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Will you survive?


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Moon Moon
11 posters

    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader)


    Age : 37
    Posts : 1667

    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) Empty The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader)

    Post by Fox Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:58 am

    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) 4MymIdk
    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) C3JdSEP
    old image:

    The Doctor
    Text Color #D4B277
    Item Everstone band around his ankle
    Gender Male
    Age Appears Middle-aged but actually old as balls
    Species #063, Abra / Psi pokemon
    Height  4'2"
    Weight 43.0 lbs.
    Pokédex Entry It senses impending attacks and teleports away to safety before the actual attacks can strike.
    Level 68
    Ability Inner Focus
    Nature Rash
    Characteristic Highly curious
    Moves - Teleport  (level)
    - Shadow Ball TM
    - Psychic TM
    - Protect TM
    History The Doctor hails from Europe, and is older than he appears. He belonged to a large clan of wild psychic pokemon. These psychics were naturally drawn to the thickly forested area because of the high amount of psychic energy focused there. They found that it would amplify their powers, allowing them to become very powerful as a group. A clan was formed, where many rules were made to help control the psychics' powers, so they were not abused. The clan vowed to protect their new home and any that were in it. They called this hotspot Gallifrey.
    Over time, humans began to settle on their land, building small towns nestled in the hills and trees. The clan often protected the humans in secret against their own folly as well as rogue clan members who had suffered from the prolonged effects of Gallifrey.
    As time progressed, as did the battles and wars against evil, the clan grew more violent and vicious. Their morals changed from protectors to antagonists. The older the land got, more creatures began to 'invade' their land. The clan began to feel overwhelmed by the progress of both humans and pokemon into their territory, and began to fight them, without reason or moral code. In their growing vanity and madness, they discarded their previous code and began to kill indifferently.

    The doctor, after being initiated, was lost to the clan after fleeing from them. He was hunted down, but not before he managed to lead the humans to the heart of their pack, where the majority of the clan was killed or captured.
    In the slaughter, he fled deep into the forest, running as far as he could.
    He was devastated by the loss of his kind and the world that he knew, but he could not return.
    He began to travel, under his new alias of 'the Doctor.' He would seek out companions to travel with him, to seek out mystery, beauty and danger. Since then, many of his companions have died or gone missing, with the Doctor at the heart of it all. Despite his best attempts at keeping them safe, he almost always loses his companions, much to his grief and despair.

    (About the clan)
    - Very intelligent, but still rely on theft from humans for their source of 'outside' knowledge, such as books, health items and complex goods. They would often steal HMs and TMs as well, knowing that they held the strongest attacks.
    - Psychics born into the clan near the end of its' reign were taken from their parents at an early age and trained to fight and indoctrinated by the elders of the clan.
    - They were taken to a clearing in the forest, where the energy was strongest and forced to remain there for weeks. If they survived the overload of psychic power and the lack of sustenance, they would be initiated into the clan as one of their soldiers.
    - Every one of the initiated were forced to wear a shackle with an everstone in it before they began, so their growing strength wouldn't overwhelm their physical form, and evolve too quickly.
    - The shackles were stolen from the human town that they had sacked
    - Many of these children would die. If they didn't die, they would either grow heartless and cold, lose their minds entirely, or just flee out of sheer terror from the mental overload.
    Appearance - slim, tall and 'foxy'
    - He often walks with head held high and often cheery/curious.
    - often walks upright, but occasionally walks on four if startled or acting on instinct.
    -  Based on Doctor Who, the 10th doctor.
    - Chooses to stay in his present form. He is afraid of taking off the shackle, in fear of what unleashing his powers might do to the others around him.
    - Despite his unevolved form, he's actually middle-aged, and sounds older as well.
    Personality - He was part of the initiated children, one of the few to survive and flee.
    - He was there when Gallifrey and his clan fell to the humans.
    - He was part of their final downfall and slaughter. He's killed many, and this has tainted him on a very deep level.  He was a teenager  when the clan fell.
    - He chose the alias 'the Doctor' to protect himself against those who used to know him. Not everyone from his clan died, and he had made many enemies during his time with them. He has a real name, but he doesn't reveal it to anyone. If pressured for a real name, he'll call himself John Smith.
    - He has grown exceedingly intelligent from the focused psychic energy of Gallifrey, but the mental inhibitions are there. He grows unstable and callous if he is left by himself. He sees this in himself and consciously seeks out others to partner with, to prevent it. Due to the danger he puts himself and others in though, he is often left alone...fueling his partial insanity.
    - He suffers still from the indoctrination of the clan, and still believes that they were good at the heart of it all. The tempering they instilled in him is still present in the way he fights and harnesses his powers.

    - cheery and fun-loving, very curious about everything.
    - Quirky and loud at times when excited
    - likes to use a lot of physical contact
    - Hides a deep pain and loneliness behind his cheery visage.
    - very humanistic. He goes about doing nothing but trying to help others, even if it costs him.
    - can be very cold, callous and dark if memories are triggered by certain things from his past. Oftentimes, he just falls into his thoughts, ignoring others around him.
    In worse cases, he becomes very dangerous and difficult to reach on an empathic level. He'll kill and destroy what he feels is necessary, going against his regular moral code.
    - Vengeful and unforgiving when faced with enemies that persist after he warns them to stop. He'll feel that his personal sense of justice is violated and is very quick to anger because of it.
    -His ego can feed into his darkness immensely. He will let his hubris get the better of him, doing terrible things. He'll often call himself 'clever,' to boast about himself.  
    - Needs select company with him at all times, or he'll start becoming more and more callous, losing himself.
    - Likes to babble, mixing important things with apparent nonsense, making him appear to act erratically. He switches between moods quickly, as a way of reverse psychology. He doesn't like to be 'figured out,' and will try to confuse others as much as he can.
    - He tends to make people feel uncomfortable by being unintentionally insulting. This is a severe lack of empathy, which is a part of his partial insanity. He has found a way to detach himself from most painful situations, making him a very hard character to like at times.
    User Notes - Has a British accent
    - Very well-read and intelligent, always uses his wits to get himself out of situations
    - has an incredible sense of taste, in the way that he can lick something and be able to divulge something from it.
    - With the training from Gallifrey, he's done away with having to nap constantly and has harnessed his psychic powers. He isn't, however as strong as he could be if he were to evolve.
    -Prolly gonna pair him up with Crusher eventually
    -- relationship between the two: Crusher will mostly see him as a father figure.
    - He doesn't consider the virus to be anything apocalyptic, but rather just a passage in time.
    - He has a very strong faith/love for pokemon and humans, believing them to be inspirational and brilliant. But this is sometimes contradicted when he comes across something that is particularly cruel that these species do, where he'll accuse them of being terrible and short-sighted.
    - His family was lost in the destruction of Gallifrey. He had gone back amidst the chaos to find them, but he had found them too late; all dead.
    - His motive is to travel around the regions, seeking for things that interest him. He seeks out human locations, to find out what happened in the area and to track down how the whole epidemic started. This is really just out of intrigued curiosity though, as he doesn't see the epidemic as something terrible.
    - He also is intrigued to see new species of pokemon that he hasn't come across before, and doesn't hesitate to get close and personal to figure them out.

    -Fast- powerful
    -Slow- passive

    - black- despair, pain, anger, malicious intent
    - red- confidence, tenacity, passion
    - yellow- happiness
    - blue- love, courage
    - green- fear, envy
    - purple- suspicion, distrust, guarded
    - white- innocence, purity, awe
    - brown- confusion, uncertainty
    - orange- pride, vanity
    - gray- sadness, melancholy
    - none- undead. devoid of emotion
    - void- negative aura

    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) 5KOe31T
    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) Hannibal-2

    Dr. Hannibal Lecter
    Theme Always on my Mind- Akira Yamoaka
    Profession Former Forensic Psychiatrist, Chef, Surgeon
    Text Color #584E56 Blue Corn Chips
    Item Ornate Asian mouthpiece/mask that takes on the appearance of a mythical snarling mouth, often used by samurai in older times. Made to fit a both human and canid face.
    Biological Sex Male
    Gender Identity He/Him/They/Them
    Age Adult; 42 (Middle Aged)
    Species #???, Zorombra- The Mind Illusionist Pokemon
    Height 6'5"
    Weight 230lbs
    Pokédex Entry Zorombra was a pokemon feared in medieval times, sought out as witches' familiars. They seemed to have disappeared after the Witch Trials, keeping to the shadows. It can implant false memories into its victims.
    Level 71
    Ability Illusion
    Nature Careful (+Sp Def,-Sp Atk)
    Characteristic Strong Willed (Special Def IVs)
    Moves - Mind Bend (Level)
    -Aerial Ace (TM)
    -Night Slash (Level)
    -Counter (Breeding- Lucario Father)
    Quote "Before we begin, you must all be warned. Nothing here is vegetarian. Bon appetit..."
    History Hannibals' origins lie in Sinnoh, where he was born into a long line of Zoros who had made their fortune and lifestyle by living/appearing as human and manipulating humans to their desires. His childhood was short-lived however, when his parents were killed during a bombing, leaving only Lecter and his toddler sister, Mischa. Being very young and unable to hunt on their own, they both wandered and grew sickly (as Zoruas). They were captured by looters as they scavenged for food among a city ravaged by war. They were kept for food by the humans- and inevitably, their knives fell on the smallest, little Mischa. At this point, Hannibal was too weak to comprehend what had happened, and had greatly accepted the meager bowl of food they had offered him, devouring it like a feral animal. It was only after, when the looters were laughing wildly at him and talking amongst themselves that he realized who they had eaten. Hannibals' mind shattered. That night, he escaped his cage and butchered his captors, eating them in a frenzied craze.

    He wandered aimlessly afterwards in a human child guise he had made for himself before he was orphaned. He was eventually picked up by a local orphanage, where he had sparse but regular meals and shelter. There he began to feed on his peers, murdering and eating those that preyed upon the weak, never once breaking his illusion of being human. Almost a decade later, he was adopted by his uncle, who later fell ill and passed away, leaving Hannibal his mansion in France. His uncles' wife, Murasaki- a human of Japanese descent, cared for him, educated him and trained him in the ways of the samurai, inadvertently aiding his thirst for vengeance. (She had an ancestor whom she honored deeply that was a samurai) After he mastered the art, she gave him her ancestors' mask and tanto before they parted ways. From there he only thirsted for more knowledge and more blood. He went to school for all of his current occupations, mastering each skill with a deep passion. All while committing hundreds of murders that went unsolved and without the true culprit, including the ones who had eaten his sister. Over the years, he had built an impenetrable wall between him and other living beings, making him the sociopath that he is today. He frequently moved around, but recently moved to Johto, always living a luxurious life as his parents and ancestors did. Right before the epidemic hit, his recent and artistic killings were being investigated in Unova, with the name 'the Chesapeake Ripper' being coined for the killers' name.
    Evolution Method "The pokemon must have mastered its illusory skills by convincing another pokemon/ being to commit an act against their own nature + lvl up. (Something the victim would never do.)"
    - His fur come in variations of iridescent grays, with vibrant cyan beads.  
    - His regular eye color is amber, but his entire eye will go black and highly reflective, or white that glows and smokes as if there were fire within at his will. (illusion of course)
    - He can change his appearance and warp reality with his illusions, and does so often to his advantage.
    - He will add flourishes to his many forms for the sake of his own aesthetic as well as to manipulate and terrify his prey. His favorites appear to be black antlers, murkrow feathers and black blood/tar
    Preferred Forms Sawsbuck
    --Iridescent green/black/blue suit, dark blue tie, pale gray button tshirt. dark hair that matches his fur slicked back, stubble.
    --All tar-black humanoid with a stag skull as a head, with varied eyes, sometimes with a human head, both having abnormally large  black antlers.
    Personality - Highly Intelligent- a certifiable genius.
    - Manipulative in the extreme, often used for ill.
    - Charming, attractive and intriguing in every sense.
    - Can speak multiple languages
    - A cannibal to his own species as well as his adopted species.
    - Serial killer. He chooses his victims carefully, but will make an exception for those that are ill-mannered or crude.
    - Malicious and highly sociopathic. While he has the ability to empathize, he uses it against his victims.
    - Sophisticated and rich taste (so to speak). Before the epidemic, he enjoyed a refined and 'creme de la creme' lifestyle.
    - Beneath his suave exterior, he is mentally tortured and irreperably scarred due to his origins.
    - Yearns for an equal mind to accompany him down the dark path he chose.
    User Notes - Based on Dr. Lecter from the NBC Hannibal
    - Has a heavy Lithuanian accent, with a hint of french.
    RP Notes Sils' Houndoom Hannibal will not be present, but I got permission from her to use my Zorombra/Hannibal masquerading as a Houndoom, thus the same profile image as her Hanni. It'll change when he drops his illusions. Mask will be added to the Zoro asap.
    Affiliations Dead Chaos' Will Graham

    Last edited by Fox on Wed Apr 20, 2016 1:13 pm; edited 25 times in total


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) 4j0L6

    Age : 103
    Posts : 128

    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) Empty Re: The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader)

    Post by Funnio987 Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:10 am

    Anathema, I love you so much.

    Which doctor is he going to be based on? Please let it be on the 10th or 11th.

    Age : 37
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    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) Empty Re: The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader)

    Post by Fox Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:13 am

    He'll be based on the ninth and tenth.
    My two favorite docs.~


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) 4j0L6

    Age : 103
    Posts : 128

    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) Empty Re: The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader)

    Post by Funnio987 Fri Mar 08, 2013 2:14 am

    Anathema wrote:He'll be based on the ninth and tenth.
    My two favorite docs.~

    Haha, 10th and 11th are mine. I love 10th more though. :U

    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) Empty Re: The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader)

    Post by Guest Fri Mar 08, 2013 11:58 am

    I love you so much right now <3

    And love your choice of Doctor's. Hope to see him gain a companion or something in the RP |D

    Age : 28
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    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) Empty Re: The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader)

    Post by Catalyst Fri Mar 08, 2013 10:45 pm

    You supreme badass.

    I must be on a team with him. BI


    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) I61jEL3
    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 29
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    Post by Kaze Sat Mar 09, 2013 1:49 pm

    He needs a Master too xD

    Age : 27
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    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) Empty Re: The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader)

    Post by Drago Sat Mar 09, 2013 4:25 pm

    Glad to see someone else enjoyed the 9th doctor. While 10 is my favorite, 9 did one hell of a job. Can't wait to see this character flesh out, Ana!

    Age : 37
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    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) Empty Re: The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader)

    Post by Fox Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:12 pm

    I'd like to finally move him to get approved.~


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) 4j0L6
    Moon Moon
    Moon Moon

    Age : 25
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    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) Empty Re: The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader)

    Post by Moon Moon Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:22 pm


    Age : 25
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    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) Empty Re: The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader)

    Post by Abysswalker Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:31 pm



    Jonah / Nocturne
    i open the door

    Age : 25
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    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) Empty Re: The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader)

    Post by Duma Fri Jun 21, 2013 3:38 am

    Mmmmm... Dat smexy Abra is smexy.

    Posts : 3650

    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) Empty Re: The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader)

    Post by Mewtwo Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:43 pm

    Species section is missing species, it only has number and classification.

    All moves must be labeled, even level up moves.

    Those are my only notes but such tiny fixes will not hinder approval. Just edit them in once you see this.



    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) 3Br5nS6

    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotThe Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) UugYyDK

    Age : 37
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    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) Empty Re: The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader)

    Post by Fox Wed Dec 10, 2014 10:46 pm

    Can I reactivate my bby again?


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) 4j0L6

    Posts : 1464

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    Post by Mew Wed Dec 10, 2014 11:12 pm

    No, you may not. //moves to PC so Victini can do the thing.


    Maintainence/Coding Admin
    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) Hz72hB2

    Posts : 1265

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    Post by Victini Thu Dec 11, 2014 11:05 am

    First day on the new job eeeee~

    Approved. Welcome back.

    Do you still wish to be team leader of Alph?


    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) VictiniThe Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) TGJeE
    The Victory Pokemon

    Profile Admin & Team Sheet Manager

    Age : 37
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    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) Empty Re: The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader)

    Post by Fox Thu Dec 11, 2014 1:12 pm

    Yes, still leader.
    Thank you!


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) 4j0L6

    Posts : 1265

    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) Empty Re: The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader)

    Post by Victini Thu Dec 11, 2014 1:57 pm

    You're welcome.

    I've taken the liberty of editing the title of the topic to reflect his team and position within it. I hope that's OK with you? (It said 'inactive')


    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) VictiniThe Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) TGJeE
    The Victory Pokemon

    Profile Admin & Team Sheet Manager

    Age : 37
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    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) Empty Re: The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader)

    Post by Fox Thu Dec 11, 2014 6:19 pm

    That's great dear, thank you ^^


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) 4j0L6

    Age : 37
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    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) Empty Re: The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader)

    Post by Fox Tue Apr 19, 2016 12:08 am

    They are ready for reapproval. The Doctor has already been approved when he was active before, and I didn't change anything. Hanni has not yet been approved.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) 4j0L6

    Posts : 3650

    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) Empty Re: The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader)

    Post by Mewtwo Wed Apr 20, 2016 11:48 am

    As you are the only member of your team ready do you still want me to review him for approval? The team will not be made until more than one is ready so I was wondering.


    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) 3Br5nS6

    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotThe Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) UugYyDK

    Age : 37
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    Post by Fox Wed Apr 20, 2016 11:53 am

    If you could look at them now,since the others will be joining soon. Thanks mewtwolubs!


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) 4j0L6

    Posts : 3650

    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) Empty Re: The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader)

    Post by Mewtwo Wed Apr 20, 2016 12:05 pm

    Then my only note is on Hannibal's History. When did he get to what are considered the Pokemon regions if he spent all of his time separate in human worlds? Your history ends with him in America which is not in Pokemon canon.


    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) 3Br5nS6

    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotThe Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) UugYyDK

    Age : 37
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    Post by Fox Wed Apr 20, 2016 1:15 pm

    Adjusted the locations~


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) 4j0L6

    Posts : 3650

    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) Empty Re: The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader)

    Post by Mewtwo Wed Apr 20, 2016 2:25 pm

    Ok, the profile looks good and nothing would hinder approval.
    However I just noticed you have no free fakemon ticket for Hannibal. I'm sorry I forgot to look first lol.

    But yeah, just a ticket and another teammate ready to activate and you will be good to go for Alph. I will approve yours once the ticket is on your profile.


    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) 3Br5nS6

    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotThe Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) UugYyDK

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    The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader) Empty Re: The Doctor the Abra_Dr. Hannibal Lecter the Zorombra (Alph, Leader)

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      Current date/time is Thu Oct 17, 2024 10:35 pm