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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
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Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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9 posters

    The RAGE Team


    The RAGE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Sat Apr 07, 2012 8:49 pm

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    Ice Caves | Morning [4]

    "Oh! Then you're trying to find the same exit as us!" Magnolia beamed, Nahele couldn't help but throw a 'what-the-fuck?' face at the Meganium's optimism, does she really enjoy the company of others that much? "At least... That's what I believe. Since you guys came from the exit near Mahogany Town." That sentence was directed at some Empoleon that just appeared out of nowhere, and Olle. “I meet up with them in Mahogany Town, not too sure where they are heading…” The Ivysaur said, the Treecko assumed he joined up with the group sometime after they made plans of where to go. The Meganium just gave a simple hum, "There's only two exits in the Ice Path, so I'm guessing if you came in from one exit and asking for the other, you're going to the other side."

    Nahele blinked, "So basically, this is just a straight path?" Seemed simple enough really, they didn't have to ask questions of where they be heading. “Speaking of…where are you heading to Magnolia?” The Kanto starter asked Maggy, who just took a thoughtful moment before answering, "I guess I'm going wherever you all are going, since I never had thought of a real destination. Besides, the more the merrier!" The Treecko's question has been answered, the Meganium did indeed enjoy the company of others.

    Nahele frowned, despite the fact no one could really see her face because of the mask. Nonetheless, she narrowed her eyes at the direction where the two Dragons headed off too, if they were suppose to go to the same place, shouldn't they all be together? Her emerald green eyes gave a hint of annoyance, "Hey, Cairo, other dragon!" She hollered out, she didn't frankly give a fuck if it attracted undead, they all had to stick together, "We gotta stick together! Don't just wonder off!" Nahele gave a snort of content, yelling always made her feel better, whether it worked or not, it made her feel like she was on top of the world.

    Age : 37
    Posts : 1667

    The RAGE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Fox Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:24 am

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    Locke | Crusher
    Ice Cave | Morning (40)|(1)

    "We just... we need to keep our eyes open..." Cairo said uncertainly as he scoured the ground. The Gabite walked ahead of the dragon, on the verge of tears. He met with the grisly site they left behind of the shredded Sneasel.

    Locke frantically looked about, searching the darkness as he clumsily tripped over small boulders, his claws sliding on the slick floor.
    "Echo..." he whimpered, peering in a small crevice.
    "Wha-!" He started, shrinking back in shock.
    Two brilliant eyes gleamed back at him, wide with fear.
    "Echo?..." He whispered as he slowly reached his talon in the hole.

    The small creature lashed forward and latched onto Lockes' claw with its' sharp fangs.
    "AAAAAAAAAAhhhh!!" Locke screeched, his eyes wide as he flailed his fin frantically. The creature was tossed into a wall, bouncing back up and standing on four legs as it faced the Gabite.

    "Get back!" The Teasel growled, his eyes brilliant and clear.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 36
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    The RAGE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sun Apr 08, 2012 1:15 pm

    Post 40

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    Ice Path| Morning

    "Get back!" a small voice shouted, and Cairo quickly realized that Locke had not found Echo in hat little crevice. He waddled over to Locke's side, investigating the find as well. His head tilted in confusion at the attacker, and Cairo couldn't help but smile a little.

    "...It... It looks like a little sneasel!" Cairo chirped, happy to have found another living pokemon. He was still worried about Echo, but at leas they had found someone. He looked to Locke and back. "...We can't just leave him here..." Even if the little guy obviously didn't want their help...

    Last edited by Silverishness on Sun Jun 03, 2012 1:38 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    The RAGE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 12, 2012 2:39 am

    ((*sigh* I'm doing to much skiping this week. But I have yet to catch up with whats happening, I'll be sure to have something next roung.))

    The RAGE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Sun Apr 15, 2012 12:35 am

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    Ice Path| Morning (20)

    A scream that pierced through the air in this confined and echoing cavern, the ice even seemed to shake as it resonated with the scream. It brought Olle on high alert, every muscle in his body preparing for an attack that never came. There was only one scream, and it wasn’t followed by any commotion from fighting. But it still unnerved him, Olle was one to worry even if there was nothing to worry about, so naturally he ran back the way he had come from, to where the dragons were now.

    He couldn’t help but think that whatever problem that was going down, was somehow caused by a certain grey dragon. Though he hated himself for immediately going back to that…. Everyone else had gotten over it, so he did not know why he could not. Maybe it was just because he was the target of that episode, like he was too close to the problem that all he saw was the problem….

    So he was both relieved and slightly disappointed to see that everything was okay, that both dragons were not in any danger.

    “What happened? I heard a scream.”
    From his angle he couldn’t see what Cairo was looking at, but with the corpses of the undead littering the floor, he could only guess.

    The RAGE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Mon Apr 16, 2012 4:14 pm

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    Ice Caves | Morning [5]

    Nahele growled with frustration, not sure whether she was ignored, or that something fishy is going about. The Treecko clung onto her spear, feeling the frost that was gather on it, melt against her body warmth. Ready to stomp her way toward the two dragons' direction, a sudden shrill in the cave pierced the air, causing the Grass-type to freeze in place. As if Adrenaline began to pump in her veins, Nahele made a dash for it toward Cairo and the Sinnoh Pokemon. Not that she was worried, but if a fight's coming up, it was tribe law to help and defend her people as much as possible.

    The Treecko glanced behind her, finding Olle speeding towards them as well, Magnolia probably ran after them, or just stuck there. Nahele pushed the thought of Magnolia away, she was sure the last of the evolution chain could fend off on her own for a bit at the moment.

    As they reached the supposed place of where they come from, Nahele was hit with a mild surprise. Who wouldn't be on the sight of corpses littering the icy floor? “What happened? I heard a scream.” The Ivysaur asked the two Dragon-type Pokemon, the Treecko's attention snapped toward them, curious for an answer as well. Cairo was looking at something, but Nahele couldn't catch what it was due to her puny size. Made her wish she could evolve faster, but then again, she didn't want to. Not yet, not just yet.

    Age : 37
    Posts : 1667

    The RAGE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Fox Fri Apr 20, 2012 12:17 am

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    Locke | Crusher
    Ice Cave | Morning (41)|(2)

    “What happened? I heard a scream.” The Ivysaur asked as he rushed in. Locke blushed a bit as his gaze turned to the others.
    "Uh...heh. Sorry guys. I didn't mean to scare you..."
    He looked back down at the little creature, who was glaring at him fiercely.

    "I'm sorry about poking you, I thought you were...someone else." He said cheerily, a toothy grin growing on his face as he clumsily knelt down in front of it.

    The Teasel looked at the others warily, lastly giving the Gabite a sideways look, but nodding slowly.
    "It's okay. I'm sorry too, I thought you were infected." The Teasel sat down, showing the others he didn't mean any harm.

    "Wow, so many uninfected. I had no idea anyone else was even alive. It's nice to meet all of you. I'm W-...uh, Crusher." He said, his small face beaming with happiness as he looked up at each of them.

    Locke grinned widely, his face losing the sadness and guilt that he had carried throughout the cave. There was something about this little one that made his sadness disappear.

    "Hey, would you like to come with us?" Locke offered quickly, offering his large talon to the child.
    "Really?! You'd let me?" Crusher gasped, his large eyes looking up at the large dragon.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 36
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    The RAGE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Silverishness Fri Apr 20, 2012 1:29 am

    Post 41

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    Ice Path| Morning

    Cairo churred happily as the little sneasel thing seemed to not be angry, nor unwilling to join. In fact, when Locke asked, he seemed happy, eager to join. A broad, silly grin crossed the Hoenn dragon's face, and his demeanor brightened some. It looked like Echo had been somewhat forgotten, but Cairo was a little glad; he didn't want to know what Locke's reaction would have been if they had found any remains...

    "Hi, Crusher!" Cairo chirped as he stepped forward and held out a claw. "I'm Cairo. Pleased to meet you!"

    ((OOC: Short post is short because yes, lolol))

    Last edited by Silverishness on Sun Jun 03, 2012 1:39 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    The RAGE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Wed Apr 25, 2012 1:12 pm

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    Ice Path| Morning (21)

    Everyone was safe, no one was hurt, or worse, dead. Olle couldn’t be more relieved to hear this. The scream he mistook for peril was simply one of surprise at meeting a new pokemon. One that he had to admit was entirely foreign to him…. As far as he could tell, the little guy was not infected, and that was enough to know about him.

    Crusher…Olle couldn’t suppress the giggle that came out upon hearing the little guy’s name, the name of someone so tough on a body so small was just too amusing for him.

    As happy and heartwarming as this site was to him, there was still something missing….Or should he say, someone….

    Olle made his way next to Cairo, the bigger, greener dragon of the two. As much as he feared Locke could go back to being that berserker dragon, he was not one to rub salt in young guy's wounds, so he whispered to Cairo instead. “Did you find out what happened to Echo?” Judging by the way Locke was happily greeting the new guy, he could tell that he didn’t find a body, but maybe the older dragon was hiding it to spare the younger’s feelings.

    The RAGE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Thu Apr 26, 2012 4:19 pm

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    Ice Caves | Morning [6]

    As soon as the Treecko found a little bit of the newcomer's features, she found that the group was rather liking 'Crusher'. It made Nahele turn her face to a frown - thank Arceus for her mask - and wonder why SHE was barely noticed. Nonetheless, she shrugged it off, too much attention could be a bitch at times. Everyone introduced themselves to Crusher, Nahele simply saying nothing. Though she threw a curious glance at the Ivysaur who whispered something to the Flygon. Not that the Grass-starter was nosy, but the group was hiding something.

    The Hoenn Starter heard the little guy gasp as of Locke's offer to come aboard the, 'Whoop-let's-go-somewhere-with-a-bunch-of-idiots' group. Nahele did have a choice whether to come along or not, but really, she had no fucking idea how to get out. The Treecko forced herself to tag along and depend on this group. Of course, once they're out of here, she's ditching them. No bonding times, no showing weaknesses. Just ignore them, and give them the glare. Stab them maybe if they do end up pissing the Treecko off.

    [Ooc: Short post .w. ]

    Age : 37
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    The RAGE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Fox Fri Apr 27, 2012 2:35 pm

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    Locke | Crusher
    Ice Cave | Morning (42)|(3)

    Locke grinned widely, revealing his large teeth as he watched Crusher introduce himself to the others.

    "Hi, Crusher!" Cairo chirped as he offered his claw. "I'm Cairo. Pleased to meet you!" The little creature reared up on his hind legs and took Cairos large claw.

    "Thanks! It's nice to meet you too!" He said happily, his face beaming. "Wow, mister! You're really big!" The Teasel fell back to his normal stance and looked around at the others, pausing at the Ivysaur when he giggled. He looked back at the Gabite, a bit confused.

    "Oh! I'm Locke!" he said sheepishly, forgetting in the excitement to introduce himself.

    "Nice to meet you, Locke! And all of you too. I've been in this cave alone for so long, I was beginning to think I-" the Teasel froze as a blood-curdling howl echoed through the caves.

    The Gabite shuddered as he slowly got to his feet, his head low.
    Crusher looked at the group, padding up to Locke quickly.
    "We gotta get out of here! Now!" He whispered frantically, his eyes wide with fright.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 36
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    The RAGE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Silverishness Fri Apr 27, 2012 8:35 pm

    Post 41

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    Ice Path| Morning

    Amongst the commotion of finding Crusher -what a cute name- Cairo felt a presence next to him and looked down to find Olle. In seeing the plant reptile come up, Cairo gave him a large, friendly smile, which fell a little to Olle's query. "Did you find out what happened to Echo?"

    Cairo's head bent down so he could whisper back. "...No... but no blood either. He might have just ran off..." Cairo would have continued, but a howling echoed throughout the cavern, and he lifted his head. Crusher was now begging for them to find a hiding spot. "...What was that...?" Cairo asked as his eyes darted to the entryways of the cavern they were in.

    Last edited by Silverishness on Sun Jun 03, 2012 1:40 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    The RAGE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Tue May 01, 2012 12:04 am

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    Ice Path| Morning (22)

    Olle’s heart sank, he may not have really known Echo, but losing someone so young was him was always a sad thing to witness. Even if he was still alive, he had been lost inside this maze like cavern, and the kid was a dragon, who knew if he would last, or how long that would be…

    He wanted to go searching for the dratini, but this cave had it out for them. The ice around them seemed to vibrate in harmony with the growls being emitted, like the cave itself was what was creating undead pokemon to thwart them. The mere thought sent shivers all along the ivysaur’s back.

    It was fight or flight right now, and as much as he was tired of running, tired of having to be chased by undead pokemon again, fighting right now in this cold suffacating cavern would not go well for any of the pokemon here. Well, except for maybe Poseidon and little Crusher. “I’d rather run and not know what that is, than stay and find out.” Olle yelled as he set off, when in doubt, running was almost always the safest answer. They could call a coward, but at least if they ran they'd definitely be alive to call each other cowards.

    Age : 25
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    The RAGE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Min Wed May 02, 2012 10:14 pm

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    Ice Path| |Morning

    Magnolia had slid towards the source of the scream, and stood there quietly as she regarded the little... Sneasel-like thing with intense curiosity. "Wow, so many uninfected. I had no idea anyone else was even alive. It's nice to meet all of you. I'm W-...uh, Crusher." Crusher... What an adorable name for such a darling thing! The Meganium almost cooed as she saw the little Pokemon with fondness. But... What the hell was it? Not quite a Sneasel, but eerily looked like one.

    Stepping towards the little newcomer she put on a smile. "I'm Magnolia, pleasure to meet you Crusher!" Again, the more the merrier. Before she said anything more, a shriek echoed and bounced from the walls of the cavern, and the grass-type immediately frowned. More undead? "...What was that...?" “I’d rather run and not know what that is, than stay and find out.” Immediately, Olle was dashing off again.

    "Everyone, let's go!" Magnolia murmured, skating again. "I don't want to stay in here any longer..."

    The RAGE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Thu May 03, 2012 6:17 pm

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    Ice Path | Morning [7]

    As the group continued on their happy conversation, Nahele was ready to doze off in boredom before a blood-curdling howl echoed in the caves. Leaving the Dragons in confusion as well as the Treecko. What. The. Fuck. Just. Happened. Nonetheless, she held herself from doing a facepalm, Olle immediately perked up, “I’d rather run and not know what that is, than stay and find out.” Magnolia also agreed, skating on the ice as so, "Everyone, let's go! I don't want to stay in here any longer..." The Ivysaur ran off during the time Nahele had her attention locked on the Meganium, suppressing a sigh, "Let's go quickly then, but watch our backs, that fucking howl could pretty much attract every undead in here."

    Though she really doubt anyone listened to her. Hell, everyone had pretty much ignored her existence ever since that Crusher came in. Not that she was jealous. She gripped onto her spear tighter than ever, walking after the Ivysaur, "Now or never." She said, her feet feeling colder with every step she took toward the Grass-type, her back towards the Dragons. She hoped they'll be looking back, and hopefully whatever let out that howl... won't come here just yet. To evolve, or not to evolve, that is the question, I must ask. Nahele mused herself with her own thoughts.

    Age : 37
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    The RAGE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Fox Fri May 04, 2012 6:57 pm

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    Locke | Crusher
    Ice Cave | Morning (43)|(4)

    Locke offered his claw to the small creature, which he gladly accepted, hopping up and climbing onto his shoulder.
    "Hurry!" He said fearfully as he looked to one of the cave entrances.
    The little Teasel knew exactly what it was, and he knew none of his new dragon and plant friends could stand up to the monster.

    "What is it, Crusher?" Locke whimpered as he followed the others.
    "You don't wanna know."

    Lcoke stumbled across the ice, trying his best to mimic the lovely pink-eyed lady in her grace, but he failed miserably. The best he could do is dig his talons into the ice and push himself forward clumsily.
    "Cairo, I want to get out of here....can we leave?..." He grumbled to the winged dragon.

    (short post is short)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 36
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    The RAGE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Silverishness Sat May 05, 2012 5:03 am

    Post 42

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    Ice Cave| Morning

    Before he knew it, Olle, Mags and the little treeko had already started to run, but Locke struggled on the ice, slipping and trying to propel himself forward with his claws. "Cairo, I want to get out of here....can we leave?..." he asked pathetically, and Cairo nodded with an anxious grin.

    "Very much so, Locke!" he chirped, then offered his tail for Locke to hold onto. "Hold on, I can sorta fly and you can ski behind me." He unfurled his wings, looking to the diminishing figures of their group, then back to his fellow dragon. "We don't have much time!"

    ((short post as well... :x))

    Last edited by Silverishness on Sun Jun 03, 2012 1:40 pm; edited 1 time in total


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    The RAGE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Mon May 07, 2012 3:29 pm

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    Ice Path| Morning (22)

    Oh Arceus… Olle had unknowingly taken the lead in running away, and now everyone was following him through the maze like structure. He didn’t have to look back to know everyone was following him, the cavern was filled with so much clicking of claws and thumping of paws that it was either his entire group, or a bunch of quiet undead following him. He took a quick glance backwards and immediately regretted it. He was right, they were all on his tail, running from something they didn’t know the form of, looking to Olle like he magically obtained the route to freedom in some supernatural epiphany.

    There goes the area where we met Nahele, the rest is foreign territory…

    The howls were getting louder, or closer, it was hard to tell at this point. And to make things worse the pain was starting to spread on his side again. He was just grateful it wasn’t the cut reopening, he would have been able to clearly feel the warm blood in this cold environment if it was.

    And then the fork in the road…Left or right, Right or Left. The choice could very well take them all to freedom or to a dead end to be eaten alive by those things. If Olle could flip a coin he would have, luck would have been a better decisive matter than Olle’s own intuition. Because when Olle went left, he managed only to run a few feet before skidding to a halt and desperately running back to take the path on the right. For his first choice was now being filled up with howling and growling also.

    Age : 25
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    The RAGE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Min Wed May 09, 2012 10:39 pm

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    Ice Path| |Morning

    "Let's go quickly then, but watch our backs, that fucking howl could pretty much attract every undead in here." Magnolia nods quickly, skating then soon sprinting quickly. She was racing own the white corridors, not exactly knowing where she was going through her panic.

    She skidded to a stop at the forked paths. Watching as the Ivysaur took the left path before rewinding and taking right. Magnolia slid towards the right as well, but unsure as the sounds of inpokemon snarling and roaring bounced off the walls. "Oh Arceus..." she stopped, her eyes glancing everywhere in fear. "Where... Where are they coming from?" It felt like the undead were coming at the group at all ways now, the noise hurting her head.

    The RAGE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Fri May 11, 2012 9:06 pm

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    Ice Path | Morning [8]

    Seemed like the little guy knew what this fucker was considering the tone Crusher had. As the Treecko finally caught up to the Ivysaur, she was ready to explode in anger at him for running off without the group - though she did the same - and didn't really converse about the situation. She guessed that was what they mean by the 'heat of the moment'. Nonetheless, Nahele gripped onto her spear nice and tight, ready to face whatever lies ahead, or behind. It seemed obvious the Kanto Starter seemed to be going through a tough time deciding left or right. He ran over to the left, but immediately regretted and took a right.

    Magnolia came up to the duo, but as Olle, threw herself into the right direction (oh how punny). Nahele followed them, they were grass types, and considering the area, they were at a disadvantage. The dragon types were too far away to even know where they went probably. The Treecko glanced up at the Meganium, who glanced at every direction, fear flooded in her eyes, "Oh Arceus... Where... Where are they coming from?" The Hoenn Starter huffed, it was hard running with a heavy spear in hand as well as trying to maintain balance on the slippery floors, "Don't think about them, ignore those bastards, and just focus on getting away. We got this in the bag if we do so," Nahele rarely attempts to comfort one, but in a situation such as this, it must be needed.

    Afterall, if anyone were to die at the moment, the Treecko would feel it's her that's at fault here.

    Age : 37
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    The RAGE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Fox Mon May 14, 2012 6:56 pm

    (OoC- skip me, I'm sorry, graduations and stuff are going on, I'm too busy OTL. Let's just say they're following the others)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 36
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    The RAGE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Silverishness Tue May 15, 2012 10:23 am

    ((Skip... I got nothin |D))


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    The RAGE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Thu May 17, 2012 7:20 am

    ((Skip. Interact with Poseidon for a better post next turn.))

    The RAGE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Guest Thu May 17, 2012 1:05 pm

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    Ice Path| Morning (22)

    Olle’s feet where going numb from running on the cold icy floors. All seemed lost as the cavern was filling up with roars, howls, growls and panting, even breathing in this icy terrain was getting almost impossible. All seemed lost, as if they going to be lost in this icy maze for the rest of their lives, or even hit a dead-end and be eaten by the things that chased them.

    But sanctuary slowly started to show itself in the form of less icy rocks, and the ever so slightest of temperature rising. Luck was finally on Olle’s side as he ran to the exit, practically diving into the warm dirt as he basked in the sunlight he missed so much. But he didn’t get to enjoy it as much as he wanted, they were still being chased, and he doubted monsters would stop chasing them just because they got outside.

    “What do we do!?” He was looking to everyone, he had taken the lead by his own dumb luck, but he was not a leader, he was a follower, surely one of them could decide on what to do. His own mind was racing too much on the so many possibilities they could take that he couldn’t chose one. They keeping running, they could split up, they could stand and fight the things as they exited one by one, or they could do something drastic like close up the cave for good. Personally he was up for the third option; he hated the cold, but it would take others days to go around the mountain….

    He just couldn’t make up his mind, his mind was reeling, his lungs where burning, and his side was hurting more than usual, and he pleaded to Arceaus that he wouldn’t have to decide for everyone.

    ((Sorry if you all still wanted to stay in the ice cave, but no one was doing anything so i said, "What the hell" |D))

    Age : 25
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    The RAGE Team - Page 9 Empty Re: The RAGE Team

    Post by Min Thu May 17, 2012 2:18 pm

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    Ice Path| |Morning

    "Don't think about them, ignore those bastards, and just focus on getting away. We got this in the bag if we do so," Magnolia gave a shaky nod, nervous but determined as she followed the lead--Olle. He was running full speed ahead, and the Meganium was doing her best to keep pace. She could feel the cavern beginning to become warmer, they were almost there! Just a few meters and they would be at the exit! Eyes brightening with joy she slid faster, feeling the gentle rays of the sun reflecting off her petals.

    “What do we do!?” Magnolia froze, what do they do? She but her lip, making a decision. "Everyone, go! Just run ahead, I'll catch up later." she forced out a giggle. "My trainer used to tell me I was amazing bait, heh!" I need to protect them. She couldn't fight, the Meganium had no offensive moves. But even if she couldn't fight, she could still lead the hoard away, she could save them! There were tears in her eyes from the fear, but she wanted to do all that she could.

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