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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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    The LACUNOSA Team


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    The LACUNOSA Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LACUNOSA Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Dec 23, 2012 5:35 pm

    A 13|| D 11

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    Lacunosa Town| Late Afternoon

    "Helph yursulf,"

    The garbled speech of the tiny flareon again suprised Atticus, as Bonfire was proving to be a much more generous pokemon than he'd originally guessed. It proved that there was simply no way to completely judge or know a person, making the arcanine's smile grow as the other retreated to the others with his food. "Thank you again, Bonfire," he called, truly grateful he'd managed to come across such a gracious host.

    He poked his head into the contraption, taking Bonfire's offer and pulling out some of the older food. His fiery innards were better capable of dealing with spoiled meals, as his inner temperature simply burned away the bacteria. He came back out, only to manage a few bites when the mighyena's growl interrupted him.

    “There’s something outside.”

    Victini was the first to move, darting outside to investigate, Bonfire on her heels. Once he took a taste of the air, he had to agree with the angry youth. Something was indeed outside... he just didn't know what.


    “There’s something outside.”

    Dio's ears perked in alarm; she'd already been spotted. Cursing, she hunkered down to the ground more, hoping she wouldn't be found. Her hiding spot was... terrible, to say the least, which only made her fortune all the better. Some rustling was heard, and the habitants made their way out. A strange pokemon flitted out, causing her eyes to widen with recognition. She knew that strange pokemon...! Her owner had tried teaching her about it, but she'd only paid half attention... V... Vitani? Vicodin? Something... Her puzzled thoughts were soon cast aside, however, when a far more pleasant voice lingered on the air.

    "Yoo-hoo! Olly olly oxen free!"

    She stood, her nose giving her the clues that the caller was a cousin of hers; the spicy scent of fire reached her nose. A flareon? She carefully came out, spotting his... short... stature, chuckling a little. "If you say so," Dio grinned, coming out fully from the door. It seemed these folk were decent enough. What sort of villain yelled "olly, olly, oxen free?" I was just... passing by and heard some interesting things. Sorry for eavesdropping." She drew closer to the flareon, eyes alight with mischief, tail casually flipping to and fro behind her. Her eyes flitted from the very familiar creature to the den within, catching sight of food. "...Or... not so sorry. I heard there was food in there. Mind if I impose...?"


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    The LACUNOSA Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LACUNOSA Team

    Post by Snitch Fri Dec 28, 2012 7:59 am

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    Lacunosa Town || Late Afternoon [14]

    Victini left to investigate, the berry left at Sweeney’s paws as his gaze followed her out of the door. He commended her guts, practically fearless as she made the first move. A sense of guilt hit the hound watching her go, ashamed he hadn’t been the one to act first, to play the bold and noble hero. That was just a fantasy. Sweeney was no hero.

    When the others slowly dispersed out to join the legendary, the Mightyena gave a huff, nostrils flaring as he was finally left alone. That’s more like it. A small smile formed over his half-burnt face, crimson eyes losing their earlier ferocity as he surveyed the room. The pack mentality simply wasn’t for him. He’d only stayed for the sake of the disappearing Ninetales and now that she’d pulled off another vanishing trick, he was left isolated and uncomfortable. He felt weak here, vulnerable even, as he heard the voices of the others from beyond.

    With a final sigh, the Mightyena picked up the berry in his jaws, his decision made. Trotting through the building in search of a second exit, Sweeney soon discovered his target. Slipping through the ajar door, the familial atmosphere threatening to suffocate him were he to remain, Sweeney took off into the world beyond. They wouldn’t miss him, he wouldn’t miss them.

    ( ( Leaving post. It’s been lovely writing with you all! <33 ))

    The LACUNOSA Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LACUNOSA Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 02, 2013 11:10 am

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    Lacunosa Town|Late Afternoon

    "If you say so."

    When Bonfire had scented an Eeveelution he hadn't expected such a rarity to come out into the open before him. And damn was she hot! Dainty legs, chocolate coat, coy grin, mischievous eyes...girl was practically a knockout! I was just... passing by and heard some interesting things. Sorry for eavesdropping." She could eavesdrop on him anytime...

    "...Or... not so sorry. I heard there was food in there. Mind if I impose...?" Shaking his head clear Bonfire cleared his throat and put on his most charming smile. "Not at all pretty lady," he offered. "But uh, think we could get a name first?" But even as he waited for the delicate creature to give him a name to go with those legs the sound of the back door snapping shut caught his attention. "Hold that thought," he stated quickly, rushing inside to see who the hell opened that door. It looked like everyone was still there except...

    "Where's the Mopey Mongrel?"

    ((Feel free to have Dio just wander in and get into all Bonfire's shit Sil, I'm sure she'll do it anyway. I'll miss Sweeney too Snitch. Luckily from the sound of it he will be going to another team I am with you so at least I won't have to miss him long. ^_^))

    Age : 36
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    The LACUNOSA Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LACUNOSA Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Jan 06, 2013 1:38 pm

    A 14|| D 12

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    Lacunosa Town| Late Afternoon

    "Not at all pretty lady," the petite little flareon replied, his charming smile nearly mimicking her own. It wasn't often she met a man with a heart after her own. She gave an amused chuckle, eyes fixated on him. If push came to shove, she could wrap this little guy around her paw like one of her bracelets. "But uh, think we could get a name first?" Maybe she didn't have to wait...

    "Hold that thought," he stated quickly, darting inside after a small click was heard from what seemed to be the back of the house. Dio waltzed in behind him, casually looking over the half-destroyed furnishings. Honestly, for the world ending, it really didn't look all that bad. An arcanine stood within, following the little flareon with his eyes. She gave him a wink, but it seemed he wasn't the sort to return the favor. However, it looked like he caught on to what Troll-Hair-Flareon was looking for and began looking himself.

    "Son?" he called, following what must have been the other's scent to the back. "Where's the Mopey Mongrel?" the flareon asked, his mind too preoccuied to really pay attention to the bit of food that had already gone missing. She licked her chops, having already eaten quite a few poke blocks from random piles, and hopped onto a couch.

    "Looks like he's gone, whoever he was," Dio commented, her tail lazily flicking from one side to the next as she groomed her long legs. "Best to leave him be-- he was the grumpy-sounding one, no? Those types don't do well in groups, I've heard." She flicked her gaze over the others once more, her grin broadening as they settled on the flareon. "To answer your earlier question, my name is Dio. How about you?"


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    The LACUNOSA Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LACUNOSA Team

    Post by Nightfall Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:12 pm

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    Lacunosa Town/Late Afternoon (13)

    When Sweeney detected the presence of somebody outside, Dylan obeyed Victini's words to stay put while she went out to investigate. He wrapped his tail around his feet nervously as he hoped and prayed that it wasn't an undead lying in wait for them. But soon enough, a very strange-looking Pokemon entered, politely asking if she might share the food with them. Bonfire agreed and Dylan nodded along eagerly, hopping to his feet to greet the newcomer. "It would be lovely to have you here, miss. Truly, the more the merrier!"

    Before he could introduce himself, however, Bonfire asked where the 'mopey mongrel' was. "Why, he's right over-- oh!" Dylan was surprised to see that the dark corner that Sweeney had occupied was now empty. Although he wasn't about to express it, he felt rather relieved that they didn't have to worry about the hound's hostile attitude anymore. The Breloom felt a lot more comfortable now that he was surrounded by friendly and - especially in Victini's case - powerful Pokemon. You can be happy here.

    "To answer your earlier question, my name is Dio. How about you?" Dylan blinked at the newcomer amicably and lowered his head into a clumsy bow. "My name is Dylan, miss. It is a pleasure to meet you."

    Age : 25
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    The LACUNOSA Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LACUNOSA Team

    Post by Min Thu Jan 10, 2013 6:08 pm

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    Lacunosa Town| |Late Afternoon

    "...Or... not so sorry. I heard there was food in there. Mind if I impose...?" The Deino listened intently on the new voice, inhaling a deep breath to catch the scent of the newcomer. Pausing when the female didn't smell like any Pokemon she knew, Des shuffled closer to Dio. "Dio, right? Sweet name. What Pokemon are you?" she grinned, leaning closer and sniffing. "You don't smell like any other species I've come across..." She frowned. "Weird."

    When Bonfire asked where the Mightyena went, the dragon grinned and giggled. "Looks like he ran away! Hee... Well, looks like we've got Sulky out of our fur," her smile only grew larger, humming a catchy tune. Flipping her hair to the side, she turned to where she assumed the Flareon was. "What're we gonna do after we finish lunch? We should plan some totally rad activities, have some fun in this dystopian world!" Thinking about ideas, Des rose a claw up to her face in an odd, awkward version of 'The Thinker' pose. "We should like, totally duel or something."

    The LACUNOSA Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LACUNOSA Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:38 am

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    Lacunosa Town|Late Afternoon

    Bonfire was a little miffed that the Mightyena had just taken his share and ditched them all. Well, miffed that he hadn't thought of it first. It was totally something he would have pulled except that he was having too much fun annoying everyone to think of abandoning them just yet. There was still time, of course, after all he had ditched Pokemon he had known most of his life as soon as Undead started to swarm and his trainer was gone. Fenix was a big girl, surely she was able to handle herself. And it wasn't like he was going to miss the snarky bitch Kyuubi.

    Just like he wasn't going to miss Sweeney.

    Little bastard could go wherever he wanted, the Flareon didn't care. He was much more interested in the new arrival to replace the mutt. Dio. What an exotic name she had, and such lovely legs... Bonfire couldn't help but stare at her even as she helped herself to his couch. Simple Shroom popped right up with his name first when the lovely creature asked, making the Flareon's fur bristle slightly. "Pleasurable as it is I'm sure that she wants more than just your name Mushy. Name's Bonfire gorgeous." He shot Dio a charming smile and a wink before Des chimed in.

    "What're we gonna do after we finish lunch? We should plan some totally rad activities, have some fun in this dystopian world!" Rad activities huh? He wondered just what the dragon type had in mind when she used those particular words. Most others didn't enjoy his type of...activities. "We should like, totally duel or something." Well that certainly wasn't what he had in mind but it could prove interesting. "As long as you don't mind our noise attracting anything without a pulse in the nearest couple miles, sure. But there is a place where all the noise in the world wouldn't matter." Bonfire's smirk spread into an almost Cheshire-like grin as he thought of the perfect way to torment this group.

    "Anyone here ever heard of the Giant Chasm?"

    ((Sorry! I forgot Victini was still in SH when I saw her posting a few days ago. My brain tricked me.))

    Age : 36
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    The LACUNOSA Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LACUNOSA Team

    Post by Silverishness Fri Jan 18, 2013 12:17 pm

    A 15|| D 13

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    Lacunosa Town| Late Afternoon

    "It would be lovely to have you here, miss. Truly, the more the merrier!"

    Wow. The sheer amount of flamboyant politeness that could only have been described as an incinerating amount of gay radiating off of the breloom caught Dio off guard; it was all she could do to stifle the snicker that followed. Though he quickly got distracted by the missing Sour Puss, his misdirection didn't last long. Returning to the prior subject -who the hell were all of these pokemon- he gave an awkward sort of bow. "My name is Dylan, miss. It is a pleasure to meet you."

    Her grin widened, both in mischief and amusement. Oh, he'd be a fun one... The little dragon was next, her tomboyish voice causing one of Dio's ears to flick back. "Dio, right? Sweet name. What Pokemon are you?" she grinned, her toothy smile nearly matching Dio's. She leaned in, sniffing, as the dragon had literally no eyes. "You don't smell like any other species I've come across..." She frowned. "Weird."

    "No, I wouldn't," she chuckled, her elegant tail lightly tapping as it curled around her lazily. She had spent a life of fame because of her rare evolution, her owner parading her around like a trophy. "From what I remember my owner telling me, I am a Reneon-- a ground-type evolution of Eevee. I don't really know how I evolved, but I did when I was tinkering with the old man's stuff. So... it probably had to do with them."

    She glanced to the arcanine, who was politely sitting by, his eyes glancing over the group periodically. She quirked a brow silently asking his name. He smiled, his older face aged like a good wine, and gave a far more regal bow of the head than Dylan. "Hello, Miss Dio. I am Atticus." She chuckled, grinning at such blatant manners.

    As the subject veered to the small dragon's boredom, Atticus found himself feeling uneasy with the newcomer. While the mightyena and the ninetales had given him an odd feeling, this stranger was someone that he just couldn't bring himself to welcome. He could sense an air of superiority, arrogance and control. Things that he would need to be very careful with. As she explained her strange species, a more unsettled feeling crept into him-- she was even of a threatening type... Still, Atticus shoved the thoughts out of his mind-- it wouldn't do to judge her so quickly, to think so ill of a pokemon who'd literally only just introduced herself...

    "Anyone here ever heard of the Giant Chasm?"

    Bonfire's voice cut through his thoughts, bringing him back to the conversation at hand. He shook his head, unfamiliar with the region he had been flung to so suddenly. Dio, though, cocked her head, interested.
    "...Sounds fun. I'd love a good rush." She hopped off the couch and stretched, her long legs reaching and tensing the powerful muscles. She looked to Bonfire, her eyes alight with anticipation. Her grin matched her eyes, wide and grinning. "Where is it and why aren't we already there?"


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    The LACUNOSA Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LACUNOSA Team

    Post by Nightfall Wed Jan 23, 2013 2:47 pm

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    Lacunosa Town/Late Afternoon (14)

    The newcomer, Dio, told them that she was a Ground-type evolution of Eevee. Dylan's tail swung gently from side to side as he examined the strange Pokemon. "That's really something! I didn't know that your kind existed. But there are not many Eevee or any of their evolutions in Hoenn, so perhaps that explains it." When Des suggested that they 'dueled', Dylan frowned and twiddled his fingers together awkwardly. "P-Probably not a good idea. It could attact attention that we really don't want..."

    "Anyone here ever heard of the Giant Chasm?" Bonfire's random question caught Dylan off guard, and he took a moment to think before shaking his head. "I'm afraid not. I don't know Unova at all. But..." His face lit up as he turned his gaze to Victini. "Y-You do, right? Have you heard of it?"

    ((Kinda suits Dylan to be gay, Sil. XD Or bi at least.))

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    The LACUNOSA Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LACUNOSA Team

    Post by Victini Sun Jan 27, 2013 2:01 pm

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    Lacunosa Town/Late Afternoon (23)

    The newcomer, Dio, introduced herself and Victini couldn't help but spend almost the entire time wondering what kind of Pokemon this was exactly. She knew that Eevee and their evolutions had been a popular choice among Trainers but had never seen one that looked like this. The strange Pokemon eventually said that she was a Ground-type version of the Eeveelution line, and the small legend cocked her head in curiosity. "I've never met your kind before! Um ... it's very nice to meet you. I'm ... I'm Victini." She wanted to let Dio know exactly who she was; if she found out from one of the others Victini didn't want her to feel put out, but thought that perhaps she would seem too proud or boastful if she did, so she kept quiet for the time being.

    She sat on the edge of the couch and watched as everybody made pleasantries. Suddenly, Bonfire asked, "Anyone here ever heard of the Giant Chasm?" Just those two, simple words send a shudder through Victini's pelt. Surely he's not...? Dylan then piped up, asking her whether she knew of the place or not. "Y-Yes, I do," the little dual-type replied with a small nod. Twisting her fingers together, she slowly rose upwards, looking at them all in turn. "The Giant Chasm lies just to the east of here, and legend says it was created by a meteorite thousands of years ago. According to tales, there was a very vicious and dangerous Pokemon inside of that meteorite, which regularly attacked this town after dark, killing human and Pokemon alike." She paused to swallow her nerves; just talking about that place made her feel uncomfortable. "O-Of course, it's just a legend. The only ounce of possible proof of its legitimacy is the high walls that surround this town; many people used to say that they were built to keep that Pokemon out."

    Looking over to Bonfire, Victini floated over to the Fire-type Eeveelution and stared him straight in the eye. "Y-You're not thinking of going there, are you?"


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    The Victory Pokemon

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    The LACUNOSA Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LACUNOSA Team

    Post by Nightfall Sun Jan 27, 2013 3:24 pm

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    Lacunosa Town/Late Afternoon (15)

    Victini's story about the Giant Chasm made Dylan shiver with discomfort; the idea of a Pokemon like that living in that area didn't exactly make him feel safe and secure. And it's just outside the town! The Breloom turned his gaze out of the open door as he remembered why he was so far away from home in the first place. I've had my break ... I'd better push on.

    Standing up and clearing his throat to get their attention, Dylan regrettably began his goodbyes. "Well ... thank you very much for allowing me to stay with you for a while, but I must be going now. I have ... people I need to find." He offered Bonfire, Atticus and Dio a nod but stopped when his eyes latched onto Victini. "Miss Victini," he began, lowering his head into his clumsy bow, "you've no idea what a privilege it was to meet you. I will remember this day for the rest of my life. Thank you very, very much for giving me chance to get to know you, and I hope that we will meet again one day."

    With a flick of his tail, Dylan padded over to the door, turned back and gave them all a little wave. "Good luck to you all." Without another word Dylan was gone, hopping off into the undergrowth in search of his siblings.

    ((Leaving post, but I'll be back here soon. :-)))

    The LACUNOSA Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LACUNOSA Team

    Post by Guest Mon Feb 04, 2013 1:30 pm

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    Lacunosa Town|Late Afternoon

    "Y-You're not thinking of going there, are you?"

    Bonfire laughed at the timid question from the Legendary. "Of course! I think it sounds like fun, don't you?" The Flareon was eager to get in there and see what kind of devilish mischief he could get into. "Well ... thank you very much for allowing me to stay with you for a while, but I must be going now. I have ... people I need to find." Now Mushroom was leaving? "Well have fun with that then." He made a few leaving comments to Victini but all in all it was kind of boring to Bonfire.

    Hopping onto an armchair he waited for Dylan to finally end his soliloquy and leave before turning to look at Dio. "So, up for a little fun?" The female had been the only one interested in his Giant Chasm idea and he was looking forward to taking her down there. All kinds of things happened in the dark and there would be many chances to be alone with her. His mind wandered as a devious grin came across his face. Yes, all kinds of things.

    Age : 36
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    The LACUNOSA Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LACUNOSA Team

    Post by Silverishness Thu Feb 07, 2013 4:00 am

    A 16|| D 14

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    Lacunosa Town| Late Afternoon

    Atticus frowned at the two eeveelutions who seemed to already be plotting something rather dangerous. From his limited exposure to the two, it wasn't all that surprising; they seemed both like thrill-seekers and adrenaline junkies... both of which he was not. And while his instinct and rationale told him that this was an increasingly bad idea, he held onto the belief that either the level-headed breloom or even the timid Legendary would talk them out of such a dangerous notion. He was quickly proven wrong.

    "Well ... thank you very much for allowing me to stay with you for a while, but I must be going now. I have ... people I need to find." The arcanine turned to see with great sadness that one of the more sane pokemon was now leaving, dwindling Atticus' chances of keeping the two eeveelutions at bay to near nothing. "Take care... and keep safe," he offered, but wasn't sure if Dylan heard.

    Dio waved a short, casual farewell to Dylan with her tail, eyes glued to the floating Legend. She softly admitted to knowing something about the place Bonfire was playing at after introducing herself, and Dio wanted all the juicy details. Fuck pleasantries. "The Giant Chasm lies just to the east of here, and legend says it was created by a meteorite thousands of years ago. According to tales, there was a very vicious and dangerous Pokemon inside of that meteorite, which regularly attacked this town after dark, killing human and Pokemon alike." Victini seemed more unnerved with each word she spoke, which caused Dio to become more and more excited. "O-Of course, it's just a legend. The only ounce of possible proof of its legitimacy is the high walls that surround this town; many people used to say that they were built to keep that Pokemon out."

    Sounded like a fucking theme park.

    "Y-You're not thinking of going there, are you?" the little sprite asked, hope in her eyes that Bonfire would aquiesce to her cowardice. Dio scoffed, taking a few strides to stare out the doorway. "I sure hope he is," she replied, grinning. "I'm tired of being bored out of my mind. I want something more... exciting."


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    The LACUNOSA Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LACUNOSA Team

    Post by Victini Fri Feb 08, 2013 2:18 pm

    (I'm sorry but I must skip for now. >.< Just assume that I said goodbye to Dylan and then nervously - but vehemently - insisted on accompanying them to the Giant Chasm, promising to protect them but also warning that it is likely to be very dangerous.)


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    The Victory Pokemon

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    The LACUNOSA Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LACUNOSA Team

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 12, 2013 4:10 pm

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    Lacunosa Town|Late Afternoon

    Bonfire was lost in his own mind, imagining the absolute hilarity of everyone dying once they got to the Giant Chasm. His pranks had gotten more and more severe and now he seemed to be losing himself in a world of pain. His pranks just weren't funny anymore unless someone got hurt and they were even better if someone died. Death was hilarious and so often unexpected, if only he could be as grand a jester as the skeletal collector of souls. For now he would have to settle with getting these Pokemon to do his bidding.

    It seemed like, even though Victini was a little nervous, everyone was willing to go on his adventure. "So what are we sitting around here for?" Bonfire hopped off the couch and was raring to go, fiery mane and tail growing in his excitement. "The challenge is simple, whoever gets to the other side of the Chasm without dying wins!" And with that the Flareon was out the door leading the way to everyone's doom.

    ((This is actually Bonfire's leaving post, he vanished on the way to the Giant Chasm. Sorry guys but I need to cut back on a lot of chars if I am going to have time for some of my WIPs))

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    The LACUNOSA Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LACUNOSA Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Feb 17, 2013 8:25 am

    A 17|| D 15

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    Lacunosa Town| Late Afternoon

    "So what are we sitting around here for?" The flareon hopped off the couch, his fluff bristling with excitement, Dio's expression matching his own. Atticus felt a long trail of dread nesting in his stomach-- this was a journey for the foolheardy. "The challenge is simple, whoever gets to the other side of the Chasm without dying wins!"

    He lit off, his small legs carrying him quicker to the city's exit than the reneon had thought he could. Who knew a short guy like that could be so fast? Still, the challenge set, she rocketed off after him, hot on his trail. Like she'd let such a shorty win! Atticus, ever the faithful protector, galloped after them in hopes that they weren't running to their demise.

    [[Leaving post]]


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    The LACUNOSA Team - Page 4 Empty Re: The LACUNOSA Team

    Post by Victini Wed Feb 20, 2013 1:49 pm

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    Lacunosa Town/Late Afternoon (24)

    Bonfire seemed more than eager to get to the Chasm right away, and actually challenged them all to a race there. "W-Wait! Wait for me!" Victini's wings fluttered frantically as she picked herself up off the couch and followed everyone outside. Her azure eyes darted about frantically; she was startled that she had lost sight of them so quickly. "Guys...? Where are you?" She soared into the air for a better view and found herself more puzzled than ever. Bonfire, Atticus and Dio were nowhere to be seen.

    Victini was sure that she had searched the town for over an hour, even daring to venture as close to the Chasm as her courage would allow her to, before she finally gave up. Taking a deep breath, the Victory Pokemon turned her brilliant blue eyes to the mountains in the distance. Now that she knew that there were still survivors out there, she had a job to do. The endless amounts of energy inside her body tingled as she turned north, following the lengthening shadows towards her next destination: Opelucid City.

    (Such a shame - I thought we really had something going what with the Chasm and everything. Oh well, can't be helped. It's very out of character for me to just leave them, but the rest of Unova calls. Thank you for allowing me onto the team a while. <3)


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