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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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11 posters

    The MOUNTAIN Team


    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2012 5:17 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorne City//Night

    "Everyone is scared Inochi, even me. But the way I handle it is think about those that I care for and for those that care about me, weather it will be my past friends or the friends I have now and realize that I'm not alone and that with them around and surrounding me I can continue to be strong and brave no matter what I face."
    That wasn't the answer Inochi was looking for. It wasn't even close. She looked back down at her paws, her Focus Sash lay there on top of her paws, unmoving as she just looked at it. "I had no one..." She silently said. Her trainers left her in a box, and her only friend has been killed, then the one she loved left. Why? Why was everyone she cared for just up and leaving her? She started to feel like she was cursed. She turned her head and looked at the dragon shaped birth mark on her left thigh. She remembered her mother saying it was her lucky charm, that it would bring her luck, but all she has been getting was the opposite.

    "I'm just bad luck." She mumbled as she picked up her Sash with her mouth and began to wrap it around her right leg. She started to think that perhaps she should leave to, she seemed to be better off on her own, but in truth, she didn't want to be alone.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2012 10:50 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorne City//Night (10)

    "I had no one..." Spirit heard Inochi say and gave a soft sigh as he watched the Houndour take her sash and put it around her leg. It was then he heard her last words, "I'm just bad luck." Spirit looked at Inochi and said softly while gently touching her with his horn and lay down so he could move a little closer to her trying to give her comfort and have her realize that she isn't alone anymore and that she doesn't have no one anymore. That isn't true Inochi. You aren't bad luck because you are surrounded by the others and you may have had no one before but that is no longer true now. Look around you and look at me. We are with a group that I'm sure cares about you and I care about you. Its me who has no one right now besides you all. My trainer was force away from me and I have no clue what happened to my fellow team mates. They my have succumb to this disease that is going around. I hope they didn't and that they are still out there somewhere still alive and not out killing others, Spirit said though he didn't mean to go into his past. It was just too painful to him. He had no idea if his trainer Riley is still alive and safe or not since he got separated from him.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:04 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorne City || Night

    Rain nudged Nidor before he spoke. Go on Nidor. Go say hello to the others. I'll stay hear, ok? Nidor looked up at Rain. If you say so Rain. Nidor nuzzled Rain before she jumped off his back and ran over to the others.

    As Nidor jumped off his back Rain turned to Ujue. Ujue, there is a cave nearby that Nidor and I stayed for several days. I never met any infected when I went hunting. So I believe that area to be safe, at least for alittle time. Rain turned his head slightly as he watched the young Nidoran introduce herself to the others.

    Nidor ran other to the other pokemon that ley next to the fallen tree. That isn't true Inochi. You aren't bad luck because you are surrounded by the others and you may have had no one before but that is no longer true now. Look around you and look at me. We are with a group that I'm sure cares about you and I care about you. Its me who has no one right now besides you all. My trainer was force away from me and I have no clue what happened to my fellow team mates. They my have succumb to this disease that is going around. I hope they didn't and that they are still out there somewhere still alive and not out killing others, The Absol said.

    Nidor looked at the two for a moment and couldn't hold it. Excuse me, but um, I would like to say that no one is useless in this time. Everyone has a role to play, no matter if your living or undead. We are all here for a reason. At least, that's what Rain says. The young Nidoran said as her nose twitched. Oh! And my name's Nidor. It's nice to meet you. Nidor said as she waged her nubby tail.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:27 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Night [24]

    Ujue felt as if she could snarl with frustration. Kringle...!!!

    The mightyena, Rain, spoke up. "Ujue, there is a cave nearby that Nidor and I stayed for several days. I never met any infected when I went hunting. So I believe that area to be safe, at least for alittle time."

    Ujue processed this with a curt nod, and Rain followed after Nidor to the group by the fallen log. Ujue turned and dashed into the cave, intent on knocking some sense into that damned delibird.

    In a few strides, she was almost to him, but a weird, clicking, rustling noise made her step falter and her fur stand on end....

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Wed Feb 22, 2012 9:12 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Night (26)

    Kringle wasn’t sure if it was the cave itself of that he had horrible night vision, but It was pitch dark where he was in the cave, if he were to stretch his wing all the way in front of him, he would not be able to see the end of it in this darkness. Maybe if he became a successful enough secret agent someone would reward him with a gadget to see in the dark, that way he could be more efficient in his missions. Maybe after getting that gadget would he be able to see more than a pair of slightly glowing red eyes farther off.

    The eyes stopped disappearing whenever he looked at them, he had no clue why but he wasn’t complaining, it made not bumping into the walls easier. Then all of a sudden the eyes stopped moving further into the cave, allowing Kringle to get closer to it. Even though they could clearly see him in this darkness, he still felt the need to do a type of crouch walk to imply sneakiness. It was not till he was practically in its face that Kringle was finally able to figure out who the mystery perp was. “THE CULPRIT IS YOU” making a flashy motion of raising his right wing up into the air, only to have it fall till it was horizontal with the floor to point at the perp, his only regret was that no one was around to see him in action, but then again he could always recount this to the others.

    The perp did not seem fazed at all by this, only continued to stare, leaving the cave deadly silent for a few moments while Kringle stood confused on what to do now that he had caught up with the pokemon. He was able to slowly discern what kind of pokemon this was, it was not native to johto, but he had seen one or two passing by. It was pig like in appearance, and it was purpe and black in color, but the most notable appearance was the curly tail that he would want to pull in any other situation, and the black pearls adorning its body. The perp was a grumpig, well, it was a grumpig at least, now it was clearly an undead like Ujue feared.

    He was busy both examining the perp and being confused on what to do now when the thing started doing the oddest thing given the situation….It appeared to be dancing, it was a bit slow and swaying, but dancing nonetheless. It was very amusing, and Kringle almost wanted to join in and have a mega ultra-dance party with the thing, but his mind was going oddly blank at the moment. The silence was taken over by its hooves clicking against the stone floor as it danced, the labored breathing from the undead, and the odd rustling of the dead skin rubbing against dead skin as it moved. As he took it all in, Kringle found his mind feeling more and more empty till eventual all the life in his eyes were replaced with a blank stare accompanied with a slight drool of the mouth, and all he wanted to do was protect this strange mystical dancer…..

    ((Whoot! "Evil" Mindcontrolled Kringle!))

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:19 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorne City//Night

    Inochi didn't really hear what Spirit had said, she was just looking at her paws, her mind blank as picture flashed by. There was nothing left for her here, nothing at all, only sorrow and pain. She placed her head on her paws, her ears drooping down as she looked at the tree, though she looked as though she was looking past it, past here, to a place where she could be happy, where no one could hurt her.

    These pokemon may be her friends now, but what if she lost them to? She didn't want that to happen, but what could she do do keep them safe? She wasn't strong, she was weak, they would probably end up protecting her.

    "Excuse me, but um, I would like to say that no one is useless in this time. Everyone has a role to play, no matter if your living or undead. We are all here for a reason. At least, that's what Rain says."
    Inochi practically jumped out of her fur when the new voice hit her ears. Her fur was standing and her claws dug into the ground and her eyes where wide with fear as she looked only to see a Nidoran. Female from its colouration. "Oh! And my name's Nidor. It's nice to meet you." It added as Inochi looked at it, her eyes still wide. She was so stunned and scared that she couldn't even make a sound, let alone say her name.

    Inochi felt as though she was about to burst into tears again, she could even feel her eyes begin to water as she looked away from the Nidor. She was so weak even a Nidoran could scare her, how pathetic the Houndour felt. So weak, so useless. She couldn't hold it back, she got up again and dashed into forest. She wanted to keep running, she didn't care where she would end up, even if it meant death at the end, she just want to run, run away from everything.

    Inochi wasn't looking where she was going and thus she fell into a small pond. She let out an eek as she hit the cold water, shivering as she sat there, not getting up. She looked back at the direction she had run from, wondering if she was followed, probably not. No one cared for her. Those where only words, friends, only a word, it had to real meaning. Shuffling in the trees made Inochi look again, did one of them really follow her? "Spirit?" She said as she stood up, fear gripping her heart as she looked into the trees. Spirit wasn't this cruel was he? No, if he was he never would have tried to cheer her up earlier.

    It was then Inochi heard a terrifying roar and a large pokemon came crashing through the trees in her direction. It was a huge infected Haxorus, and it had its eyes set on Inochi. Her ears where set flat on her head, and her legs felt heavy that she couldn't move. She just looked at it as it charged. A squeak escaped her mouth before she let out a huge scream.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:24 am

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    Mountains West of Blackthorne City//Night (11)

    Spirit saw Inochi dash off and began to chase after her but not before he turned to look at Nido and said softly to her I'm going after her. Nidor, my name is Spirit and it might be best that you go back to the others where you will remain safe while I bring her back okay. Not waiting for an answer from the little Pokemon Spirit took off after Inochi calling out her name. He heard a loud roar, but didn't pay it any mind he knew he could handle whatever it may be. That is until he heard a huge scream. When he heard that his heart almost stopped beating. He could tell that scream belonged to Inochi so he began to use Aerial Ace to help him with his speed. Soon he came upon a scene that he never wants to see again. A huge Haxorus was charging at Inochi. Seeing this Spirit's protective instincts kicked in as he quickly used Aerial Ace to get in-between it and Inochi and then used a powerful Flamethrower attack at it. He knew it wouldn't do much damage but at least it may distracted the Pokemon long enough for his Razor Wind to charge. He was ready to be able to get Inochi on his back and take off if he needed to.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 01, 2012 9:38 pm

    OOC: Apparently MoonlightEve is away; are they supposed to put that on the character sheet? . . . well, sorry for the delayed post!

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Night [25]

    Ujue stared with her hackles raised at the gruesome undead grumpig as it stared at Kringle. She was growling softly, and her ivory fangs were bared in malice.

    A distant scream from outside the cave threw ripples through her attention -- what? who was that? Could it have been the tiny Nidor? Inochi?! But no, no -- Kringle was being sucked into that stupid psychic infected's spell. She felt an intense hatred for the thing, focused by her gnawing hunger and fueled by her hatred for her friends and years of joy buried in these gross moments.

    She couldn't use Flamethrower, for it would be superaffective against Kringle, so she leapt forward in a Quick Attack. She launched a confuse ray at the Grumpig, thinking perhaps it could confuse the Grumpig, or perhaps Kringle, long enough for her to drag him to safety, or until the grumpig was a charred, ruined wreck. . . .


    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:00 am

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Night (27)

    The Grumpig that was taking Kringle’s mind for a joy ride was prepared for an attack as soon as it noticed the fang bared ninetails that had come from the same direction from its latest victim. It had attacked, using its natural quickness to get in fast, but the grumpig had a puppet, which meant it doubled as a meat shield. As the grumpig altered its ghastly dance, the delibird moved as it commanded, getting in the way of the oncoming confuse ray leaving the puppeteer unaffected, though partially weakening the link on his victim.

    In the confused state Kringle was able to gain some control over his body, but he was still confused, so his body was still not fully under his control. He thought he had the chance to attack his perp, it was staring right at him, taunting his secret agent skills silently as it laughed at him, so of course Kringle attacked while he could, he full on charged at it, going into a mediocre headbut until his head came in contact with something solid yelling “SECRET TECHNIQUE! KRINGLE BASH!”. But it was not flesh, it was way harder than that, it was rock hard. What he thought was the undead perp, was actually a delusion from his confused mind, making him run full speed into the side of the cave, effectively knocking kringle out, again leaving his body ripe for the taking for the Grumpig.

    Blood running down a nasty bump on the semi-unconscious delibird did not seem to faze the Grumpig, for it was a mere puppet to use and abuse as it wanted, until it finished serving its purpose of course, and right now its purpose was launching a unstable ice beam in the general direction of the ninetails. Having the pokemon not be fully conscious made it harder to play puppeteer on its mind, so the attack was not as accurate as it could have been.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:08 am

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    Mountains West of Blackthorne City//Night

    Inochi could see her life flash in front of her eyes as she stared down the Haxorus, her paws frozen in place and her ears flat on her head. Her eyes so wide you could see the whites around the rim. Is this the end? Is this how I'm going to die? She thought to herself just as the Haxorus was upon on, ready to bite the little Houndours head off. Though in a flash, Spirit was in front of her, using a Flamethrower on the huge Haxorus. Her eyes where still wide, though not with fear, but shock, she had really though this was the end for her, but here is Spirit. He came, and he had saved her.

    Inochi was lost for works as she watched Spirit take on the Haxorus, just proving how weak she was, how much she needed others just to keep herself alive. She had escaped death once again, at the result of someone saving her. She had seen death in the face countless times, and they all ended with someone saving her. It wasn't fare, why did she always have to be damsel is distress, why couldn't she be the hero, just once. "Its not fare." She said silently to herself, to low that not even Spirit could hear her.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:35 am

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    Mountains West of Blackthorne City//Night (12)

    Spirit stood strong before the Haxorus and once he felt that his Razor Wind was charge up he sent the attack at the Haxorus, while it was distracted from the Flamethrower attack, with a swing of his horn and cut it's head clean off. Not wanting to have Inochi see the horrible site Spirit turned around to face her and headed over to her. He couldn't catch what she was saying but he was more concern about her well being. Inochi are you alright? he asked once he was right in front of her, blocking her view of the Haxorus as it's body hit the ground.

    (ooc: since it was a NPC Haxorus I believe it is alright I had Spirit do that and sorry for the short post)

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Thu Mar 08, 2012 12:41 pm

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    Foot of the Mountains West of Blackthorne City||Night(1)

    I sighed, it had been quite a long trip to reach this mountain. I couldn't even remember why I made the trip to this place, only that I dearly missed my old friend.'Sherlock...' I thought to myself sadly as I started to scale the mountain. When I first arrived here I had seen something similar to fire at the top. As well as some sort of loud echoing, snarl from what I could only assume to be an infected most likely of the dragon type.

    However even with my own hypothesis I decided I wanted to find out exactly what was going on up there.Tripping up a bit I scrambled my way up the mountain hoping to meet new people. I also really wished to know what was causing all the ruckus I had seen from below. Then with a sudden realization I thought, 'Why climb? Why not just use my Psychic powers to reach the top?'

    With a little twitch of my finger I rose off the ground ever so slightly. Just high enough to hover up to the top. However low enough that I would not be seen by whatever was at the top until I deemed fit. With a sad smile I hovered weakly with the use of my own psychic abilities up the mountain to solve another puzzle.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 08, 2012 7:55 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Night [26]

    Ujue sidestepped and dodged away from Kringle's wavering ice beam. She bared her teeth as worry clawed her insides; Kringle had collided with the rock wall extremely hard. Ujue bristled even more intensely as a monster's call form outside the cave echoed into the dark depths of the cave.

    Shuddering with rage, Ujue powered up with a Nasty Plot and felt herself flare with Special power. Then, she Quick Attacked in a zigzag, around Kringle, directly at the Grumpig, determined to char it to pieces the moment she put Kringle behind her.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:38 am

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Night (28)

    The evil puppet master could only laugh and laugh as the unwilling puppet put itself in danger and even attacked another being that was still alive. The delibird was weak, but the fox looked like it did not want to hurt the bird if it could, all the attacks were directed at him, and not the meat shield. It wanted to keep playing with its food, to watch it dance around like he did till its legs bleed and the muscles ripped, only when they were nice and tender from overexerting themselves did he want to bite into their warm flesh. But the fox was making it too hard for him.

    All its past victims were easy pickings especially since they were either asleep or alone, and this one had a fierce comrade, who was too fast for her own good. She easily went around its meat shield as if it was not even there, going straight for the pig and nothing else. She was too fast and the fire attack came too sudden, but he didn’t care, it was entertaining. And while he laughed at his own burning flesh he continued his dance, leaving one last command for his puppet while he danced himself to death from fire, its laughter filling the cave.

    The semi-unconscious delibird was hit with the sudden desire, no need, to give out presents. And not to everyone else like he usually did, he needed to give himself presents, a lot of presents, so many presents that all the orbs could barely fit in his arms. The orbs were meant to be gifts, but right now most of them were lethal weapons, ticking away to a dastardly explosion, and kringle could only hope to share that with the closest being near him.

    ((No I am not killing kringle off just having some fun at his expense |D, and he is still technically unconscious, so feel free to shove him/do whatever you want to him as long as you don’t kill him~))

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 15, 2012 3:17 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorne City//Night

    Inochi was still frozen in fear as she watched the Haxorus' head get cut off by Spirit's Razor Wind. She was scared, though she was always scared. "Inochi are you alright?" Spirit asked her as he stood in front of her. She looked up at him, fear was clearly visible in her eyes as she looked back to the dead body of the Haxorus.

    She couldn't speak, she was so frozen with fear that she couldn't even say a thing. She Simply nodded, and even that was hard for her to do. Useless... The word kept repeating in her head as she looked back to Spirit. Not knowing what she should do.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Thu Mar 15, 2012 10:14 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorne City//Night (13)

    Spirit gave a soft sigh of relief when he saw Inochi nod to tell that she was alright but he could see the fear in her eyes so he carefully approached her and gently touched his horn on her forehead. He wasn't sure on what to say to help calm Inochi down but he figured he will give it a try by saying, Everything is alright now Inochi you don't have to be afraid anymore okay. I won't let anything hurt you as long as it's in my power to do so. He didn't know Inochi's thoughts but he hopes that his words will help her calm down as well as his touch. He knows how scary it can be to face something big on your own he just doesn't show it too much. But this time he let his fear for Inochi's safety being seen by anyone who cared to notice. Let's head back to the others okay, he said softly to her and gave a soft look hoping it will calm her down.

    Age : 28
    Posts : 1078

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by SkeletonCupcake Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:33 am

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    Mountains West of Blackthorne City||Night(2)

    I sighed, hovering above the ground a little longer before dropping to my feet. 'So my hypothesis was correct. It was a dragon.' I thought to myself, yet another case solved. Now that the major bit of trouble was over it was high time I met the others formally. I smiled slightly and stepped out of hiding.

    "Hello there.I'm Watson."I said waving a slight bit. Formal introductions were easy for me usually, but for some reason I could not say more. Perhaps I was under too much stress or had seen too much excitement. Either way a simple hello would have to suffice for now.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Tue Mar 20, 2012 3:38 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Night [26]

    Ujue shuddered with dread as Kringle heaped his arms with orbs and stared with that vacant look in his eyes. Who could tell how many of those orbs would explode?! But Ujue realized that it was a gorgeous opportunity -- the undead grumpig was subject to the blast, as well as Kringle and Ujue.

    She launched three Confuse Rays at random, and the three golden orbs ricocheted off the walls of the cave and seemed to cause dizziness just by their presence; Ujue hoped it would disrupt the psychic pokemon even more. Then, she leapt forward and seized Kringle's shoulder in her mouth and began to drag him away, shaking him a bit to make him drop all the presents in his arms. As fast as she could, she pulled him towards the mouth of the cave. . . .


    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Fri Mar 23, 2012 12:14 am

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Night (29)

    The psychotic grumping continued to laugh and giggle as the flames burned to its bones. A confuse ray hit him as he burned at the sight of his puppet about to kill itself making its hold on it falter a bit. The arms of the delibird puppet slightly going lack as a few orbs fell to the ground, the impact not making them explode, but not stopping the countdown till they went boom. Its laughter filled the cave as it watched the puppet get dragged towards the outside of the cave, the grumpig’s feet too disfigured to even work properly, the tendons literally burnt off, so all it could do is laugh as the pain that it did not feel as it watched the two get away.

    The fox kept shaking the vacant delibird in hopes of getting rid of the orbs as she ran, and the lax bird did. The orbs hit the ground, some bouncing as they came into impact, others simple rolling further in the cave and for a while they looked like simple children’s toys for they just kept rolling and bouncing. But the next instant the cave was filled with berry juice and explosions, the back of the tunnel being caved in making it much too difficult for anyone to pass.

    ((Okay, i'm done doing....whatever it was i was doing....I'mma make him stay unconscious for a turn or two))

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Fri Mar 23, 2012 10:25 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorne City//Night
    "Everything is alright now Inochi you don't have to be afraid anymore okay. I won't let anything hurt you as long as it's in my power to do so." Spirit said as he touched his horn to her skull like forehead. Houndour where supposed to be fierce, strong, fearless, but she was the exact opposite, scared, weak, and feared everything.

    "Let's head back to the others okay," He added, and once again, Inochi just nodded, not even looking up at him as she started to walk the way they had come, her head hung low, her sash dragging on the ground from being tied around her leg. Her small tail also sagging as she continued to walk on.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 24, 2012 8:49 am

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    Mountains West of Blackthorne City//Night (14)

    Spirit could sense that Inochi was upset but he didn't really know why. He was ready to begin walking when he heard a voice say, "Hello there.I'm Watson." Which caused Spirit to move protectively in front of Inochi and glance at a Slow King that seemed to appear in front of them after hiding. At first Spirit was a bit angry that the Slowking was just hiding while he was going against the Haxorus but then he figured that the Slowking didn't want to get in his way so he let it go and said, Hello, Watson I'm Spirit and this is Inochi if you wish you can come with us we're about to join back up with our friends. He then turned to look at Inochi and gave her a soft smile before nodding at the direction they came from and began to walk in that direction to join the others.

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:39 pm

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    Mountains West of Blackthorn City | Night [27]

    The first of the explosions began going off as Ujue and Kringle reached the mouth of the cave. After one went off, the others exploded in a chain reaction, like a roll of thunder magnified by the echoes flying around the cave. The sound and shockwaves jarred Ujue's ears and left her feeling nauseous and woozy, and the warm air bursting out ruffled her fir and Kringle's feathers. She laid Kringle on the ground, wrinkling her nose and licking her chops to rid her teeth of any errant feathers, and gave him a once-over sniff to check for wounds beyond the goose egg on his head.

    Finding none, Ujue whuffled and took a few steps away, where she sat down on a clump of moss and grass and slouched to the side. She sincerely hoped that the grumpig had been disabled by the fierce explosion, but with the undead being the fiendish beings they were, she took a deep breath and breathed a Flamethrower back into the heart of the cave, painting the walls in orange and yellow, and leaving a singed black when she abated.

    Ujue sighed again and wearily turned her head toward the forest, where something must have heard the racket. The trees rustled and she got to her feet, but a voice drifted from behind the foliage. ". . . can come with us we're about to join back up with our friends." It was Spirit, and, by the sound of things, another living. Ujue sat and turned her attention to the rest of the eerily loud noises of the forest, watching Kringle out of the corner of her eye.

    [[OOC: Oh! Hey! Crimsonkat is away! Eh heh . . . heh . . . is there a way to follow who's in and out of the safehouse w/o following that horrible Safehouse Thread?]]

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Tue Mar 27, 2012 1:02 pm

    ((I'mma have Kringle stay unconscious for a little while longer, so skip~))

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Wed Mar 28, 2012 2:41 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Mountains West of Blackthorne City//Night

    Inochi wasn't paying attention to anything around her as she continued to walk back to the cave. Would she become strong one day? Maybe when she evolved into Houndoom she could get some courage, but, she was so afraid of evolving, she fearing the change that came with it. She didn't want to evolve to soon, not to soon.

    Inochi would accept it once it came, no sooner. She let out a sigh as she came to a stop, looking to the moon that was just visible through the forest's leaves. She didn't belong here. Something was telling her she didn't belong here. She needed to find her courage someplace else, cause she wouldn't find it here. Looking over her shoulder to where Spirit was talking with a new face, a Slowking.

    "Spirit..." She said as she turned to face him, looking down at her paws before continuing. "I-I'm leaving. I d-don't feel right b-being here." It was hard for her to talk without stuttering. "P-please don't take it a-as if I hate you or t-the others." She continues as she looked up at him. Inochi hoped he wouldn't hate her for leaving, not after everything he tried to make her happy. "I just n-need to find m-myself... elsewhere."

    Inochi dipped her head before turning to a direction that wasn't the cave. "Goodbye Spirit, tell the others I said goodbye to." Inochi felt like crying it was so hard to say goodbye, but before she changed her mind she ran off into the forest, tears now streaming down her face as she tried not to look back.

    ((Inochi has now left Mountain. I had a lot of fun rp'ing with everyone <3 But its time for Inochi to go off to Snowpoint. Take care!
    PS: Sorry for the crappy goodbye >.<))

    The MOUNTAIN Team - Page 7 Empty Re: The MOUNTAIN Team

    Post by Guest Wed Mar 28, 2012 4:59 pm

    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]
    Mountains West of Blackthorne City//Night (15)

    Spirit continued to wait for a reply from the Slowking but before he could wait any longer he heard Inochi speaking which caused him to turn to look at her, "Spirit... I-I'm leaving. I d-don't feel right b-being here. P-please don't take it a-as if I hate you or t-the others. I just n-need to find m-myself... elsewhere. Goodbye Spirit, tell the others I said goodbye to." Spirit's eyes widen as he heard her speak and didn't interrupt her as she spoke until he was sure she was done talking. He then gave Inochi a gentle smile of understanding as his red eyes showed that he didn't hate that she was leaving. He was though which also showed in his eyes and he said, Alright Inochi, I'll let the others know that and I hope you will find what your searching for. I also hope that we will meet again someday and hopefully it will be at better times. He then watched as Inochi left and though he was sadden to see her go he knew he needs to let her find her own path so he turn and nodded at the Slowking to let him know to follow him before he headed back to the cave and to the others.

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