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12 posters



    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Guest Thu May 31, 2012 6:24 pm

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    Route 35|Late Morning (17)

    "They will. There's no point in going now. Perhaps we should just start moving? They'll decide, and either they'll come after us or they won't..." Bryant had told Marilyn. "Hmm..." Marilyn said, "Let me think..." She closed her eyes and thought everything over.

    Bryant thinks it would be best to just leave them behind and head to Ecruteak, but is it really the best decision? Goldenrod is what everyone wants. Everyone but Nikki. But after what I did said, I just don't know. What do I do? Just tell me, damn it. FUCKING TELL ME!!!

    As soon as her thoughts screamed that last phrase, Marilyn felt her body begin to change as she was covered in a warm, bright glow. She could feel herself growing taller, as well as growing more hair. Her arms began to grow longer, and her dress began to extend, covering her legs. The glow faded away and what stood was no longer Marilyn.

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    Marilyn took a look at herself and saw how much taller she was. She was now more than double her height! It was amazing! She felt amazing! All of her thoughts were now gone. She moved back to where Rodolfo and Nikki were and revealed herself to them. All she gave was a simple "hello". Nothing more. Nothing less.

    (OoC: Marilyn has now evolved into a Gothitelle)

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Drago Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:10 pm

    ((Skip please))

    Age : 29
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    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Snitch Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:43 am

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    Route 35 || Late Morning [41]

    Rodolfo was patiently awaiting Nikki’s story when a stranger suddenly waltzed before them, a dark, feminine creature that looked strangely similar to Marilyn. It took the Charizard a moment, his mind slowly piecing together the female’s identity as it leisurely offered a ‘hello’. The dragon’s confused expression quickly broke into a broad smile, the realization hitting the Charizard with the force of a bus.
    “Hey!” Rodolfo exclaimed cheerily, beaming at the significantly taller Marilyn. “Congratulations, Marilyn!” Trotting forward, he touched the creature’s shoulder gently, his face mimicking that of a proud father despite his young age. Evolution was always an event to be celebrated, though Rodolfo’s transformation had accompanied accusation, resulting in his banishment. His expression faltered for a moment at the memory of that fateful day, his chest aching as he made an effort to disguise the provocation of the painful images. His smile returning, he cleared his throat. ”How do you feel?!” He grinned, sounding more alike to an over-enthusiastic talk show host.

    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Guest Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:25 pm

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    Route 35|Late Morning (18)

    It took Rodolfo a little bit to realize that Marilyn had evolved. But when he did, he was happy for the Gothitelle. "Hey! Congratulations, Marilyn!" The Charizard placed a hand on Marilyn's shoulder. "Thank you, Rodolfo." Marilyn smiled. She found it a little weird how she was almost as tall as Rodolfo. But that's to be expected with evolution.

    "How do you feel?" Rodolfo asked. "I am getting a feeling of vertigo since I grew taller. But the question is," she stopped, looking up at the Togetic, still resting on the Charizard's head, "How's Nikki holding up?" She looked at him, her face full of concern and worry.

    Does he hate me now? After what I said?

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Drago Sun Jun 10, 2012 12:47 pm

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    Route 35 | Late Morning (10)

    Marilyn had grown. She was easily three times Bryant's size, or so he guessed. So another one had evolved... That made three. Interesting, that. It made Bryant wonder, somewhat lustfully, when his own evolution would come. Eventually... He chided himself.

    Still, Bryant felt awkward and unsafe, with the whole group standing in the middle of the road. Anything could show up at any time... It's dangerous! He decided to speak up. "We should probably get moving... Whichever way we're going to go." He said, speaking to Rodolfo. He seemed to be the leader, after all.

    Age : 29
    Posts : 1664

    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Snitch Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:29 am

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    Route 35 || Late Morning [42]

    "I am getting a feeling of vertigo since I grew taller. But the question is, how's Nikki holding up?"

    Rodolfo’s smiled gradually vanished, his eyes straining to catch sight of the togetic atop his head. The creature had suddenly silenced, and the charizard wondering whether the emotional stress had sent the youngster into slumber. He sighed, attention returning to Marilyn.
    “I’m sure he’s fine,” The charizard reassured her kindly, looking up to see Bryant approaching. “Everyone’s just a little sensitive nowadays, it’s nobody’s fault,”

    "We should probably get moving... Whichever way we're going to go."

    The charizard glanced over his shoulder, confused to whom Bryant was addressing until realization hit that it was him. They were looking to him for guidance, for leadership. Shuffling on the spot, the dragon managed an awkward smile before wringing his wrists nervously, as usual.
    “You’re right,” He started, glancing back in the direction in which they’d come, the deceased venusaur still rotting away in the road. Uncomfortable with making such an important decision, Rodolfo reassured himself with the fact Nikki had previously said it was okay to travel to Ecruteak. Swallowing his apprehension, his voice was strong, authoritative when it emerged. “We’re headed to Ecruteak. Lead to way,”

    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 11, 2012 1:34 pm

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    Route 35|Noon (19)

    "I'm sure he's fine. Everyone's just a little sensitive nowadays, it's nobody's fault." Rodolfo assured Marilyn. She smiled at his words, now knowing it's wrong to overreact on everything. Plus, evolution matured her a bit. She wouldn't run into that problem for a while now...

    "We should probably get moving... Whichever way we're going to go." Bryant said. Marilyn looked down at the Cranidos. He looked small from the Gothitelle's point of view. Rodolfo agreed and said that they're still gonna go to Ecruteak. Marilyn was fine with going to Ecruteak. Staying next to Rodolfo, she allowed Bryant to lead the way.

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Drago Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:25 pm

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    Route 35 | Noon (11)

    Bryant was glad they had finally decided on a direction. Staying in the open always gave him a strange itch in the back of his mind. However, Marilyn seemed to be trying to have him lead, staying back with Rodolfo. Hell, he barely even knew the name of the place, let alone the location! However... He knew that this road would have to lead there. Shaking his head, he moved down the road, heading towards the large park that stood at the end.

    National Park|Noon

    Bryant hadn't realized this large a park had been so close. It still felt like he was in the open. He didn't want to stay here long. Better to just move on to Ecruteak.
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    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 17, 2012 11:47 am

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    Route 35|Morning
    (16/continued from Acuity team)

    The apparition floated down the well-worn path, lost in his own thoughts, and ignoring everything around him. At this point, he probably wouldn't notice if a random infected came upon him until it was too late. Luckily for him, being a ghost meant he didn't attract much attention. He kept thinking back to the group he left, and was sad to leave some of them. But there were others in that group that had just been creepy and mean, and he couldn't stay. In this lonely existence, he wasn't sure what to do anymore.

    As he continue, Plea thought he saw the shapes of creatures ahead, but his conscious mind payed no attention. His mind had now shifted to the past, of his life before, and slowly his eyes drew to the mask permanently clutched in his grasp. As he looked upon his face, a wave of regret and longing crashed upon him. He could not stop the tears that started to spill from his eyes as he gently caressed his mask. He didn't want to. This golden adornment was the only link he had back to his life as a human, a life that was slowly fading from his mind despite how hard he tried to cling to it. He was a Pokemon, now, but he never asked to be one.

    Why? Why did he come back? People always told of 'unfinished business' when they spoke of spirits. But...what was his? He had a good life, up until he was killed, so what was the point for his spirit to linger? All he had wanted was for someone to hear his pleas for help, going so far as to even name himself such. Could it be that was all he wanted? Was for someone to hear him? Could it really be that simple? As he took one last look at his mask, letting it slowly drop back down beneath him, Plea let out a heavy sigh. Maybe it was just that simple.

    ((OOC: Sorry for the introspective post, but I just adopted this poor little guy and need to figure out where the team is. Next post I will have him interact if no one spotted him.))

    Age : 29
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    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Snitch Sun Jun 17, 2012 12:51 pm

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    National Park Entrance || Noon [43]

    Rodolfo followed Bryant’s lead, switching to all fours to ease the difficulty of hobbling along on two legs, his arms unusually longer than average to only heighten the unstable stance. He kept quiet though, smiling softly to Marilyn whom he walked beside as he strained to catch the occasional glimpse of Nicholas atop his head. In a way, he was glad he couldn’t catch the youngster’s expression, fully aware that the decision to head to Ecruteak would have had some sort of affect on his friend, most likely a negative one. The guilt of reducing Nikki to such an emotional state was something that Rodolfo feared to consider. However, the warm, trickling of tears down the side of his head confirmed his worst fears. He was reluctant to dwell on the topic any further, knowing that being considered a leader meant he would have to act like one. Last time he checked, leaders didn’t constantly change their mind. Heaving a sigh, it wasn’t long until a small building came into view, the fences around it bloodstained and broken.

    The National Park.

    The charizard slowed to a halt, round eyes searching the area uneasily. Past the rundown fences, an overgrown green area lay beyond – but other than that, Rodolfo could see no other path to address. He glanced to Bryant, disguising his apprehension.
    “Do we go through there?” He asked, gesturing with a nod of his head to a sizeable gap in the fence – fur and blood clinging to the hazardous barrier, now almost demolished by some powerful force. Stifling a gulp, Rodolfo looked around him, searching for guidance despite his role as the ‘leader’. Bringing it upon himself, he moved to the gap, his bulk slipping relatively easily through, though a shudder swept over his body at the sight of the gory remains clinging onto the damaged wood. ”You okay, Nikki? Rodolfo spoke softly once on the other side, taking a moment to catch a few words with the togetic whilst the others eventually followed through. Whilst he had no idea where he was going, nor exactly what the fence had been prohibiting, Rodolfo could see no other means of reaching this fabled city.

    (( Hey! The group have just arrived at the national park if that helps, Phoenix. :3 ))

    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:14 pm

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    National Park Entrance|Noon (20)

    Everyone followed Bryant to the entrance to National Park. Rodolfo was walking on all fours to make the trip a bit easier. They came across an old building. This was the entrance? There was a rundown fence, followed by overgrown grass, followed by god knows what. "Do we have to go through here?" Rodolfo asked. Marilyn moved closer to the hole in the fence. It seemed like it was big enough to go through. She was almost sure even Rodolfo could go through it.

    He was able to.

    As soon as Rodolfo was through, Marilyn kept looking at the hole. She seemed reluctant. "Why couldn't there be another way to get to Ecruteak?" she said as she cautiously went through the fence. As soon as she was through, she brushed herself off of any debris that was on her. "You okay, Nikki?" she heard the Charizard ask.

    It seemed like ever since she said what she said, Nikki's been silent the whole time. Marilyn didn't want the Togetic in this type of sadness. It just broke her heart. She went over to Rodolfo and Nikki. She looked at the two and said with melancholy eyes, "Guys, I need to tell you something. I don't know if everyone is dead or not. I'm pretty sure that there is someone who is still alive out there. But the reason I said everyone's dead is because everyone in my family is dead. I overreacted and that was immature of me. And I'm sorry for my behavior prior to my evolution..." She looked down on the ground with melancholy eyes, just hoping they could forgive her.

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Drago Wed Jun 20, 2012 8:00 pm

    ((Skip, please))
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    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Guest Mon Jun 25, 2012 7:03 pm

    ((Thanks Snitch! <3 Btw...aren't we in the EXACT same spot in Alph? lol))

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    Route 35|Noon

    With his clouded mind starting to clear, the shadows from before passed again but this time Plea took more notice. From his vantage point he could see a small group of Pokemon entering some kind of hole, leading to a large expanse of some kind. Not overly familiar with the region he decided to go take a peek at what could be so interesting as to risk being so exposed. Floating behind a few trees, not sure he wanted to be noticed just yet, he took in the small collective. A Charizard, a Gothitelle, and some kind of flying white-thing he had never heard of before, even as a human. What an odd troupe they made, it was almost amusing...until he heard the white-thing speak.

    The sorrow in his tale touched the Spirit Pokemon and the pain reflected very closely to his own. Plea felt an empathy with this strange being, but only to a point. Where Plea would have lost himself in his sorrows, as usual, the white pixie seemed to have a different view. Everyone has pain. Everyone has things they carry with them in their heart. But what they really yearn to do is..." A beautiful chime filled the air and Plea was just close enough to feel the edge of the ripples of energy and he basked in the slight increase in his energy.

    "...let it go."

    Those three little words hit Plea like a train, and his eyes widened in sudden realization. Could that be what was really keeping him here? The fact that he couldn't let it go? He never realized before that it could be his own sadness that was keeping him here, thinking instead that he was sad because he was stuck as a spirit. Almost unconsciously he drifted closer to the group, more specifically the pixie, and gave him a pleading look. "How?" he whispered desperately, tears streaking down his face. "How do I let it go?"

    Age : 36
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    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed Jun 27, 2012 5:15 am

    Post 4 (carried over from Pewter)

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    National Park Entrance| Noon

    Boring. Boring, boring, boring, boring. Everywhere she went, she found nothing but the same sights: ruined cities, dead pokemon trying to kill her, and more ruined cities. That was it. Was that all there was to the world now? Just ruins and surviving in them? Lame. Where was the surprise? Where was the excitement? Fighting undead could only get her so far in adrenaline, but after a while, it was all the same. They all fought the same: mindlessly.

    Dio found herself near what seemed a park entrance when she overheard voices, and quickly found a place to hide. Peeking over her hiding spot -which was behind a strategically placed sign- she saw a small group of pokemon: a charizard, gothitelle, cranidos, togetic and... yamask? She frowned at the sight; it reminded her all too well of the fat man. Still, she hadn't found another living pokemon since Pewter, so this was progress... right?

    ((Howdy ho! Feel free to spot her; she's not the stealthiest girl XD))


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    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Snitch Wed Jun 27, 2012 12:16 pm

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    National Park Entrance || Noon [44]

    "Guys, I need to tell you something. I don't know if everyone is dead or not. I'm pretty sure that there is someone who is still alive out there. But the reason I said everyone's dead is because everyone in my family is dead. I overreacted and that was immature of me. And I'm sorry for my behaviour prior to my evolution..."

    Rodolfo listened to Marilyn’s apology intently, his expression kind as a slight smile surfaced on his face. He was glad to see she was so eager to patch things up, but in all honesty, he couldn’t blame her for her previous outburst. This world could crush even the strongest of souls – it was understandable, almost anticipated, that everyone would eventually feel that stabbing pain of loss, of defeat. Glancing away, suddenly reminiscent his own shamed history, the charizard spared a few thoughts for his family.

    "It's not your fault Marilyn. Everyone has pain. Everyone has things they carry with them in their heart. But what they really yearn to do is... let it go,”

    The charizard’s smile broadened, practically beaming as Nicholas’ weight was lifted from his head. Coming to terms with his emotions, Rodolfo watched mesmerised as the youngster hovered in front of him, a sudden chiming echoing about the vicinity. He practically melted at the sound, his eyelids fluttering peacefully as the energy swept across his slender form. The dragon shared the togetic’s smile, a sudden laugh erupting from his lips. However, he silenced as a more sorrowful being drifted into his line of vision, begging of how to ‘let it go’. A frown surfacing over his scarred face, Rodolfo felt rude to intrude. The ghost was clearly upset, tearful even as he addressed Nikki for answers. His mouth contorting awkwardly, the dragon soon grew aware of another stranger in the distance. What it was however remained a mystery. Confused, he looked to Marilyn.
    “What's that?” The dragon asked quietly, determined not to disturb the sensitive conversation between the togetic and the recently arrived ghost. Gesturing to the chocolate feline in the distance, Rodolfo managed a half-hearted smile, glad that things were finally beginning to work out for the little group.

    (( Oh yeah! I hadn’t even noticed, Phoenix! xD ))

    Age : 27
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    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Drago Wed Jun 27, 2012 1:19 pm

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    National Park | Noon (12)

    ((Yup, we've been in the same place as Alph for a few months now. XD))

    Bryant couldn't help but smile, despite the somber tone of the group. The amount of companions he had was fluctuation, shrinking, then growing again. Hopefully it would stay large now, however. He liked having friends around. Especially such powerful ones. The newest one startled him, however. He wasn't used to something floating without at least having wings attached to its back. The other one, the dark brown feline that Rodolfo pointed out, reminded him of things back from the lab, things from his time. Odd, that. She didn't look like a fossil.

    What bugged Bryant was that they had once again stopped in the open. Flicking his head towards the directin they needed to go, he gestured to the others. No need to have a repeat of that monster in the road from before.
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    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Guest Sun Jul 01, 2012 7:00 pm

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    Route 35|Noon

    Plea drooped low in shame, his eyes downcast so he wouldn't have to look at the terror on the white pixie's face. Of course he shouldn't have just come at them like that, he was a ghost. Everyone was afraid of ghosts. Why would they know how to help him, or even want to? The group he had just so blatantly approached was just standing there staring at him, and the one he had begged for help was hiding behind the leg of a dragon to get away from him.

    They didn't hear his pleas either...

    "I'm s-sorry...I didn't mean to f-frighten you. I just thought...I-" his whispers trailed off sadly, tears still flowing down his cheeks as he spoke. "I'll just go now..." With one last longing look at his mask Plea began to turn around, ready to leave the gathering of living just as he had found them. They would never have to be troubled by a tormented spirit, never have to be burdened with his restless soul. He would have to find his own peace, it seemed.

    Age : 36
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    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed Jul 04, 2012 4:59 am

    Post 5

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    National Park Entrance| Noon

    "What's that?"

    'Shit!' Dio ducked further behind the sign as the charizard noticed her, along with the fossil and others. She'd hoped the yamask's bitching would have allowed her a little more stealth, but the others were a bit more attentive than she'd accounted for. Not like the retard nuzleaf she'd seen in the Pewter Museum; she was right in front of him and he didn't even know! Still... she couldn't hide forever, even if it got her heart pounding.

    She cleared her throat and took a step out, flicking her luxuriously groomed tail over her back and around her body. "Sorry to interrupt..." she began, taking a few steps toward the group. "...But I can't say I've come across another group since..." She paused as she thought, taking a couple of more steps closer. "...Well, it's been a while." She flashed a charming grin, bridging the gap between her and safety. "...Would you mind if I joined?"


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    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Snitch Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:43 am

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    National Park Entrance || Noon [45]

    Surprised at the sudden, gentle tug on his arm, Rodolfo looked down to see Nikki almost cowering behind his form, seemingly shaken by the ghost type’s appearance. Confused, the dragon’s kindly eyes soon found the sorrowful ghoul, a sad smile soon growing over his slender face. What was he apologizing for? He’d done nothing wrong, nor had Nicholas for that matter. He shook his head as the newcomer spoke, hurt by the creature’s despair at having frightened the togetic.
    “No, it was an accident, right, Nik?” Rodolfo spoke quickly, moving to reach out to the ghost but realizing that it probably would have made no difference. He hadn’t met many of these types in his lifetime, utterly oblivious to whether they felt the touch of others or not. Considering such an existence only heightened Rodolfo’s pity – he wanted to help this guy. “Don’t go. W-We don’t even know your name,” The charizard’s naturally cheery grin quickly returned, an awkward chuckle following his words as he glanced to Marilyn and Bryant. They seemed eager to get going, and from their position out in the open, the dragon was soon agreeing. However, the strange, chocolate creature was approaching too.

    "Sorry to interrupt... But I can't say I've come across another group since...Well, it's been a while…”

    Rodolfo strained to keep his pleasant, welcoming smile, but her hesitance aroused a certain suspicion in the dragon. Disguising any doubt of her honesty, the charizard tilted his head politely in greeting as she enquired about joining their unconventional little group.
    “Um... sure,” His demeanour was cheery though his gaze drifted to Marilyn, Bryant and Nicholas in turn, searching for their approval. Whilst he was suddenly thrust into a position of leadership, Rodolfo was adamant that he would be fair – it would be a democracy, unlike the rules of his clan. He blinked hard, pushing the memories of his banishment to the back of his mind. This was a new leaf, a new start – they needn’t know of the charizard he once was. “Name’s Rodolfo,”

    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jul 04, 2012 7:31 am

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    National Park Entrance|Noon (21)

    Everything went by so fast now. Marilyn seemed to be much more relaxed. Nikki stood tall on Rodolfo's head. "It's not your fault Marilyn." the Togetic said, "Everyone has pain. Everyone has things they carry with them in their heart. But what they really yearn to do is... let it go,” The area was soon encased with a calm chiming sound that echoed through the dark and empty world of the Epidemic. Marilyn let out a soft smile as she gently placed a hand on the side of Nikki's head. "Thank you, Nikki." she said in a soft voice.

    A creature then floated up to group, he was heading towards Nikki. Marilyn recognized the creature as a Yamask. He looked at the Togetic with a pleading face and asked, "How? How do I let it go?" Marilyn could only watch as Nikki hid behind Rodolfo, scared by the ghost type. However, she noticed that it wasn't the fact that the Yamask was a ghost type that made Nikki scared, it was how desperate thepoor dear seemed. Tears streamed down his face, just begging for a way to let it all go. "I.. I d-don't know! I-I'm just a kid," The Togetic said softly, eyes wide. The Yamask became even sadder by the response. "I'm s-sorry...I didn't mean to f-frighten you. I just thought...I-I'll just go now..." he whispered as he turned around. Marilyn found herself moving towards the Yamask, wanting to comfort him. She got close to him, and kneeled down to his level. The Gothitelle wiped the tears from his eyes and said, "You're welcome to stay with us. I can sense what you have been through, and it's not safe out there for someone like you..." The Astral Body pokemon felt so sorry for him.

    Marilyn then noticed a figure of a creature she's never seen before. The chocolate creature had approached them. "Sorry to interrupt... But I can't say I've come across another group since...Well, it's been a while…” she then asked if she could join their group. "I don't see why not?" Marilyn said. Rodolfo was also alright with her joining the group. Marilyn turned back to the creature after the Charizard introduced himself. "Yes, and my name is Marilyn." She looked down at the Yamask, once again, getting down to his level. "What is your name, dear?"

    (OoC: So much could happen when you spend a week in the safehouse LOL)

    Age : 27
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    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Drago Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:21 pm

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    National Park | Noon (13)

    ((OOC: SOOOO SORRY FOR THE LATE POST! I thought I posted on this team already. >.<))

    The others hadn't followed him. Bryant had already made it halfway through the park by the time he realized that the others were still a ways behind him. He didn't want to be alone. Not with the world the way it was. What if another one of those monsters from before showed up? Looking around, however, he realized that he couldn't see the others anywhere in the large park. Had he walked that far already? Which way had he come? A sudden noise from behind a tree made him sigh in relief. There they are... But no, when he approached, he heard growls and hisses. And then he saw the scythes.

    From behind the tree stalked the largest Scyther Bryant had ever seen- not that he had seen very many, mind you. It's eyes glowed a bright red, and its scythes and wings were covered in blood, not all of it completely dried. Backing away slowly, Bryant's eyes widened. In a moment of panic, his instincts took over, and he screamed for the strongest being he knew was nearby. "RODOLFO!"

    ((Hoping that's okay, seeing as we haven't had much action in a while. If not, I'll edit it. >.<))

    Age : 36
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    The UNDERGROUND Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The UNDERGROUND Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed Jul 11, 2012 4:10 am

    Post 6

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    National Park Entrance| Noon

    There was a small wave of relief as the other pokemon actually saw her, for one, and acknowledged her presence. She might have had a small conniption fit if the introductions had occurred the same way they had back in Pewter. The charizard's welcome, though slightly hesitant, was enough for her, and the gothitelle seemed friendly enough, even asking her for her name. 'Good,' she thought, taking a few steps closer to the group. She nodded to each of the pokemon in turn, but merely gave the yamask a strange look. That little guy had to go.

    "I'm D--"


    The little cranidos barged back, running with a look of fear on his face she knew well. Glancing in the direction he'd appeared from, she was now very sure she might get some action, though fighting the undead was getting boring. But now that she'd found some survivors, maybe that would change... "What's wrong?" She was soon answered by the roar of the undead, which must have been the one he'd run into, but soon the calls of many others joined it. "You must have woken up an entire horde!" she exclaimed, though not necessarily in fear.


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