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    The SHADOW Team


    Age : 37
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    The SHADOW Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Fox Sun Feb 05, 2012 12:02 am

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    Jean Luc
    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory | Night (4)

    "Don't get killed too soon," McChu said with a growing smirk. "Give us a little more time to get the hell away while you do all the hard work." The Raichu chuckled as he dashed off.
    Jean Luc growled at the utterly atrocious little rat as he watched his tail disappear.
    I don't know what's worse; dealing with his immorality or getting fried with his stupidity.
    The Wartortle turned his attention to the violent little Kecleon in front of him, slashing away at his shield. The Protective bubble began to flicker as the water pokemon began to step back and retreat to the stairs. Jean Luc could hear the creature howling as he ran up the narrow passageway.
    I only hope it'll hold long enough for us to get up these blasted stairs...


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    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory | Night (2)

    Riker grunted as he explored the dark hallways, shoving debris and corpses out of his way in frustration.
    Where is he?...The Ursaring was growing anxious. He didn't like the laboratories.
    This damned place reminds me too much of...A growl reverberated deep in his throat as he thought back on the hellish lab he had been thrust and trapped in for countless months, as they experimented on him ruthlessly. Suddenly, he heard voices ahead, echoing throughout the halls.
    He bounded forward with a grunt towards the sounds at the end of the narrow hallway, thankful for the interruption.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Posts : 130

    The SHADOW Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Avalanche Mon Feb 06, 2012 6:38 am

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    Shadow Lab|Night(4)

    Gluttony continued slashing at the shield until it finally shattered, upon seeing that his meal had slipped away he let out a kind of roar. He then charged up the stairs, his first fresh meal in so long, he'd make that turtle pay for stopping him. He sprinted up the stairs more red than ever.

    The SHADOW Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Guest Thu Feb 09, 2012 7:55 pm

    ((err, I have no clue what just happened :/ So please skip me for now.))

    Age : 36
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    The SHADOW Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Silverishness Fri Feb 10, 2012 11:19 am

    ((McChu's still running, so I'll skip))


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    The SHADOW Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Fox Mon Feb 13, 2012 1:09 am

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    Jean Luc(5)/Riker(3)
    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory | Night

    Reaching the top of the stairs a bit winded, he growled as he saw the Glaceons' tail disappear around the corner.
    They must have gone that way. It's best if we stick togeth-
    A deep thumping interrupted his thoughts and froze him in place. Something large was barreling down the hallway.
    It's really fast! I can't lead whatever that is to the others!
    He grimaced as he planted his feet, preparing to meet a nightmarish beast when a large furry head popped out from around the corner, his brows low and his fur dark.
    The bulky carnivore stared at the Wartortle for a second, his eyes growing wide.
    Jean Lucs' jaw dropped as he recognized what and who the beast actually was.
    "Riker! How did you-" He paused, a screech echoing through the stairway. "Nows' not the time. We have to go!" He growled, running towards the direction the others went. He waved for the Ursaring to follow, only to skid to a halt.
    The bear had gotten up on his hind legs, his towering shoulders touching the ceiling, his head low and his paws outstretched.
    "What are you doing?" Jean Luc asked, flabbergasted.
    "Taking out the garbage." He growled as he blocked the stairwell with his massive bulk, waiting for the creature to show its' ugly face.
    Jean Luc sighed but stood by his friend. There was no doubt in his mind that the massive Ursaring could deal with the infected. A part of him felt a sliver of pride course through him.
    Of course Will would do that...of course. He thought, grinning to himself as the sounds grew louder and louder.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The SHADOW Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Avalanche Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:11 am

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    Shadow Lab|Night(5)

    Gluttony continued charging up the long staircase. as he reached the top he saw the turtle and a new pokemon. A large ursaring. What was with today? so many living pokemon! He wasn't upset of course, so much fresh food was all over the place, and so little competition was around. He lept up, ignoring the obviously tougher-armored Warturtle. Again slashing shadow claws at the ursaring.

    The SHADOW Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Guest Tue Feb 14, 2012 10:30 am

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    Shadow Lab [DNA Analyzing room]|Night|1
    Several days had passed in this small room. Cav was going weak with hunger. He wasn't even sure how he got here. He moaned. He nibbled on what was left of one of his bananas. ...Voices. There were voices. Cav got to his feet. He gave a second before slamming the elevator door full-force. "Ow!" The elevator lay in crumbs at his feet, shards of broken glass everywhere. He shambled towards the sound.

    (ooc: Short, but I gotta go to school)

    The SHADOW Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 18, 2012 11:11 am

    ((Unable to post picture at this time))
    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory//Night

    Winter didn't understand what had just happened, it had all gone by to fast, one moment everyone was there, then the next they seemed to be gone. She got to her feet again and began to walk strait, not really caring if she was going the right way or not. She was just here to do what she wanted to do.

    Age : 36
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    The SHADOW Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Silverishness Mon Feb 20, 2012 1:09 pm

    Post 8

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    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory | Night

    McChu had high tailed it up the stairs and away from the crazy kecleon, leaving just about everyone else to the winds. However, he did keep that flashy silver tail in view, and followed the mightyena up and away from the rest of the group, leaving them alone.

    "Alone at last," he huffed, his fat form not used to running so damn much. "So... what is it that you're doin here, Toots? You seem to be on a mission."


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    Age : 37
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    The SHADOW Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Fox Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:03 pm

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    Jean Luc(6)/Riker(4)
    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory | Night

    The Ursaring roared as the undead creature rounded the corner and leaped up, his claws already slashing the air even before he got to the bear. Jean Luc watched as the Kecleons' claws moved lightning fast. He stepped back and let Riker work.

    Riker laughed as it tried to use a shadow claw on him. As the creature flew closer to him, he powered up his own shadow claw and took swipes towards the tiny thing. Riker grinned darkly as he finally felt his claws come in contact with the creature as the momentum sent it to the ground.

    Straightening to his full-height again, he towered over the small creature, his face dark with rage.
    "You're disgusting. You don't deserve to live." He hissed underneath his breath as he stomped closer, pinning the small creature on his belly and preparing to maul it to pieces when Jean Luc intervened.

    "Riker! Stop. Not that you shouldn't kill this thing...but I found a small group of survivors down here. We should follow them before they wake up anything...bigger...." He said, his voice lowering to a whisper. "You know what these criminals were capable of. It's best if we find them quickly," he continued as he walked closer to the Ursaring. "I found evidence of some kind of chemical experiments taking place here. Looks like something similar to the other base."
    Jean Luc looked up at the bear, trying his best to break him out of the dark spell he seemed to be possessed of.
    "Come, Number One." He stated with an air of authority, placing a claw on the bears' side.

    (OoC- derp, kecleons are confusing at best, lol)

    Last edited by Anathema on Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:39 pm; edited 3 times in total


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The SHADOW Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Avalanche Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:50 pm

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    Shadow Pokemon Lab|Night(6)

    Gluttony slashed at the ursarang, but the claw went right through him. The bear then sent it's own shadow claw at Gluttony, flinging him to the side. The bear then approached him, pinning him down. Gluttony stuggled, using his attacks randomly. He was then replaced with a decoy and stood behind the Ursarang. The warturtle seemed to be trying to talk to the bear. Gluttony grew a bright green as he lifted his claw, preparing to bring it down on the turtle, while he tried to talk the bear out of killing the decoy.

    (I guess the shadow claw works on Gluttony because he is red, apparently not normal, but fire type.)

    The SHADOW Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Guest Wed Feb 22, 2012 12:18 am

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    Shadow Pokémon Lab | Night | 2
    Cav continued to stumble through the dim halls. Several times he slammed into the wall, it was very dark in here. He followed the voices for a while, and then it stopped. Cav blinked, then continued. Once he stopped to try to gnaw at the bananas at his neck. His mouth couldn't reach his fruits. "Mmmmf... So hungry." He eventually came close enough to hear what they were saying.
    "Alone at last." The absence of light made it near impossible to see, except there was this Mightyena white as snow standing next to the fat creature. The fat orange-brownish thing huffed a bit, then continued. "So... what is it that you're doin here, Toots? You seem to be on a mission." Cav could barely see, but now was able to identify them as living, and hopefully not hostile. "Hello...?" He whimpered in the dark, then recoiled to brace himself against attacks. "Don't hurt me. Please. I'm just very hungry. Do you know where there's some food?"

    (OoC: Beauuuutiful speech coloooors~)

    The SHADOW Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 11:28 pm

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    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory//Night

    "Alone at last." Those words sent a chill up Winters spine and she felt herself wishing an infected would come and put her out so she wouldn't have to put up with the little rat any longer. "So... what is it that you're doin here, Toots? You seem to be on a mission." Will he ever drop it? The rat was persistent, she gave him that much. Letting out a sigh she turned and faced the rodent.

    "Why don't you start by telling me your name, or would you like me to keep calling you rat?" She said, her tone betraying her frustration. "Mine is Winter. Not Toots, not Doll, Winter." Her voice that time was mixed with a growl, though she didn't care, the rat was getting on her nerves. "If you can manage doing all that, then, I may tell you why I'm here."

    Winter turned and began to once again walk down the hall. She wanted to find out if she was even in the right place. Her trainer told her about these labs where shadow pokemon where made, but she needed to make sure she was here. And she didn't feel like asking rat boy over there if she was in the right place. She would rather jump off a cliff and be eaten alive by undead.

    Age : 36
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    The SHADOW Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Silverishness Mon Feb 27, 2012 11:49 am

    Post 9

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    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory| Night

    "Why don't you start by telling me your name, or would you like me to keep calling you 'Rat'?" the sexy mightyena snapped, her tone betraying her frustration. "Mine is Winter. Not Toots, not Doll, Winter." McChu hadn't minded, actually, when she called him "Rat". He figured it was an endearing term, and, well... there was no denying it. He was a rat.

    "All right, Winter," he began, lulling her name over his tongue like taffy. "The name's McChu. Not nearly as exotic or attractive as 'Winter', but it'll do." He quirked his brow a few times, and accompanied the expression with a perverted grin.

    The moment was broken, though, when he heard rustling to the side, and his fur crackled with electricity. He was tired of getting jumped like this... "If it's that fucking lizard again..." he growled, trailing off in his anger. However, something entirely different emerged; a tropius, cowering in the shadows.

    "Hello?" it asked softly, "Don't hurt me. Please. I'm just very hungry. Do you know where there's some food?" McChu scoffed and let the charge dissipate from his fur.

    "Yeah, I'm lookin at it..." McChu mumbled as he eyed the tropius' fat frame. Looked pretty damn tasty.


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    The SHADOW Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Fox Thu Mar 01, 2012 5:36 pm

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    Jean Luc(7)/Riker(5)
    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory | Night

    Riker growled as he put more of his weight on the thing.
    "Come, number one." Picard ordered, using his old nickname. The giant bear froze and glared down at the Wartortle sideways.
    Memories of brighter days seeped into his consciousness as he recalled the times he had traveled with Jean Luc before they had been captured...back when they were much younger. Images of the his friend, then a Squirtle, and himself a Teddiursa, sitting high in a tree.
    "You're my number one!"
    "Why's that Jean Luc?"
    "Because out of everyone, you're the one I trust the most, of course."
    With a sigh, the Ursaring relaxed a bit, his rage cooling. He quickly smacked the creatures' head under his foot, knocking it unconscious.

    Picard smiled at him as he watched the Ursaring, his steady gaze clear again. "Very good, let's-" His sentence was cut short by a painful slash to his face, which sent him tumbling back with a loud clatter against the hard concrete floor.

    (OoC- sorry, I forgot Ciana was in the safehouse)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The SHADOW Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Avalanche Fri Mar 02, 2012 3:33 pm

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    Shadow Lab|Night(7)
    Gluttony brought his claw down on the warturtle, bringing the turtle down. Gluttony couldn't wait to get the meat off the creature, but there was the hard shell and the ursarang. Gluttony wanted the meat so bad he stood over the warturtle, ignoring the ursarang for the time being, and prepared to bring a shadow claw down to chop the head off the turtle.

    (I'm the only predator now :3)

    The SHADOW Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Guest Sat Mar 03, 2012 8:25 pm

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    Shadow Pokémon Lab | Night | 3
    The Raichu's reply was sarcastic."Yeah, I'm lookin at it..." No wonder the Mightyena, Winter, was frustrated. This guy sure had a hell of an ego to just say that out of the blue. An annoyed look was spread across Cav's face. "Sure then, ATCHOO, like YOU'RE not a walking ham." Cav sighed. "I heard you introduce yourselves. 'Name's Cavendish, but you can call me Cav. Or Ace, I don't know why. Are there others around here? And, while I'm at it, mind picking the last banana off my neck? I can't reach it, and even though it must be rancid because this place is devoid of sunlight, it's FOOD..." He moaned.

    (OoC: Relatively short post is relatively short)

    The SHADOW Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Guest Mon Mar 05, 2012 10:23 am

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    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory//Night

    "All right, Winter. The name's McChu. Not nearly as exotic or attractive as 'Winter', but it'll do." Now that they had names out of the way, Winder could finally get back to why she was hear. Only to once again be interrupted by another pokemon, this time a Tropius. She payed no mind to him when he called McChu a walking ham, that actually make her smile. Though she may be hungry herself, she wouldn't resort to eating the rat, he looked as though he would be tasteless, regardless of how fat he was or not.

    "I heard you introduce yourselves. 'Name's Cavendish, but you can call me Cav. Or Ace, I don't know why. Are there others around here? And, while I'm at it, mind picking the last banana off my neck? I can't reach it, and even though it must be rancid because this place is devoid of sunlight, it's FOOD..." The Tropius, Ace, said. She looked at the shrived thing on its neck, didn't look very appetizing, but she couldn't just let the thing starve. She slowly walked over to the larger pokemon and got onto her hind legs, using Ace's long neck for support and trying her hardest not to dig her claws in as she reached for the fruit, pulling it off easily then dropping it in front of the grass type.

    "Not my meal of choice, but it works for you." Winter said before she turned around again and started to walk down the hall.

    Age : 36
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    The SHADOW Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Silverishness Mon Mar 05, 2012 12:35 pm

    Post 10

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    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory| Night

    McChu made a face as the tropius attempted a witty comeback to his earlier honest statement. "Sure then, ATCHOO, like YOU'RE not a walking ham," the dinosaur growled.

    "No, I'm not. I'm a RAT. And who the fuck is Atchoo? You got bananas in your ears, Buddy? My name is MCCHU. MICK. CHOO," McChu enunciated as Winter went to get the last, black, withered banana from the thing's long neck. The raichu couldn't help but make a face; wasn't that like... cannibalism? Was that common amongst grass pokemon? Just... eating themselves? Eaugh.

    As Winter moved away, he tottered behind her, perfectly fine with the view. "So, I gave you my name, To-- Winter. You gonna answer my question?" He wasn't about to let her off that easy.


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    The SHADOW Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Fox Thu Mar 08, 2012 1:00 pm

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    Jean Luc(8)/Riker(6)
    Shadow Pokémon Laboratory | Night

    Jean Luc shook his head dazed, his vision clearing to see the Kecleon looming over him, his claw glowing with a dark aura, its face twisted in a sinister grimace.
    The Ursaring jolted around, his eyes wide with confusion.
    How the hell!?
    "No!" Riker roared, as sharp, large stones started to jut out of the floor, breaking through the metal tiles around the Kecleon.
    He's wounded, I have to get him out of here!
    he thought, grabbing up the dazed Wartortle and bolting towards the entrance while the infected creature was getting assaulted with his Stone Edge.

    (OoC- it's been fun everyone! I'm leaving the team after this post once Mewtwo approves of the move)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Posts : 130

    The SHADOW Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Avalanche Fri Mar 09, 2012 4:03 pm

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    Shadow Lab|Night(8)
    Gluttony was being assaulted by stones all around, scratching his skin. once the rocks stopped he looked around, his targets had dissapeared. He stood, shocked, he grew a black-purple color and howled. All the fresh meat, gone, he was supposed to feast tonight but instead he was left with nothing but many nasty scars. Gluttony then sprinted around the lab, he needed the meat, he couldn't handle this...

    (where the heck did everyone go!?)

    The SHADOW Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 4:09 pm

    (OoC: Sorry, I can't think of how to write this... Cav flies to the entrance of the lab and waits for something...)

    Posts : 130

    The SHADOW Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The SHADOW Team

    Post by Avalanche Tue Mar 13, 2012 3:23 pm

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    Shadow Lab|Night(9)
    Gluttony fell to the floor, he needed some fresh food, he'd not eaten any in too long. He suddenly caught whiff of bananas. He followed the smell and saw a tropius, near the entrance to the lab. Gluttony began approaching it, turning a deep black, mostly invisible in the darkness. He hesitated to attack for some reason, just stood behind the tropius, watching.

    (don't have much time right now, but really, where did everyone go T_T)

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