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6 posters

    The S.S. ANNE Team

    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 29
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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Snitch Fri Jan 25, 2013 8:22 am

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    S.S. Anne | B Deck | Twilight [6]

    "If you want to charge in headfirst into a battle with a foe you don't know, sure,"

    Yolanda snorted at the brusque, but admittedly rational response, squirming out of her mate’s grasp. Obviously they’d been blessed with the company of a complete stick-in-the-mud. She wasn’t surprised. The Umbreon was a grouchy, loner – no wonder he didn’t know how to inject a little excitement into his miserable existence. The Lopunny pitied him.
    “Coward,” She muttered huffily as the dark-type darted away. She was growing increasingly accustomed to his tendency to disappear without explanation, left watching after him as the group gradually followed. Ringo nudged her arm reassuringly, his characteristically lax smile hanging off his scruffy features.
    “I ain’t running,” The Ampharos grinned, hooking his arm about the female’s waist as they followed at their own pace. Airy laughter and soft voices bounced off the ship walls throughout the journey, the two thoroughly enamoured with one another’s company.

    "The fuck is this shit? Looks like a shaved Skitty! No... More like a shaved Rattata. Hey! HEY, you! Wake yo lazy ass up!"

    Ringo and Yolanda emerged on top deck to a most peculiar sight. Everyone but the loudmouth Ninetales was stood, bewildered at the sight of a pink bubble – a ‘shaved Skitty’ resting within. The electric-type frowned at the sight of the creature, an incredible aura radiating from its small form until his jaw opened in realization.
    “…Is that… Mew?” Yolanda, sharing his disbelief, spoke softly. The Lopunny looked to her mate, half-concerned by the way the fox seemed intent on getting a reaction from the sleeping legend. “You think it’d…. do something…” Ringo nodded his head limply, distracted by the surreal sight before him – the Ninetales now in the process of pushing the creature from the boat. But Honey Bunny had a point. Why was this all-powerful being accepting such treatment?
    “Some legend…” Ringo huffed in response, the duo keeping their distance – watching from afar with a combination of fear, curiosity and twisted excitement.

    Age : 29
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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Jan 27, 2013 1:17 am

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    S.S. Anne [B Deck] | Night
    1 | 1

    The darkness of the halls was no deterrent for the Flareon as she marched through with heavy paw-steps. Her plan to ditch the trailing child here had gone awry, and unfortunately she had no back up for it. "Diana Diana look at this need thing I found on the floor! What is it Diana?" A nerve pounded hard against her skull at the Umbreons voice. The pot he was pawing at echoed through the empty halls like water dripping in a cave. "You were supposed to get lost on this boat, not me."

    Completely ignoring the anger in his companion the child simply smiled back to her. "But now we're lost together, that's much more fun!" Sliding the pot closer to the Flareon, he asked again "What is this thing Diana?" With a heavy sigh she knew that he would only stop asking if he got an answer. "Its called a fucking pot, humans cook food in it. Dont ask me again."

    Batting blue eyes at the thing the Umbreon's curiosity only intensified. "Cook food? Why would they cook it, it tastes so much better wi-" He was cut off as an orange face snapped its fangs closed mere whiskers length away from his own. With her lips drawn back in a snarl the fire types teeth glinted against Jacobi's pulsating rings. "What did I just fucking say?"

    Jacobi couldn't help but laugh that the way the light bounced off her face. "Hehe, okay okay." This only seemed to irritate her farther as Diana turned and strutted away, Doesn't listen to a damn thing you say." lolling off her tongue. The smaller Umbreon kicked his toy away to chase after her. He may emit light but being alone in a dark foreign place wasn't on his list of things there were a good time.

    Diana, much to her dismay, could hear his clunky paws stumbling down the hall after her. This did not interest her. There was voices ahead, echoing through the corridor from some place further on. Each of the stupid kits steps though distorted the sound, making it was impossible to tell were it was coming from even when the path was a straight line.

    How many voices? Two, three, four? How many Pokemon was she walking up to? With one last, "Diannaaaa~!" the Flareon spat a small puff of fire toward the child which brightened the space for a few moments with orange light. "Would you just shut the hell up for a moment? We're not alone. Unless you want to be whats cooked in that pot you'd better keep your fucking mouth shut."

    Posts : 1464

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Mew Sun Jan 27, 2013 1:45 am

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    SouthWest of the S.S. Anne| Twilight
    Post 20

    "Thump.... thump...."
    Mew's eyes fluttered under her closed eyelids as her dream was filled with the sound of a giant's steps. "Thump.....THUMP" Her world rocked, and she jolted back to the waking world as reality spun and rolled around her. "Like a shaved RATATTA" a voice sneered harshly, and her world rolled aroud her once more.
    Mew gathered herself for a brief moment, letting the situation sink in. For all her thoughts of safety, one of the Monsters had found her even here.
    "...That is quite ENOUGH" She screamed, letting the bubble collapse in a blinding flash of light, and she lifted the creature into the air with a Psychic attack, eyes blazing with burning energy. "I'm SICK OF YOU LOT" she yelled, as she flung him across the deck against a smokestack, a sickening thump of flesh on metal sounding over the ship. Only then did she notice the other members of the group standing around her, fearful looks in their eyes as they beheld her, and her rage for the first time.

    [Permission was given by Ciana to throw/injure her critter
    If there are any issues, please inform me and I'll edit accordingly]


    Maintainence/Coding Admin
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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Jan 27, 2013 7:27 am

    Post 9

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    The S.S. Anne| B Deck| Night

    The logical thing would have been to analyze it, be cautious, be hidden and watch any reactions. But, no. No, Dmitri's company was blessed with vaccums for minds, the deep, abyssal voids inside of their useless skulls sucking in any sort of intelligence and rationale down, down, down into oblivion, never to be seen again. Dmitri could hardly believe it when the ninetales just starting kicking and insulting the mystery pokemon in the bubble, and the umbreon was left stunned, too dumbfounded to even scold the stupid fox for doing so. His eye and lip twitched, and for a moment, he was rather sure he'd die right there of an aneurism."The fuck is this shit? Looks like a shaved Skitty! No... More like a shaved Rattata. Hey! HEY, you! Wake yo lazy ass up!"

    “…Is that… Mew?” Dmitri turned to see the others stacked behind him on the stair, Honey Bunny's face filled with confusion herself. ...Mew? It couldn't be... There'd always been whispers and dark tales of Legends, but the umbreon had always dismissed them as old wives' tales. Stories to give false hope to the suffering and an excuse for the powerful. And... this fetus-like thing was it? “You think it’d…. do something…” Her mate nodded, his expression matching her own. “Some legend…”

    "You can't be serious..." Dmitri mumbled, whether or not to himself or the others remaining a mystery to even himself. There was a Legend, here, and that fucking ninetales was kicking it!? Dmitri could only watch, helpless to such idiocy, as the fox continued his rant. His eyes widened as they caught a glimpse of the otehr pokemon's with in the bubble, the large, cerulean orbs suddenly very visible. "Moron--!" Dmitri shouted, but was drowned out by the fox's careless shouting. "Well FINE! Screw you, too, fucking dead rat thing! I bet a nice swim will wake your ass up!"

    He kicked a final time, sending the bubble away when a flash of light sparked from within. "Shit!" He took no time to dodge, flinging himself away behind a pile of crates, earning himself a hiding spot from the beast in the bubble. "...That is quite ENOUGH" a voice cried, and from his vantage point, Dmitri watched as the odd-looking pokemon lifted the fox effortlessly with a Psychic. "I'm SICK OF YOU LOT" she screamed, then flung her captive straight into a smokestack, the metallic collision echoing dangerously in the air. Dmitri kept himself still, unflinching as the pokemon remained airborne, her furious gaze searching them all.

    Dmitri knew there was little any of them could do to quell such a fury-- psychics were prone to be rather destructive when angry. But Dmitri, having been reared by a gyarados, was very familiar with the blind, raging emotion. Keeping his spot behind the crates, but allowing his head and shoulders peer out from his cover, he met the creature's fury with a distant cynicism. "...I don't think any of us would be sad if you did that a few more times," he grumbled, though loud enough for the Psychic. His eyes stared hard at the figure, knowing that he, at least, was safe from such attacks.

    ((Good to have you, Cinder! Everyone's on the top deck, so Dmitri didn't see/hear anything with all the racket lol))


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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 30, 2013 12:26 pm

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    The S.S. Anne/B deck|Night

    Oh wow! It was soooo cute! It was all tiny and pink and adorable and...and...oh whatever the damn thing was just cute! But uh...what the hell was it? Nyiera was positive she had never seen another Pokemon like it so the small pink thing just floating in a little bubble was like a shiny new toy and she wanted to go see it. But the Nine-less-tails got to it first and blocked her away. Well that was rude. “…Is that… Mew?” Now that caught her attention. Turning to Yolanda she gave her a funny look and asked, "What's a...Mhyuw?"

    "Well FINE! Screw you, too, fucking dead rat thing! I bet a nice swim will wake your ass up!" The Nineless was talking again and suddenly he kicked the poor Mhyuw away. "Hey! I was gonna look at that!" she cried out, sad that she may have missed out on any treasure because of the brute. "Poor little guy..." she whimpered as the bubble sailed away, only to see it burst in a big flash of light and the little guy came out. "...That is quite ENOUGH" Oh! Little girl! "I'm SICK OF YOU LOT"

    Next thing she knew a loud metallic ringing was hurting her ears and she flinched as Nineless made a sick thunk and hit the deck again. Itty Bit packed a punch. Looking up with fascination at the tiny thing Nyiera found herself hopping up higher to get a better view. "Hey!" she called out, waving a paw to get its attention. "Why you still way over there? Come over! Please? I promise I'll keep Nineless away from you!" Nyeira was completely oblivious to the fact she was so casually addressing a Legend, she just wanted to know what this Mhyuw was.

    ((lol, Nyeira likes to exaggerate words she doesn't know which explains how I spelled Mew, just read it in your mind like she pronounced 'meh-yew'. Feel free to think Nyiera is completely nuts Mew XD))

    Age : 29
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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Dandelion Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:14 pm

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    S.S. Anne [B Deck] | Night
    2 | 2

    Jacobi marched right up to his fluffy-tailed friend on tiny paws. He was going to ask her how all of him could fit inside the little pot but listening to voices sounded like so much more fun. Voices lead to the Pokemon who made them, and that meant more friends! His tail waved back and forth with pleasure from the thought.

    Diana's rigid body was only disturbed by the flickering of her ears. Each step was quick and confident, not making any scuffs that would distract her from the voices ahead. For once Jacobi was actually being quiet which she appreciated immensely even if it had been a direct threat that caused it. As they approached the stairs the Flareon stopped to listen to exactly how many other Pokemon where above. If she waited for a few moments for them all to speak maybe she could tell what dangers might lie above.

    Jacobi on the other hand was not prepared to wait and launching himself full-pelt up the stairs burst onto the dark of the night on the top deck. Looking about he tried to find who was talking in the starlit the space about him. Eyes immediately drawn to a floating pink form, a smile spread across his muzzle. How cute!

    There was something going up to it as well. Something that looked like, like him! Oh good golly gosh it was another Umbreon. Jacobi had never seen another of his kind before making this a very special moment indeed. "Why you still way over there? Come over! Please? I promise I'll keep Nineless away from you!" She was talking to the pink thingy. Well he wanted in on this.

    Bounding over to the other Umbreon he couldn't decide who to address first and simply blurted out whatever thoughts made their way to his tongue, "An Umbreon wow! Ive never seen another before. So pretty!" His dull blue eyes were practically glowing with joy.

    Diana remained dumbfounded on the bottom half of the stairs. That idiot. He had just launched himself into the unknown with Pokemon that could very well be violent. "Oh that dumb fucker." Bringing her paws closer to her the Flareon grunted. Well at least if they killed him, she would be freed of the little pain the ass.

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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Mew Fri Feb 01, 2013 5:16 pm

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    SouthWest of the S.S. Anne| Twilight
    Post 21

    The small legend turned to look at the group, disregarding the one she had just launched. Her angry gaze raked them, taking stock of who was near her. Two Umbreons, one of them bounding up the stairs, another staring at her with... fascination in her eyes. An Ampharos and a Lopunny couple, keeping as close as possible to one another. A Persian with Milky white eyes, obviously blind. How has he survived like that...? The group was, as a whole, staring at her (those that could, anyway), a mixture of fear and amazement filling their eyes.

    "Why you still way over there? Come over! Please? I promise I'll keep Nineless away from you!" Mew stared at her for a brief moment, shock spreading across her face. D-did it just... talk? Realization burst like an explosion in the small psychic's mind, as she realized what she had done Oh god... they're not undead Mew tried frantically to find the words she needed. "Oh my god... I'm... are you all alright? I didn't realize..." She glanced over at the Ninetail's slightly twitching form, then at the dent his body had made in the steel of the smokestack.

    "...I don't think any of us would be sad if you did that a few more times," Drifted from behind a pile of boxes, obviously directed at her. Mew let loose an uneasy laugh, and turned to speak to the survivors. "I'm... so sorry about that. I didn't realize he was... well, alive... I do hope he's not harmed too badly.... Either way, I suppose an introduction is in order. My name is Mew, I arrived here looking for somewhere safe, after some business in Pallet Town. Now... are all of you alright? Have you been safe here on the ship?"


    Maintainence/Coding Admin
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    Age : 36
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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Feb 03, 2013 4:29 am

    Post 10

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    The S.S. Anne| B Deck| Night

    It was hard not to stare; after all, one of the fabled creatures of old was floating not twenty feet away from his face. But Dmitri, despite himself, couldn't help it. His psuedo-mother had hated Legends, spouting her venom about their carelessness and her own doubt of whether they existed or not. She would almost rituallistically shout and roar at the heavens, daring them to accept her challenges... even firing attacks as a symbol of utmost defiance into storm clouds. Of course, the reply had always been silence... or indifference. Seeing one of the creatures she'd abhored most above all -even humans- was... surreal, to say the least. Nonetheless, he could always count on the congress of baboons around him to pull him from his stupor.

    "Hey! Why you still way over there? Come over! Please? I promise I'll keep Nineless away from you!"

    "An Umbreon wow! Ive never seen another before. So pretty!"

    Dmitri's eyes widened as the other voice under Nyeira's registered in his mind, his eyes flicking to the stair, where a small umbreon was racing toward them. Insinctively, Dmitri hopped onto the largest of the crates, effectively getting out of reach of the little pup. Though he figured the pup had likely spotted Nyeira, one could never be too careful... especially around pups. His eyes trailed back to the stair, where a flareon enthusiastically followed, her frustration at her supposed company rivaling Dmitri's own.

    Mew's voice brought him back to the situation at hand. "I'm... so sorry about that. I didn't realize he was... well, alive... I do hope he's not harmed too badly.... Either way, I suppose an introduction is in order. My name is Mew, I arrived here looking for somewhere safe, after some business in Pallet Town. Now... are all of you alright? Have you been safe here on the ship?"

    A frown creased the umbreon's face as many biting, sarcastic replies fluttered through his mind. 'Yes, I've only been almost murdered twice today.' 'Why, of course I'm safe; I'm trapped on a boat with a bunch of morons with a death wish.' 'Why wouldn't I be safe? Come let's have a fucking spot of tea!' He sighed, pushing away his fuming anger as he stared up at the pink... thing. While obviously a Psychic type, this creature was part of that exclusive Legendary status for a reason... and he wasn't one to go and find out why, like the ninetales had. "More or less," was his eventual reply. "...Just checking up on survivors, are we?"


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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Feb 06, 2013 4:33 pm

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    The S.S. Anne/B deck|Night

    "An Umbreon wow! Ive never seen another before. So pretty!"

    Nyeira was at once finding herself with her paws full of kit, and was utterly confused. Looking to Dmitri she shrugged before looking down at the blissfully happy face beneath her. "Thanks? But whaddya mean you've never seen another Umbreon? There's kind of a lot of us, er...were a lot of us." But then the unthinkable happened, she found her focus torn between the weird little kid and the adorable floating kitty. Mhyuw was talking up a storm and Nyeira desperately wanted in on the conversation.

    ...Have you been safe here on the ship?"

    Safe? Well as far as she could tell, at least so far. But hey, that was true almost anywhere she went. She was always safe until she wasn't. "More or less...Just checking up on survivors, are we?" Nyeira smiled as she heard Dmitri's voice, pinpointing his form among the others. But he left something out. "Hey! What about the big bad rumbley? Weren't we looking for that when we found the Mhyuw-thing?" Surely that tiny kitty hadn't made that ominous noise, right? Too tiny!

    Age : 29
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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Snitch Thu Feb 07, 2013 12:18 pm

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    S.S. Anne | B Deck | Night [7]

    "...That is quite ENOUGH. I'm SICK OF YOU LOT,”

    Ringo, acting on instinct, flinched away from Mew’s awakening, shielding Yolanda as the idiotic fox was flung away like a rag doll. Electricity sparking over his body in a preparatory defence was the legend to turn her attentions to the remainder of the group; a terrific glare captured his orange eyes. Yolanda emitted a slight yelp of surprise, her own fists clenching despite her mate’s defensive stance before her. Fortunately, such violence wasn’t necessary. Mew calmed, babbling out an apology.

    “Now... are all of you alright? Have you been safe here on the ship?"

    Still eying the psychic-creature suspiciously, Ringo was particularly surprised at how comfortable his company were in the presence of such a powerful being. He had expected the female Umbreon to remain aloof as ever, but even her male companion seemed relatively unfazed by the violent display – although admittedly, the Ninetales was deserving of such treatment. Still, Ringo wasn’t keen to play happy families.
    Fine,” He muttered bitterly, mainly to himself. Whilst he moved to stand aside the Lopunny, the Ampharos continued to radiate an uncharacteristic hostility. He was tense, his famous laxness unhinged at the sight of a single, pink pokémon. Ringo despised the so-called ‘legends’.

    "Hey! What about the big bad rumbley? Weren't we looking for that when we found the Mhyuw-thing?"

    “Mew,” Yolanda corrected bluntly, unable to help herself as her mate’s bitterness seeped into her own thoughts. Her attention volleyed between the psychic and her mate, the muted anger slowly breaking free form the constraints the electric-type had set forth. She’d known Ringo had always possessed a disliking for the legends, accusing them of sitting high on a pedestal as they allowed their world to fall to havoc - unsurprisingly, his opinions had only worsened with the epidemic’s arrival.
    “Why don’t you go and kill it then, Mew?” The Ampharos sneered from afar, the challenge tinted with venom. “Surely your godly powers will make quick work of it? But that’s not how you legends work, right? No, that’d be cheating. You’d rather just watch us die whilst you sit in your precious, little bubble,”

    Yolanda looped her arm around her mate’s own, stroking his shoulder soothingly with her other paw in an attempt at quelling an ugly spectacle. Ringo had a truly foul temper. Rare, but in such circumstances, his rationality was clouded whereas Yolanda’s was at its starkest. Picking a fight with the psychic would no doubt result in an untimely death.
    “Pumpkin,” She spoke softly. “Pumpkin, be cool,” His narrowed eyes remained on the powerful rodent, sparks building about his glowing tail. “…Ringo,” The firm utterance finally drew away his attention. The electric-type stared at his mate a moment, absorbing her quiet concerned before huffing, the guilt muting the anger.
    “Let’s go,” He responded bluntly, holding Yolanda close he turned them away from the scene. Another couple of canines had bounded onto the scene in this time, the duo receiving nothing but an ugly glower from the youthful Ampharos. Yolanda put up no fight. She hadn’t wanted to stay in the company of such morons in the first place, and of course, she would do anything to ensure her mate’s happiness. If that meant departing, then that was simply a bonus.

    Looking over her shoulder, the Lopunny managed a final goodbye smile, not particularly sad to leave. Ringo didn’t bother, still tense as he led his companion out of vision – the duo headed for the nearest exit. Each step brought them closer together, Yolanda resting her head lightly on Ringo’s shoulder as his anger was dispelled. The Ampharos smiled to himself, happy in the knowing that everything he would ever need in life remained loyally at his side.

    “I love you, Pumpkin,”
    “And I love you, Honey Bunny,”

    (( Leaving post. I’m absolutely gutted that I have to deactivate these two, but it’s been fun. Love this team – definitely going to be following it regardless! <33 ))

    Age : 29
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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Dandelion Fri Feb 08, 2013 11:39 pm

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    S.S. Anne [B Deck] | Night
    3 | 3

    Jacobi was wide-eyed in awe of the female, his fluffy tail waving behind him. She seemed bewildered by him, maybe she surprised to see another Umbreon like he was! "Thanks? But whaddya mean you've never seen another Umbreon? There's kind of a lot of us, er...were a lot of us." Oh, well, never mind that thought then. She may of met a lot but.. "Nu uh, your the first other Ive met!" He pipped, casting a glance to the floating pink form overhead, "Hi Kitty thing!" The words that toppled quickly from her pink muzzle didn't seem directed to anyone though, quickly losing the Umbreons attention.

    There were more voices, Pokemon he hadn't even noticed upon reaching the deck due to his excitement. His dull blue eyes searched the deck for their sources, landing on a bunny and a Ampharos who appeared to be leaving. "Hey wait..!" He called but they had already gone. Jacobi's ears flopped to the sides of his side. Pity. The Pink One seemed to of recovered herself, speaking choppy but clearing, attracting back his attention.

    "I'm... so sorry about that. I didn't realize he was... well, alive... I do hope he's not harmed too badly.... Either way, I suppose an introduction is in order. My name is Mew, I arrived here looking for somewhere safe, after some business in Pallet Town. Now... are all of you alright? Have you been safe here on the ship?" Mew? Her namw was Mew. Meeeeww! "Meeeww! Woah, its so simply but its sooo cute for a name!" the giggles escaped his muzzle without thinking them over.

    There was yet another voice on the deck, "More or less...Just checking up on survivors, are we?" coming from a Pokemon the little Umbreon couldn't find. Instead, he saw a downed Ninetales.. or used to be Ninetales, and what he vaguely recalled to be a Persian. That was what, 7 Pokemon he had just stumbled upon (even though two of them seemed to of left)? Jacobi's tiny paws tingled with excitement at the thought none the less. He hadn't seen so many normal Pokemon in such a long time..

    He turned to see Diana padding up to him stiffly, her eyes careful. "Idiot." she spat under her breath. She had barely caught sight of the second new Umbreon but still groaned at the thought of seeing three of the Moonlight Pokemon. To add insult to injury, this female seemed to be a complete doofus. Someone worse then Jacobi, may the legends strike her down now. Yet, they were in the presence of a legend as Mew floated above them. The Flareon drew in a breathe as she approached, her head up high and each step firm. The Legend had said something about being alright on this ship and she had to bite bite her rant. Im stuck here with three Umbreons, two of which are as dumb as Slowpokes!

    "Hey! What about the big bad rumbley? Weren't we looking for that when we found the Mhyuw-thing?" Jacobi blinked as he remembered the shaking earlier. "Rumblies! Yeah, it was all rumbly like the feeling in your tummy when your hungry. Is there someone else on this boat too?" Diana snarled at her dark type stalker, "Yes. Maybe its something massive and that sound is its stomach and it wants to eat stupid Umbreons." The jibe was directed at Jacobi but if she could get it off for the female as well then she'd take it.

    Diana stared at the Persian staring dumbly into space with blind eyes. The creature stirred a feeling in her. Though he hadn't spoken in her presence something about the look on his face told her they could get along. A smirk crossed her muzzle.

    Posts : 1464

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Mew Mon Feb 11, 2013 5:08 pm

    [I'm so sorry, but would you mind skipping me please? Training has been beating me into the dirt this weekend... *grumbles about electrtronic circuits*]


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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Silverishness Tue Feb 12, 2013 4:13 am

    Post 11

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    The S.S. Anne| B Deck| Night

    Mew didn't answer, as it seemed distracted by something. Dmitri frowned, but soon found himself unable to dwell on the Legend's reluctance to speak as the new pup shrieked in delight at Nyeira's confused but friendly reply. His lip curled in disgust as his crimson gaze flicked to their direction, as their forms were currently hidden by the crate's bulk which he sat upon. But the stair was still visible, as was the angry flareon that occupied it. But before he could glean any details from her, Nyeira's voice disrupted his thoughts, like normal. "Hey! What about the big bad rumbley? Weren't we looking for that when we found the Mhyuw-thing?"

    “Mew,” Honey Bunny corrected bluntly, causing Dmitri a soft chuckle. But her mate's reply took him slightly off guard, unaware that the ampharos had such a loathing for Legends.

    “Why don’t you go and kill it then, Mew?” His voice was saturated with venom, practically spitting on the Legend as he spoke. Ballsy. “Surely your godly powers will make quick work of it? But that’s not how you legends work, right? No, that’d be cheating. You’d rather just watch us die whilst you sit in your precious, little bubble.”

    While his mate tried calming him down and eventually succeeding enough, Dmitri remained impressed. Yes, the act of challenging a Legendary was rather stupid and quite the suicidal move, but he couldn't help admire the fact that he had the stomach to actually do so. Normally, he would condemn such a blatant request for death. But this ampharos... obviously, there was some sort of score to be settled, and Dmitri could understand that. At least he said it to Mew's face. However, the sheep's anger seemed too much and he decided to leave, taking the bunny with him. Good. Two less pokemon raiding his food stores. Still, he couldn't help but give one hope that maybe that Ampharos would get that score settled.

    But it seemed like the pup Umbreon wanted Nyeira's question answered. "Rumblies! Yeah, it was all rumbly like the feeling in your tummy when your hungry. Is there someone else on this boat too?" The flareon on the stairs snarled, still violent toward her young companion. "Yes. Maybe its something massive and that sound is its stomach and it wants to eat stupid Umbreons."

    Dmitri snorted. This was turning into a public forum, and those tended to be things he avoided. Standing on his crate, he went to the edge to see everyone properly. "Shut up. Whatever it is, it's probably a threat and a danger to everyone here. So it's in our favor that we get rid of it before it gets rid of us. Which brings me to a point," he paused and looked back to Mew. "You're psychic. What's on this ship? Are you going to help us find and kill it or are you just going to sit idly by like he thought you would?" He motioned his head toward the way the couple exited, and his gaze narrowed. "After all, it'd be fair since you just caused two capable fighters to leave."



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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 16, 2013 5:50 pm

    ((Skip please, Nyeira is just totally confused right now and hanging on Dmitri's every word.))
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    Age : 29
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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Dandelion Thu Feb 21, 2013 11:02 pm

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    S.S. Anne [B Deck] | Night
    4 | 4

    The young Umbreon's gaze instantly turned to a new voice. Its black form was thinly outlined against the moonlit sky, blending in so well he could only determine it to one be thing. Another Umbreon! His fluffy ringed tail swished back and forth across the deck as the light emitting from it grew and shrunk. Four Eeveelutions in one place and a whole cluster of other Pokemon.. What a party!

    The much less enthusiastic Flareon simply shot a glare at the male upon the crates, "Shut up. Whatever it is, it's probably a threat and a danger to everyone here. So it's in our favor that we get rid of it before it gets rid of us. Which brings me to a point," Did he just say to shut up? Why the fuck would he say that when she was already on them with a silence."These two fuck-ups are the ones having a goddamn free for all and I was already dealing with it."

    "And a dangerous thing on this ship? We all got on this thing and made it up here without a problem, including these two." She spat the last bit to the dark types beside her. Its form was barely flickering in the edge of her vision. The presence of the Legend above her made a vein of irritation pound in Diana's head. Giving her a passing glance she wondered what the Pink Thing had been doing all this time with those undead monsters ravaging about. Not a fucking thing thats what.

    Jacobi's ears fell flat and his tail stopped, "You could be a bit nicer about it Di-" But his words were cut off as the Flareon stamped her paw down on his muzzle, firmly pressing it to the ships deck. Silently, she hoped there was a exposed nail or splintering wood beneath him. Small whines could be heard as they were the only sounds he could make.

    The adult male continued his speech directed now to Mew, "You're psychic. What's on this ship? Are you going to help us find and kill it or are you just going to sit idly by like he thought you would?" Well, at least now he was getting somewhere. "You can probably see whatever it is from here, or at least have some idea of what it is." There was a subtle growl to her voice as she addressed the superior Pokemon, "Do you know what it is, Mew?" If she didn't, this New Species Pokemon wasn't much of a legend like she was cracked up to be.

    Pausing, Diana waited for Mew to respond and lifted her paw from Jacobi's muzzle. He took in a loud gasp of air and rubbed the end of his snout with one paw. "Owie... this boat smells funny" His voice was soft. "Where are the other Legends? What are they doing about this.. plague on our world." She prodded, trying to hold at least a bit of her tongue for now.

    "After all, it'd be fair since you just caused two capable fighters to leave." Capable? A prissy little rabbit and a swooning sheep creature were capable fighters? Disgust bubbled bile against the back of her throat. Her ears flicked in the direction of sound to see the the creamy pair to the side. "If you thought those two were capable, what about the street rat sobbing in the corner over there? Technically we've lost three."

    Dull blue eyes looked longingly at the downed Ninetales. Jacobi leaned forward ever so slightly as the words came toppled from his mouth without notice. "Is he okay?"

    Age : 29
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    Post by Snitch Sat Feb 23, 2013 1:33 am

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    S.S. Anne | B Deck | Night [8]

    Ringo and Yolanda’s departure had been short lived to say the least.

    The exit had come into sight, the couple leaning against one another safe in the knowledge that their future would be undoubtedly bright, when a terrible roar had fiercely sliced through their bubble of joy. No sooner had the ungodly sound splintered their delicate ears, a piece of heavy, scrap metal been launched towards their now puny forms – dwarfed by their attacker. Ringo, acting on instinct, had pushed his beloved out of harm’s way, leaping after her to narrowly avoid the beast’s ammunition of choice. The metal, although thin, was sharp and heavy, seemingly torn from the vessel itself through an immense strength as it now flew overboard, failing to hit its targets.

    Shocked into silence, the duo was left staring dumbfounded at the creature. The Metagross was at least double its natural size, rusted and bloodied as its fierce glare held fast on its latest prey. Yet it made no movement, only heavy grunts emerging from the living tank. Yolanda helped Ringo back to his feet, moving slowly in fear of provoking the monster further as her wide, frantic eyes were unmoving from its grotesque appearance.

    Stood tall once more, the Ampharos held his mate’s paw tightly, knowing that battling it alone would be suicide. Fleeing was their best bet – but with the fear infecting his senses, the electric-type was reminded that there was safety in numbers. Taking a deep breath as the creature took a lumbering step forward, floorboards creaking beneath its weight, Ringo cast the female aside him a weak smile.
    “Back to the others,” He whispered, firm but striving to find an ounce of optimism to ease his distressed mate. The Lopunny nodded her head, her grasp on the male’s paw tightening as she took a breath to steady herself. “Be cool,”

    With a final, shallow breath, the duo leapt into action. Sprinting fast back in the direction they’d come, neither looked back. The infuriated roaring echoed loud behind them, accompanied by the regular thud of its weighty footfalls, alerting the world of its monstrous presence. Ringo, finding the courage to look behind him, aimed a Thunder Wave at their pursuer – the bolt of electricity cracking loudly to land inches before the creature. It slowed the undead yet only as a distraction, the attack missing as the Ampharos cursed loudly, knowing he’d lost an opportunity. Fortunately, the group were in sight, ready and waiting to provide the back-up the couple had hoped. Battlers or not, willing or otherwise, it seemed they would have little choice other than to fight.

    “We got company!” The Ampharos shouted in warning, the looming form of the undead still a ways off as the pair skidded to a halt before the living. Gasping for breath, Yolanda spoke quickly, knowing that preliminary insight into their opponent wouldn’t hurt.
    “Metagross,” She began, words sharp as the electric-type left her side to hold up the creature with a few more bolts of lightning. “Huge. Rusting. Strong,” The rabbit emphasized the last word, severe gaze on Dmitri before wandering up to the legendary still ‘blessing’ their presence. She held back a sneer on Ringo’s behalf, knowing that now wasn’t the time to cause arguments. They would need all the help they could get.

    (( Glad to be back! Let me know if anything needs editing. :3 ))

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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Mew Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:17 pm

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    SouthWest of the S.S. Anne| Twilight
    Post 22

    "You're psychic. What's on this ship? Are you going to help us find and kill it or are you just going to sit idly by like he thought you would? You can probably see whatever it is from here, or at least have some idea of what it is." "Where are the other Legends? What are they doing about this.. plague on our world." The small legend was being bombarded with questions, with accusations from the ragtag group of survivors. She was quiet for a second, trying to process their requests, settling on the... easier of the questions to address. Turning to the Flareon, Mew began to speak. "You raise strong points, with what you know of all this... But know that my brothers and sisters are doing all they can to turn the tide. The fight is... not easy, though. Already we have lost several of our numbers. I actually just buried my brother Genesect before coming here to rest, and I saw Cresselia beheaded by a returned Hydreigon... but we're trying to help, where we can."

    She paused for a brief moment, turning to the other who had addressed her "I can try to find what it is... though I've never tr-" Her speach was cut off my the return of the Ampharos and Lopunny, panicked looks in their eyes. “Metagross," the rabbit panted, "Huge. Rusting. Strong." The deck shuddered beneath them, the rumbling sound of it an accompany to the Lopunny's statement. Mew let her tired gaze flicker between the faces of the survivors. "...I know I may not be welcome here, but I'll help you as best I can, if you want me... and if not, I'll be on my way"

    Age : 36
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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed Feb 27, 2013 4:34 am

    Post 12

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    The S.S. Anne| B Deck| Night

    Dmitri already didn't like this flareon."These two fuck-ups are the ones having a goddamn free for all and I was already dealing with it. And a dangerous thing on this ship? We all got on this thing and made it up here without a problem, including these two." The umbreon's glare flicked to her for a moment, his mind echoing his foster-mother's words on when people pissed her off. "There's fucking helicopters flying over to check the hamburger meat for survivors, that's how I handle people pissing me off! The old memory brought a slight smirk to his lips, his mind imagining the old, cranky gyarados picking up the flareon by her prissy little fluff of a tail and treating her like a vermin-infested pillow.

    So, with the aid of his foster mother's anger, he brushed off the flareon's words, returning his attention to a pokemon that actually mattered. But it seemed the little umbreon and his unfortunate fiery companion would get in more to say before Mew could answer thier questions. "If you thought those two were capable, what about the street rat sobbing in the corner over there? Technically we've lost three."

    He really didn't like this flareon.

    Dmitri glanced to the broken ninetales, his injury meaning little to him. At least with the lovers, he could tell they could pack a punch. The ninetales with missing limbs and the blind persian? Not so much. Dmitri glanced back over to the flareon and narrowed his gaze. "...I consider him as much as a capable fighter as I do you," he growled, dismissing her. The more she rambled, the more she proved to him that she wasn't worth his time.

    But finally Mew found a moment's peace to speak. "You raise strong points, with what you know of all this... But know that my brothers and sisters are doing all they can to turn the tide. The fight is... not easy, though. Dmitri quirked a brow, his suriosity piqued. So... even the all-mighty Legends were having a tough time too? Already we have lost several of our numbers. I actually just buried my brother Genesect before coming here to rest, and I saw Cresselia beheaded by a returned Hydreigon... but we're trying to help, where we can." Yep, sure sounded like it. "I can try to find what it is... though I've never tr-"

    “We got company!”

    The familiar ampharos' call caused Dmitri to turn immediately, rings flashing a moment in alarm. But when he spotted the electric and his bunny-lover in tow, his tensed muscles relaxed a fraction. What the hell were they doing back...? Dmitri's gaze narrowed as he smelled the fear lingering in their scent, the slight panic in their eyes. Something was definitely wrong... Well... looks like they've seen the cause of the rumbling...

    “Metagross,” Honey Bunny began, her lover sending back bolts of electricity to hold their pusuer at bay. The umbreon's jaw nearly fell, the species known well to him. Shit, it was following them too, so closely? “Huge. Rusting. Strong,” she continued, and Dmitri knew he had to act.

    He hopped down, looking behind her to see just how much time they had. Fortunately, Metagross were slow on a good day, and it might give them the time they need. He glanced around their group a moment, taking everyone into consideration. He and Nyeira would only manage a normal sort of damage with their best attacks, as well as the lovers. Mew was unknown, as he had no idea what a Legend would have as a moveset. Bitchy flareon and very broken ninetales were their only access to one of the rare weaknesses Metagross sported-- fire. His eyes rested on the flareon a moment, dread filling him. Eugh... that damn flareon.

    "We need to debilitate it as much as possible," Dmitri began, his plan formulating quickly in his mind. His normal route of attack was completely useless, as steel-types were immune to poison. "Take out its legs, blind it, something. You," he said, turning to the flareon. "You need to find a safe place to attack it from. Besides Gimpy over there, you're the only one with natural fire moves, right?" He didn't wait for an answer, turning back to addressing everyone. "Use fire attacks if you have them. Ground attacks will only hurt the ship and probably sink us. Fighting, Dark, Bug and Ghost will at least allow some neutrality. We should lure it out in the open, here, so we can have more manuverability." He glanced to everyone in turn, resting on the umbreon pup a moment. "You might want to hide."

    [[Good to have you back! 8D The metagross is a free-for-all, guys. Let's make this fight last a few rounds~!]]


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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Dandelion Sun Mar 03, 2013 8:23 pm

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    S.S. Anne [B Deck] | Night
    5 | 5

    "...I consider him as much as a capable fighter as I do you," That. Piece. Of. SHIT. Fury flowed through Diana's veins, fluffing her fur up to full length and making the flame burning inside her rage like a true inferno. The Flareon stood completely rigid to retain the flames from spouting out her mouth. To be considered the same as the Persian was one thing, but to group her with that trash she would not sit for.

    Mew began to answer the questions she had been asked but the fire type struggled to listen while blinded by anger. "You raise strong points, with what you know of all this... But know that my brothers and sisters are doing all they can to turn the tide. The fight is... not easy, though. Already we have lost several of our numbers." Even the legends were failing to the monsters? How could anyone expect to cure the world of this plague if the so called legends couldn't even survive. "I actually just buried my brother Genesect before coming here to rest, and I saw Cresselia beheaded by a returned Hydreigon... but we're trying to help, where we can."

    Genesect and Cresselia. Though she was still fuming with wrath the very mention of those names on a deceased list eased her a bit. A useless bug type, and a happy dream maker. Hardly Legends. Diana let her fur fall flat once more though she still shot daggers at the male Umbreon. Her maw opened to give him a piece of her mind when the lovebirds came rushing back to the deck. “We got company!” The Ampharos called out completely out of breath, his mate close behind. “Metagross,” She was even worse off, “Huge. Rusting. Strong,”

    Jacobi's blue eyes lit up at seeing the bipedal pair return. He didn't catch their voices but instead the rumbling and banging coming from the corridor behind them. "We need to debilitate it as much as possible," His gaze turned to the one speaking, "Take out its legs, blind it, something. You," The last thing Diana wanted was to be talked to by this Pokemon again. "You need to find a safe place to attack it from. Besides Gimpy over there, you're the only one with natural fire moves, right?" Fan-fucking-tastic, getting ordered by him. "What fire type doesn't know a fire type move," she growled, turning to some crates across from those the Umbreon had come from. "Yes, I do. Both ranged and not."

    "Use fire attacks if you have them. Ground attacks will only hurt the ship and probably sink us. Fighting, Dark, Bug and Ghost will at least allow some neutrality. We should lure it out in the open, here, so we can have more maneuverability." He continued on and she simply ignored his spiel on typing. He didn't think of her as capable yet she was currently his most valuable asset. How nice. That is, at least until that ninetales recovered. If it recovered.

    "You might want to hide." The small Umbreon didn't want to hide, he wanted to be helpful! "But I can fight." He argued weakly. "Yeah, why don't you Jacobi? Go fight and get yourself killed." The Flareon called down from the crates, making very sure that he could hear her. He dimmed his glow to near nonexistent, "Yeah I'll, go hide." It'd be better if he didn't upset ether of them. Jacobi sighed knowing that for him to be helpful he'd have to be out of the way. He looked about the deck for somewhere he could stay hidden yet watch the other dark types battle.

    Age : 29
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    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Snitch Tue Mar 05, 2013 11:53 am

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    S.S. Anne | B Deck | Night [9]

    "We need to debilitate it as much as possible,"

    Yolanda absorbed the Umbreon’s commands with a surprising focus, her eyes losing their earlier fear at the creature’s strategic mind. He had formulated and presented a plan in only a matter of seconds, prompting the usually sceptical Loppuny’s loyalty to his orders. He knew what he was talking about and she was prepared to trust him. Yolanda gave a firm nod of his head as the canine concluded the plan of action. Satisfied, she flashed an appreciative smile before sprinting to her mate’s side.

    Ringo had landed one Thunder Wave in the duration of the beast’s appearance, halting it out of sight as he took a moment to gather his demeanour. It was hard to panic the lax Ampharos, but a hulking undead appearing out of nowhere had managed to do the trick. Balancing his thoughts in the short amount of peace before the storm, the electric-type found himself joined by his beloved.
    “No ground. Fighting helps,” She smiled, reporting the Umbreon’s tactics – simplified for the sake of time and the knowledge of her mate’s moveset. “Aim for the legs,” He nodded in understanding, feeling the floorboards quake underfoot as the Metagross escaped its paralysis with an almighty roar.


    The devilish smirk Honey Bunny wore was enough to dishing the Ampharos’ earlier concern. It had been awhile since they’d faced such a powerful opponent, but with the bunny’s optimism, dispelling her own worries in favour of adopting their usual mischief, Ringo was ready for battle. He was an apt fighter, as was she, but this Metagross was something else entirely. A challenge…
    “Be careful,” Ringo warned her softly, leaning across to offer her a quick peck on the cheek. She dismissed his stubborn concerns with a wave of her paw, adrenaline already pulsing through her veins as the steel-type came lumbering towards the group.
    “Pumpkin… Be cool,”

    Posts : 1464

    The S.S. ANNE Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The S.S. ANNE Team

    Post by Mew Fri Mar 08, 2013 9:03 pm

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    SouthWest of the S.S. Anne| Twilight
    Post 23

    "...Fighting, Dark, Bug and Ghost will at least allow some neutrality. We should lure it out in the open, here, so we can have more maneuverability." The small legend listened in silence as the Umbreon rattled off a battle plan in a quick staccato, as the deck of the ship shook alarmingly, with a loud groan of anger highlighting it. The Psychic spoke quietly, swiftly, "...I can... draw it out, I think. I know how to use some fighting type moves..." She turned away, looking for a way under the decks, the skin around her eyes contracted in anxiety. Thinking back to the Lopunny and Ampharos, and where they had seen the creature, she launched herself over the side of the ship, and, slipping through a hole in the hull, found herself almost eye to eye with a... metal behemoth.

    It's formerly shiny skin had been lost to the corrosion of time, caked deep with rust and foul lichens. It's body was rotting, pitted, A nightmarish visage of what machines could be. And it stared at her, furious at the intrusion upon it's turf. Upon it's home. The beast rumbled, a cacophanous sound of gnashing gears and screaming steel. Mew reeled back in shock, a small purple sphere forming around her right paw.

    The metal fiend was almost upon herwhen she recovered from the surprise. She had time for but a single thought before the brought the Aura Sphere up into the face of the enraged beast. God help me, god help us, if this fails...


    Maintainence/Coding Admin
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    Post by Guest Tue Mar 12, 2013 3:50 pm

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    The S.S. Anne/B deck|Night

    ((Last time, on SS Anne...XD))

    “Why don’t you go and kill it then, Mew? Surely your godly powers will make quick work of it? But that’s not how you legends work, right? No, that’d be cheating. You’d rather just watch us die whilst you sit in your precious, little bubble.”
    "You're psychic. What's on this ship? Are you going to help us find and kill it or are you just going to sit idly by like he thought you would?"
    "After all, it'd be fair since you just caused two capable fighters to leave."
    "If you thought those two were capable, what about the street rat sobbing in the corner over there? Technically we've lost three."
    “We got company!”
    “Metagross. Huge. Rusting. Strong.”

    That was all Nyiera needed before the beast finally showed itself. Dmitri tried directing the other Pokemon, probably to get everyone to act as a team, but the female Umbreon had her own style. Not wasting a single moment she jumped into the fray ready and willing to do some damage to the asshole who dared to show his face around her. Fading into the shadow she soon reappeared right in front of the ugly thing's rusty face and slammed into it with her Feint Attack...only to recoil with one hell of a headache. "Fuck!" she cried out, realizing that running into metal was kind of a painful experience. "Okay! New plan!"

    She ignored the returning duo and the derpy duo, who seemed to just argue with everyone, and the handicap duo she just couldn't figure out and instead kept her focus on the thrill of battle. Running around its stupid back legs while it busied itself with some blurry power ball from the Mew thing she fired her own glorious sphere. A gloriously formed Shadow Ball erupted from her mouth and slammed into the back of the creature but rather than the devastation she was hoping for it merely put a damper on its aggressive behavior. "Well...shit." Now what?

    ((Sitcom overview GO! I love run-on sentences with Nyiera, so those are intentional guys, lol. That is how her brain actually works. XD))
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