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    McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn]


    Age : 36
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    McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn] Empty McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn]

    Post by Silverishness Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:51 am

    McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn] Mcchu_suzu_by_silverishness-d61ybeh

    McChu and Suzaku
    Hex Color McChu (#FFFF00)
    Suzaku [Elai] (#E04006)
    Item None
    Gender Male
    Age Adult
    Status Healthy
    Species #026/ Raichu/ Mouse Pokemon
    #257/ Blaziken, the Blaze Pokemon
    Height 2'5"
    Weight 75.8 lbs
    120.4 lbs
    Pokédex Entry If it stores too much electricity, its behavior turns aggressive. To avoid this, it occasionally discharges excess energy and calms itself down.
    In battle, Blaziken blows out intense flames from its wrists and attacks the foe courageously. The stronger the foes, the more intensely this Pokémon's wrists burn.
    Level 53
    Ability Static
    Nature Sassy
    Characteristic Likes to fight
    Strong Willed
    -Thunderbolt [TM]
    -Rain Dance [TM]
    -Brick Break [TM]
    -Thunder [TM]

    -Fire punch [Learned]
    -High Jump kick [Learned]
    -Quick Attack [Learned]
    -Acrobatics [TM]

    History McChu, it may be hard to believe, came from humble beginnings. A mere pikachu nestled in the safety of Viridian Forest, he was captured in his childhood by a novice trainer, named Sillez. At first, he wasn't keen on the whole "being owned by a human and fighting for them" deal, but he soon learned that there was a reason some pokemon adored this lifestyle. As a naturally aggressive, sadistic pokemon, the fact that he could attack another pokemon so hard they pass out was not only legal but encouraged, well... That was his calling, right there.

    Despite his normally lazy attitude, McChu adjusted to training fairly easily. More than happy to rob other pokemon of their conscioussness for money and food, he excelled and soon became one of Sillez's top battlers. As a gift, he was granted evolution, and since then, he was established as the biggest, baddest thing in town.

    Of course, not all of his teammates accepted his zeal for the fight, the main advocate being Sillez's actual team anchor, Torrent the Dragonite. Torrent had always been a wet blanket, punishing McChu when he took things too far or stole from vendors and shopkeeps. Jealousy for the dragon not only settled in the rat, but it created a thirst for vengeance. The bastard was Sil's favorite, and usually kept him out whenever they were walking around. The stoic dragon was her trump card, and that title always got special treatment. So, McChu always took an opportunity to screw him over whenever possible.

    That opportunity came in the form of the Epidemic, the twilight hours of the world closing in on them. After a tournament, Sillez quickly fell ill with a terrible disease, making travel impossible. In her dying days, she flew on the dragon back to Johto, to see the region she'd loved once more before death. It was then McChu made his move.

    He hadn't meant it to go as far as it did. He hadn't meant anyone to die. Nevertheless, it was his fault the infected, rabid pokemon found them. He'd lured them in with spare food and meat, hearing rumors of dangeroud pokemon out in the wilds. He'd laid a trail to their quaint home in Lavender, straight to Torrent's mate and child. He thought his mate would have been strong enough to fend them off on her own, that the other teammates wouldn't have been overwhelmed... that there wouldn't have been so many Infected...

    He was wrong.

    They came in the dead of night, smashing mercilessly through walls and windows, jaws agape to sink their teeth into flesh. Torrent's mate died quickly, her voice screaming in pain and terror until it quickly cut off into a sick gurgle. The child was nowhere to be found, but the others were taken as well. McChu ran instead of helped, fleeing the scene as quickly as he could, away from his prank gone wrong. He ran so far, so fast, he was soon in Orre, in a despicable desert in an abandoned building with a bunch of assholes.

    He didn't stay long. Following the tail of what he thought was a beautiful woman, he found himself in Hoenn, Fortree city to be more specific. There, he teamed up with the locals and is following out of mere amusement, happy to at least have some company that didn't completely blow chunks.

    Suzaku was born to and raised by a bird trainer, a strict one at that. From the moment he could walk, he was trained, along with the other hatchlings that comprised his teammates. As a wee torchic, there was little else other than fighting and training that he knew, and soon grew well into it. At first, his chosen sparring partner was a pidgey, a cocky little chick that easily took down the fire type, boasting and goading. A rivalry was born that day, and furthered the two onward into the higher levels.

    Thankfully, Elai evolved first, and the tides of their rivalry turned. The pidgey, named Taiv, was not one to be so easily cast aside and trained harder just to catch up to the now combusken. As they both trained harder and harder, the harsh rivalry soon turned into a warm friendship, and the duo became inseparable. Now best friends, they happily helped each other attain their final evolution; Taiv grew a magnificent wingspan and hair feathers and Suzaku, having always longed for a pair of wings himself, only grew arms more readied for battle than he had before. Though he would now never be able to fly on his own, Taiv assured him that they'd find a way, one day.

    Of course, that day would never come.

    It was a normal day when the strange creatures came. News of odd, queer-acting pokemon roaming the lands sounded more of tales from a horror movie than plausible in the real world, and so his trainer sought to ignore the warnings not to be out in the wilds. After all, the wilds were where every pokemon trainer belonged if they weren't decimating a gym leader. Their camp was taken by surprise, a pack of infected mightyena killing three easily, wounding two others. Elai himself sustained a wound, temporarily sending him into a flurry of fire and fists, frantically trying to kill the attackers. Of course, once they were dead, a quick once-over of the camp was enough to determine that he'd been the only survivor.

    Taiv's corpse, however, was gone-- perhaps he'd run off? Fearing for his friend, he started to search, hoping that he'd find the pidgeot alive. As he wandered, his hope began to dwindle, falter, and eventually leave altogether.

    At Mt. Pyre, he ran across a few survivors but was quickly attacked by an undead swampert. Banding together, he, a lucario named Anubis and a nidorino named Pierce tried desperately to kill the undead, succeeding only when the entire tomb collapsed in on itself. It was afterward, when they were leaving that they were attacked by another undead-- a charizard and old comrade of Anubis'. Then, the virus took hold of Suzaku, finally killing his soul and he became the heartless monsters he'd fought so hard against.

    He didn't know how long he'd fought, but in a moment of lucidity, he begged Anubis for death. He would never find Taiv, he would never fly, he would never... All his goals, aspirations, hopes... they meant nothing now. He was a beast, and had to be put down. Anubis, distraught by not only the death of his trainer and former mentor, sobbingly accepted, and killed Elai.

    Which was why he was confused when he woke back up.

    Unsure of what had been real and dream, he awoke to find the only proof of the past few days of his memory to be real was the toppled tomb. Somewhat alive, it was all he could do now to keep going, unsure of what else to do.

    Appearance McChu is a very stout, pudgy specimen of his species, a tad shorter and much wider than the common rabble. This bulk is misleading, however, since underneath all that fat is in fact muscle. His tail is slightly longer than normal, though, as well as his ears.

    There is no hiding that Suzaku is infected, as most of his plumage and hide are some shade of purple. His extremeties are a rich indigo, and the feathers that adorn his head are strangely and lightly tinted. His eyes are also nectarine, a definite shift from a normal Blaziken's teal. He sports a lean, yet muscular figure, well adapted for fighting.
    Personality Sleazy| Stubborn| Selfish| Manipulative| Perverted| Masoginistic| Sexist| Haughty| Sadistic| Vengeful| Spiteful| Greedy| Gluttonous| Flippant| Lazy

    Humble| Honest| Somewhat Cynical| Loyal| Reliable| Hard Working| Stubborn| Haunted| Caring| Defiant| Level-Headed| Resolute| Resourceful|

    User Notes
    -Original Profile is here
    -Had to add Age, Personality and Appearance, as he was approved before they were required fields.
    -Augmented Level and rewrote History to accomodate rping experience and make it sound better lol
    -Based on my original Raichu from my Red game, hence all the TM's. (Raichu had no good natural moves back in the day |D)

    -Original Profile is here.
    -Had to add Level, Age, Personality and Appearance, as he was approved before they were required fields, and because the level and age just... wasn't there. :|
    -Rewrote History because the original one kinda sucked and added in RP stuff from Pyre

    Last edited by Silverishness on Tue Apr 16, 2013 2:18 pm; edited 6 times in total


    McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn] PCP637McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn] 635McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn] 196

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    McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn] Empty Re: McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn]

    Post by Duma Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:14 am

    I didn't say a word :3

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    McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn] Empty Re: McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn]

    Post by Starbits Sat Apr 13, 2013 1:45 am

    So let's talk about how I literally squealed to see Suzu's name on this profile and how this makes me want to get into Fortree even more. :I


    McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn] RosaChallenge
    oh, captain, let's make a deal
    where we both say the things that we both really feel
    i feel scared and i'm starting to sink
    and i'll only sink deeper the deeper i think

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    McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn] 280

    McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn] Empty Re: McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn]

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:20 am

    It's not me you have to worry about, lol. It's Anubis!!!

    He gonna squee like a girl when he sees Suzu and then scream in terror when he remembers that he was the one who killed the guy. XD

    Way to traumatize my boy further Sil lol

    Age : 36
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    McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn] Empty Re: McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn]

    Post by Silverishness Sat Apr 13, 2013 4:28 pm

    XD I didn't know he had a following orzorz


    McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn] PCP637McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn] 635McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn] 196

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    McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn] Empty Re: McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn]

    Post by Silverishness Tue Apr 16, 2013 2:19 pm

    Move to be approved, please. (:


    McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn] PCP637McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn] 635McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn] 196

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    McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn] Empty Re: McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn]

    Post by Mewtwo Fri Apr 19, 2013 6:44 pm

    Cannot approve until Revival is asked for and approved.


    McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn] 3Br5nS6

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    Post by Ho-Oh Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:25 pm


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    Post by Mewtwo Sat Apr 27, 2013 4:11 pm



    McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn] 3Br5nS6

    McChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn] ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotMcChu the Bastard Raichu and Suzaku the Revived Blaziken [Fortree, Hoenn] UugYyDK

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