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26 posters

    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team


    Age : 26
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    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Negative10 Sun Apr 15, 2012 6:48 pm

    [ooc: short post is shooort. :U]
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    Hearthome City | Morning

    The little Plusle sprung onto the head of Molly, springing about him in circles in great jubilant excitement. "Mois is Mois!" She said in a voice that spoke happiness, and Quinn smiled in welcome. That is, until the electric type placed her paw on his beak and sparks came from it! Eck! He squawked, although more in a surprised manner than in a hurt. The Winggull put a wing on his beak, and making sure that nothing had been injured, he looked at the laughing Plusle. "Mommy can I go meet Daddy? The others too? I'll come down from the roof if I have too."

    He really didn't know what to make of the Plusle! Other than being a constant ball of energy! He tagged his talons on Molly's head, glancing down to come into contact with the Nidqueen's eyes. "Might as well give the little girl what she wants, eh?" Quinn said in a joking voice, shuffling backward to give Mois space to jump next to him. "Just no more sparks, okay?" If life were like a book, mine would be like an adventure novel. There were the negative things that brought the bird down, but you know what? There's also a lot of great things in my life. Looking at the grinning Plusle, she was just another reminder that even in the darkest of days there is still some hope.
    The author of this message was banned from the forum - See the message

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Snitch Tue Apr 17, 2012 10:40 am

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    Hearthome City || Late Morning [9]

    "Mois is Mois!"

    Molly smiled kindly, charmed by the youngster’s unfathomable excitement. She looked like she was going to explode at any minute, and the nidoqueen couldn’t help but chuckle as she hopped about. But her question about seeing ‘Daddy’ nerved the female slightly. What was Arthur going to think? He’d never spent a lot of time around children before, he’d often insisted on how clumsy he was whenever they’d spoken about having their own egg. Molly wasn’t so sure – of course, the nidoking was heavy-footed, but he was always considerate of others. No, he would love the plusle. And if he didn’t, well he’d just have to deal with it. Molly smiled almost defiantly at the thought of her mate growing jealous of Mois, eager to suppress the idea of the worst case scenario.

    "Might as well give the little girl what she wants, eh?"

    Quinn interrupted her thoughts and she smiled broadly at his words, nodding her head as she felt the bird shift over to allow the plusle a perch.
    “Of course! He’ll be delighted,” At least, she hoped he would. Waiting until Mois was safely sat beside the wingull, Molly began an uneasy descent, gripping onto the objects around her as she gradually lowered herself from the boxes back to solid ground. She wasn’t as young as she used to be, and had learnt the hard way to take some seemingly harmless activities slowly. With a short huff, she turned in time to see Zoroark disappearing into the surrounding foliage. Mouth dropping open in shock, Molly hurried around the corner to find Arthur staring equally as dumbfounded outside the pokémon centre.

    “What did you say to him?” Molly snapped, fearing that Arthur had come out with something stupid to offend the canine. She frowned, hands on her hips as the nidoking struggled to find words. It happened so quickly. One moment, Arthur had been patiently awaiting a reply, the next, the zoroark had been at his side, teary-eyed as he ordered him to look after the bird.
    “N-Nothing!” He replied defensively, displeased with the sudden accusation. “He just left! Told us to take care of Pidove,” Motioning inside the building with a thick, purple arm, Arthur made it clear there hadn’t been a chance to investigate the child’s situation. He glanced to Quinn, only to pause as he noticed a small creature beside him. Frowning, he exchanged a look with his partner. “Who... uh...?”
    “This is Mois, Arthur,” She introduced the plusle, dropping her previously venomous tone. Apparently, the zoroark hadn’t been as kind as she’d initially thought. If he wanted to leave, fine – just not abandoning the poor pidove whilst he was caught in such emotional turmoil. She replaced her inner anger with a smile, with an uneasy glance into the pokémon centre. Hopefully, Pidove had made some sort of recovery. For a moment, Arthur simply stared at the newcomer, unsure how he felt about the arrival of another child to the team.
    “Uh... hi, kiddo,”

    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:14 pm

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    Hearthome City | Morning [5]

    "Might as well give the little girl what she wants, eh?" Quin said jokingly, as he hopped aside. Mois climbed up on the Nidoqueen's head taking up the space the Wingull provided, "Just no more sparks, okay?" The Plusle put her hands in front of her mouth, hiding a gasp, yet still a smile, "Aww alright," She giggled, the Plus Pokemon hoped that she didn't seem all that crazy in their eyes. “Of course! He’ll be delighted,” Mommy said, Mois felt her eyes sparkle in delight, she'll meet her father! As Molly carefully climbed down the roof top (Mois regretted climbing up and wanting to play hide-n-go-seek, now her newly found mother has to go through the trouble!), she gave a small huff, turning the corner. The Plusle thought she was seeing things, seeing a flash of dark grey leave the city through the surroundings.

    As she pushed the thought away, Mommy immediately snapped at her gender counterpart, “What did you say to him?” The Nidoking up ahead seemed at a loss of words, Mois felt fear grip her. Were they going to fight like her original parents? Was he going to run up to Mommy and tell her not to talk in that tone? She felt a sigh of relief left her as he just gave his simple reply, “N-Nothing! He just left! Told us to take care of Pidove,” The Poison-type immediately frowned as he fixed his gaze on the Plusle, whom immediately froze with happiness, she gave a huge smile as the Daddy went over to Mommy to speak, “Who... uh...?”
    “This is Mois, Arthur,” Mommy said, her tone sounding softer than the last.

    The Nidoking took a moment as he stared at the Plus Pokemon, as if having time to think as he spoke, “Uh... hi, kiddo,” Mois gave a gleeful grin, "Daddy~!" She chimed, feeling pulses of excitement course through her veins. Will they be better than her original parents? Mature? Will they abuse Mois? Or abandon her? She'll leave that up to fate's hands, savoring the moment of having a happy family once again.

    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Guest Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:41 pm

    ((Pidove is still sleeping so skip me, but be prefapred for more crying next post <3 ))

    Age : 26
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    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Negative10 Wed Apr 25, 2012 3:23 pm

    [ooc: skip. ;w; can't think of what Quinn can do at the moment.]

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Snitch Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:11 am

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    Hearthome City || Late Morning [10]


    The look on the Nidoking’s face was priceless. Eyes widening and jaw plummeting downwards to mould the dinosaur’s expression into a painting of shock. Molly couldn’t stop herself; she burst out into a high-pitched, feminine laugh, covering her mouth with a single paw in a bid to halt her immature antics. Arthur simply looked between Mois, Quinn and his partner, trying to decipher whether this was just some kind of elaborate prank. Eventually, his face softened and he gave a hearty chuckle, complimenting his mate’s girlish one in a sound akin to an upbeat melody.
    “How do you do, Miss Mois?” Arthur smiled softly in a mock bow to the youngster. Whilst he wasn’t particularly raving about the name ‘Daddy’, the Nidoking was charmed by the child’s immediate affection and contagious smile. Molly mimicked her mate’s smile, placing a paw supportively on the Nidoking’s shoulder to show her approval of his words. She had feared his rejection of the child so much, but now, it was apparent that as much as he persuaded himself that he wasn’t a family-man, Arthur was simply a natural.
    “Thank you, love,” She leaned in to whisper to Arthur, her features fixed in an expression on unfathomable joy.

    “Now,” The Nidoqueen announced loudly, clapping her paws together. “Where’s Pidove?” Her eyes scanned the area before remembering Arthur had gestured to the pokémon centre earlier. Had the poor dear really been that traumatized by the Hydregion’s attack? Hurt that the bird was feeling such emotional pain from the undead’s appearance, Molly shushed Arthur before he could offer any sort of reply.

    Trotting over to the entrance of the building, peering into the darkened room, the Nidoqueen just about made out the tiny creature’s form. The steady, minute rise and fall of the body confirmed that the bird was still alive, but from the look of it, perhaps asleep. Her face softening, an ‘aww’ sound escaping her lips as Molly cleared her throat slightly. Tempted to let the youngster sleep, the dinosaur knew that it would be suicide. The death of such a large, powerful undead was bound to lure out other infected scavengers. They had to move on to avoid any further conflict.
    “Pidove,” Molly called in a voice just above a whisper, remaining at the door whilst carrying both Mois and Quinn atop her slim head. “Pidove, sweetheart? We should get going, love.”

    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Guest Fri Apr 27, 2012 8:40 pm

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    Hearthome City | Late Morning [6]

    The Nidoking replied with a shock face, while Mommy simply gave in and giggled to her heart's content. Mois felt her heart simply flood with with pure joy, as Daddy replied with a mock bow, “How do you do, Miss Mois?” The Plusle felt like she had a real family, "I'mma bit hungry Daddy, but I'm glad I could finally have a family!" She hugged the Nidoqueen's head, giving a it a light kiss, "Mois loves Mommy and Daddy yes!"

    That was when the Nidoqueen suddenly went looking for 'Pidove', heading over to the Pokemon Center (Mois realized that this must be the place where they heal Pokemon that belonged to trainers, life would have been much more easier if Wild Pokemon were to have access to it...) As the spotted a winged figure sleeping within the darkness, Molly gave out an 'aww' at the sight of the Pidove. The Plusle felt a jolt of jealously run through her, but now seems not the time to grab her mother's attention. “Pidove, Pidove, sweetheart? We should get going, love.” Mois jumped off Mommy, hiding behind the Nidoqueen as she fixed her gaze on the Flying-type. The Plus Pokemon felt like he needed a hug...

    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Guest Sun Apr 29, 2012 9:03 pm

    ((Sorry everyone, I'm not really in a posting mood right now :< So please skip. I'll have Pidove do something next post.))

    Age : 26
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    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Negative10 Tue May 01, 2012 11:07 pm

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    Hearthome City | Late Morning

    "I'm a bit hungry Daddy, but I'm glad I could finally have a family!" Quinn cawed at how innocent the small Plusle was, reminiscing in his own days as a small chick. It's a pity that in these days innocence can only last for so long. And it was true - how long can any of the young ones survive without witnessing the terrors of the epidemic? Was it cruel of him to think not long at all? The Wingull sat in quiet reverie as Molly stepped into the Pokemon Center, calling out for Pidove.

    Quinn hadn't had the time to notice that Zoro had left up until now. Huh? Call him a blind fool, but he couldn't really understand why the dark type had gone up and gone - he seemed at home with the small birdie snuggling into his mane, not at all a signal for the Illusion Fox to run off on his own. The seagull tapped his (nonexistent) chin with his talon in thought, just realizing that Talon had disappeared also in the midst of all the action. I'm being awfully slow here, ha!

    If the small Pidove was the baby of the family, Mois the little sister, and Molly and Arthur as respective parenting figures, then he himself would be the older brother. Not quite matured but not quite blissfully young! Quinn flew away from atop of Molly, knowing that he wasn't exactly the best with younger Pokemon; Arceus forbid if he made the little bird cry even further! Quinn floated near Arthur, watching the ruined city of Hearthome slowly becoming bathed in the morning sunlight. "I must ask, Arthur, did you two have any plans on going anywhere before chancing upon our little group?"

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Snitch Wed May 02, 2012 9:58 am

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    Hearthome City || Late Morning [11]

    "I'mma bit hungry Daddy, but I'm glad I could finally have a family! Mois loves Mommy and Daddy yes!"

    Molly bit her lip, the child’s words threatening to melt her heart. If the maternal name she’d recently received was enough, the tiny feeling of Mois hugging her head was emotionally crippling. She exchanged a glance with Arthur, her face contorted to show her utter adoration for the Plusle they had effectively adopted in such a short space of time. The Nidoking offered a smile, touched by the child’s innocence and determination to have a family.

    As the Nidoqueen entered the building, the tingling sensation of Mois climbing down her back came to her attention. She strained to look over her thick shoulder, making out the youngster hovering behind her, apparently curious to see the other child in the growing group. Smiling softly, Molly turned her attention back to Pidove, gently stroking the child’s feathers in a bid to awaken him. She didn’t really want to disturb him in the first place, but it wouldn’t be fair to simply shake him into consciousness in the event that things took a turn for the worst.
    “Pidove?” She whispered, still lightly stroking the plush, youthful feathers of the bird. Suppressing the worst case scenario, she set her sole objective on simply transporting the children to a safer place – somewhere where the scent of blood and death was a good deal subtler.

    "I must ask, Arthur, did you two have any plans on going anywhere before chancing upon our little group?"

    Arthur turned his head lazily to the Wingull hovering about his head, a slight smile on his ageing face.
    “Hm?” He took a moment to decipher what the bird had said, having been somewhat distracted by his mate disappearing within the building of the pokémon centre. “Oh... uh, yes... sorry,” The Nidoking spluttered, embarrassed that Quinn hadn’t received his full attention. “Well, not exactly, actually. In all honesty, we’ve just been trying to get by,” He gave a half-hearted smile, the truth of the situation sounding rather hopeless. They had never set themselves a destination; only one objective to return to Hearthome to see whether his beloved ex-trainer had survived. Now that she was buried, Arthur felt he could move on, eager to leave the city. “What about you? Have you been in Hearthome long?”

    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Guest Thu May 03, 2012 4:42 pm

    [Ooc: Skip ;-; I really don't like skipping, getting an occasional writer's block, but mostly because I really don't have Mois able to do anything besides eavesdrop on the conversation]

    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Guest Sun May 06, 2012 3:48 am

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    Hearthome City//Late Morning

    Pidove was in a deep sleep. But something didn't feel right, there was no warmth of Mandibuzz's fur, not even Zoroarks, nothing, and still, he kept himself asleep. He didn't dream, and if he did, it would have been more of a nightmare, filled with dead bodies, and blooded undead. The only good dreams Pidove had where those of Mandibuzz.

    He felt something stroke his feathers, and he felt himself drift awake, but he didn't want to wake, not yet, he was still sleepy. "Pidove?" The voice came and the baby birds eyes began to open slowly. If he was a cat, he would be purring from the stroking, though when he
    [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]noticed that Zoroark was missing he shot away and looked around. The one next to him was the blue dino like pokemon, though he wasn't scared of her, he was still surprised to see her and not Zoroark.

    "Where Zoroawk?" He said, surly pronouncing it wrong, but he was still young and would know how to talk properly as he got older. He asked the question as he looked around the room, hoping to see the red fur of the dark type, but there was nothing. He turning back to the Nidoqueen and continued with his confused looked.

    Age : 26
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    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Negative10 Wed May 09, 2012 11:23 pm

    [ooc: I'm sorry I'm constantly late for this team @-@''']
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    Hearthome City | Late Morning

    “What about you? Have you been in Hearthome long?” Arthur had asked him after reporting that he and Molly had just been passing through. But to ask Quinn himself if he had been here for long? ... I suppose it depends! The Wingull continued to flap his wings gently around the Nidoking's head, pondering on his journey since he had fled from the Canalave Library. He had been hopping around the region, stopping at one city and flying away to the next, hoping to find something to do in this dying world. Did he truly have the power in him to even try anything against the epidemic?

    "A few days at most, truthfully. I was reading a book I had found in the Pokemon Center!" Quinn cawed at how ridiculous that sounded - reading books, in the middle of a pandemic! He had to defend Huckleberry Quinn's amazing literary style though, the classic jewel that it is. Oh, how he had missed the days that he had toiled away in the library, resting in a path of sunlight and reading books to his content. The past reality is now nothing more than a false fantasy, something that could no longer be reached. With a chirp, the bird had perched himself atop Arthur's head.

    Quinn had turned to watch the three Pokemon inside of the building - Molly, Mois, and the little Pidove - gathered together, an innocent scene all on its own. After a few seconds of quiet reflection, concern suddenly pierced his heart, sharp as a Luxray's claw. "Arthur..." The Wingull murmured, looking down to connect his eyes with the purple dinosaur's. The Seagull Pokemon didn't want to admit it aloud, but he was lost, and had no idea as to how to find a safe area as well as protecting the young. The horrid Hydreigon, and the Scizor proved just how dangerous the open sky is.

    "What will we do?"

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Snitch Thu May 10, 2012 2:28 am

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    Hearthome City || Late Morning [12]

    "Where Zoroawk?"

    Molly had been a little bit hurt at Pidove’s reaction to her appearance, practically darting away from her with fear. Her face fell, a painful stab in her heart as her hand hovered over an empty space in which the child had previously filled. Disguising her pain at the rejection, Molly ushered a sad smile at the bird’s question.
    “Um... you see...” The Nidoqueen bit her lip lightly, finding an explanation particularly difficult to phrase. With a sigh, she rubbed her paws together in fear of only worsening the situation for the Pidove. “He had to go, sweetie.” Her voice was gentle as usual, albeit slightly shaky. “But it’s okay! We have little Mois here,” She gestured to the Plusle at her side, talking quickly in a vain bid to distract Pidove from the loss of his friend. “And Quinn and Arthur are just outside, so it’ll be all okay, my dear,”

    "A few days at most, truthfully. I was reading a book I had found in the Pokemon Center!"

    Arthur chuckled along with Quinn at the Wingull’s response, a pleasant smile gracing his lips. The bird was clearly gifted with words – there was no denying his intelligence, but the Nidoking was genuinely awed at his reading capabilities. His trainer had once tried to teach him to read; needless to say, he’d failed miserably and had refused to touch one of the human contraptions since. Before he could enquire any further, something seemed to have clicked in the Wingull.

    “Arthur... What will we do?”

    The elderly Nidoking tensed at the question, his smile fading slightly at his loss for words. He was usually a relatively optimistic guy; he had always been looking forward to his retirement years, but with such a volatile environment it seemed Arthur would never get the rest he deserved. Glancing to the pokémon centre and finally back to the Wingull hovering about his head, the dinosaur gave a great sigh, shrugging his shoulders lightly.
    “I don’t know, Quinn,” Arthur admitted softly, somewhat ashamed that he had nothing more to offer in words of wisdom. “I suppose we just try to survive. Find some food, some shelter and just try and wait it out...” He desperately wanted to believe that the epidemic would just disappear one day, but the Nidoking knew damn well that it would only be a matter of time before they would all succumb to the virus. It was an ugly, depressing thought and the Nidoking mentally cursed himself for thinking so negatively. Losing hope now was the worst thing to do – if they were to survive, they needed to believe it. “I think the nearest town is Solaceon – it could be worth investigating, no?”

    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Guest Sat May 12, 2012 9:53 pm

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    Hearthome City | Late Morning [7]

    "Where Zoroawk?" The flying type asked as he awoken from his slumber, Mois felt a flicker of jealousy in her heart as she stared at him, oh the innocence of youth. She glanced at Mommy, it was obvious in her eyes that she was sad, Mois immediately felt her heart drop, already feeling guilty that she felt jealous even for a moment. “Um... you see...” The Nidoqueen began with a sad smile, “He had to go, sweetie.” The Plusle felt like she was being stabbed, that's what everyone told her when her parents left her, “But it’s okay! We have little Mois here,” She blinked, staring at the Pidove with a smile - a very fake smile - but it was a huge grin, but excitement never seemed to be flooding out like the usual, “And Quinn and Arthur are just outside, so it’ll be all okay, my dear.”

    The Plus Pokemon bowed at the Pidove (though she hated doing that, especially to younger Pokemon) introducing herself, "As Mommy said, I'm Mois, let's be friendsssssssssssssss~" She chimed, happiness started filling up the empty void she had just a couple of moments ago, the Plusle gave a huge hug at the bird, "We'll do lots of stuff!" She said excitedly, "Like play tag, find treasure, oh oh, and maybe we could ask Mommy and Daddy to give piggy back rides~" Mois said it all very quickly, as if she didn't even feel any negative emotions earlier.

    Of course, she doesn't want to bring bad luck to the group just because she let her emotions get away. Mois perked up her ears as she distinctively heard a conversation go on between Quinn and Daddy, only hearing the last part, “I think the nearest town is Solaceon – it could be worth investigating, no?” The Plusle immediately jumped, her heart skipped a beat as she immediately raced outside, "No Daddy! Don't!" Fear was obvious in her eyes, she remembered that area of course, it was the first place she arrived to in Sinnoh after being carried off by a bird and suddenly dropped. Images flooded through her mind as she remembered the bloodbath, corpses of humans and Pokemon scattered everywhere, undead Murkrows and Mandibuzzs with their bloodshot eyes as they feasted. It was lucky they were too busy eating and not noticed the Plusle, who had fear written all over her when she entered the place. "I-it's not a good idea to go there," Mois said, the fear leaving her eyes as she just simply stared at her feet, the Plusle didn't want to give a bad impression that she's a rebellious child.

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    Post by Guest Wed May 16, 2012 12:09 am

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    Hearthome City//Late Morning

    Pidove saw the sadness in her eyes when he looked at her. He wasn't scared of her, he was just surprised, though she seemed to have taken it the wrong way and he felt bad for it. “Um... you see... He had to go, sweetie." Pidoves eyes widened as he heard the Zoroark has left. His eyes once again beginning to tear up. First Mandibuzz, then Zoroark, who was next to leave him?

    Looking back up to the Nidoqueen before him, he knew that as long as she and the others where around, he wasn't alone, but what if it was only a matter of time before they left him as well? He didn't want that, not at all.

    Pidove opened his wings and flew up to the Nidoqueens shoulder where he proceeded to perch himself on it. It wasn't as soft as Zoroark's mane, or as comfy as Mandibuzz's back, but he felt safe there. He smiled before he proceeded to rub the Nidoqueens head before looking down at the Plusel on the floor. His smile grew as he opened a wing as a sort of "hello" to the little electric type.

    Age : 26
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    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Negative10 Sat May 19, 2012 12:19 am

    [ooc: ;A; I've been real busy what with finals wrapping up and family matters... so skip for now fkldsajf]

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Snitch Sat May 19, 2012 2:36 am

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    Hearthome City || Late Morning [13]

    “As Mommy said, I’m Mois, let’s be friendsssssssssssssss~”

    Molly chuckled lightly, charmed by the Plusle’s desire to help in the situation. Glancing over her shoulder down at the young, electric-type, she caught glance of the creature bowing politely, sending a rush of giddiness around her body. She was just too cute! Smiling to herself, her attention returned back to Pidove just as the little bird fluttered over to sit on her shoulder.
    “It’ll be alright,” She cooed softly as the child nudged her head affectionately. She shuffled around on the spot, careful not to accidentally hit Mois in the process on her exit from the pokémon centre. But the Plusle was gone – already sprinting outside and calling out to Arthur, panicked. “Mois?!” The Nidoqueen called after her, concerned to what could be the problem. Trotting after her, she rejoined the rest of the group.

    “No Daddy! Don’t!”

    Arthur’s head turned slowly to face the alerted Plusle, his expression falling into one of confusion at her urgency. Exchanging an uneasy glance with Quinn, the Nidoking listened patiently until the creature had finished, mustering a weak smile as he knelt down. His knee gave an unpleasant click at the movement, but Arthur otherwise remained unfazed, speaking to the Plusle far closer to her own height.
    “Hey, hey, hey,” He soothed kindly, his clawed hands resting limp on his knees. “We don’t have to go there, sweetie,” Arthur truly didn’t mind where the little group headed, although if a destination was going to cause any emotional stress, then he was insistent on a change of direction. He glanced up at the sound of footsteps, watching a concerned Molly appear at the building’s entrance, Pidove on her shoulder. Molly’s eyes widened a fraction, her head tilting towards Mois - a subtle questioning the pair had developed of communication. Arthur smiled weakly, his shoulders lifting and falling slightly as an answer. “Where do you want to go, darlin’?” The Nidoking continued, a sympathetic smile gracing his ageing features.

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    Post by Guest Tue May 22, 2012 3:46 pm

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    Hearthome City | Late Morning [8]

    Daddy knelt down as Mois kept her eyes fixed on her feet, she felt terrible for going through that outburst, “Hey, hey, hey, We don’t have to go there, sweetie,” The Plusle blinked, partially turning her head toward his direction. A small smile formed, she preferred anywhere besides that town that was scattered with bloodied bodies. “Where do you want to go, darlin’?” The Nidoking asked, Mois glanced at Mommy, checking for an expression, then over to Pidove, then over to Quinn, then back to her father. It was okay to be selfish for the time being...? Despite the fact she had claim the Nidoqueen and the Nidoking as her parents, perhaps it would be okay to ask one more favor?

    The Plusle began to point at the direction she came from, which was past the church and the front exit of Hearthome City, "How about there?" She remembered taking a longer route around the town that was scattered with dead bodies. And if she did remember correctly, she passed by a map too in those gates the humans have made. She remembered one town that intrigued her, which was the city nearby the sea (also known as Sunyshore, but she has no clue of the name). Though she was quite unsure whether the direction she pointed at would lead her there.

    [Ooc: Sorry for short and late post ^^; Fell asleep lol]

    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Guest Wed May 23, 2012 5:32 am

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    Hearthome City//Late Morning

    Pidove didn't move as Molly left the centre to where the Nidoking and Wingull where. instead, he sat silently on her shoulder as he wondered what they where doing, and where they where going to go. Really, Pidove just wanted to go home, back to Unova. Maybe Mandibuzz was there, maybe she thought he went back to Unova, and was there waiting for him. He didn't want to say anything though, he didn't want to be alone again.

    Age : 29
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    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Snitch Wed May 23, 2012 7:42 am

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    Hearthome City || Late Morning [14]

    "How about there?"

    Arthur’s smile faltered slightly, his eyes following the youngster’s pointing. The directions were a little vague to say the least, but the Nidoking couldn’t bring himself to pressure the Plusle for a definite, named destination. The cold, hard truth was that no matter where they headed to, they wouldn’t be able to stay for long. Survival was key; and nowadays survival meant staying on the move. His attention momentarily flickered to Molly, hoping that maybe she had a better idea of where Mois meant – or any geography of the region for that matter. Arthur had lived in Sinnoh for a few years, but in his older age, he hadn’t really seen much of the land. He’d had no reason to voyage when everything he could ever ask for was in Hearthome. His trainer had lived in the city centre; he and Molly had lived blissfully on the outskirts.
    “Pastoria?” Molly suggested gently, smiling softly down at Mois. “Velistone? Erm... Sunyshore?” Arthur was somewhat surprised at the Nidoqueen’s memory, plucking city names out of the depths of her mind that only rung a very faint bell for the male. He could remember Pastoria – years ago, he’d received a nasty beating from the gym leader’s Gyarados, although he managed to put the cocky youth in his place eventually. Smiling lightly at the thought, his attention drifted to Quinn. Maybe he had a better idea of the region?

    Molly had shuffled closer to the Nidoking, her mate steal kneeling down to talk with Mois on a friendlier level, as she habitually clutched her paws together. Her blue eyes fell onto the gates the Plusle had motioned to, desperately trying to visualize a map-like view of what lay beyond the city she knew and loved.
    “Well, let’s just head that way and see where it takes us, hm?” The Nidoqueen suddenly announced having failed in her attempts to plan out a definite route. Everywhere was going to hold some danger and no matter how much planning she wanted to do, something was bound to upset the balance. Suppressing the negativity, she persuaded herself that their little group would be fine. She and Arthur could still pack a punch, and Quinn seemed capable of keeping himself safe. The children only gave her a stronger incentive to ensure their safety. Nothing was going to touch Pidove and Mois whilst she was around. “It’ll be an adventure!” The dinosaur practically beamed, helping Arthur regain his full height as he emitted a slight ‘oof’ from the effort.

    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Guest Fri May 25, 2012 6:08 pm

    [Apologies, but skip ^^; Nearly the end of schoolyear so hopefully it won't be as much skips as recently. Let's just have Mois go; "Oh yeah! Sunyshore, that's the name Mommy!"]

    Age : 36
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    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun May 27, 2012 3:19 pm

    Post 1

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    Hearthome City| Late Morning

    A yawn escaped the tired Deino as he awoke from his slumber within the small tree cove he'd discovered, nestled under a pile of leaves and branches that hopefully hid him. It apparently worked, since by the sounds and scents of the world around him told him it was well into morning. He cracked his stiff neck after taking a long sniff to determine that he was in fact, alone. His venture across the region had taken him far enough, though where he was, he had no idea. All he knew was that he was near a city, and that it smelled less of dead than everywhere else he'd been. Maybe he'd get lucky and find some food while he was at it.

    He rose from his safe little makeshift den and pawed the leaves over his scent to ensure he wasn't followed by a scent trail. Keeping to the shadows by identifying the warmth on his back, he trudged along until he felt not soft grass and earth beneath his feet, but cold concrete. Immediately, he paused, unsure of whether or not he should continue. Though, the deino quickly deduced that standing still, probably in the open was a bad idea, and continued under the shadows and by the wall of a building. It took him further into what was probably the city, but should he need a quick escape, Reeves had his own scent trail to follow.

    He paused when a sound filtered into his trained ears that he had not heard in months. There were four of them, at least that were speaking. One an older large male, by the scent that followed a poison/ground type. A frown crossed his face as he knew no pokemon like that. Another was a painstakingly high female voice, a pure electric type by the scent. Young, too. Ugh. There was a softer voice, and couldn't quite place the gender, as the scent was a little muddled, as well as the voice. Then, finally, the last voice was an older female, with the same typing as the older male. A mating pair, possibly? Reeves managed to catch the end of their conversation:

    “Hey, hey, hey, We don’t have to go there, sweetie,” the male gently reassured, his voice gentle. “Where do you want to go, darlin’?”

    "How about there?" the high, annoying voice squeaked, making Reeves flinch a little. How anything could stand a voice that high was beyond him. Maybe all the other pokemon were a little deaf. Probably from her.

    “Pastoria?” the older female offered, her soothing voice much easier on the deino's ears. “Velistone? Erm... Sunyshore?” She paused for a moment, and Reeves tensed. Had they spotted them? He could smell no trees nearby to hide behind, and darting away was just as likely to catch their attention... Damn. “Well, let’s just head that way and see where it takes us, hm? It'll be an adventure!” Reeves sighed, grateful he was away from their sight. He wasn't sure which way "that way" was, but the mating pair seemed large enough to give him a notice by their rumbling footsteps of which direction they'd be going.

    He stood, leaning against the building, waiting.

    ((OOC: Hiya there! Reeves is leaning against the Church, directly in front of the pokemon center.))


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    (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team  - Page 3 Empty Re: (ACE) The HEARTHOME Team

    Post by Guest Wed May 30, 2012 6:32 pm

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    Hearthome City|Late Morning
    (8/carry over from Amity)

    Elidr slithered through the streets of the city quickly and silently, he was hunting. He had heard voices, and was of the mind that possibly one of them would be able to provide what the last lot of weaklings had failed at. He needed answers. The feelings swirling within him were confusing him, and bordering on maddening. He would not become one of those weaklings! Once he figured out what these 'emotions' were called and how they were formed, he would figure out a way to stop them. Nature did not allow the weak to survive and he would not become weak.

    As he passed around a corner he saw a strange blue creature leaning on the wall. It did not seem the type to form the voices he had heard, but neither did it seem to be of the dead. What was it doing out here by itself? Curious, he carefully slithered to the other side of the street to watch it carefully. "Let's see just what you are," he whispered quietly to himself. Though, he was completely aware that the voices he originally sought were close so he made sure to keep himself hidden in the overgrowth.

    ((OOC: Sorry for the short intro post guys, lol. But Elidr is in a really bad mood right now from his last team so he is just kind of being pissy. Feel free to spot him if you want, I'm sure Reeves' excellent hearing would have caught him anyway.))

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