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2 posters

    Aether the Swablu (inactive)


    Age : 27
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    Aether the Swablu (inactive) Empty Aether the Swablu (inactive)

    Post by Drago Sun May 06, 2012 7:48 pm

    Aether the Swablu (inactive) Aether-2
    Temporary Image

    Item Musical Note Necklace
    Gender Female
    Age 14
    Species #333/Swablu/Cotton Bird Pokemon
    Height 1'05"
    Weight 2.6 lbs
    Pokédex Entry Its wings bring cottony clouds to mind. It grooms with springwater and loves to sit on heads.
    Level 23
    Ability Natural Cure
    Nature Calm
    Characteristic Highly Persistant
    Moves - Featherdance (breeding)
    - Sing
    - Mist
    - Safeguard
    History Once, when Aether was a small child, her father told her a story. To this day she remembers the surroundings, the western sun slowly setting over the forest, the comfortable nest high in the leaves, her mother's light breathing as she slept. She could remember the gentle rhythm of her father's story. The emphasis of his pauses, the warmth of his low voice. She couldn't remember the story, not anymore, but that didn't matter. She remembered what was important.

    Aether always remembered that night. It was not the first of the nights when her father told stories, nor was it the last, but it was the last before her sister was brought into the world. Swoon was a dear little Swablu, her newborn body so much smaller than the almost fully grown Swablu that was Aether. Aether always remembered that Swoon's wings were so fluffy that when she nested for the night, the poor child's entire body was lost in a sea of clouds. The stories changed after Swoon's birth, however. Their father, having to work twice as hard to find food for another bird, often was tired at the end of the day. Often enough, he didn't put his soul into the story, his nest occupying his attention. Aether didn't mind, however. She took it as an opportunity to practice her own stories. At first she simply retold the ones her father had told her before Swoon was born. However, before long, Aether created her own stories, tales that enchanted her loving audience, and even herself. One night, while telling a story, she began to put more rhythm into than usual. Quickly, she realized she was no longer telling a story, but singing it! Her song was enchanting, however, none of her family members could stay awake after listening to it. Aether didn't care. Her voice was beautiful!

    The Epidemic reached her home one night, as she was telling her stories. Swoon had grown almost to full size by then, and her dear mother had passed on long since. Aether remembered her father preparing for sleep, while her sister stared up at her with wide eyes, awaiting the tale. However, something was wrong. Noises kept interupting the flow of words, forcing Aether to stumple through her story. Halfway through, a strange light in the distance caught her eye, distracting her. Slowly, the light grew closer, and before long she knew what it was. The forest was on fire! By the time she roused her father and sister to flee, the smoke was nearly upon them. Birds flew in all directions, trying to escape. It was in this confusion that Aether and Swoon were seperated from their father.

    The next morning, Aether and Swoon woke together on a beach, the sand already hot under their feathers. Neither knew how far they had flown, or in what direction. Together, they decided their course of action. Aether was the smartest of the two, however, Swoon was the more wordly, having gone out of the trees with her father. Together they traveled, attempting to find their beloved Father. Unfortunately, on these travels, the sisters were seperated in one of the Mists that Aether created. Now, Aether travels the region hunting for both her father and her sister.
    Appearance Relatively normal swablu with slightly less-than-usual opacity to her wings. Light blue eyes, and a necklace of a musical note on her neck.
    Personality Is very protective. Due to her lack of damaging moves, whenever she is forced to fight, she protects her partners. Will go through any lengths to avoid a fight alone. Usually very cheerful, and enjoys life, dispite the Epidemic. Is an excellent storyteller, and may begin to invent new stories while someone is talking to her.
    User Notes
    Has a very good memory, but may not listen to the entire story.

    Mentally, she's devloped to an age higher than her physical age. She's been alive for ten years, but maturity-wise, she'd be at least 16.

    A few things I didn't put into the history that I need to note:

    The necklace was given to her as a gift by her father, who found it while hunting for berries.

    She has done very little fighting, and has mostly just gained the experience from helping her sister.

    Father was an Unfezzant.

    Last edited by Drago on Wed May 09, 2012 3:45 pm; edited 3 times in total

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    Aether the Swablu (inactive) Empty Re: Aether the Swablu (inactive)

    Post by Drago Tue May 08, 2012 6:39 pm

    Aether is ready for approval! :D

    Posts : 3650

    Aether the Swablu (inactive) Empty Re: Aether the Swablu (inactive)

    Post by Mewtwo Wed May 09, 2012 8:53 am

    A couple of things, dear.

    Mother was an Unfezzant.
    This is the biggest issue. If her mother was an Unfezzant, she would be a Pidove. In breeding the egg is always the species of the mother.

    Also, she has a relatively high level for one so young. I understand you say mentally she is more developed, but she has not had enough time in her life to gain such experience. I don't like going more than 10 levels over the characters age.

    One last note, if she has the necklace still it will need to be listed under items and be in the image.

    Please revise and then I will look at for approval.


    Aether the Swablu (inactive) 3Br5nS6

    Aether the Swablu (inactive) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotAether the Swablu (inactive) UugYyDK

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    Aether the Swablu (inactive) Empty Re: Aether the Swablu (inactive)

    Post by Drago Wed May 09, 2012 3:45 pm

    I've made the apropriate changes, I believe, changing it to her father being the Unfezzant, her age 14, and fixing the temporary image and items. Thanks!

    Posts : 3650

    Aether the Swablu (inactive) Empty Re: Aether the Swablu (inactive)

    Post by Mewtwo Sun May 13, 2012 6:40 pm



    Aether the Swablu (inactive) 3Br5nS6

    Aether the Swablu (inactive) ZGD0iWwAdmin - Profiles, PlotAether the Swablu (inactive) UugYyDK

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