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    (ACE) The FROST Team


    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Jan 25, 2016 4:52 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 A9ZoaSD
    Frost Cavern|Noon

    Looking upon Yuri's body the coloration of her skin was now evident that she was in danger of hypothermia. Jack didn't have any moves that could warm her up not even a bit of his electric moves would do. "...I don't know,She's managing right now but—" The Pikachu shook his head thinking this could be bad if she starts violently shaking. " I- I can try and keep her warm tonight till we find something else." This was this first time Jack was surprised at the Ninetails. maybe Ark's words finally sank into Hikirio's head. " -I don't smell the actual body though, maybe it's just wounded and escaped?" Hikirio was actually right, there was no body, but the gun however looked like it was damaged to the point it wouldn't fire anymore. Guess that it wouldn't hurt to ignore this for a while. Jack thought to himself. The Electric type looked at Ark as he approached. Blood.. Hm.. injured human. His blood would attract predators. We got to go down here so.. lets hope we don't encounter them. Not far to the hideout. Whether or not there's supplies to last a few days? For all of us? Probably not. If people have gotten to it." If the undead are hiding in other parts of the cavern then they would end up having unwanted guests like the ones earlier.

    Following in the back of the group, Jack was concerned more about his trainer if that was his blood on the wall or if it was someone else. Either way the thought had given Jack a sinking feeling that the answer he may seek is not what he wanted to hear. "All right, its up there." Looking upon the door there was blood on it. Whoever was here was wounded or bitten and was trying to find something to stop the bleeding.  "Down there." As Ark opened the door Jack looked inside seeing the place in such a disarray. Somehow he got the feeling that someone was searching for medical supplies. None of the crates was tampered with which was a good sign. "Not bad for being in the middle of a frozen labyrinth," Jack agreed to the Gengar's comment. For a base to be in the middle of a frozen cavern this maybe the only safety they could get for a while. "...but how easy is this place to defend? There was some blood on the door too—this room would get cramped easily." True if the undead decide to make an attack they would head straight to the base and eliminate anyone who was in there. "Perhaps we could have someone keep guard and switch every now and then." Jack stated.

    Thinking about it he would scout around for a bit and see if he could find an exit to this frozen labyrinth. The only problem is that he would end up getting lost and attacked if he isn't careful. Maybe Ark knows of another way out of here. The Pikachu walked up to Ark and asked him. "Hey Ark, do you think there's another way out of here further on ahead?" As he waited for a response he looked at the unopened crates they was all labeled with the things they had in them, but not knowing how to read it confused Jack a bit, but one crate was tampered with. The Pikachu looked inside seeing cloth covered in blood and a red symbol on it that humans use to treat their wounds. "Ark, I think that someone was in this wooden crate." The Electric type said.

    Age : 33
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Requiem Tue Jan 26, 2016 2:32 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Gjwgzz10
    Frost Cave|Noon |26

    "Blood.. him.. injured human. His blood would attract predators. We got to go down here so.. Lets hope we don't encounter them. Not far to the hideout. Whether or not there's supplies to last a few days? For all of us? Probably not. If people have gotten to it." the fire vulpine continues to listen in on the conversation as there was little else he could do at this point. If he could smell the blood those undead would smell it just as clearly and would come in numbers to a fresh kill, he found that much about these things. Drawn to blood like combees to honey. Next was the food in order being what place this was any food would be hard to find, so even if they found anything it would need to be shared. He had a hunch that Yuri would have to get first dibs ' bloody humans' he snorts to himself following. The ghost types don't need to eat so it just leaves Jake, ark, and himself to try and split what they find.

    "All right, its up there." perking his ears again as the frozen door breaks free of the frost and opens up. "Down there." Hikirio paused,  'down where exactly' snorting once more a hot breath of irritation following the group down. Though sounds like they found this hide out that ark had been talking about, least that's what he hoped and it wasn't any ice death trap waiting to happen but time would tell. "... Thank you. That means a lot, to the both of us." Hikirio stopped and turned his head back to the ghost type out of habit, then ruffling his neck fur again " don't mention it, ever " he would have pouted if he could go into the little cave like space.

    Walking around like a blind old man trying to get a scent or the layout of the place walking into the pile of box's with a groan. Sniffing at them for any sort of food or anything. "Not bad for being in the middle of a frozen labyrinth" still half listening as he looked through the box's with his nose sniffing. " The only other good thing about humans are their high resource ability where ever they are" commenting to Dal then. "Perhaps we could have someone keep guard and switch every now and then." Jack stated. Sniffing a little more at the lower stacked boxes coming to a stop on one in particular. " There's something in this one, food, maybe Just smells a little different" clawing at the wood. "Ark, I think that someone was in this wooden crate." sounding like Jack found something else as well, another wave of coppery smell Jack had found more blood.

    Turns his head back to the human smell " first things first... I guess... I have to." not pleased walking over lifting his head and tails up.  She didn't understand him so he does his best to try and show her, touching the side of her puffy like pant leg with his paw before turning back to the 'bed' climbing up before sitting down. A heavy escaping breath as he lays down in an open curl his nine tails hung off the bed edge " she tries to cuddle me like a common house pet I'm done" giving Dal warning waiting for that toxic human touch once more. The stomach and chest scars clearly seen now in the missing patches of silver fur, laying his head down. Least the bed seemed soft enough " once we get her warm again, I can try and burn away from of the blood. See if there are maybe any containers to hold water and we can melt some of the ice for some water too..."

    ( Permission to Yuri to touchy feels interact with Hikirio.)

    Age : 35
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Krajin Sat Jan 30, 2016 10:37 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Luxray

    Frost Cave | Noon | 11

    "Perhaps we could have someone keep guard and switch every now and then. Ark, I think that someone was in this wooden crate." Jack spoke up as they headed inside. Ark twitched that starry tail of his about as he looked around the small room. The Ninetails walking over to the cot and jumping up and laying on it. It was.. rather adorable, though the scars caught Ark's attention briefly. He meandered over to the crate that had blood over it and placed both his front paws on the lip of it and peered over into the box. "Hm. Looks like they took bandages and things used to treat wounds." He frowned a bit and hopped down and went to the other crate and sniffed around it.

    Focusing on it with his sight he looked through the wood and could see there was some food left. Not allot but food enough. Placing his paws on the crate lid, he pushed up and with a creak the lid popped off. "There's some food in here,  Poke-block, normal food in those foil wraps." Ark looked to the others "I'll sit watch. You all need the rest." He reached his head in and pulled out a few bars and wrapped foods. With them scattered on the floor, Ark sat by the door. Tail curled around his side with a slight shiver trailing down his spine. "As for a way out? I think I can remember a few ways out. Give me a few to think."

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Feb 05, 2016 7:38 pm

    OoC)) Skip, will post next round.

    Age : 33
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Requiem Sat Feb 06, 2016 1:06 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Gjwgzz10
    Frost Cave|Noon |27/1

    "Perhaps we could have someone keep guard and switch every now and then. Ark, I think that someone was in this wooden crate." Hikirio is listening to the conversations a little still bracing for the human to touch him and dreading when she did. Laying his head on the cot thinking a little that he might not be able to help much with that, being blind and the fact he was getting used as some cheap heating tool for the human. Shifting his weight a little tucking his legs against his body a little more trying to use up as little space as possible, " Well, seeing as it's your Idea why don't you start off the night" he mumbles sniffing out Jack over the smell of blood and turns his head over to him " As I'm as much use as a zubat" adding waving his fore paw in front of his face.

    "Hm. Looks like they took bandages and things used to treat wounds." He turns his attention now to the other electric pokemon, " sounds like our wounded human got into it though, so, I don't think any of the spoiled ones would be of use to us even a speck of blood could be infected if it was attacked by those things" pointing out as helpful as he could.

    "There's some food in here,  Poke-block, normal food in those foil wraps." Hikirio felt a little proud of himself being a little useful after all. "I'll sit watch. You all need the rest." Hikirio tilts his head to the side as Ark offered to be the first, finding it rather amusing that the human Pokemon still had some sort of free will with their humans gone. Rolling slightly to his side following Ark with his ears.

    " So we got some Human and Pokemon food exactly how much? How many days are we looking at?" unable to see the layout of the food on the floor. Four of his nine tails flicked, "As for a way out? I think I can remember a few ways out. Give me a few to think." He waits for a few moments before breaking the uneasy quiet. "Is there any more chambers like this one that you can recall? Somewhere for the wounded human to have found and taken shelter in?" inquiring with plain voice. The mask turned toward Ark where he sat as the unblinking painted eyes seem to follow him as he moved away.

    Age : 35
    Posts : 183

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Krajin Wed Feb 10, 2016 9:33 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Luxray

    Frost Cave | Noon | 12 (2)

    It was a little unpleasant to watch the mask follow his every movement, though the Luxray didn't let it show at all. He pulled a crate down with his front legs and using his whole body to carefully leverage it down onto the ground. Stepping back Ark poked his head into the box properly and began to dig a few things out "I count.. at least two days. If we are careful with what we eat. Human.. not sure. For her? I'd give a few days." He commented as he carried over a small wrapped brick, he dropped it infront of Hikirio and opened it with a claw so the blind one could eat without getting a mouthful of foil. "Eat, not sure the flavour but it should be.. well its food." He grinned and walked back to the door to stand guard.

    Sitting down with those big ears trained to those in the room, his eyes focused intently on the pathway up and through the icicles that blocked sight. "I think there might be a few more. Not.. stocked like this but places trainers can settle in. If the injured human was smart he'd find his way out. It'd be better off for him rather than staying in here. The closest entrance is a few hours walk away. Following the curve around it leads to the mountain side. Which.. has its own problems." His tail curled around Ark's side, the little yellow star twitching against his leg.

    Age : 25
    Posts : 3291

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Min Sun Feb 14, 2016 1:33 am

    Frost Caverns | |Noon

    When Hikirio finally approaches Yuri, she blinks in surprise and confusion at his actions, tilting her head in inquiry as the fox returns to lay on the bed. She shoots a questioning glance at Dal, who only gestures back to the Ninetales with a slightly amused grin. With great caution she approaches, remembering the fire-type's earlier reluctance to her touch, and gently settles herself next to him. With another quick glance to Dal, she lightly strokes the vulpine's mane at first, careful not to touch any patches or scars in fear of offending him, before gradually curling against his side in search of warmth. She smiles, quietly relieved that they have a fire-type present in their group, as she feels the sharp sting of cold melt away against his warm pelt.

    After confirming that Yuri is settled and comfortable, Dal turns back to more important matters. He takes a glance at the crates Jack and Ark mention, swiping and tossing a single small Pokeblock into his own mouth. He speaks mid-chew. "How long do Pokeblocks go for again? Last thing we need is eating something spoiled and having someone get sick in the middle of this hellhole," he chuckles, checking back on the food crate to see if he can spot anything spoiled. "Though I guess this cold temperature'll help keep all this good. Maybe we could even cook something using Hikirio's fire."

    "Yuri doesn't eat a lot, so yeah, I'd think a couple days and we'd be good in here." Dal pauses for a moment, frowning. "Ark, your Luxray x-ray vision—how far can you see?" he asks while peering into the bloodier crate Jack pointed out earlier. "Once we run out we'll either have to relocate or find a food source. I know sometimes berries can survive around the area, though not sure if they can grow in these caverns themselves. Otherwise we'll have to hunt."

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu Feb 18, 2016 1:26 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 A9ZoaSD
    Frost Cavern|Noon

    Jack watched Ark check the box of bandages carefully, surely though that was the only thing that was taken. "Hm. Looks like they took bandages and things used to treat wounds." Looks like the medical supplies was stolen from them. Then, Jack felt hungry and was wondering if there was food stored around there somewhere. "There's some food in here,  Poke-block, normal food in those foil wraps." Poke-blocks, at least that would last quite a long time in the cold. Before long, Jack walked over to the bed and seeing how comfortable it looks. The Pikachu started thinking to himself. That would probably work to warm Yuri up and looks pretty comfy as well. Walking back over to Ark, the electric type was getting ready to stand guard though he himself was tired from a long walk and that battle. "I'll sit watch. You all need the rest." Relief came to the pikachu as Ark volunteered to stand guard for the time being. With that, Jack walked over to the Poke-blocks and waited to see if they was any good.

    Thinking a bit, Jack wondered how far the exit is from where they are now. The original exit is unreachable from this point due to a cave in on the main tunnel. The only option is to follow Ark's knowledge. "As for a way out? I think I can remember a few ways out. Give me a few to think." It looks like it might take a bit, but since Ark was here before then that means he needs time to remember. "Is there any more chambers like this one that you can recall? Somewhere for the wounded human to have found and taken shelter in?" For once Jack did have to agree with Hikirio's question. If there are more hideouts in this cavern, then chances are the injured human must still be in this cavern. "I think there might be a few more. Not.. stocked like this but places trainers can settle in. If the injured human was smart he'd find his way out. It'd be better off for him rather than staying in here. The closest entrance is a few hours walk away. Following the curve around it leads to the mountain side. Which.. has its own problems." Upon hearing that, Jack could only think of what it was like at Mt. Silver. A drop-off near the entrance and it could mean they'd have to climb down from the mountain. Then, Dal started eating a Poke-block considering that if he's eating it then they're still good. "How long do Pokeblocks go for again? Last thing we need is eating something spoiled and having someone get sick in the middle of this hellhole," Thinking on it, they should last quite a while in cold conditions especially if they're wrapped and stored up. "Though I guess this cold temperature'll help keep all this good. Maybe we could even cook something using Hikirio's fire." Roasted Poke-blocks now that's something that Jack hasn't had in a long time.

    Jack's mouth started watering up a bit thinking about the scrumptious taste of a cooked poke-block in his mouth. It was satisfying to think about it, but Hikirio would probably object to the idea. "Yuri doesn't eat a lot, so yeah, I'd think a couple days and we'd be good in here." That would give them plenty of time to plan a chance to do a search of the surrounding area for the possibility of more food. "Once we run out we'll either have to relocate or find a food source. I know sometimes berries can survive around the area, though not sure if they can grow in these caverns themselves. Otherwise we'll have to hunt." Upon hearing that, Jack walked over to Dal and wondered if they would find something outside of the cavern. "From what I know Poke-blocks last quite a while if they're stored so I think they're good." The only thing bothering the electric type is the medical supplies if the human that was there earlier had been infected and tainted the bandages. Grabbing a Poke-block, Jack started unwrapping the foil off it and started eating. "So if we have to relocate, then we'll have to prepare some food for the trip and if I'm taking a wild guess, climb down the mountain." The pikachu said as he took tiny breaks from eating. As he took another bite out of the block a very sweet taste had been all to familiar to his mouth. The name of the berry used to make this escaped Jack's mind, but he loved this poke-block so much.

    Jack finished eating the poke-block and started to stretch. He felt tired from all that walking and it was time to rest for a while. The pikachu walked over to the bed and laid right by Yuri knowing that if his trainer was possibly dead then Yuri would be the only one left he could rely on though he just met her not even a full day. "Dal? If the worst befalls me by finding my trainer dead, would you both let me stay with you?" Simply Jack had to know since they was the only two that he could rely on. Though his mind had thought about it, he couldn't tell if this would work since he had a different life compared to Yuri and Dal. Until then, he would continue to search for his trainer until he knew for sure that his trainer was no longer alive. The Pikachu brushes up against Yuri's leg and falls asleep hoping something good will happen.

    Age : 33
    Posts : 501

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Requiem Fri Feb 19, 2016 8:50 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Gjwgzz10
    Frost Cave|Noon |28/2

    Hikirio felt Yuri now at his side as the cot shifted slightly to the added weight, he is already tense to her being that close. First just touching his side his breathing shortened turning rapid, then a hand on his pulled back mane as his breathing stopped frozen in his chest. Hikirio's ears pulled back a little against the top of his skull, forcing himself to try and act normal letting his breathing start up again with great effort.  Feeling more of the human's weight on his side, feeling the slight cooling from her as it was quickly corrected, replaced by his constant warmth that a fire type would have even without the almost silky soft silver fur.

     "I count.. at least two days. If we are careful with what we eat. Human.. not sure. For her? I'd give a few days." Listening to Ark as he was back in the boxes on the far side of the room, a few days wasn't very long even with the three of them exclusion of Dal being a well-- ghost type he didn't need to eat did he. Lifting his head a little as Ark then came back after dropping something in front of him before a tearing sound of the foil, "Eat, not sure the flavor but it should be.. well its food." with a paw he pulled it a little closer sniffing at it. 

    "How long do Poke blocks go for again? The last thing we need is eating something spoiled and having someone get sick in the middle of this hellhole," Hikirio stopped nearly eating the block in one bite closing his mouth and pushed the block away with a paw not wanting it now. "Though I guess this cold temperature'll help keep all this good. Maybe we could even cook something using Hikirio's fire." He snorts again at the comment, pouting clearly. "Once we run out we'll either have to relocate or find a food source. I know sometimes berries can survive around the area, though not sure if they can grow in these caverns themselves. Otherwise, we'll have to hunt." Thinking about what might be in here that they would be able to hunt-- the Piloswine. He shifts at the idea that he didn't exactly want to try and hunt something that big in the tight tunnels of the ice caves.

    "From what I know Poke-blocks last quite a while if they're stored so I think they're good." sniffing again pulling it into his mouth. Quivering from the horrid taste, but eats it chewing on the strange texture before swallowing it hard. "So if we have to relocate, then we'll have to prepare some food for the trip and if I'm taking a wild guess, climb down the mountain." laying his head back down ears picking up on Jack moving toward them the painted eyes now watching Jack.  "Dal? If the worst befalls me by finding my trainer dead, would you both let me stay with you?" Hikirio paused and froze up. Lifting his head again turning to now face jack now also with Yuri, adding a little tilt to his head as he didn't exactly understand why Jack would want to trade human for another human.  His tails twitched lifting two of them timidly resting them near jack not touching, Jack might be able to feel the warmth from them as well. Resting his head once more not facing the group so Dal would grin at him of finding the fox growing a tiny soft spot.

    " Well, we can't go back the way we came, so we would have to find another way. Who knows how long it would take, so those few days of food can turn into longer weeks maybe."  Not really wanting to find himself wandering around the ice and snow without any sort of food with them or even the thought of being unable to bring food with them. " To move this much food we would need to bring a box with us that would slow us down further" he was sure they would have him or Ark to pull it like a sled dog with them wasting more time and food. " That, and the only thing that comes to mind about hunting would be that piloswine. What wouldn't be my first choice not in these tunnels or even if we even come across it again any time soon" emphasizing the timeline once more.

    Last edited by Requiem on Tue Feb 23, 2016 9:49 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Age : 35
    Posts : 183

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Krajin Tue Feb 23, 2016 8:24 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Luxray
    Frost Cavern | Noon | 13 (3)

    "How long do Poke blocks go for again? The last thing we need is eating something spoiled and having someone get sick in the middle of this hellhole, Though I guess this cold temperature'll help keep all this good. Maybe we could even cook something using Hikirio's fire." Ark paused and shook his head a bit as he noticed Hikirio push away the block with Dal rambled on. "Though I guess this cold temperature'll help keep all this good. Maybe we could even cook something using Hikirio's fire. Once we run out we'll either have to relocate or find a food source. I know sometimes berries can survive around the area, though not sure if they can grow in these caverns themselves. Otherwise, we'll have to hunt." Ark could understand the last part of that sentiment, though its not like the Blocks were out of date and if they were slightly out would it matter to him? No. They were trying to survive!

    "From what I know Poke-blocks last quite a while if they're stored so I think they're good. So if we have to relocate, then we'll have to prepare some food for the trip and if I'm taking a wild guess, climb down the mountain." Ark listened a bit before speaking up "They last a long time and whilst they taste feral unless you get a good one, they are incredible to keep with and are filling." Ark replies, tail twitching slightly. "Dal? If the worst befalls me by finding my trainer dead, would you both let me stay with you?"

    Ark shook his head as the Pikachu asked that, though it was thankful at least that they weren't going into the scenarios of 'If I died would you...' as that was rather.. morbid. He continued to watch the entrance though and added "We should best plan to move and leave whilst we have the supplies. Even if the Pokeblock is nearing its date, its been here for awhile and will keep for awhile and keep us fed. We can hunt if need be to support our different diets. We can get out, if you don't mind a climb down." He ripped open his block and started licking at it, it was one that agreed with his particular tastes! Thankfully otherwise he would of had to force himself to eat it. The bright red block with a weird, crumbly, dense texture to it felt weird against his tongue even as he went to take a bite from it. Setting the thing between his paws and upright, you'd think he's done this before.

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Min Sat Feb 27, 2016 9:25 pm

    Frost Caverns | |Noon

    "Dal? If the worst befalls me by finding my trainer dead, would you both let me stay with you?"

    A long silence from the Gengar followed the Pikachu's words. Quietly, he tilted his head towards his trainer to simply look at her—watching as she sifted her fingers through Hikirio's silver fur—before he glanced back at the electric type. After a few more brief moments of silence, he cracked a smile. "...Yeah," his reply was short but effective. "I'm sure that's what Yuri would want, too."

    It wasn't long before they resumed their discussion on survival. "That, and the only thing that comes to mind about hunting would be that piloswine. What wouldn't be my first choice not in these tunnels or even if we even come across it again any time soon"

    Dal scoffed slightly. "Yeah, but don't Piloswine have a bunch of fat on them? They're nearly as big as I am—over a metre!" He chuckled. "That sounds like good food if you ask me."

    "We should best plan to move and leave whilst we have the supplies. Even if the Pokeblock is nearing its date, its been here for awhile and will keep for awhile and keep us fed. We can hunt if need be to support our different diets. We can get out, if you don't mind a climb down."

    Dal nodded as he listened to the Luxray speak, before tossing in his own input. "Right-o. So, if we do decide to get out of these caves, where do we want to go? I'm not that familiar with the region, but I think Yuri and I did spot a village or something when we were coming here. There's of course the forests surrounding this place, too."

    All the while the Pokemon spoke, Yuri spent her time gently running the tips of her fingers along the Ninetales's fur—as gently as possible, in hopes to diminish the discomfort in the fire-type. She really hated making any Pokemon uncomfortable, and she hoped that her presence didn't stress the vulpine too harshly.

    Age : 39
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Tue Mar 01, 2016 6:56 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 A9ZoaSD

    Frost Cavern|Noon

    "...Yeah, I'm sure that's what Yuri would want, too." Jack heard the response from Dal before he entered a dream or rather a nightmare. Within the nightmare, the pikachu went on ahead of the others to find some food. Just as he stepped outside the cavern the snow became stained with blood. Looking around he could see a figure walking in the snow. Jack shouted out to the figure, but there was no response. The Pikachu ran towards the figure and when he finally caught up, the figure turned out to be the dead corpse of Spot. Each of the heads kept saying help me and to the left was the visage of the harbinger. The electric type started attacking the harbinger but each attack went right through it without doing anything. The yelps from Spot started echoing and then blood started to rain down onto Jack as each of the heads landed on the three sides of him all staring at him in horror. The pikachu started squirming around trying to wake up, but even though he kept brushing against Yuri's leg it wasn't doing any good. His heart was starting to beat fast and his breathing became heavy.

    Next that came within the nightmare was him sinking into the snow as he reaches up trying to grab hold of the ledge. Unable to grab onto the snow, his vision whited out and found himself falling down. Falling into a cavern, there he was horrified at what he seen next it was his trainer with his face eaten off. The scene was more than enough to wake the pikachu out of the nightmare. Snapping his eyes open, Jack screamed out in fear. "Aaagh!" Looking around he was still in the bed with Yuri and Hikirio. His breathing started returning to normal and his heart beat started to relax. "It was just a nightmare, yet it felt so real." Jack still had a sinking feeling that something isn't right and he needed to see for himself. Looking back to Dal, the pikachu had a look of worry in his eyes. Something was seriously wrong and Jack knew it, but until he finds out the fate of his trainer, he would have to keep searching. "Hey Dal, have you ever had nightmares where it was enough to snap you out of a deep sleep?" Asking the Gengar the question, he would have figured that Dal would have felt Jack's nightmare as well. Laying back down, he rested his head on Yuri, but he couldn't sleep anymore from what he had seen in the nightmare. Shaking slightly from fear, the pikachu thought to himself whether he'll be put in a pokeball or left out, but one thing was for sure he would reject a pokeball regardless of the decission.

    Age : 33
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Requiem Thu Mar 03, 2016 4:34 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Gjwgzz10
    Frost Cave|Noon |29/3

    "Yeah, but don't Piloswine have a bunch of fat on them? They're nearly as big as I am—over a metre!" Hikirio looks over, snorting a sharp heated breath. He rolls his shoulders a little feeling the human hand run down his side, he lays his head back down licking his lip. "That sounds like good food if you ask me." Maybe he was right, maybe it would be a good reason to hunt the fur they could use to keep Yuri warm and the fresh meat if it's not infected would keep them fed for quite some time. He opens his mouth to share the idea as much as he was still against it, before he was interrupted.

    "We should best plan to move and leave whilst we have the supplies. Even if the Pokeblock is nearing its date, its been here for awhile and will keep for awhile and keep us fed. We can hunt if need be to support our different diets. We can get out, if you don't mind a climb down." He licks his lip again, paws kneading the cot they were laying on plucking the threads a little. Getting an Idea that they could use instead of risking the hunt, he lifts his tails from the curled forms. Unaware that Jack was fast asleep near him and Yuri.

    "Right-o. So, if we do decide to get out of these caves, where do we want to go? I'm not that familiar with the region, but I think Yuri and I did spot a village or something when we were coming here. There's of course the forests surrounding this place, too." Wiggling free of the pile of bodies on the cot a little more so he could move. Plucking at the threads a little more as it felt thick enough to be useful before sniffing the cot. Picking up a scent then, taking in a longer and stronger whiff. The hand on his back between his shoulders distracting him as he inched away slightly. Getting to his feet as Yuri's hand would slide down his side and legs. Hopping off the cot following the scent into the box's then back to the door.

    " Hmm, Well, what first came to mind was maybe you're right Dal. If we found it we could use the fur to keep the hum- Yuri warm for traveling and the meat would be fresh for a time" lifitng his head once more. " I still think the weight of the  risk is still high for anyone getting hurt in here , water would be easy to find so not a concern" he takes another heavy breath of the scent. Walking back to the others Hikirio turns to Ark then Dal, " Thinking for now we could maybe cut off some of the cot? sheet? -" unsure exactly what it was "- for now, for warmth or even a bag to carry some of the block food." going back to the door " There is another scent on the material that isn't ours that I picked up on the box's and the door. If we're lucky, maybe we can track it out and find the source or a way out of here" pushing a paw to the frozen blood on the door.

    Age : 35
    Posts : 183

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Krajin Mon Mar 07, 2016 9:57 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Luxray

    Frost Cave | Noon | 14 (4)

    Arkturus' on his watch frowned a bit when he heard Jack start having a Nightmare. The poor fellow hadn't been asleep long when it started and he awoke screaming. The Luxray's ears pinned back and he glanced toward the entrance, focusing his eyesight to see through the ice and rock. Nothing was coming just yet though thankfully. Ark sighed with relief with that and stretched out where he was with a light yawn.

    "Yeah, Pilloswine have allot of fat on them. Problem is they're also furry to, good eating if you can get them. Berries grow inside here to, though the bushes they're on tend to be.. unpleasant and need a bit of work to get them off. Bitter to." He said, "Where do we go? Well, Mamoswine road is nearby, as is Anistar City. We can potentially go to either one of those places." He added though there was a shiver from the Luxray at the thought of heading to a large city. The kinds of pokemon, the horrors and more that one could encounter would be deeply, deeply unpleasant to see.

    "Hmm, Well, what first came to mind was maybe you're right Dal. If we found it we could use the fur to keep the hum- Yuri warm for traveling and the meat would be fresh for a time." He nodded and added "Question, how will she wear its fur? Humans do weird things to fur."

    "I still think the weight of the  risk is still high for anyone getting hurt in here ,water would be easy to find so not a concern." Ark listened and thought for a moment on that before adding "We'll get hurt wherever we go. It just depends on how smart we are about moving around." He looked over towards Jack, Dal and Hikirio "Thinking for now we could maybe cut off some of the cot? sheet? For now, for warmth or even a bag to carry some of the block food. There is another scent on the material that isn't ours that I picked up on the box's and the door. If we're lucky, maybe we can track it out and find the source or a way out of here."

    Ark's ears twitched a bit at that "I have something for that I think.." He trails off and goes over to the other crate and rummages around inside of it. His backside sticking out rather ungracefully, within a few minutes he stumbles back out with a few satchels for Pokemon to carry stuff in. Provided a trainer could fit them to the Pokemon in question. "These. They're bags that we can wear. Well.. I can. Hikirio to if he wishes. Just need someone to put it on, put the block in and we can carry things."

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1912

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu Mar 10, 2016 2:10 pm

    OoC)) Skip, Jack listens in on the conversation and doesn't say anything. However he likes the idea that Ark had and is willing to go with it.

    Age : 33
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Requiem Sat Mar 12, 2016 4:21 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Gjwgzz10
    Frost Cave|Noon |30/4

    Watching and listening to what Ark had to say behind him "I have something for that I think.." hearing something going on in the dark before Ark continued. "These. They're bags that we can wear. Well.. I can. Hikirio to if he wishes. Just need someone to put it on, put the block in and we can carry things." Snorting Hikirio already saw this coming quite some time ago, " Some how I knew this would come up rather not be used as a ponyta would but- " sniffing the bags. "They smell really bad" commenting picking one up in his maw and followed the scent back to Yuri still on the cot. Dropping the bag on the floor before sitting down next to it, waiting. " If it will get us moving then I'll carry some of the weight" though not too happy about it but if it would help him earn a spot on the team. Waiting as patiently as he could for another human to put something on him, " So we figure out how to navigate out of the caves to the outside, find this village that Dal and Yuri found" shaking his pelt a little of collecting ice crystals. " Still have to find traveling warmth for Yuri so she doesn't get to cold again" looking he looks over his shoulder addressing the obvious trouble " food, water and warmth for these ice caves are a must, maybe some of the medical things just in case." flicking his tail before turning his head back to Yuri.

    Age : 35
    Posts : 183

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Krajin Thu Mar 17, 2016 8:26 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Luxray
    Frost Cave | Noon | 15 (5)

    Ark looked to Hikirio as he sat down with the bag "You don't have to carry it. As I said, I can be the only one for it." He nods, stretching out a bit with his front claws splayed out and gently raking across the icy floor and then leaned forward and stretching out his hind legs a bit to get the blood flowing in them from having been sitting for so long "Warmth she can use the blankets or make something she can wear from it." A grin spread across his face as something came to mind and he added "She could always carry Hikirio for warmth." His tone conveyed clear playful teasing in it. Even if it wasn't going to be well recieved, Ark was braced for getting clocked by either the Ninetails or Dal. "I'm kidding! I'm Kidding!" He'd quickly affirm, allowing them to possibly calm down if they didn't pick up on the joking manner.

    Picking up the saddle Bag, Ark put it on Hikirio just to see how he looked even without the straps being on or tied up "Looks good on you."


    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Min Sun Mar 20, 2016 10:28 pm

    Frost Caverns | |Noon

    Surprisingly, Jack's cry as he awoke from his nightmare startled and jolted the Gengar. He whipped his head around to stare at the Pikachu and blinked in confusion, having not realized that the electric-type had dozed off. A little relieved that it was just a nightmare and not a sudden undetected threat, Dal settled down but rose a brow at the question posed towards him. "Hey Dal, have you ever had nightmares where it was enough to snap you out of a deep sleep?"

    "Eh, nightmares?" he parroted in thought, bringing a hand up to his chin. "Well, I don't usually sleep much...maybe a few times in the past...?" Dal trailed off as he recalled his life as a Gastly and Haunter. That was ages ago.

    The ideas bounced back between Ark and Hikirio, ideas that Dal liked the sounds of. He chuckled a little when the latter padded over to Yuri with the bags and eyed his trainer's initial wariness. She tilted her head and watched as Ark placed the satchels in their general position on the Ninetales and, after shooting a cautious look to her Gengar—who offered an encouraging gesture—she shuffled forward to slowly begin tying the straps onto the fox. It only took a few moments to get most of the buckles and ties nicely in place, not too tight to be a discomfort but not too loose to risk the bags slipping off, and all the while being as gentle as she possible could.

    Once Yuri finished tying them on Hikirio, Dal gave an approving nod. "Yeah, those will definitely come in handy," he remarked, floating over to the others. "I say we head towards Anistar City—it's a city after all, it's bound to have good loot. Probably plenty of buildings to take shelter in too." He paused and furrowed his brows. "As for the Piloswine, we can tackle it if we come across it on our way to the exit, but lets not go out of our way to look for it. We do have a good amount of food already and we don't want to fuck ourselves over going deeper in these caves for just one Pokemon."

    Dal took Ark's suggestion to use the blankets for warmth and floated closer to his trainer, tugging on the sheets beneath her. She shuffled out of the way, allowing the spectre to tug the blanket out and soon drape it over the human like a shawl. "There! That'll keep you warm enough until we get outta here." He beamed a grin as Yuri clutched the blanket shawl closer, adjusting it for easier wearing.

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1912

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Mon Mar 21, 2016 12:41 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 A9ZoaSD
    Frost Cavern|Noon

    The Pikachu looked at Dal as he answered the question. "Eh, nightmares?" Jack nodded to the Gengar as the electric type got up. "Well, I don't usually sleep much...maybe a few times in the past...?" At least Jack knew he was honest with him. As he began to listen to both Ark and Hikirio again the ideas came clear that this place wouldn't be of much use to them. " If it will get us moving then I'll carry some of the weight" Even though Jack thought Hikirio was stubborn at least the Ninetails had a bit of dignity to help out when needed to. You don't have to carry it. As I said, I can be the only one for it." Jack hopped off the bed and stretched out to get ready to make their next move. " So we figure out how to navigate out of the caves to the outside, find this village that Dal and Yuri found" The Pikachu finally spoke from being silent for the entire conversation. "That's about the gist of it, but lets not forget that we still might run into whoever was the owner of the blood that's on the bandage crate." Then there was the Piloswine that is around. The last time Jack had a run in with a Piloswine was during his time in Johto. Remembering from what his last battle with one had ended with the Piloswine stampede. " food, water and warmth for these ice caves are a must, maybe some of the medical things just in case." It might be a bad idea to use the bandages if the blood is contaminated.

    "Warmth she can use the blankets or make something she can wear from it. She could always carry Hikirio for warmth." Jack giggled a little from Ark's comment. Hikirio would frown if Yuri carried him around like a young pup. "I'm kidding! I'm Kidding!" The Pikachu got the joke on carrying Hikirio around. Watching Ark place a saddle bag onto Hikirio had the electric type wonder if they could use the loosened ice to melt it down for water. "Looks good on you." Guess Hikirio will be carrying the food for them and that would mean taking a formation to protect the cargo. "Yeah, those will definitely come in handy," Jack walked over to Dal and listened for where their next destination is. "I say we head towards Anistar City—it's a city after all, it's bound to have good loot. Probably plenty of buildings to take shelter in too." Sounds like a plan and with luck find something useful for Yuri to help defend herself if possible. "As for the Piloswine, we can tackle it if we come across it on our way to the exit, but lets not go out of our way to look for it. We do have a good amount of food already and we don't want to fuck ourselves over going deeper in these caves for just one Pokemon." Speaking of Piloswine, Jack did hear a rumor one time that they was used in transportation to and from this very cavern. Perhaps that since the humans was gone that they had taken shelter in the cavern to protect themselves from the undead.

    With the rest that Jack got though from earlier he should be able to have a full use of his thunderbolt again. "There! That'll keep you warm enough until we get outta here." Now that Yuri was wearing something to keep herself warm, they should be able to concentrate on getting out of this frozen cavern. "Anistar City? Isn't that the town that's usually bustling with both humans and pokemon alike?" Since Jack wasn't from Kalos, he didn't know much of the area other than the rumors that was told. One thing did make sense though if they ran into the Piloswine on their way out they might have to deal with it if necessary, but it shouldn't be to hard to shoo it away. "Think we can use the ice and melt it for water?" It was an idea to bring up at least until they get out of their. In all Jack had enough of this cave and there was nothing else to find. One thing did concern him. The blood on the medical crate. What if they ran into that person and he happened to be who Jack's looking for? Though chances are that they might have be long gone by now. "Okay, if we have to, we should surround Hikirio so that way the food is protected from all four sides." That said Jack would again guard the back in case they was surprised attack from behind. As usual, Jack got a thunderbolt ready to use for when they leave. "Ready when you are Dal." The Pikachu said.

    Age : 33
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Requiem Tue Mar 22, 2016 7:56 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Gjwgzz10
    Frost Cave|Noon |31/5

    "You don't have to carry it. As I said, I can be the only one for it." Hikirio is only half listening to the electric feline by this point he said he would do it and he would. Looking over his shoulder still thinking twice about the idea, then, would mean Yuri would have to put it on and that was more touching. He already got the idea that the bags were meant for Pokemon to carry for their human masters, like a mule.His shoulders tighten but it was too late to back out now. "Warmth she can use the blankets or make something she can wear from it." Hikirio let out a smoke poof sigh, he had been saying that Yuri needed something else to keep warm for the last three conversations. By using the blanket of the cot as a wrap or even strip it up. "She could always carry Hikirio for warmth." Coughing sharply as a black poof of smoke clouds over the grey mask as a lip tug up showing a bit of fang and a low growl. "I'm kidding! I'm Kidding!" Snorting again turning his head the other way, pouting again from the supposed joke Ark was picking at him. "Looks good on you." feeling the slight weight on his back again, the faint tail sweeps of irritation trying to let Ark know not to touch him.

    Hikirio holds his breath at the human touch, nearly going stiff as a wooden board. His chest, making short, rapid movements from his shallow breathing, his head turned away as he tried to move in ways to help get the straps on. Moving his legs a little as the straps and buckles didn't get in the way too much but he felt a little trapped. A quick flash of the silver stable and the white coat, shaking his head quickly pushing it away. "Yeah, those will definitely come in handy," he turns his head now to the ghost type listening to him intently."I say we head towards Anistar City—it's a city after all, it's bound to have good loot. Probably plenty of buildings to take shelter in too." Hikirio didn't know where that was exactly he rather not go near human structures any more not after the tower. What worried him was the city part what meant a big area that pokemon and humans live side by side.

    It didn't take much thought for the fox to put two and two together " Can't say I know the city either, but wouldn't a city be like a undead hive they would gather in? pointing out the stupid question about heading out of the ice caves that seemed to provide the basics and less undead walking around. " The cold here, maybe keeping them away, got some food got some water. Even if we did run out of the blocks someone said something about berries outside the cave?" getting up, walking around a little getting used to the feeling before going to the box's to sit waiting for them to get filled.

    "Think we can use the ice and melt it for water?" the fur on his back bristles now as the mouse mentioned something he had also already offered in later conversation. Clicking his tongue off the top of his mouth. He turns his attention to the box he had smelt the blocks from. Pushing his front paws into it and pushed it over, spilling its contents over the floor.The tinfoil squares scattering. "Okay, if we have to, we should surround Hikirio so that way the food is protected from all four sides."  Getting some of the sweetest smelling ones into one group the spicy and bitter into another. Sorting them by nose before the stress levels came down again. He knew it didn't matter, they were all going into the bags unsorted anyway, just made him feel useful and better about himself. Before pushing them back into a large group in the middle standing beside them tugging at the side strap as it shifted digging into his underarm. Waiting for someone to help him put them in.

    Age : 35
    Posts : 183

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Krajin Sun Mar 27, 2016 10:51 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Luxray

    Frost Cave | Noon | 16 (6)

    Arkturus noted the sweeps of the tail and backed off giving the Ninetails some space. "Berries grow everywhere. Inside caves, outside them and in some really odd places. It's all about knowing where to find them and acquiring them." He shifted a touch on his feet and noting Hikirio's sorting of the blocks decided to help put them into the satchel in an orderly manner. Grouping each of the flavours together and not undoing the work that he had done.

    "Grouping the flavours, good idea there." He compliments the fire type. "We head into the city we could find quite a bit that might help us. But might find danger to. So.. its risk and reward yeah? Do we intend on staying inside the city and holing up in there or continuing on? That way we can formulate a plan on where we want to go for the long term." The Luxray added as he finished loading the satchels, taking great care not to disturb Hikirio to much. He took the other satchel they had, this one seemed more fitted for the Luxray with his size, comfortable straps that could be placed and he seemed to know exactly how to get it on without having to much of an issue. Aside from doing it up that is since he lacked that.. mobility. Walking up to Yuri the large pokemon stood with his side to her and looked up at her with a curious gaze, glancing to the undone straps and then to her curiously, there was no malice or any other negative emotion. Infact he was even letting out a light little purr just to set things at ease for the young woman. He'd found that doing such helped put humans at ease when dealing with big, intimidating looking pokemon like he. Honestly though when you think about it, he's huge, with red and gold eyes and has a normally very serious no fun allowed expression on his face.

    "Can she do this up? I'll carry stuff as well. The meds.. if there's much left and what food didn't fit into Hikirio's satchel." His satchel was two bags, decent sized for him that could carry a bit of weight and mass. Though not the best for squeezing through tight spaces. Though Ark had spent enough time wearing one that he had worked out ways to get through most tight spots. His was coloured a navy blue which matched his fur well enough. His tail twitched lightly as he watched, trying to observe the way Dal and young Yuri seemed to interact between each other.

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Min Tue Mar 29, 2016 1:41 am

    Frost Caverns | |Noon

    "Anistar City? Isn't that the town that's usually bustling with both humans and pokemon alike?" Jack's question provoked a raise of brow from the Gengar.

    The ghost shrugged. "Well, I'd assume so, considering it's a city," he responded lightly, beginning to levitate closer towards the room's exit. Hikirio was next to speak and brought up a fair point: the threat of undead populations. Dal frowned in thought, and spoke with a brief sigh. "That's a risk we have to take, but I think it's still the better option than staying here. A city has buildings and such for shelter, with the added bonus of being able to leave it with ease just by running in the right direction—"

    "—but these tunnels? If we run the wrong way away from an undead mob, we could be cornered, trapped, and slaughtered. Besides, if anything tragic happens like some sort of earthquake, it could also risk any available exits to us being collapsed on. Then we'd be fucked." He watched the Ninetales sort through the spilled Pokeblocks by...scent? At least, that's what Dal assumed with how the fox shoved his nose towards them and nudged the food around. The Luxray confirmed his assumptions.

    Of course, this was a team effort. Ark soon threw in his own cents and inquired his own wonderings as he helped Hikirio with the packing situation. "We head into the city we could find quite a bit that might help us. But might find danger to. So.. its risk and reward yeah? Do we intend on staying inside the city and holing up in there or continuing on? That way we can formulate a plan on where we want to go for the long term."

    Right—long term. Regardless of how determined and hardy they all are, it's impossible to stay in one place forever. "We'll see," Dal smiled as he spoke, offering a nonchalant shrug and gesture. "We arrive at Anistar City and scope out the place first, see how it is. We can make a decision when we get there. Besides, in a world like this, you never know when some last-minute calamity will happen that changes everything."

    When Ark finally padded up to Yuri with an extra pair of satchels, she blinked in slight surprise. Luxray are massive—a good foot larger than a Ninetales is, and it's a lie to say that the girl wasn't intimidated. However, as the soft noise of a purr rumbled out of the feline's throat, Yuri immediately smiled and tentatively reached out a hand to gently pat the lion. How soft... she mused as she glanced down at the undone straps. She looked back up at her Gengar, as if searching for permission, and after Dal gave an agreeable gesture and a nod, she quickly got to work tying and fastening the bags onto Ark.

    It took only a few moments to get everything in place, and Yuri made sure to stick to fingers in-between the straps and the Luxray's body to ensure that nothing was too tight. Finished with her task, she backed a few inches away and gave Ark a quick look-over before she beamed him a bright grin. There, all done!

    [ooc: let me know if anything needs to be changed!]

    Age : 39
    Posts : 1912

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by ShadowCharizard Fri Apr 01, 2016 8:55 pm

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 A9ZoaSD
    Frost Cavern|Noon

    The Pikachu waited for the others to ready themselves to head out of this frozen cave to head towards the city. " Can't say I know the city either, but wouldn't a city be like a undead hive they would gather in? True, it would be a hive, but it would also have plenty of places for them to restock on food and supplies. " The cold here, maybe keeping them away, got some food got some water. Even if we did run out of the blocks someone said something about berries outside the cave?" Hikirio didn't hear what Dal said earlier? Even if they stayed in the cave the undead would eventually find them and they would have nowhere to run. This was something that the electric type did not want to happen. First thing though is making sure the food is secure. "—but these tunnels? If we run the wrong way away from an undead mob, we could be cornered, trapped, and slaughtered. Besides, if anything tragic happens like some sort of earthquake, it could also risk any available exits to us being collapsed on. Then we'd be fucked." The Gengar explained to the fire type hoping it would sink into Hikirio's head. Jack would rather not spend the rest of his life as a walking corpse.

    It wasn't long before Ark had agreed with both Jack and Dal in getting out of this frozen death trap. "We head into the city we could find quite a bit that might help us. But might find danger to. So.. its risk and reward yeah? Do we intend on staying inside the city and holing up in there or continuing on? That way we can formulate a plan on where we want to go for the long term." Thinking about it though, a battle plan would be nice to have if they're going to go into the city. "We arrive at Anistar City and scope out the place first, see how it is. We can make a decision when we get there. Besides, in a world like this, you never know when some last-minute calamity will happen that changes everything." Now that Dal puts it that way, Jack could be useful in listening to where the undead are hiding and take them out with his thunderbolt. If they was to go into an alleyway that would give Jack the opportunity needed to unleash his charge beam. It would be Jack's ace in the hole, but even the pikachu knew that Charge Beam would be of use in due time.

    Only thing left now was to wait for Yuri to fasten the satchels to Ark and Hikirio. Once again Jack would cover the tail end of the group and listen for anything coming from behind. "I'll cover the back again once we get going. Who knows when that horde might try to break through that blocked tunnel." Before they even head out though Jack needed to make sure that he was ready for a physical fight if any undead gets to close. "Never know when a well placed brick break might come in handy. So Dal, got any idea where we'll bunk down when night comes?" That was a good question though, since it might take till night to get to the city. One thing did come to mind was a place where they could easily get out if they was about to be attacked and needed a hasty escape.

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 600px-654Braixen
    Frost Cavern|Noon

    Wondering through the cavern in search for anyone who is still alive, Finn walked past the exit from this frozen place. One thing was on his mind though where did that thief of a trainer escape to and why did he kill a cop and take his gun. "That thief, he better hope to Arceus I don't find him before the undead do. If I do find that bloody thief I'll give him a taste of that fire punch that tutor taught me." Pulling the twig out of his tail, the braixen used it as a torch to look for anything that was concealed in the ice. So far he found nothing, but he looked down another path seeing blood on the ground leading deeper into the cave. A part of the fire type told him to follow the blood another part was edging to ignore it and continue his search for any survivors.

    The trail of blood wasn't just down the tunnel to his right, but also in front of him. "Whoever's blood this is came from down there towards that hideout the pokemon rangers made." The Fire type followed the blood ahead of him down the tunnel with the twig lighting the ground and sides for anything suspicious. Coming up to a decent sized room in between the tunnels, Finn followed the left blood trail into another tunnel. However, as he thought he got close to the end, the passage was blocked off and bullet casings was on the ground with blood on them. "Seems that some bloke was careless. Guess I'll try the other tunnel." The braixen turned back and headed to the room where the blood trail spits off. The only other tunnel left is the one on the right and it was where the base was. What he didn't know was that there was survivors and this could go two ways, if they're hostile then he'll be forced to defend himself, if they're friendly, then it'll be a first since leaving his home in Lumiose City.

    Age : 33
    Posts : 501

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Requiem Fri Apr 01, 2016 11:58 pm

    || Pass, Hikirio just grumbles and waits to follow them out.||

    Age : 35
    Posts : 183

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Empty Re: (ACE) The FROST Team

    Post by Krajin Tue Apr 05, 2016 11:19 am

    (ACE) The FROST Team - Page 7 Luxray
    Frost Cavern | Noon | 17 (7)

    It was clear from the beginning that Arkturus was a well handled and well trained Pokemon, standing nice and still with his relaxed posture allowing for Yuri to work her magic. She was surprisingly gentle, even more than what he expected and she had a certainty to her ministrations with the straps that made him quite happy indeed. The whole thing was comfortable for him and for the Luxray it was a gentle reminder of things that he once had and well, now didn't. She has a very gentle touch, it's nice to feel something like that again. The memories, I miss being brushed by my trainer... His expression shifted with those thoughts, his eyes got a bit watery and the Luxray shook his head, forcing that down. Last thing he wanted was for the rest of them to see and one to hear the proud feline of the group crying. His pride was not going to allow that, instead he opted to draw up a bit of anger from when they were about to be separated. Taking a deep breath now that she had fitted the straps as well as his emotions now settling she used her fingers to make sure the straps didn't dig in and were comfortable, he knew the drill. Once this was all done he glanced to Dal before giving Yuri a gentle, very gentle, friendly headbump along her hand. The Luxray despite his size was a bit of a gentle giant to the right person.

    Arkturus smiled as best he could listening to the others talk, Dal addressed Hikirio's concerns with being in the caves with the cons of staying inside. He had to agree on that front. The Luxray moved to rummage through a box and load his satchel with the few healing potions left behind as well as two heals. He knew how the sprays worked and with Yuri's help or with anyone with a good hand on the issue, they'd be able to treat someone who got hurt. Anything else he could load in, he did. Using that muzzle of his to skilfully close the straps on the slim satchels he felt a bit heavier but.. it wasn't to terrible honestly.

    "We arrive at Anistar City and scope out the place first, see how it is. We can make a decision when we get there. Besides, in a world like this, you never know when some last-minute calamity will happen that changes everything." He liked this, it was true that in a world that they were in right now anything could happen in a moments notice. "Of course, I understand. However a general idea of where we want to go is always nice." He nods. The Pikachu making his voice of covering the rear again, the little one was certainly.. very much the rear guard. Not that Ark would complain considering how strong those little furballs could be. His attention was caught though by a sound that instantly made him turn, his whole form going into that of a defensive posture now even in the dark. His movements became quiet as the hunter began to look for the source of the sound.

    In the dark for any to see, the glow, the shine of the eyes of a Luxray could be a terrifying thing if you didn't know what it was. Well, aside from a Gengar that could go through walls, a pikachu ankle biter and a Ninetails that could blend in with the surrounding area really easily. He could see though through the rock and ice the outline, then the form of something, no someone approaching. His whole body began to arc with electricity as the Luxray charged a Thunderbolt. "Someone approaches." He whispered. Crouching low, ready to strike if they were infected, the individual didn't walk like one but that didn't mean much in the end.

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