Welcome to New Johto;
This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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12 posters



    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Oct 11, 2011 6:56 pm

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    Blackthorne City | Dawn

    The bird woke in his arms as Tony ran, fixing it's glasses and glancing around, it's quickly rose into the air.
    "You've destroyed those buildings easily didn't you?" She said with a nod towards the craters and flaming wreckage he had made of the town. "I'm Written in the Fates, by the way. Written for short. What's yours?"
    "The name's Tony," he said with a smile, his already thick Brooklyn accent becoming even more pronounced.
    "You do know that those dead Pokemon will follow us, right? Probably try and decimate our powers then demolish our bodies whole. Standard action novel procedures." Stated Written, as he swooped around the fighting-type's head. At this Tony simple blinked a few times before he grasped all the big words the bird was spitting out.
    "Wordy little guy ain't ya." he replied.

    Tony's smile quickly vanished as a barrage of razor sharp leaves shot past them, only narrowly missing his neck. The flowery infected was coming.
    "PAuLa!" It screamed as a pair of long snaking vines shot out from it's roses towards them.
    The Superpower Pokemon knocked the first away with a flaming backhand, setting the end alight as it reeled back into it's owner. With a tweet Written surged upward into the air. This however distracted Tony long enough for the second vine to crack across his back with astonishing force, causing him to fly forward into the icy river than ran through the center of the town.

    Glancing around his aquatic surroundings, the Machoke noticed several small snake-like pokemon swimming amongst the rocks. Dratini, with bloodshot eyes and hungry expressions on their dead-looking faces.
    "Oh shit" thought Tony as they rushed him. He brought a fist around to connect with the first dragon-type, shattering it's head gem with still scolding hot knuckles. He couldn't gather flame here but he could sure as hell bring heat. Grabbing hold of a Dratini in each hand, he glared at them as his steaming grip charred them alive. Allowing the dead wyrms to float to the surface, the machoke looking around to see if there were any more, there was. Something much bigger was slithering out of a hole in the ground, it had a single horn and a body adorned with round jewels.
    "Dragonair, screw this." thought Tony as the long dragon continued to slowly drift from it's hole. Bracing his feet against a rock, he pushed off, blurring upward through the water in a gush of bubbles and steam.

    ((Ooc: there's ALWAYS something bad in the water.))

    Age : 25
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Min Fri Oct 14, 2011 7:04 pm

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    Blackthorne City | Dawn

    "Sorry" He slowly got up. "Lilliana." He nods. "Claudius." he replies with his name. He curtly bows his head to the Zebrastrika, looking around and dusting his dirty feathers off vainly. He quietly watched the Roserade, who had now given chase to the Machoke.

    He glanced at Lilliana, motioning for her to follow, as he sprinted towards the Roserade, following her. He detected the Taillow and Machoke together, with a stamp of his foot he charged at them, drill peck ready.

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 14, 2011 10:50 pm

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    Blackthorn City | Dawn [4]

    Lilliana nodded, smiling devilishly as she followed Claudius, thy were going towards the Roserade and the the living. She was going to have some fun! The Machoke was too busy drowning in a river, pft, pathetic! The Zebstrika thought amusingly, she noticed how Claudius was readying a Drill Peck. She glanced at the Roserade, grinning menacingly, she wanted the Roserade to do something, she got ready to use Flame Charge.

    Lilliana motioned the Roserade to do something, throwing her head towards the river, then pointing at the poison spikes nearby. The Zebstrika stopped in realization, she forgot introductions! "Lilliana. Name, Lilliana." She said quickly, bowing her head clumsily.

    [Ooc: Note that Lilliana motioned Gloria to throw poison spikes from Lilliana's behind while she does a Flame charge, that way the poison spikes get on FIREH. I really doubt anyone else would understand what Lilliana asked Gloria to do, so please pretend you don't understand it LOL]


    Age : 31
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Nightfall Sat Oct 15, 2011 3:05 pm

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    Blackthorn City/Dawn (1)

    Rocket was digging; digging endlessly through the earth without really knowing where he was supposed to be going. His main goal was just to get the hell away from the horde of Infected Pidgeotto that had attacked him out of nowhere. He had taken a good pecking and prodding before finally excepting that he was outnumbered. They wouldn't be able to track him now that he was so deep underground. His vivid yellow eyes were all that was visible of him in the darkness.

    The Gabite dug for what seemed like hours, occasionally intercepting other tunnels; at one instant he was forced to pause and to apologise to a startled Diglett. But he kept going despite the fatigue that was starting to grip him. Not only that, but it was sweltering down there and he could barely breathe.

    Eventually deciding that he would rather not suffocate, Rocket began to tunnel upwards. He increased his speed, desperate to get a breath of fresh air. He felt a vibration above and burst forth out of the earth, colliding with another Pokemon.

    "Thorry," he mumbled, spitting out a mouthful of dirt. He took in a huge gulp of air and immediately felt his strength returning. Rocket turned to the Pokemon he had inadvertently attacked and gasped.

    It was a Roserade, an Infected one.


    Last edited by Saphira on Thu Jan 05, 2012 1:24 pm; edited 1 time in total

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Oct 16, 2011 6:04 am

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    Blackthorne City|Dawn

    ((OOC: I'm gonna assume Wind meant that nobody else will understand but Gloria. ;; If that's not the case, I'll edit.))

    One of her vines had hit the Machoke successfully, it was now in water. Gloria sped up her pace. The Zebstrika came up beside her, and motioned for her to do something. The toxic spikes, the flame charge...of course! Lilliana. Name, Lilliana. Gloria nodded. Gloria. The Roserade said her name, and then quickly got on the back of Lilliana and began to furiously unleash a fury of Toxic Spikes.

    PAuLa!! The shiny Roserade cried, as she jumped off the Zebstrika after awhile. Nodding to Lilliana graciously for thinking of such a good idea. The Dodrio was behind them, and Gloria looked back at him, motioning him to come closer, they would be stronger with all three of them together.

    Suddenly, she collided into something. Thrown off, she fell back, quickly getting up. A Gabite. She shook with anger. PAuLa!!! She unleashed a Razor Leaf attack at the living Pokemon. She was hungry, oh how she was hungry. The Roserade screamed out at the sky.

    Age : 26
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Negative10 Sun Oct 16, 2011 10:20 pm

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    Blackthorne City | Dawn

    "How about we team up?" She smiled warmly at the question, the little Taillow flying upward. What would she reply? Did it not seem...

    "Tony!" She whispered as the Machoke fell into the water by the Roserade's attack. Written flew over the lake, hoping to find the huge bulk of strength and hopefully find a way to save him. What was that? The TinySwallow Pokemon pushed her glasses back, diving closer to the liquid depths. Was that... eyes? Just as her attention sprung away from the glowing eyes for a moment, she took note of a figure swimming upward at a fast pace. That must be the Machoke.

    Flying up with the knowledge that Tony would get out alright, Written looked at the other undead, only to see a Gabite spring out from under the Roserade. Written flew closer, then landed on a nearby rooftop. The Zebstrika and Dodrio had caught up, and a neatly thrown display of Toxic Spikes had been thrown on the ground. The Taillow narrowed her eyes- were these brainless infected working together?

    This was a sight to capture. Quickly taking up her pencil, she grabbed a leaf off of a tree and quickly wrote on it. Infected help other infected- more will be documented on this discovery. Written nodded to herself before clutching the leaf in her mouth and diving downward with a Quick Attack towards the Dodrio.

    ... obvious? The living helped other living.

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Oct 17, 2011 5:42 am

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    Blackthorne City | Dawn

    Bursting through the surface of the river, in a massive geyser of boiling hot water, Tony landed on one knee on banks with his head down and his eyes closed, steam curling in thick tendrils off his massive, gray muscles. Looking up, he saw Written blurring through the air at an insane speed towards the Dodrio who leapt to meet him with a drill peck.
    "Damn,"He thought with a smile. "That bird's got balls of steel!"
    Looking around, he noticed the flower screaming in rage as it got up after some kind of dragon had exploded out of the ground. It didn't look infected, which made sense since it wasn't attacking himself or Written.

    As the two battles raged, bird against bird, dragon against shiny, the machokes eyes locked on the electric horse, who's body seemed to be smoking heavily as it pawed the ground with one black hoof.
    "Guess that leaves you and me," he stated coldly as he advanced on the striped equestrian. "Let's see if you can fight as well as you can run."
    Wreathing his arms in emerald flame up to the shoulder, the Superpower Pokemon grabbed a fallen branch and hurled it, flaming and jagged, at the zombie, surging after it with a blurring Rolling kick. It might dodge one, but nothing could dodge both.

    ((Ooc: This would make the most awesome movie))

    Age : 25
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Min Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:39 pm

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    Blackthorne City | Dawn

    The Quick Attack was too fast for Claudius to register the movement enough to dodge as he felt the Taillow ram into him, making him fall back. He gave a loud screech, getting back up. He could hear another heartbeat now, near where Gloria was. Suddenly, he let out a loud caw as he began to run away from the Taillow at full speed- all the way to the outskirt of the city.

    He hopped up the tall cliffs, going high enough where no the others except maybe the Taillow could get him. Quietly he nestled down, his eyelids closing over his empty sockets as he began to use Roost. He sat there for a few minutes, resting. He felt his energy flow back into him as he quietly got up again, hopping down to the land.

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Oct 18, 2011 8:16 pm

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    Blackthorne City | Dawn [5]

    The Roserade greeted herself as Gloria, a beautiful name, she followed along Lilliana's plan. Good thing they were working together, it would be a shame if they were fighting among each other if they were after the same prey, even if the Zebstrika were able to defeat, she couldn't possibly eat that much! Even if she did want to.

    Claudius was busy taking care of the bird. Gloria is left with some dragon thing that randomly popped out of the ground, she was left with the Human-like Pokemon. She hated them, those disgusting humans that separated her from her daughter. The Pokemon threw a log at her, following up with a kick, the Zebstrika was aware that dodging both would be impossible, and if she were to dodge one, she would get badly injured. Instead, the Horse-like Pokemon decided that using a move to reflect it would be better choice.

    With that done with, she immediately powered up a Flame Charge, flames covering Lilliana from head to hoof. Now all there is to it... Was to ready for the impact.


    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:26 pm

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    Blackthorne City|Dawn

    Gloria unleashed a Toxic Spikes attack at the Gabite, and took off after the other living Pokemon. She came beside Lilliana, and nodded to her, showing she was going to help. The shiny Roserade unleashed a Razor Leaf attack on the human-like Pokemon, shrieking. Her stomach was empty. She would get her food. She ALWAYS got food.

    Gloria unleashed a Razor Leaf to the back of her as well, up at the sky, hoping to hit the Taillow.

    ((OOC: Sorry for such a short post. ;; I'll try to make up for it!))

    Age : 26
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Negative10 Fri Oct 21, 2011 2:29 am

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    Blackthorne City | Dawn

    "Left or right! Come on, they're gaining on us!" They shouted in fear and in confusion. The Taillow pushed back her glasses in determination, suddenly knowing the correct answer...

    "Oof!" She took the brunt of the Razor Leaf, and if it weren't weak against flying types, she'd have been knocked out once more. Giving a grunt of disbelief as that same Roserade tossed more Toxic Spikes on the ground near the Gabite and followed after the Blitzstrika, Written dived downward after taking a breather. We can't go on like this, Tony! The TinySwallow Pokemon thought desperately to her fighting companion.

    Written narrowed her eyes as the Dodrio landed nearby with a seemingly recovered body, prepared for another attack. "What a bother!" She muttered as the Taillow drifted closer to the Gabite. "Come out of that hole, dragon! We have business to contend to!" With that, Written darted towards the Roserade, hoping the living dual type Pokemon would agree and charge the Dodrio.

    With a high pitched note, Written sent a Supersonic to the grass and poison infected Pokemon. Blasted infected! You should have tried harder to live! The Taillow, following up on the attack, flew around the Roserade's head in an attempt to confuse it even further. Written smirked- "Who says miniature means I am meek?"

    ... she grinned. "Right is always right, right?" With a murmur of quiet laughter, they all ran in rushed footsteps and flapping of wings away from the city ruins.

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Oct 21, 2011 6:03 am

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    Blackthorne City | Dawn

    The log shattered across the infected's neck as the beast itself was wreathed in ruby flame, knocking it back a step but not doing any serious damage. His kick however, connected with cataclysmic force, sending the striped horse flying backward into a rock.
    "That's what I thought, My Little Pony!" Roared the Machoke when he landed. "Not so big and bad now huh!?

    Turning from the Zebstrika, the Superpower Pokemon saw Written doing battle with the Flower, releasing a high, piercing Supersonic directly at it. Meanwhile, that bloody triple-headed Dodo was back and it looked somewhat healed as well.
    "We can't keep this up." he thought as he grabbed a fallen wall and through it, discus-style, at the bird. "If we lure em into a building, I could try blowing it up again."
    Tony snarled as the wall flew wide and lodged in the ground, missing the bird completely. Spinning around, he took off at a run towards his companions, plucking the dragon out of the ground like a vegetable.
    "Sorry 'bout this buddy, but we need to locate ourselves elsewhere." He murmured to the outraged duel-type. "If we can lure them into the Pokemon Center, I can blow it up with all those explosive chemicals in there, we'll nuke those fuckers!"
    Raising his unoccupied hand to grab the swallow's attention, he pointed into town.
    "Loose, your new buddies then meet us at a 'place of healing', so I can make 'em go pop!" he shouted, not really worried about the infected hearing since they weren't supposed to be able to understand normal speech. But better safe than sorry.

    Then with that he dashed off into the town, towards the only completely intact building for miles. The Pokemon Center.

    ((Ooc: hmm, I wonder what might be of benefit to Tony in the center, hint hint, oh and naturally if I've over-stepped any bounds, just tell me and I'll edit :) ))

    Age : 25
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Min Fri Oct 21, 2011 4:00 pm

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    Blackthorne City | Dawn

    He felt the living begin to flee. He screeched. "O coward conscience, how dost thou afflict me!" He located where the Taillow is, near Gloria. With another screech he began charging at the small bird with a drill peck ready to kill, his eyeless sockets burning with rage.

    The world felt like a blur with him as he began running full-speed the Taillow, he felt the anger singe his no longer beating heart. His own rage for the species and the fury that it was trying to hurt his comrades fueling it.

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Oct 22, 2011 6:02 pm

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    Blackthorne City | Noon [6]

    Lilliana was hit in the face, however as she was about to hit the rock, she immediately regained her balance. Oh no, she was angry, VERY, angry. The Zebstrika needed her food... And revenge. She galloped as fast as she could towards the human like Pokemon, before he could reach for the Taillow, she took the chance, and rammed into the Machoke, beating him down. Stomping hard on where his heart is supposedly placed, she placed down all her anger at him, even ones that weren't related to this situation.

    The Zebstrika finished her blow, ending the Machoke's life, blood splattered on her hooves to chest. It looked pretty ugly. She glared at the Taillow nearby, warning it to run before she turns her anger at him. She meant it. She tore out the Jugular vein from the Machoke, chewing on it,Who's your 'My Little Pony' now bitch? She thought angrily, she wasn't statisfied with the bitter taste, but it'll do... For now. Lilliana signaled the other infected to come here for the feast rather than chase after the puny Taillow [Which obviously didn't have a lot of meat]. Tonight, the Zebstrika was an official Infected.

    [Note: Suicune told me to kill off the Machoke as revenge [For Lilliana] and because Eevee Godmodded ;; ]
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Oct 24, 2011 5:59 pm

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    Blackthorne City|Noon

    The Razor Leaf attack had hit the Taillow. Gloria screeched in pleasure. These Pokemon would die, she would kill them if it was the last thing she did! She's eat their organs, eat their skin, eat their eyes, every single part of them...if she could. She was willing to share with the two other infected, since they were helping greatly.

    Suddenly, she felt a wave of confusion.

    The Taillow was spinning around her head, making it worse. Gloria groaned, and unleashed a vine whip in a random direction. She couldn't see clearly. Pau...la... She waved her arm in the air, trying to get the Dodrio's attention. Perhaps it would help her.

    Age : 25
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Min Fri Oct 28, 2011 4:28 pm

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    Blackthorne City | Dawn

    The heartbeat of the Machoke was gona now. Claudius grinned. The living was dead, and now they could feast. But now he could smell a new newcomer. An infected. An infected Luxray. " Rionnah," Claudius nodded. So that was her name.

    Claudius slowly hopped to the dead body, pecking and using all three heads to rip the flesh apart. He smiled at the taste but then heard something from Gloria. She had sent a vine whip out as the Taillow spun around her. The vine whip, from what he could tell, landed a few ways away. "Pau...la..." she called. He immediately ran to her and used to heads to steady her.

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Oct 31, 2011 9:54 pm

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    Blackthorne City | Dawn

    Lilliana froze as a figure came up, a Luxray, she remembered seeing them when she was sent overseas, she spoke out her name " Rionnah," A smile creeped onto the Zebstrika's face, "Lilliana". She introduced herself. She allowed the Luxray to take some of the kill.

    With that in mind, she looked from the corner of her eye, Claudius and Gloria, they seemed to be doing something, but she didn't mind, just as long as they don't keep their food waiting too long.
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 01, 2011 4:03 pm

    ((OOC:Skip me, there's a reason. Negative10, if you could, please kill Gloria. Thank you.))

    Age : 26
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Negative10 Wed Nov 02, 2011 12:03 am

    [ooc: I'll miss you Gloria. ;w; And LiaLedian has given me permission to kill her Roserade off]
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    Blackthorne City | Dawn

    Revenge... revenge is never the answer... that was what her father had always preached to her. But at that very moment, the words were lost to her. Her muscles tensed, her eyes hardened, and her talons clutched...

    "Tony...!" Written whispered in shock and sadness as the heavy-bulk of a Pokemon was pounded down and dragged across swiftly. The blood was spread throughout the hard ground, relentlessly spilling the red liquid from his open throat. "You're..." Her teammate, her friend, someone who had died literally right in front of her. Died. Is dead. Ceased to exist. The Taillow closed her eyes in despair as the tears threatened to flow out.

    So your story ends here... For a moment, Written felt her sadness wash away to leave behind an empty core, before she was filled with unspeakable rage. But it will not be forgotten! "You undeserving whores! He was a soul to protect, not one to devour, you worthless pieces of shit!" The Taillow spat out the words, her voice rising in anger. She was not one to raise her voice- indeed, she never had the reason to. But at this time, nothing made sense. Someone she was bound to protect, had died without a goodbye.

    Rising to the air, Written in the Fates glared with eyes filled with dark anguish. Her small silhouette was outlined in the rising sun, the sunlight warming her feathers. Suddenly, she felt that very light come into her soul, surrounding her body, and her entire self. She felt empowered to do whatever she wished. The Taillow closed her eyes in determination as the light started to envelop even her surroundings, and when she opened them again, she was a Swellow.

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    The newly evolved Swellow struggled for a bit in mid-air as she tried to control her longer wings, her sharper talons clutching the pencil for dear life. Once she found her equilibrium, Written steadied herself, before finding her target- the Roserade. Forget that the Zebstrika was the one to deal the finishing blow; it was the Roserade that started all of this. The first to come shall be the first to go.

    In the course of a millisecond the Swellow had sped towards the Roserade and jammed her long beak into the infected's eye, twirling around for good measure. "You have no meaning any longer, fool." She whispered angrily towards the dual type as she pulled her beak away. The grass Pokemon staggered back in surprise, screeching as black ooze bled from where her eye once was.

    Sending a Supersonic towards the Roserade, Written remembered Elder Author. She remembered her adopted family back in Hoenn. She remembered Tony, the first living Pokemon she had met in a long while. "Your time here had long since ran out." The Swellow flew to the undead's front, feeling her emotions give way. Her blue feathers were now stained with the tears that were flowing from her eyes.

    "But don't worry..." Written in the Fates draped her wings around the Roserade's head. "Your Fate has already been written!" With those lasting words ringing through her mind, the Swallow Pokemon let out an Echoed Voice, with each cry let out another sob shook her frame. The Swellow repeated the attack... again and again... before finally letting the Roserade go...

    The horrid monster fell the the floor without another word. Written floated in the air, staring at the Machoke's innards, which were being eaten by the other undead. Tony...

    .... I'm sorry you didn't have a happy ending.

    Age : 37
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Suicune Tue Nov 08, 2011 10:15 pm

    Harbinger attack averted.
    Lilliana is still alive.


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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Nightfall Thu Nov 10, 2011 3:12 am

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    Blackthorn City/Dawn (2)

    So much was going on all at once that Rocket barely had the chance to take it all in. That was mostly because of the rather pissed off Roserade aiming a Razor Leaf at him. He barely dodged the move by using Dig. Burrowing his way through the ground, Rocket pinpointed the Roserade's location by sensing the vibrations coming from the surface. He felt one, strong shudder and surfaced only to hit ... the dead Roserade...?

    A Swellow wearing glasses hovered above the scene, apparently watching as the Machoke that he had seen before being torn apart by two Infected. He averted his eyes from the gruesome sight and instead glared up at the Swellow.

    "Thanks ... I guess ... but I could've sorted that out myself, y'know," he said. He moved a little closer and dropped his voice to a whisper to avoid gaining unwanted attention. "So ... are we the only normal ones around here? And why the hell are we even staying here, anyway? Let's scam while they're distracted!"

    Last edited by Saphira on Thu Jan 05, 2012 1:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Nov 12, 2011 3:36 pm

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    Blackthorne City | Dawn

    Bass looked out onto the ruins of Blackthorne City. It seemed that even this village had gone under. Even with the sun rising before him, painting the sky in such pale blends of pink and blue, it could do nothing to hide the scars of the ongoing virus.

    “Oh my...” The Torterra watched as a pair of Spearows dived down, onto the bloody mess of a mangled body, tearing deeper into its open carcass. Turning away from the gory sight, he could only wish that the pokemon had died as quickly and painlessly as possible...but from his own experiences, he doubted that was even possible.

    "Thanks ... I guess ... but I could've sorted that out myself, y'know," Okay...well, that was pretty unexpected...and loud. Bass whirled around toward the direction of the voice. Standing there, a few feet from the dead body, was a Gabite who appeared to be speaking to a hovering, glasses wearing, pencil holding Swellow. The weary Torterra had also taken notice of a Luxray, stalking the pair from within the cover of trees. From it’s predatory stance and lustful gaze, Bass could tell that it was looking for the perfect chance to take the two down and indulge in the slick feeling of their blood coating its paws and lips.

    A guttural growl erupted from his throat, as the Torterra made its way closer and closer to the infected beast. Disgust and rage clouded his vision as pieces of a once forgotten and painful memory surfaced from beneath the bonds that had kept them from coming out. ‘I’m not going to let your kind take away another precious life...Not on my watch!’ was the only thought that had rang from within his fragile mind as Bass let loose a rage filled Earthquake that was solely directed upon inflicting damage to the infected Luxray.

    Last edited by An Optimistic Pessimist on Tue Jan 03, 2012 9:19 pm; edited 1 time in total

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