    "Im sorry, I swear I didnt.. I didnt think that.." Cinder cried softly as Faux appeared with the remainder of the Hyper Potion; "There is much left, but it should help at least a little."

    Age : 29
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    Post by Dandelion Sun Dec 14, 2014 3:05 pm

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    Inside the Battle Castle | Noon
    Etincelle 42 | Melanie 51

    The Electrike sits back and watches the skillful work of the Gardevoir. His fingers move as though he had done this a dozen times over, how wonderful it much be to have to such dexterous hands instead of clumsy paws. Shifting his weight between his paws Etincelle's mind wonders, awestruck by Kaze and curious how large he could be based on the size of his paws. All too fast he is drawn back as the Gardevoir finishes his task, "Now to try it on..." And is surprised to find the dual type looking toward him. "Could you give me a hand?" Nodding gently the Electric Type takes a step closer to Mel, "Of course," He says softly.

    The Ninetales stiffens, feeling her chest tighten and paws shake as she stood there waiting. Would this help? Could this help? The miniscule pressure of the necklace on her neck suddenly becoming too much to bear. I chased Aaden away.. Wherever he had gone she was positive it was a suicide mission. My fault. The shadows flicker and the warm touch of Etin against her side keeps Melanie in place. The familiar touch of her ribbon her is sudden foreign as it slips over her face, the blurred shapes of those around her vanishing. She gags on her own saliva. I cant even see that? The Electrike rubs his muzzle delicately against hers, "Its alright Mel, it looks nice." He whispers.

    A panicked feeling rises in her chest. Taking a step back her many tails rise. Why had she agreed to this?! She could still see the slight difference between being in a well lit or dark place but there was no more shapes. No more blurs, others, or..  "How is that Mel." She.. couldnt see. "I, cant see anything." She mutters the obvious. "But its.. different." That was the point after all, to know she shouldnt be able to see. The panic starts to drop, Etin making a small approving sound. Maybe this wouldnt be so bad. "Do you want to go too?" Mind drawing a blank the Ninetales shifts toward Kaze;s voice but she has no idea what that means. "Yes, Ven needs us. Lets go make sure he's alright." Ven, Ven was still there and had been calling to them! "R-right!" While her voice is hesitant its the thought of moving with this new blinder, not about going to her friend. "Lets go."

    Stepping in front of her as usual the Electrike broke into a slow run. His short, blunt claws made plenty of sound against the tiles but he turned his back bad every so often make sure the Ninetales was following without too much struggle.

    ((Can edit that if needed, Kaze)

    Age : 29
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    Post by Kaze Wed Dec 17, 2014 9:54 pm

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    Battle Castle | Noon | (32)

    The Honchkrow fluffs up his feathers and ignores the pleas filling the room. Whoever this snake was their new 'friends' obviously knew her well. Personally he found it hard to care for anyone that wasn't Kaze. All this emotional outpouring was like a bad drama to him. He had no reason to care about any of these Pokemon except as food.
    "Sure, go wild." The arbok weakly croaks, managing a shrug of her scaled hood.
    "Mist isn't gonna die!" The Eevee stamps her paw angrily and directly a death glare at him.
    The black bird fluffs up his feathers larger, making him appear twice his actual size and ignores her. He turns his head, making sure his blood red eyes get a better view of the likely-to-be-corpse bleeding on the tiles.
    "Such comments are not needed Hayato."
    The Honchkrow does not raise his head to look at the legendary. Instead he keeps his curious gaze on the poison type's ice blue eyes.
    "Would you prefer I ate them without permission?" He says slowly.

    Kaze cheerfully claps his hands together.
    "It couldn't hurt to try, could it?"
    "Ooooh very stylish~"." He says cheerfully with a wide grin even though the ninetales, of course, cannot see it.
    "Trust me, you look beautiful." He says sincerely and hopes the fire type will believe him.
    Standing he brushes some dusty off his skirt and shakes out his shoulders. dramatically extends a hand dramatically in front of him, pointing down the hallway.
    "Now...onwards to adventure~!" He cries out.
    The empty corridor picks up the sound and makes it echo. Clapping his hands together once again the Gardevoir gathers his skirt around him and sets off down the corridor at a brisk run.
    Spinning on his heel he waves at the Electrike as he passes him.
    "You just get used to things for now...I'll see you there!" He says with a smile as he vaults over a carved Bannister and cheerfully rides the smooth lacquered wood down the stairs. His feathery ears flick up as he searches for the familiar psychic signature of Hayato, an oily aura like bleeding meat and suppressed anger.
    "HaaaYAAAAAtoooo~!!!" He calls out as he hurries towards the smell of blood.

    Turning his head towards the noise Hayato unfurls his wings and takes flight, shedding a few charred feathers as he hones in on the source of the sound. He lands heavily against the fae's shoulders. His black talons rip into the layers of bandage around the Gardevoir's shoulders.
    Laughing Kaze leans in and kisses his feathered cheek.
    "Now what is it you wanted to show...?"
    Kaze's voice trails off as he notices Mesprit.
    "Charmander's flaming ass!" He swears, his grin growing so wide it looks like his face might split in two.
    Unexpectedly Kaze swiftly starts to walk forwards. Hayato caws angrily, shifting his grip so he isn't knocked off his perch. His wings flap hard to keep him balanced.
    Hatyato flinches at the high pitch of that first greeting. Now Kaze is no longer moving he hops into a more comfortable position, his dark claws digging into the cloth around the psychic's shoulder. One talon point slips through the layers of bandages and draws blood. Kaze doesn't seem to notice. He is too busy looking at Mesprit like a kid at christmas.
    He sticks out his hand.
    "My name is Kaze~! Nice to meet you~"

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