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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Will you survive?


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    Age : 26
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Negative10 Tue Jun 19, 2012 5:56 pm

    [ooc: BAM. also permission to post now was given by OptPess]
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Route 45 | Dawn
    [Written: 38] [West: 3]

    The others soon arrived, worn out from the battle but adrenaline pushing them forward, and Written could only nod anxiously. It would only be a matter of time until the infected caught up to them - and who knows what would happen then? The Swellow shook her head to clear her thoughts. "Look up at that large tree right over there?" She pointed her beak towards the Douglas Fir. Her heart ached as she remembered seeing these magnificent trees during Christmas time; now, it seemed, that the very same tree will be saving their butts. "If we can aim a rather powerful attack, perchance like a Hyper Beam, towards its trunk, we can create a makeshift bridge across the crevice!"

    The idea was weighty, yes, but they had no other choice. They might have had one if they ran further south into Route 45, but they had chosen their course. It was futile to change it, especially now. Written in the Fates directed her attention towards Bass. "I know you have this attack, Bass. Now's a good time to use it!" She flew to the side of the tree that faced the river, slashing her foot along its rough bark and leaving behind a three-talon mark. "Hit right here, big guy, you can do it!"

    West Flame, on the other hand, was having a harder time believing this plan could actually follow through. What if the Hyper Beam hits somewhere else? The Umbreon was still panting from his rapid limp away from their battlefield, his chest constricting in pain from the long distance over here. If the Hyper Beam hit him, or worse the tree fell on him... well, let's just say he wouldn't have much of a chance. West Flame's body shook as exhaustion overpowered him, but he forced himself to stay afoot.

    He wasn't really in any position to cheer on Bass or voice his concerns, so West Flame held his tongue and backed away from the targeted tree. Flame of the West noticed the Eevee nearby, and with one last glance towards the Torterra, he limped his way over to the normal type. "Hello there... have you the slightest idea what is happening?" He cocked his head questioningly, before a bout of coughs took over his frail body, his frame shaking weakly. "Ngh!" He sagged as the coughs settled, his throat dry. "Let's just get across..." Before it's too late.

    [ooc: haha, OptPess is posts after me since the cycle just continues! :DD]

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:18 am

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    Route 45 | Dawn

    Son of a- They'd been walking through this godforsaken forest, blind and- well not so blind seeing as their cover had blown away some moments ago. But whatever! It got him and his passenger walking aimlessly around the goddamn forest path for a whole 20 minutes just to find the others. Did he mention he was getting cranky? No? Well he was. Why?! He just wanted to get out of this damn Route 45-and stop having to smack into trees that he remembered not seeing there moments earlier!

    'Goddammit! I've had enough of this- Oh look. There's the others.'

    Trotting up in glee and relief towards the group, Bass was able to make out a simple-

    "If we can aim a rather powerful attack, perchance like a Hyper Beam, towards its trunk, we can create a makeshift bridge across the crevice!"

    Yes....YESSS! IT WAS HIS TIME TO SHINE! Again. But regardless, he got to play badass hero once more, so it was all cool.

    "I know you have this attack, Bass. Now's a good time to use it!" The giant Tortoise watched as their very own Queen Bee flew off to the side of the tree that faced the river, to which she marked with her fucking scary talons. "Hit right here, big guy, you can do it!"

    "Yes Ma'am!" And so with that the Torterra charged, charged with all his might until he felt that ever so familiar tingle shoot down his tree and spine.

    "All hands on deck! This ship's about to blow!" And just like that, his Hyper Beam shot off, right at the bulls-eye. All the while, Bass could only hope that it didn't manage to whack poor ol' Written, just like last time.

    ((ooc: short post is short-ish))

    Age : 28
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Catalyst Wed Jun 27, 2012 7:49 pm

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    | Route 45 // Dawn |

    Wolfe saw that Rio has fallen unconscious. He still had his protect up. They should at least find shelter through this sand storm.... He quickly picked her up, rushing her over to the side of the Route to where there was no sand flying about. He hissed mentally. "Damn them...." He placed the lion on the ground, looking at her purple fur. She was so soft.... He leaned down, nudging her muzzle with his nose. He stood up, looking around for any kind of berry to help heal her. He spotted a Sitrus berry bush a few feet off. How lucky. He took some, taking a few for himself. He never would have shared otherwise, but she... he liked her. He knelt down, putting another tiny pile of them in front of her nose. He waited for her to wake up, watching out for any other pokemon to come around.


    (OoC: Short boring post is short and boring. |D)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 26
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Negative10 Sun Jul 01, 2012 8:18 pm

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    Route 45 | Morning
    [Written: 39] [West: 4]

    It was really startling for the blue bird as pure power focused into one large beam exited the Torterra's mouth, flinching backward as she remembered the last time she was hit with a Hyper Beam (by the same Pokemon too!). Written swerved away from the collapsing tree, hearing the branches and leaves swish as gravity took affect. She watched in expectant silence as the tree slammed downward with a thud, although she wouldn't have felt any tremors that tree might have caused. The advantage of flight! Written smiled, looking across the chasm and realizing that the tree had gladly played as a sturdy makeshift bridge.

    "Alrighty, everyone! Let's go!" She cawed in delight, the optimism of their good luck getting to her. It was just moments ago that she felt she was watching Bass sink down the river, watching Derek getting mauled, watching Vladimir leave without looking back. It felt so long ago that she had been a Taillow, or killing a Roserade in revenge for the martyred Machoke. Written in the Fates sighed as she looked at her remaining companions, fearing the worst for them. Just how much more could each of them go before they reached their limit? She ruffled her feathers, landing momentarily next to West Flame with a small smile. "Need me to fly you across again?" Written breathed a chuckle, resting a wing on her friend before taking flight and swooping across the gap easily.

    She felt herself embrace the fact that she had grown on all of these Pokemon that were around her. Bass and his childishness, Rocket and his willingness to defend others - there were the others that she had yet to meet and become acquainted with, but the fact that they hadn't killed her in the battle beforehand assures her enough that she can trust them. The sun now rising slowly, Written took in a deep breath. It was a new day for all of them, another passing of the earth's rotation. Thinking about it in that perspective, all her troubles seemed to small and trivial compared to the workings of the universe. We'll get through this. I know it.

    "I can get across myself, thanks!" West Flame answered, flicking his ears submissively despite knowing that Written thought of them on equal ground. The truth was, however, was that they weren't; she could glide anywhere in the world, and he was limited to the ground, even more so with his horrid endurance. The Umbreon gave himself a shake, smiling at Bass. The large Continent Pokemon was intimidating in size, but his carefree nature made him approachable. Licking his chest to relieve his jitters, West Flame padded up next to the Torterra.

    "I'm uh, West Flame... I saw you being drowned back then." Flame's voiced hitched in his throat as he realized what he had just said, his mind reeling as he fumbled with his tongue. "I mean- it's not that I thought you died or anything - I'm pretty sure you would have found a way - not that I doubted you would...! Good job on hitting the tree!" He sighed in exasperation, flicking his paw in annoyance. He had just screwed up big time. With a resigned nod of farewell, the embarrassed West Flame sulked away, climbing onto the log precariously, before finding his footing and beginning to walk along. He had to swerve around a few branches, but otherwise the tree didn't even budge or allow any signal that it might give way. "Wait up, Written!" He said, picking up his pace.

    Age : 31
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Nightfall Sat Jul 07, 2012 3:30 pm

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    Route 45/Morning (26)

    Rocket watched with a slight pang of jealousy as Bass let loose a massive Hyper Beam and knocked over the tree without difficulty. He doubted that his strongest attack, Iron Tail, could've done such a thing right away. Just a bit longer ... Then you'll be knocking down more than just trees, he thought with a smirk, glancing back over his shoulder at the way they had come. In a way he hoped that the two undead would catch up just so he could have a go at throwing them into the ravine, but at the same time he knew that the group couldn't put up with many more attacks. Luxray#2 was already injured as it was.

    "Alrighty, everyone! Let's go!" Written cried out before flying over to West Flame and asking him if he wanted to be carried, to which the Umbreon said no. Rocket secretly hoped that she would offer him a lift instead just so he didn't have to totter across that uneven tree, but she never did. Damn it... He hated heights, and even though he tried to keep it hidden before, he wasn't sure if he could do this without giving them some sort of hint.

    "You guys go on ahead," he said to everyone. "I'll, er, stand here and keep watch. I'll follow you over, OK?" He genuinely meant to keep a lookout for those two crazies, but at the same time he just wanted to delay having to cross that bridge over such a massive drop. If he lost his footing it would've been a heart attack that would've killed him, not the pebbled ground below. With a gulp of the inevitable that was to come, he stood back and waited for everyone else to get on before he did.

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jul 11, 2012 12:29 am

    ((ooc: pls skip))

    Age : 28
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Catalyst Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:06 pm

    (OoC: Gotta skip. |3 He's just waiting for Rio to wake up.)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jul 19, 2012 2:38 am

    ((OoC Skip for now please >.< Just say that she sprinted over the newly made bridge))

    Age : 26
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Negative10 Sun Jul 22, 2012 9:53 pm

    [ooc: sorry for the late reply orz"" On the bright side, I have my own laptop!! 8D]
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Just Outside Blackthorne City | Morning
    [Written: 40] [West: 5]

    Written glided over the gap with ease, landing on the other side where the trees thinned out as the strip of land lead into Blackthorne City. A shiver of recognition spread through the Swellow as she looked at the sand that laid throughout the entire city, remembering Rocket's vicious Sandstorm that helped them escape from the undead at one point. Preening her feathers anxiously, she took in surveillance the rest of the town quietly. The Pokemon Center had a gaping hole on its side from the time Bass had released a Hyper Beam and she had gotten in the way. Not something I'd like to take on again...! She tweeted at the bittersweet memory (it was bitter because Arceus that hurt! But really sweet that even though they hadn't known each other for long Bass didn't think twice to help). Blood lay everywhere from the excessive killing that had taken place here, and after a quick glance back to her teammates crossing the bridge - Rocket, being the pseudo-gentleman that he was, taking the back - Written in the Fates entered Blackthorne City to properly mourn the loss of a friend.

    By the time West Flame had hopped off the other end of the tree, he was gasping for air heavily, his lungs aflame. Eck... The Umbreon raised his chin however, refusing to show that he was much weaker than he already was. Shuffling his paws tiredly, he laid on the ground for a while as he got his breath back, his mind still reeling from the events that had occurred. An Eevee - eaten alive! That could have easily been me...! The fact that he had very few defense mechanisms meant that he wouldn't have survived that battle alone. Flame of the West flicked his ears submissively, realizing that he would have to depend on the others much more than he wanted to. He simply didn't want to be a hassle, or a weight that everyone forced themselves to carry. West Flame grit his teeth in frustration, hauling himself up to his paws despite his screaming muscles. He could rest later, maybe, but at the moment he had to help Written, whom he had noticed had gone into the city. You'd think that if she put so much effort to get all of us across she'd wait and make sure we did! He thought fondly of the bird, walking (slowly, oh his weak muscles) up to Blackthorne City. He was about to pad up to Written, perhaps ask what the next line of order was going to be, when he noticed that the bird was leaning over a mutilated body... West Flame stayed where he was, knowing that there was a fine line between asking out of concern and letting things play out by themselves.

    "I'm sorry, Tony. So, so, sorry." she whispered in a choked voice, her emotions getting the best of her. What did the Machoke deserve to be killed so brutally? Why hadn't she done anything? Why didn't she come to the humanoid Pokemon's rescue? Why did the epidemic have to claim this life, out of all the others? Out of all the Pokemon, it had to be the first living, breathing friend that she had made since she first set out on her journey to find her Muse. Written shook her head incessantly, not wanting the tears to fall as she looked at the destroyed body of the Machoke. Oh Arceus, he died right in front of me... The images flashed to the Roserade and the Zebstrika, and Rionnah herself, as they stood around the body and eating him in pleasure. The scene was burned into her memory, reminding her how easily her friends could be taken from her. And how much I have to do to keep them with me. Her sadness slowly faded into a reaffirmed promise to herself, that she would do everything in her will to keep the teammates and friends that had slowly healed the wound on her heart.

    Written pressed her wing atop of Tony's chest (or what was left of it), closing her eyes in prayer. I'll never forget you, Tony. She gave one last final breath, before she gave a small nod. But I can't mourn for you forever. While the Machoke's death was in particular mentally scarring, it also taught her a lesson that she wouldn't and couldn't forget; that if she wanted ends to meet in the time of an epidemic, Written would have to continually stretch her boundaries. I... Her reasons for keeping with the group had changed so very often and so very quickly. When she had first arrived she had tagged along mostly for selfish reasons, wanting to find her Muse as her Elder Author had instructed, planning to leave once she found it. Once the first of them fell, she had evolved in vengeance and struck out in her anger, and after that Written had lead the group to safety, because she had no other choice. A fight with birds and another death later, the Swellow had found herself staying with the group because she wanted to. And there's a huge difference between having to stay together and wanting to. Written withdrew her wing, and gave one last look at the dead body of her friend.

    Age : 31
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Nightfall Mon Jul 23, 2012 3:55 pm

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    Outskirts of Blackthorn City/Morning (27)

    With a nod of his head and a nervous, shuddering sigh, Rocket acknowledged that everybody had gotten across safely. He tried to calm his nerves by telling himself that if that tree trunk could support the weight of Bass without crumbling to pieces, then surely he'd be fine. "OOOOOOOK ... All right, let's goooo!" he said cheerfully, trying to muster the courage to even step on the damn thing.

    Eventually he managed to place one foot on the log, then the other. Very slowly he began to maneuver his way across. Don't look down... he repeatedly told himself. Once he reached the middle he wobbled slightly and had to quickly dig his claws into the bark to stop himself falling off. Shit! He sneaked in a glance at the fall he'd just evaded -- DON'T LOOK DOWN! -- before deciding to take a chance and run the rest of the way just so he could get off there. Shitshitshit-- He charged across and leaped the last few feet, landing face-first in the dirt on the other side.

    Blackthorn City

    Clearing his throat and quickly getting to his feet, Rocket spat some dirt out of his mouth and turned back to the fallen tree. "Better make sure those two crazies can't follow us," he said, hitting the base of the log with an Iron Tail. With a groan the tree hurtled downwards into the ravine, landing in the river with a huge splash.

    He turned back towards the desolate city and saw Written standing next to the body of the friend she had just lost when Rocket had met her. The Machoke, unless he was mistaken. The look of sorrow on the Swellow's face as she turned back round tugged on Rocket's heartstrings. Damn ... and I thought I'd been through a lot... He wandered over to her, trying not to look at her stricken face, and placed his fin on her back and gently patted her for comfort. "It'll be OK," he whispered so that only she could hear. "Just ... I ... just trust me, OK? I'll make sure that nothing like this happens to you again, all right?"

    With a final pat he quickly abandoned his new soft-guy facade and started to march back in the direction of the others. "Right, well it's about time!" he roared, throwing his fins up in the air. "So does anyone know their way around this place?"

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jul 26, 2012 2:05 am

    ((ooc: skip pls. sorry im not being helpful at all, I honestly can't write a proper post without it sounding like shit. just say Bass supplies little to no help about where to go around blackthorne and that hell just follow along with the group))

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jul 26, 2012 3:08 pm

    ((OoC; Please skip >.<))

    Age : 26
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Negative10 Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:07 am

    [ooc: =o=" I had to rewrite this thing like 3 times because I kept losing it dfjalkdf]
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    Blackthorne City | Morning
    [Written: 41] [West: 6]

    Flame of the West felt slight guilt twinge at his heart as he realized that while he had stayed put, the Gabite had gone forth and comforted the mourning Written. But with a moment passed, he flicked his ears and nodded his head - the technicalities were in the past now, and what mattered was that she did have someone who comforted her. The Umbreon limped towards the Eevee, a small smile on his face. "Never quite got your name, little one. I'm West Flame." He did a small bow, his raspy voice coming out quite strong despite his breathing problems. Maybe he could get by with this group, maybe he could learn to be a better teammate, not only be a hindrance but a supporter. Just maybe. His head turned as the dragon asked if they knew their way around.

    "Can't say I do," West Flame replied with a negative, glancing around the empty city. This place was a wreck, though it was obvious that many things had occurred here. Though it seems best not to mention it... He thought to himself as he glanced towards one certain bird. "Though there is the Dragon's Den. I've heard that the elders had stayed there for months and even years at a time, so they often stocked up on supplies like food and other treasures." The Moonlight Pokemon's stomach gave a small grumble at the thought of food, and it took all his might not to look sheepish. "It stands to mention that it's the Dragon's Den. We're bound to face a strong opponent in there." A shiver passed through him as he realized that he would be the weak link if they found an offender in the water-based cavern.

    "It'll be okay." Written wasn't too surprised as she heard Rocket's voice and felt a pressure against her back. "Just ... I ... just trust me, okay? I'll make sure that nothing like this happens to you again, all right?" The bird drew her wings to her side, pushing her glasses upward with a wry smile of thanks on her face. They had gone through so much as a whole, battered by enemies and thrown aside by the worst. They had lost so much, but had gained so much in return - it was a miracle that she was even given the chance to mourn, or that she had found such a great group who supported her. If I were in an epidemic, I wouldn't have liked to be facing it with anyone else but those around me right now. Written turned away from Tony's body with finality and hopped after Rocket as he questioned the others.

    As the others discussed amongst themselves, the Swellow spoke to the Gabite. "Hey... remember way back then, when you said that you owed me a favor?" Written in the Fates continued to look ahead and watch her friends talk about the Dragon's Den, how they might be able to salvage supplies. "Well, I want you to promise me... that nothing'll ever happen. To you, I mean. I don't want-" Her voice cracked involuntarily, and she clenched her pencil timidly in mild embarrassment. "I don't want to lose another friend." But as she pondered upon it, Written realized that Rocket was more than a friend. He was a part of her family now, someone whom she's come to rely on for support. Ruffling her feathers, she gave a chuckle and gave an earnest look at the Gabite before hopping forward to be within everyone's view.

    "First things first! Everyone doesn't know everyone here, so we should start with introductions," Written cawed, looking at their band of misfits. "My name's Written in the Fates, Written for short." It almost felt like a new beginning, as she told everyone her name. It was like she had been given a new set of eyes and a new mindset on the situation. This time it's different. They weren't as weak as they were before, and she had matured in ways that she couldn't describe. Whatever came their way... with a glance to Rocket, than to Bass, than to West Flame and the Eevee, Written knew they would get through it together.

    Age : 31
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Nightfall Sat Jul 28, 2012 3:01 pm

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    Blackthorn City/Morning (28)

    "Can't say I do," the Umbreon replied, glancing around him at the half-ruined city. "Though there is the Dragon's Den. I've heard that the elders had stayed there for months and even years at a time, so they often stocked up on supplies like food and other treasures." "Dragon's Den, huh?" Rocket's mouth curled into an excited grin. "That sounds like my kinda place." Not only because of the name did it sound inviting, but because of the mention of something to eat. He was starting to get pretty damn hungry ... not to mention a tad tired after spending the night traversing dangerous cliffs, exploring undead-infested caves and batting with two mad zombies. "It stands to mention that it's the Dragon's Den. We're bound to face a strong opponent in there," the Dark-type added. Rocket's grin only broadened at these words. "Bring 'em on. The more battles I get into, the better."

    While the others began discussing the potential new area to explore, Rocket wandered off into his own thoughts for a while. He'd inwardly regretted knocking the tree down the ravine since now there was no way (or very little possibility) that Rionnah and Wolfe could follow them. He had a score to settle with those two and wanted nothing more than to take down the huge Garchomp and prove his strength. But I suppose if Dragon's Den has tough opponents, I won't need to worry about them, he thought, looking back over at the trees and rocks on the other side of the canyon.

    He snapped out of his thoughts just in time to see Written standing next to him again. "Hey... remember way back then, when you said that you owed me a favor?" "Sure do," Rocket immediately answered. "What do you need?" But the Swellow's next few words surprised him a little. "Well, I want you to promise me... that nothing'll ever happen. To you, I mean. I don't want-" She paused as her voice cracked; Rocket took a step closer to her and raised his fin to comfort her again, but she quickly recovered. "I don't want to lose another friend."

    It took Rocket a moment or two to reply. Never had he met somebody who had cared about him so much. He was lucky if they even referred to him as a friend. Looking into the Flying-type's eyes he could see her sadness and that her words were genuine. He stared at her for a moment before grinning broadly. "Hehe, don't you worry. Nothing's ever gonna kill me," he said, giving the Swellow a final pat to indicate that he wasn't just joking around.

    Written then hoped back to the rest of the group and suggested that they all introduce themselves. Rocket waited for her to finish and then looked to the Umbreon, the Eevee and then the other Luxray, who hadn't moved in a while. "The name's Rocket."

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 29, 2012 7:27 am

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    Blackthorn City | Dawn (6)

    Shaina was finaly starting to calm down over the little joke the dragon-type had made on her. She had for one moment seen herself in the claw of the big one... She shuddered at the thought. Then the Umbreon came over to her slowly. "Never quite got your name, little one. I'm West Flame." She smiled back, but didn't have time to reply before he spoke up again to the whole group.
    "Can't say I do,Though there is the Dragon's Den. I've heard that the elders had stayed there for months and even years at a time, so they often stocked up on supplies like food and other treasures. It stands to mention that it's the Dragon's Den. We're bound to face a strong opponent in there."

    She wondered for a sec what he was speaking about, her heart had been racing in her chest, witch had made her miss a question it seemed. The dragon type replied to the Umbreon, but Shaina was more curious about what the bird had sanded at some seconds ago was.

    "First things first! Everyone doesn't know everyone here, so we should start with introductions. My name's Written in the Fates, Written for short." Written huh? Fitted her since she was carrying that... Pencil was it? "The name's Rocket." She smiled at both of them, before replying carefully "My name's Shaina... It's nice meeting you all..." She smiled at the situation. For the first time in a while, she was between others she trusted.

    Age : 26
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Negative10 Wed Aug 01, 2012 1:24 am

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    Blackthorne City | Morning
    [Written: 42] [West: 7]

    West Flame gave a nod as Written introduced herself, already knowing her name. He looked discreetly back to the area just a little ways away where he had laid on the ground in exhaustion, remembering that the bird had landed heavily nearby, gasping for breath and tired - and yet she offered to lift him across without another thought. The Umbreon shook his head as he brought his attention back to the group, flicking his ears at Rocket's and Shaina's introductions. "West Flame." He said firmly, not wanting to seem weak in front of the other Pokemon. Flame of the West cocked his head to the side, seeing that Bass had not spoken up - maybe the Torterra was taking his time to make a proper greeting? His eyes caught sight of a purple Luxray within the tree of the Continent Pokemon, and in slight surprise West Flame wondered what she might be doing there. Best not to bring it up if the others aren't...!

    "Hehe, don't you worry. Nothing's ever gonna kill me."

    Written in the Fates could only grin at his words, ruffling her feathers as she listened with intent at the others names. While at the front she appeared rather relaxed and at ease, her mind was almost suspicious of how peaceful the area had been. Curse the time she had spent with this group, but the Swellow wasn't used to the un-calamity that was happening. Her head jerked to the side, her gaze looking directly at the cave's mouth that would lead into the Dragon's Den. As West Flame warned, they were certain to find an opposing force, and be plunged into battle yet again. A shiver of anticipation passed through Written, and it shocked her that she wasn't at all disgusted to the fact of shedding blood or killing anymore.

    "All right. I don't really like sticking to one place, so here's the plan in layman's terms," Written held her pencil expertly in her right talon, dragging the miniature writing device along the ground. In a few moments she had drawn a rocky circle and a box near one of the edges. "See that box? That's the Den. It's on the opposite side of the cave." With a cluck of her tongue she placed six dots within the box. "If we watch each others back and stick together, I think we're set!" Written in the Fates ended her little instruction with a wave of her wing, raising her head as she awaited everyone's response.

    West Flame was once again brought back to their discussion as Written called for all of them, making a drawing on the ground of a circle and a square. He sat on his hind legs, drawing his tail over his paws as he took in her words and weighing them carefully. 'Watching each others backs' and 'sticking together' isn't exactly a plan... The Umbreon's ears flicked at the vague plan, wondering if this was a joke. When Written didn't place any further input, he realized that she was serious and very deliberate about her plan being in "layman's terms". The old Moonlight Pokemon gave a small sigh, voicing his opinion. "I suppose it'll work itself out when the time comes."

    Age : 31
    Posts : 2481

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Nightfall Wed Aug 01, 2012 2:15 pm

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    Blackthorn City/Morning (29)

    Rocket grinned and nodded at Shaina as the little Eevee introduced herself. Hearing her name for the first time after they had already gotten acquainted was strange. Still, it wasn't as if they'd been given any time for introductions until now. The Umbreon said very bluntly that his name was West Flame. Rocket nodded to him, but by then his grin had faded.

    Written then started to draw a map of some sort in the dirt. Rocket twisted his head a little and scratched his cheek as he tried to decipher it. "See that box? That's the Den. It's on the opposite side of the cave," the Swellow said, poking her pencil into the dirt and puncturing six dots inside the box. "If we watch each others back and stick together, I think we're set!"

    "I'm ready whenever you are," said Rocket, swinging his fins back and forth to try and energise himself. He didn't want to be the first to admit that he was tired out and would prefer a rest for a while. They'd think he was a wimp for sure. He looked northwards up at the mountains and suppressed an excited laugh to himself. This is going to be awesome.
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    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Aug 11, 2012 6:18 am

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    Blackthorn City | Dawn (7)

    Shaina was listening to what was going on. She didn't understand much of it, but it seemed to be something about backing each other up. She wasn't really up to it as the others said they where ready to go. She was about to say something when someone else spoke up. The purple one.

    "I-if we are s-saying names.... I am Amber."

    She slowly turned her head. When she saw who had spoken, she ran behind Rocket to shield herself, shaking because of how scared she was. She didn't even look to see if they where looking at her as the fearful little one she was.
    ((OoC; Sorry for not realising it was my turn ^^;))

    Age : 26
    Posts : 1035

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Negative10 Tue Aug 14, 2012 11:56 am

    [ooc: low on inspiration ffff]
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Blackthorne City | Morning
    [Written: 43] [West: 8]

    It seemed they were all about ready and set to go, when the Luxray spoke up from within Bass' tree. Oh? Now that she recalled, Bass had caught the friendly purple feline within his tree back in the battle, and off they had went, and in their flight Written had forgotten 'Amber' was still atop the Torterra's tree. Ruffling her feathers, the Swellow cooed softly, waving a wing in welcome. "Hello there. I dunno if you were awake, but in short we were just heading over to the Dragon's Den." The sun was steadily rising, and with that her nerves were beginning to calm down. Now they might actually get by without having to fight for their lives. "Would you like to come, Amber?"

    West Flame's eyes snapped back to Bass' tree when a voice sounded, and he was once again surprised by the purple Luxray. Written seemed to be inertly kind to the timid electric type, but he noticed in a flash of brown that Shaina had taken cover behind Rocket. What's the possibility of finding two purple Luxrays? Apparently just enough for it to actually happen. The Umbreon flicked his ears, scooting himself just slightly over to the Eevee. "Hey... I don't think she'll eat us, it's gonna be okay." He coughed awkwardly, not entirely sure how to comfort someone.

    Age : 31
    Posts : 2481

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Nightfall Wed Aug 15, 2012 12:12 pm

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    Blackthorn City/Morning (30)

    Rocket was starting to get tired of waiting when an expression of surprise from behind him forced him to turn round. Lo and behold, Sleeping Beauty had finally woken up. The Gabite's eyes narrowed into a glare as he watched the Luxray wobbled to her feet on Bass's back. Even though she was relatively sane she was still one of them. That thought alone urged Rocket to lunge at her and slice her throat open, but he knew he had to restrain himself. He'd no doubt cause an uproar if he attacked, seeing as everyone else was treating her with hospitality for some reason.

    "I-if we are s-saying names.... I am Amber," she said, twitching her lips nervously. He simply looked at her for a moment before muttering, "Rocket," and then turned back towards the mountains in the north. He saw Shaina cowering behind him and lowered his head to the little Eevee and whispered, "Chill out, I've got my eye on that one. I won't let her hurt anyone." Raising it again, he jumped up into the air and waved his fins about, his impatience to get going finally taking over. "C'mon already, let's go! We haven't got all year!" Without waiting for a reply he ran off in the direction of Dragon's Den. "Keep up!"

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:36 am

    ((OOC: im so sorry pls skip))

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Aug 19, 2012 4:46 am

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    Blackthorn City | Dawn (8)

    She carefully looked up as West came over to her. "Hey... I don't think she'll eat us, it's gonna be okay." he seemed awkward when he spoke. She guessed on he wasn't used to try and comfort someone, but she felt a bit better knowing he cared about her. "Chill out, I've got my eye on that one. I won't let her hurt anyone." She looked up at Rocket. He seemly didn't trust her. Well, that was at least a comfort. She slowly got up and out again, still shaking a bit though. She then decided to keep close to at least one of the others at all times. But for now, she would try to calm down. "C'mon already, let's go! We haven't got all year! Keep up!" It was Rocket, and he was now heading towards the Dragon's Den. Shaina quickly followed, not wanting to be left behind.

    The BLACKTHORNE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The BLACKTHORNE Team

    Post by Guest Tue Aug 21, 2012 3:15 pm

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    Maria/Harry - Blackthorne City || Morning
    - -- ---1 || 1--- -- -

    Each breath given must be even with each step. One must be calm and mild in every situation in order to get out of it. Play along with the rules of the game, until that one rulebreaker is found and taken care of. The Mightyena paused as the duo finally left the cold grip of the Ice caves. He glanced in every direction, not a sound to be heard. But the smell was strong, the smell of death and decay, yet somewhere mingled some other living scents. There's a group nearby. He would ignore them honestly, just as he did with the last several groups. This isn't a safe place. Then again, nowhere is safe. No matter where they ran, there was Undead. To top it of off... Harry glanced worryingly at the Umbreon that stared blankly on the ground. She has been like this ever since she witnessed the death of that living Ponyta. Along the way, they came across a Ponyta, who ended up as a snack for Undead. It's not like Harry cared about other living, but Maria's reaction to it... He shook his head, they barely got sleep last night, now would be a good time for shelter. Weird it was for them; Sleep by day, flee at night. But the daytime was much more easier to sleep in than night.

    Blood, the way the blood splattered on the cave ways. The way the Ponyta whinnied, screeching for help. Harry stopped Maria from rescuing that Ponyta in order to protect the Moonlight Pokemon. She knew it was for her own good, and she couldn't bring herself to blame it on him. But why couldn't she rescue the Fire-type?... It came to her realization that she was staring at the ground. She blinked, slowly moving her gaze from the barren land to the ruffled black pelt that belonged to the Mightyena. He was staring right back at her with his piercing crimson-red eyes. Maria flinched, diverting her eyes away from him. Harry gave a snort in amusement, he must really like watching her get embarrassed. "What do you want?" She scoffed.

    Harry grinned at the city ruins, "Well I'm letting you decide where to take shelter first," He paused, turning back to the Umbreon, "I'll take watch, so feel free to pick the most open spot, stupid" The look on the Moonlight Pokemon's appalled face amused the Mightyena greatly. He gave a flick on her head with his tail as he slowly padded forward, scanning the area for those hungry red eyes or blood. Maria following quietly just as she always has. At least she wasn't thinking about the Ponyta anymore... It could lurk in the corner of her thoughts, but for now, she's probably focused on a way to retaliate the Bite Pokemon. The grin still stayed in his place, the Umbreon's reactions were so predictable, but it was hilarious how she brings them out. Harry paused as he turned the corner, the group of living is dangerously close. He glanced over at Maria whom just stared back with a rose brow.

    "What's wrong Harry?" She gulped, lowering her head. She held her gaze with him, the Mightyena glance worryingly over the corner and back at the Umbreon. He wouldn't dare lie. Maria knows damn well he wouldn't lie. "Well... There's a group of living around the corner... But don't you dare get near them!" He added the last part hastily. Maria knitted her brows, why not? She always preferred more company. Though honestly, she wasn't the social type, she felt more safe with other Pokemon around. Harry was fine, but sometimes she worried he might overdo it a bit someday... A frown formed at the edge of her lips, "And why not?" However, instead of following up like he would usually do, he stood his ground, intimidating the Umbreon as he took a step closer, "They don't know us, we don't know them. They could be dangerous." And that was it. There goes meeting the group. She heavily sighed, a deep breath of anger let out that is soon replaced with disappointment. They never met anyone else, Harry was so overprotective that he refuses to let Maria meet up with others.

    "C'mon already, let's go! We haven't got all year! Keep up!" The Mightyena broke the intense stare-off between them as he turned around to check if the group of living was still there. He couldn't quite see well, but he could definitely make out shapes, they were heading towards the cave probably. This was Harry's hometown afterall... He glanced around the area, so much has changed... this was the power of the Epidemic. He felt no sorrow towards the town, all it did was bring bad memories. Harry never honestly told Maria anything about his past life, and she told him lots of her's... It was unfair in her point-of-view, but this was for the best. Some things are best left forgotten and not known. It was by then did realization struck him like a lightning bolt as he stared at the group, could they smell him?... No way, he hid is smell too well back in the Ice Caves... But what about Maria? The Mightyena turned around to question the Umbreon, only to see her presence gone.

    Maria ran for it, for the first time, she ran from Harry. It wasn't because of a life-or-death situation, all because she wanted to meet the others. Screw you Harry! Just screw you! The Umbreon was still running towards the group of living, the Mightyena was actually following behind her closely. Shit. "WAI-!" She called out, only to be cut off by Harry as he tackled her down. Right in front of the group, they skidded to a halt. Dust left in their wake as Harry was ready to nag the Moonlight Pokemon on meeting others until realization struck him as they were in front of the group. The Bite Pokemon staring at all of them dumbfoundedly. Maria, you are in DEEEEP shit now. Immediately she got up from under Harry, hiding shyly behind him as she bowed politely, "H-hello..."

    [Ooc: Fuq da police]
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