My favorite Pokemon are Aggron, Volcarona, and Pyroar, with the legendaries Articuno and Rayquaza also high on the list. I have a lot of experience writing and role playing, and I hope to test myself here. I will admit, however, that I do tend to lose motivation in spurts. I am hoping to get over this with some forced participation. I always tend to do better with a deadline!
That being said, I must warn you that my current laptop of five years is failing (and if I miss an "f" in a word, forgive me, as the key works half of the time). I'm hoping to get a new one this week, so while I will be creating a character, I will be leaving her in the WIP section until I'm sure my new computer is working correctly. There's no point in getting put into a RP only for my laptop to die on me, and my smartphone is... Well, let's just say auto correct likes to make others laugh at my expense.
I look forward to fighting with and against all of your characters! Special thanks to the owner of Plague - had I not discovered him on DeviantArt and looked into such a wonderful character, I would not have found Epidemic Johto.
Edit: Never mind about the time zone question. Uxie sniped me on that. Thank you!