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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team


    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Kaze Thu Dec 11, 2014 5:33 am

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    Vermillion City Harbour * Early Afternoon * (26)

    The massive fish lies completely still against the side of the ship. His fins aren't moving, his lighter colored belly is pressed against the ground. His eyes slide shut, revealing that even his eyelids are covered in the bright ink of tattoos. Even the sensitive yellow whiskers are limp and lifeless. The only movement from the massive fish is the rise and fall of his gill covers. He drifts in a dreamy haze, half asleep and half unconscious. Words dribble over him like waves beating on a shore, simple white noise that doesn't effect his lethargy. His head hurts and he's tired. Even the imminent threat of being devoured can't punch through the fog in his brain. He needed to rest...just for a moment...just for a moment.
    He drifts into a comforting blackness. It is warm there and soft as a mother's hug, a featureless space with nothing in it and nothing to go wrong. His body feels numb, the pain of the Grass Knot throbbing along to his heartbeat as he starts to pass out. Bass can't tell how much time has passed before he surfaces from those dark waves of hazy sleep. His eyes are bleary, his body numb.
    "'m awa..." He tries to say and he can't fit his jaw around the syllables. He had done bad, bothering the eel lady like this. 'Twas her boat after all. He just needed a moment, a moment to rest. Now he forced his eyes open and tried to drive the fog from his thoughts. It was harder than swimming through ice water. He needed to be awake, awake until he got to somewhere safe. He couldn't afford to sleep.

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Duma Fri Dec 19, 2014 3:18 am

    ((OOC: Skip, I need Cinder's reply))

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Kaze Mon Dec 22, 2014 9:49 pm

    ((OOC: Skip again since literally nothing has happened since my last post))

    Age : 32
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by NyraXerz Thu Dec 25, 2014 10:07 pm

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    |Vermilion City Harbour|Early Afternoon|17|
    (Post count continued from [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.])

    They came out of nowhere. Hordes of them. Pokemon the sea weasel pokemon had never seen before. One moment she had surfaced to get a better look at the approaching shore and the next she was swimming for her life. Their bodies were small, rounded features with large heads--at least from what she could gather when he dared to look over her shoulder. Grass knot attacks licked at her heels, tripping her and taking her breath away with each successful hit. Her twin tails spun so quickly behind her she barely had time to plan where to escape too.

    Her arms were already aching from her long swim and from the speed she was reaching. Aqua knew she couldn't keep this up forever. Shifting her weigh she turns and scalding water bursts from her maw--only to bounce with ease from her attackers' form. The floatzel's eyes grew to the size of dinner plates before she turned to continue fleeing. Was there a glint of metal she saw? More attacks shot around her in retaliation. Beams of light, echos, as sound waves overcame her her vision spun. Confusion, dizziness and disorientation immediately overtook the water-type. Supersonic. Those damn...whatever they were!

    Bruised, bleeding, and desperate for escape, Aqua summons her will to activate her agility. At first she only hurts herself in her confusion--which slows her down enough to allow one of those things to land a scald attack of their own. The pain is intense, but thankfully doesn't hit her spinning tails. If that had happened...well, she wouldn't be swimming anymore. With no time to clutch her injured back leg, the floatzel activated her move again. This time, her body shimmer lightly as it should. The feeling of her muscles temporarily strengthening is spread throughout her body and she is able to push faster. Bursting through the water at full speed she quickly comes face-to-face with the fabled St.Anne in the worst of states.

    Something else is there...She can't make out the words, but something large, very large, speeds past and beyond her traveling into the depths. Suddenly, as if working with a hive mind, every one of those critters form up and dive after it. Barely focused enough to notice, Aqua slams straight into the decaying carcass of the Anne.

    ((ooc: Hi guys! I back-tracked a little to when Nightfall's character dove off and had the phione following. Aqua shouldn't be too far off from where the other characters are, but on the outside of the ship.))


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Duma Sun Dec 28, 2014 11:34 pm

    ((Skip. Can't do anything without Cinder))

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Kaze Sun Jan 04, 2015 5:32 pm

    (( Also skip, Bass can't do anything without Cinder))

    Age : 32
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by NyraXerz Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:22 pm

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    |Vermilion City Harbour|Early Afternoon|18|

    To say her head was throbbing would be an understatement. Her head was screaming internally so loudly in pain it could make her ears ring. At first, all she could see were blurry shapes, moving silhouettes of light and dark...were they moving, or her? The floatzel couldn't tell and didn't care as she brought her paws up to cradle her head. Unknowingly, she sunk further and further down until the water weasel came to rest on a piece of the decaying shipwreck. Slowly, the world sped down and the shapes regained detail.


    Something around her vibrated with a sudden force, not enough to knock her from her water roost, but certainly enough to make someone take notice. However, she ignored it. All the years she's been using scald and she never knew how bad it stung. Fire water. Wasn't that how Bullet used to describe it? With one paw still supporting her head, Aqua uses her other to push herself into an upright position in time to feel another vibration.


    This one was louder...and close. Gritting her teeth against the pain, the floatzel pushes off from the ship using her good foot. Floating lazily away from the Anne, the sea weasel is able to get a better look at her surroundings. A huge ship, torn, beaten, shoved to the harbor floor. It fared no better than anything else in the epidemic...and even if it had, it would probably be crawling with infected...Something though, did stand out against the obvious abuse and decay. It glittered in the filtering light from above and was bright like a gem. Unnaturally so for the location...it ran along a particular fracture in the hull...and was the source of the vibrations. Getting a little closer, she notes the cold that nips at her fur. Whatever this was, it wasn't anything good. Wary, she begins to kick herself away from the out-of-place structure.

    ((ooc: The vibrations she's feeling are the others attacking the ice.))


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Kaze Tue Jan 06, 2015 3:56 pm

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    Vermillion City Harbour * Early Afternoon * (27)

    The tattooed whiscash manages to fully shake off his lethargy. He still feels weak but his species had sturdy constitutions and after a bit of rest he can feel control returning to his body. He twitches his fin and curls up his golden  whiskers. Thuds of attacks hit the hull of the ship like a slamming drum beats but it doesn't make him want to sing. His head hurts too much.
    With a twitch and thrash he sends a wave of pain flaring down his bruised tail but it's enough for him to swim.
    "Thanks for letting me chill here, I'll get out of your way." He apologizes to the dark-bodied eel. "If I see you again I'll make it up to you somehow, I promise."
    He winks flirtatiously at the Huntail before turning to the layer of ice that sealed them in the ship. If he tried he could break it open but then everyone else would be in danger. He might be recovered enough to risk it but he wasn't about to put everyone else in danger.
    Instead he turns his gaze towards the metal of the ship and picks a gap in the darkness to wriggle through, his whiskers picking up the flow of water through the ship. There was another way out nearby.
    Swimming into an open space he sees it. Part of the metal plating of the ship has bent back. The enterance is clogged with debris but by wrapping his whiskers around it he manages to shift aside the fallen beam and fit himself through the gap.
    Peeking into the waters beyond he sees them clear of the strange tear-drop shaped undead. A patch of orange fur stands out like a sore in the empty water. The Floatzel is facing away from him and the Whiscash pushes himself fully out of the space before swimming closer to it.
    "Hey!" He calls out. "It's not safe in here. You should run as fast as you can."
    He warns before swimming off as fast as his tail can carry him until the ship becomes a spot of shadow in the distance.

    ((OOC: Leaving post))

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Jan 09, 2015 8:27 pm

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    Vermillion Harbor [Inside the Anne.] | Noon | Post Ten

    Why, why? She could of just swam away but she had to let her temper get the better of her and come after the other Pokemon. Again and again the Huntail slams against the sheet of ice, the cracking getting louder with each hit. Fuck, it wasnt even that thick. "Stand back, I'm not sure how well this will go." The Vaporeon requests, and the icy sting along her body is enough to make the eel agree. Turning toward the back corner she coils up on herself, impatiently waiting for whatever it was the other female was going to do. She churns the water, tunneling it along with her as she goes to strike the ice sheet. 'm awa... The Whiscash mumbles, finally recovering from the battle. "Then pull yer weight." She spits, focus distracted as she listens to the massive creaking of the ice.

    Along with several thick cracks a small hole actually appears in the center, flecks of ice floating away into the open water. The hair-line cracks she had made practically disappear beneath them but the eel refuses to be impressed. Despite how thin it was it seemed the Lapras had made a wall with decent integrity. The Huntail refused to acknowledge it as praise and growls in frustration. Trying to kill us as you flee. No wonder the thing had hightailed it without a word. "Thanks for letting me chill here, I'll get out of your way." Oh fuck no. Turning toward the large fish, glaring daggers, a hard thud from the outside of the ship distracts her from yelling. Had the Phione found them, were they trying to break in? "If I see you again I'll make it up to you somehow, I promise." Regaining herself the Whiscash is gone. Good reddens. She didn't need him anyway. Even if he was the only one she could tolerate.

    Each one of her tattered fins flairs. Well this was just fucking great. Everyone one of the fucks except that blasted Vaporeon had fled with an inside pathway. Which are all dangerous. If they happened to intercept a Phione when fleeing that way it was over. They knew the ship better then anyone. Grinding her teeth Saferi throws herself against the ice sheet again and again. "Fuck.." The sharp chill tears one of her scales. Huffing hard she has had it. Golden eyes take on a reddish glow as purple energy forms around her mouth. "All of you!" The Dragon Type Hidden Power bursts forward, slicing down the ice diagonally. It shatters near instantly after all the abuse, a gap plenty big enough for the Vaporeon and even the Lapras, if she was still here, to get through.
    "There," She pants in exasperation, peeking outside ever so slightly. Looking back to the Vaporeon a feeling of disgust worms through her long body. Was she really going to bother trying to get this thing out? Might as well.. She would just attract attention otherwise. "Go out to the left, stick close to the ship. Swim above it and it should block out our shadows from anything below us. " They would have to book it before the Phione rounded back this way. "Once we get past the end of the hull dive down and keep going until you make it to a ravine." Without another word the eel bolts out of the hole and snakes her way along The Anne's hull.

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Duma Sun Jan 11, 2015 6:41 am

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    |Vermilion City Harbour|Early Afternoon|
    Aysu sighed. At least her attack had done something right. She unsheathed and sheathed her claws, trying to get the feeling back into her paws. She licked one of her paws to try and bring the feeling back and grimaced when she tasted the iron tang of blood. God damn fucking Phione. She thought, looking at her paws and seeing faint scratches where the ice had cracked her scales. 'm awa... She looked up to see Bass looking around sleepily. "About damn time." She growled, glaring at the Wishcash. "Then pull yer weight." The Vaporeon grinned inwardly. As much as she despised the Huntail, it was surprisingly easy the amout of times that Huntail's little snappy retorts made the Water Type snicker. "Thanks for letting me chill here, I'll get out of your way." Aysu's gaze narrowed as she glared. "Are you fucking ditching us?" She said, lip curling to reveal her needle-sharp teeth.

    "If I see you again I'll make it up to you somehow, I promise." Aysu snorted, turning away. "Good fucking luck." She growled, looking at the Huntail who was attching the ice again. "Fuck.." Their eyes glowed slightly and Aysu watched carefully. "All of you!" The attacked with ice with a powerful Hidden Power. Aysu was impressed, to say the least. "There," The hole was big enough for even that Lapras to fit through the hole - if it was still even around. The Huntail looked at her, thinking about something. Finally they opened their jaws to speak.

    "Go out to the left, stick close to the ship. Swim above it and it should block out our shadows from anything below us." Was it helping her? Aysu blinked, before nodding, looking at the Huntail as they exited the ship. "Once we get past the end of the hull dive down and keep going until you make it to a ravine." We? Aysu shrugged it off, staying close to the Huntail and making sure to follow their instructions carefully. She swam quickly to keep up with the snake, but she managed to stay close without losing them at least. "Hey, thanks for at least trying to help out. I'm sure you're still pretty pissed off at us for just intruding like we did, but maybe I can help by trying to get the Phione out of the..." She trailed off as she noticed an odd orange figure nearby. "Oh for the love of Suicune. Uh, there's another 'mon over there. Should we ignore it and continue on? They'll probably find us soon-ish." She asked, looking down at the Huntail, looking for feedback for once.

    Age : 32
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by NyraXerz Tue Jan 13, 2015 9:48 pm

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    |Vermilion City Harbour|Early Afternoon|19|

    "Hey!" Aqua's head perks up at the sound of the voice and she turns herself around just in time to see a rather portly fish squeeze itself out from a nook from inside the ship. At first, the floatzel could only stare. He was no immediate threat, that was obvious by the pained way he swam. What was even more obvious was the multitude of brightly colored markings. She's never seen such markings on a fish before, in the shapes of flowers, lightning bolts, skulls and the like...and how did he get them to stay like that underwater?

    The art of tattoos unknown to the floatzel, the unusual markings mystify her. There's little time to speculate as he rushes past the sea weasel without pause. "It's not safe in here. You should run as fast as you can." Come his words as he becomes nothing put a faint shadow in the distance. "I guess he got a similar greeting...damned whatever them creatures are. More thunking noises draws her attention back to the ship, in particular, a rather loud one that shatters the mysterious glimmering patch from before. Flecks of it float towards her and around her as several pokemon quickly escape from within it. Reaching forward, she grasps one of the larger chunks that reach her. Ice?

    "Go out to the left, stick close to the ship. Swim above it and it should block out our shadows from anything below us." Their conversation reaches her ears, but just barely as they swim. As if suddenly realizing how vulnerable she is alone in the middle of the harbor, she takes after them. Kicking her tails into actions and spins them rapidly like a propeller to try and check up to them. They could be anybody, bandits, cannibals, jackasses in general, but at the moment they were the only living pokemon possibly in the whole area. It's either take a chance with them or a chance alone with those little monsters Aqua...complain about how dog tired you are later.



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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Jan 17, 2015 12:55 pm

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    Vermillion Harbor [Caverns] | Early Afternoon | Post Eleven

    "Hey, thanks for at least trying to help out." Trying, really?? At this point she was more then just 'trying' to help. She was saving the fish's fucking hide from a swarm of miniature demons. Well, at least there was a thank you. "I'm sure you're still pretty pissed off at us for just intruding like we did, but maybe I can help by trying to get the Phione out of the..." Her voice trails off much to the Huntail pleasure. The two of them wouldnt be able to do much if anything at all. With a quick sigh a spume of floats is sent upward. Perhaps if they- "Oh for the love of Suicune. Uh, there's another 'mon over there. Should we ignore it and continue on? They'll probably find us soon-ish." Another Pokemon? Like one of the Phione, or the Whiscash or something completely different?
    Daring to turn her head back all Saferi see's is the blubbering moments of a bright orange and yellow shape. Her eyes stay on it for only a moment. "Keep going." She hisses, looking forward once more and keeping her pace at the same speed if not faster. It wasn't a Phione and it didn't look like something that was about to kill them. Even if it was chasing them, or following?, that gave the serpent all the more reason not to stop.
    Slipping past the end of the hull the Huntail dives. The further she moves away from the gigantic ship the less the water tastes of rust and metal. The clean seawater rushes through her gills as through she had been holding a breath but really she just needs more air for her racing form. She knew where she was going and nothing was about to stop her from going there.

    "Wait!" Of all the words it could call out that was probably the most expected and second most annoying one it could of chosen. With that one word the Huntail knew the Pokemon to be clean, or at least sentient still, female, and uneased. There was no time to wait, no time to go back or sit around or even explain the situation. "Well hurry up!" She spits back at it, refusing to go any slower. How many unwanted living had just happened to wander by today? If the Phione sighted the orange dot and devoured her at least it would offer them more time to escape. No scales off my back. Hunting and death happened here a lot and she refused to have any guilt about it. Just.. a few minutes.. With all focus set on her destination the Huntail doesn't look back, not even once.

    As the dark patch comes into view Saferi gives a last burst of speed for her arrival. As the distance closes in she slowes to a hard halt with bubbles spouting all around her. The ravine.. The deep water trench was ominous to most Pokemon but its rocky and coral covered walls were welcoming to the Huntail. For her it was the perfect place to find a nook to hide in and contemplate everything that had just happened. Plus it would have plenty to hunt hanging around to blow off some steam. But as she hovers over the lip of it Saferi hesitates. Her long body snakes around, facing the Vaporeon with deep scrutiny in her eyes. Damn air breathers.. As much as the deep abyss of the ravine called to her Saferi knew that eventually the Vaporeon would have to surface. Damn liabilities. Mind racing she its clear that she would have to find a different place to stay. "This wont work," She mutters with disgust. Another option comes to mind, within sight even, but its just so much less appealing. Not only was it not one of her favorite places but it didnt have the hunting possibility she needed for her aggression right now. But, well, she just didn't have that fucking luxury now did she.

    With a small sigh she turns, running perpendicular to the ravine and closer to the sheer cliffs of the shore. "Up there." With a point of her tail to a gap in the wall the serpent swims along into it. Already she can feel the damn surface waters shifting, the air close by. The surface was fucking awful. I hope youre damn happy. Because she sure wasn't.

    ((She went into a cavern kinda like this that has air flowing in. They are still in the bay but a section without beach: just a sheer cliff into the water.))

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Duma Mon Jan 19, 2015 8:58 pm

    ((OOC: Skip sorry ;w; Brain dead))

    Age : 32
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by NyraXerz Tue Jan 20, 2015 12:58 pm

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    |Vermilion City Harbour|Early Afternoon|20|

    At first, the floatzel isn't sure the others had even heard her. They were swimming as fast as possible along the top of the ship, they were probably injured, scared...would she stop if someone foreign were tailing her? Swimming faster to catch up, the sea weasel soon gets her reply.

    "Well hurry up!"

    ...Were they swimming faster now or was that her imagination? Either way, kicking her spinning twin tails into top gear she struggles to keep them in sight. The pain from the previous attack holding her back and yelling for her to stop, or at least slow down. Aqua ignored it, she had to follow them, they knew what was going on and apparently were the heck to go that wasn't crawling with those demons like bees in a hive.

    As the eel and vulpine reach the edge of the ship they disappear suddenly. Anxiety spikes through the water-type's fur with them out of her sight and peaks as she herself reaches the edge of the ship and realizes she has lost them. Swirling in the water frantically, she searches up, down, left and right for the blue bodies. One of them had said they would dive straight down after reaching the end of the ship, right..? With no better options she dives.

    Colder ocean water resistances against her, though freer from ths taint and tang of the decaying metal ship Aqua finds little comfort in this or really pauses to notice. Churning water from her strokes fills her ears as finally, finally the blue shapes come into view once again. True to their earlier statement, they had paused beside a long, dark ravine. From her current position she could see the top of its sheer sides and coral peeking up from within offering numerous hidden pockets.

    Relief floods her, she found them and they have stopped to wait! Grinning, she opens her mouth to greet them before realizing this thought is probably not so true. In an instant they as swimming at full throttle again, a new target in sight. Gasping in surprise causing bubbles to escape in a sudden burst from her mouth, Aqua continues her chase. They continue along the ravine, ignoring it completely for another gloomy entrance. Even before she reaches it she can feel more distrubances, a surface, air of some sort could not be far away.

    Coming up alongside the two other pokemon, the sea weasel breask the surface, taking in a breath of air and pouring any extra water from her hat with one webbed paw. Too breathless initially to speak.


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Dandelion Sat Jan 24, 2015 4:51 pm

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    Vermillion Harbor [Caverns] | Early Afternoon
    Saferi - Post Twelve || Bell - Post Thirty-three

    The serpent rose, climbing higher until she was before the dark cavern's threshold. She grumbles to herself, hating that she was going to accommodate to these land-lovers in a damn cave that she loathed just because they needed to breathe. You're losing your touch. Spouting out a mouthful of bubbles she headed into the gap in the rocks, avoiding her own thoughts.
    Afternoon sunlight filtered in, the breeze pushing the waters surface too and fro. The water wasnt that deep anymore, perhaps ten feet at most in this cave, with plenty of room for air to swirl above. Why in the hell did I accept this. The surface moved constantly, making tiny plops and shifting everything for the Huntail that was water-bound. At least at the bottom of the water the only thing that moved were currents an suction force, not fucking air. "Rest while you can. They wont bother you out here." She said as the others trail in, technically meaning she could ditch them now. After all, she had no business with them anymore and finding safety that worked for them had been more then they deserved out of her. She had no reason to help them any longer and if anything they now had a debt to her for saving their lives and finding them a shelter. Ya dont deserve it.

    Her gold eyes lock on the Floatzel, eying her suspiciously. It seemed her original observations had been correct- she didnt smell of rot and displayed no purple splotched or glowing red eyes. Clean enough. The way it gasped for air and flopped over in exhaustion was a good sign of being living and not bloodthirsty. Good. At least she didn't have to worry about that right now, she seemed too tired to put up a fight anyway. Turning away from her the Huntail coils up into a small ball. So this was it. Sitting in some small, shallow-watered cave with Pokemon she really did not want to associate with while her home was overrun by little shits. Just kill me. How did she get herself into this mess?

    The Poliwag flapped and paddled her tail as hard as she could. It was hurting, it was hurting and hard to move but she kept going in the direction she hoped was the right way. She was a good swimmer, and definitely faster in the water then on land, but by no means could she go as fast at everyone else. "Please wait!" She wails but she can't even see either of their blue shapes anymore. A fearful loneliness pangs at the childs heart. All she could follow now is the orange dot that was growing further and further away. She didn't know what it was but it seemed to be going the same way the others had. Dont leave me behind! She paddles harder, seeing the orange shape go higher toward who knows what.

    Bell panted, her chest tightening with worry and labored breaths. Why wouldn't they wait.. she didn't understand. She couldnt keep up even when she tried her hardest.. The orange blob vanished and panic clouds her thoughts. No, no she didn't want to be alone! She didn't want to be alone in this unknown place with those things chasing after them. Forcing herself to use the last burst of her strength the Poliwag speeds up and spots the cave entrance. Woah, that was cool looking! Even in her fear she instantly recgonized an interesting location. If nothing else it wasn't open ocean and she could rest in there. Just maybe the others were there too.

    Swimming up and into it Bell's eye goes wide as she releases a relieved sigh. The other Pokemon were in here, and they had stopped running! She found the others and a new cool place to explore that wasnt the ship! Her wide eyes look around in awe, taking in the structures and other Pokemon in here. The Huntail was here, did that mean they could explore this without problem since she wasnt yelling for once? Her mind swirls with questions but also fatigue. Noticing a flat rock jutting out of the water the child leaps out of the water and flops down on top of it. She made it.. she found them and didnt get left behind.. Panting and feeling every muscle in her body aching for once she doesn't have the strength to argue or explore. She was just.. tired.. Ill just rest here a bit.

    One question remains in her mind though, something she cant let go of. Why did those Pokemon attack them? They were.. different.. somehow in a way she couldnt place her tail on. "Hey," She hears the Huntail say in a monotone voice, "Who are you?" She was staring at the orange blob that Bell could now see was a weasel. Her dark brown eyes grow wide as they see the shiny shape sticking off the side of her hat. It was so pretty! "Wow, where did you get that, what is it ma'am?" She asks, so excited she bounces back onto her small feet.

    The Huntail lets another spout of bubbles trail upward from her gills. She almost wishes the Whiscash was still here. Almost. "Only going to say this once," She grumbles unwillingly, "Those little shits are Phione. They live in the upperhalf of that ship and most of the inside. They are cunning and kill any moron that thinks its a good idea to go explore." The end of her tail flicks irritably. "I live at the very bottom. They dont usually go down that far unless something set them off. Like a big group of 'adventurers'. Her gold eyes narrow, burrowing deeply into the Vaporeon. "Now those shit have taken my home as well." The seething rage is mixed with an errie calm to her voice, a dangerous mix that obvious to see. What she wouldnt give to attack all these Pokemon. Even if she didnt kill them legends did she just want to sink her fangs into something. "Oh," She mutters, forgotting what some would call the most important thing. "And Im Saferi." What good were names anyway.

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Duma Tue Jan 27, 2015 5:16 pm

    ((OOC: Skip please, bogged down with my school start-up and I've been flat chat busy))

    Age : 32
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by NyraXerz Fri Jan 30, 2015 11:37 pm

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    |Vermilion City Harbor|Early Afternoon|21|

    "Who are you?" The voice was monotone, not angry nor threatening from what Aqua could tell. It was a basic question afterall--of course they would want to know who the strange otter was who started tailing them. "Aqua." She starts, clearing her thought as she finishes to try again, louder for the group. "My name is Aqua."

    With her adrenaline and the urgency of escape dwindling down, Aqua can afford to take a good look at the pokemon she followed. One of them was long and winding, her color mimicking the pattern of light filtering through the waves. However, the sea weasel also notices the pattern is regularly disrupted by jagged scarring...a sure sign the huntail's seen more than a few fights. Next her eyes linger to the silent form of a vaporeon. Can't say I think she looks happy to see me, but then again, do either of them? Hush now Aqua, they kept me from getting my hide tanned, now didn't they?

    Concluding her mental scolding, the water-type looks up, surprised to find another pokemon leaping out of the water nearby and onto a rock ledge. A young one at that, how had she not noticed them before-- "Only going to say this once," The words come out like a growl to the floatzel's ears. As the water-type shifts around for the source, creating ripples in the water around her in doing so, she finds it is coming from below the surface. "Those little shits are Phione. They live in the upperhalf of that ship and most of the inside. They are cunning and kill any moron that thinks its a good idea to go explore."

    Boy, did she look madder than a wet hen. Flicking the end of her tail like a rattler as she speaks. "Phione.." Aqua says quietly to herself, trying out the words on her tongue. Phione. Phione...what kind of pokemon was that again? Care to avoid bumping her injured foot, the floatzel swims over to the rock ledge the poliwag had climbed on earlier. Bunching up her muscles, the sea weasel is able to build up the push to bring most of herself up onto the ledge with one graceful enough movement.

    "I live at the very bottom. They don't usually go down that far unless something set them off. Like a big group of 'adventurers'. Adjusting to have her elbows propping herself up, Aqua uses one paw to remove her hat. "I'm really sorry about that ma'am. I never meant any harm.[/color] Feeling eyes on her, Aqua glances down and finds the young poliwag fascinated with her silver wing with large eyes. "Wow, where did you get that, what is it ma'am?"

    Despite everything, she can't help but give the child a heavy smile. Keeping a firm grip on her hat, she holds it up and closer to give them a better view. "A good friend of mine gave this here feather to me. But for now, I believe that'll be a story for another time darling." Her momentary smile recedes immediately as the serpent-like pokemon continues speaking. "Now those shit have taken my home as well." Because they blundered near the sunken ship, these zombies claimed the entire place and not just their portion. No place there would be safe now...Dipping her head down in both shame and to place her hat back ontop her head, Aqua's brow creases as she considers just what the rest of them had accidentally caused.

    "I'm sorry ma'am. I'd love to send those things packing, but, well, I'm sure y'all got the same greeting I did. Those things are monsters. They nearly skinned me alive. Ain't never fought anything like them." Raising her eyes up, she finds the huntail's golden ones in the water below and holds her gaze. "I'm not quite sure how to right this, but if there's something I can do to help, I will."


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Dandelion Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:44 pm

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    Vermillion Harbor [Caverns] | Early Afternoon
    Saferi - Post Thirteen || Bell - Post Thirty-four

    "I'm really sorry about that ma'am. I never meant any harm. With a heavy, defeated sigh the Huntail spits out a mouthful of bubbles. To be fair the Floatzel hadn't done anything herself and a single wandering Pokemon usually didn't cause trouble, but the eel was not about to correct herself. Everyone was trouble these days and giving anyone slack was just inviting them to cause mayhem. Like that damned Lapras.. Her teeth grit tight just wishing they could sink themselves into her blubbery skin. Maybe a single Pokemon could be trouble after all. Coiling even tighter in on herself the Huntail can feel the hard presence of her necklaces press against her body. The only person she could ever stand.. Guess I gotta deal with some cooperation for a little while.. Disgust ripples through her long body.

    While the Poliwag scooched to the side a bit to give the Floatzel more space her eyes were still fixated on the shiny looking feather sticking out of her hat. "A good friend of mine gave this here feather to me. But for now, I believe that'll be a story for another time darling." The feather is moved a little closer and the Poliwag cant help but hop between feet, slapping her flat tail against the rock in awe. "Aww.. alright." She mutters, trying to hide the disappointment from her voice while she continues to look from every angle. When the Huntail speaks again she shies away, her energy settling back down as she is reminded of the seriousness of the conversation. "That's awful," She mumbles mostly to herself, "I didn't mean to cause that if I did.."

    "I'm sorry ma'am. I'd love to send those things packing, but, well, I'm sure y'all got the same greeting I did. Those things are monsters. They nearly skinned me alive. Ain't never fought anything like them." Saferi locks her gaze with the Floatzel's, peering deep into her being. "I've seen things you cant even imagine." She speaks with a dark tone. "But these Phione are something else entirely." Giving a her body a shake to clear her thoughts the Huntail takes in a breath. Yeah, these things aint for real. Yet they were. "I'm not quite sure how to right this, but if there's something I can do to help, I will."
    Grumbling to herself the eel swam to the other side of the space and coiled back up. "Well.." She couldn't care less if these Pokemon agreed with her or not- she already knew she would be stuck with them for a bit. "If we got a group big enough there could be a way that we could rid the Anne of those demons once and for all." The thoughts really too good to be true. No Pokemon would be dumb enough to risk their lives for it. Or would they.. "Then it would finally be open for all that exploring everyone always seems to want. Hell Id even go for it myself." Her golden gaze flicks between the Poliwag and Vapor- "You." She barks fiercely, "Name, now." Saferi had almost forgotten the Vaporeon was there it was being so quiet. It was a nice change of pace from her usual chattiness but hell she didn't even know her name. If she wasn't going to speak up she would give iher one of her own nicknames. Bitch-fins. The Huntail snorts.

    "That is miss Aysu." Bell quickly spoke up really just wanting to get a say in. "And yes, yes! Lets get rid of the things so we can go exploring!" Once more her tail slaps happily against the rock. Whatever the plan was she was all for it if it meant getting to explore the boat afterward. "Oh oh oh and my name is Bell!" She says perkily, unable to remember if she had said it before.

    Age : 25
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    Post by Duma Thu Feb 05, 2015 3:35 pm

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    |Vermilion City Harbour|Early Afternoon|
    Aysu followed the huntail – Saferi – up to a rock tunnel that had a large enough air pocket for their air-breathing group. She gladly breached the water, jumping up onto a rock and curling her tail around her paws. The blue scales shimmered with the light reflected on the water that stayed on the scale. "I'm really sorry about that ma'am. I never meant any harm. She took this moment to look over their new 'friend'. A floatzel, with an odd hat with a feather on it.  Aysu was surprised it hadn’t come off in the swim. "A good friend of mine gave this here feather to me. But for now, I believe that'll be a story for another time darling." The Vaporeon had to force herself not to look at the mystic water that hung around her neck. Reminiscing over Shiro would do no good to her now.

    "Aww.. alright." Her violet eyes focused on the Poliwag, narrowing. Why was there a child there with them anyway? It was far too dangerous now. Especially with those Phione out and about. "That's awful," She wasn't quite sure what the Poliwag was talking about – her mind was off somewhere else at that time. "I didn't mean to cause that if I did.." Cause what? The Phione? "It wasn't just you, as much as I hate to say it. They were attracted to all of us being in close vicinity." She muttered, watching Saferi carefully. No doubt the Huntail was still pissed at losing their home. "I'm sorry ma'am. I'd love to send those things packing, but, well, I'm sure y'all got the same greeting I did. Those things are monsters. They nearly skinned me alive. Ain't never fought anything like them." Aysu nodded. "I agree. In my years of battling, I've only met one, maybe two of them – never a full pack."

    "I've seen things you can’t even imagine." As much as she wanted to tell the huntail to go remove the stick that was firmly lodged up their ass, Aysu knew that the Huntail had a point. This was their territory; they knew what was in the waters, while they were only visitors. "But these Phione are something else entirely." With an agreeing nod, Aysu sat down, examining the paw where the scales had cracked. Thankfully it had not done too much damage. "I'm not quite sure how to right this, but if there's something I can do to help, I will." Standing back to all four paws, Aysu's tail dipped in the water and swirled he blue liquid in circles. ”I agree there. I will help however I can. It’s the least we can do to help you get your home back.” She didn't know why she was being social all of a sudden, but the Vaporeon wasn't going to argue against it.

    "Well.." Aysu’s fins flared and she flickered her gaze to the snake. "If we got a group big enough there could be a way that we could rid the Anne of those demons once and for all." It was a stupid, reckless and possibly suicidal plan.

    It was perfect.

    Aysu couldn't help but grin. "Then it would finally be open for all that exploring everyone always seems to want. Hell I'd even go for it myself." "I'm in. I need a good battle to keep my skills sharp." She said, sheathing and unsheathing her claws. "You." Aysu looked over at the Huntail as they barked at her. "Name, now." It was a gruff snap at her, but Aysu waved it off. "That is miss Aysu." Seemed the Poliwag answered for her. "As they said, I am Aysu." She confirmed, jumping to a rock that was partially submerged so that she could jump onto the water’s surface and float there with Surf. "And yes, yes! Let’s get rid of the things so we can go exploring!" As much as she wouldn't admit it, Aysu was dying to see the inside of the ship Shiro had been so eager to go on a cruise on. "Oh oh oh and my name is Bell!" The name must of slipped her mind earlier. Bell. Aysu smiled slightly. With their little group, the chances of beating the Phione were slim, but if they had a chance, by Suicune she was going to take it.

    Age : 32
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by NyraXerz Sun Feb 08, 2015 9:43 pm

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    |Vermilion City Harbor|Early Afternoon|22|

    As the huntail begins to speak again, Aqua can't help but notice how the poliwag shies away. Poor kid...this world sure ain't one to have to try to grow up in anymore. "I didn't mean to cause that if I did.." "Oh hon, you can't blame this on yourself. The sea weasel replies, offering a comforting smile to match her words. It's not long after that a new voice to the floatzel joins in with a similar thought. "It wasn't just you, as much as I hate to say it. They were attracted to all of us being in close vicinity." The voice is hard to make out, muttered, but enough of it carried for her to understand. "Exactly."

    "I've seen things you cant even imagine." With those words and tone, the air turns tense. An eerie still as Aqua and the others have their attention on Saferi. The eel's intense gaze falls squarely on the floatzel, causing the skin along her skin to prickle as if it were being prodded by needles. Ignoring the sensation, she returns the look steadily. Though the shifting water distorts the other's bright golden eyes, Aqua attempts to look for more meaning behind her words within them. Ultimately though, she finds herself precisely where she started... "But these Phione are something else entirely."

    Nodding in agreement, Aqua busies herself pulling her bruised frame further from the water's edge. Using her clawed hands to grip the slippery rocks, she scoots until her back can lean against the stone wall behind her. "Well.." Ending with a grunt from the effort, she focuses back on the conversation-- "If we got a group big enough there could be a way that we could rid the Anne of those demons once and for all." --Just in time to hear the master plan.

    The sea weasel's jaw slacks open. What? Were they mad? "I'm in. I need a good battle to keep my skills sharp." Yes, yes they were. If she had been drinking at the time, she'd have choked on it. "Now I'm all for wanting those critters gone, but that idea sounds crazy as a peach-orchard boar. You saw those things! To follow her words, she points a beige paw in the direction they've just fled here from. "Then it would finally be open for all that exploring everyone always seems to want. Hell I'd even go for it myself." "And yes, yes! Let’s get rid of the things so we can go exploring!"

    "There's only four of us! Do we just waltz right back out there to fight them and not expect to come back looking uglier than homemade sin?" Taking a deep breath, Aqua calms herself, running her paws from her eyes down to the edge of her cheeks several times before speaking again. "We're gonna need a better plan." "Name, now." For a moment, the floatzel thinks the huntail is talking to her--but she's sure she's given them her back. Looking again, she finds eyes on the vaporeon who's been silent till recently. "That is miss Aysu." The change of topic seemed to bring the energy right back to the child who slaps the rock with their tail in excitement. "Oh oh oh and my name is Bell!" Really, how could Aqua help the smile that creeps onto the edges of her lips at that. "As they said, I am Aysu." "Well then! Howdy Aysu and Bell."


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    Age : 31
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    Post by Maximum Mon Feb 09, 2015 3:38 am

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    Vermilion City Harbor/Early Afternoon [1]

    Let's see. The last spot I saw them was... Thorn reminisced as he surfaced for the first time in a while.  He lifted about half of his serpentine body, ruby scales shimmering in the afternoon sun, out of the water to survey his surroundings. Damn it. Still lost. At least there's a harbor here. Maybe someone's seen them... He thought as he approached the bay. There weren't any Pokemon that he could see on the beach, but there was a huge human contraption that he recognized as a boat.  His trainer had mentioned that before him, she had to rely on "floating deathtraps" to travel over water.  Well, what he was looking at was definitely a half-sunken deathtrap. What the hell happened here? He thought that maybe some water Pokemon had tried to settle here, due to the relatively small amount of zombies he had encountered in the area.

    He heard voices that seemed to come from deep in the water near the boat, and he could feel lots of things moving in the depths. The words were garbled, but they caught his attention.  It had been a while since he could actually talk to others since most things he encountered either tried to eat him or ran away in terror. He dove down to see what lived here, and saw many strange blue blobs flitting around the ship.  He called out to them "Hey, cool house!"  All of the blobs stopped in place. Hoping not to scare them, he tried in his most friendly tone,Could you tell me where I am? In unison, all of the blobs turned around, and he noticed that all of them had glowing red eyes and were smiling at him.  Realizing his mistake, he swore.OH SHIT! He veered to the side to stop his forward course, and he was met with rocks to the face that halted his progress and caused him to drift to the sea floor. A few of the blue blobs had been hiding nearby and launched a rock attack.  Now that he had a closer look, he thought, Those look like the I'MMA EAT YOUR BABIES kind of fairy. He opened his mouth and tried to land a Crunch on one of the creatures, but they kept dancing out of the way and his jaws closed only on water.

    Soon one of the creatures stopped in place, and he launched towards it with a Crunch prepared.  He landed the attack, but the body vanished in his mouth, and another pixie appeared immediately in front of him.  It launched some sort of sound wave towards him, and his vision turned wonky. He felt something touching the fin at the end of his tail, and he twisted suddenly to bite it.  Intense pain shot up his body as he tasted his own blood and found that he had latched onto his own tail. His blood seemed to drive his attackers crazy. More rocks were thrown at him from multiple directions as he let go, and he realized that he needed to get out of there or he would die. Too damn many to fight. Even though the extremity was in severe pain, he used his tail to launch himself off of the sea floor, and he angled his body so the momentum would send him away from the ship. This sent many of the creatures flying away from him, but that hardly phased them. As he started to swim away and pick up momentum, one of the fairies controlled the kelp that he was passing over to reach up and grab him.  It managed to latch onto his tail right where he had accidentally bitten into it, but his momentum at this point was too much for the grip to hold.  It did, however make him hiss in pain and completely lose control of where he was going.

    "OUCH! SON OF A," Thorn was interrupted as his face met the sea floor a significant distance away from the cursed ship and the creepy fairies.  Completely dazed and in pain, he curled his body around itself in an attempt to make himself a smaller target and hide his injuries as he gathered his bearings. For whatever reason, it appeared that the little creatures chose not to follow him in his mad dash, and he noticed that he barely avoided crashing into the coral filled trench. "I must be one lucky bastard." He was no longer near the beach, and instead was close to a sheer cliff face. Everywhere stung, and the idea of moving hurt, however, he knew he couldn't stay there. His scales, though lovely and a point of pride for him, made him stick out.  Slowly, he uncoiled and followed the cliff face in the opposite direction of the ship. He heard voices coming from a cave in the cliff, and this time he could understand words. The Pokemon sounded healthy, but he was wary.  Sometimes even the healthy Pokemon tried attacking him. However, a crushing loneliness made him speak into the cave anyway.  In too much pain to be his usual easygoing self, he settled for a more blunt approach. "Hello. My name is Thorn, and no, I'm not going to attack you. Could you please tell me where the hell I am and what's the deal with the crazy fairies?"

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Dandelion Mon Feb 16, 2015 3:53 pm

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    Vermillion Harbor [Caverns] | Early Afternoon
    Saferi - Post Fourteen || Bell - Post Thirty-five

    There was a chance this could work. A chance, if they got the manpower to do it. "There's only four of us! Do we just waltz right back out there to fight them and not expect to come back looking uglier than homemade sin?" The eels face contorted to that of confusion. A home.. what? Well, the Floatzel's interesting analogies aside she did have a point. "More like three and an eighth, and yes, I said that already." Looking the Poliwag up and down Saferi doubted she even had an offensive move and if she did that she wouldn't be able to land even a single attack. "I hate kids but even I dont agree with sending one into battle with those Phione." It was not only certain that the child would be killed but its corpse would feed the Phione and that was the last thing they needed. "We're gonna need a better plan." What was wrong with a storm the castle plan? She already said that they needed more Pokemon, or as she phrased it a big enough group, before even trying to strike the horde. Right now they would be nothing but play toys and food.

    "We could ask for help!" The Poliwag chirps. Certainly other Pokemon had to live nearby and would want the baddies sent away. "Do you know anyone around here Miss Saferi?" While she asks positively the response is not what she had hoped or. "If they don't mess with me I do not get involved in the affairs of others." The words are harsh and Bell feels she just messed something up again as Saferi was being mean. "Then we could ask a stranger, someones gotta help our cause!" She had heard that phrase before and using sent tingles along the tadpoles spine. She had always been taught to help others when they needed it, surely other Pokemon did the same?

    The Huntail goes quiet. Something.. something wasn't right. The feeling of being watched was all too real but she couldnt see anything outside from where she was. "We should move," She says so low its almost inaudible. "What?" The one word question is loud and clear and before Saferi can even hiss at the Poliwag she see's the shadow coming straight toward them. "Ah shit." How far was it, how long has it noticed them, shit its large. The words race through the huntails mind. While the Phione didn't come this far it wasn't an effective hiding place from other predators. My fins its not. Her entire body flares with aggression, fins fanning out, fangs revealed, and a ball of energy forming before her. "Move!" She hisses expecting the unwelcome guest to barge in in a forward attack.

    She didn't expect it to stop. She didn't expect the sheer size of the Pokemon, and she sure as hell didn't expect it to speak. "Hello. My name is Thorn, and no, I'm not going to attack you." The mix of her now dumbfounded face and dagger shooting eyes must of been hilarious. It was a Gyarados.. The behemoth was talking to them, friendly, non-aggressive words. "Could you please tell me where the hell I am and what's the deal with the crazy fairies?" A fucking Gyarados just showed up from no where and was talking to them. The Huntails mind refuses to form words. Other Pokemon were never a good thing and Gyarados were not a friendly species. She tries to speak but all that comes from her is a sharp hiss.

    Bell instantly hopped into the water. Her first defense was to always hop back into the water but the thing was even scarier now that she could see it clearly. Its words may of been nice but the fear would not fade from her gaze. The Poliwags flat tail swings in front of her as both a shield and to block her eyes. It can not, however, block the faint but growing sound of laughter.. Its.. funny? Peeking out from behind her tail all she can see the Huntail snickering while her attack fades but the look in her eye was still pretty livid.. The laughter isnt normal and only aids to make her more uncomfortable. Her words are even worse with a cold seriousness and the laughter behind them. "They are a mass collection of undead Phione and you are here to rid of them."

    Age : 25
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Duma Mon Feb 16, 2015 7:19 pm

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    |Vermilion City Harbour|Early Afternoon|
    While Aysu was all for the storm the castle and kick some ass plan, the Floatzel, was not."There's only four of us! Do we just waltz right back out there to fight them and not expect to come back looking uglier than homemade sin?" Uglier than a what? Aysu's mind reeled at the odd wording. "More like three and an eighth, and yes, I said that already." Oh good, so she wasn't the only one confused with their words. "I hate kids but even I don't agree with sending one into battle with those Phione." Aysu blinked. "Didn't take you for a child killer. Thankfully I was right."

    "We're gonna need a better plan." Aysu frowned. "What's wrong with the current one?" She asked, looking over at Saferi and Bell. "We could ask for help!" The Vaporeon blinked. Who would be willing to help them..? "Do you know anyone around here Miss Saferi?" Aysu already knew the answer, but she flicked her fins and flared the frill around her neck. "If they don't mess with me I do not get involved in the affairs of others."

    "Then we could ask a stranger, someones gotta help our cause!" Aysu scoffed. "Who in their right mind would help?" She asked, opening her mouth to say something else when she abruptly snapped her jaws shut and narrowed her eyes, frills and fins flaring outwards to make her look much bigger than she was. "We should move," Oh good, so she wasn't the only one who had that feeling.

    "As she said, we need to move."
    "Ah shit."
    "Too late?"
    "Too late."

    Aysu jumped onto the water, eyes glowing slightly as mist emitted from her jaws, the icy chill freezing water droplets in the air and sending them back into the water as miniature hail. Her Ice Beam charged up and she braced herself for an attack.

    None came.

    "Hello. My name is Thorn, and no, I'm not going to attack you." Aysu looked at the red serpent in disbelief. No. Fucking. Way. A Gyrados?! She thought, dropping into the water to get a better look. "Could you please tell me where the hell I am and what's the deal with the crazy fairies?" Yep, it was a Gyrados.

    "Well, you asked for firepower."

    Aysu looked over at Saferi as the huntail started laughing. "They are a mass collection of undead Phione and you are here to rid of them." Well, that was one way to say "Hey, you must be strong! Come help us!"

    And it was definitely one of her favorite ways so far.

    Age : 32
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    Post by NyraXerz Wed Feb 18, 2015 8:57 pm

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    |Vermilion City Harbor|Early Afternoon|23|

    "We could ask for help!" The poliwag chirps excitedly. If the situation weren't so dire, Aqua might laugh and play along. Unfortunately...with the fairies as violent as they are, the floatzel didn't indulge the child. "Well, darling--" "Do you know anyone around here Miss Saferi?" Bell adds before Aqua can interject with her misgivings for the suggestion. "If they don't mess with me I do not get involved in the affairs of others." Saferi; however, states what the sea weasel had been gathering about the eel--she really didn't want to be bothered by others. There was no large pack or nearby community to contact for resources and help. There was only the four of them...one of which was only a child.

    "Then we could ask a stranger, someones gotta help our cause!" The huntail's previously words had come off harsh and Aqua could see the young one trying to remain positive and help the situation. "Who in their right mind would help?" Before the vaporeon finished speaking, something changed in the air. Like pins and needles tickling down her spine making the fur on the back of her neck stand up...They weren't alone anymore were they? Glancing around, the others appear to be sensing it too. "We should move," The words were spoken so quietly, the floatzel could hardly hear them from the submerged, fin-flaring eel.

    Aqua was tense before, but turning her eyes back tot he entrance and finding a very large shadow lurking beneath the surface makes her muscles more tense than a statue's."Too late." With the tension in the air and the pounding of her heart in her eyes, Aqua couldn't tell who had said the phrase, but they were right on the money. It couldn't be the phione, right? It was too large--and how had they found them so fast? Arcues--they had finally gotten a chance to rest! From the shadow, a large, scaled, blood-red head emerges from the dark waters. Matching eyes and horns on a menacing frame...Aqua recognized this species--and they sure weren't friendly.

    The sea weasel scrambles to get to her feet, using the slippery rock wall behind her for leverage. Her hind paws stung from the action, hollering for her to sit back down. However, the looming threat kept her in place. Fully expecting a full-on fight she braces herself--but it never comes. The creature only continues to watch them and quickly breaks the building tension with its introduction. "Hello. My name is Thorn, and no, I'm not going to attack you. Could you please tell me where the hell I am and what's the deal with the crazy fairies?"

    The floatzel can only grasp feebly for words. Her jaw moving up and down in the motion, but without sound. Beside her, Aqua can hear Bell hopping back into the water with a splash. "Well, you asked for firepower." Looking around, she finds the vaporeon has jumped back into the water as well to float closer to the behemoth. That, or maybe the shock of the gyarados, or both pulled a rather unsettling laugh from the huntail. It wasn't normal--like a wolf in sheep's clothing. It barely masked an eerie look in the eel's eyes. It seemed to fill the space and infect the sea weasel with a greater sense of unease which grew with Saferi's following statement. "They are a mass collection of undead Phione and you are here to rid of them."

    Sure this looked like a clear sign from Arceus, but...could he really be on their side on this? Maybe he could send another--Don't get ahead of yourself old girl. Aqua chastises herself. Giving into the sting in her legs, she slowly slumping back down to her original position. "Mr. Thorn, your sure do have perfect timing. We were just discussing how to get rid of those demons ourselves. Pardon my manners--I'm Aqua. I'm willing to bet you had the same 'fiendly' greeting the rest of us here had."


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    "Light thinks it travels faster than anything but it is wrong. No matter how fast light travels, it finds the darkness has always gotten there first, and is waiting for it."
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    (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The SHIPWRECK Team

    Post by Maximum Fri Feb 20, 2015 1:09 am

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    Vermilion City Harbor/Early Afternoon [2]

    All in all, the reaction to his introduction was better than expected.  He couldn't blame the significantly smaller Pokemon for being scared of him at first, and the fact that the readied attacks dissipated was promising.  When he saw a little Poliwag cowering behind their tail after plopping into the water, though, he felt guilty. Magenta eyes took in the rest of the group, and he realized that it was a very small gathering of living Pokemon. He noted the Vaporeon with a pang of sadness as he briefly remembered Newton, and even though he had been an Espeon, all eeveelutions had such a similar body type that he couldn't help the thought.  The Huntail possessed a strange pattern for her species. Her dappled blue and black scales would allow her to blend in, and her scars indicated a seasoned battler.  The Floatzel appeared normal for her species, but she possessed a strange hat and bandanna.  

    The first one to speak was the Vaporeon who seemed rather amused by a joke that he wasn't privy to. "Well, you asked for firepower," she directed to the strange Huntail. At this, the Huntail started laughing, and even though he was significantly larger than she was, he was creeped out. That laughter wasn't normal, and it seemed like a trademarked villain cackle. Then she answered his second question in a way that he wasn't sure he liked. "They are a mass collection of undead Phione and you are here to rid of them," she told him with a disturbing smile on her face. Wait, I didn't agree to this. He was tempted to tell her to fuck off until he got more answers, but the Floatzel, who was much more polite and nice, intervened. "Mr. Thorn, your sure do have perfect timing. We were just discussing how to get rid of those demons ourselves. Pardon my manners--I'm Aqua. I'm willing to bet you had the same 'fiendly' greeting the rest of us here had."

    Choosing to ignore the Huntail's statement/demand for the moment, he smiled at Aqua and responded, "Yeah, I tried talking to them before I realized that they were nuts. They kept throwing rocks at me and managed to confuse me."  At this point, he twisted his body where the others could see a nasty bite mark near the end of his tail but above the fin. The puncture wounds were still oozing blood, and the area was stained green where the kelp had tried to grab him. "They went bonkers after I did this, and I had to get out.  I don't fancy going back there any time soon," he casually stated and tried to gauge their reactions.

    Really, most sane Pokemon would have left the ship as a lost cause, unless it was really important.  If this meeting had occurred in a different time, these Pokemon would have had to have a DAMN good reason for him to agree.  But now, years of loneliness due to his species had started to wear down his bullshit meter.  These were the first pokemon to not run away screaming or attack him for his flesh in a long time, and he was willing to stick around for less than ideal reasons.  However, he still wanted to hear their explanations, so he asked, "Why do you guys want to get rid of the Phione if you aren't being bothered by them now?"

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