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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Fox Fri Nov 16, 2012 3:46 am

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    Ecruteak City | Late Night (57)/(20)

    "So...anymore games you want to play?" The canine sneered, her ferocious eyes moving over the Ampharos as a grin plastered itself across her large maw. Kyoyas' slate gray eyes looked down on the large canine, boring into her critically before a small and sly grin appeared.
    "Indeed, madam. Indeed."

    But as soon as the conversation began, it ended abruptly with the dragon swooping in with a warning. "Get out of here! Hurry-- before the ice gets here!" Kyoyas' ears perked, his jaw clenching and face hardening again as he looked skyward.
    “Never a moment’s peace, is there?” the Houndoom muttered, dashing off. An enormous ball of ice and undead plummeted towards them, shards of ice and frozen chunks of flesh flying off into the darkness as it approached. The Ampharos quickly dashed to the side, leaping over corpses and rolling onto the hard concrete, evading the ice attack colliding with the earth.


    Plague remained silent as the others approached them after the Arcanine fell, retreating as subtly as he could behind them. His rings' intensity fading to a slow pulse under the moonlight, he trotted into the shadows, searching among the piles of the dead anxiously.
    Dammit, where the hell is it?!
    The Umbreon glanced back at the others, his face still clearly able to express tension, despite the torn and mutilated flesh barely covering his skull. He paused, his gaze staying on the Ampharos, so confidently standing next to the large canine, the two of them seemingly having a pleasant introduction. A sudden pang of pain and jealousy ripped at the vulpines' chest as he watched.
    Of course he would.
    Death everywhere and he still can smile and act like he's fucking Arceus.
    ...What a bastard.

    He sighed heavily, his eyes moving over the ground, and catching a pale sliver among a pile of garbage against a building. Plague sprinted towards it, recognizing the sharp beak instantly. Skidding to a halt, he quickly flipped it over and lowered his face into the skull.

    "Get out of here! Hurry-- before the ice gets here!"


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Guest Sun Nov 18, 2012 2:36 pm

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    Ecruteak City|Dawn

    "Get out of here! Hurry-- before the ice gets here!" Tysiphone had to move quick to get out of the way of the large shard of death and ice. It plummeted to the ground and shattered, sending debris and icy shrapnel in all directions. The shrapnel proved significantly more difficult to dodge than the icy pillar itself had been, little needles of ice whizzing through the air, and the Direyena's body soon found itself covered in small nicks and cuts. Great...like her blood wouldn't attract more of those bastards.

    Ignoring them for now Ty decided to saunter back over to the group and give them a winning smile. "Never a dull moment with you, huh, Fairy?" She shot him a toothy grin as her eyes gave a mischevious glint, a clear sign that she was plotting. "I have to say that this is the most fun I've had in weeks. Never thought surrounding myself with powerful, attractive males would be the answer but hey, a girl can't complain." Eyeing the Ampharos carefully Ty immediately noticed the frames adorning his bridge. "Curious..." she began, stepping carefully towards the large male. "My trainer has a pair just like those. But he hated wearing them. Only pulled them out when we worked late and his eyes were tired." Feigning indifference she shrugged and glanced behind the Amphros to eye his Umbreon companion. "Do I even want his story?" she asked slyly.

    Her stomach let out an audible groan and Ty began to realize that all of this excitement tonight had burned off that small bit of hunting she had done earlier. Damn. "Well, thanks to you gentlemen I am once again starving. Don't suppose you would mind helping me back to my place for a bite, hm?" Turning to Anton she gave a look that screamed pity and delicately lifted one paw, licking gently at the cut that was evident on the end. Still eying him she gave a few more soft licks to other cuts on her leg and paw before scraping it over her face, bringing to his attention even more of the injuries. "Besides, Anton, I think you owe me that much. Don't you?" The smile that followed those words would surely make the paranoid dragon suspicious, but she just couldn't help giving him the same mischevious smirk she knew would make him squirm. It was too fun. And now she had even more personalities to exploit.

    This was a dream come true.

    Age : 36
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    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Nov 18, 2012 2:46 pm

    Post 15

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    Ecruteak City| Dawn

    It looked like She-Wolf was back in business.

    From his perch, Anton could watch the others evade his falling icy death trap from above with ease, said others arriving beneath him shortly after he, even the elder hound. Good. While the others made him cringe, the houndoom was a presence he didn't wholly loathe; a rarity nowadays. The She-Bitch was last to waltz in, her tail high as her nose. She was certainly in a good mood.

    The dark dragon paid little attention to the wolf's ramblings, however, as he was sure her words would really only succeed in further dousing his mood. However, his name sounded from her lips, causing him to glance to her. "Besides, Anton, I think you owe me that much. Don't you?"

    The dragon glared, his lip curling a little in a feral snarl. That... that.... bitch! "And what, exactly, do you think I owe you?" he growled back, wings and orbs flaring. He didn't care she was slightly wounded-- so was he. She licked and cleaned at her minor wounds pathetically, only spurring his anger on further. Now that the danger was past, why NOT play a few on him? Stubborn, malicious, decietful little fnjdfsal;gbkdsb... If he had the strength, he'd launch another Undead-filled popsicle right down at her smug little face.


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    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Min Fri Nov 23, 2012 6:32 pm

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    Ecruteak City| |Dawn
    Current Illusion: Living Swellow

    When no one answered his inquiry the illusionist let out a humph of annoyance before edging a little closer to the group, slightly eavesdropping on the conversations. The now-frozen streets of the city made him ruffle his feathers, quietly wondering if disguising himself as an ice-type would make it any better. The audible growl of the female's stomach made Rience snort, before raising a brow at the Direyena's sentence. "Well, thanks to you gentlemen I am once again starving. Don't suppose you would mind helping me back to my place for a bite, hm?"

    "Where is your place, anyway?" the bird chirps, regarding the ice-covered paths and broken lamp posts. "I'm assuming somewhere not caught in this wreckage." His eyes drifted towards the Umbreon, whom now regained his mask. 'Fucking prick.' The Swellow quietly hoped that the purple-ringed fox wouldn't tag along, glaring at him before swiftly looking away like an arrogant child.

    It wasn't long before his sights were set on the electric-type, whom the female took an immediate liking to. 'And what's so fucking special about him--he's just an Ampharos!' Although he would never openly admit, the illusionist was jealous of the others, his feathers fluffed in annoyance.

    Age : 29
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    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Snitch Sat Nov 24, 2012 3:57 am

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    Ecruteak City || Late Night [7]

    Remaining characteristically quiet, the epitome of cool sophistication, Vito held his head high, calm despite the circumstances that had rocked his existence. Eyes wandering the faces of the creatures gathered, the canine disguised his discomfort in recognising none of the species save the two newcomers. He’d thought himself relatively well-learnt in the creatures occupying the regions, but it seemed life was always full of surprises. Mutation didn’t seem an unlikely explanation and good manners prevented him from probing for a rational explanation.

    "Never a dull moment with you, huh, Fairy? I have to say that this is the most fun I've had in weeks. Never thought surrounding myself with powerful, attractive males would be the answer but hey, a girl can't complain."

    The dark-type clearly wasn’t addressing him. Powerful, attractive male? Once upon a time, perhaps. Vito was pass his prime, his calculated words far more dangerous than his slender frame, whilst greying around the muzzle could only appeal to an older lady. Still, Carmela had never grumbled. The image of his mate sauntering within the recesses of a deep, brilliant mind, Vito’s demeanour was lightened by a small, nostalgic smile. He could only pray she was okay – no doubt his sons would ensure her safety.

    "Well, thanks to you gentlemen I am once again starving. Don't suppose you would mind helping me back to my place for a bite, hm?"

    By the time Vito had tuned into conversation once more, the female canine was still speaking, clearly enamoured with her new situation as she invited her company back for ‘a bite’. Remembering the dragon’s warning upon their first meeting, the Houndoom eyed the Direyena carefully as she exaggerated an injury, mischievous in her attempts to evoke a reaction from the aforementioned avian. Whilst Vito couldn’t approve of her behaviour, he couldn’t distinguish any fault in the technique from Anton’s venomous response, wings flaring aggressively. Vito simply shook his head at the spontaneity of youth.

    "Where is your place, anyway? I'm assuming somewhere not caught in this wreckage."

    The illusionist was in the guise of a Swellow when he spoke, the Houndoom admiring the canine’s ability a moment before turning to the Mightyena-creature for some kind of answer. He had no qualms about following or indulging in a meal following such a battle. He was tired, of course, but in comparison to the injuries of his company, Vito was mainly unscathed – still, it would be nice to re-familiarize himself with the feeling of company. Isolation could do strange things to the mind, but arguably, a living mind that you hadn’t the capacity to read was far more dangerous. Vito had met a lot of pokémon in his lifetime, experienced enough to deal with even the tensest situations and after months of solitude, the unconventional gathering before him would provide a welcome change. Company, at the current moment, was a risk he was willing to take.
    “Lead on, Ma’am,” He nodded his head appreciatively to the female, voice low and refined with age. A small smile brightening a gaunt but serene face, Vito stood tall, obediently awaiting directions.

    Age : 37
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    Post by Fox Sun Nov 25, 2012 8:55 pm

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    Ecruteak City | Late Night (58)/(21)

    The Ampharos dusted himself off, pulling himself to his feet effortlessly, his lithe muscles moving visibly underneath his short fur. With a flick of his humanoid paws, he brushed the icy powder off of his shoulders before sauntering back to the group, his cool demeanor not cracking in the slightest.
    "Never a dull moment with you, huh, Fairy?" The horned canine sneered, her lips curling with obvious mischief and malicious intent.
    Kyoya remained silent, but his slate gaze locked on each of them again slowly, his cold expression revealing nothing.
    "I have to say that this is the most fun I've had in weeks. Never thought surrounding myself with powerful, attractive males would be the answer but hey, a girl can't complain."
    The Ampharos crossed his arms, one paw pushing the delicate lenses up the bridge of his nose in a sophisticated manner as the female padded up to him.
    "Curious..." she muttered, her fierce eyes staring into the reflective lenses adorning his face. "My trainer has a pair just like those. But he hated wearing them. Only pulled them out when we worked late and his eyes were tired."
    Kyoya laughed softly, a mono-syllabic utterance before returning her gaze.
    She is intriguing...though she just revealed an important aspect of her life, and to complete strangers, nonetheless. But with her obvious tactical expertise, I will assume that she had every intention of allowing us to know that much...From her performance in battle, it is obvious that she did not come across those skills on her own.

    "They...can be a nuisance to wear sometimes."
    He said quietly, his sharp gaze cold and unyielding.
    Based on her skillset, she must have been trained by a dark type specialist.
    And her impish behavior...suggests that she may have even been involved with the mafia...they're the only ones who really like to hone this kind of...personality.

    He grinned subtly as she shrugged at his rather purposefully dull response, her attentions turning to a sulking Plague.
    "Do I even want his story?" she asked, her head tilting coyly.

    The Ampharos gaze bore into the now-masked Umbreon.
    "Later, perhaps. Trading stories is probably not the safest way to spend this reprieve."


    Plague hissed angrily as he limped to his feet in a hurry after the collision, the ice ball sending shards of ice rocketing in every direction. The Umbreon had the luck of getting hit with a thin and somewhat stubby shard that had embedded itself in his shoulder. Plague bit at the small wound, managing to pull the majority of the shard out of his arm, just as the group began to congregate again.

    Plague listened quietly to the conversation, nervously looking about the perimeter before a familiar voice broke him away.
    "Where is your place, anyway? I'm assuming somewhere not caught in this wreckage."
    His ears jumped up, his fur beginning to bristle as he slowly turned around.
    It's that fucking bastard! He's still alive!...
    “Lead on, Ma’am,” the Houndoom said in a mannerly fashion, which the Umbreon promptly ignored as he stalked closer, glaring holes through the Swellow.
    "You!" He hissed, his rings glowing vibrantly with indignant rage as he lowered his head, his body tensing instinctively. The Umbreons' voice was characteristically soft and quiet, but was tainted by a subtle but malignant tone.
    "YOU aren't going anywhere!" The Umbreons' body crackled with a dark energy as his eyes began to glow a brilliant red.

    (As cool as another fight would be, I think it'd be neat to have it like in L4D, where there's only short quiet moments before more undead hoardes come. So I have every intention to have Plague shut the hell up and stop being bitterface next round so they don't get killed lol)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Guest Tue Nov 27, 2012 4:49 pm

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    Ecruteak City|Dawn

    "And what, exactly, do you think I owe you?" Ty quit cleaning her paws mid lick, retreating her tongue and eying Anton from over the top of her superficially wounded leg. "Why, dinner, of course." She was having way too much with this dragon...thing. "I figure with the date we just went on you could at least offer me dinner first. But I suppose late is better than never." Once they got back to her place there would be plenty of food, of course, but also plenty of fun for Ty.

    "Where is your place, anyway? I'm assuming somewhere not caught in this wreckage." Tysiphone merely laughed, none of them really aware that in the midst of such chaos seemed the perfect choice of home for the sadistic hound. In fact that was very much like the place she had come from, Zenyt being in charge of one of the distribution centers for their stolen Pokemon. Shit was always going down there and Ty had the pleasure of always getting to jump right into the middle of it. But before she could tell them where she actually dwelled, the masked Umbreon took things into his own paws.

    "You! YOU aren't going anywhere!"

    The wolf smiled at her new companions, shaking her shagged head and clicked her tongue in reprieve. "Tsk tsk, boys," she began, stepping casually in between the pair and gazing down at the purple-ringed Umbreon before her. "There should be none of that right now. I thought we all wanted to relax and grab a bite to eat? Come on..." She offered an overly friendly smile to the masked one, giving him a small wink before turning her gaze to the old man. "What do you say?"

    Moving the rest of her body between them Ty began heading off back into town, flicking her tail towards both of their faces as she passed. After getting a good distance away she turned, sat down with her tail curled around her and nodded her head in the direction she was headed. "You boys coming? Or am I going to have to make it home all by myself?" Being coy was one of her favorite tactics, and she was pulling out all the stops. Hopefully at least the Ampharos and his Umbreon companion would follow, she really wanted to get to know the story behind that odd couple.

    Age : 36
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    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed Nov 28, 2012 10:20 am

    Post 16

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    Ecruteak City| Dawn

    This chick was unbelievable. Anton glared at her response, mocking him and taunting everyone else there. She flaunted, she jeered... why was he staying? Why was he putting up with any of her shit?

    Oh yeah.

    She'd kill him otherwise.

    Remembering his place, not really wanting to goad the She-Wolf on -as he'd already run dry of one of his attacks- he simply sat and watched her little performance as she nearly danced back to her lair. Anton donned his signature scowl, body hunkered as he leaned forward to once again take wing. It wasn't long, though, a mere glide back down to the ground. Landing next to the houndoom, he began walking forward when he realized it was the aging canine beside him. Glancing ahead, to the She-Wolf, then back to the hound, he gave an exasperated sigh. "...Told you, didn't I?" Not waiting for the old timer, he trudged forward, knowing escape was futile. At least now, she had other toys to distract her.


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    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Min Sat Dec 01, 2012 7:18 pm

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    Ecruteak City| |Dawn
    Current Illusion: Living Swellow

    "You!" He was hopping towards the others, but froze at the sound of the Umbreon's voice. "YOU aren't going anywhere!" The illusionist turned to his foe with a sharp glare, his disguise fading away to reveal long teeth bared. (Current Illusion: None) Snorting, he stuck his tongue out like a child before flicking his head away, crossing his arms. "I can do what I want," he grumbled, shooting a quick glance at Plague. "If you want me to stop, why don't you make me?" emphasizing his list words, he huffed.

    It wasn't long before someone intervened, the Direyena taking a step inbetween to the two arguing Pokemon. "Tsk tsk, boys. There should be none of that right now. I thought we all wanted to relax and grab a bite to eat? Come on..." Rience muttered something under his breath, a lopsided frown on his muzzle. "What do you say?" As the mutt glanced at him, the Zorombra hesitated. Would he be a coward if he backed down from the fight?

    When the canine walked away, the dark-type paused to fiddle with his cane. He was starved, his skinny figure only covered by a light pelt of fur and bandages, but the thought of having a chance to beat that godamn eeveelution up was almost too good to pass. "You boys coming? Or am I going to have to make it home all by myself?" "...Fiiiiine..." he mumbled, ruffling his fur before smoothing it out, sending one last fierce stare at the masked Pokemon before shuffling back to the group.

    Age : 29
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    Post by Snitch Sun Dec 02, 2012 11:42 am

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    Ecruteak City || Dawn [8]

    It seemed the masked newcomer and their resident illusionist had an existing relationship. Vito watched with a muted interest as the former stalked towards the creature, hissing bitterly as for a split second, the Houndoom expected to witness another battle. Yet, the she-wolf was keen to halt the violence. Insisting they accept her hospitality before they sought to tear one another’s throats out in a no doubt meaningless dispute, Vito was curious to the temperament of the others. He didn’t want to judge them as reckless kids, a respect already building from witnessing the canines in battle, but he wasn’t hopeful.


    Although sulky, seemingly reluctant to let the matter slip just yet, Vito was essentially pleased at the acceptance of a volatile state of peace. Giving a quiet snort, the aged hound turned in unison with the dragon – responding to his exasperated comment with a short chuckle and a shake of his head.
    “You certainly did…” He muttered, darkened eyes scanning his company to determine that perhaps isolation hadn’t been all that terrible. Still, they were a strong bunch. Hot-headed youngsters, of course, but if they’d survived this long, surely they had something more useful lurking behind their evident brawn. At least the dragon had demonstrated a shred of civility. Remaining characteristically hopeful, Vito took long, elegant paces as he followed the dark-canine.

    (( Sorry, short post. Vito’s proving an annoyingly hard character to get into. Dx ))

    Age : 37
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    Post by Fox Fri Dec 07, 2012 1:19 am

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    Ecruteak City | Dawn (59)/(22)

    "If you want me to stop, why don't you make me?" the lupine growled, glaring at the Umbreon. Plague bristled as he bared his teeth at the childish lupine.

    "Maybe I'll start with breaking your-"
    "There should be none of that right now. I thought we all wanted to relax and grab a bite to eat? Come on..."
    Plague stepped back, unnerved by the sudden interruption from the large female. Her piercing eyes and her smooth but forceful ways shook the Umbreon and took him off his guard.
    "What do you say?" She purred, winking down at Plague.
    His gaze broke from the large canine, to glare coldly at the strange pokemon.

    "Come now, Plague, now is not the time..." Kyoya muttered coolly, walking up to the Umbreons' side as he crossed his arms, looking down on the lupine with a detached annoyance. Plague let out a heavy breath as he sat down, curling his tail around his paws tightly, his fur slowly falling as he struggled to calm himself. His expression turned sullen as he glared at the ovines' cloven hooves in barely contained rage.


    Kyoya watched the small group calculatedly, watching each of their reactions to the females' seductive behavior.
    The only female in the group...and she certainly knows how to exploit it...
    "You boys coming? Or am I going to have to make it home all by myself?"
    With an air of hesitation, the dragon and Houndoom padded after her, mumbling amongst themselves.

    Kyoya grinned, the growing light reflecting off his glass lenses as his gaze turned to the Umbreon at his side. The others had left without them, leaving them alone with the piles of now unmoving corpses.
    Plague scowled, rolling his eyes as he looked off into the dark forest.
    "...What is so damned amusing to you?" He grumbled, his ears low against his head and the tip of his tail twitching. "I really hope you're not intending on joining them."

    "Why not? The way we tore through that hoard...I'd say that's a valid enough reason to remain with them. After all, there is strength in numbers, Plague." The Ampharos touted lightly.
    Even if the female is the one that drew them all here...
    Plagues' eyes widened his form stiffening.
    "Not when one of them almost killed me!" He hissed through clenched teeth. The Ampharos ignored the vulpine, promptly kicking aside a corpse to follow the others, grinning to himself as he heard the Umbreon hesitantly get up and pad after him.

    (Sorry I took so long, I've been really busy with school)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Post by Guest Mon Dec 10, 2012 12:15 pm

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    Ecruteak City|Early Morning

    Tysiphone was more than pleased when everyone gave in to the desire to follow the hound as she made her way through the streets of Ecruteak, drawing ever nearer to the place she had been calling 'home'. Coming into view soon was a small building roughly the size of a house, but closer inspection revealed that it once held much more. As she made her way up the small porch, bypassing a rusted pokeball and cross sign that hung loosely from only one remaining nail, the Direyena turned to welcome her guests. "I'd be careful boys, things in here run a little...sharp." Smirking devilishly at her own innuendo Ty left them to their imaginations and entered the building completely carefree.

    Once inside anyone would see what she had meant. The building was old, decrepit, and had obviously been abandoned long before anyone even dreamed of the epidemic. The wallpaper and paint was cracked and peeling from almost every wall, revealing the harsh stone and wood that lay beneath the once decorative layers. Bits of ceiling were crumbled and dusted across the floor, showing signs of paw prints from where Ty had moved across the piles time and again. There were rusted carts piled in one room, some missing wheels and others spilled over with their instruments strown across the floor. These things appeared surgical in nature, giving an odd feeling of being in a hospital without the size, and many of them were as rusted as the carts which flipped them.

    And it was terrifyingly silent.

    The only sounds to be heard within the empty halls were the sounds of footprints as Ty, and anyone who followed, made their way inside. The dust made it somewhat foggy in areas where the morning sun came in through the windows, thick vines breaking through the wooden sills to begin growing into the building itself, and it was here that Ty settled down. Nestled in her throne of ivy she watched and waited to see what the others thought of her shelter, truly wanting to see if any one of them could pick why she would choose such a place. It had serious advantages if one knew how to look and this hound certainly knew them. The only question was...did any of them?

    "So who's hungry?"

    ((If anyone is old school, this house is actually the one from gen 2 which you could not enter without hacking. Speculation was that it was originally supposed to be the pharmacy which was later in Cianwood, so I am keeping with it as an abandoned clinic. It seems to suit Ty. XD))

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Tue Dec 11, 2012 4:31 am

    Post 17

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    Ecruteak City| Early Morning

    Following She-Wolf with the others was proving to be more of a pain than Anton had earlier anticipated. The older hound excluded, these pokemon were either all whiny bitches or lunatics. Keeping quiet most of the way, it wasn't until the two dark foxes arguing that Anton got annoyed enough to actually say something. The umbreon's ampharos partner seemed to be doing a decent enough job in calming his other half down, until the umbreon let out an angry, indignant hiss. "Not when one of them almost killed me!" he growled, earning Anton's attention.

    "Looks like something already did that for them," he growled, lavender gaze fixated on the masked umbreon for a brief moment. He wasn't going to let this prick rant on like any of them owed him something. Anton was already dealing with an unreasonable psychopath-- he didn't need another.

    Walking into She-Wolf's "home" was nothing less than he had anticipated-- a nightmare. It seemed even the humans hadn't wanted this place, its dilapidated state far outmatching anything in the area besides the famous Burnt Tower. "I'd be careful boys, things in here run a little...sharp," she warned coyly, trotting off into the dusty dark, expecting them to follow. "Yeah, no shit," Anton muttered under his breath.

    The entire building had a point, needles and glass almost everywhere except where She-Wolf had daintily trotted by. Careful not to step on any of the surely infectious sharps, he made his way in, quickly acknowledging that lying out on the street in plain view was likely safer than residing here. His eyes trailed longingly to a rafter above him, but his large wingspan and the weakness of the building would erase that goal altogether. He sighed and settled for a spot in a corner, glad that his back was against something slightly sturdy. He watched as She-Wolf assumed her throne, observing her subjects trudge into her kingdom. "So who's hungry?" she asked, smug grin still on full.

    "As long as it's not covered in needles and tetnus, I'll take some," he muttered, shifting his weight slightly. You at least owe me that, Psycho... he growled in his mind.


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    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Min Fri Dec 14, 2012 8:20 pm

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    Ecruteak City| |Dawn
    Current Illusion: None

    Quietly following the others, Rience was constantly casting glares toward the Umbreon, scowling. His fur was bristled, arms crossed as he lurked near the back. 'Why did he have to show up?' Narrowing his eyes, he grit his teeth in frustration. 'Everything was all fine and dandy without him here, and then he just has to fucking come with his Ampharos friend and ruin my fucking day,' His hands slowly balled up into fists.

    "I'd be careful boys, things in here run a little...sharp." Looking up from all his glaring and thought, the Zorombra soon realized that they had arrived at the female's lair. Tentatively taking a step onto the porch, he soon found himself following the Direyena inside. The abandoned nature of the building made the Illusionist wonder what it had used to be, carefully analyzing the surgical tools from a distance. 'Fitting, for a dark type.'

    As the Zorombra followed, still listless, he shook his muzzle in annoyance at the clouds of dust. He never quite liked the puffs invading his lungs. Fighting back the urge to sneeze, Rience reluctantly trudged past and towards the nest of Ivy, where Ty laid. "So who's hungry?" Crouching down next to a wall, he rose a claw. "As long as it's not covered in needles and tetnus, I'll take some," He nodded an agreement. "Ditto." however, he paused. A thin frown began on his face, looking towards the ground. If he ate some of the dog's food, that would mean he will owe her. Above all, Rience despised the thought of having to owe someone something. Usually it would start off with a simple favor, but previous experience convinced him that it would quickly grow into a relentless pressure.

    Besides, what good would come of him if he had stayed, anyways? He was surrounded by strangers, and that...despicable purple fox that had been constantly getting on his nerves. The little shit didn't seem to be in any mood to leave though, and the Zorombra gave a saigh of exasperation. 'It's either me or him,' Rience scowled, eyes narrowed before settling on his decision. He would leave. There was nothing for him here, no friendships, no alliances. Not that he needed such things, anyways.

    He swiftly disguised himself, body molding in with the shadows behind him. [Current Disguise: Darkness] He soon began to go back out the way he came, feet light and swift as he exited the building and onto the streets of the city, inhaling the air as he looked back. "Adios, fuckers." Rience grunted, before sprinted into the direction of the trees. Into the woodlands he belonged.

    [OOC: Edited into a leaving post.]

    Last edited by Lulu on Wed Feb 20, 2013 8:42 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Snitch Mon Dec 17, 2012 10:32 am

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    Ecruteak City || Dawn [9]

    Led to the rundown home of the she-wolf, Vito’s lithe form slowed to a halt just beyond as his eyes swallowed the haunting building. Well, it certainly had character. Smiling to himself, catching the hostess’ muffled warning of a environment as sharp as her tongue, the aged hound looked over his shoulder to find the whole ensemble slipping past him to accept the offering of food and rather unstable shelter. The Houndoom himself found himself hesitate.

    It wasn’t he was fearful of the building, the headstrong youths it currently housed, but the opportunities he dreaded missing. Vito had made a lot of mistakes in his lifetime – he knew that better than anyone despite the successes that had secured him a position of power, and one of them was the abandonment of his family. They all thought him dead. Of course, his eldest boy and beloved mate hadn’t been there to witness his ‘heart attack’, fate having claimed them only months earlier, but it was the sons he’d left behind, the friends and allies he’d deserted that flashed vivid in his mind.

    Standing outside the looming entrance to a whole new adventure, a whole new universe, Vito decided that perhaps he wasn’t ready for such a thrill. He was a skeleton amongst the fresh faces of the battle-ready pokémon he’d encountered; no doubt his rationality and cynicism would mar their youthful endeavours. Heaving a sigh, he peered through the doorway, departing with nought but a firm nod before turning away altogether.

    Head held high, the slender hound strolled away from the scene. The city, littered with the bloody corpses of the undead, was no place for a canine on his last legs. No, he would start afresh. Vito would return home, return to what he knew best and hope for the best. Humming tunelessly to himself, long elegant strides swiftly carrying him across the expansive deathbed, Vito disappeared into the distance; on his way.

    (( I’m so sorry but I really can’t get into Vito’s character and I’d hate to be wasting a spot on one of the Elite Teams. With regret, this will be my leaving post. It’s been lovely writing with you all and I’m just sorry I couldn’t offer more in terms of character. Dx ))

    Age : 37
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    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Fox Tue Dec 18, 2012 11:15 pm

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    Ecruteak City | Dawn (60)/(23)

    "Looks like something already did that for them," the dragon grumbled under his breath, his eyes boring into the Umbreon with distaste. Plague growled quietly, his crimson eyes flashing in sync with his rings as a warning to the pissy reptile. But after Kyoya casually followed the others, Plague sighed in frustration.
    Well, I can't stay out here...Kyoyas' right. He thought bitterly, biting his lip as he anxiously looked towards the forest.
    More will be coming soon.
    I guess it's best to stick with...them...for now...

    Plague got to his feet, padding silently behind the others, keeping a close eye on all of them as they approached the decrepit building.
    What did that stupid dragon mean by that?...
    Does he know?...

    Plague slowed his pace, his heart beating faster under his rib cage.
    What will I tell them?...
    What if they saw my face...?

    The Umbreon swallowed hard, anxiety and pain gripping his mind as flashes of the attack in Azalea bombarded him. Plague stopped in his tracks, crunching his eyes shut as he tried to control his breathing.
    What if they...


    With a hiss, he stomped his front paw firmly.
    I don't need anyone.
    I don't need to explain myself.
    These aren't allies or friends...

    The vulpines' angry gaze softened, melancholy replacing it as he looked down at the dirty street. His crimson eyes stared blankly, only seeing the masked Espeons' devastated gaze as she realized just what he was.
    ...I don't deserve friends.
    I don't deserve...love.

    Hanging his head in shame, the masked Umbreon padded up the shallow steps and into the darkened shelter, his gaze shifting only for a moment to the retreating Houndoom before falling back to the ground, lost in his thoughts.


    Kyoya sauntered into the old building, his hooves making a sharp clatter against the old flooring. The slate gaze of the Ampharos carefully examined each web infested crevice, sagging doorway, creaking panel and boarded up window.
    I wouldn't call this a shack, much less a home...he thought as the corners of his mouth were tugged down in disgust.
    But I suppose I can't blame a commoner for having poor taste...

    But the Ampharos' senses sharpened as he caught a faint hairline of reflected light reaching across another doorway.
    Quickly, he looked to the floor where they all had been following the female. With subtle calculation, he made a mental note of all the paw marks he could see in the dust that he thought to belong to the female outside of where they had just walked.
    Ah...clever girl...
    The Ampharos' gaze narrowed as a subtle but chilling grin played on his maw, his eyes once again masked by the reflective surface of his glasses. With a fluid and casual gesture, he picked a scalpel-like blade from one of the decaying boxes, twirling it dexterously in his paw as he watched the canine settle into a bed of ivy. Her fur fell beautifully around her semi-muscular frame, her canid eyes glinting mischievously as she beheld them all.
    Quite a fitting throne for her...he thought, his cold gaze never giving anything away. Amusing the way she looks upon us...almost like servants...Perhaps she does have some noble blood in her after all.
    She must have been used to males doting on her every whim, before all of this...

    "So who's hungry?"
    "As long as it's not covered in needles and tetnus, I'll take some,"

    Formulaic half-wits...
    The Ampharos ignored the question, his arms folded in front of him coolly as he twirled the old but still very sharp blade around with one paw.
    "A nice palace you have here," he cooed quietly, his eyes unreadable. "But I see that you're missing some...loyal bodyguards...at your side." He said softly, his head tilting gently to one side as he let the words roll off his tongue suggestively. The soft light streaming in from a boarded window fell upon his face, accentuating the perfectly sculpted jawline and the refined cheekbones underneath the soft and short fur. Light shone through the ovines' gray irises, making them appear much softer than they actually were. The delicate steel frames that ran across his face glinted softly, only enhancing his masculine beauty.
    He couldn't help but laugh silently in his head.

    We'll see who entraps who, your majesty...

    (lol, Jurassic Park quote!~ and at this point, everyone has to fall in love with Kyoya, even the guys. Because he's showing off his beautifulness XD )


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Guest Fri Dec 21, 2012 7:00 pm

    ((My apologies, things sort of got away from me this week))
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    Ecruteak City|Early Morning

    While she was disappointed the sexy elder hound didn't come in to join the group she at least still got several other fine specimens to play with. And Fairy was just so cute with how quickly her remarks got under his skin. "As long as it's not covered in needles and tetnus, I'll take some." Just like that. "It's so cute how a boy with no feathers can get them ruffled so easily," came her cheeky reply. When the old man chipped in his two cents she knew she had to put such silliness to rest. "Don't worry precious, I don't bother poisoning my guests. There are so many better ways to kill someone." If the shimmering glint in her eyes was anything to go by then Anton would easily tell she was already cataloging each one and how easily they would apply to this gathering. "Food is in the crates behind you. Feel free to take anything since the freshness doesn't keep long. Better to eat it now, yes?"

    But oh that pair, she couldn't have been more pleased to see them walk into her den. Theirs was a curious kinship that she couldn't wait to dig into and she was damn sure gonna try. It wasn't often she was offered a delicious enigma on a silver platter, especially one so handsomely packaged. The Ampharos oozed refinement and sexy from nearly every poor and the raw power that the Umbreon sported was enough to turn her attentions to him. Even with his jacked up face. Shame their seemed to be a lingering bit of taint within him, but only time would tell if it was mental deformity or infection. She could see the Ampharos eying her lair carefully and when he spotted her careful tracks there was the telltale smirk of one who recognized a pattern.

    Finally. A sharp mind to match her own.

    "A nice palace you have here." That voice practically dripped honey, but it was a tone that Tisiphone was more than familiar with. How many times had she already done the same to this very group to lure them here, after all? "But I see that you're missing some...loyal bodyguards...at your side." Ty couldn't resist the sadistic smile that graced her features at the backhanded offer. Very well, if the Light Pokemon wanted to play, she could play. "Loyalty...it is so easily bought and sold these days," she sighed dramatically, dropping her smile to hang her head and look forlornly out one of the windows beside her. "Too many have proven their weakness to better offers than mine, only to be felled for their betrayal at my very fangs. Such sad times we live in."

    "So tell me stranger, since you offer...What's your price?"

    Careful or I may just have her jump out from beside Kyoya to nom on his face!))

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Sun Dec 23, 2012 4:52 pm

    Post 18

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    Ecruteak City| Early Morning

    "It's so cute how a boy with no feathers can get them ruffled so easily," came She-Wolf's reply, as coy and bitchy as Anton expected. Now they were in her domain more than ever, and she was sure proud of it. Anton's frown remained, not moving as the odd fox agreed. "Don't worry precious, I don't bother poisoning my guests. There are so many better ways to kill someone." A glint sparkled in her eye, and he knew he was being judged. He gave a small hiss, hating being put so low on the food chain so quickly. Had he not already proved himself with the battle and the fact that he hadn't run?

    "Food is in the crates behind you. Feel free to take anything since the freshness doesn't keep long. Better to eat it now, yes?" Grumbling, Anton turned to see the crates she mentioned, stepping forward and pushing the top off. Well, at least she was true to her word. Bread, dehydrated berries and dry poke kibble still in their bags filled the crate, and Anton pulled it out. While he didn't fancy sharing, he knew these were now for everyone, and he'd rather the crate be out in the open rather than being stampeded for food. Being the closest, he took his share and slithered back to his corner, body curling around his share. He began with the bread first, gnawing on it to help ease his anxiety.

    Hooves against the wood echoed, announcing the ampharos and umbreon's arrival. A light groan escaped Anton; he hadn't really been wanting either of them. The prissy fox with the fucked up face looked to be trouble enough, but when he saw how the ampharos held himself, he nearly smashed his face into the wall. They had a Wolf Queen, and now it seemed they had a Ram King. Or whatever the hell ampharos was. "A nice palace you have here." His voice was smooth and sticky, giving the feeling of a good-looking trap. Disgusting. "But I see that you're missing some...loyal bodyguards...at your side."

    Bodyguards? Anton questioned in his mind, confused. What the hell is he doing? His eyes flicked to the umbreon, watching for his reaction. Surely he wasn't going to be okay with that. But before he got the chance, She-Wolf took the silence for her own. "Loyalty...it is so easily bought and sold these days," A heavy, dramitic sigh escaped her as she longingly looked out the window, only confusing the dragon more. Who the hell was this chick? Lavender eyes volleying between the two pokemon, his mind quickly worked on their speedily growing relationship. It looked like the mind games were on, and he and the others were going to end up being pawns caught in it. "Too many have proven their weakness to better offers than mine, only to be felled for their betrayal at my very fangs. Such sad times we live in." Anton growled lightly at her casual threat; he'd expected as much out of her.

    "So tell me stranger, since you offer...What's your price?"

    Anton scoffed from his dark corner, tired of playing spectator. "You don't even know his name and you already want to put in a pact with him, Your Worshipfulness?" he growled, stepping forward slightly. "Not just girls can play off a pretty face." He glared to the ampharos, unsure of what side he'd rather be on. Really, they may as well have been on the same side in the first place. "I didn't take you for the trusting type, She-Wolf" he muttered, turning back to her.


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    Post by Fox Tue Dec 25, 2012 2:18 am

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    Ecruteak City | Dawn (61)/(24)

    "Too many have proven their weakness to better offers than mine, only to be felled for their betrayal at my very fangs. Such sad times we live in." The canine sighed, as if her mind was elsewhere.
    "So tell me stranger, since you offer...What's your price?"

    Kyoya peered at the canine in indifference, unshaken by her not-so-subtle threat. But before he could respond, the dragon scoffed, stepping forward with a protest. "You don't even know his name and you already want to put in a pact with him, Your Worshipfulness? Not just girls can play off a pretty face."

    The Ampharos shifted his weight, gently pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose casually.
    So the females' wiles have already worked on him...this will be easier than anticipated.
    Ignoring the accusations, The ovine let the dragon finish mumbling before he continued.
    "...Kyoya." He said simply, pausing.
    "Kyoya Ootori. And my colleagues' name is Plague." The Ampharos looked at the dragon coolly, his hand motioning formally to the sulking Umbreon next to him. "We've been scouting the region for strong and capable pokemon, and as luck would have it, we've found some." He said, his tone dripping with kindness and charm. "You've given us shelter and food, madam. We wish to repay you for your generous hospitality. It's rare to find someone so willing to share what they have, especially in times of crisis. You truly are an exceptional creature." The Ampharos murmured, smiling gently at Ty.


    Plague listened to the Ampharos' smooth voice, his tail twitching in barely concealed annoyance and confusion. The Umbreon was about to growl in protest when the dragon voiced his suspicions.
    ...What's he playing at?...
    Plague sighed softly under his mask, trying to calm himself.
    Damned Shadow King...that's what he is. He thought, looking to the others for their reactions.
    If I don't go along with it, the others would turn against us...
    Kyoya...you're playing dangerous games...

    Plague got to his feet reluctantly, lowering his head and tail in feigned submission.
    "...Thank you. We're in your debt." The vulpines' voice was soft and yielding, but his crimson gaze was guarded as he looked upon the large canine.

    (I was gonna wait for Lulu, but seeing as how she went back into safehouse, I guess I'll post)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Guest Tue Dec 25, 2012 6:43 pm

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    Ecruteak City|Early Morning

    "You don't even know his name and you already want to put in a pact with him, Your Worshipfulness? Not just girls can play off a pretty face." Anton's outburst was a little unexpected this early in the game. It was almost like he was...jealous. Ty simply smiled at him but his back turned to her quickly which didn't help her current assessment of him. "I didn't take you for the trusting type, She-Wolf" Yep. Definitely sounded jealous. To have developed such strong emotions so quickly was unusual for a type that seemed a loner like her but she wasn't going to let it squander. She would have to find a way to ease his suffering and comfort him, get him to relax his guard a little more. After all, it wouldn't be any fun if he quit the game early.

    "...Kyoya. Kyoya Ootori. And my colleagues' name is Plague." Ooh, what interesting names. Kyoya's seemed almost exotic and Plague, well that was a name that spoke volumes of not only the one who gave it to him but the one who bore it. Perhaps they were one and the same, who knew. Ty only knew that this was proving to be a more interesting couple than she had anticipated. "You've given us shelter and food, madam. We wish to repay you for your generous hospitality. It's rare to find someone so willing to share what they have, especially in times of crisis. You truly are an exceptional creature."

    Well, she couldn't disagree with that assessment, though likely not for the same reasons as the Ampharos so shallowly depicted. The Direyena knew she was exceptional, but most of it came from her deceptions and manipulations. This little game of theirs was proving to be a fun challenge of whom could out-use whom and it was making her positively giddy. "...Thank you. We're in your debt." With a toothy grin and a subtle slide of her paw she bowed from her seat, looking up and offering a wink to the pair. "Tisiphone. But please, call me Ty. Everyone does," she looked over to Anton with a sad smile. "Well, almost everyone." But a simple shrug she let it slide. "And your offer will be considered so long as I don't find your claws in my back by day's end." Choosing to end the conversation there Ty rose up from her throne of vines and went to join the dragon who was currently picking through her food stores.

    He had already shuffled off to the corner before she had gotten there but it was no matter. Choosing a recently caught Pidgey Ty carried it over to where he was and lay down nearby, feeding quietly but often looking up to eye the wary dragon. She was going to get him to open up if it killed him. Smiling to herself Ty waited for the others to catch on and dig in, because after they ate she was putting them to the test. And they would need all of their strength for it.

    Age : 36
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    Post by Silverishness Fri Dec 28, 2012 10:25 am

    Post 19

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    Ecruteak City| Early Morning

    Anton didn't really expect a reply from She-Wolf, her attention mostly glued to the strange pair before her. It didn't bother him, it was just she was already so enamored with them that they were already top priority when he'd had to deal with her longest. Maybe it was because he hadn't showered her with praise and wasn't the most attractive specimen of his species anyone'd ever laid eyes on. Either way, Anton was bitter, and he wasn't going to make any real attempt to hide it. The double-named ampharos and She-Wolf could have each other. A match made in Hell.

    "Tisiphone. But please, call me Ty. Everyone does." Huh? Tisiphone? Ty? Anton frowned as she so willingly gave her name to the handsome sheep when she had so dutifully withheld it from Anton. She even offered a nickname along with it! Why the hell was she being so friend-- Nevermind. I already know, Anton growled in his mind. I prefer 'She-Wolf' anyway. Still, it seemed Ty wasn't done. "Well, almost everyone." She glanced over in his direction, nearly pointing at him with her stare. He gave a small scoff, finishing his bread with an angry bite. He might have called her differently had she offered her own name when she'd asked for his. "And your offer will be considered so long as I don't find your claws in my back by day's end."

    She then descended from her throne, coming toward the crate and vicariously, Anton himself. Seeing the position he'd put himself in, he inwardly cursed as he was soon trapped by the crate and Ty's form as she settled down with her own choice in meals. Curling more into himself, wrapping his lithe tail around him tighter, he merely finished his meal and reclused into himself. He soon resembled a large ebony and lavender ball, eyes only visible from a gap in between a wing and his tail.


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    Post by Fox Mon Dec 31, 2012 12:31 am

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    Ecruteak City | Dawn (62)/(25)

    "Tisiphone. But please, call me Ty. Everyone does," The canine said warmly, winking at them as she continued. "Well, almost everyone."
    Kyoya couldn't suppress a smug grin as she motioned to the dragon, who looked as if he were about to start snarling at him in jealousy. "And your offer will be considered so long as I don't find your claws in my back by day's end."

    "Thank you, Ty. You're just too kind." Kyoya replied, offering his warmest smile and aristocratic bow as she stood down from her throne and searched for some food. Following suit, he shot a glance at Plague and grinned before moving to the box once the canine had settled down. Standing over the wealth of items, he looked carefully before putting his paw in.
    It doesn't look like she trifled with any of it...and it has been weeks since we've last eaten anything worthy of being called food...
    Still, it's very odd that she has so much food stored...She must have been anticipating finding more survivors...or maybe...

    With a subtle nod, he grabbed a large pear and retreated from the box and casually leaned against the nearby wall as he proceeded to eat.
    "Did you find all this food on your own, Ty?" He asked casually, neatly biting into the fruit.

    Plague scowled at the Ampharos' gushing reply to the canine.
    Jeez. He doesn't have to be so sappy...it's disgusting.
    Why isn't he even half this nice with me?...what makes this...dog so special??...

    The Umbreon remained silent, catching Kyoyas' subtle gesture as a motion to follow. Regarding the balled-up dragon in the corner, Plague rose to his hind feet as he placed his front paws on the edge of the box and looked in. His crimson eyes quickly took in the sight, his mouth watering instantly. He zealously grabbed a Raticate carcass with his claws, grabbing the body expertly with his jaws as he brought it out of the box. Without a word, the Umbreon settled quickly next to the Ampharos, laying down and digging into the carcass without reserve. The vulpine had become very adept at eating with the long beaked skull upon his face, and had no trouble in tearing at the body without disturbing his mask.

    Though I have to say...his ploys were amazing. If I didn't know him, his tricks would have worked on me too...Plague thought, absently gnawing as a faint blush passed across his face unknowingly. But his thoughts were quickly interrupted by a sudden realization, making his ears grow hot and his chest constrict.
    ...He brought me meds...and fixed my broken rib...
    The Umbreon froze, his mouth slightly hanging open as he blankly stared at the ovines' cloven hooves.
    Why would he do that?...He doesn't have anything to gain from helping me...


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Post by Guest Wed Jan 02, 2013 10:01 am

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    Ecruteak City|Early Morning

    Ty giggled at the discomfort of her little pet dragon, amused at the way such a large creature could make himself so small. She couldn't even see his face anymore, just one little eye peeking out to make sure nothing was coming to invade his little defense curl. It was cute. She gave the wandering eye a smug smile and a wink before turning her gaze to the rest of her company, checking to make sure that none were thinking of slipping out. Old Man remained terribly quiet but he didn't interest her nearly as much as the duo did.

    The Ampharos, Kyoya, was investigating her stores carefully before making any selections and it amused her. She wondered just what kind of thoughts were going through his head, since he seemed the most similar to her in mind. Probably wondering were one female got all of it. "Did you find all this food on your own, Ty?" She shot the male a toothy grin. "Of course not, I'm only one girl and I haven't been here that long." She nodded her head to the plump Raticate that Plague had taken and shuffled off with before smiling again. "Most of it was gathered by those within it."

    Let them interpret how they would.

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    Post by Silverishness Sun Jan 06, 2013 5:43 am

    Post 20

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    Ecruteak City| Early Morning

    "Did you find all this food on your own, Ty?" Kyoya's question earned Anton's attention as he continued eating his meal while still curled into himself. His lavender eyes went back to Ty, her toothy grin causing his gaze to narrow. "Of course not, I'm only one girl and I haven't been here that long." She nodded her head to the Raticate the masked umbreon had taken and shuffled off with before smiling again, her teeth flashing in the growing light. "Most of it was gathered by those within it."

    Of course... He uncurled a little more, having finished his food by scarfing the rest. With the growing tension in the building, he wasn't sure when he'd have to dart for that exit. "Frugal, huh? Do you just raid rodents' homes or are you just planning for us to be in that crate for the next bunch? Get a lot of good meat that way, huh?" he growled, orbs beginning to pulsate with aggression. "You and I have already established your legendary innocent-mouse-killing skills. And the way you dove into the battle with the rotters out there?" He scoffed, slithering on top of another crate. "Is this just a tour for our coffins?"


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    (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ELITE) The ECRUTEAK Team

    Post by Fox Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:21 pm

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    Ecruteak City | Early Morning(63)/(26)

    Plague ceased to munch on the chunk of meat in his mouth, his eyes falling with disturbing realization onto the corpse before him.
    But Kyoya merely laughed under his breath, amused at the Umbreons' sickened reaction.
    I suppose knowing who you're eating would ruin your appetite...
    And it's not surprising that she took over their den. It very much fits her tactical skills.

    "Frugal, huh? Do you just raid rodents' homes or are you just planning for us to be in that crate for the next bunch? Get a lot of good meat that way, huh?" The dragon scoffed, unfurling from his defensive ball. "You and I have already established your legendary innocent-mouse-killing skills. And the way you dove into the battle with the rotters out there? Is this just a tour for our coffins?"

    At least he's capable of rational thought. Still have yet to see whether luck or skills have kept him alive this long, though.
    Kyoyas' gaze turned casually to the canine, awaiting her reaction to the loud dragon.

    "It's stupid to insult your host, you know." Kyoya's ears perked, his slate eyes falling on the Umbreon at his feet. Plague was slowly chewing, his ear twitching in annoyance.

    (gah, i'm so sorry for taking so long)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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