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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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    The PALLET Team (PLOT)


    Age : 37
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    The PALLET Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team (PLOT)

    Post by Suicune Sun Aug 24, 2014 5:18 pm

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    Pallet | Dawn | 52

    "Will you Shut UP?! Fighting amongst ourselves isn't going to solve SHIT! And where do you get off telling us what to do? You're alive, just the same as us. And up until 5 minutes ago, you were unable to stand properly. Keep your words in check when you speak." She snapped at the aurora legend, the beasts' eyes widening and his jaw dropping with shock as he glanced back at the seething legend.
    You haven't the slightest idea of what I've endured...

    "I- I was just passing through... I stayed alone since then... I would not have landed but...something...blew me out of the sky... I'll leave...soon as I have the strength...back.... Nothing is permanent...he's right, you should heal yourself first. I'm going to go rest somewhere else before taking off again..." The bird said, stammering and dejected. The little legend turned to him, apologizing. "Look... I'm sorry. I just... haven't been myself lately. I think everything's just... catching up with me..."

    The azure canines' eyes were hard as he watched the two as Mew sent pulses into the legendary bird, who wasn't the one who deserved an apology.
    "There's been... a lot going on... I think I'm losing it half the time. I've killed people, Sui, Zapdos. I've killed people, living people..." His heart caught in his chest as she used his shortened name, a nearly audible gasp as his heart pumped in pure pain.
    His thoughts went to her half-plea to forgive her as she swayed on her feet. Suicune turned fully, unable to hide his distress. But he said nothing to her. No, there was nothing to be said to the happenings of this apocalypse.
    There are no more rules. There is no more empathy or kindnesses. It's a different world, and has been for a long time. Why should she judge herself for such things...Why should any of us?.... His gaze wandered with bitterness, thinking as he watched the small thing heal the bird.

    "I've watched friend turn in front of me, watched them turn on me... And I spoke to them, before I killed them... They seemed... sad, at what they'd become... I've seen undead who act as though living, who don't give into their nature..."

    Mew, just stop it...he pleaded silently. Enteis' purple and discolored fur was flashing through his mind. The stench of death on his pelt as he embraced his brother. His brothers' broken and devastated face before he fled the company of the legendaries.
    ...What cure?....

    "I just wonder...If maybe we can't...help them somehow." She said finally, her voice hazy and light-headed as she continued to heal the bird. Tears stood in the beasts' eyes as he listened, knowing the only answer to her heartfelt query was no.
    What can I do to help my brother once I find him. Nothing.
    What can I do to help any of them. So many gone. And we were supposed to help them.
    But what can we do against such a terrible foe? An invisible foe that can't be seen or heard, unless it be through the screams and wretches of death and blood-drenched terror.

    He watched the pink legend as she pushed herself to her limit, before falling on the electric bird in exhaustion. The pain in his eyes changed as his brow furrowed.
    He turned his head ever so slightly in disbelief and distress as he looked closer at her crushed and exposed tail. Dark, discolored veins had begun to run up the bare, pink appendage from the initial wound, discoloring her fur as well.
    Not you too, little one.
    Not you too...


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    The PALLET Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team (PLOT)

    Post by Zapdos Sun Aug 24, 2014 9:52 pm

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    Pallet Town | Dawn

    While he was not entirely there, the avian fought to stay on his legs, finding himself swaying. Zapdos blinked cerulean eyes hard, pinching them shut twice, but still the world was not in focus. Due to not being able to see, the sudden shout from Mew caused him to flinch, recoiling from the outburst as if he would be hit as well. Stepping forward quickly, the Kanto bird discovered his foot slip on the grassy ground. With a hollow gasp Zapdos smashed into the ground, mud splattering over his golden feathers, tainting him filthy. Using the distraction of Mew yelling at Suicune to hide his overwhelming humiliation, the avian forced himself back to his legs. Fin ding that his wings altogether had stopped responding, Zapdos used hie shoulder and forehead, pressing against the dirt and the building to get back to his feet.

    Numb, his entire body felt cold as he stared unresponsively at Mew as she turned back to him. Panting from the exertion, the avian smashed against the building as he was forced to use it in support of standing. His wings did not respond, instead the icy cold from his body flipping to an aching burn through his arms. Smashing his eyes shut, Zapdos gritted his beak against the new-found agony as Mew spoke again, softly this time, but addressed him along with Suicune. "Look... I'm sorry. I just... haven't been myself lately. I think everything's just... catching up with me..." Despite the murmuring tone and soft voice, Zapdos' eyes widened with clarity sharp from pain as she raised her paws to him. Was she going to put him out of his misery? After that display of weakness, the avian would not have even protested.

    He was not good enough to be a Legend.

    The soft violet energy that flowed from the psychic type intruded his body, Zapdos pressing harder against the building as his mind foresaw another attack. But the pulses did not bring the engrossed agony he had braced for...instead the weight of his shoulders-no, his wings, lifted. As if he were filled previously with lead, the strength in his bulky frame returned like a wave of ocean on the sand. Mew was still speaking, only that time Zapdos had the clarity of mind to understand what she was saying. "There's been... a lot going on... I think I'm losing it half the time." After only a few seconds, Zapdos was able to lean forward and stand fully on his own legs without support. "I've killed people, Sui, Zapdos." Tossing his shoulders forward, the searing, throbbing pain dulled. He could feel his feathers again. "I've killed people, living people..." Zapdos stretched his wings out at his sides then, sighing silently at the relief before folding them loyally at his side.

    "I've watched friend turn in front of me, watched them turn on me... And I spoke to them, before I killed them... They seemed... sad, at what they'd become... I've seen undead who act as though living, who don't give into their nature..." But as the strength and health flowed into him..the avian saw the life drain from Mew. Her words grew more and more slurred, not only dulled from exhaustion but almost hard to understand.
    "I just wonder...If maybe we can't...help them somehow." Looking over her at Suicune in distress, Zapdos asked him for help with his eyes. What do I do brother? But suddenly Mew just dropped without warning, Zapdos left with no course of action except to jolt forward, his wide wings engulfing the small frame of the Mother of all Pokemon. "M-Mew...!" he cried out, bending his legs and kneeling low to the ground while holding the fallen legend.
    But what haunted him was the look he saw when lifting his head.

    Suicune's expression bordered crying... but also a devastated shock. "...Wh... What is it?!" Zapdos snapped at the water beast, fear causing his tone to be sharp, though higher with panic.

    Posts : 152

    The PALLET Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team (PLOT)

    Post by Blue Mon Aug 25, 2014 3:50 pm

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    Outskirts of Pallet | Dawn (2)
    Though the reaction from the Meowth was not what he was hoping for, the trainer could not blame her. The alarm in her eyes seemed irrational, but it was common. Blue himself had only heard rumours of what people had done to Pokemon, especially in the beginning. Clutching Daisy closer to his chest, his entire train of thought was dashed when Umbreon spoke. "What!?" His amber eyes widened in shock as he stared at his partner, awaiting more of an explanation. "Which one, how can you tell?" he demanded, but the Umbreon was stiff and did not move. Standing tall on his toes with pelt standing on end. The wild look in his crimson eyes was borderline feral, sending a chill down the man's spine. While he was trying to get through to his friend, the cat from before was murmuring to herself, the soft, hushed whisper something different than fear...though not by much. "H-humans.. legends.." Looking from the collared Meowth to his Umbreon, Blue had not felt so helpless in a long time. Why is everyone suddenly so scared? Have the Legends done something... to them?

    But the Lucario spoke up then, nodding. "Yes I have seen their auras," he explained calmly. "Three of them. They are in the town below." Blue stared at the jackal in shock. "Three, did you say? Are you sure?" He asked in disbelief. The powers of Lucario were that of legend in itself, he did not doubt the one that stood before him. But the odds of that happening...! Gritting his teeth, amber eyes stared down at the Zubat he carried helplessly. He had only been travelling for the same reason he had been... not looking for the Legendary Pokemon! He did not expect they would react kindly to a human, either way. His eyes hardened. They were the ones responsible for it all in the end. "You have nothing to fear." Looking up slowly, Blue searched the Lucario's gaze for more insight. How could there be nothing to fear? He was in great danger, unlike the Pokemon. "Although, if I may ask, what are you and your human doing here? Are you seeking the legends' aid as well?" The Lucario continued, not unkindly, addressing Umbreon that time. However before Blue could speak, the Vulpine arched his back, spitting like a cat.

    "Liar!" the vulpine spat at the Lucario, his expression almost savage as his eyes flashed with a mixture of fear and uncertainty. Blue's eyes snapped to his partner, dumbfounded by the behaviour. Ignoring the last statement, he continued, "How is there nothing to fear? They could end us all!" At that point Blue recovered from his shock, standing to his feet as he barked out, "Umbreon, enough! Don't talk to them that way!" There was nothing but a tense silence from his partner, and Blue regretted what he would have to do next if it escalated, his palm already on the dark type's Pokeball. Finally Umbreon lowered his stance, ears dropping as he turned to look up at his trainer. The vulpine lowered his head and walked slowly to the man's side, only when he was half behind Blue did he murmur a soft apology.

    Blown away by the display and stressed out by the outburst, Blue ran his free hand through his hair roughly. With a deep sigh, he looked back to the pair of Pokemon, shame in his eyes. "...Legendary Pokemon probably wouldn't take...well to a human," he explained quietly. Umbreon crouched behind Blue's heels as he spoke. "There wasn't any excuse for that, and I'm really sorry guys... he's just protective, and scared that he won't be strong enough. Huh, bud?" Directing the last part at the Umbreon, he slowly laid his chin on the man's foot in response, eyes dulled instead of flamed. Sighing again, Blue added, "We didn't even know they were here. We were just coming to see what had come of our old home..." Hesitating, he added quietly, "My name is Blue."

    Age : 29
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    The PALLET Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team (PLOT)

    Post by Dandelion Sat Aug 30, 2014 6:42 pm

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    Outskirts of Pallet | Dawn | 36

    "Liar!" Bad bad bad this was real bad. "How is there nothing to fear? They could end us all!" It was safer like this, on the ground, small, huddled, protected. Despite the outlandish idea of bumping into one the larger and angry Dark Type was much more frightening then the human. Hell, in comparison the human seemed like a safe option. "Umbreon, enough! Don't talk to them that way!" Flinching at the sudden harshness to his tone the cats leg lock, pushing her belly slightly off the ground as she pops up.
    Near choking on the tensions in the air Arsi holds a heavy breath as the Umbreon backs down and steps back. With its focus divided she takes the chance to push herself up, sitting flat on her handpaws with her forepaws gripped for Khan's blue fur. Gentle gentle. This was no time for jokes, the human, the human was speaking again. "...Legendary Pokemon probably wouldn't take...well to a human," Her mind races backward, diving into ancient memories back at home. Matt would always talk about legends, how he wanted to catch one and be the greatest trainer.. Humans were.. not smart. With a painfully slow blink the Meowth takes in the humans entire form. His posture and voice are so.. Despite the fact that man was epitome of bad news nothing of this particular one seemed threatening. Aside from that Umbreon. A shiver races down her spine, making her trembling more apparent.

    Arsi scoots as close as possible to the Lucario, "Khan.." The whisper struggles to make it through her teeth as though afraid of being heard. Even if her fear over the human was really unneeded the Umbreon was another story. It may not of attacked but its anxiety was setting off her own. "There wasn't any excuse for that, and I'm really sorry guys... he's just protective, and scared that he won't be strong enough." ..'Scared' and an apology? Fear was not what she read in the vulpine, and danger not of the human. If anything they seemed- ...My judgements clouded. What was she thinking? Humans were not a good thing for wild Pokemon! The tag around her neck clinks lightly against itself as she shakes. And Im wild now too. while she was no more then weak leveling fodder Khan was strong and regal. A prize. What if he tried to catch him?! He said 'scared that he won't be strong enough.' Khan is strong.. he's a threat! She chokes.

    His voices hits her unfocused mind like a brick wall and is enough to make her heart skip a beat. "We didn't even know they were here. We were just coming to see what had come of our old home... My name is Blue." Old home? "You used to live here?" The shaky words topple quietly from her mouth no more then a thought taking form. They just want to go home.. It had been so long since she had went home the cat doubted it even existed now. You abandoned it. The Umbreon seemed.. gentler in a way now, its human suddenly seeming harmless. The legends meant nothing to him, the idea of fighting now gone. For the first time the Meowth spotted the little Zubat in the crook of the humans arm. He's kind. Maybe they could.. try this again. "M-my names Arsi." She mutters as clear as possible.

    Age : 31
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    The PALLET Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team (PLOT)

    Post by Nightfall Sat Sep 06, 2014 8:12 am

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    Outskirts of Pallet Town/Dawn (84)

    "Three, did you say? Are you sure?" the human asked in disbelief. Khan briefly glanced at his headset and concluded that it was a translator - he remembered Eva admiring them in a catalogue one time, and lamenting that she hadn't enough money to afford it. "Oh well," she had said. "Once we're league champions we can afford ten, and then some!" The jackal clenched his fists and tried not to burst into tears.
    "I'm certain," he finally replied when he was sure he could keep his composure. As the human seemed to contemplate the situation, the Umbreon suddenly hissed at him.

    "Liar! How is there nothing to fear? They could end us all!" Khan couldn't have disagreed more. He had no idea why the vulpine could think in such a way. The legends were divine - benevolent in every way; the warriors and magicians that would put an end to the nightmare that they were all in. Or so the story usually goes.
    Khan's mouth parted open slightly as he tried to think of a reply, but the human was quick to scold his partner for his behaviour. "Umbreon, enough! Don't talk to them that way!" The fox quickly complied, skulking off to his Trainer's side before muttering an apology.
    Khan nodded. "You are forgiven."

    "...Legendary Pokemon probably wouldn't take...well to a human," said the human, running a hand through his hair. Khan had an inkling as to why that was. He didn't blink as he looked at him, examining every word he said. "There wasn't any excuse for that, and I'm really sorry guys... he's just protective, and scared that he won't be strong enough. Huh, bud?" Khan was disappointed that the human didn't elaborate on his previous point, but tried not to let it show.
    "It's not a problem. I understand." He knew the feeling of being willing to die for a human all too well. He missed it.
    "We didn't even know they were here. We were just coming to see what had come of our old home..." Khan only just listened as his sensors twitched again, apparently still on overdrive. One of the auras in the town below had changed; tiny, irritating needles of pain jabbed into his skin. Khan clutched his arm as he turned back towards Pallet, barely paying any attention as the human introduced himself. "My name is Blue."
    "Khan." The Lucario wasn't in this conversation anymore, and it showed. He stood with his back to everyone, his aura sensors humming softly as they worked to find the three legends again. He found them in the same place as before, next to the great oak tree, and the unpleasant tingling only got stronger. "One of them is injured," he said, the hum getting louder as he honed in on them. The great canine was still on his feet, but the bird with the yellow aura was crouched, and something small and pink lay in a heap on his back. Khan's stomach lurched. "It's Mew!"

    Khan spun around, his eyes wide with panic as he dashed towards Arsi and scooped her up in his arms. "I-I'm sorry, I need to--" He gave Blue and Umbreon an apologetic look, hoping that they would understand. "Mew is my friend and she's..." The very thought of the word spurred him into action. Without another word, he dashed off towards Pallet.

    He ran with his eyes firmly closed, seeing nothing but the beautiful, bright auras of the legends ahead. He swerved past trees and abandoned cars, rounding a corner that led towards the south end of the town. He ran and ran, ignoring his ribs that throbbed over the exertion of his panting lungs. Within minutes, the three auras were right in front of him, and Khan opened his eyes. He nearly fell over in shock.

    Suicune and Zapdos stood before him. Khan didn't take his eyes off either of them as he slowly bent down and placed Arsi back on the ground. There they were, right in front of him - his childhood dreams. Suicune, the Aurora Pokemon, Water-type, personifies the north wind... Khan's legs collapsed underneath him. Zapdos, the Electric Pokemon, Electric and Flying type, causes thunderstorms with its very wings... Tears sprung from his eyes as he placed a hand onto his chest spike and bowed.

    He knelt in front of them, sobbing out his relief. This was it; this was what he was destined to do. He looked up at them, his fur damp as his eyes continued to leak. It suddenly occurred to him how ridiculous he must've looked, so he shakily got back to his feet and wiped his eyes. He swallowed, mind racing to try and figure out what to say.

    "M-My name ... my name is Khan," he spluttered, keeping a paw on his chest spike for respect. "I ... I want to help you. Mew is..." He paused; would they believe him if he simply said that she was his friend? They were likely to just think that he was a delusional idiot - not many Pokemon could say that they were acquainted with a legend and get away with it. He raced for the right words when the great oak behind the legends gave him his answer. "I helped Mew bury Genesect right under that very tree, just a few weeks ago." Surely only they were aware of that information? Not only that, but Mew could confirm it herself. Which reminded him: "Mew is hurt - I've felt her pain through her aura. What can I do to help?" His gaze was sharp, unwavering, as it darted between Suicune and Zapdos. "Anything."

    ((Cinder said that Khan can pick Arsi up at any time that it's convenient. If there's ever a problem, let me know and I'll edit.))

    Posts : 1464

    The PALLET Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team (PLOT)

    Post by Mew Sun Sep 14, 2014 10:17 am

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    Art by Clefhanger
    Pallet Town, The Memorial Tree | First Light
    Post 30

    Hazy voices floated down to her, meaning barely registering through the haze of exhaustion that had slammed down onto her small frame. Soft feathers wrapped around her as she fell, and Zapdos rang out in shock, "M-Mew...!" Then again, higher in tone, "...Wh... What is it?!" Her head lifted, and she stood again, swaying on her feet. This... isn't working... I need to rest... soon... I'm pushing myself way, way too hard... Out loud she spoke, looking up to the Bird before her. "I'm... sorry. Pushed myself too far, couldn't keep up with myself." She put her hand out, leaning against him as a voice called out to the group.

    "M-Mew!" Is that... it Can't be... "Khan!?" Sure enough, the Lucario was there, sprinting towards them. He skidded to a halt, small wisps of earth scattering beneath his feet, before an all too familiar look of indecisiveness cross his face. He began to speak again, even as he knelt to the ground, a small Meowth slinking off of his shoulders. A sob tore itself from his throat, obfuscating his voice. "My... My name is Khan... I just... want to help...  Mew is..." He trailed off, unsure. "I helped Mew bury Genesect right here, under that very tree, mere weeks ago... Mew is hurt, I can feel her pain through her aura... what can I do to help?" His face raised then, nervous eyes darting between the members of the legendary trifecta.

    "Khan... I told you before, you don't have to kneel... And I'm... not fine, no, that's a lie... But I'm not dying, I'll survive." She pushed off from Zapdos, shaking legs threatening to spill her to the ground at any moment. She placed her hand on the fighting type's shoulder, placing her weight against him to keep herself standing, and turned to face he fellow legends. "This is Khan, as he said.... He's my friend, and is very important to me. He was of great help to me last I was here.... I consider him to be equal to us... him and any companions he may have..."

    [[I'm sorry not much happened here. Things should really begin to pick up next cycle, once Blue meets up with the group. Nighty, if I need to edit, please let me know ^^]]


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    The PALLET Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team (PLOT)

    Post by Suicune Mon Sep 15, 2014 10:06 am

    (Please skip me this time, I don't want to hold up the team. Just say that Sui was surprised at Kahns' arrival. I'll catch up next round)


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    The PALLET Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team (PLOT)

    Post by Blue Fri Oct 10, 2014 5:56 pm

    (( I am posting out of turn this cycle to push plot. After me is Zapdos, then Khan. I apologise for any mishaps I have caused in taking so long. ))
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    Outskirts of Pallet | Dawn
    [3] [3]

    "You used to live here?" Thankful for having the Lucario's forgiveness, Blue nodded to the small Meowth with a tired smile. "Born and raised, years ago, until I left to become a Pokemon master, like all kids, with Umbreon here." The Umbreon in question did not respond, laying on his master's feet, body tired, but eyes alert. The vulpine's ears flicked and his crimson gaze flickered around them as the Meowth spoke again. "M-my names Arsi," she adds in shakily, earning a broad grin from the human even as the Lucario spoke too. "Khan." Though Khan's gaze and posture was opposite to him, Blue's heart was beating with anticipation. These two had shown him no hate, not trying to attack or spit poison at him. This was a great start! It had been too long since he had met any, let alone a pair together, Pokemon who did not instantly hate him. "Good to meet you Arsi, Khan." But suddenly Khan shouted out, "One of them is injured.. It's Mew!" Umbreon stirred at that, jumping to his feet while Blue stared wide eyed at the dual type.

    Suddenly Khan was on edge, turning stammer in their direction, picking up Arsi even as he attempted to explain himself. "I-I'm sorry, I need to--" His expression grew regretful. "Mew is my friend and she's..." Without getting another word out, Khan shot off in the direction of the town. Alarmed, Blue called out, "W- wait! Khan!" But the speed of Pokemon were too much, he was gone before the human had even spoke. Blue cursed under his breath as Umbreon growled. "He goes after the Legends." Gripping a Pokeball, Blue grunted in reply. "I know, but we cannot just leave them. If one of them is infected, we will need to help them escape if we can. Arcanine!" Throwing his Pokeball into the air, the fiery canine he named appeared in a flash before him. The massive Legendary Pokemon stared respectfully into his master's eyes as Blue bounded towards him. "Come on, we need to get to Pallet! Umbreon?" The Eeveelution was already sprinting ahead as Blue mounted Arcanine, calling over his shoulder, "Don't worry about me!" Nodding, Blue gripped Arcanine's mane as powerful legs threw them so fast forward it felt like flying.

    Both quadrupeds kept perfect pace with each other as they reached the ruins of Pallet. Despite the situation, Blue's heart felt as if Darkrai itself gripped it. The entire place was destroyed, parts burned and charred, others smashed like a great beast rampaged through. Flashing a glance down to Umbreon, the two shared a sorrowed glance before putting it behind for another time. Arcanine rounded a corner and skidded to a halt in time for them to see Khan on the ground, kneeling, with Arsi beside him. The Lucario was sobbing, his words hard to decider.  "My... My name is Khan... I just... want to help...  Mew is... I helped Mew bury Genesect right here, under that very tree, mere weeks ago... Mew is hurt, I can feel her pain through her aura... what can I do to help?" Sliding off of Arcanine, Blue's amber eyes widened as he finally took in the other three figures. A blue beast, a tall yellow spiked bird, and a small pink cat with a destroyed tail. "S-Suicune... Zapdos... And M... Mew?" His jaw went slack with disbelief. How could so many have just... gathered there? Surely they were not visiting because they could?

    Mew moved forward to touch the Lucario on the shoulder and Blue suddenly felt like he should not be witnessing such a scene. "This is Khan, as he said.... He's my friend, and is very important to me. He was of great help to me last I was here.... I consider him to be equal to us... him and any companions he may have..." But though they were to the right, not in a direct line of sight, Blue knew they would be spotted soon as the attention was taken from the pair. His breathing quickened, heart racing in his ears even as Umbreon stepped in front of him, Arcanine at his side. If one of those powerful creatures so decided, he would be dead without opportunity to blink. Perspiration accumulated on his brow as he tensely waited to see how things would go.

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    The PALLET Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team (PLOT)

    Post by Zapdos Fri Oct 10, 2014 6:17 pm

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    Pallet Town | Sunrise

    Suicune held no answers either. In fact he refused to meet Zapdos' eye. The avian bristled, growing agitated. If he were not careful, it would become too much, but he was growing tired of Suicune's attitude. What had he ever done to deserve such shit treatment? But Mew distracted him, she suddenly was awake again, pushing off of him abruptly. Zapdos reached out instinctively with his wings in case she fell again, worry in his crystal eyes, but she tried to reassure him. "I'm... sorry. Pushed myself too far, couldn't keep up with myself." Zapdos stared at her with caution. "...Here, use me if you can not stand." Holding his wing out, she silently took his offer when suddenly a voice called out. "M-Mew!"

    Mew suddenly stiffened, her eyes wide. "Khan!?" From out of Pallet suddenly appeared a Lucario, ragged and battle worn, scars littering his face. In his arms he held a collared kitten, a small Meowth whom he set down before kneeling. His form was shaking violently, sobs ripping through his chest. Zapdos stared at him in shock. What was causing him to react so? Then he began to spoke. "My... My name is Khan... I just... want to help...  Mew is..." He trailed off, unsure. "I helped Mew bury Genesect right here, under that very tree, mere weeks ago... Mew is hurt, I can feel her pain through her aura... what can I do to help?" As Khan lifted his head, eyes deeper than Hoenn's oceans, Zapdos looked to Mew with a questioning look. But the psychic let go of his support and approached the Lucario.

    "Khan... I told you before, you don't have to kneel... And I'm... not fine, no, that's a lie... But I'm not dying, I'll survive." She turned to him and Suicune then, whom seemed just as caught off guard as Zapdos. "This is Khan, as he said.... He's my friend, and is very important to me. He was of great help to me last I was here.... I consider him to be equal to us... him and any companions he may have..." Zapdos nodded without hesitation. His eyes turned to Khan and he dipped his head respectfully. "Sounds like you deserve Legends status more than me, heh... Welcome Khan, I am Zapdos. I wish we could meet under... nicer circumstances--"

    But Zapdos broke off with the deafening boom of thunder nearby. His eyes were on fire as he caught eye of an Arcanine, Umbreon, and... "A human," he spat, venom thick in his voice as sparks appeared from no where, running off of his feathers in waves as his rage heightened. His vision swam, seeing red. The helicopter. The bullets. Ho-Oh's psychic attack. Raikou and him frying them. Frying humans like insects. Throwing his wings up, he roared like a wild animal, lightning flashes growing closer and closer as he lost control of his senses, "YOU! You will fry!!"

    Age : 31
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    The PALLET Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team (PLOT)

    Post by Nightfall Sat Oct 11, 2014 7:04 am

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    Pallet Town [Beside the Memorial Tree]/Dawn (85)

    Khan was certain that he would never be able to translate these feelings into words for as long as he lived.

    A solid lump sat in his throat, choked sobs ripping from it every few seconds. Tears spilled from his eyes, cleansing his dirty fur. What a mess he must've looked. He quickly raised his paw and wiped his face, determined to have at least some dignity in front of these amazing creatures. He needed it for what he was going to do.

    "Khan..." Mew's small voice speaking his name broke his facade, and he spluttered out a fresh drizzle of tears. "I told you before, you don't have to kneel... And I'm... not fine, no, that's a lie... But I'm not dying, I'll survive." Khan sucked in a gasp as Mew carefully slid herself off Zapdos's back and staggered over to him.

    "M-Mew! Be careful; don't strain yourself--" He knelt and hastily reached out to catch her, and the little legend stumbled into his shoulder, reaching out and touching him with her tiny hand.

    That warmth ... that jolt of beautiful, ecstatic joy that could only come from Mew's touch radiated through him. Khan clenched his teeth and tried so hard ... but the Lucario burst into tears of happiness, unable to even try to control himself. His own paw reached up and clutched Mew's, gently squeezing her little hand in his, feeling the ridges of her tiny bones beneath his fingers. Simultaneously unaware and ashamed of his display, Khan bent his head low and let himself sob, embracing these feelings of joy, of home, for as long as they lasted.

    "This is Khan, as he said..." Mew then addressed her companions, who were looking surprised by his presence. "He's my friend, and is very important to me. He was of great help to me last I was here.... I consider him to be equal to us... him and any companions he may have..."

    Friend, important, equal... Khan looked up at the two larger legends, studying their reactions. Not even Khan's head could process how honoured he was by her words, and he certainly didn't look like he was; suddenly aware of the eyes upon him, Khan lifted his other paw and wiped his face once more, clearing his throat. His other hand still clutched Mew tightly. "Sorry..." he uttered sheepishly.

    "Sounds like you deserve Legends status more than me, heh... Zapdos then said, dipping his head respectfully.
    Khan held his hand to his chest spike and shook his head. "I am certain that is not true."
    Welcome Khan, I am Zapdos. I wish we could meet under... nicer circumstances--"

    He cut off, his eyes narrowing at something behind him. Khan turned his head to see that Blue had caught up to him, his Umbreon and an Arcanine on either side of him. A massive boom of thunder exploded in the distance and Khan flinched, his joy dissipating into panic.

    "A human." The massive bird reared, snapping open his great wings and suddenly looking three times bigger. Flickers of electricity sparked from his wings as he glared at Blue and let out a great cry of rage. Khan felt as small as a Joltik beside the legend's towering presence. "YOU! You will fry!!" Zapdos roared.

    Khan was torn. He wanted to rush to Blue's defense, but that would mean letting go of Mew, and he wasn't sure if he could do that yet. Moreover, would Zapdos simply blast him apart in a blinded rage if he opposed him; if he opted to protect a creature that the legend so clearly despised? Finally, if he revealed himself as a friend of Blue, would Zapdos kill him out of spite?

    He was no coward, but he wasn't a fool either.

    And he didn't want to die. Not any more. Mew was there.

    "Zapdos!" Khan yelled, struggling to make himself heard over the chaos in the sky above them. Still kneeling with Mew, he held out his free hand towards the angry legend. "Stop! He means no harm!" He raised his aura sensors, to further prove his point. Did Zapdos even know that his kind could scan others' auras to reveal their motives? He had found nothing within Blue that was anything except benevolent.

    He was frozen to the spot, praying that the great avian would listen to him or, better still, that Suicune would break his silence and intervene.

    If Blue died here, it was his fault for leading him here in the first place.

    Age : 29
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    The PALLET Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team (PLOT)

    Post by Dandelion Wed Oct 22, 2014 1:01 pm

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    Pallet Town [Beside the Memorial Tree] | Dawn | 37

    "Born and raised, years ago, until I left to become a Pokemon master, like all kids, with Umbreon here." The faces of her human kids flash much too clearly across her crystal gaze. At one time she may of been their starter, their companion for a Pokemon journey when the world was pure, but they were dead now. Youre fault. You attracted those undead. Snapping her eyes shut the pictures wont leave. Those awful, awful pictures of the innocent both yelling hatred her and screaming for their lives... Im sorry.. They can never forgive you. She chokes on the truth. I didnt mean to.. That wouldnt fix anything.

    In one swift movement Khan lifts her, the cat making a tiny surprised squeak before falling completely silent. "I-I'm sorry, I need to-- Mew is my friend and she's..." Bundled up in a tight ball her thoughts race long with Khan. A Legend was hurt? Legends could be hurt? There was multiple nearby.. oh no please dont be dying. If they interrupted a funeral.. she'd just lose it if she had to watch a legend die. Could legends.. die? What if their was a fight, a fight that even the legends needed help with?? So many thoughts swirl through her mind that time is lost. It seems like only a few seconds pass before she is placed back on the ground, legs wobbly and weak for no reason.

    Looking up her entire body is pierced with icy terror, knees bending her into a crouch. Is that.. Suicune?! Not only that but Zapdos and the tiny shape of Mew. The stories are true.. The legends were here, they were real. Khan was kneeling, sobbing out praise as she merely stared with her wide eyes. How was someone like her, someone so insignificant able to be in the presence of legends? "F-forgive me.. f-f-for intr-ruding.." She manages to sputter weakly as the pink legend floats closer. Unworthy filth. It was true. Peasant. She didnt deserve to even be in their presence. Legends are real. And they were in this... cursed city. Are they here to vanquish the dragons?

    Though Mew had moved closer and spoke it was the mighty bird that her eyes were locked on. The storm bringer.. For the love of.. er, anything else, she begged for the Electric bird to please keep those at bay. "This is Khan, as he said.... He's my friend, and is very important to me. He was of great help to me last I was here.... I consider him to be equal to us... him and any companions he may have..." Arsi's body shook violently. No that was a lie. Khan was worthy, so very worthy of great things while she was just a mess. She was a mess that was cowering before creatures that were meant to protect the world. They all look so pained.. hardships clear on their worn faces ans she was afraid of them?! They had to deal with the Epidemic, the omnipresence, and she was being submissive.. "M-mew! Are you.." What right does she have to address a god?!

    "Sounds like you deserve Legends status more than me, heh... Welcome Khan, I am Zapdos. I wish we could meet under... nicer circumstances--" BOOM. Far off thunder roars in her ears, popping the cat off the ground for a moment. Not thunder, anything but thunder. Please.. please keep the storms away.. The cat flattens against the ground, forepaws covering her ears in a desperate attempt to block at the sound.
    But its useless. The thunder roars, sending her heart on a marathon of panic. Gotta hide, gotta hide! But how could she hide from Legends? How could she even think to move without dishonoring them further?? "YOU! You will fry!!" Her eyes flash open, unaware of who the great bird was referring to. "No!" Zapdos was no longer before her but instead a massive monster made of yellow. A grizzled face like a jack-o-lantern, no discernible shape, cackling laughter and screeching. What was this creation.. BOOM, BOOM. The thunder, the lightening. Legends stop it, just stop it all! "Please, stop!" She cries, eyes wide like saucers but looking at no one as she skitters to the side. Why, why now! The hallucination grew larger under it swamped her vision. It was no longer a Pokemon, it was hardly a demon, just a giant sun-colored mass of evil.

    "Zapdos!" Khan! No matter what it seemed his voice was always clear. "Stop! He means no harm!" Who meant no harm, Zapdos? Because this thing clearly did and she could no longer see Zapdos. Another BOOM, with a flash of lightening, and shes done. A second longer and her life would be over. RUN. Die maggot. Letting pure fear and instinct guide her paws the feline moves in one fluid motion, the soil beneath her flying to the side as she dug her way down. Dig had never done her much as an attack but it always seemed to save her hide. Pathetic. Pathetic..

    Posts : 1464

    The PALLET Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team (PLOT)

    Post by Mew Thu Nov 06, 2014 11:03 pm

    I am having literally the worst time writing this post. Please skip me this round.


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    The PALLET Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team (PLOT)

    Post by Zapdos Sun Nov 09, 2014 2:45 pm

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    Pallet Town | Sunrise

    The avian felt nothing but the burning, searing fury that ravaged his veins. Zapdos' vision was red, seeing nothing but the assault back in Viridian. The helicopter. The gun fire. Bullets aimed at him, his father Lugia. Giovanni's smug confidence. A lightning strike came down near the entrance to town as the Lucario called out his name. "Zapdos!" The boom of thunder echoed his words, but Zapdos snapped his attention from the human to Khan. "Stop! He means no harm!" There was a desperation to his eyes, the crimson orbs fearful but honest.

    But it was not the Lucario who was in question.

    "NO HARM?" Zapdos repeated in a roar, his eyes back on the human then. "You would not say that if you saw what Suicune and I have, what they are capable of. NO HARM. These fuckers cause much worse than HARM!"

    "The fucking virus CAME from them. They STARTED it. They KNEW what they were doing. And they TORTURED US TO GET IT!" Visions of the video, the screaming Zoroark flashed through his mind and twin lightning strikes touched down on both sides of the man. Blind fury coloured Zapdos' eyes as the boom followed not a second behind.

    "NO HARM!" he mocked in a feral screech.


    "Next time, I will not miss, worm," Zapdos assured him.

    Posts : 152

    The PALLET Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team (PLOT)

    Post by Blue Sun Nov 09, 2014 3:54 pm

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    Pallet Town | Sunrise
    [4] [4]

    Almost immediately, the worst happened. With a snap of thunder, suddenly Zapdos was roaring. "A human," Blue whipped around, his eyes wide with fear as he stared the Kanto legend in the eye. Oh God. "YOU! You will fry!!" Blue flinched, dropping to one knee as Arcanine and Umbreon instinctively move forward to shield him. "No one will touch him!" Umbreon spat, bravely staring the Legend down.

    But it was the reactions to Zapdos that got Blue's attention. The timid Moowth, Arsi, cries out. "No!" The trainer ignores his own danger and stands up again, glaring at Zapdos. "Calm down! You're frightening the others!" But his words did nothing. Gritting his teeth, Blue gripped a Pokeball from his belt. "Arcanine! Protect Arsi!" As the kitten digs herself into the ground, the massive canine positions himself in front of her shelter, hiding her from the avian with his bulk.

    "Zapdos! Stop! He means no harm!" Khan tries to reason, but it is obvious to Blue that it would not be that easy. Throwing the Pokeball out, a Rhydon emerges. Landing with the sound of his bulk hitting the trampled ground, the larger dual type stared down at the electric type. "It's true, Zapdos. I am not your enemy." Umbreon growled, stepping forward to face the Legend beside his friend.

    "NO HARM?" Umbreon reared his head, building a shadow ball in his throat as the yellow bird screamed. "You would not say that if you saw what Suicune and I have, what they are capable of. NO HARM. These fuckers cause much worse than HARM!" Disgust and fear reared itself within the boy, choking him. "What are you talking about?!" he demanded.

    "The fucking virus CAME from them. They STARTED it. They KNEW what they were doing. And they TORTURED US TO GET IT!" Blue's brown eyes widened to circles. While he had never found any true proof of where the virus came from or where it started, hearing it straight from a legend itself was more than enough to shock him to the core. But as his thoughts raced, lightning suddenly touched down without warning, only meters away from him on both sides. Blue recoiled, flinching from the blistering heat as Umbreon and Rhydon whipped around to stare in alarm.

    "I was not a part of that, Zapdos!" he yelled, the howling wind threatening to carry his voice. "I cut all ties with them soon as the the virus spread, when they took my friends from me!"

    "NO HARM!" Zapdos interrupted him, openly mocking the former gym leader. "I swear to you, Zapdos-!"

    "NO." The thunder bird roared, his eyes staring murderously into his own. "Next time, I will not miss, worm," Blue went silent, his expression falling. Will I really become a martyr for a cause I never supported?! But Umbreon was not as docile. "You will not harm him!!" Without warning he fired the shadow ball at the legend, at the same time Rhydon releasing a stone edge with a bellow of his own. Massive pointed stones shot out of the ground, smashing into the legend's wings and chest.

    ((not one of my better posts, sorry about that. Also had permission to attack Zapdos.))

    Age : 31
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    The PALLET Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team (PLOT)

    Post by Nightfall Mon Nov 10, 2014 1:18 pm

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    Pallet Town [Beside the Memorial Tree]/Early Morning (86)

    This day was going to change his entire world. Khan could feel it.

    "NO HARM?" Zapdos thundered, sparks of frantic lightning flickering all around his massive form. "You would not say that if you saw what Suicune and I have, what they are capable of. NO HARM. These fuckers cause much worse than HARM!"

    Khan ducked his head, gritting his teeth as the sheer amount of static in the air stabbed at his skin. His eyes never left the raging legend, growing wide as his words began to sink in. What have they seen? What do I not know?

    "The fucking virus CAME from them."

    And there, in just a few words, Khan felt his entire universe shift completely. The planets realigned; stars burned away to nothingness; gravity intensified. His chest grew tighter with each second; he felt as though a Snorlax was slowly crushing him to death.

    That's not true. But what the hell did HE know? Now that he was here, surrounded by creatures of legend and power, he could truly see what he really was: a young, foolish vagabond, deluding himself that he was a warrior who could protect the innocent and reclaim peace. He was no warrior; no hero; no knight in shining armour.

    He hadn't even known who he was supposed to be fighting.

    No... Khan stared at the ground, claws plunging into the dirt below them. I can't ... not the humans...

    "They KNEW what they were doing. And they TORTURED US TO GET IT," Zapdos roared again, unspeakable fury like nothing Khan had ever seen before flashing through his eyes. The sky erupted, and two bolts of lightning crashed down towards Blue.


    Whether it was intentional or not, both bolts missed Blue by inches, exploding on either side of him.

    "NO HARM!" the great avian screeched mockingly. "NO. Next time, I will not miss, worm."

    Blue was shouting over the roar of the wind and rumble of the sky, trying to assure the legend that he indeed had nothing to do with anything. His Umbreon charged forward with a cry, firing a Shadow Ball directly at Zapdos's chest while his Rhyhorn unleashed a Stone Edge attack, stabbing at his body with their sharp tips.

    Before he knew it, Khan was running. His legs seemed to move mechanically and he wasn't even aware that he had been in motion until he was stood directly between Zapdos and the terrified human, a newly-conjured spear in one hand and the glowing flickers of an Aura Sphere in the other.

    Why had he moved? To attack? No. Assaulting a legend was the equivalent of stabbing yourself in the gut; plain and simple suicide. He hadn't wanted to attack. What did he want?

    Khan's crimson eyes locked onto the legend's, trying to connect with him as he stood between him and the human he was intent on murdering. His mouth slowly opened as a jumble of words rolled around in his head, trying to squeeze their way out. He had lots of things he could have said, none of them near good enough to quell the legend's fury.

    What did finally come out of his mouth sounded odd at first; terribly inappropriate, but it wasn't until after he had said it that it felt so very right.

    "Tell me more."

    Age : 29
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    The PALLET Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team (PLOT)

    Post by Dandelion Fri Nov 14, 2014 2:50 pm

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    Pallet Town [Beside the Memorial Tree] | Early Morning | 38

    Boom. BOOM. Boom. The thunder. The lightening. The roaring, shaking, flashes of light, the chaos that was a storm without rain went on overhead. The kitten huddles in a small ball of terror at the bottom of her dirt hole. Blue eyes as wide as moons they can not peel away from the sight above, the black fur of the Arcanine's belly not enough to block the flashes from each bolt of electricity. Make it stop make it stop make it stop. Her heart goes on overdrive, pounding against her chest with each labored beat. Not even the roar of blood in her ears could block the livid howls of the legend. Why are you doing this Zapdos.. The human had only stood there, he didnt attack or try to catch the bird or anything!

    The crashes grow louder. The flashes grow brighter. The hole she had dug was suddenly way too small. The walls too close, tightening around her chest as she hyperventilates. I cant breathe. The scent of smoke hits her again, unsure if it was real or not. Die maggot. Trembling paws scratch feebly at the earthen walls, the dirt falling away for a couple swipes before they meet a massive root. The woody thing catches her claws, wrenching them in place as she pulls each paw away. The tree was trying make her choke.
    Another flash of light from above and all she can see is white. Cold races along her spine and freezes her blood. Snow? No, its nothingness. There is nothing, the ground is gone, the tree, the tree has trapped her! Arsi wails in panic, tossing and twisting around in the hole like a fish in a net. Oh legends this was the end. This was how she was going to die. Her own safety collapsing on her. Something crushes her tail, her own paw though not to her knowledge, and the cat yelps and clings to the loose wall.

    It cant support her though and within a moment she is falling backward. She smacks against the bottom of the hole while all the air is expelled from her body. In that same moment the legends words finally meet her selective ears. "The fucking virus CAME from them. They STARTED it. They KNEW what they were doing. And they TORTURED US TO GET IT!" I someone saw her in that instant they would of thought her to be dead. A still, lifeless body with no chest movement that was coated in dirt. They.. what? Her very core twitches.
    It all clicks into fast forward. Panic, terror, confusion, realization, denial.. her blood is cool as the faux snow around her though it pumps through her veins at light speed. "No no no!" The humans.. they, they couldnt. Humans wouldnt..! Arsi backs up, her rump pressed to wall and shes spooked. Trying to dash forward and away from the presence the feline gets a face full of dirt. Her lungs burn as particles trickle down her throat. Stumbling backward she hits the other wall again, forepaws clawing carelessly at her face to clear it of debris. Thin scratches screech with pain but its associated with other thoughts. The humans couldnt of, wouldnt of done this. They wouldnt kill their own world!

    You would deny a legend? "N-no! Thats not what I meant!" She says allowed. Refuse a God. "NO! It-its not that, but humans.." The hole slowly comes back into focus and the cat forces her way back to the top of it. A filthy dirt and blood splattered face pops out of the hole. "Humans.. humans are not our enemies!" She yowls at the Legend, loud but full of fear. "I was not a part of that, Zapdos!" Blue defended himself. See, see it was true! Matt and Katie wouldnt of done this. Mankind wouldnt of done this horrible thing. The cat stands at full height beside the hound, terror shining in her eyes but not her stance. Dont lie to yourself. Crawling out from under the Arcanine Arsi shakes her head in denial. "Its not a lie, humans are not evil!" A black shape whizzes past and any bravery she felt was sucked away, the cat shrinking back to the ground once more. "You will not harm him!!" Was he.. was he attacking a legend!? "D-dont do that!"

    But it was too late. The bird was being attacked, the human really was its enemy now. Khan is next to flash past and her paws move on autopilot. She.. she refused to believe the humans to be evil but she was useless to help him, against a legend no less. To die for him she.. she just wouldnt. Scuttling forward the cat stands by her companions side, fur fluffed up to appear slightly more threatening. "Tell me more." Khan asks the legend. Yes, they needed this to be cleared. They needed to stop it before Blue got hurt or Zapdos atta- "That cant be true," No no these were not the words she wanted but her lips were moving on their own. "Humans are our friends!" She was so dead.

    Posts : 1464

    The PALLET Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team (PLOT)

    Post by Mew Wed Nov 19, 2014 5:28 pm

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    Art by Clefhanger
    Pallet Town, The Memorial Tree | Early Morning
    Post 31

    It all started so... civil. Zapdos bowed his head to the Lucario, and intoned respectfully, "Sounds like you deserve Legends status more than me... Welcome, Khan." The yellow legends head raised, and he scanned the group that had arrived behind Khan. Mew saw his eyes lock on the Human (Blue? He said his name was?), hi visage darken. The sky above rumbled, a dull percussion that set the Psychic's nerves on edge. "A... Human..." he whispered, anger growing in his voice. "A Human!?" Thunder crackled overhead, the wind increasing it's viciousness. "YOU! YOU WILL FRY" The sky was by now beating in the rapid staccato of a dying heart, and the town was outlined in a rough strobe light from above.

    Khan was screaming now, his voice lost to Mew, drowned beneath the thunder, and sound of her blood in her ears. Across town, something massive fell with a dull boom, shaken loose by the winds.

    Now the Lucario was standing in front of the Human, arms spread out as a shield. The Meowth was running, digging, trying to hide her small frame under the roots of the oak.


    Twin pillars of electricity rose from the ground. Mew fell backwards, deafened, her tiny body buffeted by the shockwave of heated air. Zapdos was speaking, screaming, from the look on his face. The human's pokemon were out now, their body in front of his. They attacked, dark energy and razor rocks flying towards the bird. Mew rose, tail throbbing. Her mouth opened, and a scream of rage was let loose. A tiny hand raised, palm open, towards the Lighting Bird. His form was illuminated in a pink light. Upwards he rose, perplexion rapidly replacing the anger. Mew's hand shot to the side, and through the air Zapdos tumbled, his body bouncing off the bark of the tree. The group was yelling now, words drowned out in the white whine leftover from thunderclap. The psychic bowed, folding in on herself, hands flying to her ears. She spoke loudly, slowly, "I... I'm sorry. I don't... we shouldn't hurt one another like that...." She straightened, right paw lowering as the whine began to fade from it. Her left hand remained in place, a small rivulet of blood flowing down from the cavity beneath.


    Maintainence/Coding Admin
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    The PALLET Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team (PLOT)

    Post by Silas Mon Nov 24, 2014 11:58 pm

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    Art used with Permission from the Creator, Mr. Mootles

    The portal crackled darkly from the midst of The Vale, a foul purple light pulsing from it to illuminate the mist below. The Sigilyph paced, his eyes on the moon above. "Tick tock, tick tock, time is wasting, and you are quite late indeed, yes? Yes." The guildmaster shifted his weight back and forth, nervously eyeing the rift before him. "Enough waste, must intervene. Events must move forward now, yes? Quite." He nodded, floating forward into the vortex before him.

    From forest to village, many trees to one. The portal flashed angrily, and slammed shut behind him. His feet drifted, centimeters above the ground. He spun freely, frictionless. His uncovered eye played over the scene, the human, the attacking pokemon, the bird of legend (now slumped to the ground). The cat, burying itself beneath the tree, and the fighter guarding the human and his team. And there, in the center of the group, the one he came to meet, curled around her stomach, blood running from a single ear. He knelt, toes meeting the earth, "Hello, hello yes, legend. I am the Guildmaster, I am Silas. Why must you delay, legend? We wait for you on the other side."

    The guildmaster will enter now, from the other side of the rift. You have delayed, and we are waiting, after all.

    Posts : 2477

    The PALLET Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team (PLOT)

    Post by Zapdos Tue Dec 09, 2014 7:55 pm

    [ Skip, my head is pounding too much to concentrate. Zapdos became pissed when hit by Blue's mons, but when Mew attacked, he calmed down. He is silently glaring at Silas, slumped at the foot of the tree, but acting passive out of fear of Mew hitting him again. He muttered "It doesn't matter anymore," to Khan and "Go away asshat, no one cares who or what you are." to Silas ]

    Posts : 152

    The PALLET Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team (PLOT)

    Post by Blue Sun Dec 14, 2014 2:01 pm

    ((While I am grateful for the extra day Mew gave me, I am still forced to skip a post this round. I am sincerely sorry, Legends.))

    Age : 31
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    The PALLET Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team (PLOT)

    Post by Nightfall Thu Dec 18, 2014 1:09 pm

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    Pallet Town [Beside the Memorial Tree]/Early Morning (87)

    Even faster than it had begun, it was over.

    Mew had risen and lifted Zapdos into the air using psychic energy. With a cry of rage she hurled the bewildered legend into a tree, where he crashed from the ground. Mew then curled herself up, covering her ears which were no doubt screaming as loudly as Khan's were. "I... I'm sorry. I don't... we shouldn't hurt one another like that...."

    "Mew..." Khan had no idea what to say. Even though her actions had calmed Zapdos's fury, it seemed that almost everything she did weakened her. Pity and worry gripped Khan's heart as he started towards her. "Mew, it's OK..."

    "It doesn't matter anymore," the great avian said solemnly from the ground nearby.
    "But--" Khan felt his chest tighten as his anxiety rose. He wasn't saying ... what he thought he was...? "How does it not matter?! Zapdos, I need to know. Please tell me!"

    Just then there was flash from somewhere behind, and a shift in the air, as though something had sucked some of it away. Khan spun round to see the strangest-looking human he had ever seen approaching. He simply stood and watched him, bewildered, until his sensors suddenly jolted to life. The human's aura was ... odd. He couldn't place his paw on it, but it was nothing he had ever detected before. It was foreign, exotic; almost as though human and Pokemon auras had been put into a blender.

    He was heading straight for Mew.

    "Hello, hello yes, legend. I am the Guildmaster, I am Silas. Why must you delay, legend? We wait for you on the other side," he said, kneeling next to the weakened feline.
    Khan bared his teeth as he found himself marching straight up to the newcomer, and standing between him and Mew. "That's close enough," he growled, pointing his spear towards the man's face. He just ... radiated unease for the Lucario. He still had no idea why, but he wasn't about to take any chances. "Who are you? What do you want?" And what are you? he silently pondered.

    ((Sorry about the mediocre quality and the lateness; I wasn't aware that it was my turn until earlier.))

    Age : 29
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    The PALLET Team (PLOT) - Page 2 Empty Re: The PALLET Team (PLOT)

    Post by Dandelion Mon Dec 22, 2014 10:35 am

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    Pallet Town [Beside the Memorial Tree] | Early Morning | 39

    The cats small form fills with regret. Why did she say that. Why did she say that?! The legend's screams pierced her sensitive ears and rattled around in her head. She had upset a legend, she talking back to the legends, she was defying divine creatures without so much as a proper argument or cause. This is the end. The pink legend's scream deafened all other sounds, squeezing the Meowth's eyes shut and numbing her to the world for a few moments. Each tiny hair on her pelt comes alive from the electricity in the air, her toes flaring out as they feel the massive thud against the ground. The senses blur together without rhyme or reason. Daring to open her eyes Arsi is horrified to find Zapdos as no more then a lump on the ground with Mew soon following.

    The legends had just attacked one another. Oh gods why was she witnessing her last hopes destroy one another?
    "I... I'm sorry. I don't... we shouldn't hurt one another like that...." Despite how pitiful the kitten was becoming fear still pounded through Arsi's veins. She was weak, useless, and small. Looking at Zapdos a horrible thought races through her mind in full detail- if that had been her she would of died. She could be dead right now. Without taking her blue eyes off the deities the cat slowly stepped away, moving back toward Blue and widening the gap between the provoked legends, Khan, and herself. If she was so much as be in the crossfire of another outburst.. swallowing hard Arsi scuttles up to the the human. His Pokemon were still more then intimidating but she would take them over being struck by a god any day.

    "It doesn't matter anymore," Two brown ears perk up then fall flat against her skull. Doesnt matter, what doesnt matter? The humans presence, the fight against the undead, the search for a cure, the cause, us interrupting their meeting? There was so many things that that could mean. Khan was so brave compared to her, daring to speak back to the legend once more when... a strange sensation blurred the air nearby. A soft light and human form waltzed in from nowhere, poise and perfectly calm if not irritated. Thats.. not human. It only took a moment for her to hide behind Arcanine's massive paw. Whatever that thing was it couldnt be good. Looking the creature up and down she could only describe it as eccentric, some strange cross between man and Pokemon that she had never experienced before. Missing link. It looked so.. unnatural yet moved as though all was well, as though fazing in from nothing was a normal occurrence. Even as it coolly walked toward- Mew-!

    Making one fluttering step forward the feline fears the worst. It looked human enough and so many had a desire to catch legends. Catch her when shes down?! Instead of a Pokeball though all the man used were words. "Hello, hello yes, legend. I am the Guildmaster, I am Silas. Why must you delay, legend? We wait for you on the other side," Guildmaster, 'other side,' waiting for them? What was it talking about..? Nothing that it just said made any sense. "Who are you? What do you want?" Khan pressed. "What are you..?" The question comes as no more then a whisper. While human jumped to mind it was just too strange to be one. "Go away asshat, no one cares who or what you are." The bird snaps, clearly still volatile. Looking desperately to Blue for answers Arsi asks, "Do you.. know him?" praying that the human could shred some light on the strange one that just joined them.

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