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    Eleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh)


    Age : 29
    Posts : 2650

    Eleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh) Empty Eleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh)

    Post by Dandelion Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:47 pm

    Eleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh) J0eZ5E6


    Eleroo and Seek
    Text Color Eleroo - #ae29bf
    Seek - #ebf9fc
    Item Toxic Orb necklace
    Rocky Helmet
    Gender Male
    Age Young Adolescents - 13
    Prepubescent - 12
    Species #??? Radeon, The Toxic Pokémon - Poison Type
    #??? Aiveon, The Nebula Pokémon - Flying Type
    Height 2'09"
    Weight 20.lbs
    Pokédex Entry FakemonDex:: Its ears and tail droop as if it has lost the strength to hold them. Its fur is coated with a deadly poison.

    FakemonDex:: Its bones are hollow enough to permit flight. If it has passengers, they are typically small children, since it can't support heavier people.
    Level 11
    19 (Lvl via RP)
    Ability Poison Point
    Cloud Nine
    Nature Quiet
    Characteristic Often Dozes Off
    Somewhat Stubborn
    Moves - Tackle (Level Up)
    - Sand Attack (Level Up)
    - Shadow Ball (TM)
    - Toxic (TM)

    - Tackle (Level Up)
    - Sand Attack (Level Up)
    - Hidden Power [Electric] (TM)
    - Dig (TM)
    History The little Eevee was born to a casual Eevee breeder. She was kind, always taking good care of the litters she raised and sold, but there was something wrong with this kit. He was weak and sickly, lifeless and compared to all of his lively siblings. Try as she might the little Eevee didn't seem to react to her care and she questioned if it was worth it for her, and him, to continue trying to keep him alive. Intensive care was draining her funds and taking her away from the other Pokemon she had to care for. The little reaction from the kit didn't give her hope that he would make it ether. Eventually it became too much. She knew death happened but it always pained her to see the young go without experiencing life. With a heavy heart she decided it was time to put the child down. Heading towards the Pokemon Center to do it humanely the Eevee caught his first break.

    A boy around twenty or so, who had recently breed his beloved Flareon with her Pokemon, passed by her inside the Center. He stopped to chat, asking how her business was going when he saw the Eevee. After hearing his short but sad story he just coudn't stand to see him put down. The women hesitated for moment, unsure if it was best for the Pokemon, before giving him to the young man. He thanked her, promising to do all him his power for the Eevee. With advice from her and the Nurse Joy he readied himself to take care of his new responsibility.

    The Eevee was weak. Very weak. The Pokemon Center wanted to keep him in their care for a few days before passing him off to his new owner. Worried the kit would die nameless the boy quickly gave him one; Eleroo. Maybe the Eevee knew of the situations around him or the kindness being given, as two days later he was strong enough to stay at the boys home.
    He was gentle with his new Pokemon, taking things slow and never straining the kit. Passive by nature or maybe because he knew nothing else Eleroo did't resist the treatments, allowing the human to do just about anything to him. Medication after medication, vitamins and enriched food, the constant TLC slowly worked magic on the sick Eevee. Gradually he became more and more stable, able to stand, to walk, to move. His voice came in tiny squeaks, a foreign feeling to the kit who had never been able to ask for something.

    Though wobbly on his paws and still very fragile it was obvious he was getting better. With steady progress the Eevee became healthier to the point his new owner took him off the strongest of the medications. It was late but Eleroo's personality finally began to shine though. He was quiet and curious, always staring at the things in his owners room. No matter what it was he listened to his masters command. Sending out his Flareon the child had never been socialized and stuck to what he knew- stay quiet and do as told. The older Pokemon tried but couldn't break that personality trend, finding the Eevee strange but set on who he would be already. He tired to work with him, but Eleroo refused to change from his engraved ways. Shrugging it off the fire type hardly noticed his pre-evolutions presence at all as time went on.

    But that was just how Eleroo liked it. The calm atmosphere of the house gave him time to move at his own pace and explore his world as he pleased. His peace only lasted so long as the Egg fathered by the Flareon soon hatched, a new and rambunctious child entering his life. The little female Eevee, dubbed Eloise to match his own name, was the complete opposite to the placid male.
    Blue-eyed Eloise was a feisty child from the start. Though fathered by the lazy Fire type and raised with another quiet Eevee she had her own mind and personallity.
    And she would make it quite clear.

    Her owner already had a grown Pokemon of his own, several in fact though the Flareon was always out of his Pokeball, as well as the young Eevee that needed special care and attention. At first she tried to ignore the other Pokemon but the young Eevee wanted more of her owners attention. She deserved it too, the same amount as Eleroo! Loud, proud, and persistent she would cry and do all she could to get the young mans attention. Usually it worked, let it be that he was trying to make her quiet it down, but not always. The older of the Eevee's needed attention that she just could not have. Frustration and lack of understanding would make the child whine more, in ways the human could not ease. Possibly annoyed by her as well, or maybe he was generally concerned, it was Eleroo that would come to her aid.

    He wouldn't say much but did anything she asked. Usually that was fetching something or doing an arbitrary task, things she could do herself but wouldn't receive the same satisfaction from. Pleased with him Eloise quickly took advantage of older Eevee. Why bother with the human when she could have all of Eleroo's attention? Her owner was just glad that the mewling had stopped and thanked the weaker Eevee for pacifying her.
    That's how things went for a while. As Eloise grew bigger and stronger the adventurous spirit of youth came as well. Exploring and investigating all around her home, both inside and out, she went everywhere with her companion in tow. He was slower then her and a bit of a pain to lug around but it was no fun discovering things alone! Besides, he didn't seem to mind following her lead.

    The children grew and played, helping the weaker Eevee grow to a more normal standard and both develop healthy minds. Their owner took them many places, socializing the kits and exposing them to different things. When the younger of the two seemed old enough to him the reason for her birth came into play. Through multiple visits he introduced the foxes to an old friend of his: a 15 year old girl that lived down the street. Eloise would become her starter soon, her adventure planned to begin in only a few months. Ecstatic about the Eevee, the trip, and having an old friend as a companion the girl wanted to train her new Pokemon right away! Proud of her enthusiasm the boy promised they would start soon, once his own Pokemon was just a bit stronger and could handle the training.  

    With Eloise's constant exploring working out Eleroo's body that didn't take long. As long as they were careful he should be able to handle it just fine. Starting with the most basic moves, and under the watchful eyes of the boy and his Flareon, the Eevee's entered the battling world. It was slow going, from frustration on Eloise's part and inability on Eleroo's, but they made steady progress. Using a some of his remaining TM's from his previous adventure the boy gave a few to each Eevee to have a more ranged moveset. Once the basics were covered the kits were pinned against one another. Through the monitored battles they learned to use their new moves. The stronger, faster Eloise usually own these unfair matches, but not always. By the time they moved up to fighting weak wild Pokemon it was nearly time for the group to leave. The little practice they had on them went well, the normal types had learned to defend themselves at least, and the humans knew their Eevees were ready.

    They took a magnificent boat to Johto after packing everything up. Together, they were all to start an amazing adventure in the foreign region. Excitement bubbled through all of them. The sights, the sounds, the Pokemon, it was all new and fascinating! Wandering through random Routes everyone was exploring and having a blast. Unfortunately their fun was quickly and abruptly cut short. A powerful rainstorm came from nowhere, hiding within it angry and bitter undead. The attack was no more then a slaughter fest. Desperately keeping the girl away from the strangely violent Pokemon the male trainer used the few powerful Pokemon he had brought along with him. The veteran fighters could easily overpower the wild ones but there was just too many. One by one they fell, including their trainer.

    The girl was utterly horrified. Knowing all too well her Eevee wasnt strong enough to protect her from the monsters the girl fled while they were still distracted. Terror both fueling and making her movements clumsy it was some kind of miracle that allowed her to make it to the nearest town. Sheltering for the night in the Pokemon Center, it was utter chaos. Everyone was screaming about discolored killer Pokemon. The phones will filled with hurried calls to home. Some people were releasing or selling their Pokemon, not wanting to risk keeping them close. Terrified, in shock, and confused the girl did not know what to do. By the time she could see the sun again it had all become too much. Leaving the Center she walked around the city finding herself unable to sit still. Ending up in some park she collapsed in tears on a bench.

    Unsure of what to do she was lost in her own thoughts. Go home? Hide out? Go to the police? She never even heard the swarm of flying types coming at her nor had time to let her Pokemon free for meager protection. They clawed and pecked at her, too many to break through the line of sharp talons and beaks. Within the frenzy the Eevee's Pokeball was clicked and she appeared before her near-dead trainer. Panic instantly sent her underground with Dig, the birds striking at the hole still trying to get the out of sight prey. She went deeper and deeper, desperately trying to block out the sounds of her trainers cries and birds calls. It seemed like forever before it was silent and she felt safe enough to go outside.

    The scent of blood hit her before she even saw the carnage. The awful mess that had once been her trainer and many dirtied feathers littered ground before the Eevee. Her heart went cold and it was difficult to breathe. At the distant caw of a bird she ran, alone for the first time and lost on unfamiliar ground. Fleeing the city she was now on the search for Eleroo, wherever he was..

    He was unsure how much time had passed but the rain had long since stopped when Eleroo burst from his Pokeball. A sharp whining gasp was all he could muster at the sight of his trainer and teammates mutilated bodies. With shaky, ginger steps he moved around their mangled body up to the man who had taken such good care of him. Pain ripped through his heart when he looked at the humans half-eaten face. It was too much for him, and he turned to leave. Something on the ground stopped him for a moment- the necklace he trainer would wear had fallen off and was laying before him. Whimpering with loss Eleroo gripped the accessory in his teeth before fleeing the scene.

    The loss lay heavy in his heart as the sickly Eevee traveled. He ran into a few groups of Pokemon but was always too slow to keep up and stay with them for long. Numb with grief the Eevee longed for familiar comfort of his friends but found none. Completely lost Eleroo ended up in Azalea Town. To his surprise and joy Eloise appeared not long after, though she had changed her name to Seek for this reason or that. While a group of undead attacked the town a sudden burst of strange energy and white light shot through the Eevees. The next time they opened their eyes they were somewhere completely different. Confused and nervous, at least they had each other.

    Wandering into a Marsh the kits were attacked by a massive flock of birds. In the chaos that ensued they both evolved into completely foreign evolutions. Bewildered and exhausted they are merely glad to escape with their lives.

    Appearance Eleroo is not a healthy Pokemon. Sickness and a weak body have been with him since birth and it has left its mark. His eyes are rather dull and pitiful looking, with bags and dark marks underneath their red gaze. They hold a hint of sadness that contradicts the weak smile he may give, and when stared into re deeper then a hundred oceans. His fur is a bit limp, almost greasy looking and scruffy. While his ears and tail have the usual tattered look of a Radeons they are still very soft to the touch. His head and paws may give the illusion of appearing disproportional to his body from his pathetic stature. He is underweight and poorly muscled very sickly and often close to death.
    The Toxic Orb necklace around his neck is his only possession.

    Seek's soft fur is well keep, constantly groomed and maintained to keep it plush and beautiful. Even in the Epidemic she finds time to keep it positively fluffy. She detests getting it dirty and when others do so her tempers flares. Her soft, childs face and sky blue eyes would appear pretty if she did not keep a smirk or rage-filled expression. Seek walks with a a bit of a strut with her head and tail-wings held high.
    Her head is adorned with a Rocky Helmet that is now small enough compared to her head to let her ears stand tall. There is a massive crack running down the front of it. Protects it adamantly.
    Personality | Quiet | Listless | Tired | Subordinate | Dismal | Feeble | Pained | Obsessed | Paranoid | Delicate | Struggling | Labored Effort | Afraid | Fragile | Gentle | Longing | Tries | Exhausted | Thoughtful | Distant |

    - Eleroo is a quiet Radeon. The sickness that ran through his body when he was young didn't give him a chance you use his voice and when he was finally strong enough to another would speak over him. Soft spoken his words usually come out in mumbles as though he hasn't had the chance to use his voice properly for a while. Almost awkwardly quiet the rare situation that causes him to yell is startling, a strong, screeching cry that should of been his. When he voices his opinion he may seem pessimistic and depressed, a sad note and possibly a whine to his tone. Prone to sighing at odd times.
    - Exhaustion has always been with him. Born small, sick, and weak, his body never developed fully. Fatigue and constant weariness plagues the Radeon to extremes, his muscles being too weak for his needs. He must take things slow as even the smallest actions can cause him aches and pains. Heavy panting or wheezing along with painful heartbeats are some of the first symptoms to pop up. He is very sensitive like a summers peach to the point leaning against things may hurt. At this point Eleroo believes the only way to strengthen his body is evolution, even if he doesnt know how to do so.
    - Unfortunately, his condition has been made worse by his prized possession. After so many repeated poisonings his body just cant compensate anymore. After evolution his immune system has finally been given a chance to recover, but the item is still awful for him. Eleroo loves his Toxic Orb to death, the shiny purple sphere is beautiful and a memory of his trainer who was so kind to him. Touching its smooth surface brings him peace in times of panic. Yet after being poisoned by it so many times he has become afraid and a bit over sensitive to the object. Pain from other actions, running into something or stepping on a pebble, worries the Eevee that it could be poison starting to course his system. It has become harder and harder to fight the toxins and he worries that with each time it could be his last.
    - Having always been told what to do, let it be by his trainer or Seek, Eleroo is very passive when it comes to commands. He does as told, obedient even if he doesnt agree to it or think his body can handle it. As long as they have a tone of authority this Radeon will be subordinate.
    - Since the death of his trainer Eleroo hasn't been the happiest. The undead that walk around dont concern him but the lack of instructions makes him feel even more sluggish then normal. It had gotten to the point Eleroo didn't care if he lived, died, or went undead. Since Seek's return his mood has vastly improved, even if others can not tell. Now that they are together again it is almost like nothing has changed, they are just exploring like they used to.
    - Eleroo's favorite color is purple. His trainer had many purple objects in his home and it just became a very comforting color for the Radeon. It has grown to the point of near obsession as he prefers the company of purple Pokemon, seeking the familiar comfort from their appearance. With his own fur now being purple he has a habit for rubbing it when stressed.

    | Sassy | Arrogant | Uppish | Proud | Immature | Audacious | Controlling | Demanding | Stubborn | Loud | Brash | Argumentative | Cheerful | Fiery | Bold | Adventurous | Prideful | Hates to be Alone | Spunky | Closed-minded | Vain | Childish | Whiny |

    - This fiery young female has a mind of her own. Sassy, she has a sharp though childish tongue. Immaturity and an ego rule her mind making her opinion law and everyone else' worthless. Anyone who doesnt agree with her with get a back lashing until they do.
    - Seek's owner was a girly girl, and loved to brush, clean, and dress up her little Pokemon. The cute, groomed look and adoring treatment put a vanity in her heart. Whenever the chance comes up Seek will give her fur a good wash so it is always in top and beautiful condition. Dirt, grim, and blood are not allowed on her, and if they are anger will ensue. Comments on her appearance are welcomed warmly. This proud Aiveon will hold a grudge and turn her nose to anyone who jabs at her pride.
    - Seek does have a soft side. Never having that many friends when she was young, or not accepting any, it takes time for her to let others in. The kindness starts off a bit rough making it so others might not notice. It can swiftly jump though, to the point she may brashly defend them, usually worsening a situation. Slowly she is becoming kinder to Eleroo, learning to appreciate his company more.
    - Unafraid, or maybe ignorant, she will take on opponents of all sizes with both words and attacks. Headstrong and cocky it is difficult for her to accept authority. Instead she will flaunt her own total control over Eleroo. If someone does manage to impress her she will become a suck-up and try to gain rank in their eyes.
    - Her temper has a short fuse aided by age. Tantrums and meltdowns are becoming less as she grows out of them but as still nasty when they happen. She may just isolate herself or more often go and attack her teammates. The only way to make these stop is really to let them play out.
    - Her time alone after her trainers death bore a deep fear in the Aiveon. Without Eleroo, without anyone else, she had to grow more self reliant. Finding her own food, 'investigating' the infection, fighting off enemies, it would of matured the Aiveon had she not found groups of traveling Pokemon. They would usually ditch her not long after do to her personality, bringing the loneliness closer to home. Even with her partner back Seek is a bit more prone to doing things herself now, especially if he doesnt do so fast enough. She is starting to notice the strain she puts on him and may lighten up her control when guilt comes knocking. If she is alone too long anxiety will start to build making her more whiny and desperate then usual. If someone does she show up Seek, though complaining, will do as they say just to make sure they don't leave her again.
    - Evolution came as a complete shock. While she was horrified at first, thinking her new wings were a mutation alone, she has come to love her new evolution and flaunts it to no end.
    User Notes
    • Refuses to part with his Toxic Orb no matter what.
    • The 'white light' was the time shift.
    • Eloise changed her name after her trainers death because she wanted one that sounded cool and less dainty.
    • Seek's Rocky Helmet was given to her by her trainer, who received it as a gift from her father. It makes her feel protected.

    Last edited by Cinderspark on Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:49 pm; edited 13 times in total

    Posts : 3650

    Eleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh) Empty Re: Eleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh)

    Post by Mewtwo Sat Mar 02, 2013 4:54 pm

    For Seek:
    Your character only qualifies for BW rules, not BW2, so Quick Attack is not learned until level 22 and Bite is not learned until level 29.

    Please revise.


    Eleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh) 3Br5nS6

    Eleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotEleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh) UugYyDK

    Age : 29
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    Eleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh) Empty Re: Eleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh)

    Post by Dandelion Sat Mar 02, 2013 5:48 pm


    Posts : 3650

    Eleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh) Empty Re: Eleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh)

    Post by Mewtwo Sat Mar 02, 2013 7:00 pm



    Eleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh) 3Br5nS6

    Eleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotEleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh) UugYyDK

    Age : 29
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    Eleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh) Empty Re: Eleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh)

    Post by Dandelion Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:09 pm

    These two are ready for approval.


    Age : 31
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    Eleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh) Empty Re: Eleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh)

    Post by Nightfall Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:11 pm

    Eevees. Eevees everywhere.


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    Eleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh) Empty Re: Eleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh)

    Post by ShadowCharizard Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:21 pm

    Eevees invading the world.

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    Eleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh) Empty Re: Eleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh)

    Post by Duma Fri Nov 15, 2013 1:47 am

    dun dun duh duuuuuuun

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    Eleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh) Empty Re: Eleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh)

    Post by Mewtwo Thu Dec 05, 2013 7:06 pm



    Eleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh) 3Br5nS6

    Eleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotEleroo the Lethargic Radeon & Seek the Prissy Aiveon (Marsh, Sinnoh) UugYyDK

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