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This is what remains of the region after the virus hit.
Undead pokemon lurk behind every corner, infest every city, haunt every cave.
Dark Days are Ahead...
Will you survive?


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13 posters

    The CINNABAR Team


    The CINNABAR Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Guest Wed Jan 25, 2012 12:52 am

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    Northern Cinnabar Island | Morning (5)

    With a shake of his head, Kolva regained his awareness and took a step back, making sure to keep all the weight onto his right leg.
    "H-hey!" The Treecko had reached its gloved hand forth, but the strange Pokemon that Kolva hadn't seen before bounded away into the brush patch before the two could properly react. He seemed too nervous to do anything, so holding his senses ready in case the rustling came back, Kolva watched as Unmei made her way to the Treecko, using KB as means to get around.

    "The nerve of that Pokemon, huh?" spoke the spunky creature, and enough time had passed that Kolva had begun to get less tense. There were no other Pokemon around him, and by the looks of things, the two in front of him seemed to want to... Do something he wasn't so sure of. "We should follow that Furret. You know, give 'im a piece of our mind," continued the Wurmple. They were going to follow that thing. And that thing was a Furret...? The two in front of him seemed to know more about the creatures of this world than he did... Then maybe they would know a little something of the horrible creatures he'd seen so soon before?

    "Let's go after it, then!" shouted the Treecko with cheer, jolting Kolva back into his senses. He felt like moving forward, but he was hesitant. He took one cautious step before the Gecko turned to finally speak with him. "The Furret is probably going to go to the other side of the beach, so we can meet up there!"

    He looked on with an unreadable expression, between KB and the bushes where the Furret had gone. The Treecko seemed very determined, already running ahead, leaving Kolva alone once more. He stared ahead as the last bit of green from the Treecko's tail blended in with the shrubbery, the rustling sounds distant. He looked at his paws, standing in a more comfortable position, as the sound of wind and sea took over. He felt an urge to go after them, and after a deep breath, he leapt forward with handicapped strength, diving into the bushes to follow them- though he walked slowly, with a careful step, reducing the amount of noise his steps made and the amount of pain his leg felt. The bushes reminded him a little of his home, the place he was in just a few days before... But they were undeniably different.

    He was so far behind that KB and Unmei probably wouldn't be able to hear him.

    Age : 37
    Posts : 1667

    The CINNABAR Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Fox Wed Jan 25, 2012 4:14 pm

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    Cinnabar Island | Morning (4)

    "I would wander too far, lest you end up like the rest of the wounded pokemon." He heard the smart-ass dragon holler after him. Persian didn't even look back- he just flicked his ear in barely restrained annoyance.
    I can go where I damned well please, I don't need any bloody wankers' permission. He thought bitterly, feeling severely handicapped by his wound. His whole leg was on fire- it made him want to yowl in pain each time he stepped on it, but hell if he was going to let it show.
    Isn't it weird though that I managed to survive that long without any of those bloody monsters attacking me...he thought, a troubled expression coming over his face. Maybe the infection hasn't reached this island...maybe that's why that dragon had no idea...either that or he's a complete retard. He concluded, his brows set low in annoyance.
    But I bet that's why master was coming here in the first place...His thoughts were interrupted when he suddenly heard the bushes shake, and saw a small furret pop back and shiver against a rock.

    Persians' ears lifted a bit off his head, trying to figure the small creature. It looked so terrified that a caterpie could kill the tube-like pokemon if it so much as stared at it the wrong way, but it's body was riddled with deep scars, and one of its' eye sockets were empty.
    What the fuck?...
    The Persian padded closer as he studied the creature, careful to keep his guard up.
    Poor guy...His ears fell a bit as he saw how hurt the little furret had been. The sound of the dragons approaching broke him out of his thoughts.
    I can't look weak in front of them...ugh...especially them. He scrunched up his face momentarily.

    I got this. He thought confidently, putting himself in the 'boss' mode. He sauntered over, masking his pain exceedingly well, dropping to his haunches next to the creature casually.
    "So uh...you cold or something? What'sa matter with you?" He said as laid back as he could muster, licking his paw elegantly.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 36
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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Silverishness Wed Jan 25, 2012 6:30 pm

    Post 5

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    Cinnabar Island| Morning

    The cat angrily walked away from him, and Drecht couldn't help but admire the thing's stubbornness. That leg HAD to be killing him, and he seemed to be only limping slightly. Drecht's more... devious side suggested to simply prod it and see how strong it really was...

    The golden dragon was startled from his darker thoughts by the green dragonite, his jolly form inching closer to Drecht. "If you want to call me dense, fine," he began, "but at least get to know me first. I've lived on an island my entire life. Whatever these... 'dead bastards' you called them? Whatever these guys are haven't appeared there yet." He paused, seeming to think a bit. "Why don't you fill me in? Cure my obvious stupidity," he grumbled as he stood near Drecht.

    Drecht was honestly surprised. He had not met another pokemon to simply back down from an argument like that in a long, terrible time, and the former could not help but feel a bit sheepish at the other's mature response, even if he was a bit daft. While giving the cat a last glance, Drecht stood to address the other dragon more properly.

    "...I see. Then, forgive my earlier comments. I suppose even one such as you is not so worldly." He gave the green dragon a small nod. "It is hard to remember that sometimes, ignorance is not wanted, even now.

    "The Undead I referred to are simply that: Undead. They..." he frowned as he searched for the right words, "They are reanimated corpses that constantly hunger for other flesh. Whatever plague they carry that allows them to walk even after death is contagious; I can't tell you how many of their victims I've seen rise again after falling to their onslaught. I'm not sure whether your shelter from them is a blessing or curse..."

    Though he did not know these pokemon well, his well-trained mind knew that he would not last against the Plague forever alone. The other dragon seemed friendly enough; he would have attacked if he so wanted.

    He sighed and bowed a little, as was custom in his clan. "I am Drecht, fellow Dragon, and I apologize again for... my earlier disrespect." Taking a look at the cat again, he saw that the former had stumbled upon some sort of ringed rodent, and curiosity got the better of him. "The devil...?" he muttered to himself as he trod closer to get a better look.


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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Negative10 Thu Jan 26, 2012 8:44 pm

    [ooc: I'll be posting in KB's POV mostly from now on! An occasional change of perspective to Unmei will be noted.]
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    Cinnabar Island | Morning
    [KB:5] [Unmei:10]

    They left the Zangoose to follow after (that limp of his would hopefully not get worse after traveling!), while Unmei and herself sped through the undergrowth, hoping to catch that Furret. KB jumped over a rather nasty gnarled root in their path, crawling under a few more bushes and in hot pursuit of the normal type. I guess the rumors of a Furret's speed ring true! Unmei had clutched onto her back, the Wurmple telling her if there were any unexpected obstacles in their course. The Treecko had to admit, the one thing that kept her with the obnoxious Wurmple was how in-sync they could be when times called for it.

    "Kay, dive under that shrubbery, I think the Furret stopped." Unmei whispered, the Wood Gecko Pokemon nodding as she performed a seamless running slide onto the bottom of the shrub. Out of instinct, KB raised her hand to her back, where Unmei bumped her head against it in shared welcome. Though they can celebrate at how epic that run had been, the both of them shifted and stared at the Furret. Hm... The Long Body Pokemon, had stopped and was freaking out, its fur sticking up on all ends. He was also accompanied with a Persian ("I hate cats," Unmei muttered bitterly.), and the two of them seemed to be speaking.

    Frankly, the Furret seemed so frightened that it might even jump out of its own fur if it were surprised. The Treecko sat in a cross-legged fashion, Unmei settling beside her as they both glanced at one another and towards the two normal types on the beach. "I think... we've scared the guy." KB put it simply, and the Wurmple murmured agreement. What a bad way to meet a possible new friend! Well, at this rate, we might not even be able to say a hello at all! The grass type poked Unmei softly out of unconscious habit, thinking to herself. What were they to do?

    "You know, maybe now that the Persian had stopped the Furret, we can introduce ourselves properly now," Unmei said, side-stepping to avoid the next poke. KB nodded in thought, seeing that she had a valid point. "But what the heck did we do to that Furret? I mean, all you did was find it within a bush." The grass type chuckled heartily, seeing how defensive the Wurmple had been of her. Getting on all fours again, KB poked the bug one final time. Without another word, Unmei climbed onto her back, yet, instead of going straight to the Persian and Furret, the Treecko retraced their steps, and placed Unmei on the ground. "The heck are you doing?"

    "Trust me on this, Unmei." KB spoke as she patted her like a Lillipup; the Worm Pokemon jerked away. "If there's one thing I know about you, it's that you suck at making new friends, so let me handle this." The Wurmple huffed angrily. "And second, you need to wait for Kolva to catch up, and then you can bring the two of you over. Okay?" Silence, before the Wurmple stuck her head upward and turned towards where the Zangoose would arrive. A silent consent, gotcha. Nodding with a whisper of 'see you later', KB walked on her two feet, coming out of the shrubbery.

    The Treecko wasn't exactly sure what to do after that, but after taking a deep breath, came very slowly to the two Pokemon. "Hey, why'd you run away...?" KB spoke gently to the Furret, glancing upward to the Persian.

    Last edited by Negative10 on Tue Feb 14, 2012 1:36 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Post count; Unmei was adopted)

    Age : 27
    Posts : 1186

    The CINNABAR Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Drago Sat Jan 28, 2012 12:57 pm

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    Cinnibar Island (6)
    ((OOC: these posts will be Drago's direct thoughts, just written in third person))

    At last... The Salamence was at least showing some decency. He had never met someone like him, who was nasty to strangers, but kinder after a while. Hopefully it was not feigned...

    A shiver went down Drago's back as he heard about the undead. Pokemon that can't die... Pokemon that can keep rising up, and pokemon that can attack you, to turn you into them... How gruesome. Silently, he hoped his friends back home were safe for a while longer. He had seen no trace of anything else on the island since he got here. He wondered if they were in the water...

    The Salamence's address brought him out of his thoughts. "Glad to meet you, Drecht. He said honestly. Without this chance meeting, he wouldn't have known about the epidemic. "My name is Drago, rather unoriginally. He gave a quick smile. "I was named by a Beedril, since I could never find my parents. Drago looked at the wreckage again, behind him. He doubted that a few storms would be able to get rid of that.

    Ahead of him, he realized that another pokemon had appeared out of the bushes. It was tubed shaped, and had stripes. And was missing one eye. Drago gave a start as he realized that. It seemed to be living, however, and was right next to the feline. The poor creatures looked even more feeble next to each other, despite the feline's humorous attempts at preserving his self-image. Poor thing... Drago dropped his voice low for Drecht's ears alone. "We should get them both somewhere safe soon, before they end up getting killed or worse. We need to treat the bigger one's leg, as well.

    The CINNABAR Team - Page 2 Empty Kolva

    Post by Guest Mon Jan 30, 2012 1:33 am

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    Cinnabar Island | Morning (6)

    Kolva had been walking for a minute, at his own, sluggish pace, figuring he'd have a much better time letting that leg of his heal before he rushed anything. But even with that in mind, he seemed to be walking forward faster than he thought, as his body was driving him toward where the other Pokemon had went. With the strong crash of waves becoming a tad distant, Kolva pushed his way through many thick branches and some greenery. The uneven terrain wasn't too good for his leg, so he would push some of the obstacles aside if he need be. Despite not really having to worry about making too big of a sound, he winced as one of the branches he pushed away rebounded into another branch, shaking some of the leaves higher up and causing a bit of a racket. The Zangoose, with his slight girth and long claws getting in the way, was not very used to being in a place where the 'trees' were so small.

    Thankfully for the white creature, the branches and twigs seemed to open up a tad to allow him more room to move forth. Guided by only eyes, ears, a sense of smell and a sense of direction, he had been going the right way... For the most part. Up ahead the patch of these small 'trees' seemed to end, and as he drew closer to this 'end', he would sense other Pokemon nearby. The thought of the Treecko and Wurmple chasing after the 'Furret' rung in his mind for a second, but he decided against meeting up with them. Using the shrubs as cover, he cautiously stepped forward, being extra careful not to disturb any of these tiny 'trees'.

    Kolva's eyes quickly picked out another part of the isle, with a bit of a wooden dock and some other small human-related things. But what made his heart jump were the large variety of other Pokemon in front of him! The large, colorful creatures were accompanied by the 'Furret', which seemed to cower with more fear than he ever had, a cat-like Pokemon he had seen before, as well as the Treecko. He hadn't yet spotted Unmei, but was aware of her presence. He wasn't ready to show himself to the crowd, and with steady steps he backed off a little and observed them from the safety of his little 'trees'. The thing that disturbed him most was the 'Furret', the long, furry creature covered in cuts and scars. He was able to inspect it more closely, and it looked nothing like a Mightyena, yet he couldn't help but be reminded of them. Sitting down, Kolva tried his hardest to listen to what they were saying, but couldn't quite make it out. At least there didn't appear to be any hostility between them all...

    (Ooc: I'm sure we're all aware that Tails and Nega have gone, and right now they're basically in the middle of the action, so I kind of stalled to allow them time to come back. ^^)

    Age : 37
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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Fox Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:55 pm

    (OoC-I'm sorry, but I'm really busy...I can't post this time around. Can't do much anyway until tube kitty answers anyhow)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    Age : 36
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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Silverishness Tue Jan 31, 2012 1:26 pm

    Post 6

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    Cinnabar Island| Morning

    Drecht paused as he heard the other dragon speak before satiating his curiosity. "Glad to meet you, Drecht. My name is Drago, rather unoriginally. I was named by a Beedril, since I could never find my parents." He looked back to the wreckage before turning back to Drecht. "We should get them both somewhere safe soon, before they end up getting killed or worse. We need to treat the bigger one's leg, as well."

    A small frown appeared on the golden dragon's face. The island was barren, and fresh, clean fish were hard, if not impossible, to find. No food, scarce shelter... there was no way any of them would be able to survive long before they would have to resort to either leaving or eating each other. He wasn't fond of the idea of having to suddenly care for an angry, broken cat and a little rodent. However, there wasn't much choice to be had...

    He gave Drago no answer as he approached the others, his large golden form something hard to miss. The cat was grooming itself, the rodent seemed scared, and then, a small green lizard emerged from the shrubbery, a treeko. His brow jumped in surprise. He hadn't seen one since...

    With the other pokemon gathered around, he saw that he was... out of place. He cleared his throat softly. "Hello, there," he began. "Erm... Haven't seen you all about before."


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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Negative10 Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:57 am

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    Cinnbar Island | Morning
    [KB:6] [Unmei:11]

    [Unmei's POV]

    She had just about had it! How long had she been waiting for that limping animal with those wicked claws? Five minutes? Come on! Huffing as she bit off a dewy leaf on a nearby branch, the Wurmple grunted in annoyance. It was just like KB to isolate her just so that she can have all the fun. Really, when would that Treecko catch the hint that if she lent Unmei her ear for just a moment, the bug wouldn't be so grumpy all the time? Hrm... Frankly, the Worm Pokemon only stayed with the quirky Gecko because she had only realized a while back how hurt the Treecko was inside.

    It was a few nights back when they were stranded at sea, barely afloat on a broken piece of a side of a ship. The two of them were bickering (as usual, Unmei supposed), and went off to sleep as soon as they settled their dispute. It was around midnight, when, out of the blue, Kay blurts it out. "U-Unmei, I'm a lesbian, okay?" It hadn't really registered in the Wurmple's mind, and in those few seconds, the Treecko had begun to cry. "I'm a disgusting turd, aren't I? It's alright, I've been called it before." Unmei had frowned that night, her views of KB not really altered, but in a way, shifted in a new light.

    "Kay..." She whispered, her voice quavering. How would you react if the only other friend had pronounced she was homosexual? That the general consensus of gays were negative? The Wurmple muttered with a soft tone, You're still the same Treecko, KB. And... don't think of yourself as that, mhm? You're above a 'turd', trust me on that." Unmei came up from behind the Wood Gecko Pokemon, curling up on the grass type's back. "Still the same annoying Treecko, am I right?" There was a gentle silence, a muffled sniffle, and a chuckle. The Wurmple heard a quiet 'thank you' as she had drifted off to sleep that one night.

    From that day onward, they were KB&Unmei, a dysfunctional and inseparable duo of grand contrasts. Back in the present, Unmei spat out a greenish fluid, finding that the leaf she was chewing on was no longer moist. Hm. Despite putting her faults past her, the Wurmple still found Kay as idiotic; who cares if she had self-confidence issues? It was never right to disrespect Unmei, when you very well knew that she had high expectations of modesty! Starting towards where she had last seen KB and the Furret, the Wurmple noticed the freaking Zangoose off to the side. "Oh, for the love of Genesect, Kultiv or whatever! What in the name of Arceus are you doing here?"

    Last edited by Negative10 on Tue Feb 14, 2012 1:36 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Post count; Unmei was adopted)

    Age : 28
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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Catalyst Sat Feb 04, 2012 6:48 pm

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    | Cinnabar Island // Morning |

    "So uh...you cold or something? What'sa matter with you?"
    Israfael let out the tiniest squeak as he terribly jolted at the voice. He looked with wide eyes at Persian. "Oh please don't eat meeee...!"
    "Ah?!" Israfael meekly whimpered, then heard the bushes rustle as the Treecko from earlier and a Wurmple stepped out.

    "Hey, why'd you run away...?"

    He began shaking harder. He wasn't so scared now, but more of achingly nervous. He glanced around as quick as lightning, seeing a... golden Salamence and the green Dragonite?! Now he was seeing things! He covered his face with his paws and fur, wrapping himself in a ball. He was on the verge of tears.
    "N--No please d--don't look at m--me...!" Israfael whined as he continued to tremble. He had always been unwelcome because of his appearance; every pokemon thought he was involved with bad pokemon or that he was the living dead. He continued to shutter, hoping they wouldn't beat him up because of his looks. Everything was silent as he slammed shut his only eye, and he heard soft speaking.

    "Hello, there," he began. "Erm... Haven't seen you all about before."

    Israfael then felt a bit more secure because they hadn't attacked him yet.... He slowly moved the fur from his tail away from his face; his right eye blood red from all the crying he had done within the past ten minutes. His eyes still watery, he showed his good eye, and kept his other concealed. He had no idea they already knew of it. He mustered up the best smile he could as he looked to all the others. It was almost subtle, but enough to let you know he was friendly.


    (OoC: So much to catch up on. |D Heh~)


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    Just hold out against the night

    And guard your hope with your life

    Age : 27
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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Drago Sat Feb 04, 2012 10:25 pm

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    Cinnibar Island | Morning (7)

    Drago stared at the newcomers, obvious amusement plain on his face. The other pokemon were obviously younger, and their awkward meetings were refreshing after the feline. The Striped one still concerned him though, as it was obviously frail and timid. He was surprised to see a Wurmple, a pokemon he recognized, traveling with a slightly larger green lizard. The other newcomers he didn't recognize. Staring at the thin striped pokemon, he wondered if it was one of the undead that Drecht had talked about. Scars riddled its body, and it certainly seemed strange enough. However, it looked living to him, at least, as best as he could guess. He was still concerned, though. "Hello." He said, softly, not adressing any individual, but the whole group. "My name is Drago. I've just arrived here, and I'd like to know if there's any places we may find berries." He wanted to help the cat get some food, since he was obviously to prim to ask himself.

    ((OOC: OKay guys, next rotation I plan on sending in some baddies, so we'll have something to work with. :D))

    The CINNABAR Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Guest Sun Feb 05, 2012 8:36 pm

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    Cinnabar Island | Morning (7)

    His head held low in the grass, a less threatening version of a cheetah who's form was shaded by living verdant blades, Kolva soon felt an extreme curiosity for one of the many Pokemon that had gathered together during the late morning of Cinnabar, the sun still rising, not yet reaching its peak. His attention was set on the Furret, and as he watched the creature more, he could tell it probably wasn't related to what he feared. Even the two giant dragons seemed to be of the gentle type, and for a moment, Kolva thought of moving forth and joining them... but he decided against it, not out of hesitation, but out of something else. He still hadn't found out where the Wurmple was, either. He quickly glanced back and forth in the cover of the bushes, strangely finding no trace of the small bug. But that would soon change.

    "Oh, for the love of Genesect, Kultiv or whatever!" Kolva suddenly stood up onto two legs, making the shrubs shake just a tad. He immediately spied the hot-headed Wurmple, and his own white cheeks ended up getting a little flushed from what had happened. "What in the name of Arceus are you doing here?" The Zangoose held his claws together, looking between the ground and the Wurmple. Despite them being so sharp, his figure seemed to look harmless in that position. He wasn't a very talkative Pokemon, and his voice hadn't been heard by other's ears very much. Feeling vulnerable standing up in the shrubs, he feared he may have already been seen by the crowd of Pokemon. Receding down to quads again, Kolva looked away from the Wurmple. Specifically, at the others, to see if they had noticed him.

    "...I'm... Looking," he chimed. His expression didn't appear to be sad nor happy, more indifferent than anything. And that may have been odd for a Pokemon such as Zangoose. What could he do with all these Pokemon...? Did he want to return home, or would he prefer to stay on this Cinnabar island...? He appeared to completely forget about Unmei for a second, his eyes once more finding their way to the scarred Furret, and just a tiny bit of concern for the tortured creature found its way into his heart.

    "...Fur...ret?" He murmured softly. His eyes seemed to be kindled by the Pokemon for some unknown reason. Kolva quickly shook his head, back to earth, once again appearing 'mean'.

    Age : 37
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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Fox Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:57 pm

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    Cinnabar Island | Morning (5)

    "Oh please don't eat meeee...!" The Furret screeched as he cowered and shivered. The Persian paused his grooming as he tilted his head in confusion and disgust.
    Ugh, I wouldn't dream of eating a Furret...he thought, his face turning sour.
    "N--No please d--don't look at m--me...!" the creature squeaked as the dragons approached. Persian rolled his eyes as he turned to the two dragons.
    "Great. You giant wankers scared 'im. Good going."
    As they ignored him, they talked to him as if they were trying to lull the thing to sleep. The feline looked at them, an incredulous look on his face.
    What...are they doing?! That's never going to wor-
    The Furret stopped shivering, his face slowly revealing the tiniest smile.
    He glanced at the newcomers, oblivious to anything other than what had just happened.
    How did they do that?! He huffed as he tried once more with the Furret, trying his best to be nice.
    "Alright you, come along. Let's go find some food." He said in a feigned casual tone as he pulled himself to his feet and padded towards the dragons, throwing them a dirty look.
    As he passed them, his face changed from annoyance to a pained grimace as he kept placing the weight on the broken leg, masking his limp.
    Can't...look weak...


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Silverishness Tue Feb 07, 2012 4:22 am

    Post 7

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    Cinnabar| Morning

    As he stood and listened to the cat "converse" with the small, striped rodent, Drecht couldn't help the ever-growing tempting thought of just eating the damned thing. He wondered vaguely just how the creature was able to keep such a straight face if he was as broken as his body let on it was, and it just didn't cease to amaze the golden dragon.

    As stupid as it was not to take full advantage of friendly pokemon's help, the cat's sheer willpower was almost admirable. Even if the little prick had just called him a wanker.

    His tail swung behind him in a lazy, bored manner as he waited for something to happen. While the gecko had seemed to disappear, the furret was beginning to open up. "Alright you, come along. Let's go find some food," the cat muttered to the rodent before throwing a dirty look at Drecht and Drago. Drecht himself scoffed at the petty gesture.

    "Yes," Drecht began as he turned to follow the two. "Please, cat, stun us all with your hunting prowess. I'm sure you'll be very successful with a barren island and a bum leg."


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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Negative10 Thu Feb 09, 2012 9:53 pm

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    Cinnabar Island | Morning
    [KB:7] [Unmei:12]

    The Furret began shivering uncontrollably, muttering ceaselessly and pleading with them to not hurt him. KB tapped her chin in thought, not feeling so anxious about the other arriving Pokemon so unlike the normal type in front of her. There was a spectacular golden Salamence, a species native to Hoenn as she is, and an oddly colored Dragonite, both of whom spoke to the Persian like they’ve been acquainted before. Dropping her arms to her side, she listened intently as ‘Drago’ suggested that they find food and take shelter. I’d really like that! The thought of replenishing her hunger was oddly comforting at the moment.

    The golden Salamence seemed to prestigious offer the head of the hunt to the Persian, a Pokemon the Treecko had noticed was moving... not exactly jerkily, but not completely normal either. Possibly a broken bone? Frankly, the more she stood there awkwardly, the more out of place she felt, so with that the Wood Gecko Pokemon started back towards where Unmei and Kolva were sure to be. “I’ll be right back, just a few friends!” She ran back on all fours towards the shrubbery, peering into the sparse woodland. “Psst! Come on out now!”

    “I’m.... looking.” The Wurmple scoffed at the puny answer, realizing only now that this Zangoose apparently doesn’t know the etiquette of speaking proper sentences. Unmei meandered closer to the Cat Furret Pokemon (not getting too close), glancing through the bushes to see more Pokemon had accumulated on the beach. The bug would have rather just stalked right up to the other Pokemon, spoke with them for a while to see if they were worth sticking around, and if not, saunter away without another thought. But all KB wants to do is make friends! Kolva had said ‘Furret’ with an off tongue, as if it were his first time hearing the word and trying it for the first time. Oh my word... The Worm Pokemon looked up incredulously at the Zangoose. It did sound as if he had never heard it before!

    “Arceus, Kolad, do you really not know one of the most common Pokemon in the world?” She asked negatively, but before she could go into a more in-depth rant against the naivety of this Pokemon beside her, KB popped up enthusiastically, saying it was entirely safe to meet the other Pokemon. Once again, Unmei scoffed and pattered up to the Treecko. “You’re the most ignorant Pokemon, did you know that?” She said with an oddly gentle voice as she crawled onto the back of KB. Although whether she was speaking to the Zangoose or the Treecko, not even the Wurmple knew.

    Last edited by Negative10 on Tue Feb 14, 2012 1:37 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Post count; Unmei was adopted)

    Age : 28
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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Catalyst Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:01 pm

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    | Cinnabar Island // Morning |

    Israfael looked around quietly at the other pokemon in the clearing. He blinked his good eye slowly as his wet eye searched for any sense of hostility. But as hard as he looked he saw none. He slowly stood up on his back paws like he usually does, still holding his paw over his bad eye; thank goodness it was the size of his eye socket.

    "Alright you, come along. Let's go find some food."

    He watched the Persian limp away and past the two dragons. They watched him.

    "Yes. Please, cat, stun us all with your hunting prowess. I'm sure you'll be very successful with a barren island and a bum leg."

    Israfael shirked a little at the dragons insult. Because he was still new around these pokemon, he wasn't familiar with the teasing or meanness of these pokemon yet. He looked over to the bushes where he heard whispering and talking. He faintly caught something.

    “Arceus, Kolad, do you really not know one of the most common Pokemon in the world? You’re the most ignorant Pokemon, did you know that?”

    Israfael suddenly got fearful again. Hostilities all around him. He backed up from the bushes, and didn't happen to watch where he was going. He suddenly gave a small yip as he backed up onto the Dragonite's leg, feeling the cold scales touch on his scar down his back. He looked up, his head leaning against the Dragonites leg as he looked directly up and him.


    (OoC: Nyee~)


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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Drago Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:41 pm

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    Cinnabar Island | Morning (8)

    Drago could not help but break out in a few chuckles as the tiny one brushed against his leg. It was a deep sound, rumbling as waves against rocks. The small creature was pitiful, it was true. Weak and timid, it wouldn't survive long on its own. He could hear some of the others fighting, but he took no notice for the moment. "You especially, need to be with us." He whispered, low enough that only the striped creature could hear it. Speaking up once more, he faced the rest of the pokemon, besides Drecht. "We still haven't had any introductions. I want names and species, people, names and species." A low gurgling sound brought him out of his speech. It was soft, and he doubted many of the others could hear it, but it was there. He left the others for a moment, setting the small one aside, to fly straight up in the air with a powerful thrust of his legs.

    Not far from the wreckage of the machine the trio had original met at, the water just off the coast begain to bubble on top, more and more frequently, as if it was being boiled. Out of the water rose slowly, a Charmander, its flame extinguished and its eyes unseeing. Next a Charmeleon, missing some claws, and a long, unbleeding gash down its side. It too was missing its flame. Finally, a flameless charizard rose out of the water, half of its face torn off to reveal the skull underneath. The three of them gave a simultanious raor, to announce their presence.

    Drago swooped down to his new friends quickly. "Undead." He said quickly. "Those of you that can fight, prepare yourselves. The rest, get to safety, but stay nearby so we can find you later."

    The CINNABAR Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Guest Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:41 pm

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    Cinnabar Island | Morning (8)

    Trying his hardest to ignore the Wurmple, Kolva continued to examine the Pokemon, his sights now set on the Persian. He had noticed its leg, and its attempts at hiding the intense pain that it could well up. It reminded him of his own leg, giving him a little something to think about. But that seemed impossible, as he could tell the little Wurmple was getting closer to him. Once more he slid onto two legs, one of his claw-embedded paws casually standing as a barrier between the two creatures. Her words seemed hurtful, giving him enough time to let out a small growl of disapproval.

    Still, his eyes didn't stray very much from the others. KB, the Treecko, was now skipping along toward them, and he couldn't help but feel as if he'd been spotted, now that the furret was looking at him. Wait, the FURRET was looking at HIM? Feeling kind of awkward, he stepped back, his left arm reaching out behind him to help him pull himself away from the opening. He was sharply reminded of the pain in his leg, but still managed to get behind another bush. His attention now turned to KB,
    he figured that he would make his move soon, to expose himself to the others.

    “Psst! Come on out now!” whispered the Treecko, as he cautiously watched the two smaller Pokemon unite. At this point, Unmei's words didn't mean too much to him. He was on all fours now, ready to accompany KB and Unmei to meet the others. Eking out a living on this island seemed like a good idea, specially with those who knew their place.

    He was going to go, until he saw the Dragonite take off. There had been strange noises a few seconds before, but they were as distant as the crashing waves to Kolva. His introduction halted yet again, the Zangoose looked up through the trees, watching the Dragonite carefully. Suddenly, a heart-stopping roar reverberated through the Normal-Type, and panic set in. His eyes widened for a split second as it felt like he'd been pushed back by the sound waves alone, his face showing a little concern. His head was thrown back and forth, unsure of where the noise came from. He singled it out from one direction, and constantly scanned the area for any creature that may have made the sound. It sounded ghastly, as if there were multiple creatures making it.

    As the Dragonite came down, Kolva was faced with a decision. His entire body was jarred with fear, and so he decided to back off, pushing his way through the brush toward the open sea. He didn't mind if KB and Unmei saw where he was going, but he wanted a safer place to view what was going on, far away from what had made the sound.

    Age : 37
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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Fox Mon Feb 13, 2012 1:34 am

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    Cinnabar Island | Morning (6)

    "Yes. Please, cat, stun us all with your hunting prowess. I'm sure you'll be very successful with a barren island and a bum leg."

    The Persian froze, his claws digging into the ground and his ears flattening against his head. His stare turned dark as he bit his tongue.
    The pathetic creature dares to insult me. ME. A deep growl resounded in his chest. Nobody gets away with something like that...

    "We still haven't had any introductions. I want names and species, people, names and species." The odd-colored dragon said obnoxiously, with an air of authority. The Persian rolled his eyes as he painfully sat on his haunches. Just then, the dragon barreled into the sky, looking towards the coastline.
    Reptilian roars resounded from the coast, and the Dragonite swooped back down.
    "Undead." He said quickly. "Those of you that can fight, prepare yourselves. The rest, get to safety, but stay nearby so we can find you later."
    Persian growled at the dragon as he barked out orders.
    He's not master. He doesn't tell me what to do. But hell, he can go and fight. I'm not about to charge into a fight I don't need.

    He grimaced at the Dragonite as he got back up on his feet and continued to limp the opposite direction as fast as he could.
    Let the bloody bastards die.
    Stupid creatures' needn't procreate. They want to be meat shields, then fine.
    He sneered to himself, the burning in his leg getting worse as he moved faster. His vision was starting to blur again and his limbs were shaky with each step. He could hear and feel the shattered bone grinding against each other, sending an excruciating bolt of red through his mind each time it came together. But nobody here was going to get him where he needed to go, so he didn't stop.


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Silverishness Mon Feb 13, 2012 11:53 am

    Post 8

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    Cinnabar Island| Morning

    Drecht watched the cat limp off and vaguely wondered just how long he would able to keep consciousness from sheer willpower. Drago flew up and came back down, announcing the arrival of undead. Drecht was not surprised at all, what, with all of the commotion and the intriguing aroma of blood from the cat.

    "Cat, you should know that the infected will come after you first, since you're bleeding. If you're interested in becoming their meal then continue away from the safety of the group. Otherwise..." He grinned and flew up into the air, to really assess the threat. A family of Char pokemon, headed by a Charizard. The other two could be somewhat dangerous, but the charizard needed to go first. He dove down, his head glowing with a psychic aura, aiming for the charizard.


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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Negative10 Fri Feb 17, 2012 11:15 am

    [ooc: skip orz. I really don't know what to write about. D: KB/Unmei just look at Kolva run away in confusion, I guess?]

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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Catalyst Fri Feb 17, 2012 8:29 pm

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    | Cinnabar Island // Morning |

    "You especially, need to be with us."
    Israfael slightly blushed. Did he look that helpless? He gave a weird look and a smile as he stopped leaning on the Dragonite's leg and looked forward. He heard the large green Dragonite call out to everyone then.

    "We still haven't had any introductions. I want names and species, people, names and species."

    Israfael perked up. "Ah.... I'm Israfael...." he murmured softly, but then saw the dragon dragon pick him up quickly and put him farther away before he took off like a rocket into the sky. Israfael sat, dazed for a moment. "What was that about?" He then saw the Dragonite land again.

    "Undead. Those of you that can fight, prepare yourselves. The rest, get to safety, but stay nearby so we can find you later."

    "No way I can stay out of this. I have to prove myself!! I'm not a wimp, and I know that!"
    "Ok then, let's go get at em." he almost evilly grinned as he zipped into the bushes and to the shore where he then saw the Charizard, Charmeleon and Charmander. Since he WAS hurt, he decided to go with the weakest of them all. He let out a growl that was like something you'd hear coming from a cat, then leaped at the undead Charmander, blinding it with his speed. He slammed it, then flew back and skid to a halt as he was caught up slow. He then suddenly glowed bright yellow, and the grey sky suddenly became more grey over them, as suddenly a huge bolt of lightning exited the Furret and onto the Charizard as it went to attack him. He Quick Attacked out of the Charmeleon's way as it tried to use Slash on him. He was suddenly pressed up against a tree with all of the pokemon cornering him. He arched his back and growled like that of an angered cat. His ears pressed to his head, threatening to release another Thunderbolt. He then began to make a barrier of purple goop around him to protect himself from them. Toxic.


    (OoC: He's not just a badass at heart; he was forced to be this good in battle by Kaen. And yes, he has some pretty unique moves~ >w> And he got there before anyone else, so Drecht would probably hit the Charizard now that it's cornering Israfael.)


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    Just hold out against the night

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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Drago Fri Feb 17, 2012 9:08 pm

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    Cinnabar Island Coast | Morning (9)

    Drago, not for the first time in the passed few minutes, found himself staring at the small tube-like creature. Israfael... It said its name was. He followed Drecht skyward, as Israfael shot through the bushes ahead of him. From his bird's eye vantage point, Drago could see the small wretch assault all three of the Undead. What surprised him most was, however, that the fight was going in the small one's favor. However, before long, it was trapped against a tree near the shore. Drecht was making a descent towards the Charizard... But Drago doubted he would make it in time, the way the creatures were moving.

    Drago decided to make his own descent. However, instead of moving directly for the creatures, he stopped well short of them. Strands of blue electricity sparked between his antennae, and Drago launched his Thunder Wave at the three Undead. However, the one on the far left, the middle in size, was still unaffected. It continued to move towards Israfel menacingly, while the other two were frozen in their tracks. Israfel was preparing a barrier around himself made of... something... But it didn't look very sturdy. On the contrary, it seemed to Drago to be rather... liquid. The Charmeleon raised its claws, preparing to attack, when Drago made his move. He let out a brief roar, and launched himself forward. To the spectator, Drago's body would have surrounded itself with blue light at the speed he was moving, streaking the light with white. To Drago, there was a brisk flash of light, and his head connected to the Charmeleon's torso. His Dragon's Fang, tied around his neck, fed energy into him as his Dragon Rush dug the Dragonite's horn into the smaller Undead's body. The poor demon was sent flying, landing yards away from where he had stood. Drago shook his head, clearing his thoughts. The battle had only just begun.

    The CINNABAR Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Guest Sat Feb 18, 2012 9:06 pm

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    Cinnabar Island | Morning (9)

    He had once again separated himself from the action, his clawed feet making their way to the edge of the brush, the sound of the crashing waves reaching their loudest as the western shoreline came into view. Kolva, however, looked back upon the area he had ran from, contemplating whether it was a good idea to do it or not. Shaking those thoughts away, he looked at the coast with a hostile face. He wasn't going to be afraid of some cut-up Pokemon... He should go over there right now, and show them a thing or two.

    And he would do just that. In reality, he was just curious and wanted to see what was going on, but he once again pushed away those thoughts, his armed paws taking one step forth. He was going to help them fight, he was going to show them he wasn't a coward.

    He was, until he remembered his leg. With a growl of disapproval, Kolva continued toward the area anyway. His leg did wear him down, but it wasn't as bad as the Persian's injury, so he could still kind of step on it. He looked to his left, at the thick, brushy area that he came from, wondering for a moment where the two tiny Pokemon he met earlier went. They seem to have ran off in a different direction, but for the same reason as he did, only now he was approaching once again. Soon, the same destroyed dock came into sight, and he could see the dragons... The same large creatures in the clearing were flying toward where the sound came from. But suddenly, his eyes widened when he saw the form of the Dragonite in the distance.

    That Dragonite was the same 'bird' he had seen much earlier, when he had just woke up. It wasn't a bird after all, but a strange green and purple dragon.

    Kolva slowed his feet, lowering his head and receding down to a prowl as he crawled lowly along the southern shore. He had passed the dock, and he could see something going on in the distance. Focusing his eyes and trying to eke out a keen use for them, a few steps closer allowed him to see... the Furret, directly in the midst of some strange, bloody creatures with red eyes...

    ...And they were just like the Mightyena... They were a horrifying sight, sending chills down the Zangoose's spine. He froze in place, staring onward to the fight, thinking back to the strange red-eyes he had seen. He had seen them on these red dragons, he had seen them on the horrible Mightyena, but it's as if he saw them somewhere else, too...

    Back in the consious world, Kolva didn't want any harm to come to this... Furret. He once again checked his surroundings, and he was a blur of white fur against a large sandstone landscape. The three he didn't see in the midst of fighting those... monsters, were the Treecko, the Wurmple, and the Persian.

    Those creatures sent chills up his spine, but he was curious. He had to know what they were, and why they were suddenly appearing. His paws slowly started to work their way closer, and closer, and closer... The entire time, his face looked as if he'd seen a ghost. And who knows, he may have.

    Age : 37
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    The CINNABAR Team - Page 2 Empty Re: The CINNABAR Team

    Post by Fox Sun Feb 19, 2012 5:48 pm

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    Cinnabar Island | Morning (7)

    Ah, hell...the Persian growled as he hobbled painfully back to the sounds of battle.
    Bloody Furret is gonna get himself killed...he thought, his heart sinking at the recollection of that sorrowful gaze the little creature had given him.
    As he approached he saw the Dragonite impale the Charmeleon, tossing the red beast far away from them, while the Furret was backed up against a tree, the other fire lizards making a charge for him.
    Persian growled as he limped closer, his eyes glowing a brilliant red. The Charizard had been temporarily paralyzed by a thunder wave, but it was quickly wearing off. The rotting creature continued to move towards the small banned Furret.

    Not today! he thought, his rage ignited.
    With a final bound, he leaped forward to attack. There was a sickening crunch in his leg as he landed, the shattered limb collapsing underneath his weight. The Persian cried out as unbearable pain shot through him. His chest heaving, he shook his head clear of the red haze that plagued it. He saw Drecht in the sky.
    The bastard can finish it...he thought bitterly.
    The Persian let out a mighty roar, a brilliant crimson beam shooting from the gem atop his forehead, the attack enveloping the Charizards' body. He watched as it raised its' head to the sky roaring in pain, flames sputtering from its' mouth as the beam dissipated.

    His gaze turned to the Furret, a faint, mischievous grin appearing on his face before his remaining legs quivered and gave out entirely underneath him. A quiet whimper escaped his maw before he hit the ground, his vision going completely black.

    (OoC- that Power Gem *should* have taken care of the charizard for the most part)


    "What's the point in them being happy now if they're going to be sad later?
    The answer is, of course, because they're going to be sad later."

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