by Silverishness Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:59 am
;w; thank you, both!
Ciana: I adore Hera, and I already love Jude. With your writing style and Hera, it's seamless. You are not the author writing her, you are her, writing your own biography. Though, I could say with Jude, you change your point of view from 1st to 3rd, and it gets a little confusing sometimes. I think you should stick with straight first person-- it's obviously your strong suit and you shouldn't deviate away from it. :3
Ana: Man, you're freaking awesome. I love every single character of yours I come across and I'm a little jealous of anyone on Ilex Team with you. XD PLAGUE. As far as critiquing, there's nothing I can really say. Your writing style is near flawless, your characters are round and developed almost before they hit the page, and all of your characters are just so different. I appreciate a writer that can have such versatility. But for now, I think I'm gonna stop riding your dick for a while. XD <3
Winter: I haven't gotten too much time with you, dear, but from my small experience in Mountain, Lostlorn and Shadow teams, I can say a few things. :) Your style is wonderful, though there are some technical issues that pop up every now and again (Just grammar stuff). Otherwise, it's pretty damn good. :D You have a knack for narration. Keep it up!
Li: I'm sorry, I don't really know your style very well... :< I wish I could say something, though.
Everyone that I could say something about, I think you're all some of the top rpers in the site. Keep it up! 83 <333