If you may not have noticed, the mean average for Pokemon sizes in the Anime and the games themselves is vastly different. What I was wondering is which size cannon do we use? I, like most Pokemon fans picture Charizard to be around 9-13ft tall in truth, he's only 5'07 in otherwords, shorter than I am, a 14 year old school girl. So yeah, sure some Pokemon are shorter than you'd think, but get this that's not the only problem. Imagine say a pokemon like Ghastly, you'd think him to be around the size of a basket ball, yeah? He's 5 friggin' feet in diameter people. Big enough to not be able to fit through a door if he couldn't go intangible. So what do we do? Do we go with the Anime or the games?
Last edited by Twilight Requiem on Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:26 pm; edited 1 time in total