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    The LEGENDARY Team II - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team II

    Post by Latios Fri Apr 06, 2012 2:22 pm

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    Western Kanto||Afternoon

    Latios listened to the new pokemon introduce itself as Cobalion, another Unova legend. Latios simply stayed silent as Latias introduced herself, and Victiny got acquainted with her fellow legend when a roar from above made him look up.
    Latios saw a huge black dragon and he couldn't help but drop his jaw. That pokemon was huge, though not as large as Rayquaza, compared to the massive Hoenn legend he would probably be nothing more then a speck. Latios did wonder though what became of the weather trio of Hoenn, but that was something to think about another time.

    Latios flew up to the new pokemon after Victiny and Celebi. Celebi didn't seem to like the new dragon, waving her stick as if she was trying to shew it away, and the black dragon didn't seem to like it, but it didn't attack.
    "I came here for news. I have no intention of harming you, little being." It said to the little fairy.
    Latios came up so that he was at eye level with it. Victiny seemed to know the pokemon well as she seemed to be in aww from it, but Latios had no clue who it was. Hi, I'm Latios, and that is my younger sister Latias., Latios said as he pointed down to his sister who was still with Cobalion. Who are you, and just what kind of news are you looking for?

    ((ooc: Sorry for the late post guys, we just got our internet hooked up today.))

    Posts : 327

    The LEGENDARY Team II - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team II

    Post by Latias Sat Apr 07, 2012 4:24 pm

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    Western Kanto|Afternoon(25)

    Victini called this Pokemon 'Zekrom'. This had to bed another legend. Celebi was ultimately freaking out the huge, black dragon, and Latias had to look away and cover her mouth to hold back a laugh. The black dragon seemed to know Victini, this Pokemon must be from Unova. An Unova legend named Zekrom. Interesting. Latios introduced himself and herself, which made the red dragon frown. She wasn't useless, she knew how to say her name. Maybe Cobalion reconized Zekrom. Maybe.

    Latias floated up beside her brother and waved at Zekrom with a smile, trying to be friendly. It's nice to meet you, Zekrom. The red dragon said.


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    The Eon Pokemon


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    The LEGENDARY Team II - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team II

    Post by Celebi Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:57 pm

    ((Please forgive me, but I did not notice Victini ever entered the safehouse. I do not have time to post tonight or tomorrow because of work. Please just say that Celebi is staring at Zekrom fearfully, because she is convinced he wants to eat them.))


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    Time Travel Pokémon

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    The LEGENDARY Team II - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team II

    Post by Latios Wed Apr 18, 2012 12:24 am

    ((Skip me, waiting on Zekroms reply.))

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    The LEGENDARY Team II - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team II

    Post by Victini Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:33 pm

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    Western Kanto/Afternoon (8)

    The giant dragon smiled at her and Victini felt her heart pound with joy. Somehow she felt ... comfortable around Zekrom, despite his size. It was almost as if she had known him for a long time. The dragon opened his mouth to speak to her, but was interrupted by Celebi. The pixie appeared frightened and was brandishing her stick at Zekrom and warning him to stay back. The black dragon gave a low growl and Victini couldn't help but giggle a little.

    "It's OK, Celebi, he won't hurt you," she said to the Grass-type with a friendly smile on her face. "This is Zekrom. He's from Unova just like me!"

    Zekrom reassured Celebi that he would not hurt her and then turned back to her. "I am pleased you did not waste time in meeting with our distant kin while I slumbered. It saves me some time," he said. Victini chewed her finger and blushed at the praise. Zekrom then cast his eye downwards towards Cobalion. "Oh, that's Cobalion," Victini immediately piped up. "He's come from Unova too! Come on, let's go meet him and-- oh, sorry, Latios." Victini blushed and impatiently waited for Zekrom to answer the blue dragon's question so that she could take him down to the ground to meet Cobalion. Finally, her family was starting to form itself!

    ((OOC: Just put Latias into the Safehouse so it's my turn. ^^))


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    The Victory Pokemon

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    The LEGENDARY Team II - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team II

    Post by Celebi Sat Apr 21, 2012 3:32 pm

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    Western Kanto|Afternoon(5)

    "It's OK, Celebi, he won't hurt you. This is Zekrom. He's from Unova just like me!" The rabbit-like Legend's words did not soothe Celebi's fears. Despite knowing his region or his name, she still feared the giant. And besides, she didn't know Victini well enough to trust her at her word, much less anyone she claimed was a friend. She stared at the black fiend as he spoke to his small Unovian counterpart. The beings from that region sure were strange, and their types were so peculiar.

    But they were focusing on pleasantries and introductions. 'Getting to know each other' was not on Celebi's list of priorities. There was a war going on, lest everyone forgot that part, and yet all they had done since she arrived was talk and make idle conversation. When giant black dragon's weren't scaring them to death. As far as she was concerned, the only thing that mattered was destroying the virus that plagues this time. Otherwise, all times going forward would be forever plunged in darkness.

    She would not allow that.


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    Time Travel Pokémon

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    The LEGENDARY Team II - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team II

    Post by Cobalion Wed Apr 25, 2012 4:21 pm

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    Western Kanto | Afternoon (3)
    ((Ah... Feels good to be back in the rotation.))

    As it turned out, Cobalion had hit his guess. The red, smaller version of Latios was indeed his sister, Latias. That made sense. He wondered where they came from, that two legendaries could be so similar. Even his own brothers were different shapes and types. The group seemed to have accepted him simply, which made Cobalion happy. He wouldn't have to prove himself, it would seem. A loud roar, not too far away, stole his attention from the others.

    Peering in the direction of the sound, Cobalion caught sight of a large black Pokemon, its tail glowing with a blue light, reminding him of a human machine. Tales in Unova told of the many different legendaries from that region. However, two legends were told of more often than others. The two most famous legends in Unova, with their likenesses carved in many ancient areas, were Reshiram and Zekrom. Now, one of them, and the third of his Unova bretheren to arrive, had come to join the cause. Cobalion couldn't help but laugh, a deep throaty sound that began as a chuckle, and moved into a hearty guffah. Shaking his head to clear the tears that were beginning to form, he looked back at Zekrom. Cobalion leaned one, long leg forward and brought his neck down in a formal bow, almost allowing his antlers to touch the ground. He would not strain his voice introducing himself while the beast was flying so high, but he would let him know that he was honored to be in the presence of his most famous brother.


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    Iron Will Pokemon
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    The LEGENDARY Team II - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team II

    Post by Zekrom Sat Apr 28, 2012 11:43 pm

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    Western Kanto | Afternoon (3)

    The large dragon nodded in acknowledgement as the smaller sibling dragons introduced themselves. The small sprite -- which Victini identified as Celebi -- still seemed fearful despite his and Victini's attempts to soothe her, though he chose to ignore it for the time being. In truth, while the casualties were nice in some cases, the pressure of what he had seen since his awakening weighed heavily on his mind.

    Business was a bit more important than trust in this case, thus he turned to Latios as Victini rapidly voiced an introduction to the deer-like Unova legend that remained on the ground.

    "Is it true the humans are gone?" Zekrom had seen scant few of the creatures in comparison to the last time he had been awake. Rumours and sightings of the undead he experienced himself offered enough clues as to why they had pretty much vanished, at least in Unova, but he needed confirmation from the other regions.

    His yellow eyes strayed downward to Cobalion. The bow seemed to be received well by the large dragon, for he paused and then added, "Lets converse with everyone within earshot. If that is truly the case, we may be able to use what the humans left behind. Some of the resources of Unova have proven useful."

    Zekrom arched his wings and began to rapidly descend without waiting for any response from the other legends. He had seen the power the humans had managed to harness in the centuries of his slumber. If the technology they had developed could be utilized...

    What an ideal world could be created.


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    "It is your will that shall bring your ideal to life."

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    The LEGENDARY Team II - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team II

    Post by Victini Sun Apr 29, 2012 2:36 pm

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    Western Kanto/Afternoon (9)

    "Is it true the humans are gone?" the great dragon rumbled a question to them all. Victini lowered her head sadly. "I think so ... I haven't seen any for a long time now. When I explored Unova after my sleep - before I came here - I didn't see a single one, and neither did I see any here or in Johto."

    "Let's converse with everyone within earshot," Zekrom then said. "If that is truly the case, we may be able to use what the humans left behind. Some of the resources of Unova have proven useful." Victini nodded in agreement and followed Zekrom down to the ground. Once there her excitement took over again as she flew over to Cobalion and stopped right in front of his face. "Look! Look, Coba! It's Zekrom! He's from Unova too! He's one of the-- oh, but I guess you already knew that. Sorry! And ... you don't mind if I call you 'Coba', do you?"

    Realising that she was talking far too much as usual, Victini got out of Cobalion's face and stood back a little to give Zekrom enough space. "So ... what do you mean by the resources that the humans have left, Zekrom?" she asked the black dragon. "I used to be around humans a lot and I saw them sometimes use a kind of potion on their Pokemon to heal them. Is that what you mean? Or...?" She pondered what Zekrom had meant as she turned and waited for Latios, Latias and Celebi to come down and join them. She'd almost forgotten they were even there in her excitement.


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    The Victory Pokemon

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    The LEGENDARY Team II - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team II

    Post by Celebi Tue May 01, 2012 8:38 pm

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    Western Kanto|Afternoon(6)

    Celebi bristled angrily as she was ignored, as though these Unovians thought themselves better than her simply because of their origin. She had no time for dramatics and cliques, lives were at stake and they were making idle chatter. She floated down quickly to join them as they gathered around the four-legged Cobalion and pointed her stick in their direction.

    "We do not have time for this," she hissed angrily. "There is a war on, lest you have forgotten, and I for one am not going to sit here and let these creatures destroy the future! There is a reason I am stuck in this place, in this time, and it is because there is no time beyond this one to go to! If we allow them to succeed and take over this world then that is the end of everything! Do you understand?!" At the end of her impassioned speech tears began streaming freely down her face. The emotions of a thousand generations weighed heavily on her heart, as she knew what the world was losing.

    These Pokemon, they did not know what the future held, and she couldn't fault them for that. Truly, the blame could not be put on anyone but the humans for the crisis they now all endured. However, the small pixie's anger had risen to the point of nearly breaking her, and she could feel its corrupting influence in her heart. She needed to find a way to end it, to end all infected and stop this disease from destroying everything. It had already taken her beloved Ilex Forest, tainted her heart, and Celebi could not let that happen to the rest of the world as well.


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    Time Travel Pokémon

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    The LEGENDARY Team II - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team II

    Post by Cobalion Fri May 04, 2012 5:31 pm

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    Western Kanto | Afternoon (4)

    "Greetings, brother Zekrom." Cobalion said, smirking slightly at Victini's upbeat attitude. It was refreshing to have some cheer so close by in these troubled times. However, Celebi's response, however, returned his mood to a darker state. No future... Cobalion shook his head. That didn't bear thinking about. Even if the infection took over, there would still have to be a future, right? What could possibly destroy the future? Curse the humans. They deserved what they got, thinking they could play Arceus.


    During his travels, Cobalion had heard tell of a pokemon that the humans had modified genetically to create a Legendary. It galled him that a human creation could be called as such, but the pokemon in Unova had told him that it was so. Regardless, perhaps they could learn something about Human sciences by studding the lab where they edited this pokemon. "I'm afraid Celebi's right; Now that the pleasentries are done with, we need to get to work. Zekrom, Victini, what do you know about a pokemon named Genesect?"


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    Iron Will Pokemon
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    The LEGENDARY Team II - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team II

    Post by Zekrom Tue May 08, 2012 4:17 am

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    Western Kanto | Afternoon (4)

    Zekrom could help but feel a faint tug of annoyance as Celebi suddenly cried out in an outburst about how they "didn't have time for this" and that there was "a war on." Did she not think he didn't know this? He had seen the extent of some of the destruction as he flew over region after region in pursuit of the faint traces of power that indicated some his fellow legends were present in Kanto.

    As Cobalion voiced his agreement with what Celebi said, the massive dragon couldn't help but respond in a tone that indicated his calm exterior was not quite as calm as he would have liked to show.

    "I am aware. Celebi, I did not know of you, so I'd imagine you did not know of me either, but the realm I rule over is that of ideals. Trust me when I say I am fully aware of the extent of the danger and I would not have brought up the humans if I did not have a reason for it. Unless, of course, you had some plan of attack aside from preaching what I'm sure we are all gravely aware of," his voice showed evidence of a growl, and he realized after he spoke that he was probably needlessly blunt, though he turned to answer Victini's question and pushed such realizations aside.

    "Not quite, but close. Humans are resourceful creatures. From what I observed, they have made leaps and bounds in their technologic advancements since I fell into slumber. If we could utilize what they have, then I believe we can create some sort of weapon. An 'engine of salvation.'" He turned to the deer-like legend, a rumble of faint recognition rising from his throat as he searched his mind for any traces of the name.

    "Very little aside from rumours of a group of humans having worked on some weapon. The name was dropped in some of them. Why do you ask?


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    "It is your will that shall bring your ideal to life."

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    The LEGENDARY Team II - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team II

    Post by Victini Tue May 08, 2012 5:44 am

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    Western Kanto/Afternoon (10)

    Celebi's outburst caught Victini a little off guard. She flinched as the Johto Legend waved her stick around near to her face and told them that they didn't have time for conversing and that there was a war going on that they had to hurry up and ensure that the future wouldn't be destroyed. Victini twiddled her fingers nervously and frowned a little as Zekrom answered Celebi, although the giant dragon appeared to be trying to keep his temper in check. She agreed with what he said and floated forward herself, trying to keep her expression friendly.

    "But we are trying, Celebi," she said. "We can't just run in without a plan of some sort. We need to try and figure out what we need to do, and that's exactly what we're doing now. So don't worry, we'll be all right. We'll think of a plan soon." She nodded at the Grass-type and smiled at her. She did understand what Celebi was trying to get at but just hoped that she wouldn't become too impatient.

    Zekrom then answered her question and said that he planned to try and create some sort of weapon from the materials that the humans had left behind. "Oh, that's clever," she said brightly. "Although I hope you know what you're doing there because I don't know much about human technology, heh..."

    Next, Cobalion stepped forward and asked herself and Zekrom if they knew anything about a Pokemon called Genesect. Victini thought hard while Zekrom provided his answer. "I think I've heard the name somewhere before ... I must've overheard some humans talking about it sometime, but I can't really remember what they said ... although I think they mentioned Team Plasma. I'm sorry, it was a while ago now. Why do you ask?"


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    The Victory Pokemon

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    The LEGENDARY Team II - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team II

    Post by Celebi Fri May 11, 2012 8:13 pm

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    Western Kanto|Afternoon(7)

    "But we are trying, Celebi," to which said pixie just frowned. They weren't doing anything usefull, if that's what the other legend meant. "We can't just run in without a plan of some sort. We need to try and figure out what we need to do, and that's exactly what we're doing now. So don't worry, we'll be all right. We'll think of a plan soon." Plan? PLAN?! They aren't doing anything but exchanging pleasantries! How could this constitute a plan? Her thoughts swirled angrily in her mind as they continued on her. The others seemed to regard her observation with similar ire to Victini, the big black dragon even growled at her, and the tiny green guardian slapped her hand to her forehead. These Unovians were so arrogant it hurt.

    And now they were talking about human weapons, and human technology. That was not going to help anyone! humans caused this whole problem, and as far as Celebi was concerned using anymore of their inventions would just make matters worse. Certainly there were humans left, somewhere in the world, but if they hadn't done anything by now then what good would anything they created before all this happened do? And Gensect? What the heck was a Genesect? And now they were lost in their own conversation, great. She wouldn't be getting anything more out of them so long as they went on this tangent.

    I don't see how involving more human mess will fix anything... she muttered angrily to herself, not really caring if the others heard. They were ignoring her anyway, and had been the entire time right up until she called them out on it. If all Unovian Legends were like this, she really hoped no more of them showed up. Looking off into the horizon, she contemplated whether or not she should stay with this group or not. They seemed content on letting the world fall to chaos. She wasn't sure if she would need more...suitable...allies.


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    Time Travel Pokémon

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    The LEGENDARY Team II - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team II

    Post by Cobalion Mon May 14, 2012 6:00 pm

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    Western Kanto | Afternoon (5)

    Team Plasma... So that was what the group of humans called themselves... All the better that they're gone now. Cobalion thought, a shadow flying across his face. "From what I've gathered, this pokemon, Genesect, was genetically modified by humans to become a Legendary. Perhaps we may be able to find some clues to our cause in the lab where Genesect was created." Looking to Zekrom, he added, "With you here, it'd give us a great advantage."

    Despite his outward apearance, it troubled Cobalion that Celebi, Latios, and Latias held back. Why did they not say more? Celebi especially seemed to be detestful of his Unova bretheren, though he couldn't fathom why. Turning to Latios, who Cobalion had pegged as the leader of the group, he phrased his question again. "Do you know anything about Genesect or genetic experiments? Perhaps we can finally get a lead on something."


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    Iron Will Pokemon
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    The LEGENDARY Team II - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team II

    Post by Zekrom Thu May 17, 2012 6:13 am

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    Western Kanto | Afternoon (5)

    "Genetically engineered to become a legendary?" There was a flash of expression across Zekrom's face that seemed to be a mixture of awe and anger, though it was quickly replaced by the large dragon's normally cool expression. "I didn't realize that was possible, but it would be a large asset if we were able to use it to our advantage.

    Already it seemed the gears in the thunder dragon's head were churning in an attempt to put more pieces of the puzzle together. What was this Genesect capable of? Was it decrepit at this point? Could they actually use it?

    There were so many questions, yet precious few answers.

    Even so, Celebi's questions drew Zekrom's attention long enough for the large legend to offer an answer. "It is necessary for the ideal world; for centuries pokemon and humans have been opposites. They worked together but were never truly equal. If we stand equal with the humans and utilize their resources as they have used ours, we will finally have reached the ideal. We have no technology of our own, and it's obvious to me that the abilities of the legends are not solely capable of solving this situation, otherwise I'm sure the problem would have been resolved before I was woken.

    He turned his gaze so it was fixed on Celebi again. "If you have a plan of your own, please state it. Perhaps it will possess a higher rate of success, but as I see it now, all you're doing is preaching pessimism, which is probably less help than just 'sitting here' as you put it.

    Zekrom wasn't sure why the little sprite seemed to put him so much on edge. Her attitude, of course, had been what started to put a nick in his shoulder, but it seemed there was something stronger there as well. He narrowed his eyes and fully took in the sprite's appearance. Perhaps it was her typing. She seemed to be nature, while he was most associated with technology and advancement.

    Polar opposites.

    That was probably reason enough.


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    "It is your will that shall bring your ideal to life."

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    The LEGENDARY Team II - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team II

    Post by Latios Tue May 22, 2012 5:25 am

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    Western Kanto||Late Afternoon

    Latios hadn't really been paying much attention to the other legends, he had let his mind wonder, though when Cobalion spoke, it snapped him back to reality.
    "Do you know anything about Genesect or genetic experiments? Perhaps we can finally get a lead on something." The question was focused on the Latios, but he hadn't been paying much attention to the conversation to give much of an answer, but he gave them what he knew.
    "I do not know much about Genisect, I mean, I met him once before he was melted down into nothing." Latios said as he looked at Cobalion. "As for genetic experiments, I can't say I do. The teams in Hoenn didn't do anything like that, at least not from what I know. I tried to avoid them as much as possible."

    The Eon dragon wished he could have provided more information, but he really had nothing more to say then what he just did.
    He looked to his sister, though she seemed to have wondered off on her own again. He knew she could take care of herself, but that didn't stop him from worrying about her.
    He turned his attention back to Colbalion. "Perhaps, we could go to where Genisect died, and see if there is anything left of him that we may find useful. Perhaps something that links to your theory." He added, trying to get his mind off Latias. She would return soon enough, and right now, there where far bigger things to look into.

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    The LEGENDARY Team II - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team II

    Post by Victini Tue May 22, 2012 5:51 am

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    Western Kanto/Late Afternoon (11)

    Despite her consolation, Celebi was still being difficult. Victini decided to keep quiet while Zekrom dealt with her in his own manner. She could sense that the green pixie was really starting to get on the great dragon's nerves and hoped that she'd start to co-operate soon. Victini knew she wouldn't feel at all comfortable with a dispute in the group, and it wouldn't help with their work at all.

    "From what I've gathered, this pokemon, Genesect, was genetically modified by humans to become a Legendary. Perhaps we may be able to find some clues to our cause in the lab where Genesect was created," Cobalion said as Victini brought her little hands up to her face in wonder. "Wow, I didn't know humans could do that! It's kinda scary if you think about it, isn't it?"

    Latios shared his knowledge of Genesect before saying: "Perhaps, we could go to where Genisect died, and see if there is anything left of him that we may find useful. Perhaps something that links to your theory." "That's a good idea," Victini nodded in agreement. "If the humans that created Genesect have something to do with the outbreak of the virus, then perhaps we can find clues on how to cure it! I get it now!" The Victory Pokemon looked round at all her new friends, a feeling of happiness and belonging welling up inside her. She'd never felt so at east with other Pokemon. It was almost as if they were her family. "So..." She turned to gaze to Cobalion and Zekrom. "Does this mean we're going back to Unova?"


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    The Victory Pokemon

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    The LEGENDARY Team II - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team II

    Post by Celebi Fri May 25, 2012 2:31 pm

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    Western Kanto|Afternoon (8)

    "If you have a plan of your own, please state it. Perhaps it will possess a higher rate of success, but as I see it now, all you're doing is preaching pessimism, which is probably less help than just 'sitting here' as you put it." Celebi bristled at the arrogant tone of the giant. Just because he was bigger than she was, and only JUST NOW started giving a damn about the state of the world, didn't mean he had to be a jerk. What was worse, all of them acted like they agreed with the electric behemoth.

    The little's pixie's face grew pink as she tried to quash her anger, to no avail. Her small fingers clamped around the branch in her hand, until small droplets of blood started to run down. She broke her gaze from the hypocritical Unovians to look at her fist, only to see a small trail of red running from her hand down to the tip of the branch, where it began to bead and drip off to the ground. They have no idea...do they? What humans are capable of... The anger in her heart for these creatures was quickly replaced with sadness, which began spiraling into a depression as she thought back on all the terrible things she had seen in her travels through time.

    Humans...she choked out, tears now running down her face. They were the cause of everything. Not just this, but all the suffering in the world. She held up the small branch of her beloved Ilex Forest and the pain that filled her eyes at the sight of it would have been apparent to anyone. Humans, throughout time, have caused war, famine, disease... I watched them, from the time they started out until this great disaster. I have always been watching. Everything that they ever suffered was at their own hands. And now, you want to avert one of their more spectacular disasters with more destruction? Please...I'm begging you...don't do this... Celebi gaze pleadingly turned to the others with no shine other than her tears. It was like there was nothing left of the Time Travel Pokemon. Nothing, but an empty shell.


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    Time Travel Pokémon

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    The LEGENDARY Team II - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team II

    Post by Cobalion Tue May 29, 2012 4:33 pm

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    Western Kanto (6)

    Latios's words troubled Cobalion. So Genesect is already dead..."I don't believe that retrieving his body will help much. We need to go to the source, see if we can't decipher what these humans did." Cobalion sighed when he thought about going back to Unova. It would be good to be home again, of course, but he had literally just finished traveling here from Unova, and was not too excited to make the round trip. However, it seemed like the best idea presented for the moment.
    "It would seem so, Victini."

    Celebi, however, was another problem entirely. Cobalion naturally had no love for the humans - Even without the disease, they had started wars and abused helpless pokemon- however, he knew they were not the root of all the world's problems. There was no single root for that.
    "Celebi..." He began, choosing his words carefully. There would be no help in upsetting her even more.

    "We may be Legends, but we're still just pokemon. If you have a better idea of what to do, please, share it. We're still open right now. However, as it stands, researching the Human's labs seems the best plan of action." By Kyurem's tail, dealing with this one was difficult...


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    Iron Will Pokemon
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    The LEGENDARY Team II - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team II

    Post by Latios Wed Jun 20, 2012 6:58 pm

    ((Oh man, I'm so sorry guys, but please skip. I really didn't relize it was my turn cause I was waiting on Zekrom to post >< ))

    Posts : 327

    The LEGENDARY Team II - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team II

    Post by Latias Thu Jun 21, 2012 9:18 am

    ( Latias has had a major character revamp, so you might want to forget some of her more innocent, happy-go-lucky traits. )

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    Western Kanto [26]

    Latias had only been gone for a few minutes, drifting away from the gathering of legendaries as they droned on about what was to be done. Whilst she had learnt a great deal of what exactly was happening to their once peaceful world, the dragon was reluctant to hear all the details. She was unsure if her heart could take it. They would all have different ideas, different solutions and opinions to the predicament and Latias was unwilling to stand idly by through it all. Her patience simply wouldn’t allow it and so she deemed it best to simply grant the speakers their privacy, convinced she would only grate on their nerves. Rude, perhaps, but essentially, Latias just needed some air.

    The mainly calm voices still echoed a distant behind her, their words on just intelligible from her current position as she hovered in the air, taking slow, deep breaths. Part of her was already wondering why she had bothered coming to the region. Of course, she had been eager to see her brother, Latios, offer her sibling a few words of support and congratulations at having survived so long – but the others, she wasn’t quite as overjoyed to see. Whilst the Hoenn legend had no quarrels with her company, she simply found herself struggling to keep focus. Ever since that damned bird had attacked her, the female had found herself growing increasingly aloof. Her growing irritation triggered by the constant, dull aching on the back of her neck. The pain had begun to trail to her temples, her tolerance for the meaningless chatter of the legends reaching its peak and now forcing her into solitude. Staring out across the empty landscape, Latias sighed, defeated. Maybe it was just one of those days.

    The small dragon’s form gradually glided back into the group’s vicinity, her tired yellow eyes regarding each of the faces in turn. However, one particular individual stood out; Celebi. Latias’ heart ached at the sight of the pixie. It pained her to see the legendary in such an emotional state, the tears trickling down her face enough to alert the dragon that maybe it hadn’t been the best idea to abandon the group’s conversation after all. However, the tears weren’t the dragon’s only interest. Latias’ nostrils quivered, the scent of blood flowing into her senses as her orbs, suddenly alight with curiosity trailed to the legendary’s branch. The ooze of red was almost hypnotic, something in the back of the dragon’s mind entranced by the substance. The gash on her neck began to sting.

    Forcefully tearing her attention from the blood, the dragon’s face soon softened as a reassuring smile blossomed over her features. Cobalion soon spoke, effectively enlightening her to the decisions that had been discussed in her absence. The human’s lab? Latias disguised the confusion that the legend’s words had evoked, her demeanour remaining pleasant as she nervously glanced to Latios. There was only so much she understood about the epidemic world and the virus that caused the incredible shift, but never had she considered that it had been the human’s doing. Latias had heard of pokémon testing, of course, but the concept of one or two of these monstrosities triggering a worldwide catastrophe seemed surreal. Unwilling to share her musings, Latias simply hovered by her sibling’s side, making a particular effort to remain attentive to the conversation.


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    The Eon Pokemon


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    The LEGENDARY Team II - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team II

    Post by Victini Thu Jun 21, 2012 1:51 pm

    ((Skip me please. Victini just smiled at Latias as she saw her return and then waited to see what Celebi would say.))


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    The Victory Pokemon

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    The LEGENDARY Team II - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team II

    Post by Celebi Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:40 pm

    ((I'm so sorry! It's been so long since this team moved I forgot to check it!))

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    Western Kanto|Afternoon (9)

    "We may be Legends, but we're still just pokemon. If you have a better idea of what to do, please, share it. We're still open right now. However, as it stands, researching the Human's labs seems the best plan of action." With a defeated sigh Celebi turned her head in shame, saddened that she could not get them to listen to her plea. They did not see the horrors humans had caused throughout time, she had. They did not know what damage had been done to her home, the very place she had sworn to protect with her life. Her grip tightened on the branch in her hand to the point blood started to trickle down to the end, slowly dripping off to the beat of her heart.

    "There is only on course of action," she whispered sadly. "Only one that will save this world and its future." She looked up once more, eyes still blank and soulless, but this time they were narrowed in a frightening stare. She was more sure than ever what needed to happen to protect the Pokemon and their world. A world without humans was the first step, and the Undead already took care of that for her. Now all they had to do was deal with those who carried the virus itself. "They all have to die."


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    Time Travel Pokémon

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    The LEGENDARY Team II - Page 6 Empty Re: The LEGENDARY Team II

    Post by Latios Sat Jun 30, 2012 1:10 am

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    Western Kanto

    Latios had never been to Unova before, only Hoenn and here in Kanto.
    It was strange when Cobalion and Victini said they may be going back to Unova, to the lab where Genisect was created. Latios was about to say something when he noticed that his sister Latias had returned.
    He smiled at her as she came to his side, though something seemed to be troubling her, and his expression went from happy, to concerned. What could be troubling his sister?
    Are you all right? He asked in a voice that only she could hear.

    Celebi started speaking again, and the way she was looking sent a chill down his spine.
    She had a look of determination, and not one that was good, one that was almost intimidating. But he dared not say anything to her, he didn't want her to snap at him, but the things she was whispering just didn't sound right to him.

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